单词 | Das |
例句 | 1, Deutschland hat das zweitgroBte Autobahnnetz der Welt. 2, Das Blau ist Deutschland und das Rot ist China. 3, When did Marx work on Das Kapital? 4, Das muss man im Kontext sehen. 5, Wie ist das neue Leben in Hamburg? 6, E sumiram das estantes quando publicou o primeiro artigo. 7, Um welche Zeit passierte das alles , Mrs. Hubbard? 8, Das Porto zahlt der Empf? nger. 9, Ach so, ist das in der Schweiz so? 10, Ich freue mich, weil ich das Visum bekommen habe. 11, Das identifies four'rules of intelligence'that go into information processing. 12, Darf ich bekannt machen : das ist Frau Meier. 13, Das klingt,() als k ? nne der Staat kaum etwas tun. 14, Das sind schon einige, da muss ich erst einmal ü berlegen. 15, Messen technik wenn zwei jahrigen wird das Auto in deutschland gemesst. 16, Based on the Germanic myth" Das Nibelungenlied" and the Nordic" Volsunga Saga" which also inspired the four-opera cycle by Richard Wagner and J. 17, He not only carried on funding the Marx family and their various hangers-on, but also spent years pulling together the chaotic notes Marx left behind for volumes II and III of “Das Kapital”. 18, The manga edition of his masterpiece, "Das Kapital, " hit Japanese bookstores this month and sold about 6, 000 copies in its first few days, said Yusuke Maruo of EastPress Co. 19, Das Lied , das du am letzten Abend sangst ,(http:///das.html) spielte nun in mir. 20, An experimental investigation on the hot carrier effects in N-channel submieronMOSFET's at drain avalanche stress (DAS) is presented. 21, Note: The Relational DAS assumes that all containment relationships are cardinality one-to-many. 22, The vote for the extreme right is depressing, but not the beginning of a trend, let alone das End. 23, They were devoted to rock and roll, they wore curious hairstyles with quiffs and DAs painstakingly greased into place. 24, When I was last here I had spent time talking with Dalim Das, once a governess with a wealthy family. 25, Karl Marx said that the bourgeoisie would suffer from the carbuncles that afflicted his buttocks as he composed Das Kapital. 26, Bettina: Deswegen verlie ? en wir ja nach zehn Minuten das Kino. 27, Susanne : Ich bin in der K ü che und bereite gerade das Essen zu . Ich kann nicht gehen. 28, Bravo Sport : Lukas und Bastian, ihr h ? ttet ja fast das Sommerm? rchen wahr gemacht. 29, A Japanese writer and translator is said to have adapted Das Kapital for the stage in the 1930s, and the result was subsequently translated into Chinese. 30, Voraussetzung fuer eine Karriere im IT - Bereich ist nicht mehr das Diplom. 31, The rules guide the research on PASS theory, developed by Das and two colleagues in 1994. 32, Chinese producers are attempting to transform Das Kapital from a hefty treatise on political economy into a popular stage show, complete with catchy tunes and nifty footwork. 33, He ! Guck 'mal , das sieht ( doch ) so aus als klaute der Typ etwas. 34, Bettina: Das kann ich nicht sagen, weil ich ihn nicht sah. 35, The Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center is preparing to stage a dramatization of Karl Marx's Das Kapital using elements of Broadway musicals and Las Vegas shows. 36, Secondly, Bloch's intentional use of fragments writing strategy shapes Das Prinzip Hoffnung into a counter - philosophical - system masterpiece. 37, Methods: By random group sampling method, 680 college students in one medical university were assessed with the questionnaires of Test Anxiety Test (TAT) and Dysfunctional Attitude Scales (DAS). 38, In June 2000, the panel members of German television's literary review show Das Literarische Quartett disagreed so violently about his writing that one of them quit after 12 years on the programme. 39, The DAS website actually sells honest-to-god earplugs as a keyboard accessory. I'm sure it's slightly tongue in cheek. 40, Viele meinen, dass das nicht funktioniert, weil Sie und Makaay sich zu ? hnlich sind. 41, Wie wir uns bewegen, wie wir laufen sollen , das Taktische. 42, Lukas Podolski : Nee , wieso ? Das ist nun mal mein Spitzname. 43, This Obersturmfuhrer of Das reich, probably a Zug commander, sits perched confidently on his tank's cupola. 44, This study was aimed at studying the effects of diallyl sulfide (DAS) and diallyl disulfide (DADS), organosulfur compounds derived form garlic (Allium sativum L. ), on the process of angiogenesis. 45, Aero - engine DAS planning, airworthiness management, airworthiness standard, airworthiness capability system building and airworthiness culture building etc. 46, Dabei pfeifen in Berlin die Spatzen das neuerliche Etat - Problem der rot - gruenen Bundesregierung laengst von den Daechern. 47, Due to the limitation of mobile terminal implementation in MIMO systems, Distributed Antenna System (DAS) is proposed to provide space diversity gain. 48, Und wie so teuer der Kaffee, und wie so rar das Geld. 49, Geld alleine reicht nicht , man braucht auch das Know - how , um es einzusetzen. 49, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day! 50, But unlike the novels on which those were based, Das Kapital has never been noted for its vivid characterisation or gripping plot. 51, The pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by DAS ( ver 1.0 ) program and compared by statistic analysis. 52, When he published “Das Kapital” in 1867, Marx claimed that he was revealing society's “law of motion. 53, Ich m & ouml ; chte nicht das dritte Rad am Wagen sein. 54, Eben ! Deshalb ist auch ü ber Amerika das letzte Wort nochnichtgesprochen. 55, SPIEGEL : Das rechtfertigt aus unserer Sicht den Einsatz f ü r Menschenrechte weltweit. 56, Am preiswertesten ist das Studieren & nb sp ; in Dresden. 57, DAS was tasked with obtaining a major label record deal for her in a year's time in exchange for 20 percent of her music income, with her having the option of ending the relationship if they failed. 58, SPIEGEL: Warum soll das ein gro ? er Fehler sein? 59, Das Geld und die Welt und die Zeiten, und Glauben und Lieb und Treu. 60, It'showed that DAS with different oxidation degree can be synthesized under proper condition. 61, Furthermore , Das Kapital implies the notion of exchange values in the western mainstream of economic theory. 62, Einmal ohne das eine und endg ü ltige Gef ü hl – verloren zu sein. 63, WHEN the financial crisis took off last autumn, Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital”, originally published in 1867, whooshed up bestseller lists. 64, Soll das mit Luftpost oder mit der Bahn verschickt werden? 65, Das Chromosom : Wenn die Zelle Desintegration Periode ist , kann das Chromatin das klares K? rprchen vorkommen. 66, This is the latest in a series of scandals surrounding the Colombian intelligence agency, the DAS. 67, When he published “Das Kapital” in 1867, Marx claimed that he was revealing society’s “law of motion.” Yet he had never bothered to visit a single factory. 68, A hundred years ago the literary foundation of Marxism was laid by the publication of the first volume of Das Kapital, the only volume published by Marx himself. 69, Marx was influenced by Darwin and mentioned him in his book, " Das Kapital. " 70, Aber f ü r mich war die tollste Entdeckung im K ü hlregal bisher das , was die Deutschen Quark nennen. 71, Im Moment mag es so aussehen, aber das kann sich schnell? ndern. 72, In power they soon replicated some of the forms of an imperial court, and China’s history always mattered more to them than “Das Kapital”. 73, Isso podia curar a maioria das pessoas com a tuberculose regular. 74, Helene: Wer ist das Baby auf dem Arm der Frau? 75, And fast development of computer technology has settled solid foundation for the thing that DAS realizes intelligent and microminiaturization. 76, Das Autoist deswegen so wichtig Firma, weil es die Eigenst? ndigkeit in der Entwicklung bei Audi dokumentierte. 77, It led Karl Marx, who had already completed “The Communist Manifesto” with Friedrich Engels, to start his studies over again, culminating in “Das Kapital”. 78, You will have seen that to use XML with SDO, you do need a XML schema file from which the XML DAS can initialize the model of types and properties, and perhaps you found that off-putting. 79, It is feasible to forecast the casting UTS by measuring DAS(http://), but the effect of hole ratio on UTS should not be neglected. 80, After a period of brief encounters , Das Reich was refit once again, this time as SS - Panzer - Reich. 81, Some seedlings were tested serological reaction by using bean pod mottle virus ( BPMV ) double antibody sandwich ( DAS ) ELISA kit. 82, According the DAS - ELISA results , GLRaV - 3 positive samples were used for RT - PCR diagnosis with different GLRaV - 3 primers. 83, Das Reich used the Kursk marking for many months after the summer campaign. 84, IQ testing can stigmatize a child permanently, causing more harm than good Das said. 85, DAS and RPS - BLAST procedure were used to predict the structure and function of the hypotheti - cal protein. 86, In the F-35 cockpit, the helmet-mounted display, combined with the aircraft's distributed aperture system, or DAS, alleviates the need for night vision goggles. 87, Das ist verst ? ndlich . He , kennst Du den derzeitigen Wechselkurs von Euro in Renminbi? 88, We went to Parque das Aves , which was an extensive bird park close to the Iguassu Falls. 89, Under instructions from Guru Amar Das Sahib, this city was founded by Guru Ram Das Sahib in 1574. 90, In Das Kapital he asserted that workers were exploited by capitalists who profited from the added value of their labour. 91, In those days Kristo Das Pal was the tactful politician, and Rajendrahal Mitra the valiant fighter. 92, This Tiger I of Das Reich dark yellow with red brown and olive green mottling. 93, Sofia : Das war ja ein toller Tag . Wie hie ? denn der Film, den ihr saht ? 94, Meine Toilette ist verstopft . Bitte kommen Sie vorbei und schauen sich das an. 95, Die meisten haben sich - Tschuldigung - kaufen lassen und machen das Spiel der Industrie voll mit. 96, Deutsches Essen und deutscher Lebensstil allgemein sind - wie das Brot - ein bisschen schwer. 97, Nur ein paar Tage sp & auml; ter bekam Ray eine Antwort: Das Interview k & ouml ; nne stattfinden. 98, Die Medien, die Kanzlerin, die Opposition , sie alle haben gegen das Gefangenenlager in Guantanamo protestiert. 99, Und das Vergn ü gen h ? rt an der Campusmauer nicht auf. 100, In this paper, a new method for synthesizing double aldehyde starch(DAS), the indirect electrosynthesis, was advanced. 101, Wir haben nur ein Ziel: das Spiel gewinnen ! Da bleibt f ü r private Unternehmungen wenig Zeit. 102, The rules guide the research on PASS theory, deeloped Das and two colleagues in 1994. 103, Na ja , egal , drei oder vier ist ungef ? hr das Gleiche. 104, Das internationale Finanzsystem braucht k ü nftig einen Sicherheitsrat wie die Vereinten Nationen. 105, IC - RT - PCR and RT - PCR were more sensitive than DAS - ELISA. 106, Peking ist nicht nur das politische, sondern auch ein Kulturzentrum Chinas. 107, The Das Reich Division formed part of the order of battle of Army Group Centre at the beginning of Operation Barbarossa. 108, Distributed antenna systems ( DAS ) is considered to be a promising candidate for future mobile communications. 109, Capacity-related issues such as outage probability(http://), outage capacity and antennas selection based ergodic capacity for DAS are studied and simulation results are presents and analyzed. 110, Hence, in "Das Wesen des Christenthums", he regards the theoretical attitude as the only genuinely human attitude, while practice is conceived and fixed only in its dirty- judaical manifestation. 111, Das Boot a face to the faceless and gave us all aa unique and terrifying world. 112, Ich m? chte einen Ferienjob in einer Buchhandlung. Geht das? 113, Wor ü ber lachen sie ? Das habe ich gar nicht verstanden. 114, Wies'n - Besuch: Auf dem Oktoberfest tr ? gt das ganze FCB - Team Lederhosen. 115, Diablo Source: Es wird also keine ( monatlichen ) Geb ü hren f ü r das Battle . net oder das Spiel geben? 116, Das Kuhlwasser wird mit entsprechender Reinigung und entsprechendem Frischwasserzulauf im Kreislauf gefuehrt. 117, Male preference in South Korea “is over,” says Monica Das Gupta, a demographer and Asia expert at the World Bank. 118, Stimmt das oder willst Du mich auf den Arm nehmen? 119, Zuerst dachte ich , das haette etwas mit Enten zu tun. 120, "We can not control the economic situation and the broad outside market," Das said. "We can manage our business operations and control costs. 121, 122, |
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