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单词 Intact
(1) Only the medieval tower had remained intact .
(2) The castle has remained intact over the centuries.
(3) The building survived almost intact.
(4) His reputation survived intact .
(5) She emerged from the scandal with her reputation intact.
(6) We found the tomb perfectly intact.
(7) He emerged from the trial with his reputation intact.
(8) The bones had all been preserved intact.
(9) The glasses remained intact after being dropped.
(10) The mill machinery is still intact.
(11) The fragile boxes arrived intact.
(12) This vase has been preserved intact.
(13) Few buildings survived the war intact.
(14) The collection should be kept completely intact.
(15) Few buildings survived the bombing raids intact.
(16) His honor remained intact.
(17) His leadership kept the team's esprit de corps intact during difficult periods.
(18) Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years.
(19) Most of the cargo was left intact after the explosion.
(20) The packages are intact.
(21) He can scarcely survive this scandal with his reputation intact.
(22) The church was destroyed in the bombing but the altar survived intact.
(23) After the explosion nothing of the walls or vaulting remained intact.
(24) He lived on the interest and keep his capital intact.
(25) She refused his offer tactfully , allowing him to go away with his pride intact.
(26) The character of the original house is very much intact.
(27) It's difficult to emerge from such a scandal with your reputation still intact.
(28) He needed a way to retreat with his dignity intact.
(29) The explosion damaged the bridge, but the substructure remained intact.
(30) She lives off the interest and tries to keep the principal intact.
(1) Only the medieval tower had remained intact .
(2) The castle has remained intact over the centuries.
(3) The building survived almost intact.
(4) He can scarcely survive this scandal with his reputation intact.
(5) The church was destroyed in the bombing but the altar survived intact.
(6) After the explosion nothing of the walls or vaulting remained intact.
(7) The glasses remained intact after being dropped.
(8) She refused his offer tactfully , allowing him to go away with his pride intact.
(31) The handle of the power mower pokes up intact.
(32) I was surprised that the tongue was still intact.
(33) He might have left office with his reputation intact.
(34) Unfortunately, few of these have survived intact.
(35) Despite the bombing, the house was still intact.
(36) Our striking power remained virtually intact.
(37) It will keep its regional and national leadership intact.
(38) Somehow his reputation survived the scandal intact.
(39) His home sustained some damage, but mostly remained intact.
(40) In the end, the Tory majority remained virtually intact.
(41) Forensic dentists will assist if intact teeth are found.
(42) Remove beans and set aside. Peel the pearl onions, but leave the root largely intact so the onions hold together.
(43) The city left the natural wash intact, and the area now serves as both flood control and urban wildlife habitat.
(44) Members in Ireland have tracked down the original carriage; it was acting as a holiday home, and was virtually intact!
(45) So far, though, proposed schemes would retain the building very much intact.
(46) Although requiring modernisation the state rooms are still intact including their painted ceilings.
(47) His long body was still intact even as they noticed a dramatic loss of shape.
(48) None the less, enough boys are surviving school with their masculinity intact to deeply distress the liberationists.
(49) Of our handful of favourites, only St Anton came out of the chart with its pride intact.
(50) And, with the library intact, we survived in our offices overlooking the Palace garden.
(51) Panetta used his muscle to keep the budget agreement intact.
(52) The bill would have banned an abortion procedure known to health professionals as intact dilation and extraction.
(53) Our furniture survived the long journey more or less intact.
(54) They left telephone lines at the presidential palace intact, allowing Diem to appeal to loyal units to rescue him.
(55) All bulk chemicals should retain their identity with intact labelling, instructions and safety precautions.
(56) Through the blizzard she could see the constant effort of the family to keep their crude tent intact.
(57) After a lot of hard work, they found they were uncovering a more or less intact skeleton.
(58) The eggs had been microwaved, minus their shells, but with the yolks still intact.
(58) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(59) And it did so in a way that allowed the traditional culture to remain largely intact.
(60) It was proposed initially that the ten water authorities should be privatised intact, but these proposals were abandoned.
(61) These concentrations were compared with levels measured in mitochondria of the wild-type strain, bearing 100% intact mitochondrial genomes.
(62) The lump is more or less intact, though crumbs of it stick to Perry's fringe.
(63) Allied spokesmen make light of the fact that so many enemy aircraft remain intact.
(64) Working-class women who endured hardship and self-sacrifice and survived with something of themselves still intact.
(65) The intention is for the seed to remain intact and to be passed out with the faeces.
(66) Piazza Duomo suffered terribly, although the cathedral itself remained largely intact.
(67) Much of the original wooden machinery is intact - it was used to drive two pairs of millstones for grinding corn.
(68) Windows now copies the file to the Briefcase and leaves the original intact on your desktop.
(69) Most studies entailing isolation of intestinal epithelial cells invitro and subsequent grafting invivo have used intact undifferentiated fetal endoderm.
(70) A more ideal marker would be one which labelled an entire population within intact viable embryos without disrupting their integrity.
(71) Despite some intervention by the Interior Department, most of the Corps' vengeful provisions were still intact.
(72) An individual might build a local paper from nothing and retain the ownership intact.
(73) The firehouse, a few yards away was intact, its crew away that day at a firefighting clinic.
(74) Nothing today remains of Fonthill Abbey, though Strawberry Hill is still more or less intact.
(75) After almost $ 20, 000 in legal fees, though, Frederick Brewing won approval with its catchy label intact.
(76) We reserve the right to edit for brevity and clarity, while keeping the individual tone intact.
(77) With light-fingered nimbleness he checked all the contents, drawers and secret hiding places in the dressing-case, finding everything intact.
(78) Unpredictable, emotional and alive, it is, in keeping with the area, soul with the rough edges intact.
(79) Suppose the lexical procedure had been damaged whilst the non-lexical procedure remained intact.
(80) Fortunately his calculations were accurate and the chemistry department at Manchester is still just about intact.
(81) The abolition of the death penalty following the revolution remained intact.
(82) Giotto was launched in July 1985 and almost 70 percent of its original instruments remained intact.
(83) When harvested correctly, the seed will be enclosed in a jelly-like material and this should be sown intact.
(84) On occasion they rested on lugs left intact by the workman when stripping off the branches.
(85) Luckily the police have spared me the ordeal of telling Proby, and also kept my bones intact.
(86) The toys have to be intact in their original boxes or they're not worth anything.
(87) Googol glanced perplexedly at the door, which was perfectly intact.
(88) In reforms where large estates are turned into cooperatives the operational size of the farm is usually kept more or less intact.
(89) Such inaction provides an ideal foil which leaves their assumed image of heterosexuality intact.
(90) The addition of indomethacin resulted in a significant decrease in the radioactivity ratio between ulcerated and intact mucosa.
(91) Nevertheless some of the patients with an intact pouch have had a relatively satisfactory short term outcome.
(92) Its larvae bore voraciously to and fro along the grain of the wood, generally under a thin, intact surface.
(93) Her vital organs are intact and she has a good chance of recovery.
(94) I touched my belly to make sure I was still intact.
(95) Allstate has said regardless of whether the settlement is challenged, its decision to turn agents into independent contractors will remain intact.
(96) The flood took furniture and coins and valuables in one room, and left everything that was in another intact.
(97) I used my handy immersion blender, being careful to leave some chunks intact.
(98) At the same time he keeps the real mountain intact, and Hinderstoisser, Kurz and company as historical markers.
(99) But her spirit remained intact, and she continued to receive visitors.
(100) I was a reverse chameleon, shedding my inner self while my skin remained intact.
(101) Having an intact nuclear family does not guarantee that a child will turn out well.
(102) My bumf-crammed wallet was intact: credit cards, eighty-odd dollars, thirty-odd pounds.
(103) A minor mystery, of course, is how the file has survived intact.
(104) The winner is obviously the player with the intact conker.
(105) Mildew is destructive to cotton whereas nylon looks stained and smells a bit but the fabric remains intact.
(106) As would be expected, the predator species preserving the more intact skulls also preserve the highest frequencies of zygomatic process.
(107) The interior is still in ruinous condition though the exterior is fairly intact.
(108) Most people have been exposed to it, but if your-immune system is intact the protozoa will seldom do harm.
(109) Peel the pearl onions, but leave the root largely intact so the onions hold together.
(110) Not only was the body found perfectly intact, but the robes in which it had been buried had suffered no decay.
(111) The walls of the mill, first mentioned in 1343, are still intact.
(112) No complete buildings are intact, but there are extensive remains in walling, gateways, arches and in tombs.
(113) The classic Sinatra phrasing remains intact, as does that easy-breeze delivery.
(114) The ceasefire was still intact at the end of February, despite intermittent shooting and shelling.
(115) In spite of his many infirmities, his wit and gift for storytelling were intact.
(116) Fragile protuberances like zygomatic processes and ascending rami were found to be broken, but most bones were still intact.
(117) We gave him ample opportunity to leave with class and style, reputation intact.
(118) The causeway near the mill, crossing the creek, is a toll bridge, with tollbooth intact.
(119) If the latter is the more important, then privatisation of large nationalised industries intact will have little beneficial impact.
(120) They may owe their intact status to the fact that they belong to a recluse.
(121) Investigators said they have little hope of finding any intact bodies.
(122) An intact Ozone Layer prevents about 99% of the sun's UV rays from reaching the Earth.
(123) He kept his reputation intact to run again another day, with a different result.
(124) The facade survived intact and was incorporated in the rebuilding, which was completed in 1932.
(125) It was delivered twice a day, packages arrived intact, and a stamp cost three cents.
(126) This is Duckmanton South after closure, but with all signalling still intact.
(127) During a two-hour tour of the city, there was not a single building that remained intact.
(128) The Vapour Corporation Power pop, which means don't expect to leave with your eardrums intact.
(129) Government boffins have been explaining a new weapon that destroys people but leaves houses intact.
(130) Of the vole molars, 2 out of 18 split longitudinally, 12 disappeared without trace, and only 4 were left intact.
(131) The Supreme Court had previously left intact legislation aimed at limiting medical malpractice awards in California and Idaho.
(132) The original building remains virtually intact and is now the administrative block of the North Wing.
(133) There were good reasons why the nucleated village should survive more or less intact.
(134) But in any locale, only pieces of the textbook remain intact.
(135) Where others would have dismissed the idea as impractical(), Sherwood set about locating those vehicles which had survived intact.
(136) He saw Kimberley and Killion curling in from either side, and wondered that they were both intact.
(137) His fortune, conservatively estimated in excess of a hundred million dollars, had come intact to his beloved daughter, Louise.
(138) We had come back like the full circle of our route, intact.
(139) It had two intact stone chimneys, green shingles, a boarded-up door, window frames with no windows.
(140) The number of viable acini isolated in pancreatitis induced by caerulein was only about 30% of that obtained from the intact pancreas.
(141) Their nuclear membranes remain intact; they just continue as before.
(142) So, the artists' shell remains intact, the fusty public image undisturbed.
(143) Bombs fell on the streets, destroying neighbouring homes, but leaving the school intact.
(144) However, it is much more difficult to ensure that media which are remote from a computer are still intact and safe.
(145) Ideas and customs used to be passed on intact down the generations.
(146) A place where a certain set of responses still lies perfectly intact.
(147) No Socialist bastion remained intact, no government minister or party leader unthreatened.
(148) The intact skin acts as a barrier between the internal and the external environment which contains many potentially harmful agents.
(148) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(149) Fossils are harder to remove intact from sandstone than from clay.
(150) Called Meluha by the ancient Sumerians, it appears that the civilization arrived intact from across the sea.
(151) As it turns out, Magellan escaped more or less intact.
(152) The Soviet government. although weakened, confused, and groping toward an uncertain future, was still intact.
(153) In the latest landslide, a number of large pieces remained intact before hitting the ground.
(154) The model was a little misshapen, the face furred with fluff from her pocket, but it was still intact.
(155) Colonic motor function has also been investigated with electromyography, the electrodes being attached to the mucosa in the intact human.
(156) Lack of rainfall means that they have survived intact for hundreds of years, though they are now being threatened by tourists.
(157) He rejected a mild appeal from Bernstein to run the quotation intact.
(158) They had survived the trials of imperial retreat, economic decline, and industrial conflict, and remained cohesive and intact.
(159) But now the ship was almost ready and though the uneasy peace remained intact, soon it would be broken.
(160) In most you will find intact the bones of Easter islanders who entered their spirit world centuries past.
(161) Although they feel for their neighbors, other residents said they felt blessed to see their homes still intact.
(162) But the dauntless Hugh came up those stairs, quietly keeping his vision intact.
(163) The front had undergone a terrible impact, the rest was essentially intact.
(164) The Reserve Bank Act, which guarantees the bank's independence and commits it to keeping inflation low, remains intact.
(165) And, as to the bereaved, their words glowed with the grateful confidence that their own worlds were still intact.
(166) In Nicholas the benign policies of the squirearchy had survived intact.
(167) The ratio of radioactivity of ulcer area v intact mucosa was calculated for each group of rats.
(168) Your drawing shows that much of the enamel is still intact.
(169) The accuracy of selection, if the system was to be maintained more or less intact(), was of the highest importance.
(170) All these infants did become healthy children with intact self-identity.
(171) This is the only example portraying a Roman Emperor which has survived intact from such an early age.
(172) On the other hand, over half the holdings remained intact and in the same family possession.
(173) Apparently the machine's screen and the motherboard survived intact - but alas not the floppy drive.
(174) Fisher s intuition was fed into mathematical models and emerged intact.
(175) We were ever so fortunate as to recover your collection intact.
(176) I watched all the healthy people walk up and down with their limbs intact and the flesh still covering their bones.
(177) Intact and straight crypts fixed in 70% ethanol were easily selected under a dissecting microscope.
(178) Rather, they are a fitting together of parts, each with its integrity intact.
(178) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(179) This observation could explain why straining is often ineffective in promoting normal defecation even in low spinal patients with intact abdominal musculature.
(180) In the dark night, a house had gone intact to sea.
(181) In cases of conduction aphasia, comprehension of spoken words and simple spoken sentences can be intact.
(182) Typical open air art exhibition - this one is in Via Francesco Sforza Milan did not survive the war intact.
(183) Barthes managed to leave the great works of literature intact.
(184) Other provisions to provide incentives for states to dispose of the waste remained intact.
(185) Even if Maastricht is ratified intact, the past four months have made it seem backward-looking, or even irrelevant.
(186) Only in this case, the bridge was not destroyed, but was largely intact when discovered downstream.
(187) And although such scripts are potentially modifiable, they more usually remain essentially intact throughout a lifetime.
(188) In fact, with their economic and technological dependencies intact, the work was increasingly vulnerable to the crisis.
(189) If you change your mind, press Enter to accept the default response and leave the block intact.
(190) Carbohydrate microarray could identify and characterize whole glycoprotein structures of intact cells, which is high-throughput technology for glycan analysis.
(191) Roast for a further 15 minutes. Remove the meat from the oven and leave to rest, foil intact, for 10-15 minutes before carving. Serve with the pumpkin ragout, below.
(192) Successor to Peter, Catherine II brought Enlightenment to Russia. Emphasised on education, tried to draft laws, but these reforms left the system of serfdom intact.
(193) I need to get back to Assisus through this rabbit warren with both my legs still intact.
(194) But in fact, it's difficult to know the intact structure initial data. "
(195) Yes, they produce more cortisol and noradrenaline, but crucially, they also ramp up production of calming factors that help keep the brain's higher functions intact.
(196) He replied, "You stress "ONE", so it requires intactness of shape, namely keep body intact. However, eye is a part of body.
(197) The client image should be kept intact with best efforts during the application process.
(198) To develop a procedure by which Schwann cell and myelin in the peripheral nerve could be removed while the basal lamina tubes remained intact , and to obtain a long acellular nerve scaffold.
(199) Though Pangea was intact, the first rumblings of continental break up could be heard.
(200) Similar to Basic 3X but leaves the hair intact along the undies line.
(201) Conclusions The posterior retinaculum of the hip joint remains intact after a displaced femoral neck fracture in all of Garden type III fractures and in the great majority of Garden type IV fractures.
(202) A closing wedge can be created with use of sequentially larger burrs , with the opposite cortex and periosteum left intact.
(203) Ossein pretreated for a 2weeks period exhibited the maximum % yield incase of bone gelatin, while the yield from intact skin was higher than that realized incase of de-scaled skin.
(204) Hotel Splendido, which remains intact and focuses on authentic cuisine, has played host to the likes of Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Elizabeth Taylor, Clark Gable, and Ava Gardner.
(205) Clean damaged areas by abrasive blasting or power tool cleaning, feather edges to sound and intact areas.
(206) The business data information is maintained and manipulated intact in both the application and database layers, and as you will see in Part 3, even in the client layer.
(207) If there are two women in the painting, the disabled one is named the more beautiful, as if Maillol wishes to contrast an aesthetic, fragmentary, and broken beauty to a lesser, intact beauty.
(208) Its basic function is to assist system analyst to analyze the requirement of the developed system, and to get an intact and accurate software requirement specification which is made up of Data Fl.
(208) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(209) By spraying different concentrations paclobutrazol on the intact peanut leaves of middle stage in the field, the changes of polyamines and some physiological indexes were studied.
(210) Dough figurine made of colored dough remains colorfast and intact without getting decayed for decades.
(211) Mesial portion of the mandibular canal wall was not intact.
(212) Over- torquing breaks occur above the stem O-ring leaving the seal intact until repair or replacement can be made.
(213) Using calcein as an indicator, the effects of electroporation on de exined pollen, ungerminated and germinated intact pollen in Nicotiana tabacum were compared.
(214) Marine reptiles and echinoderm crinoid that feature intact and delicate preservation and large quantity serve as the mark.
(215) As various design concepts were presented, the topmast and ring-of-spikes motif remained intact.
(216) Results It was observed by light microscopy that the cytomembrane of cultured cells was intact, with no cell injury.
(217) METHODS: The intact dental plaque biofilm specimen was generated on the tooth surface. The specimens of the biofilms were imaged and analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscope.
(218) Conclusions: Patients with retrofibular pain and clicking of the peroneal tendons may not have demonstrable subluxation on physical examination and may have an intact superior peroneal retinaculum .
(219) Main Outcome Measurements: Patients with intact, broken or loose, or removed syndesmosis screws were compared.
(220) One of the few productions to follow the Reading Edition, leaving the screen intact, was directed by the theater critic Geoffrey Borny in Australia.
(221) The battlements on which they had fought to defend their city are still intact.
(222) We are so strict with our physical intactness . It is certainly more important that a man to keep his intact virtue.
(223) We identified a new subgroup of patients with intrasheath subluxation of these tendons within the peroneal groove and with an otherwise intact retinaculum .
(224) He continues to attend races as a TV analyst for Germany's RTL, his sharp mind and humour fully intact.
(225) This is the most outstanding, intact example of a troglodyte settlement in the Mediterranean region, perfectly adapted to its terrain and ecosystem.
(226) Results The range of motion (ROM) of process wire was less than that of the intact in flexion, extension, lateral bending, but not in axial rotation.
(227) Electrical energy system of unmanned remotely operated vehicles is power, distributor, and ROV electric loading to compose intact system.
(228) Yet despite the election in 1994 of a Republican Congress committed to fundamental changes in environmental regulation, the Superfund program weathered the storm and remains intact today.
(229) Therefore dissection of the nasal skin flap during rhinoplasty should be limited to the deep areolar tissue plane just above the cartilage and bone, leaving the musculoaponeurotic layer intact.
(230) Objective To investigate the effect of the autonomic nervous system on the transmural dispersion of ventricular repolarization(TDR) under acute myocardial ischemia in intact canine.
(231) To confirm that the snapshot image was intact and that it contained a copy of the entire file system, I mounted the external snapshot to verify the image.
(232) A little chatting can have a big payoff: A Harvard study last year found that socially connected peoplekept more of their memory intact as they aged -- up to twice as much, according to one measure.
(233) Thus arranged, the volume is in an underground ground position (considering the access level), leaving intact the natural image.
(234) Try to make all your splits where there are wood flaws, to preserve the cleanest parts for intact bow wood.
(235) To stimulate the ascending fibres, a segment of right half of the thoracic cord was isolated with the caudal end cut and the rostral end intact.
(236) Using character or binary large object (CLOB or BLOB) columns of tables to store the XML data intact in a relational database management system (DBMS).
(237) Conclusion The ability of PT to induce specific antibody is conformation dependent of intact PT, and antibody induction domains are located dominantly in S1 subunit of intact PT.
(238) The anterior two third of glottis (phonatory portion), mucosa over the posterior commissure and the arytenoids muscle all remain intact.
(239) The exposed corner of the PCB was slightly delaminated due to combustion of resin from the fibreglass matrix, but most of the solder joints in the area appeared to be intact.
(240) This idea was later discounted, though, following the discovery of unmelted, largely intact meteorites from the moon and Mars.
(241) But if it were animated in a more traditional 2D style, the soul of each film would remain intact.
(242) Conclusions: The procedure for giant staghorn calculi is easy, safe, and effective to renal parenchyma intact.
(243) Conclusions: An intact syndesmosis screw was associated with a worse functional outcome compared with loose, fractured, or removed screws.
(244) Auditory neuropathy, or dyssynchrony, is defined by an abnormal or absent auditory brainstem response but intact otoacoustic emissions or cochlear microphonics.
(245) This is known as a holotype and must be in very good condition,() with all its digits and features intact.
(246) But not his eyes. His eyes were young and bright, their weapons-grade intensity intact.
(247) In 2002, intravital scanning two-photon confocal microscopy revolutionized immunology when it was applied to lymph nodes, showing immune cells in intact tissue in real time.
(248) Objective To discuss the X-ray and biomechanics characteristic of lumbar spondylolisthesis with intact neural arch and analyze the pathological course of degenerate lumbar instability.
(249) From light microscopic study, in immediate group, after being infiltrated for 20S and 30S, the epithelial cells remained intact and lined up tightly .
(250) Listed companies are keen on equity capital financing while neglecting debt capital financing, and meanwhile tremendous raised capital remains intact or entrusted for investment.
(251) The younger bacteroid was elliptic and had a similar nucleus region in cell. The normal bacteroid had an intact membrane envelope and PHB granules.
(252) The intact left tibiae were fixed by 316L stainless steel plate.
(253) Space probes parked in orbit round the sun might lie dormant yet intact for an immense period of time.
(254) In a dry test, the condom is placed on a penis-shaped metal bar and given a small charge of electricity. Intact condoms do not allow electricity to pass through them.
(255) Results Wei-chi embrocation had no irritative reaction to intact skin, but has mild stimulation to injured skin.
(256) Progenital skin of all patients was intact, dry, and no injury. Penial membrana mucosa of them was intact.
(257) Emil Seckel's theory expand the categories of right, make the system of right to be more intact.
(258) These results indicate that intact RBC-SOD could scavenge superoxide anion()producedduring cerebral I-R.
(259) We need set up intact and scientific legal mechanism in ecological environment protection requirement.




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