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单词 Mortality
1. We aren't gods: we must accept our mortality.
2. Mortality from heart disease varies widely across the world.
3. Poor hygiene led to high mortality among children.
4. Infant mortality has been dramatically reduced.
5. Infant mortality was extremely high and the upper classes were not exempt.
6. Infant mortality has been dramatically reduced because of modern medicine.
7. Infant mortality is a reliable barometer of socio-economic conditions.
8. The mortality rate was way down.
9. Premature birth is the main cause of perinatal mortality.
10. Mortality from lung cancer is still increasing.
11. Mortality among immigrant groups was higher than average.
12. The nation's infant mortality rate has reached a record low.
13. Infant mortality is a highly sensitive barometer of socio - economic conditions.
14. Infant mortality is much higher in the poorest areas of the city.
15. The combined effect was to reduce mortality rates.
16. Mortality does not, however, take lifetime risk into consideration.
17. Forecasts of mortality are now reasonably accurate.
18. The husband's educational level also influences early childhood mortality.
19. Our model analyses size dimorphism with differential adult mortality.
20. Schooling is the route to lowering infant mortality.
21. However, the variations in mortality between the developed and Third World in the later years of life are much less extreme.
22. The study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality.
23. We compared the incidence of coronary heart disease and total mortality.
24. She has suddenly come face to face with her own mortality.
25. Her death made him more aware of his own mortality.
26. My mother's death forced me to face the fact of my own mortality .
27. The city's most shocking statistic is its high infant mortality rate.
28. After her mother's death, she became acutely aware of her own mortality.
29. Tampa General Hospital created a subsidiary to combat infant mortality.
30. Conclusions - Children classified as unoccupied are almost certainly living in poverty as well as experiencing relatively high risks of mortality.
1. We aren't gods: we must accept our mortality.
2. Mortality from heart disease varies widely across the world.
3. Poor hygiene led to high mortality among children.
4. Infant mortality has been dramatically reduced.
5. The study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality.
6. Infant mortality was extremely high and the upper classes were not exempt.
7. Infant mortality has been dramatically reduced because of modern medicine.
8. The mortality rate was way down.
9. Mortality among immigrant groups was higher than average.
10. Infant mortality is a highly sensitive barometer of socio - economic conditions.
31. In the early decades of last century gender differences in late life mortality were very small.
32. Fetal, infant and early childhood mortality and maternity related deaths to women of reproductive age are the classes of mortality examined.
33. We also calculated standardised mortality ratios for all hypertensive patients.
34. The difference in the relative mortality of the extremes of the class hierarchy decrease with age.
35. There are very large and probably widening socio-economic differentials in mortality in Britain.
36. Declines in infant mortality may have contributed indirectly to declining fertility, though evidence on the matter is inconclusive.
37. For other cardiovascular problems, such as stroke, the estrogen users had a 73 % reduction in mortality.
38. The rollercoaster stops briefly during each of the loops so that riders can contemplate their own mortality.
39. Birth order, nevertheless, has an impact upon child mortality that is independent of the mother's age.
40. Predation One of the major causes of mortality in small mammals is predation.
41. Their average life expectancy was 12 years less than that of whites, their infant mortality rate twice that of whites.
42. The overall death rate from cardiovascular disease was close to the national average, the standardised mortality ratio being 94.
43. If these data were combined with clinical data then large subgroups with low mortality could be identified.
44. An appreciable proportion of these cases was associated with high morbidity and mortality.
45. From the 1840s child and young adult mortality contributed most of the decline.
46. Conclusion - Perinatal mortality rates should be adjusted for case mix and referral patterns to get a meaningful result.
47. But it is clearly unsatisfactory because illnesses do not always lead to mortality, particularly during childhood and adult life.
48. This was a rage of feeling, carrying them out of themselves, beyond the confines of their mortality.
49. There continued to be striking regional and social class variations in infant mortality and in life expectancy at later ages.
50. The Bureau carries out regular reviews of each contributing office's mortality and sickness experience against the general experience for all offices.
51. This recognition of mortality and the requirement to transcend it is the first great impulse to mythology.
52. Cardiovascular mortality was not related to the duration of gestation except for a small increase in death rates in men born prematurely.
53. More recently mortality in hospital has again become a subject of concern,() as has the difficulty of comparing mortalities in hospitals.
54. The trend in cardiovascular mortality with external conjugate was abolished by allowing for head circumference.
55. Discussion Mortality from sudden infant death syndrome varies between countries.
56. It is therefore crucial to include standardised mortality ratios alongside age weightings to correct for variations in life expectancy.
57. Thus the perinatal mortality ratio is the sum of the late fetal death ratio and the under-7-day mortality rate.
58. These changes in mortality, especially among the old elderly, suggest that we have not reached the maximum human lifespan.
59. The broods were always born during the day and mortality among the fry was quite low.
60. One is that of family circumstances as determinants of mortality differentials.
61. Short-term mortality among patients admitted to hospital with community-acquired pneumonia has ranged from 6% to 33%.
62. The two variables are infant mortality per 1000 live births and gross national product per head.
63. Thus juvenile mortality readily influences size by tuning the timing of maturity.
64. The relationship between maternal age and infant mortality stands not only across countries and populations but also with passing time.
65. In the 1950s and early 1960s infant mortality of the first born babies were higher than those of the second.
66. Since 1961 there has been a 19 percent decrease in the mortality rates for males aged 65 - 74.
67. Arguments about what caused the decline in mortality shift between eighteenth- and later nineteenth-century changes.
68. The reported postoperative mortality after oesophagectomy for carcinoma varies between 10 and 16%.
69. The dying planet has a metaphysical relationship to my own mortality and to that extent my inquiry into landscape is inherently ironic.
70. In the high grade group, none of the variables or different modes of treatment influenced mortality.
71. As might be expected from the study of mortality data acute health problems are not equally distributed throughout the population.
72. The reduction of mortality from both stroke and ischaemic heart disease are characteristic of much of the developed world.
73. Yes, mortality rates among cigarette smokers are way higher than among cigar smokers.
74. The causes she has espoused include lowering infant mortality and the provision of legal assistance to the poor.
75. Mortality from asthma in people aged under 65 seems to be about 40% higher in Norfolk than in Cumbria or Hertfordshire.
76. Total mortality and each of the outcomes of coronary heart disease increased as severity of periodontal disease increased.
77. Mortality among streptokinase-treated patients was 8.3% for those who also received intravenous heparin and 9.0% for those receiving subcutaneous heparin.
78. These are also the areas with high infant mortality rates, child accidents, morbidity rates and low school attainment rates.
79. The induction of ventricular arrhythmias was associated with a 21% mortality against 4% in the negative group.
80. New York has substantially worse infant and neonatal mortality than London or Paris and some signs of worse problems of social deprivation.
81. In spite of this, however, differences in infant and adult mortality rates between social classes have widened.
81. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
82. Changes in mortality rates will result in either a decrease or increase in prevalence according to the direction of change in mortality.
83. A final factor that affects the number of children desired by developing world couples is infant mortality.
84. Whether they knew George Pittendrigh or not they felt a need to be solemn, to show at least an awareness of mortality.
85. This is one of the first mortality studies of moderate alcohol drinkers in the non-Western world.
86. Ethnic differences in mortality from sudden infant death syndrome have been reported from several countries.
87. The excess mortality was attributed to coal mining and the extensive use of soft coal in the mining areas.
88. Amongthe poorest 25 % of the rural population, infant mortality is 3.5 times higher than among city dwellers.
89. Unfortunately, there are reasons for pessimism and the recent declines in infectious disease mortality rates may reverse.
90. This means that they had had a heightened awareness of their own mortality more or less throughout the disability career.
91. The largest percentage decrease in mortality during these three decades is shown by women aged 75 - 84.
92. Another possibility is that advanced patient age prompts a less aggressive hospital treatment so that its effect on mortality is exerted before discharge.
93. The main causes of mortality among the older age groups were not the most important causes of morbidity.
94. Stomach ulcers and other digestive disorders are rife and there is a high mortality rate amongst veal calves despite their brief lifetime.
95. Overall mortality was 23% lower than the national average for all causes of death and 18% lower for cancer.
96. In one trial, installation of the equipment reduced infant mortality from 10 percent of the litter to 0.5 percent.
97. There has been a sharp rise in infant mortality since the drought began.
98. The relationship between fertility rates and mortality rates has created a population structure which has varied substantially during the period in question.
99. Nevertheless, the reasons for the striking decline in infant mortality in this period remain rather mysterious.
100. Firstly people are living longer, there is low infant mortality, but the average age of the population is rising as well.
101. Regional health authorities will from time to time produce mortality data at ward level.
102. Mortality force instead of the probability of dying should be used in this definition.
103. Both periodontal disease and poor oral hygiene showed stronger associations with total mortality than with coronary heart disease.
104. In some places, it meant maternal mortality and female infanticide.
105. Unsuccessfully treated severe depression is a disease with a mortality rate similar to that of cancer.
106. By far the greatest effect on the crude mortality rates was when mortality rates due to immaturity were adjusted for low birth rate.
107. For coronary heart disease, estrogen users had a 60 % reduction in mortality risk.
108. Although rates of mortality differ between men and women the main causes of mortality do not.
109. There were no trends in standardised mortality ratios from cardiovascular disease or other causes with the number of previous pregnancies.
110. Expected mortality was found for each age band, disease site, and decade of diagnosis.
111. There are two main factors underlying this change in the nature of the population distribution: decreased mortality and reduced fertility.
111. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
112. The correlation between infant mortality and fertility has not been well documented.
113. High infant mortality made such events of doubtful political importance.
114. There have been few community based studies of mortality in Crohn's disease.
115. Mortality from the disease increased steadily from 425 deaths in 1983 to 7, 102 deaths in 1994.
116. References Estimates for the annual mortality from malaria range from 0 5 to 2 5 million deaths.
117. Mortality in patients with fulminant hepatic failure is over 40%.
118. Mortality appears to be higher, though officials are reluctant to put a number to it until they investigate further.
119. In the last great outbreak in 1911, 32,000 infants died of diarrhoea and the infant mortality rate climbed to 130.
120. The average excess mortality for gastric cancer among coal miners was 126 per million, with a range of 65-226 per million.
121. It should be noted that, jointly with maternal age, parity is also associated with maternal mortality.
122. In a region where infant mortality is high, the argument struck a responsive chord.
123. Changing mortality and fertility patterns are likely to have contributed to this fall.
124. Let us turn now to the relationship between the chronic sickness and mortality rates.
125. Changes in mortality have influenced the marital status composition of the older age groups in Britain over the last century.
126. With high mortality rates even a large family size only just replaces the parents.
127. Results - Cancer mortality was not significantly different in clinic patients as a whole and controls.
128. Further reduction of infant mortality and chronic handicap depends increasingly on prevention of such disorders.
129. For example, improved pregnancy outcome that reduces infant mortality will increase productivity in the labor force in 16 to 25 years.
130. As mentioned above, the rate of reduction in the level of infant mortality was not uniform in each maternal age group.
131. In two developing countries(), the lowest frequency of fetal mortality is at births above second but below sixth or seventh order.
132. A nonlinear relationship was observed between coronary heart and stroke mortality with the two hour postprandial blood glucose.
133. The overall in-hospital mortality of 15.6% of this cohort was similar to short-term mortality of similar cohorts in previous studies.
134. The oral hygiene index carried about the same level of increased risk for total mortality as for the incidence of coronary heart disease.
135. Soil temperature was not controlled in our study, and so the evidence linking temperature and root mortality is circumstantial.
136. None of the cited studies of children evaluated the prediction of mortality.
137. Besides, food and exercise guidelines may not be the conclusive benchmark for mortality after all.
138. Life-history theory could readily explain dwarfing if juvenile, but not adult, male mortality were large.
139. Consequently mortality is the oldest and most widely used index of health status.
140. The real frequency of worldwide maternal mortality may be as much as three to five times higher than this ratio.
141. Despite the above measures septic shock, regardless of aetiology, continues to have a mortality of 60-90%.
142. Anhui officials produced impressive statistics for the decline in infant mortality in the county visited.
143. Long-term studies on mortality showed that there was little evidence to believe that losing weight will prolong your life, either.
144. It can not be overemphasized that many non-biological factors mitigate the influence of fertility patterns upon health and mortality.
145. There is massive investment in disease and mortality which the system protects by distracting people's attention from it.
146. Infant mortality is frequently assumed to be an especially sensitive indicator of severe poverty.
147. For these categories hospital 1 had the lowest perinatal mortality rates among the consultant units after adjustment for risk factors.
148. Most studies have found no increase in fetal mortality when blood glucose levels are controlled in this way.
149. The lack of a gold standard for health service need was a reason for using standardised mortality ratio in the RAWP formula.
150. Again he found the same link between unemployment and mortality.
151. In Nephila, increased male mortality during the adult search phase is almost exactly counteracted by reduction in juvenile male growth stages.
152. Mortality rates among the adult working population parallel the progressive incidence of illness that occurs as one moves down the social hierarchy.
153. They described, once again, how most people regain the weight on diets and how weight cycling leads to increased mortality.
154. This drop in mortality was above all a drop in infant mortality.
155. For example, by relying exclusively on mortality data the ineffectiveness of medical science is overstated.
156. Prior to World War I, infant mortality rates in the workhouses were more than double the rate for the entire population.
157. Repeated doses of oral activated charcoal have not yet been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality.
158. It is facile to employ cost of living indices or indices of neo-natal mortality without knowing how the figures are calculated.
159. And these patterns determine, at least inpart, the viability of the offspring, infant and childhood mortality conditions and maternal health.
160. Other forms of natural mortality of small mammals occur when burrowing rodents may be trapped in their burrows by flood water.
161. As many congenital abnormalities can be prevented, these developmental defects should not be considered an irreducible component of perinatal mortality.
162. Moreover, the high number of births in a family is offset by the high incidence of infant mortality.
163. Causes of mortality in later life Does the pattern of mortality change with increasing age?
164. Improved nutrition, poverty reduction, maternal education and better medical services have combined to halve infant mortality.
165. The mortality has remained largely unchanged over the decades despite greater public awareness and better diagnostic facilities.
166. The data indicate that dimorphism in adult size may be associated with mortality bias differences brought about by dissimilar adult life styles.
167. The post-war concern about population decline and the high infant mortality rate contributed to the introduction of the Midwives Act 1902.
168. Conclusion - Large grade differences in sickness absence parallel socioeconomic differences in morbidity and mortality found in other studies.
169. We argue that selection for dwarfism results from reduced intrasexual competition through high differential adult mortality between the sexes.
170. Moreover, mortality and reinfarction rates were similar and left-ventricular ejection fractions at 1 month were virtually identical.
171. The higher infant mortality rate among the working class was probably a major element throughout the nineteenth century in encouraging frequent pregnancies.
172. Suppose we think of conditions which lead to impaired reproduction or increased likelihood of mortality.
173. The decline of infant mortality makes it easier to accept the idea of smaller family size.
174. Mortality is 3-4%,(/mortality.html) mainly owing to opportunistic infections and pulmonary emboli.
175. Health and infant mortality 7 Children under five How many live with both parents or in a one parent family?
176. First, there have been substantial improvements in mortality over this century which are reflected in increased life expectancy.
177. A falling mortality rate led to a gradual increase in the proportion of the aged in the population.
178. Molecular biology of colorectal neoplasia Large bowel cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world.
179. Malaria morbidity and mortality have been held in check by the widespread availability of cheap and effective antimalarial drugs.
180. The authors thus concluded that the excess mortality noted for gastric cancer was probably related to socioeconomic class rather than coal mining.
181. Here were the hazards a golf course ought to have: a sense of hazard itself, j sense of mortality.
182. None the less, the London Bills of Mortality suggest that maternal mortality halved from 1700 to 1800.
183. The overall distribution of mortality rates within the population shows a J-shaped distribution.
184. It focused on the fact that none of the trials showed a decrease in mortality within seven years of follow-up.
185. As she more than once said, our letters over the years seemed to reveal a shockingly high mortality among our friends.
186. This appears convincing since the decline in mortality rates antedated for the most part the advent of efficacious pills and surgical procedures.
187. Given the complexity of this task there is always a time lag in the publication of mortality by cause of death data.
188. Introduction An inverse relation between socioeconomic status and mortality has been documented in many studies, nomatterhow socioeconomic status has been measured.
189. Associated anomalies and prematurity significantly influence the mortality rate.
190. Each, in his own way, sits quietly considering mortality.
191. Renal hypofunction is not only a sign of mortality of cardiovascular disease, but also one pathogenic factor among them.
192. We report an 82-year-old woman who intentionally ingested about 300 ml of camphorated oil and developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and mortality.
193. Discussing the study's limitations, the researchers said that because of its observational design, factors other than NICU quality may explain neonatal mortality.
194. The results showed that:1 The mortality of whitefly gradually increased with the increasement of temperature and the prolongation of time.
195. Conclusion Subtemporal decompression cannot reduce the areas of infarcts and mortality, nor improve neurological function and promote quality of survivor.
196. Breast cancer is a malignant cancer that is developed in breast epithelial tissue. The mortality of breast cancer is at the first place in female malignant cancers.
197. As part of ongoing post hoc analyses of potential mechanisms for this finding, we explored whether on-treatment A1C itself had an independent relationship with mortality.
198. Results The mortality was 3.6%. The rate of the stomal leak of the primary left hemicolectomy and anastomosis was 5.5%.
199. Cardiac arrhythmia is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality.
200. This is important as the mortality rate after a new displaced person influx may be higher than under normal conditions.
201. Objective To investigate the superiority of curative resection with hemihepatectomy in treatment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma and the strategy to lower the incidence of complications and mortality.
202. Rusults The postoperative mortality was 3 cases, there were 18 cases complicated with lung infection, 15 with arrhythmia, 5 with respiratory failure, 3 with hemothorax,(http:///mortality.html) 1 with bronchopleural fistula.
203. This review summarized the morbidity, mortality, and clinical features of iron overload, and introduced the advantages of the new chelator deferasirox over traditional agents.
204. Treatment with carvedilol was associated with a nonsignificant risk reduction for mortality compared with metoprolol for diabetic and nondiabetic patients, the researchers note.
205. A time dose mortality model was used for analyzing the mortality rates as affected by temperature.
206. The foundation for the action plan is the global strategy for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (2000), whose aim is to reduce premature mortality and improve quality of life.
207. Although not perfect, immunization and chemoprophylaxis are highly effective at minimizing the spread of influenza and reducing morbidity and mortality, social disruption and economic loss.
208. According to research and analysis, neonatal mortality rate as the increase in weight reduction.
209. Therefore a gradually decreasing infant mortality rate has led to a proportionate decrease in the size of our brains.
210. When calculating the pure premium and theory premium reserve in life insurance, the mortality is usually bases on life table, and the interest rate is usually fixed.
211. The rest was recovery. Conclusion:Early diagnosis, effective haemostasis and reconstruction of carotid artery are the keys to reduce the mortality and decrease the morbidity of neurological deficit.
212. The mortality of the larvae of longhorn beetles Was 100% for the fumigant and over 95% for Lindane, "6781" wood preservative had an obvious effect on mould and blue stain.
213. Objective To investigate the effect of early goal-directed therapy (EGDT) on the incidence, severity and mortality of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS).
214. Results The main proportional mortality was pneumocardial disease (36.18%), pulmonary tuberculosis (21.05%) and lung cancer (11.84%).
215. Results 37.2 percent patients with ACS treated CCU existed the glycometabolic disturbance. Their hospitalization fee, hospitalization time and mortality were higher than those of the other group.
216. Objective:Discuss the relationship between the multisystem organ failure(MOF) and the mortality rate.
217. Once diagnosis neonatal hyperammonemia, should interfere to decrease mortality and complication, and detect plasma amino regularity to judge prognosis.
218. Context Low levels of cardiorespiratory fitness are associated with high risk of mortality, and improvements in fitness are associated with reduced mortality risk.
219. Benzopyrene (B(a)P) and coal-tar pitch (CTP) are one of the important factors of enhancing incidence and mortality in the taroperating population with professional lung cancer.
220. Polyhydramnios is a common complication of pregnancy that causes significantly increased perinatal morbidity and mortality.
221. Objective To analyse the risk factors for early mortality in patients with heterotaxy syndrome undergoing single ventricle series palliation.
222. Women and kids MSF reports that South Sudan has some of the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in the world.
223. The study results suggest an increased risk of mortality with somatropin therapy compared to the general population.
224. Trilateral retinoblastoma is a rare malignancy of childhood with high mortality. We reported such a case with delayed treatment.
225. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with glibenclamide could be associated with higher mortality for cardiovascular diseases and malignancies , in comparison with gliclazide.
226. Several events of fulminating epidemic disease broke out since 1999, which often caused 100% mortality of abalone Haliotis drversicotor aquatilis farmed in Fujian and Guangdong coasts.
227. Conclusion Nimotop treatment can diminish mortality, decrease the time of the stupor and cut down the disability rate for the primary in jury of brain-stem.
228. Mainly work on fish population dynamics, including growth, mortality, recruitment and population dynamics.
229. His mortality rate was so high that it was skewing the hospital's average.
230. Of the 20 countries with the highest maternal mortality ratios worldwide, 19 are in Africa; and the Region has the highest neonatal death rate in the world.
231. Improved complementary feeding for young children, i.e. giving foods in addition to breastmilk, is an important way to prevent undernutrition and reduce child mortality.
231. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
232. In the homestretch to 2015, we see the momentum continuing to build, especially to combat maternal and neonatal mortality, another item on your agenda.
233. Avian influenza virus can causes a very high level of morbidity and mortality. It is not only greatly harmful to culturist, but also underlying dangerous to human being.
234. Results The infected mice began to fall ill at 6 d post-infection, symptoms including decreased appetite, pilomotor fur, sloth, shakes and diarrhea, with a mortality rate of 20%.
235. The statistics appear in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Sureillance Summaries.
236. Aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is the leading cause of non-traumatic SAH. Prompt diagnosis and management can significantly reduce morbidity and mortality.
237. On the level of form, you share mortality and the precariousness of existence.
238. The host mortality after exposure were decreased with increase of the host age at exposure to the parasitoid.
239. Aurum — The Refinement of Mortality teaches a Promethean how to move among humans as if he were one of them.
240. The D1 isolate of goose paramyxovirus caused 100% mortality of goose, duck and chicken embryos. Infected allantoic fluid could produce high titer of hemagglutinin test.
241. Conclusion: The prognosis of patients with MODS complicated to acute severe tetramine poisoning is poor and the mortality is high.
242. ObjectiveTo discuss microsurgery in the treatment of tentorial meningiomas to reduce the operative mortality.
243. Only the rats with electrolytic damage of pyramidal tract were paralyzed with low mortality.
244. In our country , the incidence, mortality and disabled rate of cerebral infarction still head the list.
245. In Pande's home state, Uttar Pradesh, infant mortality and malnutrition rates are high.
246. In infant mortality, Bangladesh has a similar advantage: it is fifty per thousand in India and forty-one in Bangladesh.
247. Conclusion: Diaphragmatic rupture caused by blunt injury could lead to severe thoracoabdominal injury. In spite of high mortality rate, the condition is usually under diagnosed.
248. Afghanistan has the highest infant mortality rate in the world -- 257 deaths per 1,000 live births, and 70 percent of the population lacks access to clean water, the agency said.
249. Creation and closure of the diverting loop ileostomy is associated with no mortality was seen in patients undergoing colorectal surgery in our study.
250. Would decrease mortality among patients with septic shock who were being treated with conventional vasopressor ...
251. Do you think Etanercept has a possible mechanism for that increased mortality?
252. These results suggest that, to decrease neonatal mortality, improved health service quality is crucial.
253. Mortality curve of bamboo shoot - young clone population had two climax . The death of most young ramet was at previous stage, and the main reason was the short of nutrition.
254. Celiac Damage: Gluten-sensitive patients, even those without full-fledged celiac disease, had higher mortality rates than a control group, according to a study in JAMA.
255. The mortality is obviously higher in the hypernatremia patients than in the normal natrium patients.
256. Results: The ratio of ventricular extrasystole and the mortality resulted from ventricular fibrillation of the experimental group were lower than that of the control group.
257. The volume of fluid input, time and area of eschar shaving, duration of wound healing, incidence of complication and mortality were comparatively analyzed between two groups.
258. Windecker: cardiogenic shock is still a very malignant disease characterized by a high incidence of mortality.
259. Conclusion Posterior cranial fossa decompression is a useful method for the patients with severe primary brain-stem injury and can reduce the mortality.
260. The atypical clinical appearances and short active phase of labor are the cause of antepartum misdiagnosed. Atypical abruptio placentae is an important causes of perinatal mortality.
261. Congenital abnormality mortality in age was: newborn & gt ; 1~11 month infant & gt ; 1~4 yrs.
262. Conclusion Elderly brain disease with aspiration pneumonia has illness concealed , high mortality.
263. The seed lectins showed significant antimetabolic effects towards fourth larvae of Lymantria dispar and the mortality of larval was high (59%).
264. Methods:To compare the Anticonvulsive effect of water-soluble extracted at different temperature from Pinellas Rhizoma by the index of mortality and tonic convulsion induced by strychnine in mice.
265. The results showed that seed germination and mortality of Zygophyllum xanthoxylum were significantly affected by winged perianth, and varied with the burial depth and duration.
266. Too few proteins lead to night blindness, perifollicular hyperkeratosis, xerophthalmia, keratomolacia, increased morbidity and mortality in young children.
267. Pre-eclampsia is a multisystem disorders specifically occurred in pregnancy, it is a leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality of mother and infant.




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