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单词 Solely
1, Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice. 
2, Scholarships are given solely on the basis of financial need.
3, He remarked that we mustn't judge people solely by their appearences.
4, Would you say that he was motivated solely by a desire for power?
5, Women are sometimes denied opportunities solely because of their gender.
6, We depend solely upon our voluntary helpers.
7, He was actuated solely by greed.
8, The two deaf actors converse solely in signing.
9, Selection is based solely on merit.
10, Success should not be measured solely by educational achievement.
11, All students are selected solely on merit .
12, His offer was motivated solely by self-interest.
13, She was motivated solely by self-interest.
14, I bought it solely for that purpose.
15, He became solely responsible for the firm.
16, He questioned whether the accident was solely the truck driver's fault.
17, The product's success cannot be attributable solely to the ads.
18, Troops were sent solely for the purpose of assisting refugees.
19, Her present submission is animated solely by her fear of punishment.
20, I have taken this course solely to assist the realisation of my assets for the benefit of all my creditors.
21, It seems he's not solely to blame for the accident.
22, I shall hold you solely responsible for anything that goes wrong.
23, The convictions rest solely on disputed witness and confessional statements.
24, But he does not rely solely on technical gadgetry.
25, It is rare for the responsibility for causing conflict to rest solely on one side.
26, Remember,(http:///solely.html) happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.
27, This program is a production of NPR, which is solely responsible for its content.
28, However, the rationale for such in-itiatives is not, of course, solely economic.
29, This approach was concomitant with the move away from relying solely on official records.
30, That is, of course, not to say that the blame rests solely on the student.
1, It is rare for the responsibility for causing conflict to rest solely on one side.
2, Scholarships are given solely on the basis of financial need.
3, Would you say that he was motivated solely by a desire for power?
4, Women are sometimes denied opportunities solely because of their gender.
5, Success should not be measured solely by educational achievement.
6, Her present submission is animated solely by her fear of punishment.
7, That is, of course, not to say that the blame rests solely on the student.
31, Peace, in other words, depends solely on collective security.
32, Rather, the authority of law rested solely on the fact that it was promulgated by the authorized ruler.
33, They developed no spoken language and communicated solely by gestures.
34, Another type of specialist nurse deals solely with patients who have had a mastectomy.
35, However, it would be a mistake to assume that the behaviour of insects is based solely on instinct.
36, Under the current arrangements, the priorities within open heart surgery are decided solely by the clinicians concerned.
37, One authority supports elderly residents solely in voluntary establishments, whereas the other uses a combination of private and voluntary provision.
38, The computer itself could only be activated by an access code known solely to Bailey.
39, Interestingly, the use of key rings is confined solely to the Roman period.
40, Instead, the information related solely to a forthcoming newspaper column which recommended the shares of particular companies.
41, I could mention the names of several persons whose influence over their flocks was solely attributable to this circumstance.
42, Furthermore, the practice of good dermatology does not depend solely on adequate eyesight and clinical expertise.
43, However, this conclusion was based solely on a comparison of income support levels with supplementary benefit rates.
44, To suggest that all unproductive consumption is solely capitalist personal consumption is to go beyond the bounds of credibility.
45, Clearly, the range of frequencies over which a potential divider constructed solely from resistors acts as a satisfactory attenuator is restricted.
46, She expresses particular concern about the breeding of animals solely for experimental use, including animals with genetic alterations.
47, They were refused admission to a public school attended by white children solely because of their race....
48, Polly looked away, her stomach churning with a nausea that couldn't be blamed solely on hunger or seasickness.
49, All would keep strict hours, their duties consisting solely in the preparation and delivery of their lessons.
50, Might which controls and appropriates solely for self fosters an appetite for even more power.
51, Takla Haymanot of Gojjam, another of John's powerful and ambitious subjects, was also motivated solely by self-interest.
52, Emerson recognized the enemy and recoiled against it, pleading that the nation be rebuilt solely on the rights of man.
53, In Los Angeles, a doctor was terminated from a health care plan based solely on a business and financial management analysis.
54, Will my right hon. Friend give me a categorical assurance that that order was decided solely on price?
55, Charles Tekeyan believed that this feeling is solely a matter of continued excellence in the flesh.
56, Interestingly, this reliance on state funding is not confined solely to industry.
57, For years the company was known solely for its main product, consumer credit reports.
58, The development of biocontrol systems is, however, not solely dependent on the use of GMOs.
59, They formed a partnership solely to enter the competition, and did no other work together.
60, What would be the effect if the tax were levied solely on wage income?
61, An influential minority report by Derek Senior advocated a map involving solely two-tier regional authorities, 35 in number.
62, Or was he entitled to act solely on his own expert opinion?
63, It's similar to staggering shell-shocked in alien territory occupied solely by foreboding empty skyscrapers.
64, The adverse reactions experienced by the patient reported on may therefore be attributable to the drug regimen and not solely to dexamethasone.
65, The Richmond Plan denies certain citizens the opportunity to compete for a fixed percentage of public contracts based solely upon their race.
66, Also present within organization are power strategies designed solely to promote selfish objectives.
67, Mr. Lilley Confidence will not be instilled by harping solely on the negatives.
68, But in the mutable world of the modern organization, major decisions are seldom made solely on the basis of hard facts.
69, While not solely triggered by political concerns, they all eventually focused on the need for reform and the lack of democratisation.
70, Switzer-land does not have a big enough population to support a solely domestic pharmaceutical industry.
71, In fact, around one-half of the cases can be identified solely from the headlines as persons abusing their positions of trust.
72, Document the costs and benefits of participating in school-to-work, rather than treating it solely as a charitable contribution.
73, Pupils soon grow weary of a parade of historical topics selected solely because they appear to have a popular appeal or relevance.
74, According to current theories, all of this is entirely predictable, depending solely upon the distance the Earth is from the Sun.
75, Its buildings were earmarked by the kind of architectural appendages that seemed solely designed for attractive brochure photography.
75, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
76, This was the most important feature of the breed's decline from grace, since it was bred solely for work.
77, Discomfort is easier to ignore if the person is occupied, and appears worse when attention is focused solely upon it.
78, This process demonstrates that your organization has successfully produced something of quality or value solely through its own expertise and resources.
79, Once the private car and Tokimo were put solely at the disposition of Amy, Amelia, and Muriel.
80, We hope that primary prevention of attempted suicide will not continue to be solely a focus for conjecture.
81, The engine was started and run solely on gasifier-produced gas and employed another ingenious hybrid device as a speed regulator.
82, It is said that from that day forth, he was solely nourished by the Holy Eucharist.
83, According to Tretorn, this confirms its continued commitment to grass roots tennis, of which the Trust is also, solely committed.
84, From 1927 onwards, the objective was no longer solely not to be a loser by achieving bourgeois academic success.
85, Or will the business plan pressures for the hard news sections be solely on the side of generating readership?
86, This huge expansion was by no means carried out solely by governments of the left.
87, And if he does, is it solely for the purposes of vilification?
88, Is it solely of value to the industrial laboratory chemist?
89, Arguably the indirect consular channel, like the modes of transmission still to be noted, is solely a creature of conventions.
90, Ordinarily, when we purchase a piece of machinery, we judge its worth solely according to the service it provides us.
91, We are told that irresponsible women get pregnant solely to reinforce their gender identity.
92, Some people perceive moving together solely as a method for guides and their parties, and ignore it completely.
93, First, most balance theorists do not hold that governments are motivated solely by the acquisition and exercise of power.
94, A special period should be set aside solely for the purpose of carrying out an inspection.
95, A small cluster of national agencies exists solely to service the local federations and their programs.
96, Firstly, it is time to accept that television viewers are now totally multi-channel orientated, no longer staying with one channel solely.
97, Convection occurs when too much heat is present at depth to be conveyed upwards solely by thermal conduction.
98, The professional also learns quickly not to rely solely upon personal qualities and a limited collection of instructional materials.
99, IIb produces only luxury goods which are consumed solely by the capitalists.
100, It is justified solely as an adjunct to the legislative process.
101, Even the guides solely dedicated un shopping are feeling the strain.
102, Concern is that a development district would create an independent government that could be controlled solely by a private developer.
103, Whereas the endangered species listing is determined solely upon scientific data, economics play a role in deciding critical habitat.
104, He says Harwell has now expanded from dealing solely with the field of nuclear physics.
105, We want them to emerge solely as a result of cumulative selection of random mutations.
105, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
106, While at Stanford, Wender interned for various community organizations and realized there were few services solely for disadvantaged or in-crisis children.
107, Despite being so ubiquitous, until now they've been solely a male preserve.
108, When the cause of deafness is not solely in the outer and/or middle ear, high frequencies are likely to be affected.
109, To observe searching behaviour solely at the catalogue may provide a distorted picture of the task in hand.
110, The latter is established partly because of the expertise it can develop, and this expertise is not related solely to fact finding.
111, Some lawmakers want to repeal that measure and order the Fed to focus solely on fighting inflation.
112, You will be choosing the organization and then selling yourself to them, rather than relying solely upon answering newspaper advertisements.
113, Placido Domingo will release an album that deals solely with the topics of losing your job and your girl.
114, In an economic system coordinated solely by markets there is no guarantee that what is produced can be sold.
115, Budgetary procedure Prior to 1975, power over the budget was vested solely in the Council of Ministers.
116, Simply implementing the Directive by means of a statutory instrument would result in yet another regime relating solely to consumer contracts.
117, Understanding is not conveyed solely through clear diction but has a lot to do with the language used.
118, In the Hayekian view justice is solely to do with the rules of the game.
119, The problem of time in primary classrooms does not arise solely from external pressures.
120, The Revenue has also indicated that past years will not be re-examined solely as a result of the decision.
121, Secondly, the competition of economic theory is cast solely in terms of price competition and narrowly defined profit maximisation.
122, Yet the current view is also that explanation involves an appeal to causal laws and not solely to generalizations.
123, The widespread collapse into an enervated self can not be attributed solely to the economic and social problems of our day.
124, But it was not solely the irregular Hutu extremist forces and the Mayi-Mayi that persecuted the civilian population.
125, The law should not be concerned with solely economic factors.
126, And somehow-not solely by osmosis, either-we began acquiring that degree of skill and energy and initiative of quick intelligence.
127, One type of query refers solely to the absolute or relative locational properties of the spatial entities.
128, But he never made changes solely for their publicity value.
129, He argues that Marxist accounts assume that the phenomenon occurs solely due to the needs of corporations and their owners.
130, The conventional view of poverty is based solely on the distribution of net incomes.
131, But the argument over financial modernization need not be strained solely through that narrow funnel.
132, At Kidd's arrival Clive and Stokes concentrated solely on executive search, but it has since undertaken organisational consulting assignments.
133, This joint commitment moves away from the idea of loyalty solely to a single school and from the idea of out-and-out competition.
134, It would be most unwise at present to rely solely on luminescence interpretations of geological phenomena.
135, New Jersey had a balanced budget when Whitman took office,(http:///solely.html) allowing her to concentrate solely on paying for the tax cuts.
136, But it thinks that to rely solely on market forces is a messy way of reining in a big borrower.
137, The political imperatives are those choices faced by states, either solely or in alliance with others.
138, The decision to employ contractors is made rarely solely on economic grounds.
139, The result is that a large proportion of the elderly are solely dependent on the basic state pension, with supplementary benefit.
140, He consequently had to remain solely on his own surface, looking outward for sustenance.
141, Breeding and hatching dates were planned solely for the Christmas market when up to two million birds would be sold.
142, Any problems that the partnership had resulted solely from the depression in the Southern California realty market, Delaney said.
143, This is nonsense; the lustre is solely the result of the chemical washing.
144, These issues can not be seen solely through a domestic lens.
145, It would be very bizarre if I was respected solely because of these awards.
146, Previously they would have lost benefit solely for the one day on which they earned above the limit.
147, The loss of confidence in the mid-1970s is usually put down solely to the oil crisis.
148, This finding warns us against concluding that women get into heroin and sustain regular use solely because of male associations and partnerships.
149, Unlike most land plants, aquatic plants are not dependent solely on nutrition obtained through the root system.
150, Large numbers of executives base their business decisions solely on opinions.
151, Democracy cannot consist solely of elections that are nearly always fictitious and managed by rich landowners and professional politicians. Che Guevara 
152, Lawyers who act solely for defendants in medical negligence will have no need to be on the panel.
153, The elements of national life which were consistent with the new world order were solely cultural, not political or economic.
154, Chinese Peptide Company (CPC in short) is a solely foreign invested enterprise that is dedicated to custom peptide synthesis, large scale cGMP production, and pharmaceutical intermediates.
155, I want to liberate my universe of its phantoms and to people it solely with flesh-and-blood truths whose presence I cannot deny.
156, A zero coupon bond generally increases in value as it approaches maturity, and the return comes solely from its appreciation.
157, Both "profit-making" and "policy" is a solely state-owned company, different from the general commercial company's main features.
158, The unprecedented coziness that once existed between the Justice Department and the White House now remains solely in the person of Gonzales.
159, One segment of the course was dedicated solely to mycology , which is the study of fungi.
160, Objective To evaluate the clinical value of prosthetic disc nucleus (PDN-solo) replacement for lumbar disc herniation by comparing it with traditional solely discectomy.
161, When I began working for Steve Mills in IBM Software Group [SWG], I spent the first three years focused solely on IBM's application development business.
162, Objective To investigate the toxic effects of Zinc gluconate and Manganous chloride which were used solely and together to oppose the toxicity of silica on alveolar macrophage.
163, The East Indiaman was not solely designed for trading purposes though, these ships were well armed to defend themselves.
164, This year, Hilton Bejing is the solely appointed hotel for the 2007 Beijing NineGates International Jazz Festival.
165, Formed in 1966, the company specializes solely in manufacturing caskets and urns made out of high-impact styrene plastic.
166, Methods 66 chronic hepatitis B patients solely received ozone therapy by combining major ozone autohaemotherapy(AHT) and rectal insufflation of oxygen-ozone(RI).
167, One common misconception many have about a warm standby configuration is that a warm standby machine is a waste of resource when solely dedicated to recovery operations.
168, Roscosmos would be willing to build a new Soyuz space capsule solely for tourist flights to the space station, Mr. Davydov said, but only if an independent group helped fund the new capsule.
169, Draeger Medical Equipment (Shanghai) Company Limited (DME) is an enterprise solely invested by Draeger Medical Joint Stock Company Limited.
170, The upper 'viewing' lens is solely for composing and has a reflex mirror which projects the image upwards to a horizontal ground glass shielded by a chimney stack hood.
171, What are the regulations on foreign investor's proportion in a jointly invested or solely foreign - funded enterprise?
172, But we cannot relegate computer games to the cesspit of pop culture solely on the evidence of the current crop of games.
173, We cannot sustain a system that bleeds billions of taxpayer dollars on programmes that have outlived their usefulness, or exist solely because of the power of a politician, lobbyist or interest group.
174, The TOC message can be broadcasted, solely or alternating with DGNSS message, over one Loran C channel.
175, As one intellectual instrument it is really ideal product to form a complete set with schlieren, shadower and other optical instruments. It can be used solely ast...
176, In combination with other conventional means of reducing energy demand, it is claimed that the whole building could be heated solely with TIMs.
177, Due to the intermittency of solar energy supply, projects based solely on the solar thermal power generation system can be very expensive with low availability and low return of income.
178, The dis-aggregation of price components is required solely for the purpose of facilitating the comparison of bids by the Purchaser.
179, One common misconception many have about an idle standby configuration is that the idle standby machine is a waste of resource when solely dedicated to recovery operations.
180, Zhoushan Branch is a subsidiary corporation solely owned by Zhejiang telecom co. , ltd, with Putuo, Daishan and Shengsi as its three sub-branches.
181, "This would be the first practical, roadworthy car that could run on solely renewable energy, " he said.
182, Furniture was such a successful aspect of the business that IKEA became solely a furniture company in 1951.
183, Liu Mou says to others: "The son of our alcalde is likely, do not th ink over he can use water of right leg hold up solely, actually their foot simultaneously hold up, more in high spirits."
184, No solely foreign-funded human resources intermediary service agency shall be established for the present time.
185, I remember one chill day's evening chow that consisted solely of warmed-over boiled potatoes, gummy macaroni, and milk that had been kept next to something less tasty in the refrigerator.
186, The control effect of the mixed use of V. lecanii and pesticides on L. erysimi was better than that of solely using conidium liquid and diluted chemical pesticides.
187, Too many analysts work solely in abstract model-land with limited constraints to drive their analysis.
188, Notice that some of the discussion will also be pertinent to cases where you have text, comments, and processing instructions as siblings of elements, but this discussion focuses solely on elements.
189, The above video was shot solely from the Teide National Park on Tenerife in the Canary Islands of Spain, off the north west coast of Africa.
190, Instead of estimating jerkiness based solely on frame rate or motion activity, the number of consecutive dropped frames forms a basic estimation unit.
191, The actual computation example shows that the optimal sampling frequency locations are found to be independent of the system response, and solely depend on the nature of the excitation.
192, Institutional ratio: The ratio between Bank subscriptions authorized solely in general capital increases and IMF quotas obtained solely from general quota increases.
193, The flower solely grows out from a patch of gravel, not the soil of the grassy field, which brings feelings of unyieldingness and loneliness to me.
194, Home-made bread smells of something more than bread, and home-baked potato smelled the solely taste of potato: earthy and baked.
195, Article 2: For the purposes of these Provisions, the term "money market Fund" means a Fund that invests solely in money market instruments.
195, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
196, As the ideograph system monitored solely by the writer, fictional craft has managed to retain its marked features in the popular culture market.
197, Black box testing is executed without technical knowledge of the underlying code and performed solely by executing the compiled application.
198, But make no mistake: This cannot solely be America's endeavor.
199, Many seem to regard human rights solely in terms of the guarantees they afford us as individuals: underwriting, as it were, the moral and cultural solipsism of the "me generation".
200, Your bank balance depends entirely on your salary but your happiness balance depends solely on you.
201, Treatment solely on the basis of symptoms should only be considered when a parasitological diagnosis is not possible.
202, If road construction goes on solely at night more truck traffic will take place during the day, further slowing their commutes.
203, Her target was solely the marranos, "converts" who were suspected of still practising their "heathen rites" under the cloak of Catholic piety.
204, This conviction was based solely on the atomic nature of radioactivity.
205, They are not due solely to a cyclical downturn in growth but to long-term commitments such as pensions, Social Security and health care.
206, The carrier, shipowner, charterer or master will deliver the goods at the port of destination not solely to the named consignee, but to any person designated by him.
207, Normally the choice accuses high power thyratron to regard the semiconductor that controls this kind of tall voltage and electric current as component solely.
208, For many animals, the sex of an individual is dictated solely by its chromosomes. But for small alpine lizards, gender isn’t so cut-and-dried.
209, Actually, with the collapse of the country, local people survive solely by fishing and deer hunting.
210, In doing this he trusted solely to 'instinctive guidance, ' as he called it, and not to any hints or clews obtained through the senses.
211, Class I : HUMAN-POWERED AIRCRAFT -An aerodyne which takes off and remains airborne using solely the muscular energy of one or more persons on board.
212, Liverpool will then have to rely solely on a change of rules by UEFA should they win the final but finish out of the top four in the Premiership.
213, The Sasquatch phenomenon was never solely focused on the idea of a single creature, and people have always considered there might be a breeding colony.
214, It is amazing that the difference in odor is attributable solely to a difference in chirality of the carvone in the two oils.
215, Because every map element solely correlates a second characteristic value, the map element can be expressed as a generalized isoline or isoplane of second characteristic value.
216, Given that Craigslist initially started as an e-mail distribution list, it was indeed marketed solely through word of mouth – if you can even call it "marketed".
217, The promisee shall grant an exclusive right to the Organizing Committee to publish the entry in any manner, at any time, and in any place or occasion solely decided by the Organizing Committee.
218, You mentioned a market survey? I take it that referred solely to your home market?
219, The voice frequency authoring software also needs to be installed in the system, and the computer solely to product the program.
220, If the containers are repetitively used solely for the same BPC, all previous lot numbers, or the entire label, should be removed or completely obliterated.
221, Draeger Medical Equipment Company Limited is an enterprise solely invested by Draeger Medical Joint Stock Company Limited.
222, Hughton was appointed assistant boss last week and Mort confirmed that it was solely Keegan's decision.
223, Do you ever leave a gift unopened, or at least value your gifts less solely because they're gifts?
224, However, if you implement Lean WM , inventory management takes place solely at storage location level.




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