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单词 Steer
1 You row and I'll steer.
2 You steer and I'll push.
3 I have to steer by him; he's my boss.
4 Try to steer the light boat to the big ship so that we can be picked up.
5 It took Mary weeks learning how to steer into the garage.
6 We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don't want to work hard to accomplish these things.
7 Try to steer the light boat towards the big ship so that we can be picked up.
8 It takes a skilled pilot to steer the ship through.
9 Jack dabbed his rope on the steer.
10 His parents warned him to steer clear of trouble.
11 His doctor advised him to steer clear of alcohol.
12 They warned their children to steer clear of drugs.
13 Managers were allowed to steer their own course.
14 Helen tried to steer the conversation away from herself.
15 This car is very easy to steer.
16 Try to steer the boat for the harbor.
17 Schools no longer steer girls towards arts subjects.
18 Father tried to steer Jim into becoming a musician.
19 The rabbis try to steer clear of political questions.
20 If you push the car(),[] I'll steer it.
21 Jo tried to steer clear of political issues.
22 Teachers try to steer pupils away from drugs.
23 The fan's feelings finally became impossible to steer.
24 The government chose to steer a middle course between the two strategies .
25 He will steer a middle course between pacifism and revolution.
26 We barbecued a steer.
27 I can steer you to the best hotel in the city.
28 It will be difficult to steer a middle course between the competing claims of the two sides in the conflict.
29 I'm trying to lose weight so I have to steer clear of fattening foods.
30 Lieutenant Campbell ordered the man at the wheel to steer for the gunboat.
1 You row and I'll steer.
2 It took Mary weeks learning how to steer into the garage.
3 I'm trying to lose weight so I have to steer clear of fattening foods.
4 Lieutenant Campbell ordered the man at the wheel to steer for the gunboat.
5 It takes a skilled pilot to steer the ship through.
6 Try to steer the boat for the harbor.
7 Father tried to steer Jim into becoming a musician.
8 If you push the car, I'll steer it.
9 It's no use trying to steer the boy into a course of action that suits you.
10 Don't worry about the difficulties of selling the house; our lawyer will steer you through.
11 Have the nautical chart at your fingertips, and you'll be able to steer your ship.
12 The chairman was able to steer the committee towards a decision.
31 You are perfectly correct in trying to steer your mother towards increased independence.
32 Politicians are often obliged to steer a course between incompatible interests.
33 I try to steer a middle course between keeping control of the project and giving responsibility to others.
34 He tried to steer the conversation away from the topic of money.
35 Most parents try to steer a middle course between imposing very strict discipline and letting their kids run wild.
36 He managed to steer the discussion away from the subject of money.
37 Whoever recommended this software gave you a bum steer, I'm afraid.
38 Yes, your new car is very beautiful, but it's hard to steer.
38 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
39 Students need someone to steer them through the mass of courses offered to them, to choose the best ones for their needs.
40 He tried to steer her into the bedroom,but she understood his intentions and refused to move.
41 It's difficult to steer and change gear at the same time.
42 I'd like to steer our discussion back to our original topic.
43 If you're a beginner, steer clear of resorts with reputations for difficult skiing.
44 It's no use trying to steer the boy into a course of action that suits you.
45 Steer clear of the centre of town at this time of the evening.
46 When I was a kid, about six or seven, she would often let me steer the car along our driveway.
47 Don't worry about the difficulties of selling the house; our lawyer will steer you through.
48 The new government is seen as one that will steer the country in the right direction.
49 He gave us a bum steer about that restaurant - it was terrible!
50 The bicycle seemed to have a mind of its own and I couldn't steer it straight.
51 Prime Minister Hun Sen has sought to steer a course between the two groups.
52 I think a lot of people, women in particular,() steer clear of these sensitive issues.
53 Have the nautical chart at your fingertips, and you'll be able to steer your ship.
54 The main task of the new government will be to steer the country towards democracy.
55 He managed to steer the conversation away from his divorce.
56 The book tries to steer you through the maze of alternative therapies.
57 The chairman was able to steer the committee towards a decision.
58 Steer toward the left.
59 Independent travellers often steer clear of the most touristy spots.
60 She tried to steer the conversation away from the topic of marriage.
61 If you're counting calories, steer clear.
62 I tried to steer clear of them.
63 Crew members can not steer or tie knots.
64 However, I began to steer clear of such stories.
65 British politicians tend to steer clear of religious topics.
66 I should steer clear of the throw-it-all-in-a-pot philosophy, though.
67 The starters have learned to steer clear of her.
68 Answer Steer clear of these subjects.
69 Guided buses, attached to rails at their sides,[] can travel at high speeds without needing drivers to steer them.
70 After all, those who steer the boat have far more power over its destination than those who row it.
71 Over breakfast Rain would steer the conversation around to asking Tim what he was arguing about with Sabine Jourdain.
72 He watched people steer through the room, holding plates of food before them.
73 Community liaison committees tend to steer clear of contentious issues, and the agenda is usually set by the police.
74 Zbitski said the reform coalition must find a way to steer the country out of its political and economic chaos.
75 Forgiveness helps you steer round the obstacles, to grow more together.
76 They're blundering about like a ship in the fog, with no terms of reference to steer by.
77 He let Lily steer and work the gear lever and promised to teach her how to drive.
78 It may come as a pleasant surprise that a few members of Congress are attempting to steer a drastically different course.
79 Bill would simply have to steer 106 degrees and adjust for wind direction and drift.
80 Taking courage in both hands, I began to steer the fish towards the shingle beach.
81 Sometimes during the mate's watch I took the wheel and learnt to steer.
82 Steer slightly to the right as you enter the bend.
83 With a series of sharp whistles, the cowboys steer the last few stray cattle off the main highway.
84 Mr Lee grabbed his father by the arm and managed to steer him back on to the sidewalk.
85 He and a Boston friend bought a ranch in Laramie and raised sheep, then steer, on the open range.
86 Ralph, just inside the area, knocked the ball across goal for Whelan to steer it home past Moore.
87 Steer and heifer prices remained firm throughout the week, however, young bull prices weakened slightly.
88 She must steer clear of Matthew and then perhaps this ridiculous infatuation would wear off.
89 The student must be left to steer his own course between this Scylla and Charybdis.
90 I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me. Dave Barry 
91 Unless your home is totally dilapidated, steer clear of a complete redecoration prior to selling: it will arouse suspicion.
92 It's generally cheaper to steer clear of garage manufacturers' own hire purchase schemes unless the quoted APR is unusually low.
93 Floyd was going to be too drunk to steer the boat.
94 Especially today, in the current volatile climate, it is vital that leaders steer a clear and consistent course.
95 I think readers should be warned to steer clear of these fish in the future.
96 Even so, it's safe for captains to steer their courses by them.
97 The Moulin Rougestaff steer them all to their tables in the auditorium, which is lit with small pink lamps.
98 At the time I was deflated, but I have since realized that Don was giving me a star to steer by.
98 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
99 You'd best steer clear of him, Manderley, he's a nasty piece of work.
100 This, in fact, is what engineers do when they devise electronic control circuits to guide spaceships or steer robot arms.
101 Your only chance is to pull at him from the side, which may steer him away from the refuge he seeks.
102 It is hard for doctors to steer a course between everyone's different requirements.
103 So there's another guy trying to steer with a big, heavy sweep oar.
104 But those wanting to keep on the right side of the law will have to steer clear of the grape.
105 We had to steer our ship through the swift currents of the Bering Straits.
106 But within this framework, each of the three high schools in the district was allowed to steer its own course.
107 Gordon finally roused himself and tried to steer the conversation toward shallower waters.
108 To be in Hell is to drift: to be in Heaven is to steer. George Bernard Shaw 
109 According to Bragg, universities should steer a middle path between the role of monk and worker-priest.
110 Aliens do not steer themselves through space guided by the village waterworks.
111 Because of the comparative thinness of the jigsaw blade(), it is quite easy to steer it round quite tight curves.
112 He was prepared to stand watch and steer the ship for forty or fifty days or however long was necessary.
113 When the car started to swing around again, I made myself steer in the direction of the skid.
114 The only way to steer reclamation away from utter financial disaster in the Missouri Basin was to subsidize it with hydropower revenues.
115 Steer clear of the weir, safer to fish from the pier.
116 I fixed things, I caught wild steer, I tied knots, I rode cattle, and so on.
117 I usually steer a middle course which avoids both waste and effort.
118 Mire Secondly, Pache's style does not lend any air of the dynamism needed to steer Bull out of its current mire.
119 The ability to steer is particularly important today, with the emergence of a global economy.
120 It has chosen to steer a middle course between them rather than undertake a strategic review.
121 The wheelbarrow seemed to want to shake me off like a steer at a rodeo.
122 In other words, traditional governments get so preoccupied with rowing that they forget to steer.
123 Managers must steer a middle course between political correctness and political babble.
124 She was ignoring it because now she had to steer into the black mouth of the shell and right down its throat.
125 Mrs Cresson will nevertheless need all her negotiating skills to steer her bills through parliament.
126 All the inverts that you are considering are suitable over the long term, but do steer clear of hard corals.
127 After Philip, I decided to steer away from accountants, word processors, and other office workers.
128 He and Chris tried to steer a middle course during the ritual of drinks before dinner and the meal that followed.
128 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
129 With a certain amount of ingenuity she can even use the balloon to steer herself by pointing it in various directions.
130 Each time you should apply side-strain and try to steer him away from them.
131 Friends had warned Mitchum to steer clear of this hustler, but they became close friends.
132 The re-entry path was flown automatically by the on-board computer using the command module's thrusters to steer.
133 The developer, Marlin Estates, spent £19m on Wisley and decided to steer clear of ancillary activities and concentrate on golf.
134 Highest price steer per kilo 148.5, R. Jones, Cae Isaf.
135 Healthy fears block the path to failure, while unhealthy fears steer organizations away from growth and success.
136 But he said nothing to steer the reporters away from Haldeman, as he had with Colson.
137 There are plenty of similar products, but steer clear of Go!
138 We need to support teachers in their efforts to steer our children in this direction.
139 Whatever information you can send me to help steer me on to a path to a more rewarding career would be most appreciated.
140 Whenever this happens, the onus is on you to control the call and steer the conversation to a successful conclusion.
141 With the New Year legislation, many drivers have have been making a New Year resolution to steer clear of trouble.
142 Maybe he was just trying to steer the conversation away from Theresa.
143 Rudders behind the propellers work in concert with the swivelling nozzles to steer the hovercraft.
144 As Erica Macdonald admits, it did not take much to make the girls steer away.
145 Steer clear of heavy, creamy products which leave hair flat and lifeless.
146 All through the night we steer Across the ocean deep.
147 Novice enthusiasts in London should steer towards the Trafalgar Rowing Centre.
148 Then we were supposed to steer the conversation to a safer topic.
149 He would cling on to the craft and try to steer it.
150 Under such intellectual pressures captains need a degree in mathematics to steer their teams towards winning totals or targets.
151 It was not easy to steer a course between absolute pacifism and revolutionary violence.
152 One example of a grower who has one is Paul Steer, farming 350ha of sandy / clay loam in North Lincs.
153 George Deukejian urged the candidate to steer clear of the issue, which he considers divisive.
154 Engineers are still trying to steer the craft into the correct path.
155 Maybe there was a valid reason to steer Udal away from the notebooks.
156 The Doctor said it was a miracle that the pilot had managed to steer the plane down at all.
157 Still, she thought she would try to steer him away from bacon and toward yogurt.
158 At the four corners of the block were bronzed steer skulls, and the front of the block showed a sailing ship.
158 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
159 In the truck he sat on my lap, helping me steer.
160 He immediately queried the instructions and eventually they gave him a new course to steer.
161 Sharp tugs at the Calibra's wheel show that torque steer is definitely present when going hard through the lower gears.
162 The intent is to steer these students toward enrollment despite the regents' desire for a color-blind admissions policy.
163 He told her and went back to steer Grace away from harm.
164 Tonight, however, she was keen to steer the conversation round to the subject of Hugh Puddephat.
165 It can help us to steer a steady course through life.
166 That said, it's free from torque steer and is very accurate.
167 Steer them away from attacking other individuals in terms of personalities.
168 Charles consumed most of the Valpolicella and tried to steer the conversation away from anything to do with Marius Steen.
169 To steer her mind off the goings-on in Guy's bedroom, she found her drawing things and began sketching.
170 These kinds of beliefs invariably steer the organization away from the measures it needs to take in times of crisis.
171 That steer is fleshing out well.
172 We began to steer away westerly.
173 Again taking ship, South by East if you steer.
174 To take the helm of; steer or direct.
175 Here on basic up bring forth having pertinency steer down chirp measure, keeping motorcycle ride speeding up noise marked reduce.
176 Many of her stories deal with a long life, which started happily and then had to steer through Spain's vicious Civil War and the long years of dictatorship by General Francisco Franco which followed.
177 You will need to steer the bike with body English. Keep your feet to the outside of the pedals and apply pressure to each pedal accordingly.
178 Taking a short stroll _ when she felt up for it _ required the help of four people, at least one of whom would steer the photocopier-sized machine that was the external part of the pumping devices.
179 Residents in Lynchburg, Virginia managed to catch a steer that escaped Tuesday, luring the animal in with a bucket of food. Two others are still on the loose.
180 Our author makes sure that you'll truly experience the spirit of aloha, and she'll help you steer clear of anything that's overpriced, touristy, or inauthentic .
181 In this paper, we use artificial fields to steer and control the steering angle and derive a linear velocity control law to guarantee the optimal convergent trajectory.
182 Her advice is to steer clear of commission, or cash-in-hand jobs, many of which are exploitative.
183 They're in 4 - H ; that's why they're at the Illinois State Fair. Showing Carolyn's steer.
184 To that end, you should avoid using big words, steer clear of run-on sentences, and avoid any unclear phrasing.
185 The roper's intent is to make the steer sustain a sufficiently violent fall and subsequent dragging to stun him.
186 The set off imprimis of newly married living quarters should consider completely and steer overall design sur the air space dimension, light, ambient atmosphere.
187 It plans to submit the missive to the National People's Congress, an annual conclave starting 5 March that will help steer the government's work plan for the coming year.
188 The effects of the recycling and reuse of chrome tannins effluent, based on the saved chrome tanning process, were examined for the preparation of wet blue in making soft type leather from steer hide.
188 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
189 Advocates for healthful eating have long tried to steer Americans away from highly processed foods that contain dozens of unnatural and unpronounceable ingredients.
190 By adopting case studies and topical history research, we try to achieve breakthroughs in research perspective and methods, and to steer communization researches in China.
191 Chaparejos, or chaps, served a valuable purpose when a cowboy had to chase after a steer into a patch of thorny mesquite.
192 Many low ratio especially the coder of rate assume to take as unit to steer encode.
193 Improving driver's steer is cared by the traffic department and carrying company.
194 The squirrel can steer somewhat by moving its wrists and adjusting the tautness of its patagium.
195 Cuban cowboy tries to wrestle down a steer during the 12th Boyeros Cattleman 's Fair in Havana, Mar. 25, 2007.
196 Massachusetts Institute of Technology doctoral physicist Charles Zhang, 33, for example, is trying to steer Beijing away from the heavy-handed state planning used by South Korea and Japan.
197 To tighten policy, the Monetary Authority of Singapore said it will steer its tightly managed currency -- the Singapore dollar -- to a stronger level by resetting an important currency trading band.
198 The parents mean well; they are trying to steer their sonsdaughters toward a secure future.
199 In addition to an immigrant-heavy working class, the capital has a lot of affluent professionals, who may be unusually keen to steer their children away from mind-altering chemicals.
200 Since leaving Anfield and heading for Turin, Aquilani has managed to steer clear of injury and rediscover his form at the Delle Alpi.
201 Meanwhile, steer clear of tapered leg openings or a wide bell-bottomed look.
202 ABS can prevent wheel lock-up, reduce the total braking distance as far as possible, increase vehicle stability, and maintain steer ability even in case of all-out braking.
203 just keep your wits about you and steer clear of the concrete jungle that entangles Tokyo's barely beating heart.
204 Why can we land men on the moon with pinpoint accuracy, yet fail to steer our economy away from the rocks?
205 His name was Martin Luther King Jr., and the same inimitable public speaking style that catapulted King to the top at the Crozer Theological Seminary would also steer the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
206 But at present the majority of agricultural tractor still selected this method to steer, most typically was the tracked combine.
207 My hand cupped his elbow to steer him, but he stepped forward unfalteringly, his shoulders squared, his head high, as though he were guiding me.
208 Massachusetts Institute of Technology doctoral physicist Charles Zhang, 33, for example, is trying to steer Beijing away from the heavy-handed state planning used by South KoreaJapan.
209 A longhorn steer attended, as did an armadillo named Scooter.
210 In my relatively free versions of some of Transtr?mer's poems I have attempted to steer a middle ground between Lowell's rangy, risk-taking rewritings and the traditional, strictly literal approach.
211 The roper then flips the rope over the right side of the steer, while turning his galloping horse to the left.
212 This example demonstrates the two main dangers, the Scylla and Charybdis . Between which we must steer to gain innovations for art.
213 When a vampire bat latches onto, say, a steer, it needs to keep the blood flowing from the puncture made by its teeth.
214 Since many people do not recognize the difference between the two types of peppers, jalapeno and Serrano, experts are advising people to steer clear of both.
215 The second and least important, but the one which produces most pub talk is the camber angle, or lean angle. Steer and camber are the ones which wear tyres.
216 Cutty Sark rolled from side to side and it became impossible to steer her.
217 As overseer of the largest mortgage bond portfolio in the world, the central bank itself has indicated it wants to steer clear of selling agency MBS outright, at least for now.
218 Residents in Lynchburg, Virginia managed to catch a steer that escaped Tuesday, luring the animal in with a bucket of food.
219 Steer lock instrument was developed for endurance cycle test of the steer lock.
220 It also says it will steer the economy away from export-led growth towards domestic demand.
221 Another research group aimed to allow a pilot to steer the rocket and eject just before it reached its target — a veritable suicide mission.
222 There are also a few foods that I personally steer away from, like lunch meat.
223 Feeding the steering wheel hand-to-hand is a very safe way to steer a car.
224 Steerability : The ability to steer a parachute away from an obstacle, or to face oneself into the wind, would be an evident advantage.
225 To treasure your life, you should steer your own fortune's wheel without yielding to others.
226 Likewise, most large businesses steer clear of the grass-roots organizations, because those entities are not allowed to provide official receipts for tax deductions.
227 What's the difference in Stainless steer classification between ISO and GB?
228 Keep in line and steer to the light for anchorage.
229 In case they are tempted to renege, there will be thousands of European officials present - and, as a back-up,(http:///steer.html) Nato troops - to steer them back to the path of virtue.
230 Li Li Chun still gave an account that ten remaining rises in the battlement ward of HengYang City to steer the sin truth of crary expilare.
231 Abnormality shape assembly mark:Can steer sur the guest type meticulous assorting, make each other form intimate of small atmosphere.




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