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单词 Programming
1. He has not much experience in programming.
2. The special TV report disrupted regular programming.
3. Programming the video is simplicity itself.
4. Computer programming needs someone with a logical mind.
5. There are some programming errors that need correction.
6. Programming really isn't my field - you'd better ask Phil.
7. Regular programming was preempted by a report on the war.
8. The study investigates the impact of violent TV programming on children.
9. Firstly, programming of cardiovascular disease may continue during infancy.
10. It would also run on the Java programming language.
11. Maternal nutrition may be an important influence on programming.
12. No creature ever deviates from its instinctive mental programming.
13. The advertising agency and the ratings drive programming.
14. Today television networks face increasing competition from cable programming.
15. In terms of programming, sports immediately comes to mind.
16. A programming language used to develop application software.
17. I didn't realize programming the VCR would be so complicated.
18. The use of linear programming as an aid to decision making when allocating scarce investment funds has been widely advocated.
19. This team carries out information-related analysis and programming for all teaching and non-teaching departments.
20. This seems to imply that care programming has been considered and dismissed as redundant in view of prevailing systems of mental health care.
21. The Winter Olympics received over 160 hours of television programming.
22. He entered into a technical explanation about software and programming.
23. Broadcasts to a limited audience begin today, while expanded programming starts on April 15.
24. Widely used around the world, A86 is the number one comprehensive assembly language programming system.
25. I think the market will be increasingly excited about wireless communication in general,(http://) which could include direct-broadcast satellite programming.
26. They find it useful to know where, in a million lines of group-written programming code, the areas of churn are.
27. If you are an experienced computer programmer, please try to forget your coding experience, because no programming is required.
28. For that reason, Apple broke tradition and did not include a programming language along with the machine.
29. The decision to go down the Windows route was largely down to his insistence that it would offer greater programming flexibility.
30. But I was not of that age, had no desire to learn programming languages, and had undergone game aversion therapy.
1. He has not much experience in programming.
2. There are some programming errors that need correction.
31. The first real managerial position might be as project manager, programming supervisor, systems supervisor, or software manager.
32. The project was funded by the Alvey Programme as part of the Logic Programming initiative.
33. First, such programming draws huge audiences, which suggests that people are interested in both the subject matter and the subjects.
34. Independent software vendors who have developer kits say knowing Windows programming makes migration relatively straight forward.
35. The year includes the presentation of a methodical approach to programming and contact with different programming environments.
36. We apparently have been desensitized and need to increase our awareness of the effects violent programming can have.
37. It had been Adam, too, who had broached the subject of a new computer programming system for the business.
38. In the entire home entertainment area, the key element is the notion of customer control over programming.
39. For other developers there's an application programming interface that gives access to the lock manager.
40. Although in theory Postscript could be viewed as a general purpose programming language, it is strongly biassed towards visual representation.
41. Aside from Tarantino, the decade also brings a serious decline in repertory programming and opportunities for importing foreign films.
42. But the advent of almost universal programming in high-level languages alters the requirements of a computer's instruction set.
43. Programming Director Ron Semiao cast about for ideas by browsing through specialty magazines devoted to skating, rock climbing and bicycling.
44. Diller reportedly is trying to build a national network of television stations that would offer sports and entertainment programming.
45. Even re-recorded, the disc was ignored by radio types who had long stopped programming Merle Haggard and George Jones.
46. We suggest that this is further evidence that cardiovascular disease originates through programming in fetal life and infancy.
47. Before long, the firm acquired a reputation as a top provider of programming and debugging services.
48. Some high technology products require a tremendous amount of computer programming during the design phase.
49. One can only surmise that this arrangement was for the programming convenience of the television station which covered the matches.
50. It runs under Windows 3.0 and combines Axxiom's 700 series data systems with a mouse-driven graphic interface for programming and editing.
51. It concluded that international matches should be the pre-eminent parameter to fixture programming.
52. It will also use ObjectStore to recognise code[], data and objects written in different programming languages.
53. Its activities cover programming, installation and maintenance, staff training, desktop publishing as well as graphic art and video production.
54. Sixty practitioners were interviewed about the theory and practice of care programming.
55. The best-known example is Java, a programming language from Sun Microsystems that can bring web pages to life.
55. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
56. This is a practical guide to real-time programming, the programs provided having been tested and proved.
57. The algebraic approach to programming language semantics has several features to recommend it.
58. Uniplex says it will provide application programming interfaces and gateways between onGO and its existing software to insure migration and coexistence.
59. Lotus also expects to publish the application programming interface for Notes to encourage software development.
60. Microsoft and Sun, of Palo Alto, are sparring over the Java programming language.
61. It's a high-level application programming interface that sits on a Unix-based personal computer equipped with call processing hardware.
62. Digital signals can be compressed to take up less space, leaving room for additional programming.
63. Much of the software currently in use is based upon virtually extinct programming languages that hardly anyone understands any more.
64. But this was not the only series that fed on viewers' appetite for nostalgic programming.
65. In some instances, familiarity with special estimation software or programming skills may be useful.
66. Being written in different programming languages, there was no literal similarity between the programs.
67. Perhaps they will find more inspiration from schoolteachers and biologists than from textbooks on programming.
68. In this limited way care programming can be used to set targets and measure progress in developing mental health services.
69. The upgrade also includes a single-function application programming interface to help developers add HyperHelp to their applications.
70. In broadcasting - not a priority issue for the General - the state monopoly of both transmissions and programming was reaffirmed.
71. This technique has had a great deal of impact in computer programming where it in systems analysis and design.
72. That might be some guarantee of bigger, better, more varied and more daring programming.
73. Although some prior knowledge of programming and/or statistics is an advantage, it is not a prerequisite for the course.
74. And cable operators are doing all they can to get the government to prevent phone companies from carrying video programming.
75. The law calls for the government to establish programming standards unless the industry devises its own after one year.
76. Technically the task of the programme designer is made easier by the use of training skills and declarative programming languages.
77. We decided to provide broadcasters temporarily with the spectrum needed to air programming simultaneously in both analog and digital formats.
78. Buse said the broadcasters could have made the switch to digital programming with only one-third the spectrum they were actually awarded.
79. The first programming to utilize race music was aimed at attracting black listeners to a particular product.
80. The same applies to systems programming, catering, management training, publicity, security arid many other key activities.
81. The biggest visible changes will probably be seen in television programming.
82. They can also be utilised in programming work including network analysis and critical path.
83. The proposed new lineup also drops Comedy Central, which often helps channel surfers flee the tedium of network programming.
84. Some try to gloss over weak programming with slick packaging.
85. The reflective process often involves work in other curriculum areas, be it discussion, writing, artwork,(http:///programming.html) computer programming.
86. This was narrowly avoided by producing a new programming scheme, involving local sponsorship as the future funders of individual exhibitions.
87. This suggests that the mechanisms which constrain fetal growth to prevent maternal-fetal disproportion do not effect long term programming of cardiovascular disease.
88. It took several years before we were able to reinstate a comprehensive schedule of public affairs programming on public television.
89. Sun's hope of attracting software developers is pinned on its Teleservices Programming Interface.
90. Much of what is often praised in broadcasting is there because of a regulatory structure which encourages diversity in programming.
91. This requires integration between the systems that are programming my driving behaviour and those programming my speech.
92. Gay, 32, is director of community relations for NetNoir, an AOLsponsored company that promotes and develops Afrocentric programming.
93. Techniques such as object oriented design and structured programming will have to be followed to conform to engineering practice.
94. Interfacing of object-oriented programming languages to databases and expert systems.
95. A prolonged period of family life permits the growing offspring to add individual learning experiences to their inborn behaviour programming.
96. She defends the charges, saying they were necessary for Oxygen to finance a schedule of new programming.
97. This does not present the same barrier to pupils use of algebraic ideas within computer programming environments.
98. Prospective physical geographers should take basic courses in calculus, physics, chemistry, engineering, modern biology, and computer programming.
99. They expect to be net importers of a variety of items - varying from computers to television programming.
100. We use this metaphor to characterize local authorities' responses to care programming.
101. They intend to give us some notion of what they are when they roll out the application programming interface in 90 days.
102. Now she was set to make a go of her programming business, and nothing was going to stop her.
103. Clearly, if care programming aims to prevent people from becoming lost to services, it needs to be fairly all-inclusive.
104. Will local authority employees on community mental health teams operate care management while their colleagues operate care programming?
105. I progressed happily through differential equations and linear algebra to upper-level engineering courses on time-series analysis and computer programming.
106. Another characteristic of the industry is that larger MSOs often may have financial interests in cable networks and programming they carry.
107. Instead of being enchanted, we inevitably become disenchanted with programming which only offers a choice between formulaic sitcoms or worthless docusoaps.
108. I understand that there are mitigating circumstances, programming complications, contracts, etc.
109. A cable system has two types of customers-advertisers and consumers who subscribe to a package of programming offered by the cable operator.
110. The Government said it would widen choice for viewers and listeners, safeguard quality programming and bring greater competition and efficiency.
111. Humanities scholars learned how to write their own programs, as programming languages became easier to master.
112. Constraint-based programming is an artificial intelligence technique which finds the optimum way to allocate means and resources.
113. It also examines the relation between care management and care programming and raises some questions about future developments in the light of community care reforms.
114. Mac applications should run in an X-Window on any PowerOpen application programming interface-compliant implementation on a PowerPC system.
115. They gain wide experience of different types of hardware and many varied programming languages.
116. All instruments,(http:///programming.html) programming and engineering fees are included in the hourly rate of £16.
117. It is essential, therefore, that an experienced teacher of reading is directly involved at all stages of programming.
118. The translation to a more portable programming language is also important for compatibility with the other modules of the recognition system.
119. Perhaps the most important change in Netscape Version 2 is its ability to run programs written in the Java programming language.
120. To deal with that issue, Java was deliberately crippled as a programming language.
121. Java is a programming language that Sun unveiled last year.
122. There will be improvements in logical design and in programming technique.
123. But what really makes the experience universal is a crucial yet unseen element: music programming.
124. Equational Programming Language (EP) is a novel intelligence language.
125. The modular programming was adopted in all processing system.
126. No programming knowledge required to run this website.
127. Mathematical Implication of AND Instruction in Assembly Language Programming.
128. Programming is the ultimate moving target.
129. The MapReduce programming mode was developed at Google.
130. Strictly speaking, the E programming language is a dynamically typed functional programming language, not a framework.
131. The communication program used for communication between pocket computer and instrument with HART protocol and its programming are introduced.
132. Secondly, a goal programming model is established and the weight vector of interval numbers complementary judgment matrix is obtained by solving the model.
133. It differs from a program when concurrent programming techniques are used for coding the program. In such a case many processes can execute a program or a part of a program.
134. Due to the ladder diagram is not a structured object-oriented programming language; it is will be difficult for the development of complex real-time control systems.
135. Then it describes the process of its design and implementation, including the graphical language programming, the program optimization and debugs, and the communication which uses PC I/O interface.
136. Over the last three years, the IRF Office has managed over $10 million of the Human Rights and Democracy Fund spread over 15 programs, to support religious freedom programming around the world.
137. In chapter three we introduce the dual linear programming theory with fuzzy parameters, link the fuzzy matrix game with dual linear programming theory, and give the methods to solve the game.
138. When programming with incremental value, in radial direction, the displacement of two times the actual value, and the enclosed said direction signs (omit the positive).
139. Gremlin is a Turing Complete programming language useful for working with graphs.
140. Then the problem of diversified goal can be translated into the hierarchical goal programming equivalently.
141. Proposes an optimum mathematical model of heating systems with a minimum life cycle cost being the programming object.
142. They also do equally well at programming a computer, which is neither visual nor spatial.
143. In this paper, it introduces the programming methods and characteristics of typer on screw, provides a more measures efficient way for learning the numerical control programming.
144. If cloud computing was ultimately about a programming language, basic understanding would lead you to actual coding.
145. With a click of the mouse, you can instantly install a script without any programming knowledge.
145. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
146. Those with an interest in object-oriented programming for large - scale programs and systems.
147. Geometrical Theory of Diffraction is a fundamental algorithm in electromagnetic radiating and scattering, and programming is a key step for its application.
148. Second, programming is incredibly good training for all kinds of fabulously interesting jobs, such as business process engineering, even if every single programming job does go to India and China.
149. He asked his teacher to expand on the steps of programming.
150. The paper focuses on the programming logic, editing commands and the interface module linking the CEDT.
151. However, the C programming language is not a class-based object-oriented language, but rather a procedural language.
152. This paper introduces the background of the transportation programming first, analyzing the development condition of domestic and international transportation.
153. Stailman fretted that if computer scientists could no longer learn from one another's code, the art of programming would stagnate.
154. Uses a bottom-up approach to teach students how high level language control and data structures are represented at the machine level. Introduce the student to systems programming.
155. Meanwhile, the reliable programming logic control (PLC) is selected as the controller of the control system of the switch that ensures the safety operation of the system.
156. A kind of hybrid genetic algorithm for integer programming was proposed.
157. The first level is to design the optimal irrigation schedule of a single crop under deficient irrigation by stochastic dynamic programming(SDP) model in which rainfall is stochastic variable.
158. Inferno logically Java by including a virtual machine , programming language, and communications protocol.
159. Introduced to the object-oriented programming community in stages between 1995 and 1997, UML was approved by the Object Management Group (OMG) in late 1997.
160. Use stochastic simulation, create the plainness sequence of the stable stochastic road surface for the target road spectrums with programming, and use logistic test to verify.
161. In accordance with the modular programming ideas, standard COM components of fault location are generated using MATLAB language. It is convenient to transplantation and debugging.
162. In this paper, a dynamic programming model of them-dimensional bottleneck assignment problem is established, also a suitable solution of this model is given based on entropy.
163. Firstly produce the parametrization model in I-DEAS making use of programming tool PRG , then divide the finite element grid.
164. The application of the diode matrix and stepping principles not only increases the controllers versatility greatly but also makes the programming work much easier.
165. The thesis mainly focuses on the encoding and decoding to the systemic convolutional code with programming language, which is prescribed in the INTELSAT IESS 309 standard.
166. And it introduces application of Programming Logic Control(PLC) in machining this cabinet with aggregate machine tool. Then it gives outer wiring diagram and ladder diagram.
167. The aspect - oriented programming ( AOP ) facilitates modularization of crosscutting concerns.
168. The software was designed by the hybrid programming method under the QT3.1.2 environment.
169. As an illustration of what I mean about the relative power of programming languages, consider the following problem.
170. The design method of gravity network on the basis of the principle of the linea- programming and the sequential optimization is given.
171. According to human scale multifunctional module dominated by the demands of the function programming, Meanwhile the flowchart of the software for a detailed description.
172. Many of today's Java applications take advantage of the language's ability to support concurrent programming through the use of threads.
173. And yet most often we program real - world applications in sequential programming languages. This is uncessarily difficult.
174. Implementing the best programming practices outlined in this document should result in a robust and very price/performance competitive solution.
175. A multipurpose programming language used primarily for command and control applications.
176. The experiments show that with the new programming strategy the reject rate is reduced from 20% to 5% and the weld quality is remarkably improved.
177. In its present form , it is now a complete object-oriented programming language.
178. In video sharing, Tudou and offer licensed programming, supplanting broadcast TV for millions of users; YouTube is barely a blip.
179. They calculate, through programming numeric value, the dispersion curve of guided wave and the displacement distribution of various mode of the wave along the wall of pipe.
180. The paper describes a class of special stochastic chance-constrained programming models used in empty car distribution in railway transportation.
181. Different CAD platforms need the corresponding data interface. So this thesis aims at this problem and the geometric programming interface based on UG. is studied in it.
182. Its programming interface is based on message, which makes it convenient to buffer management, flow control, and priority based message schedule strategy.
183. Using XML across multiple software tiers simplifies programming logic and reduces development costs.
184. This paper discusses the programming strategy of singlechip in details depending on the principle and the characteristic of C51F023 singlechip and MCF5272 processor.
185. C language: High-level procedural computer programming language with many low-level features, including the ability to handle memory addresses and Bits.
186. Does a pair programming experiment with students generalize to professional developers?
187. By a given example optimal mixed strategy is obtained by the method of linear programming.
188. The frequency hopping spread spectrum systems in the generator of jamming signal by programming is introduced.
189. He is a member of the International Association of Cryptologic Research, the Association for Computing Machinery, and the League for Programming Freedom.
190. The core idea is:separating interface from implementation, making implementation independent of programming language and using component to build EE and active application.
191. The paper offers a dual problem for the semi-infinite convex programming by using the directional derivative with zero dual gap.
192. This paper presents a fuzzy non-linear programming model for determining the optimal lowest draw-down levels of hydro reservoirs in cascades.
193. Functional programming gives you new, different building blocks to achieve the same goals that imperative languages accomplish with other mechanisms.
194. Be involved in Security project, like installation testing, commissioning and system programming.
195. At the same time, temperature error is compensated. Adopt modular programming and develop successfully this system on a single-chip microcomputer.
196. The parametric uncertainty systems in this paper were included in a convex optimization subjected to LMIS, which can be solved by positive semidefinite programming (SDP).
197. Objective: To search optimal solutions of convex programming problems with linear constraints.
198. After generalized goal programming model is established, FGGP with fuzzy goal sets and fuzzy parameters are studied, the solving methods using fuzzy set theory for FGGP are provided.
199. Object-oriented design and programming is paradigm of programming in which a software system is modeled as a set of objects that interact with each other.
200. Then, Discussing the essential technology of constructing data extract package -- DTS Programming technology.
201. The system uses ASP programming, beautiful interface, easy to operate.
202. The practice shows that NC automat ic programming can not only reduce the calculation time, but also completely avo id the mistake of manual programming so that ...
203. Given the requirements of logical programming, a trinary-tree knowledge representation is proposed in this paper, and a framework of inference procedures based on the representation is given.
204. Has there been a new programming language you've been dying to learn?
205. A heuristic programming method is presented based on the characteristics of concurrent activities in the product development process.
206. FORTRAN: Procedural computer programming language developed for numerical analysis by John W. Backus and others at IBM in 1957.
207. Extensive computational experiment shows that the branch-and-bound method is efficient in solving concave integer programming problems.
208. The relay test system was designed the function of testing and protection instrument with the method of modular programming.
209. The fuzzy linear programming duality theory has been also studied in this article; the related theorems corresponding to the duality theorems in classical linear programming were proposed and proved.
210. I've taken such courses as secretarial principles, office ad-ministration, business English, public relations, etiquette study, psychology, computer programming, typing, stenography(sentence dictionary), and file-keeping.
211. The book combines examples of application, provide a practical and detailed electrical schematic diagram of microcontroller programs and programming flowchart.
212. A programming language designed for use in a wide range of commercial and scientific computer applications.
213. The station's programming was also simulcast for many years on 1260 AM .
214. This article introduced the characteristics of different kinds in various applications through examples of FX2 programmable counter and for attention in programming are pointed out.




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