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单词 Rally
1. The team captain vainly tried to rally his troops.
2. They will often rally in a crisis.
3. About 1,000 people attended the rally in Hyde Park.
4. 5000 people held an anti-nuclear rally.
5. The mass rally was a total fiasco.
6. The rally drivers carried small tool-kits for making running repairs.
7. The immediate flashpoint was Wednesday's big rally in the city centre.
8. The market will soon rally.
9. The grand mass rally was held on the square.
10. The anti-abortion rally attracted many sympathizers.
11. We should rally under the banner of socialism.
12. Thousands of supporters converged on London for the rally.
13. The rally was organized by local trade union officials.
14. After a brief rally the shares returned to 126p.
15. The opposition leader addressed a rally of 50,[]000 supporters.
16. About 5,000 people attended a rally calling for peace.
17. The stock market will soon rally.
18. Speakers at the rally mouthed sentiments of unity.
19. Before long the dying plants began to rally.
20. She spoke at a public rally in Hyde Park.
21. He won the last week's rally.
22. She urged everyone to rally behind the president.
23. When I'm ill, my friends always rally round.
24. The rally has been declared on.
25. They held a celebration rally.
26. Share prices fell again today after yesterday's rally.
27. The rally dispersed peacefully after six hours.
28. Journalists said there was a virtual news blackout about the rally.
29. Tell the children to stay out of the square while people are holding a mass rally.
30. The demonstrators marched to Trafalgar Square where they held a rally.
1. The team captain vainly tried to rally his troops.
2. They will often rally in a crisis.
3. About 1,000 people attended the rally in Hyde Park.
4. 5000 people held an anti-nuclear rally.
5. The mass rally was a total fiasco.
6. Journalists said there was a virtual news blackout about the rally.
7. The rally drivers carried small tool-kits for making running repairs.
8. The demonstrators marched to Trafalgar Square where they held a rally.
9. The immediate flashpoint was Wednesday's big rally in the city centre.
10. The market will soon rally.
11. The grand mass rally was held on the square.
12. Before long the dying plants began to rally.
13. He won the last week's rally.
14. They held a celebration rally.
15. Some higher officials attended the celebration rally.
16. The Bank of England tried to rally the pound.
17. Rally round the flag ; boys, rally round the flag.
18. The rally finished up with the singing of the Internationale.
31. Everyone at the rally wore red ribbons as favours.
32. That was a great rally!
33. Some higher officials attended the celebration rally.
34. He was shot dead while addressing an election rally.
35. His attendance at the rally declared his political allegiance.
36. After a furious late rally, they finally scored.
37. The Bank of England tried to rally the pound.
38. We decided to hold a rally to put pressure on the government.
39. About three thousand people held a rally to mark international human rights day.
40. The French driver has taken the lead in the Paris-Dakar rally.
41. It was heartening to see so many people at the rally.
42. Demonstrators were bussed in from all parts of the country to attend the protest rally.
43. The Democrats organized a show of strength, a mass rally in Central Park.
44. Supporters/Opponents of the new shopping development are trying to rally local people in favour of/against it.
45. The prime minister has called on the public to rally to/behind the government.
46. They tried to rally the pound sterling but in vain.
47. We are going to hold a rally next month to elect a new leader.
48. The pro-democracy rally came amidst reports of dissatisfaction among army officers.
49. He will join the team on the rally next week.
50. If we rally round,(http:///rally.html) we can overcome our present troubles.
51. More than 100 people braved the elements and attended the rally.
52. The Democrats held a pep rally on Capitol Hill yesterday.
53. We must rally the broad masses of the people round the Party.
54. The Alliance in its first show of strength drew a hundred thousand-strong crowd to a rally.
55. The rally was intended to be a show of strength by the socialists.
56. The rally has been cancelled for the good of all concerned.
57. Rally round the flag ; boys, rally round the flag.
58. The people throughout the country must rally around the Party' Central Committee.
59. The rally finished up with the singing of the Internationale.
60. The new square stands more than 80,000 people to hold a rally.
61. What sort of tactics will the President use to rally the people behind him?
62. They are holding a rally to protest against the government's defence policy.
63. Labour hopes the rally has boosted support.
64. You rally to spur you into action.
65. He was attending a Liberal rally in the city.
66. His last big public appearance was on Dec. 24, when he addressed a rally of his supporters in Belgrade.
67. Thompson said he expected the governors to rally behind a compromise plan on welfare and education and training grants Tuesday.
68. Using quantitative analysis and charts of past currency movements, he predicts the dollar will rally briefly in the first quarter.
69. Senior Tories were particularly angry about the mishandling of Mr Major's rally at Wembley.
70. To be sure, bonds continued to benefit from a two-day rally in the U. S. Treasury market.
71. I first witnessed the phenomenon at a huge pentecostal rally I attended as a college freshman.
72. But my first attendance at a political rally changed my childhood habits right away, at least briefly.
73. A fight broke out at a weekend rally between people on each side.
74. In defiance, on March 24 the executive committee of the Moscow city soviet authorized the Manezh Square rally.
75. On March 10-11 a rally by students demanded free elections, freedom of the media and a democratic constitution.
76. In the huddle, Jess and Sally again try to rally the team.
77. The action sparked a rally in bond prices and the Dow Jones closed 14.96 up at 2597.13..
78. Karimov issued a general amnesty, but a rally organized by democratic movements on Aug. 26 was broken up by militia.
79. On Saturday,(http:///rally.html) he planned a rally amongst the party faithful in his constituency to wave the nag.
80. He was assassinated the day after addressing a rally of striking sanitation workers in Memphis.
81. If you are truly loyal to Ulster then rally behind the cry for independence.
82. Last June, a force of state police killed 17 unarmed peasant farmers on their way to a protest rally.
83. It was from here, in 1959, that she effectively attended an Oswald Mosley rally.
84. An auto rally driver with a penchant for crashing cars, Marko Milosevic owns a discotheque and several cafes in the town.
85. Violence marked the funeral of Lalith Athulathmudali, a Sri Lankan opposition leader who was shot dead while addressing a rally.
86. There was a confident mood at the rally in the park.
87. They have also been invited to attend a rally to commemorate the 22 de Enero.
88. The government did its best to rally public opinion behind the war effort by encouraging public celebrations to commemorate war victories.
89. It is being said with some conviction that Labour inflicted a serious blow on itself with that Sheffield monster rally.
90. After her return from compassionate leave following the death of her father, they had been prepared to rally round.
91. It was in the railway carriage as Earle had been coming back from the late night rally in the North West.
92. He knows how to corner without disaster and is quite a rally driver on the sharp bends.
93. Delhi resembled an armed camp as the government pulled out all the stops to prevent a rally called to demand early elections.
94. On Oct. 10 between 30 and 100 people were reported hurt during a pro-Ershad rally in the capital, Dhaka.
95. The crowd at the Communist rally demonstrated why the leadership had to keep its rhetoric vague.
96. Trade unionist and the Cardinal Archbishop of Palermo addressed the rally.
97. The flyer about the rally is taped to the wall behind the counter.
98. No way was found to rally or organize the urban lower middle classes.
99. The newspaper's further claim that the police funded an Inkatha rally in January 1991 was later confirmed officially.
100. New members for 1988 are offered a free voucher to attend a Rally of their own choosing.
101. The rally has defied all odds and logic with only two, short interruptions since it began its climb in August 1982.
102. Feminists threw their weight behind Mrs Killea's campaign, and hundreds of students attended a rally in support of abortion rights.
103. Gaylord Nelson, D-Wis., as a day to rally for environmental protection.
104. The embattled mayor explained his position in an interview after the rally.
105. Jim Crabbe is probably the fund manager who has gotten the most press coverage for missing the 1995 rally.
106. They must also be able to rally support and achieve results in the midst of almost constant organizational change.
107. Two days later, President Daniel arap Moi banned the rally, accusing opponents of colluding with foreigners and plotting violence.
108. Her first encounter with Medau at a rally given by Molly at Reigate in 1958 determined her to become a teacher.
109. He says they have to photograph issues not connected directly with the rally, perhaps the environment or wildlife.
110. The rally, according to Merrill, provides students a channel to express feelings of violation and pain.
111. The early gains from the stock market rally begot a feeling of invincibility.
112. Rally organizers with colored arm-bands link hands, forming a human chain at the crosswalks.
113. If the rise in long-term interest rates threatens economic recovery, then so does the sharp rally in the yen.
114. General Lee, on horseback, dashed among the fugitives and implored them to rally.
115. The rally had been organized to mourn the guerrillas killed on the border on May 5.
116. On May 8 Chamlong led another large rally at Democracy Monument, where some demonstrators came close to clashing with riot police.
117. A late rally dragged the index up to close at 18,560, still off more than 1,000 on the week.
118. Then he singled in the sixth, the hit part of a rally that enabled Baltimore to go ahead, 4-2.
119. Bugler, sound the rally!
120. Well, I hear a distinct echo here of the old feminist rally cry: The personal is political.
121. Prodrive Motorsport make rally cars and parts, and low sterling rates are attracting foreign buyers like never before.
122. Most of those attending the rally Sunday, however, were Phoenix-area veterans and friends.
123. One of the most spectacular sights promised during the four day event is a rally along the Antrim coast.
124. Twenty-seven competitors from around the country will take part in Sunday's monster truck rally.
125. The perfect hidden racetrack, it seems, for car thieves to speed rally style, along miles of dirt tracks.
126. On 22 April there was a mass rally at the Albert Hall where Mosley addressed an audience of 10,000 supporters.
127. But the semiconductor sector, thought to be most vulnerable to an economic downturn, fell back from several rally attempts.
128. Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters have crowded in Cairo's Tahrir ((Liberation)) Square, chanting and waving flags as they rally for President Hosni Mubarak's immediate resignation.
129. Within the cemetery enclosure a black children's choir sang "We'll Rally Around the Flag, " the "Star-Spangled Banner" and spirituals before a series of black ministers read from the Bible.
130. Georgians carry portraits of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin during a rally marking his 130th birthday anniversary in Stalin's home town of Gori.
131. A mass rally with a turn-out of 10000 people was held to welcome the distinguished guest.
132. Moreover, the rally in Australian bank bill futures will add further pressure to the currency as Australia's favourable rate differential narrows further with the US.
133. Optimism over President-elect Barack Obama's proposed stimulus plan has added to the more positive tone, helping the market rally in the face of an onslaught of dire economic and corporate outlooks.
134. The CCI indicator is very close to a bullish breakout point at this downtrend line. A counter-trend rally could be near.
135. The highest fixing of the recent gold rally was on November 7, when it fixed at $841.75 an ounce in the morning session, less than $10 below its historic high of $850, fixed on January 21, 1980.
136. SANDRA ENDO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: One last cry to rally the troops. President Obama was on the campaign trail trying to get out the vote in Cleveland.
137. Both the fans meeting and music rally will be on free-seating and first-come-first-serve basis.
138. They then marched peacefully to Foley Square near some of New York's largest courthouses and federal office buildings for another rally.
139. With cash on deposit yielding not much more than zero in many rich countries, there has been a powerful rally in most financial markets.
140. Given all these risks, one risk manager at a major hedge fund said he was not reading too much into the recent bank stock rally.
141. Led by a rally in beaten-up bank stocks, Greek equities climbed 2.5 per cent and Italy's main index jumped 3.8 per cent.
142. AP U. S. men in President Juan Rodriguez, Barack Obama attended a rally on the streaker, who has been sentenced to 28 years imprisonment therefore view.
143. Shortly after noon, Obama delivered a short speech at a rally.
144. Footage from previous Paektusan festivals makes clear that the event is a combination of traditional competition and nationalistic pep rally.
145. But the economy remains weak and stocks are approaching the high end of their recent trading range, which could be putting a lid on the market's September rally.
146. That suggests the recent rally in oil prices may have a strong tailwind.
147. Stocks associated with a strong cyclical upturn in the economy were hit. Top performers during last year's rally, including technology, materials and energy stocks led the downside.
148. The results show that Chinese players have advantages in serve-then-aggress part and receive-then-aggress part while foreign players in rally part.
149. Look for areas of support (either minor price support or base price support) on the 15 minute chart, and re-adjust your protective stop price upward as the stock continues to rally.
150. Sceptics could well ask why the empire should rally to invade Europe just for Batu to take the profit.
151. Ali Osman, head of a state-affiliated youth organization, says they fell victim to invitations to attend a pro-Gaddafi rally in Tripoli, only to wind up on an army base in al-Baida.
152. He was speaking at a grand rally marking the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.
153. The decline in U.S. stocks marked another pause in a monthlong rally that has made this September one of the strongest for U.S. stocks in history.
154. The shakedown was run to a shorter than usual timetable owing to the delays encountered in shipping the cars, spares and service park to the Jordan Rally location.
155. One night after a high school pep rally, some of those students wanted to have a little fun.
156. This spontaneous rally was joined by other youths, from light cns, universities, as well as by other residents of Chisinau.
157. Should all go according to plan, Mao will bring Mozi to the Birdman Rally in Japan, where he hopes to break the duration record for human-powered flight.
158. The MINI WRC Team is back on world championship duty for the first time since its debut on Rally Italia Sardegna in early May.
159. As he pursued his empire's geopolitical interests, Alexander I managed to rally support from Prussia and Austria, presenting Russia's invasion of Europe as liberation.
160. Hedge funds and speculative traders have led the charge in buying long-dated debt during this four-day-long bond rally, betting that yields will fall in a deflationary climate.
161. The Secret Service says it questioned and released an "overexuberant" fan of President Barack Obama who had tossed a paperback book near the president at a Philadelphia rally on Sunday.
162. And the yellow metal's resilience during a rally in riskier assets suggests their bet might yet pan out.
163. The campaign put its SMS "short code" on T-shirts, online ads and rally placards.
164. Clinton made a mid-February visit to Dayton focused on the home foreclosure crisis, while Obama followed with a rally this week that drew about 11,000 people.
165. It's unclear what the cops planned to had they happened to corner a Wall Street rally instigator at a Shanghai nightspot.
166. At least one person has been shot dead and several injured in the Liberian capital Monrovia at an opposition rally on the eve of a disputed presidential election run-off.
167. I remember a rally in Anniston, the county seat, remember a band playing "Dixie", and an undulating canopy of Confederate battle flags, a whole auditorium of Stars and Bars and fluttering red.
168. Analysts say the rally may lead the 12- member group to raise output next year after leaving quotas unchanged at this weekend's meeting in Quito, Ecuador.
169. You can anticipate a decrease in Open Interest when a market retraces after a prolonged rally .
170. A supporter of the pro-Kurdish DTP party flashes a victory sign as he waves a flag of the illegal Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) during a rally in Diyarbakir November 25, 2007 .
171. The hiring picture is improving largely because the productivity gains that drove the profit rebound and the rip-roaring stock market rally of the past two years are petering out.
172. Obama's Presidential campaign set a new standard when it comes to using the Internet to fund-raise and rally supporters.
173. Kung Ling-hui's scoring percentage in serve-then-aggress part was more than Wadena 8%, and in receive-then-aggress part was moer than Wadena 4%, in rally part more than Wadena 2% in this game.
174. In the scoring percentage, 71% in serve-then-aggress part, 37% in receive-then- aggress part, 51% in rally part.
175. On the bright side, market technicals may favor a relief rally -- providing there is no bad news.




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