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单词 Bulk
1 Great bulk does not always mean great weight.
2 It's cheaper to buy in bulk.
3 The bulk of the population concentrates in the cities.
4 The bulk of the people voted.
5 The bulk of consumers are based in towns.
6 Use extra vegetables to bulk up the omelette.
7 Adding five chapters will bulk up this book.
8 The bulk of the work has been finished.
9 She eased her large bulk out of the chair.
10 Shopkeepers buy them in bulk and resell them for £150 each.
11 The bulk of the funds are supplied by some of America's largest and most powerful corporations.
12 I was amazed by the sheer bulk of the creature.
13 Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.
14 Despite its bulk and weight, the car is extremely fast.
15 Numerous small contributions soon bulk up into a considerable sum.
16 Heterosexual contact is responsible for the bulk of HIV transmission.
17 He heaved his considerable bulk into the chair.
18 The bulk of the population lives in cities.
19 Sugar is imported in bulk from the mainland.
20 She heaved her bulk out of the chair.
21 Bannol lowered his bulk carefully into the chair.
22 They added extra pages to bulk a book out.
23 He heaved his huge bulk out of the chair.
24 The bulk of the work has already been done.
25 It's usually cheaper to buy in bulk.
26 The sheer bulk of Mozart's music is extraordinary.
27 It was a document of surprising bulk.
28 They added an index to bulk the dictionary out.
29 There's a popular supposition that we're publicly funded but the bulk of our money comes from competitive contracts.
30 It's not their weight that makes these sacks hard to carry, it's their bulk.
1 Great bulk does not always mean great weight.
2 It's cheaper to buy in bulk.
3 The bulk of the population concentrates in the cities.
4 The bulk of consumers are based in towns.
5 Use extra vegetables to bulk up the omelette.
6 The bulk of the work has been finished.
7 She eased her large bulk out of the chair.
8 There's a popular supposition that we're publicly funded but the bulk of our money comes from competitive contracts.
9 Shopkeepers buy them in bulk and resell them for £150 each.
10 I was amazed by the sheer bulk of the creature.
11 Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.
12 Despite its bulk and weight, the car is extremely fast.
13 Heterosexual contact is responsible for the bulk of HIV transmission.
14 He bought rice in bulk.
15 They added extra pages to bulk the book out.
16 Things are usually cheaper if you buy them in bulk.
17 Julie's father owned a business that dealt in bulk orders.
18 The bulk of the evidence points to him as her killer.
31 It comes cheaper if you buy things in bulk.
32 It's much cheaper to buy in bulk .
33 You need more bulk in your diet.
34 Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet.
35 He bought rice in bulk.
36 The eldest son inherited the bulk of the estate.
37 The bulk of the work has been done.
38 They added extra pages to bulk the book out.
39 She fought at the bulk that pinned her.
40 The dough will rise until it is double in bulk.
41 Local businesses are helping to bulk up school computer labs .
42 Things are usually cheaper if you buy them in bulk.
43 Julie's father owned a business that dealt in bulk orders.
44 The intimidating bulk of Mt Everest rose up before the climbers.
45 His legs were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk.
46 The bulk of the work will fall on you and me.
47 The vast bulk of imports and exports are carried by sea.
48 I added some potatoes to the stew to bulk it out.
49 Sausages often have bread in them to bulk them out.
50 The bulk of the evidence points to him as her killer.
51 The great bulk of the work has now been done.
52 Supply normally exceeds demand for the bulk of consumer goods.
53 Buying in bulk is more economical than shopping for small quantities.
54 They come from all over the world, though the bulk is from the Indian subcontinent.
55 The issue is likely to bulk large at the next summit meeting.
56 The bulk of the book concerns Sandy's two middle-aged children.
57 We can bulk out the report with lots of diagrams.
58 Your money could bulk up to a fortune if you save everything you can.
59 In fact, the bulk of the book is taken up with criticizing other works.
60 The bulk of the text is essentially a review of these original documents.
61 Do you know if a piece of lead will weigh down an equal bulk of iron?
62 Because we're such a large family we find it cheaper to bulk buy foods we eat a lot of.
63 The office buys paper in bulk to keep down costs.
64 The great bulk of the building reared up against the night sky.
65 The training command... constitutes the bulk of the instruction.
66 For its bulk, the whale is a graceful swimmer.
67 You have entrepreneurs there looking to buy in bulk.
68 Aunt Margaret must buy tins in bulk.
69 After coal, building materials figured importantly among bulk cargoes.
70 They also attracted the bulk of the immigrants.
71 Bread made by traditional bulk fermentation. 75p for 800g.
72 The quadriceps has such great bulk and strength that slight weakness of knee extension is more difficult to demonstrate. 4.
73 Internet start-up companies, which bought the bulk of online ads, are increasingly selective about where they put their dwindling dollars.
74 All bulk chemicals should retain their identity with intact labelling, instructions and safety precautions.
75 I saw Redgrave's huge bulk forcing me under the water.
76 Goldstein said she hopes to have the bulk of the backlog cleared up in the next month to six weeks.
77 Women actually make up the bulk of underground workers in many countries.
78 The great bulk of the cases come from the work of Q. Cervidius Scaevola.
79 Designed for hardware implementation, its operation is relatively fast and works well for large bulk documents or encryption.
80 In all countries that we studied paraprofessionals constitute the bulk of the social welfare work-force.
81 Possibly because of its immensely larger bulk, antarctic ice has changed far less during the same period.
82 That would leave the bulk of the bag free for the plutonium 239 and the firing mechanism John had described.
83 Milk chocolate sold in bulk could only vary in price and quality.
83 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
84 Note how the knees are still flexed and the bulk of the body weight has moved to the right.
85 If Reynolds glanced back he could still see the dark bulk of the table against the light, its straps hanging.
86 Often current slang and colloquialisms make up the bulk of such people's language.
87 We can cut costs by bulk purchasing and take advantage of national retail distribution channels.
88 He would accept 20% of these offerings insisting that the bulk he kept for children and dependents.
89 Barley straw is soft and palatable, and is widely used as bulk feed for beef cattle.
90 A Northrop GrummanHughes combination would control the great bulk of the market for airborne radar systems.
91 Employers will not be able to make bulk transfers of employees from one scheme to another unless certain conditions are met.
92 But the bulk of the chemical run-off binds to particulates and is concentrated rather than dispersed evenly through the water column.
93 And before Fen could answer her question a dark bulk moved out of the shadows into their path.
94 For the bulk of the allied forces - those on land and sea - the war has not yet started.
95 Against their huge bulk, the pilgrims and mule toiling up the almost invisible pathways are tiny and humbled.
96 Their sheer bulk in the heavy clothing made the people look like beasts.
97 Undergraduate majors form the bulk of most economic professors' workloads.
98 She dashed around the corner, glad to see his dark bulk again.
99 Data sets precluded from analysis are well documented, but the great bulk of typical experimental data will be handled.
100 Oat straw, although variable in quality, generally makes good bulk fodder for cattle.
101 Consigning me to hell seemed to make up the bulk of it, as I recall.
102 Quartz, feldspar, and the clay minerals make up the bulk of that contribution.
103 The bulk of the mound towered over Mungo, intimidating him.
104 A perfect gas can sustain no shear forces so that the above bulk modulus is the only relevant one.
105 Trying to determine where the bulk of investors' money has gone is the primary goal of the bankruptcy court.
106 The bulk of the decline in traditional families came between 1970 and 1980, with smaller decreases since then.
107 They buy in bulk from manufacturers and importers, and distribute direct to their retail outlets.
108 Some may be notes and coin but the vast bulk will come from people writing cheques drawn on bank accounts.
109 They live only in warm parts of the world, the bulk of them in the tropics.
110 Petrus Partners, a venture capital firm, provided the bulk of the financing.
111 Cyber Promotions is in the business of sending bulk e-mail messages advertising various products and services.
112 Both sides of the narrow highway are lined with family outlets selling souvenirs in bulk quantities.
113 Most auction sites sell either individual bits of kit from joe Public, or sell on surplus stock in bulk.
114 Angiosperms are usually tiny, growing in isolated clusters and nowhere forming the bulk of the cover.
115 Because of the substantial practical advantages, the bulk of this chapter will be devoted to covert sensitization.
116 His experiences there form the bulk of the story that he wants to tell voters.
117 Essentially Glasgow and Edinburgh were the two towns which provided the bulk of the membership and carried the burden of administration.
118 Subscriptions and contributions to various appeals provide the bulk of our finances.
119 Part of the main building has recently been restored, but the bulk of the station is in a very poor state.
120 The house loomed undefined, a large bulk between her and the milky sky.
121 They seem to accept his new role, primarily as a power forward, and marveled at his increased bulk.
122 They form the bulk of congregations, raise funds, dean and decorate the churches.
123 In the centre of the room was a monstrous machine, black and towering; its huge bulk awesome with power.
124 It might be said that this constitutes the bulk of market lore and wisdom.
125 The bulk of the book is about his experiences in Vietnam.
126 But now mariners could see, dwarfing the tower, the huge rectangular bulk of Larksoken Power Station.
127 He saw the pond they called the lake and the grey bulk of the Mithraeum on the farther shore.
128 The dark bulk of buildings on his right gave way to emptiness, and he knew he'd reached Princess Street.
129 Satiety was increased with a larger bulk of food intake.
130 The bulk of reviews in these papers cover just a few subject areas.
131 It supplements care by kin, but families continue to provide the bulk of domiciliary care.
132 This means that fibre-rich foods swell to a greater bulk, to fill the stomach, than any other foods.
133 According to new statistics, most of us buy the bulk of our wine from supermarkets and are keen on own brands.
134 Let the dough rise until it is double in bulk.
135 The large bulk of the data that have led to this conclusion originates from areas south of the polar circle.
136 They are more convenient and often less expensive.-Buy in bulk.
137 Carbohydrate-potatoes, pasta, rice, cereals, bread-should form the bulk of our diet.
138 Heavy bulk chemicals are controlled by the provision of fixed dispensers.
139 In sheer bulk of biomass, organisms without brains or even without central nervous systems far outnumber those possessing these desirable features.
140 Adjustment has been made throughout for intra-industry bulk Scotch Whisky sales. 7.
141 It rolls up people's small holdings and sells them in bulk.
142 The industry, as defined by the IDA. comprises bulk chemicals, pharmaceuticals and healthcare products.
143 Together, these two bodies constitute the bulk of legislative and executive authority within the Community.
144 Unlimited quantities of canned or fresh beansprouts may be added to bulk up small quantities of rice.
145 Unless you are feeding a large group, try not to buy in bulk, or they will rot.
146 The theory is that data from the vast bulk of incoming faxes is later inputted in some form back into the computer.
147 Supermarkets have found they can get around licensing restrictions by selling in bulk.
148 Proofs are produced in bulk by the Computer Group on request.
149 The participating banks collectively provide the bulk of the funds.
150 Incredibly, despite his huge bulk, he records just 11 per cent body fat.
151 It is intended that yarn for hard twist carpets will form the bulk of production in the future months.
152 With a slider it is possible to fish a much larger grouping of bulk shot well below the drifting layers of water.
153 Another woman explains how a food co-operative has been set up, buying in bulk and selling at no profit to members.
154 Reno unfolded herself, pushed her bulk out of the car, and peeled her dresses off the back seat.
155 The gentlemanly proprietorships and relaxed chairmanships that historically supplied a large bulk of presidents have become rarities.
156 The dark bulk of St Catherine's faced him on the other side of the wide road.
157 Inevitably therefore, commercial considerations will govern the great bulk of our electronic output.
158 Governments do not sell the bulk of their goods and services.
159 As well as providing the bulk of labour for large plantations, they carried out menial tasks in Colombo and other urban centres.
160 It will be seen that the bulk of the funding for the discount market comes from banking sector institutions.
161 But they may be more dangerous there, because of the great bulk of official paper which sometimes supplies tempting shortcuts.
162 The purpose of the new series starting this week, Computer 102, is to keep its vast bulk from crushing you.
163 Developments had either been realised or were at least in the advanced stages of negotiation in the bulk of its area.
164 The vast bulk of mainstream manufacturers in this country don't know how to use our designers.
165 The texture as well as the bulk of fibre-rich foods helps to put on the brakes.
166 The great bulk of the evidence from the town, however, concerns pottery production and iron-working.
167 To the south is the great bulk of Cadair Idris.
168 Another basic quantity is the bulk modulus K.
169 Metalfab's Spin-Loader lets you utilize bulk storage facilities to their fullest capacity.
170 Whether using break bulk vessels or containerized shipments, we will continually strive to meet the needs of our clients by bring world-class service to their doorstep.
171 In the present paper we studied the bulk modulus, shear modulus and second-order elastic constants as a function of temperature .
172 Experiments show that the accurate equation can express the relationship of porosity and bulk modulus of porous medium well.
173 In a physical confinement, the dimension and surface field would strongly influence block polymers self-assembly. As a result,(Sentence dictionary) the systems exhibit different phase behaviors as to those in the bulk.
174 The bulk potential modulator can realize real-time modulation to parameters of the target MOS device, thus greatly weakening the influence of technological deviation.
175 And the preparation and production of bulk amorphous alloys are introduced.
176 The result shows that the density and bulk modulus are sensitive to gas bearing formation and the gas bearing sandstone is characterized by low density and bulk modulus.
177 How can I do a bulk edit of the Status field for all the posts in my database?
178 But the political movements to which Mr Fini has belonged (he was once a neo-fascist) have all been essentially statist ones deriving the bulk of their support from the lower half of the country.
179 The calculation results for the lattice constant, bulk modulus, cohesive and electronic band structure agree with that results of ah initio pseudpotential method.
180 In South Africa as of 26 December, 1 279 cumulative cases and 12 deaths (CFR of 0.9%) had been recorded, with the bulk of the cases (1 194) in the Limpopo area.
181 A focus of rail, sea, air, and road transportation, it receives the bulk of the products of the lower Murray River Valley, which has no port at its mouth.
182 Article 22 When vessels are loading dangerous toxic bulk liquids at the harbor, the various stipulations prescribed in Article 17 of these Regulations may be referred to for implementation.
183 Research on the communication module , the types and bulk of data exchanging between modules, and then design a simple and practical data exchange agreement.
184 The results of verification show that generalized tangent bulk modulus is more typical and reliable.
185 Figure 4-46 shows a system for testing the resistivity of a bulk material such as a metal bar or rod.
186 The agency said in a statement that it "is investigating the grounding and subsequent complete hull failure" of the bulk carrier cargo ship.
187 Bulk buying and early order can enjoy a competitve price.
188 Bonds are not , in essence, long-term notes payable issued to a huge bulk of lenders.
189 The operational mechanism of COSCO bulk carrier has experienced lots of reform; some were successful ones while some were lessons.
190 The Company's production of fully automated bulk CO2 and particulate dry ice machine (both spot), by well-known national gas company's favor.
191 Sure, places like Sam's Club and Costco do offer excellent deals on large quantities of items, but there is much more to bulk buying than these stores alone.
192 Kerosene and butyl xanthate were used as collectors in bulk flotation.
193 The design of software includes firmware, equipment configuration, BULK ONLY protocol and FAT file system.
194 This detector provides status signal of material flow in bulk conveying system.
195 The Largest Vagina most likely belonged to Scottish giantess Anna Swan (1846-1888), a remarkable woman who set a number of records relating to her bulk.
196 Some laws in solid state physics, derived from bulk effect, can not be effectively applied to electron emission which is mainly a surface phenomenon.
197 Customers are requested to presort mail items meeting the above conditions according to the requirements of "Bulk Air Mail" service, If the mail items are not.
198 In the range of same frequency, compared with silicon-steel sheet components, the bulk amorphous metal magnetic component of the invention has greatly improved performance characteristic.
199 Even though his astrologer told him to expect an invasion in Normandy, Hitler decreed that the bulk of the German forces in the West would be based within striking distance of the Pas de Calais .
200 With large amounts of monomer, bulk polymerization often takes very turbulent and even explosive form.
201 Point of the mouse, Wang Ping - planning programmes will be through a bulk mail out.
202 As our goods are bulk cargoes of large quantities you are requested to cover TLO on them.
203 AB-I and AB-II show the similar phenomenon in bulk phase transition, but not very similar in methanol and ethanol. Perhaps this is because of competition between hydrophile and lyophobic.http://
204 For break bulk shipments, the name and address of the party who made the goods "ship ready" or the party who arranged for the goods to be made "ship ready" must be provided.
205 But the bulk of the Node.js work is being done by the Chat team for traffic analysis and load testing.
206 Central rate is the bulk of listed companies the size of non - also the largest.
207 The bulk of the ruby rubbish on the pebble bubbles when stirred by bulbed rubber club.
208 Personal delivery available for bulk order , please refer to Group Discount Promotion for detail.
209 The relationship between bulk modulus, macro-compressibility and porosity is also given.
210 When load-bearing external walls are weakened, destroyed or sucked outwards, the bulk of the debris falls on the ground or street.




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