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单词 Harmony
1. They worked in perfect harmony.
2. They've lived together in reasonable harmony for many years.
3. The couple lives in perfect harmony.
4. This design aims for harmony of form and function.
5. Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity.
6. The designer's aim is to produce a harmony of shape and texture.
7. The two sang in harmony.
8. My cat and dog live in perfect harmony.
9. A new sense of harmony developed in the community.
10. The choir sings in four-part harmony.
11. The couple dwelt together in harmony and concord.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. His tastes are in harmony with mine.
13. They try to maintain harmony between the two communities.
14. There was perfect harmony between the two brothers.
15. His ideas were no longer in harmony with ours.
16. The Church tries to promote racial harmony.
17. They work together in harmony.
18. The harmony of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture.
19. We must try to live in peace and harmony with ourselves and those around us.
20. They try to foster harmony between different groups of people.
21. We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the environment.
22. Your suggestions are not in harmony with the aims of this project.
23. I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony.
24. Once there were no two hearts so open, no feelings so in harmony. Now we are strangers, worse than strangers, for we may never become acquainted.
25. He was a martyr to the cause of racial harmony.
26. Imagine a society in which everyone lived together in harmony.
27. We must never lose sight of the fact that man must work in harmony with nature.
28. The rumpus has made all the optimistic statements about unity and harmony ring a little hollow.
29. He has probably done more to further the cause of interracial harmony than any other person.
30. On the surface, their life seemed a model of domestic harmony.
1. They worked in perfect harmony.
2. They've lived together in reasonable harmony for many years.
3. This design aims for harmony of form and function.
4. I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony.
5. He was a martyr to the cause of racial harmony.
31. He had a vision of a society living in racial harmony.
32. The new agreement raised their hopes for conditions of prosperity and harmony.
33. Surely there is some way of ordering our busy lives so that we can live in comfort and find spiritual harmony too.
34. The new agreement raised hopes for conditions of prosperity and harmony.
35. Here man and nature have achieved perfect harmony.
36. You must be in harmony with the Sheng-Yu!
37. It is immoral and disturbs the harmony of mankind.
38. The event is designed to promote racial harmony.
39. She simply sang in harmony with herself.
40. Music is music: melody, harmony, rhythm and texture.
41. Our actions were in harmony with our words.
41. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
42. We listened to the choir singing in perfect harmony.
43. Ordinarily. the city was a model of racial harmony.
44. Gandhi always craved harmony with his surroundings.
45. It also creates an atmosphere of harmony with friends.
46. A recipe for sibling harmony. Individually wrapped laundry.
47. His methods, too, are inappropriate to harmony.
48. Here the living and the dead were in harmony.
49. Industry and nature in harmony? I rest my case.
50. The centre has promoted racial harmony.
51. Nor, says Mr Imai, should they be allowed to write off the exorbitant sums they spend on promoting group-wide harmony.
52. The energetic flow circulates in harmony with the rhythm of its pulsation.
53. Naturally enough, a confused situation arose, during which old conventions such as melody and harmony were jettisoned.
54. The nicest thing about meditation is that it puts your body in harmony with your surroundings.
55. Nevertheless, the craftsmanship revealed - whether the harmony is a casual result or a prime cause -; is remarkable.
56. Make me dictator for five years and I'll show you what I can do. I'll clean the dirt out. We need to bring law and order and should bring about the necessary changes in the constitution to achieve this. And we should stop vote bank politics done in the name of communal harmony. People have stopped loving their country. Everybody has forgotten the "mother" in motherland. Dharminder 
57. The former was said to bring industrial conflict, the latter harmony.
58. Whatever the species, there is never perfect harmony and peace.
59. But what can you do if you're not living in harmony with them?
60. To start with, let's have a brief review of major and minor scale harmony.
61. The invisible hand merely symbolizes the true orchestrator of social harmony, the free market.
62. In every chord there is some foreign element, some contradiction which gives an odd twist to the harmony.
63. It is as though the historic opponents of medieval times, the aristocrats and the guildsmen, had been brought together in harmony.
64. Normally solitary characters, after infection these animals lived in harmony with each other, mating and raising many pups.
65. To achieve the desired balance and harmony, it is essential to develop a sense of personal purpose.
66. Harmony and group awarenesses develop, in particular a realisation of responsibility towards your companions.
67. In Example 105 Schoenberg creates a beautifully delicate harmony, which seems to float along on a distant astral plane.
68. However, for all dominant themes of harmony, within the noisy ambiguity there might also be quieter, discordant notes.
69. Read Charles Evers' book and hold him up as a model of racial harmony.
70. She and Carolan had no children, but that was neither here nor there as an indication of matrimonial harmony nowadays.
71. Thus homoeopathy seeks to restore the organism to harmony and balance.
71. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
72. He was the first football manager to appreciate the importance of such harmony and to put it into effect.
73. The economy consists of individuals seeking prosperity, yet most of its laws and many of its customs are about social harmony.
74. Mr Christie immediately pledged to try to restore trust and harmony to the club's warring board.
75. In the province of the night there was harmony between us.
76. Society has an interest in protecting itself from activities which threaten to undermine the harmony within it.
77. In Jamaica black and white people have lived together in racial harmony for many years.
78. Each sovereign speaks with a single voice, though not in harmony with other sovereigns.
79. It does not belong to the basic harmony, which it tends to disrupt.
80. The repertoire includes traditional chants and much four-part harmony, written by composers within the Orthodox tradition.
81. When two parties live in harmony, neither makes much fuss and mutual dependence may pass unobserved.
82. The account, I consider, is not conducive to professional or racial harmony.
83. In the future, perhaps all groups will be yin and yang: in perfect harmony.
84. Pan music, the latent harmony in metal, resurrected from debris on the wharves and refineries of Trinidad by illiterate laborers.
85. Like Marxism-Leninism, it entertains a sublime vision of human potential for social harmony and individual fulfilment.
86. If only children did not hold strong ideas, disagreement and conflict would evaporate in the sunshine of social harmony.
87. Notions of universal harmony are encoded in the religions of Daoism and Buddhism.
88. A higher synthesis, one ushering in a new reign of peace and harmony, under a benign and ever just science.
89. The variety of religious motivations was not always conducive to harmony among philanthropists.
90. Your skin asks for a gentle moisturiser that works in harmony with its own natural properties.
91. By the time harmony was a few centuries old, it began to shiver and shake from them.
92. The harmony is in fact remarkably smooth throughout the piece, and is as rich and vital as one could wish.
93. Aren't there cheaper and more fruitful ways of promoting harmony between nations?
94. An abiding memory of Baden is the harmony of the old town.
95. The musical instruments symbolize an underlying harmony behind nature's powers, to which the successful alchemist must himself be attuned.
96. When an enemy tries to fight with him, the universe itself, he has to break the harmony of the universe.
97. We are all environmentalists who treasure Mother Nature and desire to live in harmony with natural forces.
98. And may peace and harmony return to a troubled people.
99. We sat down and talked in an effort to restore family harmony.
100. The hunt has strong religious overtones, and it can only succeed if harmony and peace prevail.
101. At the same time Red Deer taught me to live in harmony with the animals.
102. He creates his mood with two factors: harmony and rhythm.
103. The positive metaphors of harmony and strength afforded by the utopianism of the machine aesthetic were countered by negative metaphors of alienation.
104. Sometimes there was harmony between the different groups,(http:///harmony.html) sometimes clashes occurred.
105. During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die. Nelson Mandela 
106. The most important aspect, to my mind, is that finished work is often vastly improved and colour harmony easily achieved.
107. Since 1973 he has been a full-time instructor at Rutgers University, teaching theory, keyboard harmony and piano.
108. One of the best ways to achieve this harmony is through breathing.
109. Always in harmony with the original flavours, never overpowering them.
110. Arts of colour and harmony; the ability to create beauty in the environment around you.
111. But it's important to make sure all the fabrics in the different layers work in harmony together.
112. The desire to reform, to set the human heart in harmony with principles of virtue produced moral plays.
113. The Rush die scandal has exposed the weaknesses of any benign multiculturalism premised on the assumption of easy harmony and pluralism.
114. Why, then, is social conflict rather than social harmony escalating?
115. All in all marriage was a pragmatic affair and individual desires came a poor second to the harmony of the group.
116. With a number of teams in different departments working in harmony anything can be achieved.
117. The government has to deal with what seems like an insoluble political problem -- racial harmony within the community.
118. But concord and harmony were the professed and accepted norm for the conduct of relations.
119. In the conventional sense of the word, which conveys some sort of harmony with the natural world, it certainly was.
120. It helps if your mind and emotions are in harmony with it and you have the loving support of those around you.
121. She helped coordinate the Harmony Alliance, which works at bringing disparate groups together.
122. Williams was a man who was able to hold many apparently contradictory ideas in harmony.
123. The High Elves possess a great respect for their land and build their cities in harmony with nature as much as possible.
124. Extreme positions, however, whether of the right or left brain, are unbalanced, out of harmony and therefore potentially unhealthy.
125. Without women men revert to animals, without men women could heal and restore to harmony a world raped and ravaged.
126. This then raises the question of how voluntary is the acceptance of cooperation and harmony between labour and management?
127. Also it promotes that holistic sense of the whole of life's experience being brought into harmony, including the discords.
128. A few weeks later, Christine McVie was brought in to add a few keyboard and harmony vocal parts.
129. Statements of harmony, as with statements of conflict, have to be placed in their context.
130. They turned their pages in perfect harmony and experienced a decent run through of a difficult text rather than an intense spiritual journey.
131. Everyone at Corinth expressed enthusiasm about the improved harmony and responsiveness in that arrangement.
132. Most were given elementary training in another technical skill to facilitate harmony and cross-utilization.
133. The traditional model assumes harmony between the interests of voters and their representatives in the political process.
134. Reconciliation implies the need to achieve harmony by making different objectives compatible.
135. During or after such courses they may have acquired some additional external diplomas in organ-playing conducting(http://), harmony and counterpoint.
136. Dynastic concord and family harmony were, however, bought somewhat at the expense of the two princes' subjects.
137. What was a contribution to harmony in one context could become a support for disharmony in another set of circumstances.
138. But the apparent harmony was that of a ballroom Beirut.
139. It can be useful to refer to something you all have in common, which may restore a feeling of harmony.
140. On the other hand, Mozart and Bach bring harmony and lightness, as well as a state of calm and order.
141. Harmony and collective company effort is portrayed as a reciprocal bargain.
142. Pleasure is Nature's test, her sign of approval. When man is happy, he is in harmony with himself and his environment. Oscar Wilde 
143. Parent Network believes that parenting can be learned, and that improved communication can do wonders for family harmony.
144. Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well. Mahatma Gandhi 
145. The last two options working in harmony make perfect sense.
146. He had obligations to the universal episcopate which had to act in harmony for the unity of the church.
147. Such extreme sociability is unusual among birds; but the appearance of domestic harmony within the ani groups is deceptive.
148. It was a matter first of embarking on practical ways of increasing harmony and creating a single market.
149. The first showed the pangs of passion replaced by musical harmony.
150. These moral essays advanced other theories in harmony with sentimental comedy.
151. Always the sky imposes its moods and the landscape beneath responds in perfect harmony.
152. And yet all work in harmony and harm no one.
153. The apparent social harmony of the mid-century could be attributed to Britain's economic success in these years.
154. One More Angel in Heaven and the rousing finale with its two-part harmony were musical highlights.
155. Timotei Moisturiser is able to nurture the softness of your skin by working in perfect harmony with it.
156. The whole interior gives a feeling of weightlessness and harmony.
157. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Mahatma Gandhi 
158. There has to be fairness and justice for black people before you can achieve a spirit of interracial harmony.
159. But if moderation works, who knows to what heights of political harmony it might lead?
160. Instead, they would rely on decentralized, uncontrolled life to sort itself out and come to some self-enhancing harmony.
161. Red and purple salvias blend well to give a sense of harmony in the garden.
161. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
162. They believed the celestial motions are performed with exacting regularity, just as the harmony of musical sounds depends on regular intervals.
163. Rainforest-dwelling people have learnt to live in harmony with their environment.
164. The house was a happier place without him, and the three of us lived together in remarkable harmony.
165. Don't live by your own rules, but in harmony with nature. Epictetus 
166. Monophony Strictly speaking, monophonic music is a single melodic line, without harmony or even octaves.
167. The normal layout of the string orchestra is in four-part harmony, the double bass either doubling the cellos or being silent.
168. It was no longer possible to see the world as developing towards socialism and international harmony.
169. This method of obscuring chords only in higher registers is quite usual, as it gives a good equilibrium to the harmony.
170. When do we need to achieve balance and harmony within ourselves?
171. But Karplus claimed that nothing gives theoreticians grater satisfaction than to find close harmony between their results and the laboratory results.
172. It was, Smith argued, an enlightened plan: sensible, efficient, conceived in harmony.
173. Back in class, Miss Grimhle gave a lecture on racial harmony.
174. They sang in perfect harmony, although I dare say Alex Ferguson will complain about the pitch.
175. If Daley was reactionary and stubborn, he was in perfect harmony with his town.
176. But John Gittins has never lost sight of the fact that man must work in harmony with nature.
177. All the martial arts, hard and soft, aim at a non-aggressive state of harmony.
178. The technique is really one of creating harmony in two separate and unrelated layers.
179. When choosing an editor, chose an orchestra leader-an expert to help you create harmony from content and style.
180. It is a house of harmony to my hand. Dear madam!
181. His wife on hearing of this is displeased, so to maintain matrimonial harmony, he sends a telex cancelling his order.
182. Dionysiac music - music proper - introduced the emotional power of tone, melody and harmony.
183. For Muir, crystal embodied the promise of a life beyond tension and of a body in seamless harmony with its world.
184. I suppose it takes years for two cultures to achieve perfect harmony.
185. It started sometime in the high Middle Ages with the invention of harmony.
186. By means of tapping his foot the horse could perform mathematical calculations, and solve problems of musical harmony.
187. Local authorities also have a specific duty to carry out their functions in such a way as will promote racial harmony.
188. In their place are healthy-looking, fresh faces that carry the reassurance of a couple in harmony.
189. All first year music students are required to take a class in harmony.
190. We each have our own highly individual ways of reacting to the stresses of life and of maintaining our inner harmony.
191. Tensions soon simmered beneath the impression of domestic harmony and marital bliss.
192. It no longer functions to modulate all the elements into perfect harmony.
193. As a man with agricultural interests you will appreciate the importance of living in harmony with nature and of conserving the environment.
194. The government and central bank were in theoretical harmony.
195. AIM:To observe the effect of the scorpion venom on the locomotor harmony, spatial learning memory,(sentence dictionary) and the expression of proenkephalin (PENK) in Parkinson disease animal model in C57BL/6 mice.
196. In the end, we discuss the interlinking problem between the system of default judgment and the system judging by withdrawing claims, seeking more harmony in the system of civil withdrawing claims.
197. For $29.95 it neatly holds a power strip or surge protector and all its plug-ins and could go a long way toward restoring domestic-design harmony.
198. Therefore this paper concludes that achieving black intersexual harmony through " cultural healing" has already become an inevitable realistic choice for the entire black community.
199. Then clear off the relationship between industrial harmony and the industrial system.
200. Mathematics as a representation of rationality produces aesthetics by its properties of order and harmony with music, and is closely connected to music though there is no transmission of sounds.
201. On the basis of keeping harmony mental psychological state, and giving reasonable diet and suitable exercise, the patients received Tangzhiyakang capsule, insulin, diformin and self-message.
202. Moreover, Taiji Softball game makes us exercise in an atmosphere of harmony, ease of mind, So that the ancient national culture can display great vigor vitality.
203. The mode of the old self-caring in community organized by Hexin club provides an experience about community care, and profits the construction of community harmony.
204. Because it features both vocal harmony and instrumental accompaniment, the music cannot be considered true Gregorian chant.
205. Address: ECA Team , the Chinese Foundation Secondary School , 9 Harmony Road, Siu Sai Wan, Hong Kong.
206. In short, people must correctly treat and deal with the dual problem to promote social harmony, stability and all-round development.
207. Harmony is a state in which all quarters of contradictory things become united, coordinated, coexistent and developing in certain conditions.
208. Pesticide of Melia plant is widely welcome in the word due to its high efficacy, lower poison, lower residue and its harmony with the environment.
209. Approving on socialistic core value system is the most firm foundation of social harmony, and is the crux of exalting the state's soft strength.
210. Thus I affirm every class of phenomena whether in nature or on the stock market must be subject to the universal law of causation and harmony.
211. German Baroque church architectural design simple elegant style soft decorative small, dry wall Tanzania, in harmony with the natural environment.
212. In Chinese traditional culture , quinquagenarian audience pursue the ethnic harmony and they need ethnic cares .
213. The manifestation included: conflict interaction; harmony interaction; interfusion interaction; conformity interaction.
214. The labialized non-labial consonant, resulting from the deletion of a rounded vowel in a reduced open syllable, may trigger rounding harmony in the following epenthetic vowel.
215. Concept of time in the theory of relativity is harmony with that in classic physics while paradox on the law of running change of pendulum clock and atomic clock exists.
216. Often Rock People will discern disharmonious problems within the group and point them out to the leadership so that action can be taken to alter the dance into harmony again.
217. The Consecutive Organum as the starting point of the European harmony, the writer analyzed the main reason for it exist in the condition in that time.
218. Malaysia is to consider using mass circumcision ceremonies to promote racial harmony.
219. To live in a dome is -- psychologically -- to be in closer harmony with natural structure.
220. Tr. Since they moved to this community they have lived in harmony with their neighbors.
221. When we desire something in life(Sentence dictionary), there is a tendency to justify our actions and excuse behavior that is out of harmony with our deep down sense of right and wrong.
222. FAITH LAPIDUS: Septime Webre says that seeing a beautiful ballet dancer skillfully dancing to Tchaikovsky's music is to see a joy and faith in the harmony of the world.
223. The author uses the method of comparison to probe into the ideologies of Sexual Harmony between Lawrence and Chi Li from the aspects of sexual relation and cultural antagonism.
224. As Libra prizes harmony with their lover almost above all else, Gemini won't be able to indulge their love of a good, hearty debate too often; Libra would rather do almost anything than argue.
225. He was a virtual catalogue of every contrapuntal device possible and every acceptable means of creating webs of harmony with the chorale.
226. The essay analysis the importance and training method of hear notes in four part harmony in solfege and the relation to hear discriminate in harmony.
227. Consequently, large as it was, the whole household, old and young, uncles and sisters-in-law, lived in perfect harmony.
228. Still can spread stick use at outside wall illuminative is small ceramic tile, but the attention does not change balcony outboard color, lest make local lose harmony with whole building.
229. Her artwork is in harmony in the tide of abstractive gesture.
230. This paper discusses control method, system programming technology of multichannel Electrohydraulic servo harmony loading system.
231. In today's ecological crisis, British Poet Laureate-Ted Hughes, makes his persistent poetic pursuit of the re-establishment of the harmony between humans and nature.
232. In views of harmonious society, the construction of harmonious university pays more attention to personality, harmony, sustentation and multiplicity.
233. We can also find from her unique imaginal sense, that she is a bright lamp illuminating the current Chinese industry and agriculture from conflict to harmony.
234. Conclusion Applying the quantitative management and qualitative management in harmony could improve the quality and efficiency of nursing.
235. Have to take encourage as a lord, fix attention on development, establishment harmony of evaluation system.
236. The Harmony Remote is the world'sonly remote with Smart State Technology Activity Control.
237. Cheerful Skewering. By contrast, their early music had exuberance and an occasional oasis of unexpected harmony, but otherwise blended monotonously into the parched badlands of rock.
238. In fact, there are many unharmonious factors against harmony in current schools'management, which retards the management process of harmony.
239. This kind of self-assertion and self-negation ran through the whole life of Donne, and only through a compromise of both sides, did he achieve an ultimate inward harmony.
240. Understanding-based teacher-student relationship refers to the communication relation with mutual understanding and harmony between teachers and students.
241. We will improve self-governance among urban residents and build new-type and well-managed communities featuring civility and harmony.
242. In aesthetics, it's a universal formal rule with perfect harmony.
243. Through developmental course of universality, human beings understand the harmony, and create the categorematic term of harmony and universal spirit of harmonic culture.
244. This article explores the characters of harmony of Bartok's compositions, and emphasizes on the relationship between the tonality and the application of harmony.
245. With necessary methods of cultural construction, digital campus, a harmony of technology and culture, will help to realize the true digital character of campus.
246. Socrates never says Simmias, here's what your objection goes wrong: harmony is not really invisible or can't be destroyed, whatever it is, so we don't have a counterexample.
247. The last general appraisement had wholly analyzed harmony of population, eco - environment and society.
248. If noise is the signature tune of the world, the silence is the music of the other world, the closest thing we know to the harmony of the spheres.
249. Xi'an , The Civilization City, The Eternal City, Humanity in harmony with nature, The World style.
250. SIP is naturally in harmony with NGN and it is one of the most important session control protocols in NGN network.
251. Unfortunately, there's a strong Chinese view nowadays that critical thinking and dissidence create problems, so everyone should just keep quiet and maintain harmony.
252. Suites and the number of words , distance cell lines are appropriate, symmetric harmony.
253. Of a furniture advocate material is much use same a tree material, collocation of Dan Wen manage pays attention to harmony, if disharmonious suspectable etc.
254. The setting is Baku in 1920, in the last tortured months of a brief utopian period in that city when people of all nationalities and religions lived in harmony.
255. Then later generations built the Memorial Archway of "Family of Five Generations" to praise the harmony, the loyalty and the filial duty.
256. The program keeps the music within the limits of harmony and composition theory.
257. Body's rhythm , the thought pace , intelligent harmony , symphonic music composing life's.
258. Yoga resembles music. Body's rhythm , the thought pace , intelligent harmony , symphonic music composing life's.
259. So the crucial point right now is that, thinking about harmony is offered as a counterexample to the generalization that invisible things can't be destroyed.
260. The feature of humanity is harmony and perfect fusion, while animal instincts are featured by the jungle law.




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