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单词 Elaborate
1. It was all an elaborate pretence.
2. It turned out to be an elaborate hoax.
3. This elaborate deception fooled his family for ages.
4. The plans looked very elaborate.
5. She had prepared a very elaborate meal.
6. You understand the situation; I needn't elaborate any further.
7. It is an elaborate project that answers many purposes.
8. John concocted an elaborate excuse for being late.
9. The heat had to be dissipated by elaborate cooling systems.
10. The police played an elaborate game of cat and mouse to trap him.
11. She adopted an elaborate disguise to help her pass through the town unrecognized.
12. Please elaborate your plan.
13. I wondered why he had gone through the elaborate charade.
14. She went on to elaborate her argument.
15. Some animals perform elaborate mating rituals before they copulate.
16. There is an elaborate five - course meal.
17. Elaborate efforts were made to reconstruct what had happened.
18. The problem is too elaborate.
19. He is known for his elaborate costumes.
20. She makes an elaborate ritual of the washing-up.
21. He made an elaborate hairstyle.
22. a long and elaborate misrepresentation.
23. Please elaborate on your proposals a little.
24. McDonald refused to elaborate on his reasons for resigning.
25. There were elaborate plaster mouldings around the ceiling.
26. It is an elaborate ceremony,[Sentencedict] shrouded in mystery.
27. The train was an elaborate affair of sixteen coaches.
28. They're making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding.
29. You want a plain blouse to go with that skirt - nothing too elaborate.
30. He said he had new evidence, but refused to elaborate any further.
1. It was all an elaborate pretence.
2. It turned out to be an elaborate hoax.
3. This elaborate deception fooled his family for ages.
4. The plans looked very elaborate.
5. She had prepared a very elaborate meal.
6. You understand the situation; I needn't elaborate any further.
7. It is an elaborate project that answers many purposes.
8. John concocted an elaborate excuse for being late.
9. The heat had to be dissipated by elaborate cooling systems.
10. The police played an elaborate game of cat and mouse to trap him.
11. She adopted an elaborate disguise to help her pass through the town unrecognized.
12. You want a plain blouse to go with that skirt - nothing too elaborate.
13. I wondered why he had gone through the elaborate charade.
14. He said he had new evidence, but refused to elaborate any further.
15. There is an elaborate five - course meal.
16. The problem is too elaborate.
17. He made an elaborate hairstyle.
18. Please elaborate on your proposals a little.
19. Please elaborate your points.
20. It's an elaborate design.
31. The furniture looked comfortable, nothing fussy or too elaborate.
32. They reprised the elaborate dance music in the last act.
33. The elaborate facade contrasts strongly with the severity of the interior.
34. He came out with such an elaborate excuse that I didn't quite believe him.
35. A spokesman declined to elaborate on a statement released late yesterday.
36. In case anyone was following me, I made an elaborate detour.
37. They refused to elaborate on the reasons for their decision.
38. Her hat was an elaborate confection of satin and net.
39. He took an elaborate escape route from South Africa to Britain.
40. The women have elaborate necklaces of turquoise and pink coral.
41. The whole thing was a big con,an elaborate put-down on a massive scale.
42. According to the prosecution, the officers manufactured an elaborate story.
43. They used elaborate secret codes, as when the names of trees stood for letters.
44. Even the most elaborate dishes on the menu were quite low on calories.
45. The dancers leading the procession were in colourful and elaborate costumes.
46. He thought the police were playing some elaborate game of cat and mouse and waiting to trap him.
47. His task was to elaborate policies which would make a market economy compatible with a clean environment.
48. His new play, Arcadia, is as intricate, elaborate and allusive as anything he has yet written.
49. Do you know how he weaves the material into elaborate plots?
50. The chairman just wanted the facts; You don't need to elaborate on them.
51. He said he was resigning but did not elaborate on his reasons.
52. Please elaborate your points.
53. It's an elaborate design.
54. The minister said he was resigning, but refused to elaborate on his reasons for doing so.
55. She had a most elaborate hairdo, all piled up on top of her head.
56. The technology is elaborate, expensive, and bang up to date .
56. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
57. It provides a good contrast to more elaborate music.
58. Mr Chandler declined to elaborate on the departures.
59. I say, and wait for him to elaborate.
60. Their cells have the most elaborate structure.
61. Let us elaborate on these points.
62. She had prepared an elaborate excuse for her absence.
63. Airline spokesmen declined to elaborate further Thursday.
64. More elaborate models can be rented for a fee.
65. I shall return to, and elaborate on, these points.
66. Nick examined the elaborate carvings on the tomb.
67. Lally refused to elaborate on her earlier statement.
68. Background factors further elaborate the variations.
69. Although pressed, McCurry refused to elaborate.
70. Now began an elaborate shadow dance.
71. Despite the elaborate plans, there were few takers.
72. He then proceeded to elaborate on that point.
73. Would you care to elaborate?
74. In 1882, this elaborate system was extended further.
75. I suppose you wouldn't care to elaborate further?
76. The painting competes for attention with the elaborate 6-ton chandelier.
77. If you do not so trust them, then correspondingly elaborate testing procedures are required to monitor their impact and effectiveness.
78. Along with others, Gassendi obviously felt that this whole elaborate conceptual structure was obstructive to, rather than productive of, knowledge.
79. If the top layer contains several nodes, then the device computes a more elaborate function of its input.
80. Yet the church is a very elaborate structure with evidence of a Norman nave and elaborate stone-vaulted chancel.
81. Police said they were elaborate devices, of similar construction, designed to give the impression they were bombs.
82. After our return to Wichita, the master worked out an elaborate tour, with a record number of weekly performances.
83. Detectives want to establish whether Mr Jowett, 43, was killed by a booby trap or in an elaborate suicide.
84. But the disease confounded everyone, vanishing in petulant defiance of all the elaborate preparations which had been made to accommodate it.
85. Using a series of elaborate grooming movements, they spread the mixture all over their bodies.
86. In the twelfth century the canon lawyers devised an elaborate, and comparatively humane[/elaborate.html], legal framework for poor relief.
87. An elaborate design of the futuristic Washington was put on display Tuesday at Union Station.
88. He used wholemeal flour to make bread, scones, pies and cakes, concocted elaborate salads and dosed himself with vitamins.
89. The genes that cause the elaborate ornament or long tail to appear are subject to random mutation.
90. To elaborate, business, like other interest groups, makes representations to government in order to influence government policy.
91. The political negotiations between a minister and the Treasury ministers will be matched by much more elaborate negotiations between civil servants.
92. De Benedetti disclosed that Hewlett-Packard Co had also approached Olivetti for a possible alliance, but declined to elaborate.
93. An elaborate send-off for the dead was also a social event, because a lavish funeral reflected on the living.
94. She added elaborate long ear-rings and white openwork sandals with high heels.
95. At the Gynn, the ravine was bridged and an elaborate tramway layout constructed, facilitating cars reversing in both directions.
96. Pindar wrote his elaborate choral odes also in many other genres, but we have only fragments of these.
97. In comparison with the elaborate quantitative data sets on voting we have little empirical information on this group phenomenon.
98. Unlike less sophisticated Al, neural nets do not require that elaborate rule structures be specified in advance.
99. It consisted of the straight robe mentioned above, with an elaborate flounced and layered over-skirt tied on at the waist.
100. The idea is to set to work without great expense and elaborate machinery, or under primitive conditions.
101. Can he replicate elaborate shapes or does he tend to make a mishmash?
102. And DeloresDelores rambled, but she wrote the most elaborate essay her teacher had yet seen her produce.
103. The lawyer had concocted an elaborate defence that gave a totally false impression of what happened.
104. It was traditional for princelings to commission elaborate genealogies alleging their descent from mythical heroes or gods.
105. The interior is more elaborate, but has also been more altered in later ages.
106. It required no elaborate analysis to draw the lesson: economic grievances could only be redressed by achieving political change.
107. They are in elaborate head-dresses and carry shields and spears.
108. Unfortunately, Rose did not elaborate on the nature of such mixed schooling experiences.
109. Samaranch did not elaborate,() but he may have been referring to a more high-powered device to detect illegal substances.
110. As in other bowerbirds, the male builds an elaborate bower of twigs and ferns and therein tries to seduce females.
111. Gary is wearing a pair of jeans, a buckskin jacket decorated with porcupine quills, and his elaborate necklace.
112. Julian's Bower, at Alkborough, Lincolnshire, is altogether more elaborate, having twelve concentric circles.
113. In Celtic society elaborate metal objects were often used to display the power of an individual or a tribe.
114. The handsome restaurant offers ample buffet breakfasts and elaborate evening meals.
115. Most of the costs of producing a memory chip are fixed, because of the elaborate factories and equipment needed.
116. The diaries have been published in one volume, with elaborate biographical notes by Professor Emson.
117. The protocol at Ingard House was far more elaborate than at the head office of the bank.
118. Cho and Lee celebrated their new partnership at an elaborate banquet.
119. Unlike hydra, they have clearly defined head and tail ends, and a much more elaborate behavioural repertoire.
120. Monasteries and nunneries were relatively safe from attack until the Dissolution and would have no need for elaborate and impractical tunnels.
121. Now so many knitters can use it this seems the perfect time to elaborate upon it.
122. Paul gestured towards the biggest muntjac suspended from the carrying pole and made an elaborate gesture of donation.
123. He did not typically employ elaborate statistics to test hypotheses or use control groups in his research.
124. To elaborate a little further, it is useful to examine each of the main types of subdivisions, as follows. 1.
125. It was still not clear last night whether the tapes were an elaborate hoax.
126. As organisms evolved to populate land, they required an elaborate mechanism of water conservation.
127. Despite a very elaborate legal code on the use of pesticides, introduced in 1973, the situation remains unchanged.
128. Dave worked in the production department of a company that put on industrials, elaborate musical numbers for industrial conventions.
129. I knew it would be an elaborate fantasy, a courtship, a serenade.
130. I sent him back to the Patel farm with his snake bite and his elaborate complaints.
131. It is also true that several novelists, such as Carpentier and Fuentes, delight in weaving elaborate, formal patterns.
132. The price of a more elaborate service and burial looks to be £17,000.
133. So those who espouse equal opportunity need to elaborate its purpose.
134. Most of the decor in this part of the house was modelled after Hollywood's idea of elaborate period furnishings.
135. The more elaborate the ornament, the more likely that a random mutation will make the ornament less elaborate, not more.
136. We learned a copperplate at my convent, with elaborate curlicues of capitals I have not seen in any other calligraphy.
137. The degree of formality ranged from elaborate and schematic written documents to a simple mental rehearsal of what would happen next.
138. There, every morning soon after dawn, two pigeons performed an elaborate and very noisy mating dance.
139. This aspect of the deal was necessary because Altus Finance needed to unwind an elaborate scheme it had concocted in 1991.
140. The elaborate public displays of those royal families had always camouflaged the most ruthless power struggles.
141. There is little doubt that higher cognitive functions are associated with complex social life and elaborate means of communication.
142. In circumstances when words are inappropriate or impractical, the apology may take the form of an elaborate pantomime of contrition.
143. Eighteenth-century maps of historic towns often show elaborate formal gardens behind the houses, but very few traces of these remain.
144. You can elaborate on this sampler idea by putting the words inside another design.
145. Newman and Redford play a couple of guys working an elaborate con.
146. It has required elaborate organization, but this has been the product of continuous evolution from the original entrepreneurial enterprise.
147. Sometimes I created elaborate scenarios that tested my will to save him.
148. Hume gives an elaborate account of the psychology of moral feeling.
149. Although the rules which provide its definition are surprisingly simple, the set itself exhibits an endless variety of highly elaborate structure.
150. The reasoning was elaborate, the product of nonstop local gossip since a series of strange events on June 5.
151. A correlator's input consists of examples with just a few features which can be quite elaborate.
152. What exactly do you mean by "traditional education"? Would you care to elaborate?
153. The results corroborate the role of these proteins in pheromone transport and elaborate the structural basis of ligand binding.
154. Mike had worked out an elaborate system for categorizing his collection of CDs.
155. He plays out elaborate dramas, and his parents view him as enormously creative.
156. From the top it looked like an elaborate dance, four arms entwined, four legs shuffling around and between each other.
157. We have even constructed elaborate theories to make us feel better about the lives older people lead.
158. Instances are quoted of highly contrived antithesis, of mixed metaphor and elaborate circumlocution.
159. Doherty said deals with content providers may be announced shortly but declined to elaborate.
160. The elaborate nets thrown out by air proved far too porous to trap major enemy units.
161. Teachers get irritated, of course they do, their elaborate and expensive training courses not withstanding.
162. Frustrated designers constructed elaborate beach retreats with driftwood, bamboo poles, and Laura Ashley sheets.
163. Her first glimpse of it was through elaborate iron gates set between two large stone pillars surmounted by rampant lions.
164. Some of the mining operations show this, and the Fens have Roman canals, embankments, and elaborate water systems.
165. The elaborate songs of male birds clearly fit best a manipulatory interpretation.
166. Other examples are generally far less elaborate, involving only a single carriageway.
167. Examination of particular species seems to show elaborate systems for enhancing cross-pollination.
168. True, vintage pieces are often more elaborate than the modern ones, adorned with scrolls, finials and wooden overlay ornamentation.
169. So you're talking about setting up giant screens and elaborate video and sound systems.
170. You can make different kinds of mask for a witch or a pirate, or more elaborate ones for a masked ball.
171. In common with other members of the swallow family, house martins build elaborate mud nests precariously slung beneath the eaves of a house.
172. The longer the delivery was delayed, the more elaborate became the rituals and beliefs surrounding the eventual arrival of the ship.
173. Kurz had elaborate theories about art, all of which seemed to revolve around the beauty of the nude figure.
174. The elaborate rituals surrounding the preparation of the icon are not without purpose or effect.
175. Superiors were more than willing to elaborate on what they meant by leadership.
176. In an elaborate and impressive ritual Aaron and his sons are instituted to the priesthood.
177. A traditional cabaret lounge and a Broadway-style theater seat about 500 passengers for elaborate revues and celebrity showcases.
178. An elaborate system of rain-water drains can be seen, reconstructed by Evans,[http:///elaborate.html] at the East Entrance.
179. It's crazy to have an expensive, elaborate judicial system handling parking tickets and minor traffic violations.
180. Structurally, bureaucracy is characterized by hierarchical organization and specialization by means of an elaborate division of labor.
181. In some parts of that country there is a remarkable tradition of Gaelic Psalmody, with elaborate variations on a melodic line.
182. With her bouffant hairdo, elaborate plumage, gushing charm and bright smile she is a caricature of a countess.
183. With the birth of his firstborn son, the nobleman had thrown an elaborate party for hundreds of guests.
184. Simon does not elaborate, but his face begins to tighten as he recalls some disagreeable incident.
185. The elaborate cycle was repeated numerous times as the inaugural address neared.
186. Then knightly armour grew more elaborate and costly throughout the century.
187. They talked non-stop in an elaborate relay race, one picking up the thread as soon as the other paused for breath.
188. Both require elaborate interpretation to be understood by anyone but the immediate persons involved.
189. He expects continued growth in the United States but did not elaborate.
190. The image of the guard in his elaborate flowering prison flashes through her head.
191. The clock apparently marks time by carrying out a predictable and elaborate process of synthesizing and destroying molecules within living cells.
192. Internally, the mushroom bodies attain great size and complexity in Hymenoptera with elaborate behaviour.
193. Clearly the more elaborate the dress, the more dress-fasteners required, although there is here the danger of a circular argument.
194. Simple simulations can be as effective for training purposes as more elaborate ones and can certainly be more cost effective.
195. This was nothing but an elaborate hoax perpetrated by her in revenge for all the suffering I had caused her.
196. Some self-absorbed children play elaborate fantasy games by themselves, and one can admire their creativity and imagination.
197. For elaborate structures stick rocks together with silicone sealant, but let it cure completely before putting it into your tank water.
198. Some biochemists have built up quite elaborate blueprints for forms of life utterly different from our own.
199. In the weeks following the dinner Lutyens swiftly drew up an elaborate set of plans.
200. Since coal is formed from plants, which are chemically very complicated, its own chemical make-up is very elaborate.
201. Many of those that live in the sea secrete shells with the most elaborate structure of silica or lime.
202. There are several quite elaborate private lists in existence, but none of these has yet been published.
203. I was no longer responsible for the pretending, the elaborate play-acting.
204. Dorrell did not elaborate but said the experts' findings will be published in scientific journals within four to six weeks.
205. It was an elaborate fabrication to cover up the murder.
206. Many delicatessen foods should be eaten and appreciated just as they are[http:///elaborate.html], requiring no elaborate preparation or cooking.
207. After an elaborate ritual, the boys are formally accepted into the tribe.
208. The caterpillar had probably fed for a month or more on the viburnum leaves before spinning its elaborate double cocoon.
209. Special manuals provide explicit and elaborate instructions as to the creating of different icons and the use of different kinds of material.
210. Some bowerbirds are bright and showy, but others are drab and excite their females with elaborate shelters instead.
211. The propagation of Aponogeton from seeds is elaborate and slow and requires special tanks without fish.
212. Most surviving examples date from the eighteenth century, by which time the decoration became increasingly elaborate and stylised.
213. The statement did not elaborate on where such charges had originated.
214. The company said further restructuring plans could follow this announcement but declined to elaborate.
215. These could include tapping the Federal Financing Bank or a $ 40 billion currency stabilization fund, though Rubin declined to elaborate.
216. Some evenings they put on theatricals in the parlor, elaborate productions that required weeks of rehearsals.
217. It was a hell of an elaborate plan just for a wind-up.
218. On my way home from classes I constructed elaborate fantasies about him.
219. Inside, the circumference of the church is occupied by elaborate chapels and the marble facings are everywhere inscribed with thank-offerings.
220. Pearl-bearing oysters can readily be gathered by divers without recourse to elaborate equipment.
221. Demyonov had gone home last week in an elaborate casket dark inside the cargo hold of a Tupolev airliner.
222. A champagne theme is suggested and repeated in the elaborate pewter railing that edges the second-floor balcony overlooking the bar.
223. This involved quite elaborate dressing-up, and the fun and laughter of those Boxing Day nights was a treasure indeed.
224. The new factory made it possible for the company to produce increasingly elaborate garments.
225. There are elaborate rituals of atonement to be found there.
226. A joint commission was to be set up to examine current fiscal legislation and elaborate reforms to promote investment and expenditure savings.
227. In the biosphere, the more elaborate the structure(), the higher the life form.
228. I would like now to elaborate upon the points raised in my introduction.
229. The key, here, was not kept under a flowerpot or stone but in a more foolproof and elaborate hiding-place.
230. The elaborate burial of the Scythian kings is described by Herodotus and is almost entirely confirmed by archaeology.
231. Moreover, with time and aided by the debate, the accepted ideas become increasingly elaborate.
232. Elaborate murals had been painted on three of the four walls.
233. In an elaborate bedroom game the voice was provided by pop singer David Loeffler.
234. An elaborate system of spectral classes has been established by a persistent cadre of asteroid observers.
235. But Frank Bascombe, for all his hapless domestic incompetence and elaborate self-pity, was interesting and kind of likable.
236. The exposition was a hit and so were the elaborate plaster ornamentation, wrought-iron grills and tile roofs.
236. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
237. Two pigeons performed an elaborate and very noisy mating dance.
238. Seven ruff, without as yet their elaborate courtship adornments, fed at the northern tip of a tyke.
239. Four elaborate fake bombs were found near offices used by oil businesses.
240. Each time his performance had grown more elaborate: he wrote the script, set the stage, and took the lead.
241. It is still rationalized by an elaborate and traditional, even if meretricious, theory of consumer demand.
242. In some churches the importance of the Laudian altar was further emphasized by the addition of an elaborate new reredos.
243. Sociologists have been coming up with increasingly elaborate theories to explain unsafe sexual practices.
244. Of course, Aunt Rose had elaborate plans for her own death and dispersal.
245. It was not scheduled or given an elaborate countdown and fanfare. Sports editors hated it.
246. The main purpose of this elaborate system was almost certainly profit for the king.
247. I've suggested several simple patterns for you but you can elaborate further on these yourself.
248. It would be unwise to elaborate on the last point.
249. Good luck, bad luck, an elaborate system of beliefs, superstitions, symbols.
250. The beauty of this kind of patterning is that you can produce really exciting and elaborate designs with the simplest machines.
251. An elaborate system of nozzles and fan-draught cowls minimises the risks of lead-poisoning.
252. He said he got a positive reaction from council members to his remarks about Western aid but declined to elaborate.
253. Would you care to elaborate on your proposals?
254. To dress or groom(oneself)with elaborate care; primp.
255. They are more elaborate because people practice indirectness.
256. He has a collection of art by Andy Warhol, Keith Haring and Roy Lichtenstein and an elaborate model railroad set.
257. The negotiator did not elaborate, and it was not immediately clear if he was referring to a counterproposal.
258. More or Less, made by MOMA in wisdom. We elaborate the concept, express the feelings, make the ordinary objects endow with the extraordinary vitality living with us.
259. We embed Bayes learning mechanism on the basis of the negotiation model, and elaborate process descriptions of evaluating offers, belief revision and proposing counter-offers are presented.
260. The shape is entirely within the bounds of late baroque taste, and no important asymmetrical motifs are evident in the elaborate scrollwork except in a decorative cartouche on the top.
261. This tall, multi-color topper would have fit in perfectly among the other elaborate hats that made an appearance at Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding.
262. Gateman is inconvenient then future life field makes to elaborate in detail, I at last on behalf point out.
263. Finally, I use a large amount of words to elaborate how the famous recitative and aria in West Side Story and The Phantom Of The Opera are shown by Bel canto.
264. The text emphasizes to elaborate the policy request of Asian Development Bank to the ecological protection project item, management procedure, investment strategies and investment mechanism.
265. Sir Leon went on to elaborate on the economic situation.
266. Hence the popularity of the new voodoo, which claims, as I said, that elaborate financial rituals can reanimate dead banks.
266. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
267. Secondly , from the efficiency of employing , hiring fairly and hiring sincerity three aspects to elaborate the questioning that storing in inthe employer-employee relationship of our country.
268. Response frequency is increased by giant magnetostrictive material as valve core component and elaborate designed drive circuit.
269. Use magnetic field lens again, two kinds of electron lens elaborate respectively below form and principle.
270. A clear and elaborate historical investigation of this process helps a grat deal to make an academic analysis of this historical "issue" and explore the essence of Chen Duxu's case as a Trotskyist.
271. Preserved by the bone-dry Atacama Desert and an elaborate deathbed treatment, the oldest mummies in the world have gone on display in the Chilean capital, Santiago.
272. A more elaborate dessert is concocted of mashed ripe breadfruit , with butter, 2 beaten eggs, sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon and rosewater, a dash of sherry or brandy, blended and boiled.
273. If calcaneal, sole grows a callosity to let you have bitter taste, first elaborate clip becomes warped the dry skin that come out.
274. In the second chapter, we elaborate theory foundation of this thesis from the Mind Map, divergent thinking, constructivism, and genetic epistemology of J. Piaget.
275. You can do an elaborate goth makeup job with just a simple black grease pencil and a relatively light foundation color.
275. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
276. The insect kingdom bands together to perform an elaborate heist of a Coke from a napping picnicker .
277. The line of the bang of massiness, elaborate clip, long hair and bingle union are together, build a feminine polyhedral model.
278. Banquet menus are specialized ones with elaborate designing and reflection of the organic structure of the banquet food.
279. A rather elaborate analysis was required to determine the cross-over values.
280. But it is in the carvings of Persepolis, center of the Achaemenid dynasty, that the Faravahar reaches its most elaborate and finely wrought perfection.
281. The research team, led by Andrea di Falco of the University of St. Andrews, made the novel material using an elaborate technique based on a commercially available polymer and a silicon support.
282. An elaborate mechanism has been developed for investigating and evaluating the credit worthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, and general reputation of consumers.
283. None of the famous theories of this century, from pure behavioral reflexology to elaborate psychodynamic formulations, have proved sufficient to describe the human mind in health and disease.
284. Now, imagine the elaborate back-end process necessary for breeding, slaughtering and distributing those cows—not to mention, their chicken, turkey, pig and lamb cohorts.
285. As the fair judes of the case depend on the assumption that the concept of in-depth understanding of the theory of burden of proof, so I elaborate the sense the burden of proof on the law of evidence.
286. As you pass an elaborate coach moving slowly on the path, the silk curtain suddenly swings open to reveal a bejewelled woman.
287. This thesis attempts to explore Eugene O'Neill's representation of three female characters in his plays and elaborate his outlook on women.
288. Chapter 5s are introductive is use the process in should notice of problem do to elaborate, be the customer should accept in register process of service item.
289. Could you elaborate on your government policy as regards environmental protection?
290. The Barrymore of Camp Wigwam fended off two curious Barbizonians with elaborate legpulls; one girl returned to the real world convinced that he was a goalie for the Montreal Canadiens.
291. The third part elaborate the theory and the current significance of the interpenetration and in-terembracing of the truth and the fallacy.
292. The accounting concept that the article drafts convection to measure and form elaborate.
293. A woman's dress of the 18th century, having a fitted bodice and draped cutaway skirt, worn over an elaborate underskirt.
294. Based on design practices, define space of fire proof pipe rack, and elaborate design principle of pipe rack of outside plant.
295. To dress or groom oneself with elaborate care or vanity; primp.
296. Their elaborate designs and hues are deliberately ostentatious to ward off potential predators, a tactic called aposematic coloration.
297. Carried out a new corporate tax effect accounting standards the application of analysis and its application in practice to continue to elaborate.
298. Synopsize : Through exhaustive data and bright viewpoint, elaborate present situation and questions of China food industry , help the enterprises to understand the profession development tendency.
299. The religious life of each member is focused on the ward, through which religious, economic, and social activities, tithing, and the operation of the church's elaborate welfare plan are organized.




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