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单词 Similarity
1. The report highlights the similarity between the two groups.
2. Did you remark the similarity between them?
3. There is some similarity in the way they sing.
4. She bears a striking similarity to her mother.
5. The area bears a superficial similarity to south London.
6. Any similarity between this film and real events is purely coincidental.
7. The astonishing similarity between my brother and my first-born son.
8. The similarity between them has often been remarked on.
9. Here the similarity with Western politics ends.
10. The similarity between the two invites comparison.
11. There were points of similarity between them.
12. The present crisis bears some similarity to the oil crisis of the 1970s.
13. There are several points of similarity between the two cases.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. They are both blonde, but there the similarity ends .
15. I can see the similarity between you and your mother.
16. They had a ghostly, opalescent similarity.
17. On the output side the similarity is less clear-cut.
18. This close similarity indicates a second written source.
19. For Lind, similarity is a key concept.
20. But that is a superficial similarity.
21. This similarity is provided by the average quantities.
22. They say the cases bear no similarity.
23. To show similarity and difference in historical information.
24. The similarity is slight, but unmistakable.
25. However, there the similarity ends.
26. They found marked points of similarity.
27. But there is some similarity in appearance.
28. They are both doctors but that is where the similarity ends.
29. She is also 25 and a native of Birmingham, but the similarity ends there.
30. Helen is also 25 and from Birmingham, but the similarity ends there.
1. The report highlights the similarity between the two groups.
2. There is some similarity in the way they sing.
3. She bears a striking similarity to her mother.
4. The area bears a superficial similarity to south London.
5. Any similarity between this film and real events is purely coincidental.
6. The astonishing similarity between my brother and my first-born son.
7. They are both doctors but that is where the similarity ends.
8. There were points of similarity between them.
31. We can obviously interpret z as an index of the similarity of the two countries.
32. In that respect they therefore have some similarity with hire-purchase agreements.
33. The extent to which situational similarity on the perceptual side corresponds with similarity in the behavioural reports indicates individual consistency across situations.
34. The similarity is that your risks are spread over a much wider range of investments than you could achieve on your own.
35. Why then did Goethe claim so vigorously that there was a close similarity between his and Runge's views on colour?
36. Again there is an underlying theme of likeness tempered with difference; of similarity spiced with variety.
37. Is there some functional similarity with mate choice in quail?
38. Note the similarity with the techniques cited earlier that are used in other outstanding businesses.
39. It had four wheels, but that was where the similarity to anything she had ever driven ended.
40. If this was Richard's first experience of war it bore an ironical similarity to his last.
41. The similarity of groups within traditional society does not mean that they are heavily dependent on each other: quite the contrary.
42. In this way the results of characterisation studies can be corroborated by alternative, and independent, measures of similarity.
43. Readers will have noted the similarity of these efforts to those of an excellent library media program.
44. Yes, they had similar de Dion rear axle set-ups, but there the similarity ends.
45. But for the rest the similarity in the descriptions of station encampments shows a remarkable continuity between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
46. Similarity in a trait is measured with a value called concordance.
47. The more frequent words are then clustered together based on a similarity metric.
48. Cattle are contiguous only for want of similarity, racehorses similar only for want of contiguity.
49. Over the next couple of hours, the sightings continue, with almost mystical similarity.
50. It is perfectly possible to communicate with little or no such similarity or else children would never learn their native tongue.
51. No other model of chronic ulcer shows such morphological and behavioural similarity to the human duodenal ulcer.
52. We are misled by that similarity into thinking there is no difference.
53. The revenues collected and the perquisites enjoyed by the wardens of the various royal forests show a general similarity.
54. His liking for the man made him uncomfortably aware of the similarity in their jobs.
55. This idea is supported by the potential similarity of two other DNA-binding proteins that regulate transcription during the yeast cell cycle.
56. Lastly, we might note the apparent similarity of this exercise to the traditional exercise of precis, the shortening of texts.
57. The author notes the similarity between Western and Chinese principles and sees them as having a common basis in science.
58. The variety underlying the superficial similarity of idiom is enormous, even within the work of a single composer.
59. The ratios generated by the capture-recapture method display a remarkable similarity and identical ranking to those obtained by the first two methods.
60. But this can not, of course, explain the greater similarity in the striping of the rest of the body.
61. We suppose that the Boussinesq approximation may be made and so the discussion of dynamical and thermal similarity in Section 14.5 applies.
62. In Repertory Grid the notion of similarity and contrast, indeed the whole idea of making connections, is paramount.
63. This is a limiting material for design purposes, so it was inevitable that a strong similarity of form should prevail.
64. We may visualise them as wavelengths and orbits about a nucleus - with some similarity to a miniature solar system.
65. The basic similarity between cells refers not only to their general plan but also to their genetic endowment.
66. The story of Ruth illuminates for me the unbridgeable difference, rather than the similarity, between her situation and mine.
67. Bethnal Green has many points of similarity with a village, or rather with a whole series of overlapping and interlocking villages.
68. However, there is on other occasions a remarkable similarity of techniques, of clothes and of weapons.
69. There is a short detour to consider the inclusion of similarity, where Weyl finds symmetry in the chambered nautilus shell.
70. And both of them use drama as a process for children's enrichment - but here the similarity ceases.
71. Cowan was struck by the similarity between these patterns and those seen in the fluid convection under certain conditions.
72. However, the similarity between these motifs is sufficiently close to suggest the work of the same craftsman.
73. In summary(), we have identified two ORFs which encode RNA polymerase subunits with considerable similarity to their cellular counterparts.
74. There was a striking similarity between himself and Bull O'Malley.
75. Based on their high sequence similarity, it is reasonable also to place parthenogenesis bacteria within this genus.
76. Being written in different programming languages, there was no literal similarity between the programs.
77. The significance of the sequence similarity between our gene and the vaccinia protein is as yet unclear.
78. But even in the 1950s there was one apparent similarity between weak and electromagnetic interactions.
79. And several more to note any similarity in pattern between the Yorkshire self-made businessman and myself.
80. At this point the similarity between market economics and Keynesianism becomes apparent.
81. We look at the similarity between this and the way my sister chose to die.
82. In fact, of course, much of this material bore only a tenuous similarity to its genuinely customary counterparts.
83. Geometrically, the inner product of two vectors can be considered a measure of their similarity.
84. Here we see some similarity, though remote, with the motivations of Palmer and Jones.
85. But despite their close similarity there is a marked difference in emphasis and tone between the two versions.
86. In between these extremes the intraindustry share is increasing in similarity of relative factor endowments, and it depends on country size.
87. The S. macroura motif shows 65% identity and 82% similarity with the human gene.
88. For generations, scientists and science-fiction writers talked about the similarity of Mars to Earth.
89. The unvarying similarity of her days didn't seem to trouble her.
90. Nevertheless, one may expect a greater similarity between two geometrically similar points than between two geometrically dissimilar points.
91. But this has led anthropologists to exaggerate the motes of racial difference and to ignore the beams of similarity.
92. The former can point to the great difference between doubt and unbelief and the latter to the great similarity.
93. So great was the similarity that I dared no longer lay upon my back.
94. One explanation is that there are social class differences of a more superficial kind which overlay the similarity in role-identification patterns.
95. Both these artists work on a small scale but there the similarity ends.
96. In the light aircraft groups, there is a similarity of performance.
97. There is one important similarity between the two political systems.
98. But despite this similarity, local government differs sharply among the five nations.
99. In another similarity to a primary contest, political activists say a surprisingly large portion of the Iowa Republicans remain undecided.
100. We were able to tell the date of the statue because of its similarity with other statues of that period.
101. Most significantly, an interesting similarity to the human basement membrane heparan sulphate proteoglycan core protein was detected.
102. We believe that our observations suggest a much greater similarity between the behaviour of chimpanzees and humans than has ever been considered.
103. Also, strangely, he noted there was a similarity in the faces of the aunt and niece.
103. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
104. The similarity of the central flower in mosaic 7 with that in the same position in mosaic C is more compelling.
105. These three movements tackle different phenomena, although there is a striking similarity between the philosophies of the first two.
106. I was struck by the similarity in flavour between Floyd's remark and one of Carroll's verses.
107. It should be noted that the same is true of ordinary predicative adjectives - further evidence of their special similarity.
108. It is found to a degree in gorillas but a closer similarity occurs in baboons.
109. The similarity between the Carboniferous maturity-depth gradients for these two areas is therefore not surprising.
110. Clozapine was first synthesized in 1958 as one of over 1900 tricyclic compounds with a structural similarity to imipramine.
111. There is, however, apart from these regional differences, a similarity about most Scandinavian Medieval architecture.
112. They behave to one another as they do to a foreign armadillo, in spite of their genetic similarity.
113. Hogarth devised a line of beauty that has an uncanny similarity to a woman's back!
114. The similarity continues if people or animals are examined at a later stage.
115. Word-processors, because of their general similarity with the typewriter, are exceptionally easy to use - as a typewriter!
116. But if the two wars differed objectively[], the perception of their similarity was a reality.
117. Systemic treatment of cancer is bedevilled by the similarity of tumour cells to normal cells, at least under most physiological conditions.
118. The drug's effectiveness is due to its similarity to natural hormones.
119. The hostage crisis bore a remarkable similarity to another attack last year.
120. A relationship of similarity rather than identity between Zeus and the cosmos is found.
121. The key similarity for Freud lies in the dominance of unconscious processes both for infants and for early man.
122. Here, however, all similarity between the piece Lucien was familiar with and what he saw being performed before him ended.
123. Some people have noticed their similarity to material distributed by Mr Round.
124. Some results are as follows:(1) A 1:25 scale model was built following the gravity similarity criterion. The gate closing and opening force in hydrodynamic conditions was studied.
125. The article provides emphatically a method of classification and indexing of Chinese words:logical semantic analysis of literal similarity.
126. Finally, the products having maximum similarity to the demands of customers acquired using the utility function.
127. We can get fussy similarity data correlation by using general analysis in modern mathematics.
128. In this paper, the concept of similarity transformation-word is defined and the character and laws of this transformation-word are studied in detail.
129. Heather Donahue's discovery of Joshua Leonard's (presumed) tongue and teeth wrapped in his handkerchief bears a striking similarity to Washington Irving's story "The Devil and Tom Walker".
130. The fuzzy unsupervised character classification, which is natural in the representation of prototypes for character matching, is developed and a weighted fuzzy similarity measure is explored.
131. That similarity and separation adds up to a mystery, according to Curtis Suttle, a biologist at University of British Columbia and a member of the 2009 Cave of Crystals expedition.
132. The spatial frequency ratio which could reflect regional similarity among images was defined.
133. Current similarity based approximate reasoning methods (SBARs) have various views on similarity relations and neglect the effect of dissimilarity relations.
134. By means of analyzing the similarity between two SQL queries a novel distance function was presented.
135. A set of similarity law for flood flows of the lower reach of the Yellow River was then proposed.
136. This paper puts forward non-contact surveillance and measure that uses video image processing, pattern recognition, optimum threshold value and theory of geometric similarity.
137. The comic opera aspect of Berlusconi that so exasperates critics invites comparisons with Mussolini, but the real similarity is that both men promoted a kind of "anti-politics."
138. The condition of geometric similarity is given and some blasting problems under this condition are studied .
139. It provides users with suitable results by removing the reduplicate results and estimating the similarity between results and user query.
140. The FADEC system consists of hardware layer based on similarity redundancy technique and software layer based on dissimilarity redundancy technique.
141. Similarity of the basic curve figures is queried and measured at some resolution ratio level, in the meantime, the fractal dimension in local similarity is matched.
142. Meanwhile the indifference curve also shows that it is not neccessary to change the security combination when such changes in return possess similarity.
143. Based on the similarity theory, the similarity conditions of the concrete oil storage tank temperature stress model experiment are derived, and the similarity constants are determined.
144. In this paper, a full polarimetry SAR ATR algorithm based on polarimetry similarity is proposed and validated by the simulated SAR data.
145. The designing methods of the control parameters were presented. The relationship between the similarity principle and Pelton turbine was demonstrated.
146. Based on real "back to back" small gas turbine, using similarity criterion, a non-rotating model experiment rig, together with hardware and software test system, is built.
147. The shape similarity is given by the function of describing the shape, which ensures its precision not be effected by all interference and avoids the loss of shape information.
148. First, the optimal neighbor size is automatically chosen using histogram similarity between the texture image and its subimage, then a threshold is introduced to accelerate texture synthesis.
149. A new approach for image registration is proposed based on alignment metric and fuzzy gradient similarity.
150. Specific topics include color, objects, categories, similarity, inductive inference, space, time, causality, reasoning, decision-making, morality and consciousness.
151. We also describe the affiliation index of balkanization, similarity of information resources and offer the conditions under which virtual balkanization emerges.
152. Before adopting a fuzzy entropy similarity metric, edge detection, image segmentation and segmentation description are accomplished.
153. I was struck by one big similarity between what I heard in Tahrir Square in Cairo in February and what one hears in Syntagma Square today. It's the word "justice."
154. Based on the similarity criterion, small lead test sample is used to carry on physical analogue experiment, confirmed the theory achievement's reliability to carry on the finite element analog.
155. But the computational effort of feature similarity is very large, sequential scanning is inefficient.
156. The similarity and difference between the infant industry protecting theory and the strategic trade policy theory are discussed.
157. This thesis reviewed at first the existing research results of the law of similarity for river models carrying sediment.
158. The major motivation comes from the similarity of design value between the IVA and us, which is design and research from daily life.
159. This paper proposed the algorithm for a document clustering based on similarity to overcome the drawbacks of ordinary information search.
160. Second, a motion vector filter (MVF) is introduced to correct the false estimated motion vectors caused by partial similarity in the video sequences.
161. In the similarity analysis of floods, the extension model is developed which takes the average water level and average flow of key stations as two characteristic indices.
162. Based on the similarity of watermark system and communication transform system model, there is an image watermarking method proposed here which adopts convolutional encoding technique.
163. The core of analogical reasoning is not the superficial similarity but the structural similarity.
164. We research approximate reasoning method based on above method of similarity measure.
165. The similarity of its heteropolar 3- or 6-aperturate pollen to the 3-aperturate pollen of Eudicots might result from convergent evolution.
166. According to the law of similarity of fan, the characteristic of long-distance tunneling ventilation was analyzed, and the energy consumption of variable frequency fan was described.
167. Two experiments investigated the influence of feature similarity, category labels, and causal relations in inductive reasoning.
168. For a more complete discussion of the relationship between similarity, typicality , and categorization see Rips (1989).
169. The formation mechanism of Al-based amorphous alloy was summarized and it has the characteristic of valence electron concentration and the principle of similarity.
170. Based on fuzzy set theory, we bring forward a new concept: similarity degree of waveforms, and use fuzzy pattern identification method to classify ECG waveforms.
171. Secondly, seed pixel region growing is performed based on the hue similarity criterion and the results of edge detection.
172. The traditional monistic thinking which seeks for discrepancy and avoids similarity is the methodological crux of the queries about global ethics.
173. Patients allergic to sulfa may also be allergic to hydrochlorothiazide because of a similarity in the chemical structure of the medications.
174. The relaxation detecting of effective feature segmentation is studied before matching capability of Scene Matching Algorithm of fuzzy entropy similarity metric can be improved.
175. A general model for multi-valued bi-directional associative memory (BAM) is presented. It is based on the concept of similarity measure.
176. Such similarity spells danger, for plantations of doppelganger bananas lack genetic diversity and are therefore at risk of succumbing to disease.
177. Taking into account the conservation of momentum and heat flux, FAM is applied to obtain the similarity functions of velocity, temperature and turbulent kinetic energy.
178. Based on the axiomatization definitions of subsethood measure and similarity measure, similarity measuer induced by subsethood measure is discussed, and some real induced formulas are given.
179. To the problem of Intuitionistic Fuzzy approximate reasoning based on similarity measure, a reasoning approach based on similarity measure with weighted parameter is presented.
180. The DGAT proteins of three different types share lower similarity, but all of them have an acyltransferase domain, while the DGAT proteins of the same type appear to be conserved in the C-terminal.
181. According to the similarity between the propagation of magnetic dipole source TEM field and reflected-seismic wave, it is proposed to explain TEM data with the pseudo-seismic interpretation.
182. You will notice a similarity between the four problem-solving phases identified by Polya and the analysis, design, implementation, and testing phases of software development.
183. This dissertation use fingerprint minutiae features and geometric similarity to identify fingerprint image basing on previous studies, and design fingerprint identification system.
184. Feature interest measure is introduced in the hybrid user model, which can reflect the degree of feature preference of users and obtain more accurate similarity between target user and the neighbors.
185. Basing on the heat conduct model of gun charge, the heat transfer of gun charge is analyzed with similarity criterion.
186. The results of the similarity analysis and the multisequencing alignment of sequences concluded that the partial IGS sequences of the three populations in P. haitanensis existed notable variabilities.
187. The difference and similarity between shadow moire fringe and Newtonian circlet are discussed from basic principles.
188. Furthermore to try to improve the similarity, a fader effect plays on the particles.
189. And Paul reminds us that this similarity goes beyond a Christlike character to include even our physical bodies.
190. Secondly we derive the similarity criterion of freezing method in tunnel construction by using the fundamental of similarity theorem and make large-scale physical mode testing.
191. The relative intensity of the time averaged(climatic)field and temporal anomalies field set plays an important role in their similarity.
192. At last, we gain dimensionless performance curve and Mnit speed that is based on similarity criterion.
193. Ah you will see there is a close similarity, there is well externalism has become a very popular way of addressing the sceptic .
193. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
194. Application of research produce of similarity theory can study complex phenomena by simple model experiment.
195. In identical bathroom mirrors, I found one tusky similarity saying, Esther, you again?
196. Secondly, several template matching algorithms are discussed from the aspect of character space and similarity measure and some improvement is presented respectively.
197. The low level of lighting dictates a similarity in the basic color and contrast of materials.
198. A real-time temperature measurement device for rocket propellant is designed according to similarity criterion.
199. According to the study, OSSC is implemented in Concept Extract System and applied to subject classification and similarity calculation.
200. Through accident symptom similarity inquiry, we can establish an security warning system, providing accident early warning information for the dispatcher to forewarn the information.
201. Sequence analysis showed that enolase had 74.8% similarity with that of Fascioliasis at amino acid level and belonged to phosphate-binding triosephosphate isomerase protein family.
202. The former searches continuous surface patches with geometric similarity, by using the mean-square deviation of vector contained angle of the least-square fitting planar method.
203. A self similar characteristic function is provided to quantitatively investigate self similarity of AE process.
204. Actually, the modeling material used in model test can hardly keep perfect similarity with prototype material.
205. Based on the similarity principle, the casting process of piston rings has been investigated by hydraulic simulation in the paper, and the method of reducing rejected products has been searched.
206. Application of standard form of real symmetric matrix under the orthogonal similarity transformation in matrix problems is given by examples.
207. At last, for the similarity, the author gives how to get the longest common subsequence between two protein sequences.
208. Compared with neighborhood, the similarity coefficient of Karakorum and Kunlun mountains to Pamirs Plateau of China is the tallest.
209. We wanted to make our new similarity measure insensitive to minor mix-ups such as translocations, which represent only a small loss of informational similarity .
210. The results show that when size effects occur, the interactions between projectiles and targets don t accord with geometrical similarity law.
211. At the end of this article, a final comparison table, including the sameness, the differences, and the conditions of similarity between CFA and PCA was exhibited.




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