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单词 Thrive
1 He that will thrive must rise at five. 
2 Ill weeds are sure to thrive
3 A man can never thrive who had a wasteful wife. 
4 A business cannot thrive without investment.
5 Children thrive on fresh air and good food.
6 Today his company continues to thrive.
7 I believe that your business will thrive more this year.
8 These hardy mountain folk seem to thrive on the cold.
9 She seems to thrive on stress.
10 These animals rarely thrive in captivity.
11 Flowers will not thrive without sunshine.
12 These animals thrive on the leaves of certain trees.
13 New businesses thrive in this area.
14 Many people thrive on a stressful lifestyle.
15 Few plants or animals thrive in the desert.
16 Some people seem to thrive on stress.
17 These traditions continued to thrive.
18 He that by the plough would thrive himself must either hold or drive.
19 Alvin pilots, I knew,[] must thrive under pressure.
20 Small companies, which rarely re-organize, thrive on personal contacts.
21 That's what lawyers thrive on.
22 But one couple seem to thrive on it.
23 They certainly seemed to thrive on them.
24 The grasses that did thrive were not prairie species.
25 On the other hand specialists could thrive.
26 Indeed, cleaning businesses thrive in San Diego and elsewhere.
27 They appear to love them and thrive.
28 While the insects thrive, residues from years of spraying are showing up in the water and food that humans consume.
29 I wouldn't want that much pressure, but she seems to thrive on it.
30 TV coverage is the sine qua non of a sport if it is to thrive.
1 Today his company continues to thrive.
2 These hardy mountain folk seem to thrive on the cold.
3 He that by the plough would thrive himself must either hold or drive.
31 Shopping Secrets Wherever you stay you will find the Venetian glass and lace industries still thrive.
32 Earthworms have extremely sensitive skins and can not thrive under acid conditions.
33 The one that lives along the path to the mailbox seems to thrive on cached apples.
34 Unlike the aerobic reaction that produces farmyard manure, anaerobic fermentation gives off little heat, so disease organisms thrive.
35 Loving relationships thrive in an open and honest environment, not in dark rooms behind locked doors.
36 There are plants that need constant sun, and those that thrive in the shade.
37 If the trend continues, only plants which thrive in such pollution can be expected to survive.
38 A lot of plants thrive and flower in partial shade.
39 While the espionage business continues to thrive, its remit has changed.
40 Secondly, high technology industries are footloose - products such as microchips are easy to transport, and thrive in a clean environment.
41 When Alvin arrived, he was pressed into rapid service of the sort he was learning of necessity to thrive on.
42 The Republic and the agency will survive, and perhaps thrive.
43 Run by a local partner from 1983 to about 1995, the store seemed to thrive.
44 Morels thrive briefly after a fire or bout of logging, but then they too disappear.
44 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
45 Surely marriage and prostitution are separate and it insults marriage to infer that they thrive on one another?
46 It is still unclear whether dotcom companies will continue to thrive in the long-term future.
47 He seemed to thrive under prison conditions, which caused the emperors to suspect their guards of going easy on the prisoner.
48 Not only will it survive, but the community will thrive far more than any community with central planners.
49 Condemnation Hateley is hard evidence that footballers, and maybe especially strikers, thrive on strength of mind as much as body.
50 Did any towns thrive which were not connected to the railway system?
51 It is not difficult to fill the stands and this creates an electrifying atmosphere, which is something I thrive on.
52 It is hoped links already established between the unit and other agencies will continue to thrive.
53 And with help from the conservationists this spectacular reserve will continue to thrive.
54 Indeed, as the stereotypes dropped away, humans astonished them-selves with the ranges of behavior they could thrive within.
55 Most nurseries write off one in 10 plants, for failing to germinate, thrive or being destroyed by pests.
56 Increasingly, retailers and manufacturers are questioning whether Gore can continue to thrive at such rarefied levels.
57 Geranium(), spider and ice plants thrive in old paint cans across from the outhouse.
58 The adults in the intestine may cause pot-belly, with failure to thrive, and occasional diarrhoea.
59 Such a child will rapidly thrive once an appropriate nutritional diet is provided.
60 Wherever freedom is denied to anyone for unfair or unjust reasons, capitalism can not thrive.
61 All archaebacteria thrive in intense heat, and most derive their energy from breaking chemical bonds.
62 The two-humped beasts could provide valuable salt-tolerance genes for domestic livestock, allowing them to thrive in previously hostile areas.
63 Individuals must demand livable working conditions and viable communities if their children are to thrive.
64 Unless sheep can repeatedly remove over 40% of the current season's growth of heather, the plants will continue to thrive.
65 Nine patients with Cryptosporidium, chronic diarrhoea and severe failure to thrive had a proximal small intestinal biopsy performed.
66 That lies in new ideas, new options and new optimism, which need presidential enthusiasm and encouragement to thrive.
67 They are what have allowed capitalism to survive and thrive.
68 To thrive in this new era, many law firms also merged.
69 Number people, and especially computer nerds, thrive in that muck.
70 Eurosceptic business and political groups said the figures proved that Britain could thrive without losing its currency.
71 Whether such brave ideas can thrive in the rough tide of freedom alongside economic want and nationalist fervour remains to be seen.
72 Society portraiture continued to thrive, as much in demand in the 1950s as in Gainsborough's day.
73 A variety of simple terrestrial life-forms can thrive in a medium of liquid water with carbon dioxide and ammonia available.
74 Phosphates in the water, from agricultural run-off and discharge from sewage works, provide nutrients on which the algae thrive.
74 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
75 Seven children who were above the third percentile had recently lost weight or were failing to thrive.
76 Most herbs need direct sun all day in order to thrive.
77 First and foremost, it is vital to understand that predators usually thrive on passive souls.
78 Brine shrimp thrive naturally, it is reported, in water so salty that few other forms of life exist there.
79 Yet, incredibly(), young rabbits can continue to occupy another section of the same burrow system and thrive near the earth.
80 It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts. Robert H. Schuller 
81 The economic slump has dried up the big-ticket multi-billion yen projects that the majors used to thrive on.
82 Why do some companies thrive on change while others struggle to survive?
83 Many children who fail to thrive will have suffered neglect and deprivation both of food and emotional warmth.
84 But amazingly Miranda, who had lived out of a suitcase for so long, did not thrive in London.
85 Often, for shrubbery to thrive, it first had to be hacked to the ground.
86 You want them to enjoy the books that imagination and curiosity thrive on.
87 Fungus infections like thrush and athlete's foot thrive in warm, damp conditions.
88 The teams cut carefully to ensure the rushes continue to thrive.
89 In fact, some people even manage to thrive in potentially stressful situations.
90 Ulster Television continues to thrive on an excellent programme performance and an immensely strong local identity.
91 We have previously reported two cases associated with chronic diarrhoea, failure to thrive and a proximal small intestinal enteropathy.
92 Whether fed on flake, frozen or live food, this fish seems to thrive.
93 Imagination doesn't always make you long for what you cannot have, but rather thrive in what you do not have. Criss Jami 
94 Britain's people: healthier, safer and better housed Liberal Democrats will invest in local services to enable communities to thrive.
95 Cooperative enterprise is not powered by individual reward, nor does it thrive on single-minded loyalty to an isolated corporate logo.
96 In other countries smaller dam projects have created bodies of water in which mosquitoes thrive.
97 They can thrive with less than four hours of sun and survive in most garden soils.
98 Research is a fragile plant which can not thrive without the right soil, nutrients and climate.
99 On the continent, political movements are already emerging which thrive on the flow of refugees and exploit naked nationalism.
100 They seemed to thrive on this and some of the females soon looked pregnant.
101 The city continued to thrive until a massive earthquake razed it to the ground in 749AD.
102 In developing countries it is uncertain whether cryptosporidiosis leads to failure to thrive or whether malnutrition predisposes to cryptosporidiosis.
103 In this new economy, smart businesses rely on an educated workforce to thrive.
104 It is impressive how the old establishments not only thrive, but bustle with diners.
104 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
105 Like rhubarb, asparagus and many other food plants, they thrive in enriched soil in a sunny spot.
106 However, when a good medium is provided it will thrive vigorously and produce numerous shoots on runners.
107 We thrive on the superficial barb, and shrink from the deeper, more complex, less titillating ambiguities of an issue.
108 Another medical check could find no organic reason for his failure to thrive and so psychological help was requested.
109 In reality, he offers a well-marketed novelty candidacy that can thrive in the anyone-but-Dole niche.
110 Abuse it, and the coat will metamorphose itself to thrive on the abuse.
111 These two electronic experiments will thrive only if readers use them or tell us how they can be improved.
112 The plants thrive in meadows or along the edges of forests.
113 Whether such pragmatism will continue to thrive among home users is hard to judge.
114 But in more complicated creatures the opportunities for genes to thrive at the expense of their fellows are greater.
115 Many of the exquisite, tiny species narcissi will thrive in the well-drained soil.
116 A dichotomy between organic and non-organic failure to thrive has developed, but this is often an oversimplification of the clinical picture.
117 And politicians and bureaucrats, not to mention corporate lobbyists and advocacy groups, thrive on their abilities to influence tax policies.
118 It is important also to sort out those trees and shrubs that, like rhododendrons, will only thrive on acid soils.
119 They seem to thrive on and exploit timing delays and parasitic currents.
120 The information is helpful in selecting plants that will thrive in your area.
121 The only important prerequisite is that there must be light: they do not thrive in dark tanks.
122 These are then excreted and, should they prove to have a useful, coincidental effect, the bacteria thrive.
123 So they tend not to thrive in dry centrally heated rooms.
124 Further north they may need some protection to establish and thrive.
125 Will seems to thrive in the hard-driving, mind-altering milieu of rock and soul.
126 He researched what his 211 ants needed to survive, to thrive.
127 It is the government's responsibility to create the conditions for enterprise to thrive.
128 They grew tall with curving trunks, like the tree ferns that still thrive in tropical rain forests.
129 Chardonnay and Pinot Noir vines thrive in limestone soil.
130 Babies thrive on their mother's milk.
131 Alligators thrive in freshwater sloughs and marl prairies.
132 First thrive and then wive.
133 Different types of foraminifera thrive at different temperatures.
134 Living space - more formally known as the "ecological niche concept" by biologists - refers to the particular requirements of an organism to thrive.
134 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
135 Teams that actively navigate conflict and de-escalate regularly can learn to thrive in level 1 conflict...
136 Still, Hoffman is confident the industry can thrive — and he's put money on it.
137 Tinea capitis, as it's more scientifically known, is caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes that thrive in warm, moist conditions and typically arise due to poor hygiene.
138 Cypresses, with their tolerance for brackish water, thrive in these ecosystems.
139 You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.
140 Two or three grave sedate-looking persons shook their heads, and left the inn, hinting, that if Gile Gosling wished to continue to thrive, he should turn his thriftless godless nephew adrift again.
141 The venerable British confectioner rejected out of hand the American food giant’s offer, saying it “fundamentally undervalues” the company, which could continue to thrive on its own.
142 Children thrive or struggle in school for a host of reasons apart from IQ, according to psychologist Franz M?nks of the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands.
143 Tropical diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and yellow fever are reaching temperate regions, and ragweed and poison ivy thrive in the hothouse world.
144 Typical is with nonspecific symptoms as lethargy or failure to thrive.
145 Dappled shade is formed by deciduous trees, and shade plants such as epimedium, anemone, trillium, and a variety of bulbs thrive in this type of shade.
146 It is only romantic reverie that cannot thrive in a milieu of sober criticism.
147 Home out of these stones into pig sties, cowshed , protect domestic animals thrive.
148 In addition, a stable financial and regulatory environment is needed if futures markets are to thrive.
149 For the school to flourish and thrive, just like a plant it needs to be placed in fertile and well-prepared soil, be strongly rooted and well-nourished and cared for.
150 Of late years, landscape ecology become thrive and milestone of building city greenbelt.
151 Johnson: Small languages like Welsh and Letzeburgesh survive and even thrive in rich places like Europe. Other languages like Manx and Romansh are dead or threatened.
152 But Ho doubted they would thrive in the warm water needed for a comfortable footbath . And he didn't know if customers would like the idea.
153 The thrive and development degree of service industry is a distinguished symbol of economic assessment. In America, the employment in this industry covers more than 80 percent of the total.
154 So animals like wolves, grizzly bears, bald eagles, millions of wild salmon, humpback whales, steller sea lions thrive here again as they have for, for thousands of years.
155 Bold knaves thrive without one grain of sense . But good men starve for want of impudence.
156 A disease of grasses appearing as grayish-white or pinkish patches after heavy snow has melted and caused by fungi that thrive at low temperatures.
157 Can papyrus grow tall where there is no marsh? Can reeds thrive without water?
158 Today salt - loving bacteria thrive in brine pools on the dry lake bed, lending a blood-red tint in this aerial view.
159 Marsh orchids, marsh and meadow thistles, meadowsweet and ragged robin thrive.
160 The harem strategy, generally followed by plains and mountain zebra as well as by feral horses, often provides a relatively safe environment in which mothers and their foals can thrive.
161 Hindley was nought, and would never thrive as where he wandered.
162 BASEL, Switzerland — Long-lasting marriages may thrive on love, compromise and increasing ignorance about one another.
163 But Walter Mulbry, the USDA microbiologist, also showed that corn and cucumber seedlings could thrive on an organic fertilizer made from the dried-out algae.
164 On the opposite side, however, we deny the reality of being socially connected beings who also need to connect,[] co-operate and help one another to ensure that we thrive.
165 But since interactive marketing programs are now fueled by measurable results, not dot-com madness, we believe that they can thrive in a recession.
166 AI's practical side continues to thrive, but its theoretical side has languished after bequeathing a mixture of brilliant and awful ideas to philosophy and cognitive psychology.
167 Under progressive taxation your amount of thriving is diminished, to support welfare recipients, which if you yourself are on, then you lose the right to fail or thrive on your own merits.
168 Climatically, the gradual change view of the future assumes that agriculture will continue to thrive and growing seasons will lengthen.
169 The infantile case presented with failure to thrive , hypotonia, and radiologic rickets at 4 months old.
170 Only the thick blob of blue-green algae will thrive in low phosphate environment, and so over time this species tends to dominate these stable systems.
171 This is because under the high-moisture condition, the majority of mushroom poisoning thrive well spread, the greenhouse internal phase to the humidity upper limit is 85%.
172 And a friend up in McCall, Idaho , where carpenter ants thrive, who I watched pull a carpenter ant off the floor of his living room and take it outside rather than kill it.
173 For a state to thrive in such circumstances of rivalry required, in Mr. Fuku yama's view, a form of "state-building.
174 Lude, France's "La Marseillaise" and the Karl's "Dance" are distinguished by mid-century romantic sculptures . 19 realistic art thrive period of time.
175 The pumpkin is the only esculent of the orange family that will thrive in the North.
176 This flowering plant will thrive and bloom wherever you plant it.
177 What makes seashore paspalum so special is that it can survive and thrive in high-salt environments. So brackish water or partially salty water can be used to irrigate this grass.
178 Bush, and soon either John McCain or Barack Obama, might be tempted to again back figures in Pakistan that promise quick suppression of jihadi extremists that thrive in the tribal, mountainous areas.
179 Here, family court judge Michele Lowrance shows you can not only survive, but thrive, from your next split.
180 They thrive only in suitable soil and a temperate climate.
181 WASHINGTON - In a surprising discovery about where higher life can thrive, scientists for the first time found a shrimp-like creature and a jellyfish frolicking beneath a massive Antarctic ice sheet.
182 It was this warming that gave the Clovis people and their prey a chance to thrive.
183 Give bairn his will, and a whelp his fill , and none of these two will thrive.
184 Pentecostalism continues to thrive in the land of its birth.
185 That distinction had already constituted the animating theme of the 1783 "Circular Address" – democratic self-government understood as requiring a spirit of moderation to survive and thrive.
186 If you need to replant the flower bed but don't know what plants thrive in your area, you can clear away the debris and prepare the soil prior to sitting down with flower brochures and browsing.
187 The newfound vents are home to a menagerie of creatures adapted to darkness and crushing water pressures, species that thrive despite waters volcanically heated to near boiling.
188 They reinvigorate me for the next nasty surprise and offer assurance that I can thrive.
189 I will laugh at goodness and it will thrive and abound.
190 " It's raining , it's raining. That's a good omen, it means you will thrive from now on.
191 Largely because of the legal grey zone in which they thrive, pachinko parlour operators are not listed on the stock exchange. The producers of the machines, however, are tipped to perform strongly.
192 Consequently, the students who thrive in the school system are typically skilled in rote memorization.
193 The classical form of galactosemia is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice and failure to thrive within a few days after birth.
194 To thrive in a world of self-service, agents have to hyperspecialize, have to stand for something, have to have the guts to say no far more than they say yes.
195 Yet, some thrive while others struggle or go out of business.
196 The reinvigorate me for the next nasty surprise and offer assurance that can thrive.
197 We expect the seal fishery and industry to continue to thrive as new markets develop.
198 But now, says the Lancet paper, clinical microbiologists increasingly agree that multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria, which thrive in the gut, pose the greatest risk to public health.
199 You sing season with singing, accompany arboreous thrive, accompany wind spread cool and refreshing, you are so free thoroughly delighted, but you think for me, make a noise dead I, cicada cries.
200 As Karl Schwenke points out in his classic book In a Pig's Eye: 'Pigs are gregarious animals. Like children, they thrive on affection, enjoy toys, have a short attention span, and are easily bored.'
201 Creatures as tiny as tentacled green anemones and as massive as blue whales thrive in the rich broth of sanctuary waters, a blend of warm southern and cold northern currents.
202 Amicus Curiae develop and thrive with the expansion and limitations of fact-finding.
203 Berne observed that people need strokes, the units of interpersonal recognition, to survive and thrive.
204 Yet as one who recognized that socialism cannot thrive in poverty-stricken conditions, he would have understood perfectly how the Russian revolution came to be lost.
205 The lunatic fringe of Western society is a fertile spawning ground for cults and sects, which are normally left in peace. They may thrive for a few years, but most fade fairly quickly.
206 But as someone who came to Arsenal unproven and undeveloped, he appreciates how the atmosphere at the club allows raw talent to thrive.
207 On the one hand, it's true that Americans thrive on cold cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and instant dinners.
208 Wildflowers thrive amid twisted tree limbs along California's Big Sur Coast.
209 Even if they have a well-rounded portfolio, they want to make small bets on markets or sectors that they think will thrive.
210 She, be like emerge break ground and go out, vibrant, thrive.
211 Commercial knowledge and the ability to thrive in a fast moving environment.
212 A true habitat specialist of the forest understory, the fringed campion requires very specific soil, chemical, and light conditions to thrive, and occurs in only 37 locations in Florida and Georgia.
213 Tiny, plant-like organisms—phytoplankton—thrive throughout the Southern Hemisphere's spring and summer on an abundance of nutrients and long hours of sunlight.
214 The school itself needs to have a healthy fertile relationship with Anthroposophy if it is to grow and thrive as a Waldorf school.
215 But when the appropriate accommodations are provided, children with hearing impairment can enjoy school and thrive, as do their peers with normal hearing abilities.
216 Most of the anti-hookah laws now under consideration are intended to end exemptions in state indoor-smoking bans that allowed hookah bars to thrive.
217 Narrator : The city had been saved, and would thrive again.




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