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单词 Tolerance
1. German leaders denounced the attacks and pleaded for tolerance.
2. She had no tolerance for jokes of any kind.
3. Some children have a low tolerance for boredom.
4. I have low alcohol tolerance.
5. They have a policy of zero tolerance for sexual harassment.
6. He has a sense of humour plus tolerance and patience.
7. The organization promotes racial tolerance and unity in diversity.
8. It has a tolerance of 0.001 of an inch.
9. He has recently urged more tolerance of sexual promiscuity.
10. Human beings have limited tolerance of noise.
11. Tolerance is an essential ingredient for a happy marriage.
12. Tolerance is one of her many strengths.
13. Tolerance to alcohol decreases with age.
14. There is lowered pain tolerance,[Sentence dictionary] lowered resistance to infection.
15. Margaret regarded her mother's peculiarities with a fond tolerance.
16. Tolerance is one of his strengths.
17. Tolerance is a sign of breeding.
18. The book is essentially an exhortation to religious tolerance.
19. Some people say schools need to teach tolerance of alternative lifestyles.
20. As the addict's tolerance increases, he requires ever larger doses of the drug.
21. My tolerance of heat is considerably greater after having lived in the Far East for a couple of years.
22. Many old people have a very limited tolerance to cold.
23. They were working to a tolerance of 0.0001 of a centimetre.
24. It is true that Islam enjoins tolerance; there's no doubt about that.
25. Howard County has a zero tolerance policy on alcohol use by teenagers.
26. He watched the kids throw water around with amused tolerance.
27. This period in history is not noted for its religious tolerance.
28. The police are exercising a new policy of zero tolerance against motoring offenders.
29. Foreigners must use their power to nudge the country towards greater tolerance.
30. Some members of the party would like to see it develop a greater tolerance of/towards contrary points of view.
1. German leaders denounced the attacks and pleaded for tolerance.
2. She had no tolerance for jokes of any kind.
3. I have low alcohol tolerance.
4. They have a policy of zero tolerance for sexual harassment.
5. He watched the kids throw water around with amused tolerance.
6. This period in history is not noted for its religious tolerance.
7. It has a tolerance of 0.001 of an inch.
8. Tolerance is a sign of breeding.
31. The Prime Minister said he was trying to preach peace and tolerance to his people.
32. She was showing greater tolerance towards her younger sister than before.
33. All practices of corruption and corrupt elements shall be found out through investigation without tolerance or lenience.
34. As with any drug taken in excess, your body can build up a tolerance to it.
35. The highest result of education is tolerance. Helen Keller 
36. The subjects had a continuous infusion glucose tolerance test.
37. Wisdom is the mother of kindness, temperance and tolerance. Dr T.P.Chia 
38. We all need tolerance, oodles of tolerance.
39. Individuals also differ in their alcohol tolerance.
40. It decreases our levels of tolerance and resilience.
41. There is a gradual movement towards tolerance and understanding.
42. What's most important in a friendship? Tolerance and loyalty. J.K. Rowling 
43. Patients rarely develop tolerance to benzodiazepines used as hypnotics.
44. This new benignity and tolerance a little disconcerted him.
44. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
45. Tolerance exists only for officially sanctioned ideas.
46. He had repeatedly demonstrated that he had a greater tolerance of G-forces than most other men.
47. Impaired glucose tolerance is a condition that means your blood glucose falls between normal and diabetic.
48. More and more people from urban areas are using off-road cycles out of towns so a tolerance towards them is also necessary.
49. On April 4 Rocard called a conference to endorse a plan to strengthen anti-racist legislation and tolerance of immigrants.
50. Results - Twenty seven subjects had non-insulin dependent diabetes, 32 had impaired glucose tolerance, and 42 were normoglycaemic.
51. Field men again adopt very different standards of tolerance, depending on the nature of their patch.
52. Stallions have an especially low tolerance for boredom, and the best cure is greater variety in work.
53. Short-term treatment is not associated with significant tolerance or physical dependence.
54. Quaker creditors showed great tolerance to those who were tardy in paying their bills.
55. Tolerance was not a quality you associated with my parents.
56. Thus it can be the grounds for greater tolerance and wiser value judgments about normative political issues.
57. The ideal for each investor will vary according to the amount available to invest and individual risk tolerance.
58. Part of the growth of road transport reflected the political tolerance of what unions and rail pressure groups regarded as unfair competition.
59. Tolerance means that with regular use, you need to increase the dose to achieve the same effect.
60. Margaret loved her mother, and regarded her peculiarities with a fond tolerance.
61. On the Rebound Since caffeine is relatively inexpensive and widely available, the dose escalation induced by tolerance is seldom burdensome.
62. Six subjects did not consent to a glucose tolerance test and tolerance was determined from fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations.
63. This flexible response to any drug, whether recreational or therapeutic, is called tolerance.
64. Telekia speciosa Noted for its long-stalked heart-shaped leaves, shade tolerance and suitability for waterside planting.
65. And, although opportunism has often got the better of his instincts, he has tended towards social tolerance.
66. It insisted on wholly open intellectual inquiry, and on a related entire tolerance.
67. The banter was an excellent sign that the crew were very willing to establish solid cooperation and friendship based on mutual tolerance.
68. Freedom and tolerance are not what the Southern Baptist creed is about.
69. They laboured with enthusiasm and imagination and showed tolerance towards interfering children who hopped and skipped around, getting in the way.
70. Playing on the railway embankment was well beyond that tolerance.
71. It was heartening to see the huge demonstration of support for democracy and racial tolerance in Vienna recently.
72. Tolerance and under-standing are almost always fostered by mutual help.
73. A shortened time horizon may of course have alarming implications for social and political tolerance.
74. The reproducibility, sensitivity,[http:///tolerance.html] and specificity of the continuous infusion glucose tolerance test have been reported.
75. Dependence Tolerance and withdrawal are the classic signs of physical dependence on a drug.
76. I have been fortunate enough to find myself all my life on the side of tolerance.
77. When the body develops tolerance to a prescribed pill, some people ask their physicians to give them a different pill.
78. Other groundbreaking work was reportedly done in the areas of fault tolerance support and compiler optimisation.
79. Earlier releases of the software used two relatively simple ways to provide fault tolerance.
80. As a team we had barely begun to draw upon our reserves of mutual tolerance and respect.
81. This is a false and counterproductive approach; it is to true open-mindedness what glib moral relativism is to genuine tolerance.
82. There is far more high-mindedness,() racial tolerance and intellectual curiosity than you might expect.
83. The one you're talking to is all tolerance and forbearance.
84. Not only have contraceptive methods allowed this kind of Planning but social norms of family size have changed and increased in tolerance.
85. The glucose tolerance test is used to observe the response of the patient to a glucose load or challenge.
86. The upsurge in our activity and in our public demands in the mid-1980s represented a declaration that our tolerance was running out.
87. Of course, tolerance to very heavy doses of caffeine may be problematic for health reasons.
88. There is very little slack built into the system and usually not much tolerance for errors.
89. Any attempt to increase tolerance - however dotty or blush-making - should be respected.
90. The best explanation for this is the so-called rebound effect, otherwise known as acute tolerance.
91. Another 27 percent said they support a ban with a mention of tolerance.
92. The brief comprised a list of about 80 species for each chart, grouped according to pollution tolerance.
93. It is only when intrusive ethologists steal and hatch eggs that the wide tolerance of the goslings is revealed.
94. Flexibility and tolerance of errors are intrinsic to creativity management.
95. The school encourages an attitude of tolerance towards all people.
96. This group has carried out a large multicentre study on glucose tolerance in normal pregnancy.
97. There was considerable variation in the tolerance to the procedure with one patient able to accept a 52 minute rotation time.
98. Human rights education programs aim to foster respect for other people, tolerance, fairness and solidarity.
99. The government is beginning to show more tolerance of opposition groups.
100. Settled partly by Scandinavians, it has a tradition of liberalism, tolerance, and belief in community.
101. Do I have tolerance for a crack addict who does little to kick the habit?
102. Beyond historically determined levels of societal tolerance, crime is dysfunctional to social life.
103. The non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects had similar birth weight to subjects with normoglycaemia or impaired glucose tolerance.
104. Tolerance says a four board configuration based upon Intel's P5 CPU will be launched in the first quarter of 1993.
104. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
105. His parents had firm standards; yet they moderated their expectations with tolerance and compassion.
106. Would-be apprentices are questioned about their attitude towards foreigners, and they take part in a week-long workshop on tolerance and diversity.
107. Check on salt tolerance of your fish especially some of the more delicate catfish before treating.
108. These students tend to have poor tolerance for frustration and give up easily when tasks become difficult. 23.
109. The people consuming the caffeine demonstrated tolerance in several ways.
110. In addition, Los Angeles has always demonstrated a remarkably high tolerance for spiritual innovators, political cranks, and religious eccentrics.
111. But Montana, under pressure from the health inspection service, has little tolerance for the animals that carry brucellosis.
112. Tolerance for democracy must be cultivated to reinforce our democratic institutions.
113. A tolerance of one millimetre means that the measurement has to be within one millimetre of what has been specified.
114. Firstly, no other children were staying at our chalet that week and the other guests showed little tolerance.
115. If you find the concentration more than your risk tolerance allows, look for a value fund or one in another sector.
116. Star of Tolerance will address the whole planet, so we are obliged to be as responsible as we can be.
117. So a dangerous tolerance of error and a specious attitude of humility towards truth has arisen.
118. Homosexuals will have to put their struggle for tolerance and against heterosexist norms and morals in an international perspective.
119. On the one hand, Jaq must seem capable of irony and flexible tolerance - perhaps only soas to spring a trap.
120. Tolerance means treating with respect people whose positions are fundamentally different from your own.
121. From at least the closing years of the eighteenth century the decline of gentry involvement and even tolerance of plebeian sports was evident.
122. A major difficulty with such a test is that familiarity may breed tolerance rather than contempt.
123. It has just published a table listing 48 countries and their tolerance of economic corruption in trade deals.
124. A martyr of tolerance, I think she would like not to just purse her thin prim lips.
125. Where the Mind is biggest, the Heart, the Senses, Magnanimity, Charity, Tolerance, Kindliness, and the rest of them scarcely have room to breathe. Virginia Woolf 
126. The context was always a plea for tolerance of something which he had been taught to regard as sinful.
127. We re an odd mixture of tolerance and prejudice, of the apologetic and the arrogant.
128. Jarrett dismisses excessive birth weight as being secondary to maternal obesity rather than glucose tolerance abnormalities.
129. Terribly talented people often have little tolerance for less talented middle managers.
130. The comedia lacrimosa champions a new moral code founded on friendship, tolerance, humanity and charity.
131. Most have no-smoking areas or designated smoking rooms, but more than half the companies still without restrictions reported less tolerance for smokers.
132. This is especially-true for insomniacs, who seem to have a lower tolerance to the stimulating effects of caffeine than most people.
133. Over time, coexistence was inevitable, involving compromise and limited mutual tolerance.
134. It is the tolerance of juveniles that controls overall distribution and the species is generally absent from estuaries.
134. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
135. Tolerance for unorthodox political expression was simply not an ideological possibility.
136. Yes, zero tolerance does single people out, and more often than not, those people are black rather than white.
137. Would I be testing the limits of their tolerance for the rest of my feminist work?
138. There's usually a mutual tolerance, but sometimes strong feelings spill over.
139. Then, too, right beside the moralizing lay a deep and thoroughgoing tolerance.
140. Sometimes they individually pursued selfish national interests that strained the tolerance of allies.
141. As it was, he was forced to his usual obsequious tolerance.
142. The studies have been extended to show the same inverse relation between birth weight and glucose tolerance in young men aged 18-25.
143. If he is that different from the present denizens, perhaps his influence may extend to more tolerance toward detector users?
144. All of us have different levels of tolerance to the demands on our mental energy.
145. The research aims to investigate the contribution to pupils' understanding and tolerance made by language teaching.
146. Helen's frustration with people who don't appreciate her could result in a marked reduction in her tolerance level.
147. Market tolerance does not always require total visual perfection and graciously allows for a small range of error.
148. In his budget and health care proposals, Clinton overestimated the public tolerance for new government programs.
149. The non-vascular cryptogams have wide climatic tolerance, and spread readily by wind-distributed spores or vegetative propagules.
150. We have to learn tolerance, to look at our behaviour and to stop being self-righteous.
151. She had always prided herself on her tolerance and open-mindedness - how dared he call her bigoted?
152. One of FDDI's greatest strengths is its fault tolerance.
153. Research direct linear tolerance analysis algorithm.
154. How is the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) done?
155. Fault tolerance countermeasures are designed to combat design reliability.
156. Plus Chloral Hydrate has a cross tolerance with Nembutal.
157. Load balancing and fault tolerance features.
158. Except those for Artemia soling , the upper limits of salinity tolerance of both saline and freshwater zooplanktons in this region are higher than those reported by other authors.
159. Type, power and parameters of the lamp are selected according to the type and area of plaster bandage fixation and patient's tolerance.
160. Background: Cardiac resynchronization therapy improves exercise tolerance and survival in with advanced congestive HF and dyssynchrony.
161. Jawaharlal Nehru was thoughtful and precise when he drew a link between humanism, tolerance, reason, and progress.
162. Through correlation analysis, soluble protein, praline and MDA content were significantly correlated with their cold tolerance in seeding stage.
163. My belief in tolerance led to a documentary film I made about Jehovah's Witnesses, and my mom actually likes it.
164. Objective To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of Acarbose on patients with impaired glucose tolerance.
164. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
165. Introduce the problems of uncertainty in assembly or motion of tight tolerance, the importance of compliant motion, fine motion planning, and compliant motion planning.
166. Objective To characterize the role of muscarinic receptor subtype in the process of the morphine tolerance and dependence.
167. The book is both a history and a passionate polemic for tolerance.
168. But, its enter tolerance a bit small, furnace head thermic load is very inaccessible high level requirement.
169. An endpoint fusing method is proposed for hand-drawing 3D projection sketches based on the tolerance zone of each endpoint with variable radius(VRTZ).
170. Tolerance design affects functional roles and manufacturing costs of products. It has been become a key technique and choke point of information integration in CAD/CAM.
171. Thickness tolerance is an important parameter in radiographic testing of thickness changed object.
172. The rabbet for install the outer must be H7 tolerance, ensure a high axiality.
173. The inner race is keyed to the shaft. The outer race has h7 tolerance and should be fitted in housing with a k7 tolerance. Additional side notches provide for positive torque transmission.
174. Some shade tolerance forage species of Lolium multiflorum, Dactylis glomerata, Bromus carticus and Trifolium repens were selected to sow in pear orchard.
175. The wave tests the courage of the coxswain, while difficulties exams human's tolerance.
176. Howeer, some T cells are not actiated, in fact they are inactivated by a process called anergy or tolerance.
177. The fault probability, the degree of fault tolerance and problem of reliabilty in the fault tolerant control system are analyzed in the view of statistics.
178. The tolerance of the BOE to the phase distortion with Gauss distribution of the input laser beam and the manufacturing error are analyzed.
179. Threshold error severity levels - Identify threshold error severity levels and design fault tolerance levels in service orchestration around these thresholds.
180. Chromium in the yeast partly exists in an organic species-glucose tolerance factor(GTF). The GTF with high activity can assist insulin to play a certain role in maintaining normal glucose tolerance.
181. The effect of assembly tolerance on product assembly is researched in detail and the algorithm and program of total assembly cost is presented .
182. This paper presents a precise detection algorithm for locating the baseline of a text line, and the tolerance for baseline detection has been discussed.
183. Among them the automatic generation of dimension chain is the foundation of CAT and the described design function offers basis of tolerance analysis and tolerance synthesis.
184. Compared with seamless steel tube, hot tension reducing mill has welded pipe wall thickness tolerance small, cut head loss and product small yield higher advantages, can reduce the production cost.
185. Tolerance: Includes set up tolerance line regulation and load regulation.
186. Objective:To investigate the safety and superiority of blood drawing through an indwelling vein needle on in oral glucose tolerance test .
187. CONCLUSION: The lobster chitosan has the functions of declining the BS value and strengthening the sugar tolerance whereas unaffecting the normal glycogen metabolism in diabetic mice.
188. Then, the inspection of the part is simulated to evaluate geometric tolerance stack-up yield, and the calculation methods on different tolerancing principles are discussed.
189. A protocol is put forward, which can support crash-recovery model, make seamless fault- tolerance, and achieve the Consistency of multiple replicas in asynchronous system.
190. Due to the dielectric isolation of the measurement circuit layer, the sensor can work steadily under high temperature and possesses greater excess temperature tolerance.
191. Based on mate tree, the generation scheme of loop circuit and 3D assembly tolerance chains is put forth.
192. The germplasms of cold tolerance were not only widely existed on tropic, subtropic and temperature zone, but also difference with cold tolerance among plants of one landrace.
193. From tolerance to revolt, Beatrice realizes her self - salvation.
194. The extent of Lpr recovery and the photosynthetic parameters suggested that the tolerance of water stress in alfalfa was weak, while that of Longdong was stronger than Algonquin.Sentencedict
195. The experimental results showed that the AMPS/AA/DMDAAC - lignosulphonates graft copolymer has very good heat resistance, salt tolerance and inhibiting action when...
196. I'll wrap up with a few other nifty sysadmin tricks you can do with LVM2, including on-demand virtualization, improving fault tolerance with mirroring, and transparently encrypting a block device.
197. The cause of it mainly has some correlation with the physique, exercise content, exercise tolerance, competition, and arra...
198. The histopathology of resistance(tolerance)to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in rape(Brassica napus)were studied.
199. The effect of CoCl 2 pretreatment on glucose transport activity of cultured newborn rat hippocampal neurons and its role in neuronal hypoxic tolerance were observed.
200. Famale Dragons are quite busy both physically and mentally. In the summertime, tact and tolerance are needed to avoid friction with a co-worker or someone close to you.
201. Maintaining the target Brix of the beverage in the lower tolerance range will save a company a lot of money.
202. The changes of baroreceptor reflex, especially the disturbance of CNS regulation function are the main factors causing the decrease of orthostatic tolerance after bed rest.
203. The resistance and tolerance of different varieties in Pleurotus Ostreatus to trichoderma sp. and Penicillun sp. were studied with plating method.
204. It may look severely deformed, but if checked, it is within the accepted tolerance.
205. Producing fewer printed sheets than specified or ordered. Trade customs permit a standard tolerance for overruns or underruns.
206. Tolerance design for assembly (TDFA) techniques essentially involve in two kinds of issues, assembly tolerance analysis and assembly tolerance synthesis.
207. The insulin sensitivity of animal models was quantified by insulin tolerance test, glucose tolerance test and gluconeogenesis test, etc.
208. Furthermore, the multi defect structure has greater tolerance of film thickness and incidence angle.
209. In this paper, we selected Medicago lupulina L. as experimental material and studied the physi-ecological responses and tolerance mechanism of Medicago lupulina L. to Cd stress with pot experiment.
210. This paper is based on the features of tooth profile and helix tolerance zone of transmission gears.
211. Ignore any letters - they just indicate tolerance and voltage rating.
212. Styrax had characteristics such as drought tolerance, cold tolerance and strong seed viability.
213. The modified product was analyzed by FT-IR and GPC, and softening point, solubility in solvent and n-heptane tolerance were also studied.
214. It suggested the difference in salt tolerance of two groups maybe relate with SSR polymorphic loci on linkage groups between group A and B.
215. In addition, the system fault tolerance is achieved by the effective replication of data objects.
216. Under different team development stages and different team size, significant variance exists on the tolerance of uncertainty, resource control, and self-motivation and innovation orientation.




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