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单词 Adversary
1) He was dismayed at the size of his adversary.
2) The British considered him a worthy adversary.
3) He saw her as his main adversary within the company.
4) He tilted his adversary at the meeting.
5) He was as devious as his adversary was ruthless.
6) He has to pit his wits against an adversary who is cool, clever and cunning.
7) He defeated his old adversary.
8) Agree with thine adversary quickly....
9) She is, however, hemmed in by the Adversary.
10) Secondly, the adversary nature of the adjudicative process may not be well suited to this area.
11) A compatible but independent thesis is that of adversary politics.
12) The effect of adversary politics in Britain is intensified by the rapid turnover of government personnel.
13) The significant discontinuities elsewhere support the thesis of adversary politics.
14) The rhetoric of adversary politics, it is argued, hides a more consensual substance.
15) It had no adversary or coalition relationship with similarly organized parties.
16) My adversary raised and very deliberately drew a bead on me.
17) The other argument deployed against the adversary politics thesis calls into doubt the relevance of the notion itself.
18) The formal political framework facilitates an adversary relationship among political parties, but the underlying reality is a quest for compromise.
19) Gamble argues that the adversary politics thesis over-generalises from a few instances to the whole of economic policy.
20) His rivals knew that they could expect no quarter from such a ruthless adversary.
21) His business rivals knew they could expect no quarter from such a ruthless adversary.
22) Silently, desperately, it is struggling against a new and all-powerful adversary, the civilization of the capitalist West.
23) The three main diagnoses are those of government overload, adversary politics, and pluralist stagnation.
24) But in fact the very first priority of a nuclear aggressor is to pull the teeth of his adversary.
25) For the first time in the contest since the initial attack,(http:///adversary.html) Jacob's adversary seizes the initiative.
26) I suggest that it is humanism - both religious and secular - that is the dominant philosophical adversary.
27) Take for example, the matrix structure, what it does is establish an adversary system, thereby institutionalizing organizational conflict.
28) The auto accident is the most absurd of all adversary proceedings.
29) She saw him clearly - arrogant as the devil and cold as ice, a ready-made adversary.
30) He was standing with three friends and telling a tale in which he'd conned some adversary into covering a dubious investment.
1) The British considered him a worthy adversary.
2) He saw her as his main adversary within the company.
3) He was as devious as his adversary was ruthless.
31) The bipolar adversary process often involves paying little attention to these wider interests.
32) Our current systems of adversary law and politics are examples of such professionalism.
33) Prosecutors gave Bailey, an adversary, $ 6 million worth of stock without spelling out any conditions of the transfer.
34) As we have said, television news is in a constant struggle with time, and time is a fierce adversary.
35) They have been the commonplace stuff of the party political debate that is adversary politics.
36) Now those hopes have been dashed, and they find themselves handing their own adversary a sharp sword.
37) Like the trained warrior that I was, I knew not to oppose an adversary head-on.
38) Unlike most rebels, Gandhi did not get ammunition from his adversary.
39) The essential feature of the judicial process which makes it unsuitable to deal with polycentric problems is its bipolar and adversary nature.
40) Alternatively they risk becoming the client state of one or other adversary in a high-risk tension area.
41) Symes grabbed his adversary by the throat and wrestled him to the ground.
42) Troops ordinarily camped out during the winter months, recognizing that battles did not need the additional adversary of horrendous weather.
43) The need to develop all relevant facts in the adversary system is both fundamental and comprehensive.
44) It moved sinuously, dancing round its adversary, thrusting with a slender spear and protecting itself gracefully with a brightly-polished shield.
45) The adversary politics thesis developed by the reformers has also been variously challenged.
46) Where the struggle was too strong to be defeated, they view it with abhorrence as a triumph for an adversary nation.
47) Yet there is that nearly irresistible need for lawyers to smear their adversary, even a grieving widow.
48) At that moment a slim figure flung itself out of the shadows to tumble Lefevre's giant adversary from his feet.
49) He set at his adversary in strong language.
50) He set about his adversary in strong language.
51) Our government tends to opperate by adversary procedures.
52) He is wrestling with his adversary.
53) Charity knows no adversary; sagacity breeds no worry.
54) The adversary went about seeking whomever he might devour.
55) Now the Danube confronts a modern adversary --- pollution.
56) He lunged ( out ) at his adversary.
57) Is price war break down to procrastinate adversary?
58) Then the Lord raised up against Solomon an adversary, Hadad the Edomite, from the royal line of Edom.
59) A buffalo would make a worthy adversary, and the young males rise to the challenge.
60) For young Japanese entrepreneurs, " Son-san" was more than just an adversary to Japan's buttoned-up corporate world; he was the messiah for a new age.
61) Before resembling two weeks " Fan Kecheng is tasted jump turn adversary website " incident, use baleful plug-in unit namely, undertake to user computer the domain name is hijacked.
62) In view of fact that both the Inquisitional System and the Adversary System are products of deliberate design, plans of constructivist rationalism are doomed to self-deconstructing.
63) Also, the reduction on the scheme is achieved by defining an equivalence relation to adversary structure. Analysis shows that reduced scheme still preserves the properties of original one.
64) Hear " adversary " this word, the station is in aside plum Yanhong laughs very aglitter , and the spot is an enthusiastic laugh since the noise and applause more.
65) In contrast to inquisitorial system, there is the neutral role of the judge in adversary system.
66) Hesitation encourages the adversary to persevere, may be even to raise the ante.
67) In his quest for savings, Gates faces reflexive pushback from the political right, which condemns any cut in a weapons system as a gain for a prospective adversary like China.
68) If we use exponentiation to encrypt or decrypt, the adversary can use logarithm to attack.
69) In his caricature, he burlesqued the mannerisms of his adversary.
70) The first strike capacity is intended mainly to intimidate adversary.
71) The only way to get a dog tag from your adversary is by performing one of the new, brutal knife takedowns.
72) These verbs mean to get the better of an adversary.
73) Recently, the not a few masses of dicast the adversary machine put up membranes, cost and"defend radiation" and"anti-electrostatic" etc. function proposed to query.
74) The interest rate swap with which a trading adversary alternatively pay the fixed interest rate and floating rate.
75) His adversary Danton and his ally Saint-Just were also young men, one in his early 30s and the other in his mid-20s.
76) His intrepid adversary prepared to close for the thirteenth time.
77) Cross-examination is the important devices to implement and to protect the defendant's right to confrontation, the characteristic lawsuit system in the adversary model.
78) Well. Sometimes the P.A. and the judge and I all have the same adversary.
79) An adversary is more hurt by desertion than by slaughter -- Vegetius.
80) But often our dream date is the loudmouth down the hall, our office adversary, even the scary boss -- in short, someone we avoid even standing near in real life.
81) MAKAP protocolagreement protocol . An attack that makes the adversary to personate the receiver successfully is proposed.
82) According to his worldview, our friendly adversary in the Far East has the United States in a headlock, and we should all be stockpiling ?potato seeds and scrambling to learn Mandarin.
83) Compare with adversary photograph, dai Er's knowledge and technical reserve still appear very fragile.
84) O God, how long shall the adversary reproach? shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever?
85) At every stage he gave his adversary time for reflection and reappraisal.
85) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
86) Deliberately provoke your adversary. Find something that makes them angry and keep wheedling away on this point until they lose their temper and so the argument.
87) She be implacable an adversary as a wife suing for alimony.
88) The notion of Japan as a threat, a ninja-like adversary along the lines that Michael Crichton described in "Rising Sun, " suddenly seemed silly.
89) Witness'testifying before the court is a basic system of modern adversary lawsuit mode.
90) Elliott crossed the finish line just half a second behind his adversary.
91) Both of the wrestlers tried to tumble the adversary with all their strength.
92) The LORD can also convert a furious adversary into a brother in Christ and a fellow worker, as He did with Saul of Tarsus.




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