随便看 |
- at the hands of
- at the hands of sb
- at the hands of somebody
- at the helm
- at the last count
- at the latest
- at the least
- at the mercy of
- at the mercy of sb
- at the mercy of somebody
- at the mercy of somebody/something
- at the mercy of something
- at the mercy of sth
- at the minimum
- at the moment
- at (the) most
- at the most
- at the outset
- at the outside
- at the periphery
- at the periphery of
- at the periphery of something
- at the periphery of sth
- at the pit of your stomach
- at the push of a button
- Corrida
- Reptilian
- Cassava
- Eat like a horse
- Redact
- Mare's nest
- Man of means
- Maiden name
- Combativeness
- Wimbledon
- 《人必其自爱也,然后人爱诸;人必其自敬也,然后人敬诸》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《人必其自爱也,而后人爱诸;人必其自敬也,而后人敬诸;自爱,仁之至也;自敬,礼之至也。未有不自爱敬而人爱敬之者也。》译文与赏析
- 《人必其自爱,然后人爱之;人必其自敬,然后人敬之.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《人必忠信重厚,然后求其知能》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《人必忠信重厚,然后求其知能焉.今人有不忠信重厚而多知能,如此人者譬犹豺狼与,不可以身近也.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《人必有终身之忧,而后能有不改之乐.君子所忧乐如之何?曰:所忧生于所苦.不苦行险,不知居易之乐也;不苦嗜欲,不知澹泊之乐也;不苦驰骛,不知收敛之乐也;不苦争竞,不知恬退之乐也;不苦憧扰,不知宁静之乐也;苦生忧,忧生嗜,嗜生乐.岂惟君子之性分然哉?即世俗亦有终身之忧乐焉,忧利欲之不遂其身也,忧利禄之不及其子孙也,忧謏(xiao小)闻之不哗于一世也.庸讵知吾所谓苦,非彼所谓甘,吾所谓忧,非彼所谓乐乎?》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《人必生活着,爱才有所附丽》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《人必能斡旋乾坤,利济苍生,方是圣贤;不然,虽矫语性天,真见定静,终是释迦、庄周也.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《人必自侮,然后人侮之.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《人必自侮,然后人侮之》原文与赏析