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单词 Banking
1. He possesses an extensive knowledge of banking.
2. Electronic banking may make overthe - counter transactions obsolete.
3. Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis.
4. He chose banking as a career.
5. People can use their PC's to do their banking from home.
6. In 1987, Garcia introduced legislation to nationalize Peru's banking and financial systems.
7. His government began to unravel because of a banking scandal.
8. The government plans to deregulate the banking industry/the bus system.
9. The banking and finance sector was booming.
10. We've switched over to telephone banking.
11. He was banking on the train being on time.
12. I'm banking on your help.
13. They recently launched a new phone banking service.
14. He's launching his son on a career in banking.
15. Ms Doughty entered politics/Parliament after a career in banking.
16. The company formerly belonged to an international banking group.
17. She's thinking about a career in banking.
18. Some people are very mistrustful of computerised banking.
19. He is banking at the Fifth National.
20. I'm banking on your help/on you to help me.
21. Banking used to be a male preserve .
22. They are open outside normal daily banking hours.
23. This software is used in banking.
24. I'm banking on you to help me.
25. The whole banking system was thrown into confusion.
26. This new personal banking software can be used with any Windows platform.
27. The Montserrat government announced its revocation of 311 banking licences.
28. The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman.
29. This should be the year of a big shake-out in Italian banking.
30. A deal between the two powerful institutions would have created a banking monolith.
1. He possesses an extensive knowledge of banking.
2. Electronic banking may make overthe - counter transactions obsolete.
3. Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis.
4. He chose banking as a career.
5. People can use their PC's to do their banking from home.
6. In 1987, Garcia introduced legislation to nationalize Peru's banking and financial systems.
7. His government began to unravel because of a banking scandal.
8. The government plans to deregulate the banking industry/the bus system.
9. The morning began fine, but now clouds are banking up.
10. John is launching his son on a career in banking.
31. There's no way to predict the future health of the banking industry.
32. The island offers a wide range of offshore banking facilities.
33. Much of the workforce in the banking sector is/are affected by the new legislation.
34. The government has lent millions of pounds to debt-ridden banks in contravention of local banking laws.
35. They introduced customers to the brave new world of telephone banking.
36. The collapse of the bank is an ominous reminder of the fragility of the world's banking system.
37. I was banking on getting something to eat on the train.
38. Although it has yet to happen, cross-border consolidation of Europe's banking industry is regarded as a done deal.
39. A wind of change was blowing through the banking world.
40. I was banking on being able to get some coffee on the train.
41. Many will regard his appointment as the kind of nepotism British banking ought to avoid.
42. Earnings from the sale of banking, insurance and other services to foreigners are described as "invisible exports".
43. We offer our customers one-stop banking services and investment advice.
44. Banking and financial services produce very high earnings, and a lot of people are trying to get onto the gravy train.
45. The intricacies of international banking remained a mystery to him.
46. He first entered on a career in banking over 40 years ago.
47. All transactions, from banking to shopping, will be performed electronically.
48. Complaints to the Banking Ombudsman grew by 50 per cent last year.
49. The Office of Fair Trading has been probing banking practices.
50. More than 70% of jobs in the borough are in service industries, ranging from hotels to banking.
51. The morning began fine, but now clouds are banking up.
52. John is launching his son on a career in banking.
53. He recognized Mr. Hunter as an old business acquaintance from his years in banking.
54. Banking regulators failed to clamp down until earlier this month.
55. We're banking on them lending us the money—no pun intended!
56. One of the distinguishing features of modern banking is its dependence on computers.
57. The redundancies are spread across the clothing,[http:///banking.html] banking and building industries.
58. The company shuttered its Hong Kong investment banking business a year ago.
59. Yet defining capacity in banking is no simple matter.
60. Moneymen are not banking on the outcome.
61. Hardly what you might call an international banking centre.
62. When banking jobs disappear, tax dollars go with them.
63. Commercial banking was a surprising hot spot.
64. A sound banking system matched to new banking needs.
65. Banking is another area where jobs are disappearing.
66. He interested himself in fiscal, banking, and trade policy.
67. The international banking system began to crack.
68. It is a time for Germanically cautious central banking.
69. That way, you can continue to enjoy FREE banking.
70. Automatic receipt of the monthly magazine Banking World.
71. They specialize in providing branch banking facilities to individuals.
72. Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies. Thomas Jefferson 
73. Standard Chartered, the banking group, rose 4p to 535p.
74. Investment banking applicants were expected to be culturally literate.
75. Why is London the main international banking centre? 6.
76. Bundesbank reform On June 17 the Bundestag gave final approval to controversial legislation reforming the structure of the federal banking system.
77. We are always looking for ways to add convenience and enhance the banking experience for our customers.
78. The company recently appointed Charterhouse as merchant banking advisers which will help it identify the options.
79. But now Girobank are offering free banking to clubs and voluntary organisations as long as the account stays in credit.
80. If you are still not satisfied with our response you can take your complaint to the Banking Ombudsman.
81. The project assesses the impact of monetary policy on the changing structure of the banking industry on both prices and incomes.
82. Grow together with Saitama Bank - sound, experienced and flexible in matching its services to new banking needs.
83. Customers still get landed with unexpected bills for bank charges, despite the arrival of the age of free banking.
84. Now Chairman Jack Strowger is banking on a bumper Christmas to get profits back on the fast track.
85. The company already offers on-line banking over a private network for its 22 partners.
86. Small-business owner Frank Sheftel is saying no to one of the biggest trends in banking: higher fees.
87. The banking structure seemed to teeter on the brink of ruin.
88. Maybe merchant banking is the ultimate microcosm for life after all.
89. Such transactions are recorded in a separate set of books from purely domestic banking business.
90. Cahoot's new interest range outstrips its online banking rival, Intelligent Finance[/banking.html], the Halifax's Internet bank.
91. The monetary sector now comprises those institutions subject to the Bank's supervisory powers under the 1987 Banking Act.
92. Dad has agreed, banking on the explanation that the film runs out after 45 minutes.
93. Internet banking will considerably reduce the cost of doing business.
94. That means medical school for Kurt Grote, investment banking for Ray Carey.
95. Retail banking facilities were provided to meet the needs of settlers.
96. We are privileged to be part of one of the largest worldwide banking groups.
97. The banking sector, in particular, is likely to experience change.
98. The domain-specific dictionary has been compiled from documents associated purely with Banking.
99. Connect the companies that announced deals. a. Chemical Banking Corp. 1.
100. The initial increase in liquidity from the sale of government securities to the banking sector is given by item 1.
101. The increased deficit is to be financed by borrowing on the domestic market, largely from the domestic banking system.
102. Take direct deposit, one of the best-known and fastest-spreading banking innovations of recent years.
103. Walking along the canal bank one day we came across a wee lady siting on the banking drawing.
104. The more complex the banking system, the more difficult it is to do this.
105. The figures also show the fact that the growth of foreign currency business has been primarily located in the wholesale banking sector.
106. The banking concern had $ 1. 4 billion in assets at Sept. 30.
107. It is responsible for ensuring the smooth working of the banking sector and other financial institutions.
108. It has a large practice with commercial and investment banking clients and does extensive work in insolvency and real estate.
109. Home banking services are often categorized as basic, intermediate, and advanced.
110. The commercial banking and finance sector was booming as of September 1991.
111. As for price competition, it is about as real and intelligible as it is in the life insurance or banking fields.
112. He was banking on at least $ 675 million in savings initiated by New York state to help.
113. Persistent talk of takeovers attracted investors into the banking industry in the last year.
114. The prospects of a change in government banking policy has been the icing on the cake.
115. Thursdays are for more general appointments and those in banking, accountancy,[] engineering and management.
116. opened its telephone banking operation last week but has not announced a date for its online launch.
117. The invention also became applicable in other fields, including banking.
118. There will also be further reforms in the banking sector, plagued by corruption allegations.
119. Method: A number of documents related to the domain of banking were collected, and a frequency distribution produced.
120. Mortgage savings Homeowners could save the money they pay for unnecessary private mortgage insurance under legislation passed by the Senate Banking Committee.
121. Consider the view that no banking and financial system can operate effectively without a central bank. 6.
122. Broadband services will include video-on-demand, home shopping, banking and network games, he said.
123. Graduates have also been granted exemptions by the professional bodies in personnel, marketing, banking and insurance.
124. Change At this stage it seems likely the Ormeau side will be banking on last year's squad.
125. In the ordinary course of banking the victim gets the cheque back but after encashment.
126. This is the largest of the wholesale markets, and its existence has revolutionized banking business.
127. After some years of deliberating, the sharia court, not the military government, ruled that interest-free banking be implemented.
128. The crisis and the government's decision to abandon its currency controls hit the already fragile banking system hard.
129. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Thomas Jefferson 
130. The slightest crisis of confidence can threaten the survival of the banking system and the health of the whole economy.
131. And assertive - as seen in our electronic banking technology.
132. Y., chairman of the Senate Banking Committee(), suggests the sum involved was far greater than previously estimated.
133. Domestic banking involves taking and making loans in domestic currency to residents of the country where the bank is located.
134. Co. said strength in its trading and investment banking businesses boosted fourth-quarter profit 89 percent.
135. The international banking community was so nervous that for a while no forward foreign exchange markets operated properly anywhere.
136. Their business now is to provide banking and financial services to the corporate as opposed to personal sectors.
137. The installed heron is already banking away on invisible air forces, away from the mayhem.
138. There was heavy buying in major blue-chip stocks, including pharmaceuticals and banking issues.
139. However, even at this stage the reader will appreciate that global banking is now an established feature of international financial arrangements.
140. The government did not want investment banking losses to cause commercial depositors to lose their checking and savings accounts.
141. It was this provision the Salt River tribe was banking on to force Symington to finally sign a compact with the tribe.
142. We provide a complete range of domestic and international banking services.
143. That was two days before Intuit and Microsoft stunned the technology and banking industries by proposing their merger.
144. It has participated in the making of a video by the Banking Information Service on wise ways to use credit.
144. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
145. We are looking for people who are knowledgeable about the oil and banking industries.
146. It thus provides lower cost loans by operating with narrower interest rate margins than those of domestic banking operations.
147. Recent evidence suggests that buy-backs merely create banking commissions and do not stimulate growth.
148. In these and other areas of international banking Saitama Bank has established its capability and credibility worldwide.
149. Debt is the direct result of the banking structure that has enriched the G7 leading industrial nations.
150. A shareholders' meeting is now understood to be being planned to discuss the future of the banking operation.
151. Others are banking on the budget crisis in Washington to increase voter dissatisfaction with Dole.
152. The jump follows a big increase in bad debts reported last week by the private banking operations of Lloyds Bank.
153. She's pretty well banking on Jamie or Gary being a perfect match.
154. Staff dressed in period costume, and a photographic display recording the Branch's history was unveiled in the banking hall.
155. There are no extra charges over and above normal banking charges for maintaining a currency account.
156. Holbrooke returns to his Wall Street investment banking job with mission accomplished.
157. I had memorized those few facts widely accepted by Princeton undergraduates to be part of an investment banking interview survival kit.
158. He sent Prophet Samuel a five-hundred-dollar donation and a brochure advertising his banking services.
159. Economics allowed investment banking recruiters to compare directly the academic records of recruits.
160. In 1989 Midland increased its domestic banking division's bad-debt charges by 53%, from £51m in 1988 to £78m.
161. Sydney: Continued activity in the banking sector helped the All Ordinaries index to close 7.4 points higher at 1,743.4.
162. Where possible, data are collected direct from banking computer systems.
163. The search was led by Malcolm Wilcox, the general manager of international banking.
164. Banking is very good business if you don't do anything dumb. Warren Buffett 
165. Brown Inc. and other investment banking firms intentionally overcharge municipalities millions of dollars in fees while underwriting bond offerings?
166. And they are not embracing some of the new strategy of insurance, real estate, tax minimization, and banking.
167. However, a detailed version appeared in another newspaper yesterday, which cited banking sources in the City.
168. This is so, with honourable exceptions, because the cold winds of competition reached banking relatively recently.
169. Since this is a money and banking book we focus on what happens to the interest rate when the money supply changes.
170. Maher, 52, takes the helm at a time of consolidation and competition in the banking industry.
171. But we have to take issue with Camilla Buxton over her remarks on the banking system.
172. For now, such notions of bigness play well in political circles but thankfully not in all banking ones.
173. Though employment growth is down, the area is still attracting health care, high tech, banking and sports-related industries.
174. You need £100 in your account to qualify for free banking.
175. Forecasters are banking on a cold front to clear cloudy conditions.
176. In this month's international personal finance feature below, Sylvia Morris looks at the banking services on offer to expatriates.
177. Merrill could afford to wait because its brokers provided the profits necessary to finance the increase in investment banking.
178. It said federal banking law does not let one bank sue another in federal court over hot-check disputes.
179. Banks carrying on offshore banking business in Labuan are not subject to exchange controls.
180. In Britain the merging together of the banking and securities business in the guise of financial conglomerates has rekindled this debate.
181. These are the systems that handle accounting at multinational corporations, airline reservations, insurance and banking transactions and stock trades.
182. Payment for shipping services, income from tourism, banking services and interest payments from international loans are other examples of invisibles.
183. The definition of private banking and the entry levels set by different organisations vary.
184. Pupils will also be introduced to spreadsheets, databases, electronic mail and electronic banking.
185. As a group, banking shares listed on the first section slid 1. 9 percent.
186. In countries where banking is small-scale and fragmented there are initiatives to promote larger banking groups.
187. Finding a Unique Selling Point for banking services is no easy matter these days.
188. This process involved the establishment of international laws and regulations covering prices, currency dealings and banking systems.
189. However, it is continuing to expand its in-store banking centers, which are a lower-cost way to deliver financial services.
190. While the issues surrounding home banking appear to be growing in complexity, so are the opportunities and challenges for bankers.
191. There can hardly have been any business sector with so many strong contenders for it as the banking sector.
192. Such overseas business represented not so much diversification as a natural development of banking facilities to meet customer needs.
193. I have a lifelong experience of banking, and have had to act constantly on personal judgment.
194. The main reasons for the development of international banking have been dealt with in this chapter.
195. The brokerage arm of Chemical Banking Corp. will cease to underwrite and trade municipal bonds by the end of January.
196. Shame on you! she scolded herself, banking down the passion, trying for a lighter note.
197. Insurance, banking, finance and allied services showed up well, also, on a broader basis.
198. Earlier, he had been detained by fraud police from North Yorkshire investigating alleged offences under the Banking Act.
199. If this trend continues, building societies are poised to provide a greater competitive challenge to the retail banking sector. 2.
200. We will encourage greater competition in the banking sector. Break up monopolies.
201. The decree reaffirmed central banking control pending the conclusion of a new union treaty.
202. The Padres are banking on improvement from several pitchers, headed by Ashby and Hamilton.
203. That strategy also includes sharply curtailing corporate banking to focus primarily on its biggest customers worldwide.
204. I sat on the earth banking that looks out over the Muddy Creek and ate an apple.
204. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
205. Its symptoms are familiar: feeble monetary growth, a weak property market and a distressed banking system.
206. They're good guys, but I'm not sure how familiar they are with the nuts and bolts of the banking system.
207. The Banking Code Standards Board has drawn up new guidance on such matters as exit penalties and reasonable rates of interest.
208. This weakness of the banking system came during a period of rapid economic growth.
209. Many of the new moves are into more sophisticated areas such as investment banking and specialised services.
210. Hopefully, the reader should now understand the banking principle that every loan creates a deposit in the banking system.
211. Cross-border banking is essentially wholesale banking and has to a large extent been dependent on euro-currency deposit growth.
212. He also pledged that Midland did not intend to end free banking for personal customers in credit by introducing new charges.
213. Retail banking ties up capital and property and staff in large numbers and in the wrong places.
214. The main Pearson interests remained in international banking, property and business.
215. This small chain specialises in banking, business, accountancy and law.
216. There are two important distinctions to be made in the type of business done in the banking sector.
217. Although that crisis seemed serious then, compared with the present threat to the world banking system, it was small beer.
218. The decision to avoid this sector was consciously taken, but now Boyden is moving into recruiting in investment banking.
219. What is the cost of an ulcer, high blood pressure and other ailments endemic in banking?
220. The group's merchant banking adviser, Kleinwort Benson, is searching for suitable partners.
221. Nobody, least of all the chancellor, one suspects, is banking on this.
222. The winners received the Banking Game Cup and a cheque for £500.
223. User representatives in international accounting develop integrated international financial and accounting systems for the banking transactions of multinational organizations.
224. Much of that growth is attributable to increases in mortgage banking and recent acquisitions.
225. In 1985 free in-credit banking was reintroduced, but to off-set these costs the programme for electronic banking was speeded up.
226. Under Czech banking law, all banks must meet a capital adequacy ratio of 8 percent.
227. It is clear that for the banking sector as a whole, foreign currency business predominates.
228. This course is a general introduction to banking and finance.
229. Standard is selling most of its continental commercial banking operations to WestLB for £100m.
230. Lehman Brothers, the investment banking firm handling the sale, went to Harvester and objected on simple moral grounds.
231. The world of international banking is now full of aggressive, bright, but hopelessly inexperienced lenders in their mid-twenties.
232. By appealing directly to his fellow-citizens and banking on a generous response, the President may just have gambled correctly.
233. There is a growing push in the banking and brokerage community to develop systems that support advanced services.
234. A strong merchant banking contribution was more than offset by losses on investment management and stockbroking and some heavy loan provisions.
234. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
235. The government might then borrow these funds from the banking system.
236. The focus of interest here is the extent to which the building societies are likely to make inroads into traditional banking business.
237. Most of the fall came as a result of the release of provisions in the merchant banking and securities division.
238. Kapiti's flagship product is Equation, an AS/400-based back-office banking system, launched in 1988.
239. Under the 1979 and 1987 Banking Acts, a monetary sector was defined.
240. The bidders also need approval by the Federal Reserve and other banking regulators.
241. The normal process of money creation is taking place within the banking system.
242. It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. Henry Ford 
243. A country that maintains a strong banking system and a strong, stable currency reaps real rewards.
244. Card Watch, the banking industry's plastic card fraud prevention campaign, issues top tips for travelling abroad.
245. Explain the growth of international banking in recent years. 3.
246. Two-tier banking system introduced: a federal reserve comprising republican central banks, and commercial banks formed from sectoral state banks.
247. One of the distinguishing features of modern international banking is its cross-border banking aspect.
248. I should be sorry to have to advise the Parish Council to look elsewhere for banking services.
249. It will be seen that the bulk of the funding for the discount market comes from banking sector institutions.
250. The early wealth of the merchants made Bristol a banking centre and a centre for insurance business.
251. Abbey has spent freely developing other lines(), such as online banking and investment services for wealthy customers.
252. At age 27, Williams was the boy wonder of banking.
253. He was educated at the University of Leiden between 1747 and 1749, and then entered the family's banking business.
254. Our banking system is strong and highly capitalised.
255. Putting money away for the future also supports the banking system.
256. Good evening, Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China Guang Provincial Branch banking Dept , may Ihelp you?
257. In the modern Islamic banking system, it has become one of the service-oriented functions of the Islamic banks to be a Zakat Collection Centre and they also pay out their Zakat .
258. In case the ultimate day of rejection falls on a non - banking day in Holland , the ultimate day of rejection shall be extended to the first following banking day in Holland.
259. Obama needs to inject some truth serum into the banking discussion.
260. NCB Mobile Banking provides general banking and securities services through the mobile phone network.
261. We shoudl advertise a variety of incentives and free banking services.
262. It has completed six acquisitions this year so far, according to investment banking firm Berkery Noyes.
263. The writer is Head, Central Banking Policies Research Unit and ASEAN Economies Monitoring Unit at the NTU. He is also a member of the Resource Panel, Chinese newspapers, SPH.
264. Hank Paulson, Blankfein's immediate predecessor, came from a banking background; but his predecessor, Jon Corzine, was a trader.
264. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
265. But because many of the crops reproduce asexually — producing clones, rather than reproducing through seeds — the banking process is far from simple.
266. Serial branch number of a banking institution is worked out by the bank directly over it, which shall be only in one city.
267. Several studies pin blame for that on Japan's unwillingness to tackle its banking mess.
268. MADRID (MarketWatch) — European stock markets fell on Friday, led lower by banking giant Barclays PLC, as nervousness prevailed ahead of U.S. jobs data due later in the session.
269. A tradition of banking secrecy, which protected clients from tax collectors, is giving way to an era of more transparency.
270. The ECB said it would ensure essential central banking activities were maintained during the protest action.
271. A banking crisis in 2003 saw the collapse of one of the country's largest banks and 100 percent depreciation in the Dominican peso.
272. And interface banking system is developed on IBM AS/400 platform by internal staff of bank and it can provide core bank service to users.
273. Rural Credit Cooperative fight with on banking reforming tiding innovation of inside controlling mechanism to be already imperative.
274. Inchoative 2008, one results from of the United States second borrow the crisis, final evolution is global banking crisis.
275. According to key points mentioned above, we pay attention to the development of CRM system of wholesale banking.
276. Even though the Fed would be abolished and the gold coin standard restored, there would, at this point, be no outlawry of fractional-reserve banking.
277. Once an investment banking company agrees to market a bond or a stock i ue, it takes full re o ibility for selling the i ue.
277. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
278. Familiar with deposit, loan, payment and clearance banking business, accomplished in one of above business.
279. HSBC's investment banking division suffered a fall in profits year-on-year but still had its second-best six months in history and is now hiring 400 more staff, its head Stuart Gulliver said.
280. Huge growth. Business areas such as central retail solutions (Enterprise Solutions), lottery and branch banking solutions are added.
281. Below the influence of international banking crisis, domestic medium and small businesses suffers concussion fully likewise.
282. The UK bank is studying a bid for ING's private banking operations in Asia.
283. All banking charges outside Korea and reimbursing are for account of beneficiary.
284. Bernanke, Ben. "The Macroeconomics of the Great Depression: A Comparative Approach. " Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 27 (1995): 1-28.
285. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), a club of central banks, has used its data on international banking to develop a measure of maturity mismatch.
286. Transfer call to provide the following banking operations: Kaka transfer card balance inquiries, transaction information, pay the Government rent and other countries.
287. The recent history of U.S. banking regulation shows that 'it went off the rails on the rational-markets hypothesis, ' says Arthur Kroeber, managing director of Dragonomics, a research firm in Beijing.
288. The best way is to get an account with a large investment house and transfer your money in online - the interface is often like online banking.
289. In 1994 other advances took place, such as online banking and the opening of an online pizza shop by Pizza Hut.
290. Branch Manager is to be a mini "CEO" in the city, responsible for corporate governance and the maximisation of business return in the city for both Consumer Banking (CB) and Wholesale Banking (WB).
291. In this way, we have showed the existence of credit allocation effect of Chinas banking system using Chinese...
292. Key sectors such as banking are still dominated by state-controlled companies.
293. At Barclays Capital's investment - banking floors in South Colonnade , the trading desks are humming.




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