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单词 Garbage
1. Dig a pit and bury the garbage.
2. Don't forget to take out the garbage.
3. I've never heard such a load of garbage!
4. I've had enough of your garbage.
5. It's your turn to take out the garbage.
6. Put the garbage down the incinerator.
7. They fouled the river by throwing in garbage.
8. He talks a lot of garbage about education.
9. Garbage pollutes our rivers and streams.
10. Throw any left-over food in the garbage.
11. A bomb planted in a garbage can exploded early today.
12. You do talk a load of garbage!
13. What day do they collect the rubbish / garbage?
14. Don't talk such a load of garbage!
15. The smell from the garbage dulled her appetite.
16. Can you take out the garbage when you go?
17. Throw it in the garbage.
18. Garbage collections are made every Tuesday morning.
19. The uncollected garbage mounts in city streets.
20. Cats had been rooting in the garbage bags again.
21. That garbage can was belted with blue paint.
22. They forgot to lid the garbage can.
23. Furious government officials branded her story "garbage".
24. The smell of the garbage overpowered me.
25. They fouled the water by throwing in garbage.
26. I personally think this is complete garbage.
27. No waste or garbage is to be emptied on highways.
28. She was fully domesticated by then,washing the dishes and taking out the garbage.
29. Much of their furniture was scavenged from other people's garbage.
30. There are people who live in the dump and scavenge garbage for a living.
1. Dig a pit and bury the garbage.
2. Don't forget to take out the garbage.
3. It's your turn to take out the garbage.
4. Put the garbage down the incinerator.
5. They fouled the river by throwing in garbage.
6. He talks a lot of garbage about education.
7. Garbage pollutes our rivers and streams.
8. Much of their furniture was scavenged from other people's garbage.
9. A bomb planted in a garbage can exploded early today.
10. Don't talk such a load of garbage!
11. The smell of the garbage overpowered me.
12. The arrival of warm weather raises the specter of disease and increased rat infestations caused by rotting garbage.
31. The angry walker spewed his charges at a garbage can.
32. The arrival of warm weather raises the specter of disease and increased rat infestations caused by rotting garbage.
33. He talks such garbage that I just tune him out.
34. The arrival of warm weather raises the spectre of disease and increased rat infestations caused by rotting garbage.
35. All household waste should be disposed of in strong garbage bags.
36. Garbage had been piled high on the sidewalk.
37. The yard was strewn with garbage.
38. Piles of garbage were heaped everywhere.
39. Garbage pick-ups are on Tuesdays and Fridays.
40. For a while her favorite subject was garbage cans.
41. Locals pile garbage beside the forlorn visitors center.
42. No sane person would believe such garbage!
43. Whoever dumped that garbage out there.
44. Go ahead and eat right out of the garbage.
45. The flies were swarming around the garbage cans.
46. Paul with garbage collection, for example.
47. Take the garbage out before it starts to smell.
48. The garbage is under the sink.
49. The garbage cans are emptied once a week.
50. Heaps of garbage littered the grounds.
51. The blue is for recyclable garbage.
52. The Great Garbage Patch was popular with birdlife.
53. At Twentieth and Blake he saw a man swabbing a garbage truck.
54. Bigger garbage firms developed as concern about the safety of garbage dumps did.
55. The man will more often take out the garbage, wash the dishes,( ) and do other chores around the house.
56. Anyway, I went downstairs to investigate and discovered the noise was coming from outside by the garbage cans.
57. Two hours and he brings me the garbage after he shoots his arm full.
58. List all the essential tasks from buying groceries to taking out the garbage.
59. Later it was re-thought that recycling might result in reduced increases for garbage service.
60. I stood before the gate awhile and looked into the courtyard, breathing in garbage and sewer odors and another indescribable smell.
61. Jeremy Bach, also 13, told police he accidentally shot Hansen and then threw the body into a residential garbage container.
62. A second showed Fung carrying a garbage bag containing the blood sample to his van.
63. This has helped make it a big importer of garbage.
64. Still, better than Patrick Leigh Fermor, endless garbage about local customs, ravishing scenery, enchanting cranky locals.
65. The FBI sorted through the suspects' garbage in hopes of finding clues.
66. It sat at the southern edge of San Salvador on land that had once held a garbage dump.
67. The traders joined him, in a show of support, gathering the garbage cans from across the trading floor.
68. And putting it in an alley can cause garbage trucks to sink up to their axles.
69. Oil filter gaskets were regularly interspersed with the assorted garbage.
70. According to a survey of 606 city residents, garbage collection was the city service people liked most.
71. Sunlight coming through a nearby window or the sound of an early morning garbage truck can disturb a light sleeper.
72. Captain Morris, the mess officer, scowled at the garbage can of steaming water.
73. Don't buy from that store -- most of the stuff there is garbage.
74. The man who shared her apartment was surly, unfriendly, and always complaining about the lifts and the garbage disposal.
75. To keep metal garbage cans free from corrosion, coat them lightly with used motor oil.
76. The yards were full of stinking garbage cans, and untidy lines of washing.
77. Wagons are what we have now instead of garbage cans in my little hometown of Lufkin.
78. They dug in garbage piles, looking for anything at all, banana skins, orange peels, discarded greens.
79. Often the right stuff is buried under an avalanche of garbage.
80. Britain now produces nearly 26 million tons per year of domestic garbage which must be disposed of somewhere, somehow.
81. When the rains came, they huddled under umbrellas and makeshift tents and donned ponchos or raincoats fashioned from plastic garbage bags.
82. We are willing to eat garbage for lunch because the larder is always empty of foods we actually want.
83. Here where the streets are not paved with gold, but with garbage.
84. You can only imagine how the heat intensified the odors of garbage, compost, and manure.
85. Worried men Operating margins have increased to 30% or so, putting garbage up with pharmaceuticals in terms of profitability.
86. Trashmore, a local toboggan hill built atop a garbage dump.
87. Every last bite hauled across the beach, the mounds of garbage and trash hauled back out again.
88. It stopped near a garbage bin and an elderly figure dismounted from an equally elderly bicycle.
89. Who rides in the back of a garbage truck, picks up the trash off State Street.
90. The front doors did not close properly. Heaps of garbage littered the grounds.
91. You can throw out all the stuff in that cupboard, it's garbage.
92. My husband picks up our trays and throws them into the garbage before I can stop him.
93. I found an old coat thrown across a garbage can in a back alley.
94. On the other hand, we understand why you would prefer not to see usable food go down the garbage disposal.
95. Several doors had been propped open with garbage cans, and footage from the security cameras was missing.
96. We fought them for control of the garbage mounds by the North River. Beat them off with sticks.
97. Some woman was just here saying you dumped that garbage.
98. He laid it on top of one of the garbage cans lined up in front of his building.
99. In the garbage dumps, women and children scavenge for glass and plastic bottles.
100. Instead of tossing my garbage over the deck, I must tend it in a compost heap.
101. In other cities, I swept floors and emptied garbage cans.
102. They collected the garbage like their jobs depended on it, cheaper and better.
103. A kitchen worker appeared, dumped two black garbage sacks, then disappeared.
104. The mound of coins continues to grow as the little Kool Aid tycoons and garbage financiers continue to amaze and to amass.
105. Garbage collection and street cleaning were haphazard, public transportation was a mess.
106. Dumping Viola Angotti in the garbage can was a way of re-establishing his pride - of making himself feel big and important.
107. A final factor contributes to the low income of garbage pickers and this relates to their involvement in the international economy.
108. The entryway was a garbage dump for rotted food, and the stairways reeked of old and pungent uric acid.
109. The board fired the garbage collection service and contracted with another young man, on condition that he hire Kenilworth-Parkside residents.
110. Several times, he is seen rummaging about in the garbage bag, possibly trying to conceal something.
111. Arthritis made it difficult for him to do everyday things like take out the garbage or mow the lawn.
112. San Marcos, which has been a county dump customer,(/garbage.html) has not decided where it will take its garbage.
113. He claimed it was an accident, although later the officers found the gun in the garbage can.
114. In 1882 pigs were turned loose on the streets of New York City to eat garbage.
115. When these findings attracted media attention, Mayor Lindsay appointed a commission to look into the option of contracting out garbage collection.
116. Hence Phoenix always keeps at least two of its garbage districts in public hands-so it will always have the capacity to compete.
117. But, oh, how the garbage is sanitised and transmuted by the alchemy of the machine!
118. Computer buffs have a different phrase for it: garbage in, garbage out.
119. In all, there is 35, 000 cubic yards of garbage.
120. Countless numbers of discarded water jugs and plastic trash bags have turned many areas into garbage dumps.
121. So he bought this old Dodge and washed it Howard stared at the garbage truck cruising slowly down the street.
122. He shops in the supermarket like anyone else, he carries out the garbage, shovels the snow off the sidewalk.
123. Run lemon wedges or fresh mint leaves through garbage disposal to kill odors.
124. Some cities, however, have threatened to form a coalition to take their municipal garbage anywhere but county dumps.
125. It is subversive to companies that sell remediation-which explains why solid waste companies often block efforts to reduce the volume of garbage.
126. He praised the virtues of volunteerism and made vague mention of garbage men he knows who collect trash as volunteers.
127. The smells of dead fish and rotting garbage were more than he could stand.
128. Really, it makes a noise that sounds like you took a medium-sized rock and threw it into an empty garbage can.
129. Appropriately, it is the garbage people who bring me my reading matter.
130. Most of the garbage is burned in a pit behind the building.
131. Stash old plastic or paper shopping bags near the rubbish or garbage bin and then you can re-cycle them as bin liners.
132. Don't worry if large items aren't picked up on the same day as your garbage.
133. All competitors in Phoenix, public and private, were using trucks that held 25 cubic yards of garbage.
134. The apartment is dirtier still, the air filled with the stench of rotting garbage and diapers hours overdue to be changed.
135. His long screaming charge ended with him red-faced, gasping for breath - and with Viola Angotti pinned against the garbage cans.
136. The fact is: if you feed garbage into a computer, garbage is what you get out of it. 4.
137. Does the kitchen midden swell with pride when filled with undifferentiated garbage?
138. Children scavenge through garbage.
139. For longer sentences there is a vast amount of garbage collection required.
140. Garbage blowing on the sidewalk would offend them as much as would a dully designed highrise.
141. Annie, do you know where the lid for the garbage can is?
141. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
142. Put a David Smith out for the garbage truck to haul off?
143. Dale hid behind some garbage cans in the alley until the men passed.
144. Moving briskly, Wade dug out a plastic garbage bag, marched into the living room, and collected the dead houseplants.
145. I leave them after exchanging pleasantries, taking the garbage downstairs with me.
146. Such costly advances in disposal have strengthened big garbage companies, but are putting small ones out of business.
147. Everybody else became a fireman or a cop or a garbage collector or 3 truck driver.
148. The largest group work at the municipal garbage dump near the banks of the river Cauca.
149. He could be very thorough ... A body on a garbage dump nine miles out west of Atlanta.
150. Her gear shifts sounded like twenty cooks pushing trays of silverware into an industrial-strength garbage disposal.
151. Material suitable for deep sea dumping included sewage sludge, industrial waste, and toxic ashes left after the incineration of garbage.
152. Some people were so bold as to suggest that he had now lost his grip and was writing pretty fair garbage.
153. He was lucky to be spared a long fuddled decline into the garbage heap.
154. Reading from an empty area of a sparse file will return garbage.
155. Without a word she jerked it out of his hand and stuffed it in the garbage.
156. The garbage giants' advantage was their ability to meet new environmental standards requiring safer, costlier methods of disposal.
157. Make it well again? Without a word she jerked it out of his hand and stuffed it in the garbage.
158. Around us was a wilderness of grey dune-sand and Port Jackson willow, and a stench of garbage and ash.
159. The attic was full of all kinds of garbage, including an old stereo and boxes of broken toys.
160. How about the rattling of metal, not plastic, garbage cans?
161. No wonder the scribblers on the hustings have so much stale garbage blowing around their brains.
162. The strike has meant piles of rotting garbage in the streets. "It's enough to turn your stomach," said one resident.
163. Although their tactics have taken on national importance, the garbage workers' issue is largely local.
164. Householders and tradesmen both use the refuse dump to dispose of their garbage.
165. Now I thought that that garbage and junk was very nearly the only real artwork in the class.
166. The threat is as if a garbage truck had overturned and dumped wilted intellectual lettuce on bystanders.
167. The Phoenix Department of Public Works does this by competing in garbage collection.
168. The mayor is talking about selling off everything from botanical gardens to the water system and garbage pickup.
169. String Variables and Garbage 2.4.3 Strings Unlike numeric variables, string variables do not have a fixed length.
170. Don't be put off by Garbage Beach, by the way - it's a surfers' paradise.
171. The garbage picker appears to work for himself but is in fact part of an industrial organisation.
172. Littering makes the city look like a garbage dump.
173. China city garbage collection to go through first.
174. You know you are garbage collection?
175. In Britain a garbage truck is called a dustcart.
176. Personally, I think that's a load of garbage!
177. Though he was often mistaken for a garbage can.
178. The Canadian Oxford Dictionary also lists garbage mitt—a new one on me—that is supposedly a heavily padded deerskin mitten favoured by garbage men.
179. Moreover, this paper studies the tri-color model of the conservative garbage collection algorithm, and proposes the improvement of this module.
180. I hope you know what you're doing.They'll track water everywhere and have a million water fights, and you won't be able to take out the garbage without stepping in mud up to your neck.
181. Disposal of garbage, wastes, waste water, human dejecta and ballast water in the inbound or outbound means of transports should be conducted sanitary supervision.
182. For the performance study, we configured the appropriate garbage collection algorithm, page size and heap size on each OS and hardware configuration tested.
183. We implement 3 years of free rent, property management expenses as well as garbage clean - up.
184. By the end of the night, the detritus from all this collective munching includes thousands of used wooden chopsticks destined for tomorrow's garbage pickup.
185. But now, another Roman noble has stepped in to defend Hadrian's villa near Tivoli from the garbage trucks, which are expected in the new year.
186. Some garbage collection algorithms require significant cooperation from the compiler or runtime environment, such as updating reference counts whenever a pointer assignment is performed.
187. Those who go against the tide of history may have their own way for a time but will eventually be swept into the garbage heap of history by the people.
188. The boy booted the banana skin to the garbage heap.
189. In "Back to the Future II", Dr. Emmet Brown (Chisthopher Loyd) improved the Delorian and made it not only fly, but also move with garbage. That's right; garbage fuel.
190. If you want to do explicit garbage collection to reduce your application footprint, attempt to implement it so that it is done under low-load conditions or at off-peak hours.
191. Mainly cover high-grade steel, steel spray of trash and garbage houses, billboards.
192. The town has a serious problem with garbage build-up and littering so the green caped crusader Michael Recycle must come to their aid and teach them how to clean up their act.
193. Products include shopping bag, garbage bag , T - shirt bag, biodegradable bag bag, non woven bag.
194. Employing circulative economics and society theory , this paper analyses the countermeasure and the way to solve the civil garbage problem of China.
195. While garbage collection must be tolerated, arduously long pause times are another matter entirely.
196. Chris, I don't know how you did it, dressed as garbage man, but you pulled it off.
197. The new district has independent public utility systems of water supply, drainage, heating supply, gas, wideband network(WBN), cable TV, independent sewage and garbage disposal facilities.
198. Garbage can also be a good source for making building blocks.
199. Fermentative bio - hydrogen produce continuously hydrogen by molasses, it may not only callback garbage also produce energy.
200. From cycle economy perspective, garbage is a kind of resource which is disposed to crematory by mistake.
201. They help you clean up garbage information in the registry, protect your privacy,(Sentencedict) make your computer run more stable and with better performance.
202. Reference queues, to which registered reference objects are appended by the garbage collector after the appropriate reachability changes are detected.
203. She looks up and nearly jumps out of her skin. She runs like an Olympic sprinter, hurdling two garbage cans before reaching her house.
204. The language does not define any storage allocation facility other than static definition and the stack discipline provided by the local variables of functions; there is no heap or garbage collection.
205. This will increase CPU cycles with garbage collection of UI objects.
206. By illustrating the implementation of the module interfaces, node structure and the algorithms of wear leveling and garbage collection, the paper shows that compared with other products of.
207. Our garbage will be put in a garbage disposal unit that will eliminate the need for trash collection.
208. He takes a casual approach to homework and for a long time he said he wanted to be a garbage man.
209. Chandler sulkily picks up a garbage can lid and uses it as an umbrella.
210. This is a rather large amount of memory for the garbage collector to allocate and clean up on an ongoing basis.
211. JNBridgePro takes care of all the interoperability needs: marshaling/unmarshaling objects, data-type conversion, cross-platform exception handling and garbage collection.
212. Free . I pulled them out of a garbage can somewhere in Portland.
213. Sure. Isn't is amazing that a bag lady had run into a gold watch in the garbage?
214. I dare you to eat the that doughnut out of the garbage.
215. Out from the locker spilled the biggest collection of garbage Jenny had ever seen!
216. During the process of spinning triangular heteroclite dacron fibres from polyester garbage, there are factors that may affect the hetercliteness of the intersecting surface of the fibres thus spun.
217. She is studying the now infamous garbage patch in the North Pacific gyre in the Pacific Ocean.
218. People govern garbage mail have becometogether oppugn Internet virus important task.
219. The leather with chubbiness, good handle and without fatty feel can be produced with this fatting agent conveniently available from garbage grease as raw material.
220. It goes into the recycling bin or the garbage the same day which is really bad for the environment.
221. We've polluted creation, no only with our garbage and toxic waste, but with our self-absorption .
222. Such projects as Gao'antun Garbage Burning Plant and Jiaojiapo Garbage Burying Ground will be completed.
223. If a pointer pointing to an object not in the graph, then the object is not a reachable object, and then garbage collector sets the slot to null in the short weak reference table.
224. Your application might be experiencing long pauses or periods of unresponsiveness, and you might want to identify or rule out garbage collection as the cause of the pauses.
225. Urban sanitation : Sound urban garbage treatment rate of 90%, the general comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste and hazardous waste harmless, the main processing rate of 85%.
226. Garbage In, Garbage Out: (abbreviated to GIGO) is a phrase in the field of computer science or ICT.
227. Because the cost of a page fault is high, it is desirable that a garbage collector properly manage locality of reference.
228. Generating a ton of garbage can be 300 degrees, also used for heating Heat.
229. Keep your tail away from stoves, candles , lit cigarettes, garbage disposals, automatic dishwasher doors, children, rocking chairs, and dogs.
230. He has compared a prominent opponent of the switch to a local 'avaava' fish -- a sea creature that swims in shallow waters and eats garbage, an insult in Samoan culture.
231. Please take the bag of trash to the garbage can./garbage.html
232. A pagoda more than a century old has been discovered hidden by a garbage heap, a bodhi tree and a bathroom in Bangkok's Samphantawong district, news reports said.
233. Microglia are like the body's natural garbage collection cells that rush to damaged or inflamed areas to get rid of toxic substances.
234. He had gone there to lend support to striking city garbage workers.
235. On the issue concerning the administration of provision of ballasting water, garbage disposal and other port services for vessels.
236. What is the purpose of garbage collection in Java, and when is it used?
237. The structure and arithmetic of the Pretreatment module and GC(Garbage Collector) module are discussed. The strategy of the Optimization of Code are provided.
238. I have no choice but to park my car between a olid W. C. and a dirty garbage can.
239. I couldn't unstick the Pepsi caps from her garbage disposer.
240. We discuss the completeness and efficiency of this scheme, and also give list processing and garbage collection algorithm.
241. "You may think I have a lot of garbage in these bags, " one shopping-bag lady volunteered over lunch in a church soup kitchen, "but it's everything I need.
242. ZURICH The most notable thing about garbage in this picture-perfect medieval city is that it's nearly impossible to find any.
243. Now after a paragraph of design loaded compressed roll-off garbage trucks will effectively solve these problems.
244. This is a company specializing in the life of mining enterprises, producing garbage collection and disposal.
245. These statistics dispense data on the basic JVM features, such as Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, class loading, memory allocation, and most interestingly, garbage collection.
246. I was surprised because there seemed to be an inordinately high proportion of Canadian garbage references among Oxford dictionaries.
247. No classical garbage collection algorithm can effectively decrease the repeated manipulations on those long-lived objects.
248. Only rely on the garbage disposal plant is difficult to respond to the disaster area, the Japanese central government will also coordinate other areas for assistance.
249. The recursive traversal method can be fooled by placing garbage data after a conditional jump instruction and programmatically ensuring that the jump condition always succeeds.
250. Garbage collectors that group objects that are accessed at the same time together have a positive effect on application performance.
251. Her greatest joys were taking out the garbage, emptying her pantry.
252. Dan always puts his garbage in a trash can because he doesn't want to be a litterbug .
253. Demonstrators take cover behind the garbage cans while being confronted with Egyptian army during a protest in Cairo, capital of Egypt, on Jan. 28, 2011.
254. My fortune cookie says " Someday you'll be making cheap garbage in sweatshops for 80 cents a day to sale at Chinese Wal-Marts."
255. I produced the multi-functional high-pressure feed mill mainly used in the production, processing of seaweed, crushed garbage and other fields.
256. The sanitation department is in charge of collecting the garbage in the city.
257. Distributed garbage collection controls when server applications can be deleted.
258. Under a garbage collected environment[Sentence dictionary], destructors to free memory are unnecessary.
259. First they concentrated on the areas most urgently affected by uncollected garbage – Dha - ka's slums.
260. Men don't buy the Florence Nightingale garbage they teach in nursing school.
261. These garbage patches are vortices that form where two ocean currents meet, in effect a giant oceanic toilet that never flushes.




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