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单词 Chin
1. Keep your chin up.
2. Her chin was thrust forward aggressively.
3. He wiped a dribble of saliva from his chin.
4. Gobs of grease / spittle ran down his chin.
5. She tilted her chin at him defiantly.
6. I rested my chin on my drawn-up knees.
7. John yawned and scratched his chin.
8. His chin was covered with bristles.
9. I nicked my chin while shaving.
10. Her chin took on a stubborn slant.
11. The maid lowered her chin and simpered.
12. At the banquet we chin - chinned and tried to look cheerful.
13. She lifted her chin in a gesture that deliberately exposed the line of her throat.
14. He tucked his napkin under his chin.
15. She rested her chin in her cupped hand.
16. He stroked his chin thoughtfully.
17. I managed to land a punch on his chin.
18. His chin rose in a proud gesture.
19. Chin up! It'll be over soon.
20. His chin was completely covered by his beard.
21. He jutted his chin/jaw defiantly.
22. Foden rasped a hand across his chin.
23. He rubbed the gray stubble on his chin.
24. His chin bore a thick growth of stubble.
25. Tyson put in some telling blows to Tucker's chin.
26. You've got some egg on your chin.
27. He must needs swim that is held up by the chin
28. To keep the helmet in position,[/chin.html] fasten the strap beneath the chin.
29. The old woman had a few grey bristles sprouting from her chin.
30. With the back of his hand, he rubbed the stubble on his chin.
1. Her chin was thrust forward aggressively.
2. He wiped a dribble of saliva from his chin.
3. She tilted her chin at him defiantly.
4. I rested my chin on my drawn-up knees.
5. John yawned and scratched his chin.
6. His chin was covered with bristles.
7. Her chin took on a stubborn slant.
8. The maid lowered her chin and simpered.
9. She lifted her chin in a gesture that deliberately exposed the line of her throat.
10. To keep the helmet in position, fasten the strap beneath the chin.
11. The old woman had a few grey bristles sprouting from her chin.
12. With the back of his hand, he rubbed the stubble on his chin.
13. Wipe the spit off your chin.
14. She rubbed her chin thoughtfully.
15. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
16. A beginning beard faintly shadowed his chin and lean cheeks.
17. The young girl felt very self - conscious about the large mole on her chin.
18. One heavy blow to the chin and the challenger went out like a light.
19. I caught him on the chin with a straight left.
31. He rested his chin in his hands.
32. Chin up! It'll soon be the weekend.
33. He cupped his chin in his hand.
34. His chin juts out rather a lot.
35. He has a receding chin.
36. The juice dribbled down his chin.
37. Wipe the spit off your chin.
38. She has a rather prominent chin/nose.
39. Gobs of spittle ran down his chin.
40. She rubbed her chin thoughtfully.
41. I landed a blow on his chin.
42. She caught him a blow on the chin.
43. Chin up! Only two exams left.
44. He had long unkempt hair and a stubbly chin.
45. The phone was wedged under his chin.
46. She jutted her chin out stubbornly.
47. There was dribble all over her chin.
48. Nicotine marks stained his chin and fingers.
49. He threw a hard right to the opponent's chin.
50. He nailed him on the chin with the fist.
51. Orange juice dribbled down his chin.
52. The little boy jutted his chin forward in defiance.
53. She landed a punch on his chin.
54. Snow sifted through a chin in the window.
55. There was a smear of gravy on his chin.
56. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
57. Blood from his cut lip trickled over his chin.
58. He wiped the dribble from his chin.
59. His chin rested on his hands.
60. He had bits of food on his chin.
61. The water came up to my chin.
62. He has a retreating chin.
63. She cupped her chin to study about her future.
64. Luke was sitting at his desk, one hand cupping his chin .
65. Gwen jutted her chin forward and did not answer the teacher.
66. She curled up in a tight ball, with her knees tucked up at her chin.
67. Massage will help to tone up loose skin under the chin.
68. The top of the water came level with her chin.
68. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
69. A beginning beard faintly shadowed his chin and lean cheeks.
70. The young girl felt very self - conscious about the large mole on her chin.
71. She tilted her face to kiss me quickly on the chin.
72. Tyson put in some telling blows to the opponent's chin.
73. Graham came back from holiday with a week's growth of beard on his chin.
74. On Eric's chin was a scrap of cotton wool where he'd cut himself shaving .
75. She sat with her elbows on the table, resting her chin on her cupped hands.
76. She was sitting at the desk with her chin propped on her hands.
77. She sat behind the table, her chin resting in her hands.
78. Liz sank down until the water came up to her chin and the bubbles were at eye level.
79. After a few minutes, the young fighter planted a blow on his opponent's chin that seemed to hurt him.
80. One heavy blow to the chin and the challenger went out like a light.
81. After punching him on the chin she wound up hitting him over the head.
82. He had a few tufts of hair on his chin, but you could hardly call it a beard.
83. She jutted her chin out aggressively as she glowered back at him.
84. I punched him on the chin, sending him reeling backwards.
85. A trickle of melted butter made its way down his chin.
86. Fasten the chin strap or the helmet will fall off.
87. He put his hand under her chin and lifted her face to his.
88. Jill crossed her legs and rested her chin on one fist, as if lost in deep thought.
89. She is very old now, with little, round, wire-rimmed glasses and whiskers sprouting from her chin.
90. He put his hand under her chin in an almost paternal gesture.
91. He had two days' beard growth across his jowls and chin.
92. In this business, you have to learn to take criticism on the chin.
93. One of our great strengths is our ability to take it on the chin and come out fighting.
94. He pulled up a chair behind her and put his chin on her shoulder.
95. Ruth sat, knees drawn up under her chin, and waited.
96. She caught him with a hard blow on the chin.
97. He had a small tuft of hair on his chin.
98. "Cheer up, " she said and chucked the little girl under the chin.
98. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
99. He cupped her chin in the palm of his hand.
100. A strap fastens under the chin to keep the helmet in place.
101. The photograph has been touched up to conceal her double chin.
102. I caught him on the chin with a straight left.
103. When her husband died, the woman had to keep her chin up for the sake of the children.
104. He caught his opponent with a right cross to the chin.
105. Her chin sank onto her chest, and she looked despairing.
106. Lufkin stroked his chin, as if contemplating her request.
107. A smudge of catsup made paint on her chin.
108. Dolly watched him, bedclothes up to her chin.
109. His chin is framed with a wispy beard.
110. Short sellers took it on the chin last year.
111. I drive my chin into his rib cage.
112. Her chin is low and stubborn and insane.
113. A rough chin brushing his cheek.
114. She cried into the air below his chin.
115. Keep your chin up! We'll get through this together!
116. The car's manufacturers are taking it on the chin.
117. Martin rubbed his chin meditatively.
118. Once, she fell and broke her nose and chin.
119. There was even a burn mark on his chin but apart from that his expression was positively cherubic.
120. Richie Collins was twenty, with short curly hair, a wispy chin beard, and long beanpole legs.
121. Rolls of fat hung abundantly from her chin like ripe baby bananas.
122. The night before the trials, he shaved a gnarly goatee off his chin.
123. I pulled the cover up to my chin and folded my hands over my chest.
124. Stroked a tom-cat under the chin and watched a steam train go under a bridge.
125. She had excellent bone structure, a well-shaped determined chin, a good figure and long legs.
126. Straighten both legs and stretch right out of your hips; straighten the spine and let your chin fall to your chest.
127. Mama Sipcott's butter sauce was gleaming on her chin and she looked very beautiful.
128. Her head was back and her chin raised, resin plugging the eye sockets.
129. Lee saw Anthea's eyes glittering blackly in the dancing candlelight, her chin drawn up in defiance or outrage.
130. A medallion in Hughes Hall portrays her with short hair, an aquiline nose, and a determined chin.
131. Nigel of the clammy hands and Peter of the bow legs and disappearing chin?
132. Her short red hair was crudely shaped in a wedge and her pallid cheeks and small chin were peppered with unsightly acne.
133. An effort to look through bifocals put a jaunty thrust in Lois's small chin.
134. With his other hand, he caught Tolby by the neck and pushed upwards against the chin.
135. For added benefit stretch your chin up as you do the exercise.
136. Tears filled her eyes; they rolled down her cheeks and dropped from her chin.
137. The steady trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth was dripping from his chin on to his coat front.
138. Her head sank on to her chin and a kind of blank look misted over her eyes.
139. He flexed his narrow shoulders and placed his elbows on the desk, steepled fingers resting against his chin.
140. And, in rare candor under such circumstances, Chin answered two questions about his personal political beliefs.
141. Denis was slumped in his seat, his chin sunk into his chest.
142. Chin said on June 17 that by the year 2000 around 90 percent of global AIDS cases would be among heterosexuals.
143. Her Dose is slender, aquiline, her long neck elegant, chin delicate.
144. In an attempt to prevent his mouth from falling open, a woollen strap had been passed beneath his chin.
145. The rest bobbed up and down at chin height, or remained by the bathing-machine steps.
146. She had a primly censorious mouth above a slightly receding chin already showing the first slackness of a dewlap.
147. His chin hung farther down on his chest as his shoulders hunched closer together.
148. The Annamese boy was standing in an attitude of despair, his chin sunk on his chest.
149. He had an unshaven anvil chin, glittering eyes and a blonde-haired schoolteacher whose name was Maya.
150. Avoid width at the top but create volume at the chin - do not wear your hair shorter than chin level.
151. Chin, who has denied the charges, and his lawyer could not be reached for comment late Monday.
152. Up again, under his chin, now lightly brushing his mouth.
153. Lying as shown, raise the elbows, head and shoulders, bringing your chin as close to your chest as possible.
154. I took it on the chin, but life goes on.
155. The knot under his chin was still firmly fastened and he had extensive burns on his head and face.
156. More usually, the body was bound up in a folded position, with the knees under the chin.
157. He smelled light sweat, felt spittle reaching to his chin.
158. Keep your chin up and take another test.
158. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
159. But Ma Chin was adamant and insisted that she should be taken round.
160. With her chin on her chest and her eyes staring down, the reluctant farm girl followed Margaret to the back of the somber room.
161. The characteristics of Water Face are deep-set shiny eyes with long lashes, large forehead, thin, expressive eyebrows, wide, flexible mouth, prominent chin.
162. FACIAL REGION SIZE – the facial region, as measured from the bottom of the chin to the top the head (including hair), should be between 50% to 69% of the image's height.
163. I'm getting a double chin. I'd better lose some weight.
164. He took a day off to get thoroughly worked up in, came home that night full to the chin of indignation and Dunedin beer, and tried to kick Steelman out.
165. As mentioned a little earlier, if your model has a double chin then have them lift their head slightly so that it stretches out the neck area.
166. I suspect that if the cops started hassling all the well-nourished bald guys with chin whiskers, I might soon find this tiresome.
167. Year 1127 Annuity soldiers captured Kaifeng, Hui and chin had been abducted.




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