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单词 Bias
1 Some institutions still have a strong bias against women.
2 She has a strong musical bias.
3 The government has accused the media of bias.
4 Employers must consider all candidates impartially and without bias.
5 Students were evaluated without bias or favoritism.
6 Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.
7 They are accusing the teacher of political bias in his marking.
8 The lawyer made a tearful plea to bias the jury.
9 The university has a bias towards/in favour of/against the sciences.
10 Given data which are free from bias there are further snares to avoid in statistical work.
11 The newspaper has a clear bias towards the Conservative Party.
12 Don't let her insults bias you against your husband.
13 The skirt is cut on the bias.
14 The course has a strong practical bias.
15 All material must be selected and presented without bias.
16 The Department has a strong bias towards neuroscience.
17 We mustn't allow it to bias our teaching.
18 Reporters must be impartial and not show political bias.
19 She showed a scientific bias at an early age.
20 Leila had a marked scientific bias.
21 Bias often creeps in through the wording of questions.
22 The committee is of a/has a conservative bias.
23 The newspaper was free from political bias.
24 The writer is guilty of bias and inaccuracy.
25 Lydia has a strong artistic bias.
26 The judge dispenses the law without bias.
27 Court officials were suspected of arbitrariness and personal bias.
28 He owed me a bias.
29 There has always been a slight bias in favour of/towards employing arts graduates in the company.
30 The study set out to examine bias in television news coverage.
1 Some institutions still have a strong bias against women.
2 The government has accused the media of bias.
3 Employers must consider all candidates impartially and without bias.
4 Students were evaluated without bias or favoritism.
5 Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.
6 They are accusing the teacher of political bias in his marking.
7 Given data which are free from bias there are further snares to avoid in statistical work.
8 The newspaper has a clear bias towards the Conservative Party.
31 There was clear evidence of a strong bias against her.
32 Knowing her political bias we discounted most of her story.
33 The industrial bias of canal building can be readily perceived by looking at Figure 7.3.
34 Be careful you don't leave yourself open to charges of political bias.
35 There were fierce attacks on the BBC for alleged political bias.
36 It's clear that the company has a bias against women and minorities.
37 We have now tried to correct the bias in our original report.
38 The speech laid him open to charges of political bias.
39 Arbitrariness, malice, or bias are examples of improper considerations.
40 Is there a problem of selection bias?
41 A good review of historical sources of selection bias.
42 Conservatives say the press has a liberal bias.
43 He's a little young for political bias.
44 The questions reflected a prosecutorial bias.
45 There is no need to show bias.
46 Psychological theories support two main forms of gender bias.
47 The classroom content reflects a clear socialist bias.
48 This is thought to reflect a selection bias.
49 Some documents offer superb examples of bias.
50 In the past it was criticised for political bias.
51 Bias in nouns does not stop with epithets.
52 What worried Ross was a dangerous bias.
53 It also introduces a dangerous bias.
54 It hardly matters, because examples of bias are there in abundance, and some take fairly systematic forms.
55 Amongst Sun readers, there was little difference between Labour and Conservative identifiers in their perceptions of its anti-Labour(), pro-Conservative bias.
56 Another possible origin of positive feedback is the finite internal impedance of the bias supply.
57 So when the station came clean, they had to field several angry calls accusing them of pro-Nottingham Forest bias.
58 An alternative with a strong constitutional law bias is Hartley and Griffith's Government and Law.
59 Comparing many countries is susceptible to statistical analysis, which helps eliminate possible sources of selection bias and spuriousness.
60 It is an area of study with a strong academic bias, the foundations of which were none the less in local exploration.
61 If it is cut crosswise, across the bias of the cloth, which gives fluidity and firmness it will hang straight.
62 These courses are independent, free from commercial bias and partners are encouraged to attend.
63 The strength of experimental studies is that randomisation removes selection bias.
64 In such circumstances, the presence of observer bias would increase the magnitude of the association between oesophagitis and hiatal hernia.
65 The last sentence takes it as established beyond doubt that the inherent bias in analysis is against issuing regulations.
66 The two sides called upon the police to act without political bias.
67 Midlands have little form and against the South showed a defensive bias and no discernible pattern.
68 Unfortunately, we did not anticipate the importance of observer bias, and we did not arrange for third party blinded observation.
69 But they were not always popular among the citizens because they were suspected of arbitrariness and personal bias.
70 Given the topic of this book, you might expect a bias in favor of finding behavior-driven performance challenges.
71 The social class bias in university entrance is not matched by a corresponding bias in university performance.
72 On the other hand, while self help by its very nature is participatory, it has a strong middle class bias.
73 With raw edges level, tack bias strip around neck edge with ends on top of facing.
74 Nor was this the only subtle and half-conscious bias which shaped this great collection.
75 Court of Appeals judges considered the bias issue and also raised concerns about technical aspects of Jackson's ruling.
76 Secondly, they show a clear bias towards the problems and prospects of developing countries.
77 Secondly, there is the problem of political bias in book and periodical selection in libraries.
78 Current spikes at changeover from reverse to forward bias are a particular source of trouble.
79 Some sources have a subtle rather than a very strong and obvious bias.
80 Regular readers of this space know my historical bias toward dedicated game machines when it comes to hard-core, nonstop action.
81 Many cultures bias their legacies, parental care, sustenance, and favoritism toward sons at the expense of daughters.
82 The bias litigation boom is in large measure traceable to key changes in the Civil Rights Act of 1991.
83 Chapter 2 provides an exhaustive review of problems with selection bias.
84 If he perceives that there is a likelihood of bias, the rules of natural justice have been broken. 2.
85 Congress may adopt a racial-justice amendment that would allow blacks to appeal against conviction on the ground of systematic racial bias.
86 Many seem to believe that lamenting the middle-class bias of their sample is a sufficient contribution towards equality.
87 In cases of race and gender bias, such decrees often have produced quotas and preferential treatment for the aggrieved party.
88 In this I would admit to a personal bias toward flexibility and a lateral approach.
89 The argument that acquired immunity may bias the measurement of parasite resistance or limit the progression of those parasites deserves comment.
90 Neaten outer edge of bias strip or turn under raw edge.
91 Chapter 2 makes brief statements about value bias, too many variables not enough countries, and equivalence.
92 All of these companies have denied allegations of bias and said they will fight the suits.
93 The elements selected from the confusion of conflicting movements have this different and very distinctive bias.
94 To some degree, the studies avoid selection bias since some of the countries have not experienced democratic transitions.
95 If you are a Swindon fan, you're bias of course, but it was a close call.
96 The courts have shown a similar bias, though usually for a different reason.
97 To date, there has always been a middle class bias in participation in formal organisations.
98 This session also provides an opportunity to look at cultural bias and racism in materials.
99 It also did away with the need for bias adjustment on the output devices - a most desirable quality.
100 In any liberal democracy a mobilization of bias is cumulatively created by the outcomes of political and social conflicts.
101 Another is that they have an in-built bias towards optimism, always looking on the bright side of life.
102 The whole emphasis is placed on the terms being negated, thereby reflecting a profound bias towards aggression as the norm.
103 Stuyvesant responded by laying hands on To bias Feake, who delivered the document, arresting and eventually banishing him.
104 Psychologist Lenore Walker argued for eliminating personality disorders altogether because of bias.
105 A good self-esteem level is mostly dependent on how we value ourselves without any bias. Stephen Richards 
106 Mark Fuhrman, who was subsequently criticized for racial bias by both defense lawyers and prosecutors.
107 We attempted to avoid this bias by offering endoscopy to every asthmatic patient regardless of the presence or absence of reflux symptoms.
108 Several proprietary fertilizers, mixed and formulated specifically for roses, show a marked bias in favour of one or other element.
109 Prospective information on cycle variability during treatment would have led to potential selection bias.
110 For Jason is proving, albeit from his grave, that death does not absolve bias.
111 These are learned at an early age and reflect the bias and background of our parents.
112 The Thatcher government believed this system has a bias towards overspending by local authorities.
113 The failure of animal breeders to produce a strain that can bias the gender of its offspring is glaring.
114 Publication bias: the case for an international registry of clinical trials.
115 Is this clear evidence of gender bias in the manual?
116 She also shows her bias for Bassanio in the music she plays when he is choosing the caskets.
117 Their attempts to provide more objective methods do not challenge the gender bias involved in psychological notions of objectivity.
118 A plan may have a bias towards the financial structure or towards technological development.
119 Some people alleged a bias towards the Conservatives, while others alleged a bias against the Conservatives,(http:///bias.html) for example.
120 Bias in the press Most people would have trouble conceiving of the enormity of the bias against testing in the national press.
121 I did not believe this tired, old gender bias until it was proven to me at my kitchen table over homework.
122 In a speech on Dec. 1 Moi warned of interference by Western countries, which he accused of bias.
123 Slice on the bias and place on top of Minted White Beans.
124 Entomologists, nutritionists and other insect fanciers scoff at Westerners' bias against bugs.
125 Woman-centred psychologists also criticize the gender bias of traditional psychological method.
126 Researchers who speak plainly are likely to find themselves embroiled in controversy and accused of unscientific bias.
127 Comment on this study proposal, discussing any possible sources of bias likely to be encountered, as well as such problems as non-response.
128 Women's groups also resented the imposition of limits for gender discrimination while damages for racial bias were unlimited.
129 In practice the Act requires teachers to avoid racial bias in the performance of their teaching and pastoral duties.
130 The high proportion of adults with cystic fibrosis in non-manual occupations may reflect selection or response bias.
131 You may indeed have to overcome a bias against fish served in a form other than crispy sticks.
132 On the expenditure side, the bias toward error is just as strong.
133 Each of these has a different editorial policy and, to a lesser or greater degree, a political bias.
134 End the bias against women's participation in the present political system.
135 To transform a scholarly consensus into something that appears the obsession of a disreputable fringe group requires more than accidental bias.
136 The bias means that the favoured areas is given preference.
137 Crystal has shown how this bias in linguistics carries over into lay views of language.
138 Schools have adopted several tactics to raise awareness of bias.
139 The method we used to check the network for integrity was purposely to bias the output for selected input vector sets.
140 There will also be a bias in favour of SMEs when Government research funding is allocated.
141 The social sciences at this stage had the opposite bias.
142 The signing of Tendulkar was described as a whitewash merely to cover racial bias.
143 If Tebbit wished to attack bias as such he should have directed his criticism at the press rather than television.
144 My view is that at a younger age your optimism is more and you have more imagination etc. You have less bias. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
145 Let no politician claim that there is a bias within the corporation towards the Guardian.
145 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
146 The data indicate that dimorphism in adult size may be associated with mortality bias differences brought about by dissimilar adult life styles.
147 This also generates a bias signal required by the delay line chip.
148 Phoenix schedules for General and Special Psychology were included, and examples of Western bias were less evident.
149 The results would suggest that the behaviour of boys influences teacher bias towards them.
150 Wednesday, Molinari fielded question after question about her presumed lack of bias in the anchor role.
151 We therefore test for model consistency with a model consistency check and a statistical test for omitted heterogeneity bias.
152 Inner city initiatives exhibit a similar bias against local government.
153 Skating is rife with bias, carrying the inherent subjectivity of judging to extremes.
154 The Morgan Stanley suit is thought to have been the first to allege workplace bias via electronic mail.
155 To minimise potential bias, the study investigators set up the ventilators but were not involved in the clinical management of patients.
156 But this looks like racial bias, it smells like racial bias, it is racial bias of the worst kind.
157 An excellent article on selection bias using real examples from the comparative literature.
158 Surprisingly, perceptions of bias never had a significant impact on usefulness-ratings.
159 It can not be repeated too often - don't develop a bias towards one particular attitude or direction.
160 The second type of discrimination, indirect discrimination, is to deal with the more hidden forms of bias.
161 Much of this reflects the entrenched acute-service bias of the National Health Service, and major change would have far-reaching implications.
162 We have an example of selection bias as described in Section 15.2.7.
163 But at 8-10 in the Big East, does their entry reflect East Coast bias?
164 Omissions are most patent perhaps in surveys made with a political bias.
165 I shall view it as a principle that operates without any bias towards the emergence of certain sorts of organ.
166 That would introduce a bias toward heart trouble among calcium channel blocker users.
167 Then there's the problem of survivorship bias.
168 Because being open to new experiences is socially desirable, if this theory is correct, we'd expect the same positive bias from our friends.
169 The temperature dependence of exchange bias and coercivity of ferromagnetic layer and antiferromagnetic gain layer is discussed.
170 For automobile tires, motorcycle tires, bicycle tires, OTR tires, aircraft tires, bias tires, radial tires and other light, lightening, by the black handle, called the tire treasure.
171 Genetic effects could be predicted without bias by adjusted unbiased prediction (AUP) method for both ADAA models and seed models.
172 Another example of bias is that pharmaceutical companies do few head-to-head comparisons of treatments.
173 There exists a bias in the translation circle:in technical translation, logical thinking is a must while figurative thinking is of no importance.
174 Two frames of equal exposure are subtracted and the resultant frame has no bias shift and any pattern noise is removed.
175 Objective To test the calibration bias and matrix effects of cholesterol reagents.
176 In wireless communication system,(/bias.html) there is a large frequency bias between carrier frequency and local oscillating frequency. AFC is contributed to eliminate it.
177 Thirdly, according to the design techniques mentioned above, three kinds of Low-Power rectifier, demodulator and other circuits, such as bias circuits, POR generator, etc. are put forward.
178 The exact value of the bias generation resistors varies somewhat from model to model, but this has no effect on the sound of the unit as long as the bias voltage is about 4.5V.
179 After the introduction of the characteristics of semiconductor laser diode, the bias current supply of the laser driver and the automatic power control(APC)function were analyzed.
180 Other evidence for severe lateral velocity change across the fault zone lies in hypocenter bias and nodal plane distortion for earthquakes on the fault.
181 With PDA System the experiment and spectrum analysis on turbulent now had been conducted for vertical bias combustion in tangentially fired furnace.
182 Another consideration when measuring voltages from high resistance sources is the input bias current of the voltmeter.
183 Funnel plot was symmetrical in general, and it prompted that publication bias for the literatures was controlled passably.
184 Bias circuit according to the reference voltage to bias the first stage circuit and the current compensation circuit, and set the bias current compensation circuit.
185 The maximum on-time is kept as a constant and a bias current of the oscillator in the PWM controller is moderated to achieve the off-time modulation.
186 High-temperature oxidation tested that oxidation kinetics of alloy followed the parabolic law, but there be some negative bias.
187 Several pulsed parts made up a negative bias pulsed power, whose frequency and duty cycle is regulated directly at the side of high voltage.
188 As shown in Figure 2-2, the input bias current (IBIAS) develops an error voltage across the source resistance (RS).
189 Positive and Negative Bias Relays are designed for applications that require an output pressure that is the sum of a controlled input signal plus or minus a fixed bias.
190 Firstly, the reasons of DC magnetic bias on transformer are studied.
191 At present, the negative bias is the most effective method of enhancing diamond nucleation.
192 It is convenient to change the optical intensity of the sidebands by tuning the DC bias voltage while the microwave modulation frequency and power are fixed.
193 A low voltage cascaded current mirror bias circuit that can provide an exact and steady bias voltage for current array is used.
194 Study heterogeneity was evaluated using Q statistics and I and publication bias assessed with funnel plots and Egger's test.
195 Bias has been described as a departure from that standard of even-handed justice.
196 According to operating principle of the magnetic bias ASC, the control method of magnetic bias ASC is decided.
197 Based on the analysis of the magnetic bias of output transformer in SPWM full-bridge inverter, a scheme of fully digitized controller based on DSP is proposed in this paper.
198 The experiment platform of single freedom , bias current and small signal test current , and displacement test current are designed and fabricated.
199 The results show that the maximum of the exchange bias field departs from easy axis with increasing the biquadratic-coupling field or bilinear field.
200 Cut point shift bias of self-reported health was calibrated using CHOPIT model.
201 After the examples are analyzed, there are problems which need to be solved such as ambiguity, real-time clock bias error and the estimate method of zenith wet delay.
202 The bias module provides a bias current to the differential input stage.
203 Handling the calibration data gained by the dividing head is to get the sensitivity and bias of all the accelerometers.
204 The integrator time constant is tunable by varying a reference bias current.
205 Magazine Publisher: Our magazine does not have a liberal bias.Sentence dictionary
206 The model describes the relationship between photocurrent and incident optical power, and it also illustrates the impact of the reverse bias to the variation of the junction capacitance.
207 Men, on the other hand, were more evenly divided in their response, but failed to show the same preferential bias for acts of "informational warfare" against the unlikable classmate.
208 Wave distortions in the intensity modulation on different bias conditions have been analyzed.
209 In this paper, a monolithic thermal vacuum sensor based on a micro-hotplate(MHP)and operating under constant bias voltage conditions was designed.
210 Second, the response on the weak signal microwave probe field of the SQUID array working in another way– under DC bias magnetic field is studied.
211 For the research of a pendulous inertial sensor, it is quite important to measure the mechanical bias.
212 BIAS_APC function can set bias current of LD automatically by estimating threshold current of LD.
213 The modulation is driven by the bias current below the threshold.
214 The leakage of the 1N3595 diode is generally less than one picoampere even with 1mV of forward bias, so the circuit won't interfere with measurements of 10pA or more.
215 First, the bias current for each side is flowing in opposite directions in the primary of the output transformer, so they effectively cancel each other out.
216 Codon bias of NAD-ME of Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. was significantly different from those of E. coli and yeast genome.
217 The stripe-to-bubble transition subjected to in-plane field is statistically studied for the ordinary hard bubble(OHB) in garnet bubble films at various static bias fields.
218 What people did to me might hurt as well, but I would not carry their narrow-mindedness or bias as my burden.
219 Apple guided for margins of 36%, versus 39% in March, and we expect profitability to have a near term negative bias from new product releases.
219 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
220 Cryptomnesia is a memory bias that occurs when a person mistakenly believes that they have come up with an original thought, idea, song or joke, when it was actually generated by someone else.
221 The range of bias DC is determined according to the measuring data of earthing neutrals DC of transformer, and the influences of DC magnetic bias on transformer are studied.
222 "There's clearly a risk appetite bias, but ... I think ahead of tomorrow's (nonfarm payrolls) numbers, it's unlikely to become a strong trend," he added.
223 Intriguingly, she found that the students with the rightward bias also tended to score higher on a measure of novelty seeking - a proclivity to look for thrills and new rewarding experiences.
224 This tail-wagging bias was documented in a 2007 article in the journal Current Biology by Italian neuroscientist Giorgio Vallortigara and his veterinarian colleagues at the University of Bari.
225 At constant bias current, the simulation shows significant enhancement in optical bandwidth due to moving the quantum well in the direction of collector-base junction.
226 In this paper the influences of ambient temperature and bias voltage on avalanche photodiodes'(APDs') responsivity are analysed, and the ways of decreasing the influences are discussed.
227 In this paper, quantitative analyses on the effects of driving signal with different bias voltage polarity are made for double-sided driving with voltage feedback.
228 Input offset current is the difference between the two input bias currents and this leads to offset errors in in-amps when source resistances in the two input terminals are unequal.
229 The application of the adhesion promoter NMP-ZD in the breaker and outer ply compounds of bias truck tire was investigated.
230 The analysis of sector bias circuit for microwave active networks is made by means of the theory of radial transmission line.




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