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单词 Punish
(1) According to present law, the authorities can only punish smugglers with small fines.
(2) For your crime, the court will punish you with two years in prison.
(3) Never punish children by making them go hungry.
(4) How would you punish somebody for stealing?
(5) If you fail, don't punish yourself.
(6) Don't punish a child who wets the bed.
(7) They arrogate to themselves the power to punish people.
(8) You can't punish me for something I didn't do.
(9) Parents don't punish their children so severely these days.
(10) He defended his decision to punish the boy.
(11) The law prescribes how to punish this crime.
(12) Don't punish your child for being honest.
(13) It's a bIt'strong to punish her for such a small thing.
(14) My parents used to punish me by not letting me watch TV.
(15) He was trying to punish her for deserting him all those years ago.
(16) He promised to punish severely any officials found guilty of electoral fraud.
(17) It's unfair to punish a whole class for the actions of one or two students.
(18) The government voted to punish corruption in sport with up to four years in jail.
(19) It's a bit strong to punish her for such a small thing.
(20) My parents decided to punish me by withdrawing financial support.
(21) Richard could easily destroy her personal property to punish her for walking out on him.
(22) The House voted to punish the senator with a formal reprimand.
(23) He was adamant in his determination to punish the corrupt officials.
(24) It is the business of the police to prevent and detect crime and of the law courts to punish crime.
(25) If you persist in upsetting her[Sentence dictionary], I will have to punish you.
(26) We should try to reform criminals through labor rather than punish them.
(27) He said that when he was a boy, his father used to take a stick to him to punish him.
(28) We should try to reform criminals through labour rather than punish them.
(29) Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.
(30) The woman walked out of the shop angrily and decided to punish the assistant next day.
(1) According to present law, the authorities can only punish smugglers with small fines.
(2) For your crime, the court will punish you with two years in prison.
(3) If you persist in upsetting her, I will have to punish you.
(4) You can't punish me for something I didn't do.
(5) The law prescribes how to punish this crime.
(6) It's a bIt'strong to punish her for such a small thing.
(7) We should try to reform criminals through labour rather than punish them.
(8) It's cruel to use a whip to punish a child.
(9) I'm just watching for a chance to punish him in return!
(31) If he aggravates me any more I shall punish him.
(32) It's cruel to use a whip to punish a child.
(33) The studio could punish its players by keeping them out of work, and otherwise controlling their lives.
(34) You can't punish a man for speaking the truth .
(35) I'm just watching for a chance to punish him in return!
(36) Damages are not designed to punish the person in breach, but to compensate for the loss sustained.
(37) His simple message was that God will punish those that do evil.
(38) Punitive damages are designed to punish and deter misconduct.
(39) She was always reluctant to punish him.
(40) So you want to punish me, do you?
(41) It was not designed to punish us.
(42) However, Gottlieb did not punish herself with guilt.
(43) Do threats to punish the child remain unfulfilled?
(44) If the Board of Higher Education had decided to punish City for its impertinence, it had succeeded admirably.
(45) As Baker repeatedly told jurors, the intent of punitive damages is to punish, not destroy.
(46) He knew that if he didn't punish Oliver, his wife would never forgive him.
(47) Do you punish yourself or feel guilty if you fail?
(48) They collided, Hughes sensed McClair was in a better position to punish the error, but Laws recovered.
(49) Starr said a juvenile court would try to work to help the children rather than punish them.
(50) From that time on, it seemed as though I loathed myself and looked for ways to punish my body.
(51) Both victims' estates have filed claims for punitive damages, which are designed to punish the killer and deter future slayings.
(52) But it's the right that has led this bitter crusade to doubly punish criminals.
(53) You can apply to my father for money if you still want to punish him for not backing you.
(54) Such resistance to being well necessitated the idea of unconscious forces of guilt; the patients sought to punish themselves through illness.
(55) She was suspended while the school decided how to punish her.
(56) When we fail to justly punish the criminal, the community sees justice aborted.
(57) Then punish the adulterous man as harshly, for that is just as effective a deterrent as punishing the woman.
(58) This had so infuriated Moustaine that he had decided to punish them, which meant the rest of us as well.
(59) And the push to reward, not just punish, is echoed across the Phoenix area.
(60) The goal is not to punish the rebels, but to convince them that it is futile to resist.
(61) A prince should be slow to punish, and quick to reward. Ovid 
(62) The court acknowledged that a state may punish a teacher who disrupts schooling.
(63) But they also reward or punish behavior: The deduction for charitable contributions underwrites generosity.
(64) Yet mothers and fathers are often desperately fearful of such activity and hasten to forbid or punish it.
(65) Several thousand soldiers desert every year, and military prosecutors, knowing the conditions, are reluctant to punish them.
(66) This explains why patriarchal legal codes sometimes ostracize and punish the victim of rape as much as the rapist.
(67) By far the most disturbing aspect of this corruption is the country's reluctance to punish any of the culprits.
(68) The party will continue to assert itself and severely punish political dissent.
(69) So I fell on my knees and asked them not to punish the child any more.
(70) By making an example of Holy Trinity he could punish his Jesuit adversaries and demonstrate his orthodoxy in a single swoop.
(71) Bush insisted that his policy was clear: the United States would punish aggression to insure the new world order.
(72) Attorney General Brewster made an attempt to punish the violators by ordering the local district attorney to make arrests.
(73) Compliance strategy seeks to prevent a harm rather than punish an evil.
(74) Torturers kept making up new arbitrary rules,[http:///punish.html] for which they would punish disobedience.
(75) Charles the Bald could warn or punish by leaving a trail of havoc along his line of march.
(76) The only way he knew to heal the pain of his humiliation was to punish her for the crime of leaving him.
(77) Then they led Linkworth to the hanging-shed to punish him for his crime.
(78) How do you motivate people when there is no way to reward the efficient or punish the laggard?
(79) How I try to punish my parents with my sharp tongue.
(80) Tony Marlow says Britain has become too civilised and doesn't punish offenders properly.
(81) They vowed to conduct an investigation and punish those who helped him.
(82) Perhaps you felt guilty about ignoring a charity collection, and so decided to punish yourself?
(83) His offence against those who came to him for medical help was less easy to punish.
(84) Of much greater practical significance, and by no means obsolete, is the power to punish for contempt.
(85) My father threatened to punish them, so they were forced to accept my company.
(86) Suddenly, I want to punish him, to make him pay for my invisibility.
(87) Mrs Aquino now has to decide whether she should be magnanimous in victory or punish those behind the mutiny.
(88) He should be punished for as long as it is humanly possible to punish him.
(89) Ask teachers not to ignore, reject, or punish your child.
(90) The law does not pretend to punish everything that is dishonest. That would seriously interfere with business. Clarence Darrow 
(91) It may seem harsh to punish him, but he has to learn that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable.
(92) Thorn threatened after the Van Exel incident to severely punish the next player who made physical contact with a referee.
(93) The purpose of the civil law is to compensate; it is the function of the criminal law to punish.
(94) All those products could face tariffs if Washington decided to punish the two countries.
(95) The teacher was told by the researcher to regard silence as a wrong answer and to punish it accordingly.
(96) But the estate also is asking for punitive damages, designed to punish Simpson for his conduct.
(97) It is morally wrong to punish someone for something they did not do.
(98) It follows that it is wrong to convict and punish some one who has done nothing morally wrong.
(99) They sometimes seem more concerned to punish those whose products end up on rubbish heaps than to encourage sensible behaviour.
(100) Since society does not generally punish people for their illnesses, it followed that society should not persecute gays.
(101) We don't punish people for crimes if they are insane, because we have decided that they can't help it.
(102) Punish Heidi's picture had been plastered all over the front page of a paper in Sri Lanka.
(103) The cap seeks to limit the damages imposed to punish a defendant found to have acted with malice.
(104) They established a three-tier court system which had exclusive authority to punish crime.
(105) Normally, they punish the presumptive nominee in the late primaries.
(106) Billy was afraid his aunt would punish him if he owned up.
(107) Insurance companies pay most punitive damages because they themselves are the defendants that juries are most likely to punish substantially.
(108) If I ask God to punish my enemy with vengeful prayers,then He is fair to allow the enemy to do the same for me. Toba Beta 
(109) The U.S. threatened to take away trading privileges as a way to punish the country for human rights violations.
(110) By releasing it into the world, he relieved himself and taunted the fates to punish him.
(111) She wanted no part of some one trying to punish her husband for something she obviously regarded as between him and her.
(112) But not even Barnes could break down a Springbok side able to absorb the most intense pressure and punish every error.
(113) These icy cold droplets seemed to cut through to the bone as if to punish him for the way he was.
(114) They came to this swampland and found a team to punish, those hapless New York Jets.
(115) I am not trying to punish you for what Steve did to Maria Luisa.
(116) Do not attempt to punish yourself for not making adequate progress.
(117) Because tonight he would punish Detective Lieutenant Curtis for daring to offend him.
(118) Kelly Flinn(), starred in a political and military soap opera last May while the military decided how to punish her.
(119) Do not punish yourself by wasting your time. Do not undermine yourself by surrendering to your negative habits. Dr T.P.Chia 
(120) Not only do we punish those who get off welfare, we require little of those who stay on.
(121) Had this tribunal the legal power and authority to try and punish this man?
(122) Milosevic promised the students he would investigate their allegations and punish any officials found responsible for electoral fraud.
(123) Damages are designed not to punish the person in breach but to compensate for the loss sustained by the plaintiff.
(124) Don't punish our brain with technical terminology.
(125) If you go against nature, it will punish you.
(126) How could he punish anyone without book?
(127) Moreover, the act established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to administer its provisions, to punish unfair labor practices, and to determine which union should represent workers.
(128) An ill-conceived congressional bill to punish China for manipulating its currency is yet another sign that America has little to be proud of in terms of economic policy.
(129) Financial department, Company of JH , punish improvement of project use 6SIGMA management to make better financial result among the course in note, have improved customer satisfaction.
(130) In fact, corrupt to medical treatment. Have early socially " stamp infrangible blain " say, how punish, each have wise move.
(131) Using your body to intimidate, punish, vent, or attack yourself or others is an unhealthy choice, and likely to lead to trouble.
(132) Clause 2:Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.
(133) China is a country in which the death-penalty system is taken to punish the offenders broadly .
(134) In order to justify ourselves through the test of governing, reforming and opening-up and practising market economy,[http:///punish.html] we must punish corruption harshly and eradicate the corruptive phenomenon.
(135) Government should punish the malversation, but the key point of punishment is the degree of sanctions, not the rate of detecting.
(136) Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member.
(137) We have to winnow out and punish these foolish ideas.
(138) They would have been shocked to find that their beloved country had decided to punish industry and enterprise with a progressive income tax.
(139) You can punish a stealer but whose nature was hard to change.
(140) That's why the solution to substandard performance is always to excoriate, punish and shame the child.
(141) Now "The Decision to Punish Breach of Company Act", issued by NPC, stipulates for the accusation of Commercial Bribery Crime for the first time.
(142) The function of the Medical Malpractice Act is to punish the involved health institutions and persons responsible for medical malpractice and to compensate the patients.
(143) How to punish the people who violate the political contribution management act?
(144) Many Shakespearian tragedies are about conflicting family loyalties or a character seeking to punish others for the wrongful death of a loved one.
(145) For this our legislature must perfect criminal legislation gradually and severely punish kinds of crimes of insurance fraud.
(146) It'should set auditing standards, license auditors, and have power to punish transgressors.
(147) As 'God of Truth and Integrity', Mithras was invoked in solemn oaths to pledge the fulfillment of contracts and punish liars .
(148) Courts may punish the unlawful party indirectly by refusing to protect the void civil-law acts.
(149) Instead of protecting people who already are at special risk of abuse, many governments further marginalize migrants, punish them, or push access to services out of reach.
(150) The Supreme Court upheld Oregon's law on physician-assisted suicide yesterday, ruling that the Justice Department may not punish doctors who help terminally ill patients end their lives.
(151) But don't notice it further: I wished to punish her sauciness, that's all.
(152) Yet may we shelter ourselves in the infinite goodness of Providence, which would not forever punish the innocent beyond that third or fourth generation which is threatened in Holy Writ.
(153) In order for the altruist not to be exploited by non-reciprocaters, it would be expected that reciprocal altruism can only exist in the co-presence of mechanisms to identify and punish "cheaters".
(154) As a consequence, U. S. nuclear doctrine was based on the threat of " massive retaliation" to punish Russian adventurism in areas deemed vital to the West.
(155) He will punish you with a warrior's sharp arrows, with burning coals of the broom tree.
(156) The 18th minute, because assigns a penalty discontentedly to the president of the jury, Tan Wangsong obtains this competition's 2nd yellow card to punish enters the stage.
(157) Never punish your horse for spooking. Instead, relax...and take a second to remember that he was born with a blind spot (and with many, many predators).
(158) The story of Onan (Genesis 38:7-10) is always cited as an example of how God will punish masturbators; this is where we get the term "Onanism," which refers to masturbation.
(159) There is no international enforcer to punish scofflaws, no blue-helmeted U.N. climate cops to dispense justice.
(160) The power given Congress to define and punish offenses against the law of nations, thus giving that law express constitutional recognition.
(161) Craig Stapleton, former ambassador to France under the Bush administration, "asked Washington to punish the EU countries that did not support the use of GM crops, " reported AlterNet .
(162) PRIME ministers rejig their cabinets for various reasons: to breathe fresh life into reform efforts, to reward favoured ministers and punish others, to send voters or markets a signal of intent.
(163) If they happened to crawl under my dress or I sat on them accidentally they would punish me with a sting that made me shriek with pain.
(164) But the enforcement power, the right to punish, everyone can do the punishing in the state of nature.
(164) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(165) If you go near the water and tumble in, I shall punish you.
(166) Contention for procuration is the last resort for the shareholders of a listed company to punish the management who fail to maximize the company's profits.
(167) That provides a measure of willingness to punish, even at a cost to the punisher.
(168) The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the country's economic policy agency, said price regulators could investigate and punish price gouging.
(169) In order to reduce the losing of State-Owned assets, Government should punish the malversation , and increase the degree of punishment.
(170) If you want to lose weight, make a sensible plan with your doctor, and don't punish yourself with draconian diets.
(171) Sunshine can burn you, food can poison you, words can condemn you, pictures can insult you; music cannot punish ---- only bless. (Arthur Schnabel , Austrian pianist.
(172) That's why I needed you... Needed someone to punish me for my sins... But that's all over now... I know the truth... Now it's time to end this.
(173) A violation of, depending on the severity and plot by his girlfriend placed strict, crack down, anybody, any form of excuses, resisted by obstruction of justice will punish.
(174) King Fahd called me to express his condolences and solidarity, and to pledge the commitment of his government to apprehend and punish the men who had killed our airmen.
(175) The administrative department of copyright under the State Council may investigate and punish a tortious act of national influence.
(176) It is a Sisyphean mission(), and a dangerous one: the system encourages security officers to abduct and punish the petitioners.
(177) Alternately, new international agreements will surface that attempt curb leaking and punish leakers.
(178) Q: Still on the collision between the Chinese fishing boat and the ROK coast guard ship, you just said that China urges the ROK to "punish perpetrators to the full extent of law".
(179) The motif of using the sheep to punish the jealous woman shows a strong tendency of masculine superiority culture. The dissoluteness of man sugge...
(180) If a probationer still gets into trouble, the county can now punish him in ways short of returning him to prison.
(181) But the King was still determined "never to acknowledge the independence of the Americans, and to punish their contumacy by the indefinite prolongation of a war which promised to be eternal."
(182) Are you go to cry uncle, or do I command to punish you some lot?
(183) That is why the U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it.
(184) En order to reduce the loss of state-owned assets, government should punish the malversation, and increase the degree of punishment.




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