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单词 Judicial
(1) The case is subject to judicial review.
(2) Tom takes judicial proceedings against his father.
(3) Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.
(4) In British India, district commissioners had judicial powers.
(5) He is a man with a judicial mind.
(6) The inquiry acknowledges failings in the judicial system.
(7) He had the state's judicial power behind him.
(8) The complexity and costliness of the judicial system militate against justice for the individual.
(9) Greenpeace applied for a judicial review to challenge the court's decision.
(10) The Supreme Court ordered a judicial inquiry into the deaths.
(11) The judicial minister cited the latest crime figures as proof of the need for strengthening of the comprehensive administration of social public order.
(12) Greenpeace will seek a judicial review if a full public enquiry is not held.
(13) They will have to seek a judicial remedy for breach of contract.
(14) A judicial enquiry was ordered, but witnesses were threatened and none would testify.
(15) There has been a gradual degeneration of the judicial system in the last few years.
(16) Mr Crowther asked for judicial review of the decision .
(17) A judicial discretion is the essence of real justice.
(18) Calls for a judicial inquiry are right.
(19) Government ministers have legislative(), executive and judicial functions.
(20) The council would assume legislative, judicial and executive powers.
(21) Most were routed into judicial rather than revenue appointments.
(22) His Lordship articulated three grounds for judicial review: illegality, irrationality and procedural impropriety.
(23) Executive, legislative, and judicial authority flowed from him and there were no legal limitations to his power.
(24) Any judicial act of line-drawing may seem somewhat arbitrary, but Roe was a reasoned statement, elaborated with great care.
(25) After the trial, his family said they had lost all faith in the judicial system.
(26) Work on the scheme has been halted, pending the results of a judicial enquiry.
(27) Hearing the case in open court is only one part of the judicial process.
(28) The President hasn't been forceful enough in changing the judicial system.
(29) We should take some comfort from the ability of the judicial system to fight back against corruption.
(30) The cornerstone of that ideology is the doctrine of judicial independence, to which we now turn.
(1) The case is subject to judicial review.
(2) Tom takes judicial proceedings against his father.
(3) Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.
(4) He is a man with a judicial mind.
(31) Sponges and towels are not part of the judicial kit bag.
(32) Even when the judicial structure does strive to maintain some political independence, it still might respond to political pressure.
(33) The basis for judicial intervention becomes clear and worrisome problems of jurisdictional versus non jurisdictional errors of law are left behind.
(34) Over the last 40 years, the courts have developed general principles of judicial review.
(35) The constitutional reforms of July 1994 may foster greater judicial independence.
(36) The lawyers move on, all having done their jobs, all having bowed to the dictates of an adversarial judicial system.
(37) The procedure by way of judicial review was simplified in 1977 and the number of applications rose considerably.
(38) We are not without judicial interpretation, therefore, both state and national, of the meaning of this clause.
(39) Laski's study of judicial review is particularly interesting since its primary focus is a study of Roberts v. Hopwood.
(40) There is no right of appeal against the Commissioners decision, but the possibility of judicial review is available.
(41) Accordingly, in my judgment, her claim falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the visitor, subject always to judicial review.
(42) The pope's court had from very early times exercised judicial powers of extreme significance.
(43) Is the Secretary of State required by law to adopt the judicial view of the tariff?
(44) Robson recognized that, throughout history, courts have performed administrative functions and administrative bodies have undertaken judicial functions.
(45) Mr. Handscomb and the other applicants for judicial review were serving discretionary life sentences.
(46) Convictions could be appealed, not to any judicial authority, but to the government agent and then the Governor.
(47) They remained under judicial investigation in connection with misuse of state funds.
(48) Taxation is an occasion when some one in judicial office will see your file and this will be a reflection on your firm.
(49) The whole doctrine of res judicata was based on considerations of judicial policy, was of great importance but was not paramount.
(49) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(50) Neither were judicial and court officials free from the taint of corruption.
(51) The position regarding administration orders over unregistered companies has not been finally settled by judicial decision.
(52) Expressing misgivings about tactics-almost invariably conducted as part of undercover police operations-is not a judicial function.
(53) Note the indefinite article - A judicial view, not the judicial view.
(54) After discreet soundings, they prudently abandoned the idea, which would have involved a major encroachment upon judicial independence.
(55) A remarkable feature of this decision of the House of Lords was that it was based on almost no judicial authority at all.
(56) The judicial power of the United States is extended to all cases arising under the constitution.
(57) Their judicial proclamations range from grandiloquent declarations of sovereign citizenship to lowly refusals to pay speeding tickets.
(58) On Saturday, Dole piled on, using Napolitano to blast Clinton judicial appointees as soft on crime.
(59) Judicial review of administrative decisions by central or local government and certain other bodies is now commonplace.
(60) So they went to the High Court to challenge the decision and have been given leave to seek a judicial review.
(61) Little attempt is made to treat like situations in a like manner or to act consistently within a framework of judicial analysis.
(62) The rent awarded by the court under s24A may be considerably tempered by judicial discretion.
(63) The judicial system now had to protect creditors instead of debtors.
(64) A judicial inquiry was ordered, but witnesses were threatened by the police and none would testify.
(65) It was the first judicial election in a decade in which political parties could endorse candidates.
(66) Pretoria refuses demands for judicial inquiry into assassination squads De Klerk reformist image suffers as cover-up feared.
(67) They have nevertheless exercised considerable influence over judicial and academic thought.
(68) It reformed the judicial system, buttressing its independence, and introduced parliamentary scrutiny of important public sector contracts and appointments.
(69) At that point, the families contacted the State Judicial Police in Tijuana.
(70) I would not afford the remedy of judicial review in all those cases - far from it.
(71) The possibility of judicial review is constantly in the mind of Ministers and officials when preparing legislation and putting it into effect.
(72) Yet the general staff of overseers is small, only about 40 employees, supplemented by local officials in 94 judicial districts.
(73) Calls from every side for a full judicial inquiry into the whole affair grew louder.
(74) Another factor in judicial decisions is the interaction within the court itself.
(75) Sinhalese law was unwritten, and there was great flexibility both in its application and in judicial procedure.
(76) The judicial function is that of interpretation; it does not include the power of amendment under the guise of interpretation.
(77) To accede to his arguments would require an unacceptable degree of judicial creativity.
(78) It has also been held that non-statutory government advisory panels are subject to judicial review.
(79) It is against the background of this offensive that the judicial decisions of 1896-1901 must seen.
(80) They show how diverse and important are the matters with which the rules and principles of judicial review deal.
(81) In general,(http:///judicial.html) the judicial structures are dependent on political power for their own power and survival.
(82) Each of the Houses discharges a quasi judicial function in relation to the regulation of its own affairs.
(83) For the reasons which I have given, I would dismiss this application for judicial review.
(84) The party membership of judges has always been an important factor in judicial appointments and promotions.
(85) They subscribe to it not for reasons of caprice, but because eminent judicial authority has reiterated the notion over the years.
(86) The applicant sought judicial review of that decision, and the Divisional Court granted him relief in the form of a declaration.
(87) And the areas of greatest urban expansion - Flanders and Gothia - were also those where Carolingian judicial forms had survived longest.
(88) A special mention should be made of the use of novel forms of clauses designed to exclude any possibility of judicial review.
(89) The ruler could not on his own initiative build fortresses, hire troops or alter the judicial system.
(90) This is judicial scrutiny and the power of the courts to regulate telephone-tapping and to deal with illegal or improper conduct.
(91) Recent judicial decisions have thrown doubt upon this point, as indicated in the following hypothetical discussion.
(92) The above discussion has concentrated upon the distinction drawn between administrative and judicial decisions.
(93) In response to Sikh accusations V. P. Singh agreed to the holding of a judicial inquiry into his death.
(94) None the less, judicial opinion about the use of cameras still remained divided after the Scopes trial.
(95) Since each matrimonial property or custody dispute is to be decided according to judicial discretion the result is that litigation abounds.
(96) His uncompromising attitude is that our revered document is static and not subject to evolution or judicial interpretation.
(97) The burden of proving that the authority had misused its powers rested with the applicant for judicial review.
(98) However, the better judicial and quasi-judicial appointments generally go to barristers.
(99) Judicial appointments have the potential to matter more than legislative recommendations.
(100) But the hard labour for criminals which replaced judicial execution was so appalling that it was in effect a living death.
(101) Traditionally they were applied to judicial decisions taken by inferior courts and tribunals.
(102) It is true also that the most recent judicial statements afford considerable latitude to the public authority in devising its own procedures.
(103) Hopton received no further judicial or administrative appointments from the king.
(104) This has proved expensive in terms of court costs and judicial time.
(105) A judicial investigation into his case ordered the arrest of a member of the national police.
(106) Mr Lagos, his old foe, has called for the judicial system here to take Gen Pinochet to account.
(107) The pope's household was fast developing into defined administrative and judicial offices.
(108) Precedent here refers to judicial precedent, derived from cases decided within the hierarchy of the court structure.
(109) Unger's view is confirmed by the transformation of divorce from a judicial to an administrative process.
(109) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(110) Prior to the abolition of the heritable jurisdictions in 1747, those nobles who possessed extensive judicial rights controlled their own patronage.
(111) Congress has gone back into session and most of the judicial branch of government began its annual one-month vacation.
(112) The council would elect a board of directors to act as consumer advocates on judicial, legislative or regulatory health-care matters.
(113) He talked about his Kansas upbringing and touched on issues like judicial appointments, foreign policy, education reform and drug use.
(114) The year-end ones were the worst, heavy with the finality of a judicial summing-up.
(115) He is charged with no duty at all related to either the legislative or judicial power.
(116) Throughout our history, judicial review has been a double-edged sword.
(117) Although delays were mitigated and judicial efficiency improved, the courts continued to exercise little moral authority.
(118) Gwinn, who takes over as city attorney in December, has addressed police and judicial groups around the country.
(119) A special cadre of judicial officers, the taxing masters, has been established to carry out this process.
(120) Even the provisions of the formal document, the United States Constitution, may be amended by judicial decisions and custom usage.
(121) Different areas of legislation and regulation affect the likelihood of success for complainants in judicial review.
(122) Judicial notions of justice must generally give way to those expressed by Parliament where they are inconsistent.
(123) Further constitutional rights were restored on Dec. 19, but the guarantee against arrests without a judicial order was not reinstated.
(124) It was from there that I began my efforts to enquire into the operation of the judicial system in the area.
(125) Those nominated by the President to high executive and judicial office must be accepted by the Senate.
(126) They wore scarlet and gold uniforms and the shining, close-fitting plastic caps that were the sign of their judicial function.
(127) This book is based on the view that the general principles of judicial review of administrative action are worth studying.
(128) Officials sought to simplify the judicial process and clarify the criminal law.
(129) It's crazy to have an expensive, elaborate judicial system handling parking tickets and minor traffic violations.
(130) The existence of judicial balancing should not lead us to conclude that all such balancing is necessarily premised on the same assumptions.
(131) The judicial antipathy to relaxing the rule has been far from uniform.
(132) Some prisoners who would not normally have received the death sentence may have fallen victim to political interference in the judicial process.
(133) Unfortunately, however, the inquiry did little for public confidence in the independent judicial monitor.
(134) Legislative and judicial elites are almost completely frozen out of corporatist policy arenas.
(135) The court system was unified under the judicial charter of 1833.
(136) Provisions of the Constitution are developed and molded by judicial decisions.
(137) The second section of the third article of the constitution defines the extent of the judicial power of the United States.
(138) Given the context, a reasonable person could only conclude that the threat of judicial power was plainly implied.
(139) The rationale for judicial intervention on the Y level is more indirect.
(140) The adversarial nature of judicial and arbitral proceedings likewise assumes a bilateral model, which is especially clear in boundary determination.
(141) The court's monthly stop-offs are a reminder that judicial decisions must be obeyed.
(142) In late 1995, the government filled the top command of the Federal Judicial Police with army officers.
(143) The applicant sought judicial review of the Director's decision to seek to enforce compliance with the requirements of the notice.
(144) Public law wrongs are defined by the rules establishing the substantive grounds of judicial review discussed in Section B below.
(145) A summary of different approaches to jurisprudence and judicial decision making among developed countries.
(146) The number of such judicial appointments for overseas territories is considerable.
(147) Judicial review is the key mechanism by which the decisions of public bodies or officers can be challenged.
(148) A judicial investigation implicated three members of the Caldas Battalion of the army.
(149) Sovereignty is exercised by the Pope, who has absolute legislative, executive and judicial power.
(150) Judicial review can be used to enforce those statutory limits.
(151) Yet the judicial and administrative reforms of 1289 in the duchy gave rise to certain anxieties.
(152) Normally, a body is subject to judicial review if it is the creation of statute and performs public law duties.
(153) The homeless persons sought judicial review of that resolution by the local authority.
(154) The greatest challenge is strengthening judicial systems, which in some countries have long been susceptible to bribery or political pressure.
(155) Because their legal status and powers are confused, judicial control of their activities lacks coherence.
(156) These courts were not subject to judicial review at all which only applied to administrative authorities and inferior courts.
(157) It must pursue policies in both its judicial and executive branches that uphold an international rule of law.
(158) The continuing, and heated, judicial debate on racial preference indicates that the ultimate outcome of this controversy remains in doubt.
(159) Contests over children's entrance into and exit from the care of the state are moving from administrative to judicial control.
(160) Judicial separation by the ecclesiastical courts, which did not give a licence to remarry.
(161) This choice allows us to accord primacy to the authority's interpretation, while still preserving judicial control.
(162) After the rebellion of 1817 - 18 the judicial powers of headmen were limited to trying petty cases.
(163) Only two judges have been turned out of office since Wyoming adopted this method of judicial selection nearly twenty years ago.
(164) In 1925 forty-five Chicago judges voted to prohibit cameras in state courtrooms during judicial proceedings.
(165) Is there warrant for this in constitutional theory or judicial practice?
(166) One abuse that was prevalent during the Confederation was the exercise of judicial power by the state legislatures.
(167) Young magistrates formed a union and voted to establish an independent judicial system.
(168) He agreed that the aim should be a judicial inquiry.
(169) Davis' original move to Los Angeles established the judicial precedent that a team can move without approval from other owners.
(170) By the time a barrister is considered for judicial appointment,(http:///judicial.html) the dossier will contain considerable information about him or her.
(171) In the absence of any clear division between administrative and judicial functions, even the humblest official enjoyed arbitrary power.
(172) This judicial readiness to sanction rescue was revised in post-war years in the light of Bowlby's work on maternal deprivation.
(173) As we shall see, judicial intervention was not noticeably restrained at this time in other political cockpits.
(174) Some of it was judicial, when it heard the complaints of private persons.
(175) In other words, the judicial process has never been indifferent to technological progress.
(176) This encouraged the courts to draw a rigid distinction between judicial and administrative decisions.
(177) Government during this period sought to clarify the law and simplify judicial procedure.
(178) But it is clear that the mere existence of an alternative remedy does not oust judicial review.
(179) The number of applications for judicial review has none the less increased significantly over the past decade.
(180) The judicial review procedure in the High Court is based on three tests: illegality; irrationality; and/or procedural impropriety.
(181) It concerns the whole matter of judicial control over ministerial discretion.
(182) It is impossible to exaggerate the revolutionary significance of the recognition of a binding judicial tribunal external to the realm.
(183) Confirmation that ministers were drawing up plans for local government and judicial reform was enough to satisfy many.
(184) In the case of West Virginia, the situation was practically identical, but the judicial decision was different.
(185) How far judicial discretion on sentencing should be directed by Government policy is problematic.
(186) This is because, as we have seen, judicial review is not restricted in its scope to governmental bodies.
(187) In the 1990s some of these will move into the ranks of successful barristers from whom judicial appointments are made.
(188) Dole aides believe they can paint the president as soft on crime by hammering his judicial nominees.
(189) The judicial element should be inferred from the nature of the power and its effect on the individual.
(190) This is an awesome power that, even when exercised arbitrarily, will be immune from judicial review.
(191) Opposition parties reacted indignantly to Mr De Klerk's overnight announcement that he would not set up a judicial inquiry.
(192) Unlike applications for interception in other criminal cases there was no procedure for judicial authorization in the case of security applications.
(193) The cardinals joined in all the rapidly growing administrative and judicial functions of the papal court.
(194) Other peers who hold or have held high judicial office may sit but rarely do so.
(195) Can he be dismissed from his judicial office, and if so by whom?
(196) It will be hard for the judicial authorities to establish a relationship of cause and effect.
(197) Doom means a judicial sentence or judgment.
(198) the fairness of the judicial system.
(199) Chapter 1, the initial definition of judicial policy.
(200) When the deadline of this contract reached, Party B shall return the leased car or expend the contract immediately, or Party A has the right to report to judicial office and decide according to law.
(201) This paper analyses the difficult conditions confronted with ocean carriers when they exercise their lien on cargo, and describes domestic judicial practice and legislation tendency on right of lien.
(202) The morality involved in trials of Chinese traditional society may intitule"judicator's ethicality", while which emphasized by occidental jurisprudence intitule"legal or judicial ethicality".
(203) Injunction were formerly obtained by writ but now by a judicial order.
(204) Res judicata is the essence of the rule of law in safeguarding national stability and judicial magistrate's authority.
(205) Article 66 The effective date of Law shall be decided by the Judicial Yuan.
(206) Based on the criteria for determining the purpose and criteria for determining the comparative negligence analysis of established judicial practice, objective criteria that the majority of war status.
(207) Judicial Yuan shall determine applicable categories of Intellectual Property Court, its sub-court, and their alteration.
(208) Thus, Congress's power to delegate judicial power to agencies seems fairly secure.
(209) Lack of the Right to judicial remedy of Suspects physical protection is not suitable for China which makes great efforts to construct monocracy country.
(210) In modern justice practice, the judgment of evidence's weight of Proof was achieved by free proof rule and free judicial evidence.
(211) Applicants who have objections to legal aid institutions' decision for not providing legal aid may raise their objections to judicial executive department where legal aid institutions are determined.
(212) Reply after Trial or Explanation in Trial: How to Realize Judicial Authority?
(213) On the other hand, make legal effect clear of judicial notice and the application of litigation process, the efficiency of the proceedings, the realization of procedural justice.
(214) Chapter3 puts forward the construction of the related systems after abolishing the judicial commission system.
(215) The emergency administration behavior judicial review intensity is to dash forward sending out the important component and necessary guarantee that administration rules by law under state of affairs.
(216) In the United States, under the principle of "judicial economy" the Supreme Court adopted a set of rules on submission of Amicus Curiae briefs.
(217) In the object, the facts related with personal relationship, ex officio and judicial notice can not be made self-admission.
(218) The American Borrow Bar Association's Committee on Justicial Judicial Independence is working on guidelines for when judges should recuse themselves.
(219) Since long, our country's theorists and the judicial world haven't paid enough attention to the systems of the commuting sentence in detention house.
(220) At present, judicial independence has become a constitutional and juristical principle of many countries.
(221) Together with the earlier case of Brown V. Education Dept, it has sped up the development of judicial rehearing system of the US.
(222) The case law, characterized by reality and flexibility, can make up for the defects in application and interpretation of the statute law, for it has originated from judicial decisions of judges.
(223) On the second condition it mainly establishes necessary legal duty and responsibility for the expert witness in judicial practice.
(224) However, the legal prescript about the victim participating in the hearing does not be carried out in the judicial practice, for interrelated lawmaking is not perfect and all-around.
(225) From the judicial precedent, discussing about the logical connection between causes and conditions is a new angle in realizing the causation theory.
(226) On the other hand, overly intrusive judicial review is sometimes criticized for its undemocratic character.
(227) Under The current criminal litigation legislation, cases can be retrialed if judicial proceeding has any errors or facts and evidence are doubted about.
(228) I've Been the Winner by Wang Pingzhong, which exposes judicial unjustness and inequality in a bitter fashion, appears normal, but implies a deep meaning.
(229) The review on the legislation of the pecuniary penalty is taken by two standards(http:///judicial.html), which is the static standard of the ordinary theory and the dynamic standard of the effect of the judicial practice.
(230) It was the judicial authority to enforce, but not to expound, fundamental law and was limited to the concededly unconstitutional act.
(231) Written judgment was a kind of judicial document that was written in rhythmical prose with four or six words characterized by parallelism and ornateness, and it was very popular in Tang Dynasty.
(232) As the basic principle of the feudal law, "Criminate according to the five costumes"is of great significance to the legislative process and the judicial practice.
(233) Beating and punishing this kind of crimes was stood out by setting up this crime solely. With the development of market economy, there are many unadapted places of this crime in judicial practice.
(234) Its practical significance lies in, in the big background of the civil judicial reform, it provide some possible to supply the reference the plan for the civil service of process.
(235) Judicial notice, which is also known as"judicial knowing", is an important rule in civil proceedings as well as a key issue in evidence act.
(236) Judicial compromise is differing from extracurial compromise, court mediation or judicial adjudication.
(237) We should improve judicial proceedings protect the legitimate rights interests of citizens legal persons.
(238) The workers decided to take judicial proceedings against the company.
(239) However, practical constraints mean that some citizens resort to other means of dispute resolution than the judicial or quasi-judicial process.
(240) Fourth, it is emphasized that the conviction standards should be hierarchical vertically and horizontally in the actual judicial practice.
(241) Company debt outstanding, which filed for bankruptcy by their creditors request has recently been accepted, SST too since the new judicial insolvency proceedings.
(242) In the judicial practice that the case of explosion is handled, certain difficulty has been in the delimitation of crime of willful and malicious injury and crime of murder.
(243) Each Lord Chancellor of the Federal Supreme Judicial Court is nominated by the U. S. President and approved and appointed after the hearing of the Senate.
(244) The prosecutor has requested the Pre-Trial Chamber of the ICC, a judicial body consisting of three judges, to issue a warrant for President Omar al-Bashir on the basis of his investigations so far.
(245) On the jurisprudence perspective, the judicial practice could not simultaneously should not obey the logic of the statute law, or official law all the time.
(246) The Lord Chancellors of the Federal Supreme Judicial Court, unless in case of death, resignation or retirement demanded by himself, shall serve all their lives.
(247) Criminal testification standard is a basic theme of the evidence law and has great significance for the criminal litigation and judicial practice.
(248) The Swedish judicial authorities has argued that Mr Assange posed a substantial flight risk and should be kept in prison.
(249) Standard of testification is a core problem in arrestment conditions. However in our country's criminal procedure law and relevant judicial interpretations, this problem is not clearly defined.
(250) The rehearing system causes judge to be undecidedly and descends the judicial authority.
(251) The fourth part puts forward author's several proposals by profiting some characteristics from the Song Dynasty law test , also by unifying our country official test and the unified judicial test.
(252) Aside from the direct process of changing the Constitution itself[], the effect of its provisions may be changed by judicial interpretation.
(253) Bribery crime has the subtending of briber-offering and bribe-taking, so there are confusions in defining the surrender of bribery crimes by judicial organs.
(254) The promulgation of some important laws such as Labor Contract Law and Mediation and Arbitration Law on Labor Disputes caused a certain impact on judicial practice of labor law area.
(255) From the jurisprudence perspective, the judicial practice cannot and simultaneously should not obey the logic of the statute law, or official law all the time.
(256) The second section mainly analyzes the different operating mechanism between Qing Dynasty's leading case system and British judicial precedent system in their judicatory practice.
(257) The Federal Supreme Judicial Court possesses the interpretation right to the national Constitution and proclaims the laws adopted by the Parliament or the States to be invalid.
(258) The case is a rare example of an organoleptic judicial decision one related to perception by the sensory organs.
(259) Constitutionally liberal states (as opposed to totalitarian ones) separate legislative (law-making)(http://), executive (law-upholding) and judicial (law-interpreting) functions.
(260) An invigilator or the chief invigilator shall, according to the entrustment of the administrative judicial organ and the provisions of the present Measures, give treatment to any disciplinary breach.
(261) The principle of "debts shifting with the assets" is an important judicial principle which judges and discerns the debts assumption after the system reform of state-owned enterprises.
(262) According to Chinese judicial conditions, makes recommendations about completed the justice system, constructed the power collocation and restricted the judges behavior to protect judgeship.
(263) Separate from civilian courts, the military judicial system handles violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
(264) His attitude with regard to her, though it was contemplative and critical, was not judicial.
(265) Judicial resources distribution and effectiveness is one of the most important facts to the society, and it is also the serious problem that roust be solved by any country.
(266) "She is what I would call a fine-looking woman, " I said, after a judicial pause.
(267) The regulatory system is mainly legislative, judicial, administrative and social supervision, and other means.
(268) The protection before the matters consists of legislative protection and administrative protection . The protection after the matters is mainly the judicial review.
(269) The Supreme Court has also called for judicial restraint in this area.
(270) One of the few judicial decisions to deal explicitly with intersex conditions came in 1999 from the Constitutional Court of Colombia.
(271) The paper analyzes problems in medical parole and the causes and proposes the strengthening of law enforcement and the role of judicial doctors in the identification of invalidism.
(272) Criminal victim is the direct aggrieved party , whose rights always suffer negligence neither by the law nor by the judicial practice.
(273) The author of "the judicial view of local China" think that we should treat the legal extensity seriously .
(274) The accusation in our Criminal Law is not set by legislation, but is definitized by judicial interpretations of the supreme judicial departments.
(275) Enriching the research in it could maturate the theory perspective, and guide both legislative and judicial practice in our country.




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