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单词 cremate
释义  Related topics: Deathcre·mate /krəˈmeɪt $ ˈkriːmeɪt/ verb [transitive]  MXBURNto burn the body of a dead person at a funeral ceremony 火葬,火化 —cremation /krɪˈmeɪʃən/ noun [countable, uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscremate• My dad had recently been cremated.• Told me if he died, have him cremated.• Then their bodies were cremated at night to conceal the evidence.• I've since bought a proper gold band to replace the make-do ring, but Peter was cremated in his.• The dead have ritually been interred in pyramids, cremated on burning pyres, and sunk beneath the oceans' waves.• Even when remains are cremated, the ashes are often placed in an urn and buried.• Here, the dead were cremated to enable their souls to ascend to the light.• On the orders of Abakumov the body was cremated without a post-mortem.Origin cremate (1800-1900) Latin past participle of cremare “to burn up, cremate”cre·mate verbChineseSyllable  of a burn body person Corpus at dead the to




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