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单词 Lamp
1, Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind. 
2, I have but one lamp wait which my feet are guided ; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. 
3, The lamp in the window shone away for hours.
4, The lamp post got bent in the crash.
5, Oh dear, I've broken the lamp.
6, The desk lamp was turned over by someone.
7, The lamp was shining brightly.
8, The lamp fell plonk on the table.
9, The lamp gave out a harsh light.
10, There's a lamp above us.
11, The lamp swung in the breeze.
12, The lamp suddenly went out, leaving us in darkness.
13, She switched on the bedside lamp.
14, The pressure lamp lit up the tent.
15, The lamp gave out a faint glow.
16, The lamp on the table tipped over.
17, A large lamp overhangs the hall.
18, The gas lamp gradually lost ground to electric lighting.
19, A lamp hung over the table.
20, The rays of lamp shone out through the window.
21, A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us.
22, The lamp has a heavy base.
23, There is a lamp over the table.
24, A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.
25, The lamp was suspended from the ceiling.
26, The lamp stands on a circular base.
27, A red lamp is used as a danger signal.
28, The lamp gave out a dim light.
29, The kerosene lamp blew out.
30, Outside, the new moon shines bright all around,(http:///lamp.html) but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.
1, The lamp in the window shone away for hours.
2, The lamp post got bent in the crash.
3, Oh dear, I've broken the lamp.
4, The lamp was shining brightly.
5, The lamp swung in the breeze.
6, The lamp suddenly went out, leaving us in darkness.
7, She switched on the bedside lamp.
8, The lamp gave out a faint glow.
9, The gas lamp gradually lost ground to electric lighting.
10, A lamp hung over the table.
11, The rays of lamp shone out through the window.
12, The lamp has a heavy base.
13, A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.
14, The lamp was suspended from the ceiling.
15, The lamp stands on a circular base.
16, A red lamp is used as a danger signal.
17, The lamp gave out a dim light.
18, The Night Rider lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements.
19, The sun, a lamp, or an electric heater all warm us by radiation.
20, The room was dimly illuminated by the soft glow of his bedside lamp.
21, He switched off the bedside lamp and burrowed down beneath the bedclothes.
22, The hostess set a lamp on the table.
23, They saw the gleam of a lamp ahead.
31, They are almost as expeditious and effectual as Aladdin's lamp.
32, The Night Rider lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements.
33, The sun, a lamp, or an electric heater all warm us by radiation.
34, The room was dimly illuminated by the soft glow of his bedside lamp.
35, Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last.
36, He switched off the bedside lamp and burrowed down beneath the bedclothes.
37, He overturned the lamp.
38, In some stories, genies are always found inside a lamp or bottle.
39, The shade on the lamp was slightly crooked.
40, The lamp threw out a dim light.
41, The lamp tower soars above the horizon.
42, Please turn the lamp end for end.
43, In his excitement, he knocked over a lamp.
44, Nadia's been nagging me to fix the lamp.
45, A lamp stood on the table.
46, My lamp uses 40 watts.
47, Lamp that guy in uniform.
48, The hostess set a lamp on the table.
49, Ow! - I got a shock from that lamp!
50, An oil lamp burned in the darkness.
51, The lamp is on the table.
52, The lamp shed soft light on the desk.
53, That new lamp they've bought is pure kitsch.
54, An old-fashioned gas lamp hung from the ceiling.
55, A moth was fluttering round the lamp.
56, There was a lamp hanging over the table.
57, A gas lamp gave out a pale yellowish light.
58, They saw the gleam of a lamp ahead.
59, Please turn up the desk lamp a bit.
60, The feeble light of a tin lamp.
61, I bought a new shade for the lamp.
62, The defendant drove negligently and hit a lamp post.
63, The car skidded and hit a lamp post.
64, The lamp hung over the table.
65, The bedside lamp glowed dimly.
66, The table lamp was disposed on a table nearby.
67, The rain caused the lamp to splutter.
68, The little lamp gave only a feeble light.
69, The dog lifted its leg against the lamp post.
70, The gas lamp hissed gently.
71, The lamp shed a harsh yellow light.
72, The oil lamp sizzled softly.
73, Lot 54 is a Victorian lamp.
74, A lamp was burning in the kitchen window.
75, That lamp isn't listed on the inventory.
76, The room was softly lit by a lamp.
77, The dim bulb of the bedside lamp cast a soft radiance over his face.
78, Light from a tall lamp fell in a pool on the desk.
79, Harry stopped under a street lamp and ostentatiously began inspecting the contents of his bag.
80, I will mend the lamp just don't keep on at me about it!
81, People used to burn an oil lamp to get light.
82, In the evenings we eat by the light of an oil lamp.
83, Eveything looked grey in the dim light of the oil lamp.
84, He positioned the lamp in the middle of the table.
85, She lighted up an oil lamp when it was getting dark.
86, He fumbled around in the dark trying to find the lamp.
87, Eddie parked his cycle against a lamp post and padlocked it.
88, Henceforth there would be no lamp relumed in the palace.
89, There was a modern lamp that jarred with the rest of the room.
90, Morse flashing light / Morse lamp is still used in ships to send signals during the night voyage at the sea.
91, The paintwork was damaged when my car hit the street lamp post.
92, He snatched up the receiver and his free hand groped for the switch on the bedside lamp.
93, The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table.
94, Thousands of volts surged through his car after he careered into a lamp post, ripping out live wires.
95, A typical fluorescent lamp is a tube with metal electrodes at each end.
96, The lamp was the only source of light in the room.
97, The desk lamp fell to the floor with a crash.
98, The lamp behind him seems to bathe him in warmth.
99, Raise the overturned lamp.
100, The base of the lamp unscrews for wiring and mounting.
101, He doused the lamp,and we made our way back to the house.
102, The car mounted the pavement and crashed into a lamp post.
103, I need a new bicycle lamp my old one fell off and broke.
104, I used my thumbnail to tighten the screw on my lamp.
105, The lamp caught fire and set light to the curtains.
105, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
106, A lamp, a table, light filling a room.
107, The oil lamp gave out a pleasant yellowish light.
108, The lamp shattered at their feet.
109, A single standard lamp was alight.
110, The lamp has a square base.
111, There is a pendent lamp.
112, The desk lamp with an emerald-green shade and small prints of Degas' dancers were the only distinctive features of the room.
113, I need the artificial light of a large red anglepoise lamp on the writing table.
114, He switched on the lamp on his writing desk to provide his room with the most agreeable cast of light.
115, Against this background the rosy-tipped lamp standards seemed like fabulous lantern plants in a land of faerie.
116, He sat back in the armchair and watched the smoke drifting upwards from his pipe towards the gas lamp.
117, To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it. Henry David Thoreau 
118, Sliding between the bedcovers, she flicked off the bedside lamp and snuggled down into the enveloping warmth.
119, She'd forgotten her strange feelings of the night before until she switched off the bedside lamp.
120, Nathan's gaze flickered over her, his own thoughts hidden behind eyes reflecting the soft glow of the bedhead lamp.
121, The fine red-gold of his hair was like an angel's aureole against the street lamp.
122, When her husband was fast asleep she must leave the bed, light the lamp, and get the knife.
123, There was a shaded desk lamp by the telephone, and that was it.
124, Down in the dark and foggy street a figure stood waiting beneath a lighted gas lamp.
125, They told him they had heard that the doctor had managed to avoid them all by driving into the lamp post.
126, The wood stove was burning down, the oil in the lamp almost gone.
127, Douglas burst open the door into the first, where somebody had lit a lamp.
128, With that thought, once Peter had left she switched out the bedside lamp and burrowed down.
129, When Pascoe woke, the room was a cave; the shrouded lamp cast a dull glow.
130, The flickering lamp above their heads and the patches of colour round the walls gave the room a cosy lived-in air.
131, From the desk lamp, glassy nuclei of brightness followed the words he wrote.
132, Shamrock cup and saucer by Beleek Bestlite 31170 solid brass lamp base with dark green enamelled shade.
133, There was a hot fire in the potbellied stove and an oil lamp burning high on a table in the corner.
134, It is operated by the light from an ordinary desk lamp to provide an excellent level of illumination at its screen.
135, For an instant, his gaze had shifted to the bedside cabinet, where their whisky glasses stood beneath the lamp.
135, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
136, The lamp genie: He could bestow the most fabulous gifts imaginable, and his power seemingly had no end.
137, There was nothing in the room but a table, a chair, and a dim lamp.
138, There is a fog lamp in the rear and two up front.
139, The light of the lamp did not reach as far as the high ceiling, and the fire had burned low.
140, I dragged over a gooseneck lamp and positioned it to best advantage.
141, An ideal gift for any student is an adjustable desk lamp, the more flexible the better.
142, Nell's lamp softly illuminated their faces as they held a council of war.
143, He fixed the lamp to the wall above the bed with a couple of screws.
144, In the bald white light of my desk lamp I took another look-and there were more eggs now than before.
145, Timing the motion of the lamp by his own pulse, Galileo saw that the length of a pendulum determines its rate.
146, Suddenly Donald was tied to his chair with the flex from the lamp, the plug still attached.
147, The gas lamp flickered and spluttered above him, sending moving shadows across the walls.
148, Lanterne Rouge Last rider on general classification, given a red lamp and a special cheer on arrival in Paris.
149, Floor lamps Use a floor lamp to create enticing pools of light.
150, Switching off the bedside lamp, he leapt into position behind the slowly opening door.
151, A street lamp threw faint light and out of it came a young woman.
152, The clown was capering under the lamp, waving his fists exultantly above his head.
153, Capshaw got up and turned the valve on the gas lamp.
154, There are many types of fluorescent lamp available so the range of conventional starters is equally varied.
155, The lamp outside the turkey-house was still burning to illuminate their way along the front drive and into the yard.
156, Your little friendship lamp is now a lighthouse in the fictitious Midwestern city of Springfield.
157, The lamp beside his bed threw a faint glow over his swollen, passionate, tormented face.
158, Liz tiptoed to switch on the lamp on the bedside table.
159, She turned off the bedside lamp, and then she lay there, not moving.
160, Lighting consisted of a 40-watt bulb in the ceiling and a bedside lamp with another 40-watt bulb.
161, Outside houses old men sat silently, holding a great-grandchild or working at some craft by the shine of a lamp.
162, Mrs McGill fries bread for breakfast, takes Chas to bed, cooks supper, lights oil lamp and nurses Nana.
163, Downstairs Madeleine's hair flamed in the gold circle of light cast by the lamp.
164, They put it into an empty bottle of 7-Up, where it was visible from the bed, like a lamp.
165, The room was dark; the only light was a splash from the anglepoise lamp set on the table beside her.
165, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
166, The populace took comfort in the fact that the law was unenforceable; there simply weren't enough lamp posts.
167, She switched on the bedside lamp and looked dazedly at the clock.
168, Myles blew out the lamp and placed it on the sideboard.
169, A dresser with blue and white plates; a scrubbed, wooden table; a hanging oil lamp.
170, Hanging from the central pole was a hurricane lamp that suffused the man and woman with an orange glow.
171, The lacquered fibreboard coffee table above costs £20, the metal and glass table lamp £17.70.
172, The light from the launderette had shone upon him like an arc lamp.
173, Well, it's not entirely dark ... there's a lamp outside that shines through the fanlight.
174, I dumped a drawer or two, knocked over a lamp, and hurried downstairs.
175, He lighted a lamp whose glow shone blue through the cloth wall and threw huge windmill shadows among the rafters.
176, I switched the desk lamp off, and sat in darkness.
177, He placed the lamp and the guttering candle in its holder on a low table in the centre of the floor.
178, On the artificial turf of the Superdome, Smith raced around him as if he were a lamp post on Bourbon Street.
179, Death is not extinguishing the light,it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come. Rabindranath Tagore 
180, The lamp was enclosed in a frosted glass globe to diffuse the light.
181, Quirot, third at Barcelona, suffered severe burns when her home was set ablaze by a lamp in January 1993.
182, Work in natural daylight if possible or under a soft lamp or candlelight.
183, When at last he lay sleeping quietly, she summoned all her courage and lit the lamp.
184, John's lamp light lasted for the first few hours of his entombment and from then on he was in total darkness.
185, The lamp is separated from its control gear, although the Starter is in the lamp circuit.
186, Viewed under a low energy ultra-violet lamp, structures such as cross-lamination and bioturbation fluoresce bright blue and yellow.
187, It seems that the lamp and control gear industries are at odds with each other.
188, On entering his cabin, I saw that he had arranged a paraffin lamp somewhat precariously upon the side table.
189, Stella browsed through the newspaper under the lamp outside the stage door.
190, Jim walked over to the overhead, placed a transparency on it, and flicked on the lamp switch.
191, In the light of the yellow gas lamp there was neither day nor night.
192, He could see the battered standard lamp, the mirror, the dowdy wallpaper.
193, The red sanctuary lamp glowed ahead of them, to the left of the high altar.
194, Fumbling for the switch, he brought the lamp off its perch.
195, No more lamp all night long, or neighbors dropping by.
195, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
196, The lamp then lights because the current can now create a discharge between its electrodes.
197, To Liberal party activists, however, it was the extinction of a lamp, the end of an era.
198, Her forehead had small beads of sweat on it that glistened in the lamp light.
199, There was an overhead light with no lampshade and a bedside lamp on the floor which didn't work.
200, The roof of the tent begins to glow, like the mantle of a gas lamp turned up very slowly.
201, He devised a cheap lamp that would burn in the methane-rich atmosphere of the crept workings without instantly exploding.
202, He snuffed out the candle and, putting his face over the glass chimney of the lamp, blew out the flame.
203, He threw her off, and started to reach towards the lamp on the bedside table.
204, Tom had swept the room clean and had fixed a lamp to a hook on the white plaster ceiling.
205, A fluorescent lamp must be connected to a stabiliser, or ballast, to limit and control its operating current.
206, He went to his room-to his oak desk, comfortable chair, and his high-intensity study lamp.
207, The flame of the wick was blown down to touch the paraffin in the body of the lamp.
208, Not a stick of furniture, no anglepoise lamp, but the essentials are there.
209, Entering his room, he lit the paraffin lamp on the table by the door and carried it over to the desk.
210, Several requirements have to be considered when designing a fluorescent lamp.
211, The bridge lamp was on the night Alice got out of bed, unable to accept the animal noises John was making.
212, He then shuffled around the room cupping his hand around the chimneys and blowing out one lamp after another.
213, Your watchful siblings are the editors perched on your lamp shade, magnifying glasses poised to catch your mistakes.
214, The daylight did not penetrate far into the room where only his desk lamp was lit.
215, He reached her side and his hand moved to her bedside lamp.
216, I genuflected before the winking sanctuary lamp and concealed myself in one of the side chapels.
217, A cloistered walkway bordered the courtyard on three sides, arches supported by white pillars, on each pillar a lamp.
218, He does not bother to turn on the bedside lamp.
219, Rachaela put her foot on the red Persian carpet and started up, out of the scarlet ambience of the lamp.
220, Assorted helix lamp socket specification are available .
221, The signal lamp glares shiningly in the night sky.
222, It was towards this corner of the place, dimly lighted by the reflection of a distant street lamp, that the gamin guided his two " brats ."
223, Type, power and parameters of the lamp are selected according to the type and area of plaster bandage fixation and patient's tolerance.
224, It was fashioned from a lunch box, camera, opera glass parts, pie servers, springs, gooseneck lamp part, drapery rod finial, clock key, and tin cups.
225, YT-I type Mine automatic attendance system is composed of miner's lamp,(http://) mine attendance machine and ground computer attendance management system.
226, The lamp , please , Pork, and my prayer book, Mammy . ".
227, This article introduces the gas discharge lamps, such as fluorescence lamp, high pressure sodium lamp and metal halide lamp, and their basic requirements to the electronic ballast.
228, Can you remove fabaceous beans to skin of electric lamp computer every day of what?
229, Electrical insulation grade I level, lamp protection levels to meet IP 65.
230, The stand cloth, bedspread, pillowcase, blind, and lamp...etc. all want cooperativeness on the pattern style, hue.
231, Therefore, LED can take place of conventional arc lamp to satisfy the colorimetric requirement of the projection display.
232, Many kinds of illumination methods, such as torch, oil lamp, candle, kerosene lamp, gas lamp, electric light, and so on, have been applied in the human history.
233, So whether the glass lamp shell or plastic lamps shell can use microwave induction switch in it .
234, Incandescent reflector test lamps shall be of the widest beam spread available. A Type MR test lamp shall have a dichroic reflector.
235, The causes of the front fog lamp shield blistering after surface treatment are studied by means of metalloscopy, scanning electronic microscope and energy spectrum analysis.
236, Pensile on window edge, desk lamp is acted the role of also can downy atmosphere.
237, Relay. Coil voltage 110 VAC. Contact arrangement 3B. Contact material gold flashed. Option neon lamp.
238, The most famous of them all were Aladdin 's Lamp, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, and The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor.
239, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
240, The rod structure has miniature radio receiver, electronic mosquito repeller, electronic lamp, air cleaner and quartz watch set up in sequence.




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