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单词 Casual
1. The boy was cheeky and casual.
2. He tried to look casual.
3. She usually wears smart/casual clothes.
4. They have a casual attitude towards safety .
5. It was just a casual remark—I wasn't really serious.
6. To the casual observer, the system appears confusing.
7. His eyes were angry, though he sounded casual.
8. It's difficult for me to be casual about anything.
9. I bumped into a casual acquaintance in town.
10. He was wearing casual clothes.
11. Casual workers are usually paid by the hour.
12. The guests wore casual clothes.
13. Ellis spoke with a casual indifference that he did not feel.
14. She was a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna.
15. It was just a casual comment, I didn't mean it to be taken so seriously.
16. A casual observer would have taken them to be three men out for an evening stroll.
17. To the casual observer, it would have looked like any other domestic argument.
18. The casual newspaper reader wouldn't like long articles on serious subjects every day.
19. He tried to sound casual, but I knew he was worried.
20. She sounded almost casual.
21. His casual behaviour was wholly inappropriate for such a formal occasion.
22. It became increasingly expensive to hire casual workers.
23. It's obvious even to the casual observer.
24. She had a casual attitude to life.
25. Jean felt more comfortable in casual clothes .
26. We are only casual acquaintances.
27. He wore a casual shirt with an open neck.
28. He dressed quickly in casual clothes.
29. He was wearing casual clothes, not his school ones.
30. She had a purposeful air, and it became evident that this was not a casual visit.
1. The boy was cheeky and casual.
2. He tried to look casual.
3. She usually wears smart/casual clothes.
4. They have a casual attitude towards safety .
5. It was just a casual remark—I wasn't really serious.
6. To the casual observer, the system appears confusing.
7. His eyes were angry, though he sounded casual.
8. It's difficult for me to be casual about anything.
9. I bumped into a casual acquaintance in town.
10. He was wearing casual clothes.
11. Casual workers are usually paid by the hour.
12. Ellis spoke with a casual indifference that he did not feel.
13. She was a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna.
14. It was just a casual comment, I didn't mean it to be taken so seriously.
15. A casual observer would have taken them to be three men out for an evening stroll.
16. She had a purposeful air, and it became evident that this was not a casual visit.
17. To the casual observer, it would have looked like any other domestic argument.
18. The casual newspaper reader wouldn't like long articles on serious subjects every day.
19. He tried to sound casual, but I knew he was worried.
20. She sounded almost casual.
21. His casual behaviour was wholly inappropriate for such a formal occasion.
22. We are only casual acquaintances.
23. He earns a living by casual labour.
24. Young people today lean towards casual clothes.
25. Among her friends, casual dress and a relaxed manner are the rule.
31. Casual clothes are the order of the day.
32. He sidled past, trying to seem casual.
33. His clothes were artfully arranged to look stylishly casual.
34. John just wanted casual sex .
35. I was wrong about it being a casual meeting.
36. The whole idea evolved from a casual remark.
37. 80% of burglaries are committed by casual opportunists.
38. They had been conducting a casual affair for years.
39. She dresses with casual elegance.
40. To a casual observer, everything might appear normal.
41. They are employed on a casual basis .
42. He was very casual about it all.
43. I also bought some casual clothes for the weekend.
44. He read love into her casual friendliness.
45. His attitude to his job is rather casual.
46. The disease is not spread by casual contact.
47. Marsha was quite casual about appearing on TV.
48. He earns a living by casual labour.
49. Her casual dismissal of the threats seemed irresponsible.
50. Young people today lean towards casual clothes.
51. To the casual observer Mary seemed quite calm.
52. The psychologist's attitude seemed far too casual, even brutal.
53. Security around the conference hotel seemed almost casual.
54. She's a very casual person.
55. He made some casual remark about her holiday.
56. She will never be more than a casual acquaintance.
57. He wore casual country tweeds.
58. We are starting a new line in casual clothes.
59. Add a scarf for a casual effect.
60. Chris has occasional casual work but mostly he is unemployed.
61. There was something a little too carefully casual in his tone.
62. By indulging in casual sex, many teenagers could be signing their own death warrants .
63. There is no comparison between the knowledge and skill of such a player and the ordinary casual participant.
64. It was only a casual remark. I think you're reading too much into it.
65. Everyone else was in jeans and casual gear and I had my office clothes on - I stuck out like a sore thumb.
66. A casual observer would have guessed his age at 70.
67. Among her friends, casual dress and a relaxed manner are the rule.
68. It's not a subject that often crops up in casual conversation.
69. Such casual dress would not be correct for a formal occasion.
70. His casual clothes were not appropriate for such a formal occasion.
71. Students sometimes do casual work in the building or tourist trades.
72. Even a casual observer could hardly have failed to notice the heightening of an already tense atmosphere.
73. He made a few casual comments to her about her hair and now she's gone and chopped it all off!
74. People wear slacks, sweaters, flat shoes, and all manner of casual attire for travel.
75. Young people need to awake to the risks involved in casual sex.
76. The exhibition is interesting to both the enthusiast and the casual visitor.
77. He gave us a casual glance as he walked by, but didn't stop.
78. The farmers depend on a casual labour supply at harvest time.
79. In the college vacations he does casual work in the local hospital.
80. The museum is of great interest, both to experts and to casual visitors.
81. He dropped casual references to the legacy of his great work.
82. He's an easy-going, friendly young man with a casual sort of attitude towards money.
83. There was a casual bonhomie between the actors at rehearsals.
84. Trainers really became popular in the 1980s, when casual sportswear came in.
85. The lack of facilities in the town may deter the casual visitor.
86. What you mean as a casual remark could be misinterpreted.
87. There has been some increase in the use of casual labour over recent years.
88. Although close to tears, she tried to make her voice sound casual.
89. A day's casual work takes on an extra meaning.
90. You seemed just too casual about the whole thing.
91. The casual reader sees no red flags.
92. He will certainly have friends, neighbours, and casual acquaintances.
93. Thompson's management style is casual but organized.
94. There had been nothing casual about that kiss.
95. Plaid curtains give the room a casual look.
96. Men always indulged in casual affairs if they could.
97. He had a casual attitude toward studying and grades.
98. Many were unemployed, many had only casual work.
99. Even casual observation makes this hypothesis improbable.
100. I like both classically smart and casual styles.
101. Lord, how can he be so casual about it?
102. The new battle cry was: Year-Round Casual.
103. This casual style was scrunch-dried with firm hold mousse.
104. Are shorts appropriate at a casual party?
105. This could help deter the casual visitor.
106. Jenny making casual remarks, causing fistfights.
107. To the casual observer , everything seemed normal.
108. The arrest was a quiet, almost casual affair.
109. Wayne just took a casual glance at the newspaper.
110. Serious issues have been made into casual conversation.
111. He subsisted on welfare, on charity and on casual labour.
111. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
112. We can now prove a result which is often stated and proved in a rather casual manner.
113. Even now it is the magnet that draws the rural peasants and small businessmen looking for work and casual labour.
114. Even casual observation suggests politicians are not simply budget maximizers.
115. Writers constantly have to deal with this prejudice, and it is well worth remembering this before discussing writing with casual acquaintances.
116. To a casual observer water on a surface may appear to be in complete contact with it.
117. Is there a small office you could rent on a casual basis?
118. Off steps a brusque and bristling figure, carrying a kitbag and casual in a crew-neck sweater.
119. Arrangements were made to obtain contributions from employers of casual labour who might have more than one employer in any week.
120. I'd forgotten how funny it is; from now on I shall be using it in casual conversation more often.
121. From Brighton Station to the Palace Pier it is designed to be enjoyed both by casual visitors and dedicated enthusiasts.
122. It wasn't difficult to pick up people for casual sex, but it was difficult to form any sort of relationship with someone.
123. To the casual observer, the tide may seem to be the only movement of water in the estuary.
124. Nubby fabrics, for example, better suit a casual style, while smooth fabrics are more formal.
125. A casual visitor might suppose it to be a temple dedicated to the genius of seediness.
126. Clothes I feel most comfortable in casual attire, ie: shorts, T-Shorts, tennis shoes.
127. This design was chosen from a number of options because it was smart yet casual, making staff more approachable to customers.
128. There is no danger of infection with AIDS virus by casual social contact.
129. Staff employed on a casual basis are entitled to annual leave with pay at the rate of 22 days perannum.
130. Because his shoulders are narrow, he never works in his shirt sleeves, and is seldom seen publicly in casual clothes.
131. A huge choice and plenty of Information Centres for casual strollers or energetic backpackers.
132. It's a region already popular both with casual and mountain bikers who don't have to contend with busy traffic.
133. The upper river, above the loch, provides the best sport, and is rarely available to casual visitors.
134. Each of them is free to have casual encounters outside the strong arms of their love.
135. While the Macintosh still possess all the benefits it seems, to a casual observer, to be an incompatible system.
136. She did not like hearing herself denied in such a casual manner.
137. To the casual visitor Cheltenham is a thriving shopping centre, a centre of affluence which attracts all the best names.
138. Some are large, others little more than snapshots, hung in a disarming and deceptively casual manner.
139. She saw him as soon as she started across the room towards the antique chest of drawers where her casual clothes were kept.
140. Labourers were found in the docks, railways, factories and domestic spheres, many of them employed on a casual basis.
141. Other more casual visitors could wander in out of curiosity where churches remained open.
141. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
142. He is wearing shorts and a shirt, an outfit that fits his casual style.
143. Even for casual observers the clues to its presence are abundant.
144. The kids were trying to act casual, but they were still a little dazed.
145. There are three very simple but profound advantages to a more casual style of dressing.
146. Federal agents have discovered possible casual contacts between Kaczynski and four of the victims, according to the Oakland Tribune.
147. Some have actually instituted casual dress on snowy days so that workers can dress comfortably and warmly when the weather turns sour.
148. And was he really trying to tell her that he really didn't indulge in casual affairs?
149. Charging an entry fee for museums will not affect the casual visitor very much.
150. This is mostly due to the almost universal lowering of expectations among diehard fans and casual observers.
151. She hurried into the room with no more than a casual glance in our direction.
152. A casual glance would have made it seem that her expression was stiff with anger.
153. It's my work that's important to me at the moment - I don't have time for casual affairs.
154. Just one of those casual I-can-do-anything-I-want-any-time-I-want-and-make-you-like-it gestures so beloved of megalomaniacs, mass murderers and the Gunmint.
155. Even casual visitors to the museum could save money with a membership card.
156. Has an attempt been made to identify nurses in the local community who would be prepared to work on a casual basis?
157. It was into this quiet atmosphere of cigarette smoke and casual conversation that the sudden crackle of Foster's radio transmission sounded.
158. I had a few casual relationships after I left the Sorbonne.
159. It covered predominantly skilled and organized workers while the casual labour problem and that of juvenile labour was untouched.
160. All the same, he appeared a pretty imperious figure on casual encounter.
161. Particularly significant, was the fact that most workers were employed on a casual basis in very small workshops.
162. The victim and suspect knew each other, and it could have been more than a casual relationship.
163. Last year, BankAmerica casual dressers raised $ 1. 25 million for charity, according to BankAmerica spokesman Russ Yarrow.
164. It was the foundation on which his whole image rested: the lack of pomposity, the charm, the casual clothes.
165. It was as difficult to record the casual speech of Zuwaya as it was to take an unposed photograph.
166. What would a casual caller at Rose Cottage make of Johnny if he were to walk in uninvited during their visit?
167. He was going with some one at the time, but it was a fairly casual relationship from what I could tell.
168. A casual observer on Van Ness the other day saw even younger adults have difficulty.
169. An actuary, assuming no casual connection, might calculate the odds against such a coincidence.
170. Let him wonder if it was just a casual remark.
171. Yet Harrison had cause to cringe at the casual manner in which his case was opened and aired.
171. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
172. She nodded in what she hoped was an equally casual manner and followed him across the crowded foyer to the social club.
173. Unlike casual labour, skilled workers were heir to a tradition of militancy.
174. I did so when the under-30 crowd gave me blank faces at my casual reference to High Noon.
175. Sublime the cataract might be to the casual visitor, but shrewder eyes were taking its measure.
176. This path isolates me well from casual visitors, but true friends are not deterred.
177. Examples include money transfers, phone calls, letters and seemingly casual remarks.
178. All strikers had to resort to some extent to borrowing, credit, casual work and other ways and means of managing.
179. It is one thing to shock a parent with casual profanity.
180. And these are more than the casual conclusions of two men.
181. People in bright casual clothes sauntered about and lounged on the empty benches.
182. But they had still loved each other deeply and his casual affairs were just that.
183. You may have known some one else for twenty years and yet he will never be more than a casual acquaintance.
184. But in his last interview, just before Christmas, he admitted there was little casual about them.
185. On reflection she believed it was something to do with the way she looked - her casual dress.
186. As usual she was stunning, white linen jacket and trousers supremely casual and graceful.
187. Because of my Tokyo-bred punctuality, I could not get used to such a casual lifestyle.
188. The casual attitude may be related to the observation that the children were rarely changed and were often left in wet nappies.
189. It turns out that casual dress had not erased that distinction.
190. Nasal swabs or swabs taken directly from discharging abscesses can be cultured to confirm the presence of the casual bacteria.
191. In that casual gesture she trampled upon an awesome human achievement and upon great sacrifices contributed by the natural world.
192. Your appointment on a casual basis will start on 1993 and will not in any circumstances extend beyond 1993.
193. He knew instinctively that this was no casual conversation and that for Cora-Beth's sake he must be honest.
194. The combination of his views and his casual approach to politics sorely tested some Conservative activists in Aldershot.
195. Why can female staff in Canterbury wear casual clothes but the men have to wear shirts and ties?
196. She and Implexion had been conducting a casual affair for years; she knew him better than anyone.
197. Still, Dave puts his family at great risk, yet takes smart precautions to protect a casual acquaintance.
198. All too often it is easy to be casual about every-day chores on the farm.
199. He slung them on the banister in a casual manner.
200. The vagrants from the casual ward had disappeared at the sight of the policeman; the street was empty.
201. But the compensations for being unable to read or carry on a casual conversation are overwhelming.
202. The subjects, even those in synthetically casual poses,(http:///casual.html) have a rigid alertness that belies their awareness of the camera.
203. The casual wink from you, the cheery salute from your buddy, the you-rascal-you smiles of recognition from your workmates.
204. Where was the man of the casual clothes and easy manner?
205. I believe that perhaps the best example is an accident which attracted hardly more than the most casual public attention.
206. The young woman in question, a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna, had inflamed me with cunning caresses.
207. Moreover they could always use family labour or import casual labour to carry out any essential work.
208. The majority were introduced to injection by a casual acquaintance.
209. Our new spring dresses have a look that can best be described as neat yet casual.
210. Just as important, it was a piece of indiscipline that illustrated the almost casual way Labour is conducting this campaign.
211. He sensed more than heard the scuffle of trainer shoes on concrete behind him and threw a casual glance over his shoulder.
212. Granted, the casual observer may dismiss this as impenetrable blarney.
213. Chris had occasional casual work, but most of the time he was unemployed.
214. At the same time, the opportunities available are often for casual work rather than permanent positions.
215. What struck me was the uncharacteristic sight of Victoria dressed in casual clothes.
216. Casual users of the library may not realize that they now need a computerized ticket.
217. I have a feeling that most women want more than just a casual affair.
218. Mineral exploration and leisure development were to be the cover story and they would do at a casual glance.
219. And what sort of woman was she anyway, to treat his Casanova habits with such casual indifference?
220. He scrapped segregated dining rooms and often walked around barefoot and in casual dress, eating bananas.
221. People in his office view him with respect as some one who is self-contained and does not choose to join in casual conversation.
222. In the Bay Area alone, three companies are trying to carve out a niche in the casual clothing market.
223. This is the sight which stays with even the casual observer.
224. He was wearing a baseball type cap, dark casual jacket and possibly jeans.
225. Sleek city style is waved and brushed back into a soft full shape for casual dressing.
226. But I've noticed that a certain amount of loot helps to invest even your most casual remarks with a certain significance.
227. To arrive at section three will, for most casual readers, be as a result of by-passing section two.
228. Branches should try to compile and maintain a lists of people willing to help on a casual basis like this.
229. He seemed to recall some casual acquaintance saying something recently about market gardening.
230. Gardeners and herders were mostly immune from controls on marketing since they marketed relatively little, often only on a casual basis.
231. At a casual glance, the club could offer merely what it advertises.
232. Fascinating and highly readable, this book will satisfy scholars as well as more casual readers.
233. By Sunday evening he hadn't given the far side of the river more than a casual glance for over twenty-four hours.
234. Pete made a casual remark about Jo's hair style, and she got really mad.
235. The man wore fitting and casual clothes and those of Holly were thin.
236. Hecke's new work has something of interest for both the casual and attentive viewer.
237. But lately, to the casual observer, it would seem that the match is being interrupted, or at least expanded.
238. I've only known you a few days Luke, and I don't go in for casual sex.
239. The facts are all clear, but casual observation alone will seldom reveal the contingencies.
240. He could afford to be casual about the odd Force Nine.
241. The vetting procedures, however, remain remarkably casual.
242. All of these methods are fast when concatenating a few strings here and there, so for casual use, you should go with whatever is the most practical.
243. As one of the most lasting sales products in Ligne Roset, TOGO continues to offer you with the most comfortable material and most casual way of life.
244. For a more casual look, the sash belt is styled over everything from glamorous cocktail dresses and hourglass-shaped suits to coats and trousers.
245. Here in Blagoveschensk, it is not hard to find bear paws for sale; a casual inquiry at a meat counter can make the connection.
246. Even a casual inspection of the project reveals many mistakes.
247. The products are tested as qualified during years of continuous national casual inspection.
248. However, the program is unable to pass the Imitation Game (more commonly known as the "Turing Test"),[/casual.html] as even the casual user will often expose its mechanistic aspects in short conversations.
249. Niederhoffer's Junto is more casual, but he takes libertarianism seriously, considering it to be a natural complement to speculating.
250. To complement the softly tailored jacket, it's necessary to wear a soft, casual shirt such as a T-shirt, Henley shirt, polo shirt, or sweater.
251. Don't get caught up in the cesspool of mediocrity when it comes to your choice of casual footwear.
252. Each product combines elegant design with a casual chic look based on the finest of leatherwork.
253. It is a match game about barbecue. The first version is in casual mode. How many guests the pig chef can serve in 3 minutes?
254. HIV is not transmitted by casual contact or even by the close nonsexual contact that occurs at work, school, or home.
255. A sharp dresser, Wyatt is never seen in casual clothes.
256. Chef Andrew Carmellini said the hybrid concept will likely emerge, reflecting the "move to casual, comfort food without the trappings of a fancy restaurant."
257. They intended to keep their relationship a casual free-and-easy friendship, they were not going to be so unmanly and unnatural as to allow any heart-burning between them.
258. Casual day payoff You will blast more calories during the day wearing comfy clothes like jeans or khakis, sport shirts and soft-soled shoes than donning constricting suits, skirts and heels. Why?
259. I really like informal english, it's more casual than formal english.




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