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单词 Inconclusive
1. The evidence against the two men was inconclusive.
2. The results of the experiment were inconclusive.
3. Research has so far proved inconclusive.
4. The evidence is inconclusive.
5. The past two elections were inconclusive.
6. A coalition government was formed after inconclusive elections.
7. The medical tests were inconclusive, and will need to be repeated.
8. A coalition government was formed following an inconclusive general election.
9. X-rays were taken but proved inconclusive.
10. A biopsy was inconclusive and further surgery was advised.
11. Studies on the benefits of year-round schools are inconclusive.
12. The linear models were quite successful, the others inconclusive.
13. Never mind even that it might be inconclusive.
14. Their deliberations were rather inconclusive.
15. Jurors often have to make decisions based on inconclusive evidence.
16. So must it be an inconclusive, ill-tempered parting between the friends?
17. One inconclusive thought led to another, and I found myself wondering about Miss Macdonald's story of the office cleaner.
18. The third umpire said the replay was inconclusive as de Silva dived to make his ground.
19. Without well-defined melodic periods phrases become inconclusive, merging into one another.
20. Inevitably this led to uncertainties and inconclusive results, with some notable successes and failures.
21. Following the inconclusive election in February 1974, Harold Wilson formed a minority government dependent on Liberal support.
22. The country has been in a state of anarchy since the inconclusive election.
23. Declines in infant mortality may have contributed indirectly to declining fertility, though evidence on the matter is inconclusive.
24. We asked ourselves the same questions, and the answers were inconclusive.
25. Time soured the high feelings pumped up by a winning, if inconclusive, war.
25. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
26. Predictably, this fool's errand finds her up to her neck in a morass of inconclusive forensics.
27. The case against Coleman was largely circumstantial, supported by some inconclusive forensic evidence.
28. An attempt to observe whether or not public investment leverages private investment has therefore been inconclusive.
29. The theoretical literature on the effects of land reform on production is inconclusive.
30. Davidson's account was as follows: The discussions at my house that evening were inconclusive.
1. The evidence against the two men was inconclusive.
2. The results of the experiment were inconclusive.
3. Research has so far proved inconclusive.
4. The evidence is inconclusive.
31. On 25 February, the special Cabinet committee turned its attention to the reform of supplementary benefit but the meeting was inconclusive.
32. They and the third examiner were unanimous in finding the tests inconclusive.
33. A work both director and composer left unfinished felt fragmentary, inconclusive and, all too often, artistically baffling.
34. These criticisms, which focus on what has been left undone rather than on what has been done, are inevitably inconclusive.
35. Maybe these lines were a late addition - though the dialogue seems curiously inconclusive without them.
36. There have been inconclusive results from school-based clinic programs that provide contraception without a broader educational backdrop.
37. The evidence is inconclusive, but a further visit to Rome, perhaps in 1030, can not be completely ruled out.
38. Reports to date are interesting, if somewhat inconclusive, and without immediate practical application.
39. The operation has been performed on 10 patients so far, with inconclusive results.
40. Heavily outnumbered, but with a superiority in firearms, Christopher da Gama fought an inconclusive battle near Lake Ashangi.
41. Legal concepts are inconclusive, and so fail to draw distinctions vital in real life.
42. There are many others, but most can be explained away, or are inconclusive.
43. Similarly inconclusive are studies that have attempted to evaluate the managerialist hypothesis through surveys of management attitudes based on questionnaires.
44. Two months later, there was an inconclusive exchange of shots between a Nez Perce and one of the settlers.
45. The remainder of cases were inconclusive.
46. How inconclusive its attainment seemed!
47. I find the evidence inconclusive.
48. Most research on cancer has so far proved inconclusive.
49. The results, in the eighteenth century, were inconclusive.
50. These findings are inconclusive and controversial and require further study.
51. His first audiology test was inconclusive as he screamed and cried through most of it and was not able to follow any of the directions.
52. In our national debate, the inconclusive effort was blamed on the diversion of resources to Iraq rather than on its inherent implausibility.
53. Previous studies looking at a possible gender difference have been inconclusive.
54. And truly buried Zhu Yuanzhang himself and Ma and 46 Queen's minds Fei (a sacrifice odalisque said dozens of people 46 Princess burial) of the mysterious palaces, has long been inconclusive.
55. The committee was a mess: rambling, inconclusive(/inconclusive.html), a haven for back-channelers and leakers.
56. To determine the sensitivity and specificity of FISH analysis in patients with inconclusive on-site cytopathology results.
57. Petra is in the end when the construction is inconclusive.
58. The guiding precedent [ on the Commerce Clause ] is informative but inconclusive.
59. Antifibrinolytics reduced bleeding in clinical trials, but animal study findings were inconclusive.
60. Five months after inconclusive elections, Iraq still has no new government.
61. Despite months of study and the interpretation we attempted, the results of the experiments were inconclusive.
62. But a member of the player's entourage firmly denied the report, saying that Essien had been taken to a police station to provide a blood sample after an inconclusive breathalyser test.
63. Many of the numerous citations from the Greek and Latin Fathers adduced at the Lateran Council and on other occasions are inconclusive , but some of them are clear enough .
64. On August 24, an inconclusive action was fought to the north of the Solomons.
65. An electroencephalogram (EEG) was inconclusive of any seizure activity and a computed tomography (CT) scan of his brain revealed a lacunar infarct of the putamen region in the left basal ganglia.
66. The centre-right Conservatives and smaller centrist Liberal Democrats agreed on Tuesday on what critics call an unstable partnership of expedience after an inconclusive election.
67. The Inconclusive test condition is the default condition added to every test.
68. The jury found the evidence against the prisoner inconclusive and acquitted him.
69. Bloggs could take no satisfaction in the likelihood that Faber was dead. It was too inconclusive.
70. Howard J. Feldman, the director of regulatory and scientific affairs at the American Petroleum Institute,[http:///inconclusive.html] noted that the evidence of a causal factor was inconclusive for some ailments.
71. The figures are inconclusive but they do suggest China still has some breathing room.
72. Selective use of FISH in patients with inconclusive on-site cytopathology results may improve the sensitivity of EUS for malignancy.
73. Is the story inconclusive? What effect does it have on its audience?
74. The first vote April was inconclusive, and a second round was eventually ruled illegal and nullified.
75. In 2004, Pfizer halted its study of Viagra in women due to inconclusive results.
76. Three previous studies examined the issue of an ES with an inconclusive cholangiogram before the present study by Lee et al1 and found mixed results.
77. It was agreed :'If the lawyer's or the professor's views prove inconclusive , Tu Hsueh - shih shall arbitrate.'
78. But tests of possible drugs to enhance memory have been inconclusive.
79. The Inconclusive test condition is the default condition that is added to every test.




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