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单词 Practitioner
(1) She was a medical practitioner before she entered politics.
(2) The general practitioner diagnosed the illness of the baby as pneumonia.
(3) Elizabeth Quan is a London-based practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine.
(4) Subjects were screened by a fully qualified medical practitioner.
(5) He is a medical practitioner.
(6) As part of the oeuvre of a distinguished practitioner?
(7) Her general practitioner was agreeable to this plan.
(8) From a medical practitioner familiar with the dementia sufferer.
(9) When assessing elders affirmatively, the practitioner may well detect in some very old people a remarkable degree of authenticity.
(10) There are three main alternatives: sole practitioner; partnership; or unlimited or limited liability company.
(11) The general practitioner is a first port of call for people with all manner of distressing circumstances.
(12) A kungfu practitioner can adopt any pose that suits the situation.
(13) Ideally an assessment by an experienced practitioner should be sought for this but these two remedies are worth trying.
(14) The alternative term of family practitioner is not acceptable either.
(15) The importance of collaborating with the patient's general practitioner is emphasized.
(16) As for the medical practitioner before the discovery of antibiotics(http:///practitioner.html), what did not exist did not have to be taken into account.
(17) Audit of general practitioner services is generally regarded as desirable, but funding is scarce.
(18) He then discussed this with the general practitioner and gradual reduction of the antidepressant was initiated.
(19) The district nurse is attached to the general practitioner surgery or health centre.
(20) It would thus have been as applicable to a teacher, for example, as to a practitioner of any manual skill.
(21) They can not account for the artistry of the individual practitioner.
(22) The detailed work has been undertaken by two subgroups, also multi agency and with practitioner involvement.
(23) Research too has overlooked outpatient waiting, concentrating instead on waits for inpatient procedures or general practitioner referral patterns.
(24) If no further contact can be made the general practitioner should be informed.
(25) The Community Dental Service is required to provide clinical dental care for those patients refused dental treatment by a general dental practitioner.
(26) Julie is admitted as an emergency on the request of her General Practitioner following a home visit.
(27) What if Everett's putative murderer had been the intended victim of sabotage rather than its practitioner?
(28) All animal bites should be examined by your health practitioner.
(29) Regular certification will be required from the claimant's medical practitioner to enable benefit payments to be made.
(30) An experimental study from Plymouth reported a 23% reduction in general practitioner referrals after local guidelines were distributed.
(1) She was a medical practitioner before she entered politics.
(31) On 21 February 1990 the Ledingham-Smiths consulted an insolvency practitioner and the accountants ceased to act for them.
(32) All males with cystitis should seek the advice of their health care practitioner, particularly if it is recurrent.
(33) Perhaps the practitioner conducting the trial should not be the patient's own doctor.
(34) But as a text oriented towards the practitioner it does not delve deeper than what would be already known by the reader.
(35) Interest is growing in several parts of the country in practitioner research in early childhood education and care.
(36) Yet, the practitioner manages to deal with the problem albeit at considerable expense.
(37) Romer, a patient practitioner of the consensus-building school of government, held a series of summit meetings.
(38) It has been shown that endoscopy is safe even in high risk groups if performed by a skilled practitioner.
(39) The medical superintendent of a hospital had to be a duly qualified medical practitioner of five years' standing.
(40) Thompson is an obstetrics-gynecology nurse practitioner at Central Texas Planned Parenthood.
(41) Most articles contain detailed experimental protocols devised for the practitioner.
(42) The Society intends to develop a two-tiered panel, involving general and practitioner membership.
(43) A trained and skilled practitioner can tailor a session to treat insomnia by reducing muscular tension and promoting relaxation.
(44) She had seen her general practitioner a week after the separation and he had prescribed a tranquillizer.
(45) There is now quite a large lump in his groin which his General Practitioner diagnoses as an irreducible right inguinal hernia.
(46) An effective general practitioner must have counselling skills to elicit important diagnostic information and manage consultations appropriately.
(47) X-rays, blood tests, dates of emergency hospital admissions, visits to the general practitioner,(http://) medication.
(48) We now have a new healthcare worker -- a psychiatric nurse practitioner.
(49) The practitioner will be aiming to dispel any negative thoughts about marathon running from your mind.
(50) The general practitioner contract of April 1990 served to encourage the adoption of this model of care.
(51) Copies of optometry feedback are sent to the patient's general practitioner, who is thereby kept informed of eye assessments.
(52) Granted, any skilled practitioner could make a set of numbers sew a quilt that could cover an airplane hangar.
(53) The general practitioner has a potentially important role in the prevention of attempted suicide.
(54) Sometimes the practitioner just pierces the skin, while other times the needle is inserted up to an inch deep.
(55) At first glance, Wilson should have been a superlative practitioner of Cabinet government.
(56) Among modifiable factors only access to a dietitian and an interested general practitioner featured significantly in the final multiple regression analysis.
(57) All three occupants suffered multiple injuries and were certified dead at the crash site by a medical practitioner.
(58) The sole practitioner faces some special problems in financial management.
(59) For the exceptional practitioner of self-denial a special prize is in store.
(60) The general practitioner may wish to provide his own aftercare for some patients.
(61) No person can be appointed as trustee unless he is a qualified insolvency practitioner.
(62) I am a practitioner, and I do have large grants in this field.
(63) Your local family Practitioner Committee will be able to answer further questions you may have about the scheme.
(64) Do seek the guidance of a qualified and accredited practitioner - holistic or orthodox.
(65) And if anyone believes that such flexible working arrangements limit the appeal of the practitioner, then they are mistaken.
(66) Each practitioner was invited to record details of all patients who presented with an asthma attack during a predetermined three month period.
(67) In 1967, Phil Boardman was an early practitioner of this dangerous specialty.
(68) The first step to identifying and treating diabetes is to visit a health care practitioner.
(69) Trusted family practitioner found guilty of 15 murders may have killed dozens more: How many patients did doctor kill?
(70) The plan was discussed with Pamela's general practitioner, who was in full agreement.
(71) This is the province of an individual's general medical or occupational health practitioner, not of an epidemiologist.
(72) So that old kungfu contradiction appears yet again: by doubling his striking power the practitioner makes himself twice as vulnerable.
(73) Some one who has much chronic ill health should not be treated except by an experienced practitioner.
(73) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(74) It is envisaged that the legal practitioner will first be instructed once the client believes he has struck a deal.
(75) Even less is known about the assessment of efficiency in family practitioner services.
(76) In fact, this definition would be highly restrictive because it depends upon the subjective views of both client and practitioner.
(77) Suddenly, it becomes possible for the computer to tease out from the most incompetent practitioner his own masterpiece.
(78) I would like to know in what proportion of the control patients the referring general practitioner considered the diagnosis of malignant melanoma.
(79) In selective assessment the relationship between practitioner and elder is one of unequal power.
(80) The first thing that has to be done is to obtain a death certificate from a medical practitioner.
(81) He was referred by his General Practitioner whom he had consulted after experiencing recurrent episodes of upper abdominal pain and severe indigestion.
(82) Print-making has had the advantage of some careful scholars, but an excellent book is by a practitioner, Stanley Hayter.
(83) The haulier should look for an insolvency practitioner able to give up-to-date and detailed advice in accordance with the new law.
(84) Ask a practitioner more about it - sounds like something anyone who pulls on a pair of trainers should know about!
(85) The therapist discusses these plans with Liz's general practitioner, who was in agreement with the arrangements made.
(86) If the physical lighting is acceptable, and the eye-strain persists, consult your medical practitioner or an ophthalmic optician.
(87) Patients are reimbursed for 85% of the schedule fee for each item of general practitioner service and for specialist consultations outside hospitals.
(88) It is up to the practitioner to decide which stance is best suited to a particular purpose.
(89) The public relations practitioner has to conduct activities which concern every public with which the organisation has contact.
(90) If it transpires that the patient has not yet attended the general practitioner for this diabetic review one reminder prompt is sent.
(91) The General Practitioner Board was set up to represent the interests of general practitioners.
(92) One such lawyer is Essex-based sole practitioner Monty Martin, who mainly does mortgage enforcement and professional negligence cases.
(93) If after two days, it's still the same - go to see a practitioner.
(94) It is never a substitute for calling your medical practitioner.
(95) So I will provide insight later into my credentials and extensive background as a successful practitioner of Total Quality Management.
(96) Treatment was terminated and the general practitioner advised that the hypnotic could now be stopped.
(97) Assessing this potential helps the practitioner to decide how best to work with an elder when some breakdown in routine occurs.
(98) In the Cardiff trial 14% of community care patients received regular general practitioner review and only 5% received yearly blood glucose estimations.
(99) The taller stances, in which the practitioner adopts an almost upright position, are fast but weak.
(100) A small number of patients were not contacted further on the advice of their general practitioner, usually because of concurrent malignant disease.
(101) It seems to confer a strange power on the practitioner.
(102) The tax profession has lost not only a practitioner of the highest calibre but also a very good friend.
(103) Visions of the nurse practitioner of the future are ambitious and exciting.
(104) Clearly, it would put the practitioner in an impossible situation.
(105) These are sent to patients with a request to take them along to their general practitioner within 10 days.
(106) I am certainly a general practitioner, but I am not a family practitioner.
(107) Indeed, the examining doctor was a registered medical practitioner - a reservist called up in the course of the Gulf conflict.
(108) I know as much about my condition as that overworked, unimaginative general practitioner does.
(109) Knowing which kind of support to offer requires the practitioner to use deep empathy based on affirmative assessment.
(110) If an insolvency practitioner is to be appointed, his consent to act must be referred to in the affidavit.
(111) The practitioner works as the officer of the organisation to test for entitlement to its services, perhaps using functional assessment methods.
(112) My final plea is that those who create new policies take seriously and consider fully the perspectives and situations of the practitioner.
(113) It is always important to consult a practitioner who has qualifications recognized by your doctor.
(114) A group of 1199 men who were not coal miners was identified from general practitioner records in three Nottinghamshire general practices.
(115) In that capacity he would be acting as an insolvency practitioner and must be qualified so to act.
(116) In kungfu the hands take their shape from the particular animals whose fighting techniques the practitioner is imitating.
(117) However[], health authorities and family practitioner authorities are keen on the idea of generic teams delivering patch-based care.
(118) In this way every general practitioner could shape and contribute to the future research and development of primary care.
(119) Only one in 12 instances of poor quality can be ascribed to insufficient effort by the practitioner.
(120) Opportunities for the development of clinical and managerial skills, with a clearer role for the specialist nurse practitioner and adviser.
(121) The writer is an oncology nurse practitioner.
(122) The general practitioner referred her patient to a dermatologist.
(123) He is an unqualified practitioner of law.
(124) I am Linda Huang, a Dafa practitioner from Brisbane.
(125) When he retired from his work as an Ophthalmic Nurse Practitioner, he decided to emulate English Botanist and Diatomist Dr. C. L. Odam and collect diatoms from tributaries.
(126) It'still meets, however the needs of the senior student and practitioner.
(127) Practitioner of an ancient art, an army specialist in acupuncture treats a deaf-mute.
(128) Oscer Wilde was the most active advocator and also the earnest practitioner of aestheticism.
(129) Socrates was the greatest practitioner of this analytical search for fundamental assumptions.
(130) Any emotion code practitioner can release all of the trapped emotions that make up this wall by locating and releasing all of the trapped emotions by using "Applied Kinesiology" or "Muscle Testing".
(131) 'It's the foundation of patient care, ' says Susan Denman, a family nurse practitioner who teaches physical assessment at the Duke University School of Nursing.
(132) In some cases, families are electing to utilized the services of a nurse practitioner for more routine health related issues.
(133) The sale of some pharmaceutical products must be authorised by prescription from a registered medical practitioner( ), dentist or veterinary surgeon.
(134) The EU is the forerunner and practitioner of global governance.
(135) Instead, they are relying on general practitioner assessment rather than laboratory confirmation.
(136) " Prithee , friend, leave me alone with my patient,'said the practitioner.
(137) After his death, she returned to school to become a nurse practitioner.
(138) Chiropodist, chiropractor, osteopath, physiotherapist or podiatrist up to $1,000 CAD per type of practitioner.
(139) Lens movement with the"push-up test":In this test, the practitioner slides the lens upward by gently pushing on it with the patients lower eyelid.
(140) Only medical practitioner and local health authority can confirm a case of influenza A ( H 1 N 1 ).
(141) Dr West , the sound general practitioner, with no pationce for frills, made jokes about his colleague.
(142) As nursing practice must change with the complexible needs of the patients, relatives, health care organizations and communities. The CNS and nurse practitioner (NP) must be merged into a unifie...
(143) Sateia's center, for example, recently hired a nurse practitioner to offer more affordable group therapy as an alternative to individual counseling by a psychiatrist.
(144) The fifth part of conclusion has pointed out this article to the family ethics play's creator, the conjugal family practitioner, the conjugal family ethics theory researcher's significance.
(145) Every patient with cardiovascular disease should be referred to a physician or nurse practitioner with the knowledge and expertise in these counseling skills.
(146) We have made practical recommendations to local practitioner for testing allergy related dermatological problems.
(147) Stephani Cox, a Decatur-based nurse practitioner and downstate lead clinician for Planned Parenthood of Illinois, said a herpes vaccine "would be wonderful."
(148) I authorize any health agency or health practitioner to provide information about my status of health to the New Zealand Immigrantion Service.
(149) By training dental practitioners to make space judgments and subject arrangements in art painting, the practitioner can promote the ability of reconstruction, which is essential in esthetic dentistry.
(150) Or consider these demonstrations of outside-the-building thinking in health care: Work moving from hospitals to primary care, family medicine, and nurse practitioner groups.
(151) A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse who has completed advanced nursing education.
(152) A practitioner of Occlumency is referred to as an Occlumens.
(153) The student or the practitioner will be able to do the same in comparable situations.
(154) This collection of assorted symptoms is a challenge to any medical practitioner to diagnose.
(155) Usually a Holistic Practitioner is someone who has trained in Swedish massage but whose training has incorporated a broader view of the human body and mind.
(156) Mr. HAN Depei is a famous Jurist, educationalist and social practitioner of China.
(157) Nurse practitioner Cherilyn Lee, his nutrition adviser, testified she visited Jackson regularly to give him "holistic" injections of vitamins and supplements.
(158) In the history of drama, Albee has been canonized as the primary American practitioner of what critic Martin Esslin has termed the "Theater of the Absurd".
(159) Package structure reflects high functional cohesion, loose coupling, and strong individual practitioner ownership.
(160) In English teaching, the teacher is the beautiful disseminator, the student is the beautiful practitioner.
(161) As a great practitioner of nonsense verse, Edward Lear initiated the creation of nonsense in bulk. Many of his aesthetic devices were later widely borrowed.
(162) The medical practitioner in primitive society, the medicine man, is primarily priest or shaman.
(163) A doctor or nurse practitioner or someone at a local health or family planning clinic can offer you advice —confidentially if necessary.
(164) Zhang is the general practitioner in the Xianxia Community Clinic on Maotai Road , Changning District.
(165) Measuring the levels of C-peptide can give a practitioner an idea of the viable beta cell mass.
(166) Training qualified general practitioner is a key for development of community health service.
(167) In Ch'an (Zen) meditation, the practitioner is taught to concentrate on a koan. The specific practice is the silent recitation of the koan.
(168) Points on the vertex of infants should not be needled when the fontanel is not closed. In addition, retention of needles is forbidden since the infants are unable to cooperate with the practitioner.
(169) The realized value layer is the mid step of popular culture stratification: market operation and new media practitioner.
(170) The internal use of Arnica is not recommended and should only be administered by a professional herbalist, naturopath or health practitioner.
(171) As an explorer and practitioner of the core connotation of traditional culture, Mr Xifang Jin, in his years of meditation and enlightenment seeking, has discovered two ways of human learning.
(172) If you are taking Coumadin (warfarin) or other prescription drugs, or if pregnant or nursing, consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product.
(173) A believer in or practitioner of a system of pseudoscientific thought that held that "base" metals like lead could be changed, or "transmuted, " into gold.
(174) For any project (except for perhaps the smallest ones) a cost-benefit analysis of having at least one experienced practitioner on your team is probably a winning proposition.
(175) Measuring the levels of C - peptide can give a practitioner an idea of viable beta cell mass.
(176) Your symptoms may first prompt you to see your family doctor or a general practitioner. However, you may then be referred to a doctor who specializes in blood disorders (hematologist).
(177) Hyla Cass, MD, an integrative medical practitioner and author of 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health, adds that certain prescription drugs like acid blockers can deprive the body of nutrients like vitamin D.
(178) Operations for people were postponed because facilities and medical practitioner practitioners were pre-occupied preoccupied and needed to serve influenza like diseases or flumen flu in particular.
(179) Robert Maynard Hutchins was a famous theorist and practitioner of American higher education.
(180) This article bases upon the analysis of fundamental material and set in main body of national economy in the fields of capital assets investment, number of practitioner and financial income.
(181) But, the common practitioner may act according to own food habit feed, does not need to choose food and the control appetite desirably .
(182) Consult a healthcare practitioner if liver impaired, have a history of non-melanoma skin cancer, or are taking levodopa or tetracyclines.
(183) Collecting standardized data to describe advanced nursing practice is imperative to define the value-added component of nurse practitioner (NP) care.
(184) Researching the cause, the accident occurs and expands because of the transportation corporation or the practitioner don′t comply the security requirement of the dangerous cargo transportation.
(185) As nursing practice must change with the complexible needs of the patients, relatives, health care organizations and communities. The CNS and nurse practitioner (NP) must be merged into a ...
(186) Myofascial release is a body work technique in which a practitioner uses gentle, sustained pressure on the soft tissues while applying traction to the fascia.
(187) RMC provides structure in three areas for the practitioner: productivity, guidance, and personalization.
(188) Postcoital testing by the general practitioner appears to be useful.
(189) "A lot of time stuff shows up at work that doesn't show up at home," says Anna Treinkman, RN, a nurse practitioner at the Rush University Alzheimer's Disease Clinic, in Chicago.
(190) A certificate or degree in this field can be part of your training as a nurse practitioner, clinical nurse, long-term care administrator, or nursing administrator.
(191) The press campaign personnel are the ideology political works inventor, the practitioner, the disseminator, the pusher.
(192) What is the dilemma of the practitioner and what are its sources?
(193) A magician, a practitioner of magic, who has the ability to attain objectives, acquire knowledge,() using supernatural or nonrational means.
(194) If there exists legal exceptional circumstances such as emergent ˉ cy, the duty of disclosure of medical practitioner.
(195) Jane Sadler, a family practitioner at Baylor , did the honors.
(196) Vilter was grown up in this period and became an important deviser and practitioner of economic reform in the end of the reign of czar.
(197) A patient's first point of contact with the NHS is usually their general practitioner ( GP ).
(198) It is best to consult with a licensed practitioner a customized formula.
(199) A : Maybe you should go see your GP ( general practitioner ).
(200) What characterizes a practitioner : The body is the Bodhi tree, the mind a mirror bright.
(201) "said the family practitioner faintly: bowing at the same time to the Doctor, as much as to say, "Excuse my putting in a word, but this is a valuable connexion."
(202) Your doctor, health care practitioner or psychotherapist will help you determine the best course of action to have you feel strong and well again.
(203) "Why is organic peanut butter better than Jif?" said Ms. Devlin-Sample, a nurse practitioner from Pelham, N.Y.
(204) Seek medical attention immediately if toxic shock syndrome is suspected with insight from a family practitioner in this free video on medical conditions.
(205) Dr. Deirdre Orceyre is both a naturopathic physician and Chinese medicine practitioner at the Center for Integrative Medicine.
(206) But I am just a simple trader and practitioner of the arts.
(207) Ms Leung is the Program Practitioner of Dore Achievement Centre ( Hong Kong ).
(208) Gannett has always been a devoted practitioner of the art.
(209) If symptoms persist for 7 days or worsen, contact a licensed practitioner.
(210) Old K: As crackajack Anhui Internet practitioner, can you talk about you to be opposite the view of Anhui Internet?
(211) Your practitioner would use vacuum extraction for the same reason forceps would be used during delivery (see previous question).




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