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单词 Discourage
1. Don't let one failure discourage you, try again.
2. Don't let one failure discourage you.
3. Don't discourage her; she's doing her best.
4. ignore those who try to discourage you .
5. His parents tried to discourage him from being an actor.
6. The height of the mountain did not discourage them.
7. We discourage smoking in this school.
8. I have tried to discourage him from biting nails.
9. Try to discourage such familiarities from your subordinates.
10. You should not let one failure discourage you.
11. The school teachers discourage smoking.
12. We tried to discourage him from resigning.
13. They want to discourage pay settlements over the norm.
14. Father discourage the expression of enthusiasm.
15. We need tougher penalties to discourage miscreants.
16. Teachers should discourage their students from smoking and drinking.
17. Parents should discourage their children from smoking.
18. Many parents find it hard to discourage bad behaviour.
19. The Swiss wanted to discourage an inflow of foreign money.
20. Low prices discourage industry.
21. His parents tried to discourage his interest in music,(/discourage.html) but he persisted.
22. Aspirin may discourage tumour growth in some types of cancer.
23. Parents should discourage smoking.
24. The airlines use stronger language to discourage them.
25. He explained the yellow fever epidemic as a providential act to discourage urban growth.
26. I leave a light on when I'm out to discourage burglars.
27. It may be difficult to do at first. Don't let this discourage you.
28. The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.
29. Although she did not reciprocate his feelings, she did not discourage him.
30. The authorities have put tanks on the streets to discourage any protest.
1. Don't let one failure discourage you, try again.
2. Don't let one failure discourage you.
3. He explained the yellow fever epidemic as a providential act to discourage urban growth.
4. His parents tried to discourage him from being an actor.
5. I leave a light on when I'm out to discourage burglars.
6. It may be difficult to do at first. Don't let this discourage you.
7. We discourage smoking in this school.
8. I have tried to discourage him from biting nails.
9. Although she did not reciprocate his feelings, she did not discourage him.
31. On the contrary, some seemed to actively discourage it.
32. Higher taxes are likely to discourage investment.
33. The cameras should discourage shoplifters.
34. Trying to lose weight fast will only discourage you.
35. Is it legitimate social policy to discourage childbearing?
36. But why were they so eager to discourage visitors?
37. Schools discourage youngsters from being involved in gangs.
38. Regular watering will also discourage them.
39. Wesley tried to discourage his friend from going.
40. Taxes on investment may discourage high-risk projects.
41. Never let sharply falling markets discourage you from investing.
42. Mulch: Material such as grass clippings or wood chips put down to discourage weeds and hold in moisture.
43. All the Republicans except Buchanan support global free trade and oppose direct measures to discourage companies from moving manufacturing plants overseas.
44. There are numerous recent cases of character assassination and reputation assault that would discourage any sane person from accepting high government appointment.
45. Deductions would be eliminated in most cases to close loopholes and discourage the use of tax shelters.
46. Indeed, social morality leaders came to believe that earlier marriages would discourage resort to prostitution.
47. Leave the lights on when you're out in order to discourage burglars.
48. We wanted very much to discourage people from porting their current applications over to the Macintosh.
49. Jobs also discourage accountability,() because they reward people not for getting the necessary work done but for doing their jobs.
50. Misguided opponents of the proposal complain the miles separating the resort from downtown will discourage convention business at Starr Pass.
51. Put the plant in a cold room to discourage growth.
52. Two pairs of black policemen in starched khaki uniforms were there to discourage the pickpockets if possible, arrest them if necessary.
53. Moreover, such a requirement would discourage prosecutions for the aggravated offence and would exclude private prosecutions.
54. Banning drugs mainly promotes crime, so it would be better to legalise, control, tax and discourage them.
55. Similarly, high interest rates may discourage householders from taking on new mortgages, but existing mortgages are unlikely to be reduced.
56. A bargain price may well attract considerable sales and at the same time discourage competitors.
57. Higher cigarette prices do not seem to discourage people from smoking.
58. When poor countries discourage competition in communications, they condemn their people to a life on the margin.
59. How does that set an example to countries that he wishes to discourage from adopting nuclear deterrence?
60. In the early days Busacher had tried to discourage him.
61. These things are not written under any feeling of discouragement, much less to discourage others.
62. They have 2-foot interior overhangs to discourage climbing over, and 4-foot aprons at the bottom to prevent digging under the enclosure.
63. But frankly, we try to discourage people from our business who are too interested in money.
64. Government incentives should be used to discourage the purchase of products which are high in saturated fats.
65. Even if used sensibly, capital-budgeting procedures will tend to discourage major initiatives and indicate strategies aimed at short-term returns.
66. The state Department of Agriculture tries to discourage the practice.
67. Activities i. Determine which behaviors prevent or foster emerging infections and how to promote or discourage these behaviors.
68. This might increase the temptation on the police to do all in their power to discourage complaints. 7.
69. People who lack the clarity, courage, or determination to follow their own dreams will often find ways to discourage yours. Live your truth and don't EVER stop! Steve Maraboli 
70. He had to hold the Control at all costs and discourage the enemy from any further attempt to rush his position.
71. What do we do, them or try to discourage their supporters from voting?
72. The Commission does not wish to discourage the friendly greeting before the service, or the fellowship after it.
73. The air filled with the strong scent of herbs being burned to discourage elemental spirits.
74. It should unite rather than divide, encourage rather than discourage.
75. The middle-class skills - such as public speaking - required to be an effective councillor may also discourage many manual workers.
76. Each of the three sails was then treated with a special liquid to discourage mildew and rot.
77. Such awards are made to discourage plaintiffs from bringing groundless lawsuits which burden the courts.
78. The dark outline of the forest was enough to discourage even the boldest mutineer.
79. But let not these requests from a young planter discourage you, my dear cousin.
79. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
80. The Kemp Commission took the same position, saying those taxes discourage saving and investment.
81. This should not discourage more adventurous users from looking for more exotic technology but considerations must be taken.
82. A 100% tax rate is assumed to discourage all output, except that for subsistence, again yielding zero tax revenue.
83. Accountants often attempt to discourage this, probably to reduce the risk of claims of negligence arising from the report.
84. If we believed it would have an adverse effect on claims, we would discourage people from buying timber-frame.
85. Recall that the authorities may have an interest in seeing interest rates rise in order to discourage bank lending and monetary growth.
86. He therefore posits a set of shadowy near-duties to discourage it.
87. The farmers say that fear of being bought out will discourage future investment in their land.
88. Some recycling might be promoted by regulatory changes: building regulations, for example, often discourage the use of recycled materials.
89. Never discourage anyone...who continually makes progress, no matter how slow. Plato 
90. Taxes can be imposed either to raise funds for pollution control or to discourage over-use of nitrates, or both.
91. It also will discourage other members from seeking early diagnosis and the treatments that can prolong their lives.
92. Mr Bergg said the Liberal Democrates would discourage the use of cars as much as possible.
93. This helps to discourage postmen from forcing fragile material through small letterboxes.
94. This could discourage people from driving ten miles to buy their groceries.
95. A draft urged governments to tax up the price of tobacco to discourage its use.
96. Consequently, rulers encouraged people to produce goods for export and devised high tariffs to discourage imports.
97. Possible underpricing of its services, which could discourage competition from private companies.
98. As in Mainz, one of the first tasks was to discourage through traffic.
99. Interest rates would then rise as the central bank increased its discount rate to discourage borrowing and the demands for legal tender.
100. I tried to discourage him, but in the end he became a little bit of a nuisance, you know?
101. Lastly, as part of general health care, it is extremely important to discourage cigarette smoking.
102. Although Miss Warton did not reciprocate John's feelings, she did nothing to discourage them.
103. Don't let the volume of traffic discourage you from this superb walk.
104. At other times, direct intervention has also been used to discourage management from accepting pay demands.
105. It would impose taxes on business and individuals which would discourage enterprise and discourage people from trying to work hard.
106. They claimed that the new rules would discourage people from registering as unemployed.
107. Likewise, harsh measures to discourage illegitimacy will also have effect.
108. People ask what can be done to discourage short-term capital flows.
109. Whatever parents do, they should not discourage love between the baby-sitter and the child.
109. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
110. Recessions cause firms to scrap equipment; they also discourage new investment, all the more so if interest rates are high.
111. Failure may motivate the bright and able child yet discourage and handicap the child who is already doing poorly.
112. It would actually discourage expansion and seems too silly for the Government to seriously contemplate.
113. High interest rates lead to the following problems: They may discourage investment plans and hence long-term growth.
114. Many teenagers today would live in their trainers, given half a chance, but try to discourage this.
115. Chemicals in the paint render the rust inert and help to discourage further outbreaks.
116. Leaving on an interior light as well during the night can also discourage a potential burglar.
117. To discourage yourself from getting back into bed too soon, do not time your activities.
118. These fluctuations can be very damaging to business confidence and may discourage long-term investment.
119. They may be loath to accept a partner and some female insects are decorated with sharp spikes to discourage courtship.
120. We must not do anything to discourage people from taking on that caring role.
121. We need to discourage the use of cars for short journeys.
122. The health payment system can discourage doctors from doing the right thing, the report said.
123. It is understood that the Government has done nothing to discourage City expectations that it will curtail its gilt-edged buying programme.
124. At the very least your notes should not discourage you in this aim.
125. The complexities of scheduling thousands of students for individual courses discourage change.
126. The overcritical teacher can discourage originality.
127. You should discourage him from taking that trip.
128. Preventing dissent may discourage creative thinking within the group.
129. Cities will have a powerful incentive to discourage recycling.
130. The longer paragraph format seems to discourage viewing.
131. We should discourage extramarital affairs.
132. a campaign to discourage smoking among teenagers.
133. People do not discourage this kind of petty work.
134. Beijing acted quickly to discourage these demonstrators asto spook foreign investors.
135. Frontlines aims to discourage such reckless neophyte abandon in a variety of ways.
136. Because of that possibility, the docs discourage the practice of interchanging wchar_t and XMLCh.
137. Could this actually be an effort to discourage suborbital rockets, which might break through the space debris and catch sight of the Universe society?
138. Sometimes nations discourage business entrepreneurship under the banner of high-sounding doctrines, but often they do so as a way of protecting existing businessmen and others of wealth.
139. Building a bridge, which is the prime example in Kulak's article, does try to discourage change during a project.
139. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
140. Don't instigate rigid hierarchies, discourage huge pay differentials, democratise decision-making and don't set impossible standards for leaders.
141. Galia Traub (WPI '09) contrasts the ECPD definition to Kulak's implications that engineering is about "static processes and brittle team structures that tend to discourage change."
142. Quickly she offered him a plum , hoping to discourage his interest.
143. In the second stage, there is a chance that the government may initiate some soft measures to discourage debt-related inflows.
144. The last two weeks will be wall-to-wall commercials that will provoke, encourage or discourage you to vote for or against somebody.
145. Liquidity traps can vitiate it on the downside, but when inflation threatens, tightening the money supply and raising interest rates will discourage spending.
146. I also would like to warn the team: we can't discourage, we are still top of Serie A and went through to knock-out stages in Champions League'.
147. Subsidies on rice exports by industrial countries also discourage higher production in low-cost countries.
148. Nothing would ever discourage the Islamic Republic of Iran to stop its nuclear-energy program.
149. Because in such cases the cost is borne by the tenant, we discourage premature termination of contract.
150. I am not here to discourage but encourage you guys to write error - free clean English essays.
151. It is more likely that hearing a book on audiocassette would discourage that student from ever reading that particular book on his or her own.
152. He would discourage in both the householders and the celibate youths any lukewarmness in their spiritual struggles.
153. Tariff barrier is one of the means to discourage free trade in the world.
154. Prevention of Lassa fever in the community centers on promoting good "community hygiene" to discourage rodents from entering homes.
155. Nepal's government said Monday it would provide 100000 rupees (about $1270) to inter-caste couples when they marry to discourage discrimination against those with lower status, AFP reported.
156. A suicide pill is a term for any high-risk poison pill strategy that may discourage a potential acquirer but also place the takeover target under severe financial pressure.
157. For example, the leaves of the holly plant have sharp spines that discourage grass-eating animals.
158. Bewildering indeed. Conspiracy theories have emerged faster than mushrooms in a damp Exmoor field. Some claim the shooting was a fiction, dreamed up to discourage trophy-hunters.
159. We tried to discourage him from climbing the mountain without a guide.
160. Please discourage the more vocal participants from dominating the meeting.
161. Your best laid strategies can (and will) crumble to dust.The trick is to not let that discourage you or impede your progress.
162. Will this endorsement encourage or discourage the takeup of Agile practices in businesses today?
163. The LCBO uses a system of "floor pricing", or minimum selling prices, using price control as part of its social responsibility mandate to discourage excessive alcohol consumption.
164. This foundation supports pro-choice family planning causes and works to discourage nuclear proliferation.
165. st's team grew the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana with the genes for trichomes (leaf hairs that discourage herbivores) and glucosinolate (a chemical toxic to certain pests) disabled.
166. Shanghai introduced a capital gains tax of 5.55 per cent on homes being sold within a year of their purchase. This measure was taken to discourage speculative investment.
167. In some cultures it is not prudery that leads them to discourage men from looking at pornography.
168. The prisoners - of - war were locked in their huts at nights to discourage further attempts at escape.
169. Perhaps also it was an attempt to discourage the youth of today from Lu Xun's inconveniently fault-finding habits.http://
170. Banks should discourage indication of the expiry date of the credit in this manner.
171. Rapid inflation and a failure to discourage consumer spending contributed to widespread dissaving and threatened the national economy.
172. He used it to discourage any undue sense of danger.
173. Effective work-life benefits encourage employees to work harder and discourage them from quitting their jobs, according to research by the Corporate Executive Board.
174. This helps to discourage members from abandoning the religion while still enabling them to proselytize.
175. The state does limit handgun purchases to one per month to discourage bulk buying and resale, state officials said.
176. The scales also discourage barnacles and algae from glomming on – an inspiration for synthetic coatings that may soon be applied to Navy ship hulls to reduce such biofouling.
177. The survey results underscore the pervasiveness of academic dishonesty even as schools employ more sophisticated means to catch cheaters and take a tougher stance to discourage unethical behavior.
178. A governments bote man government spokesman says government is trying to discourage informal schools.
179. EXAMPLE: Rapid inflation and a failure to discourage consumer spending contributed to widespread dissaving and threatened the national economy.
180. He's supremely confident, though, of South Korea's ability to discourage any designs the North might have of risking another shooting war.
181. In a move to discourage players jumping around, teams can exceed the league's salary cap -- last season it was $57.7 million -- to re-sign their own free agents.
182. A revenue tariff is imposed strictly to raise money for the government. But most tariffs in effect today are protectionist tariffs meant to discourage the import of a particular product.
183. Other measures include trailing aerial streamer lines to discourage birds from diving for trailing bait.
184. For example, praise may be useful in motivating students to learn by rote , but it may discourage problem solving.
185. The numerical results indicate that tax on capital inflows can discourage capital inflows, and that the outcome varies according to elasticity of saving and velocity of currency circulation.
186. To discourage moral hazard the interest rate should be at a penalty rate and, reflecting the rising risk, increase with the amount borrowed.
187. And it would define more tightly the terms cigarette, cigar, cigarillo, fine-cut tobacco and pipe tobacco in order to discourage the production of cross-over products.
188. An issuing bank should discourage any attempt by the applicant to include, as an integral part of the credit, copies of the underlying contract, pro forma invoice and the like.
189. But a lot of the time, well-meaning people will discourage friends from trying something that's difficult but achievable.
190. Cranberry juice is often recommended to acidify the urine and discourage development of stones.
191. Once a bubble is inflating many factors conspire to discourage a regulator pricking it.
192. It's an infernal mischance; I've done my best to discourage it.
193. And it's a surprising turnabout in a country in which government red-tape,(http:///discourage.html) poverty and traditional attitudes long combined to discourage adoption.
194. The punitive tariff was imposed to discourage tire imports from China.
195. The government also instituted a graduated tax on new cars, designed to discourage purchases of gas guzzlers .




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