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单词 Manipulate
1. Do you know how to manipulate a computer?
2. Primitive man quickly learned how to manipulate tools.
3. She uses her charm to manipulate people.
4. They managed to manipulate us into agreeing to help.
5. As a politician, he knows how to manipulate public opinion.
6. She knows how to manipulate the audience.
7. The computer can manipulate massive amounts of data.
8. Children try to manipulate you.
9. The program can produce and manipulate text and graphics.
10. The way he can manipulate my leg has helped my arthritis so much.
11. Chimps are able to manipulate objects with a high degree of precision.
12. She was unable, for once, to control and manipulate events.
13. It is a simple matter to manipulate such a situation.
14. You can integrate text with graphics and manipulate graphic images.
15. The thought that any parent would manipulate their child into seeking fame just appalled me.
16. He quickly learned how to manipulate the controls of a plane.
17. Special software is needed to manipulate the mass of data.
18. The treasurer was arrested for trying to manipulate the company's accounts.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
19. It thereby seeks to manipulate interest rates.
20. Enterprises have considerable incentives to manipulate data.
21. And individuals with the ability to manipulate what is written about a public person have enormous power.
22. They accused the government of trying to manipulate the composition of the conference.
23. It is good to manipulate a strained back but bad to manipulate the market.
24. Critics claim that this concentration allows packers to manipulate the market, and in particular to force down the price of cattle.
25. The wheelchair is designed so that it is easy to manipulate.
26. He is a clever man who knows how to manipulate public opinion.
27. This is an interactive museum where children can actively manipulate the exhibits.
28. Macdonald accepted that such information could be used to manipulate, to obfuscate, and to mislead.
29. Virginia Radcliffe gave an alive, vampish performance as Elena, suggesting powerfully the will to survive and ability to manipulate.
30. Decisions still emerge which are redolent of the pre-1964 era, such as those which manipulate the distinction between rights and legitimate expectations.
1. Primitive man quickly learned how to manipulate tools.
2. She uses her charm to manipulate people.
3. They managed to manipulate us into agreeing to help.
4. As a politician, he knows how to manipulate public opinion.
31. The response of most governments has been to manipulate the economy in order to secure some trade-off between the conflicting economic objectives.
32. Computers can construct and manipulate areas and objects in cyberspace, too, but they do so mostly under human guidance.
33. My advantage over the rest of the managers is that I can manipulate my time more.
34. Nor does it yield to the temptation to manipulate performance and financial data in a way that obscures hard truths.
35. He had been around the scene for long enough to know how to manipulate meetings without getting everyone's back up.
36. Managerial control over information allows the railways to manipulate the public presentation of results to political effect.
37. States and ruling orders continually seek to manipulate religion to political advantage.
38. This enhances the testing of ideas and the learning of how to manipulate the variable parts.
39. To manipulate the level of production also meant that the role of government must be enlarged.
40. Second, the government can and does manipulate the environment, physical, economic and social, in which people live.
41. The creative artist may manipulate a medium until something of interest turns up.
42. An interface program helped students add paragraphs to the database and manipulate the semantic net.
43. This makes the bilateral game one in which legislators learn about bureaucratic biases and manipulate penalties for deceit.
44. Journalists allow the Saatchis to manipulate them again and again.
45. The ability of party leaders to manipulate the nomination process had been substantially undercut, however, by party reform.
46. If we translate analogue information into a digital form, we can suddenly manipulate it freely in almost any way we wish.
47. She stretched to manipulate the hot tap with her toe.
48. The groups of instructions to manipulate index registers need to specify an index register and a store location.
48. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
49. Given its vast capacity, it could manipulate the world price by adjusting output.
50. Further, in a currency union no government of a member country can manipulate the money supply growth rate for electoral purposes.
51. Natural selection favours those genes that manipulate the world to ensure their own propagation.
52. In this chapter, you will learn how to use its sorting feature to manipulate the data in tables and lists.
53. Millions of years of evolution have equipped us to delicately manipulate our environment through our sense of touch.
54. Edward's attempts to manipulate seemed both touching and, eventually, fruitless.
55. If the place was dry it was going to be a damn sight tougher to manipulate them.
56. He was indifferent to the attention he received, calmly going about his business, never using his influence to manipulate others.
57. All my life I have tried to manipulate people - bend them to my will.
58. Being a photographer I understand how photographers can manipulate a situation.
59. This all-encompassing quality reveals a strong desire amongst students to understand and manipulate their environment.
60. But the marketing men at the mortgage lenders have shown their power to manipulate the market.
61. Occasionally the inmate may manipulate the system, and the choice allows that.
62. With the infusion of resources into cancer research came an explosion in our ability to understand and manipulate the cancer cell.
63. The child may gravitate to the parent that is easier to manipulate or try to play one parent off against the other.
64. Such a program provided Personnel Management with the ability to manipulate data already stored in the payroll system.
65. Like our own hands, those of most primates allow them to manipulate objects with a high degree of precision.
66. She saw no attempt at deception, no trace of an attempt to manipulate.
67. The speeches were really like a competition to see, who could manipulate and how they used their power.
68. As a cynical attempt to manipulate the electorate and the media, it was unsurpassed.
69. The completely technocratic and amoral society emerges, able to manipulate anything but appreciate nothing; a desert of the mind.
70. All political regimes attempt to manipulate information as a means of social control.
71. Apparently some special attributes of this microbial group have led to acquisition of the ability to manipulate mitosis in eukaryotic hosts.
72. The diet doctors at this seminar are learning how to carefully manipulate their image.
73. He would not be able to manipulate the situation at all.
74. These artists manipulate paper pulp to make sculptures, reliefs, embossed and two-dimensional work.
75. The ability to manipulate information, he implied, could be our very salvation.
76. She will learn to manipulate numbers through practice and repetition.
77. They are easier to manipulate, they have less money and depend on the Bank largely for their livelihood.
78. It warms the cockles of my female heart to know that such womanly wiles still continue to manipulate and convince.
79. They must learn how to manipulate what is not a predictable machine into something which resembles one.
80. A good staff manoeuvred to avoid such disasters, attempting to manipulate the presentation of news.
81. Thus the ability to manipulate the different elements at will has in effect altered the task.
82. She knew now how attractive Miguel could be when he wanted to be, and she knew he could manipulate her feelings.
83. These have made it possible for scientists to manipulate more precisely the genetic make-up of living organisms.
84. This was separated from the other digits, giving their owners the ability to grasp and manipulate objects.
85. It's hard to program safely; programs that manipulate threads are prone to inconsistent data, deadlocks, unscalable locking, and inverted priorities.
86. Nobel incorporated nitro-glycerine into silica, an inert substance, which made it safer and easier to manipulate.
87. It's funny how time can manipulate and stretch itself like a contortionist.
88. Companies may easily manipulate it by using some non - cash items.
89. Transposon system is easy to manipulate, quick and can achieve high throughput, carry multiple resistance marker gene, which makes simultaneous study of multiple genes possible.
90. A creature with this feat becomes so skilled with its telekinesis ability that it can manipulate and use magic items via telekinesis.
91. In GAS, there is no method to manipulate the location counter and you have to use labels to calculate the next storage location (data, instruction, etc.).
92. While the above getter / setter methods are trivial, the real value of bijection via getter / setter methods is that you can add custom logic to manipulate the bijection process.
93. An open file format specification, PDF is available to anyone who wants to develop tools to create, view, or manipulate PDF documents.
94. To compare with other kinds of fault injector, this new method of fault injection have the merits of easy to manipulate and control, real-time fault injection and online analysis.
95. We never manipulate the exchange rate, has been operating under a managed floating exchange rate.
96. The bitwise operators allow you to manipulate individual bits in an integral primitive data type.
97. And by understanding how the opium poppy produces these compounds, scientists may be able to manipulate the production of opiates by genetically engineering plants or manufacturing them in a lab.
98. In an eighth-floor laboratory overlooking the East River, Cornelia I. Bargmann watches two colleagues manipulate a microscopic roundworm.
99. But the same wires that would make qubit chips easy to manipulate and link together also connect them to the quantum-defiling messiness of the outside world.
100. The component's hook is obviously through the onModuleLoad() method, but if I want to force its behavior, I might have to manipulate some UI components.
101. In order to manipulate the strength of exciplex emission, thin layer of CBP was inserted into the interface of NPB/BDHFLYDFLQ heterojunction.
102. Compared to some of the other models on this list, Sharethrough is relatively unobjectionable, because it doesn't pay users directly or manipulate play counts, the way some bands did on MySpace.
103. First, Artificial Intelligence is to manipulate the unmeaning signal, the meaningful behavior is not in the machine.
104. This text for example recommend "describe statistics" and "ratiocinate statistics" manipulate method. Believe in for you have much enlighten.
105. ( -- For more than 40 years, scientists have been using the radiation pressure of light to move and manipulate small objects in space.
106. Figure 1 shows where static and dynamic data APIs originate and how to use them to instantiate Service Data Objects that you can use later to manipulate the business data underneath.
107. A race condition occurs when two or more threads manipulate a shared data item and the result depends upon timing of the execution.
108. With the force of the aerodynamic booster, we can manipulate the loader relaxedly with less force,[sentence dictionary] and control it conveniently and easily.
109. This enables the default serializer to transform this XML message into a business object we can manipulate in the mediation.
110. We know that the ear operates on a logarithmic scale because harmonies have a special meaning and harmonies are ratios and ratios are easiest to manipulate on a logarithmic scale.
111. Both products allow you to enter, maintain, manipulate, and print data.
112. We need to subscribe to that event so that we can manipulate the Stack Controller when the user chooses to go back to a previous page in the breadcrumb trail.
113. The RDS enables a radio listener to scan for a particular type of program without having to constantly manipulate the tuning dial.
114. Study 2 used essays to experimentally manipulate the belongingness needs of 102 undergraduate subjects and assess the importance of their favored television programs when those needs were stimulated.
115. The researchers used a custom-built microscope with an iron-coated tip to manipulate cobalt atoms on a plate of manganese.
116. Its capabilities include:data input, geographical analysis(raster, vector and site), manipulate multi—spectral images and map display.
117. THE extraordinary success of Homo sapiens is a result of four things: intelligence, language, an ability to manipulate objects dexterously in order to make tools, and co-operation.
118. Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, re-order, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes and imagines.
119. An SPE has built - in filtering, aggregating and correlating, and merging operators that manipulate windows of events.
120. Recently, researchers have shown that Dielectrophoresis (DEP) is an efficient technique to manipulate carbon nanotubes.
121. Once the appropriate credit default swap data is retrieved from the database, the application can further manipulate the data as desired.
122. On the basis of constructing laser microbeam system we manipulate hollow dielectric spheres in suspension with optical trap, it validates the kinetic performance of the laser trap.
123. Open-mindedness can often be treated as gullibility and therefore used as a tool to manipulate people's beliefs.
124. tele-immersion will allow us to manipulate holographic projections as if they were real objects.
125. The major problem of accounting earnings is accrual-based. Companies may easily manipulate it by using some non-cash items. Remember: Cash is the king!
126. But, as Cowan notes, "It's certainly exciting that there may be a way to manipulate white adipose tissue to make it something that is more metabolically active and more brown fat–like."
127. China is enough of a market economy that it cannot manipulate its real effective exchange rate.
128. If you must deal with many-megabyte XML documents, it's often impractical to spend the memory, disk space, and CPU overhead to manipulate such huge documents.
129. Conclusion Endoscope is easy to manipulate with a clear operation field, and can, therefore, be used in myringoplasty for all kinds of tympanic membrane perforations using sandwich technique.
130. In previous versions of the language, it was practically a black art to manipulate the display order (depth) of the items in a Flash movie.
131. To do anything useful, you must use the language to manipulate objects exposed by the host environment to the script language.
132. Since the data is exported from the iPod in a standardized format, it's relatively easy for other services to manipulate.
133. Key constructs in C such as structs, pointers and arrays are designed to structure, and manipulate memory in an efficient, machine-independent fashion.
134. The press barons would no longer be able to push an unrepresentative party into office or easily manipulate it once it's there.
135. Open-mindedness can often be treated as gullibility and therefore used as a tool to manipulate people's beliefs. Daschmann has stated a reason for this gullibility .
136. The Cyber Space includes enriched spiritual content of mankind rational, the levels of consist of means rational, value rational, rational of manipulate, rational of linkup etc.
137. Under what circumstances would managers have the incentive to manipulate the timing of revenue recognition? How would they do it? What risks are involved?
138. Any attempts to manipulate the economy in exploitive ways can have a large negative impact on many players.
139. The capability to manipulate high-frequency acoustic phonon generation in both temporal and spatial domains should flourish the field of nanoultrasonics.
140. I think as we are being envious, we should work even harder. We create our future, it doesn't come from luckiness, or speculate and manipulate for self-interest.
141. "It turns out we can very simply manipulate their genetics to produce fungi that induce up to a five-fold growth increase in this globally important food plant, " Sanders said.
142. Therefore, they usually have the incentives to manipulate non-taxable earnings to avoid the tax obligation of earnings management.
143. One could say (I have seen such definitions used in some textbooks on programming language theory) that a programming language is merely a way to create data types and manipulate them.
144. Beyond that their work deals with the capacity of the video medium to manipulate reality: the video's ostensibly objective documentary quality brings a fictive element in historiography to the fore.
145. Those holding power as a main or sub tone will trigger the veils to be lifted upon all others that wish to manipulate a circumstance into being other than what it is, or put on pretenses of any kind.
146. As you can see, the TDT represents an incredibly fine-grained representation of the test case, allowing you to manipulate the data in a variety of ways.
147. The simple format of the extracted configuration makes it easy to read and manipulate.
148. According to Paul Ekman, an eminent researcher on deception, duping delight "is the pleasure we get over having someone else in our control and being able to manipulate them."
149. "My long-term goal is to someday learn enough so we can manipulate the sleep pathways without damaging our health," says human geneticist Ying-Hui Fu at the University of California-San Francisco.
150. The Extended MAPI service allows full control of the information on the remote server, and includes the ability to manipulate more complex information and structures.
151. They retain considerable autonomy and power, and have a self-interested reason to manipulate economic statistics.
152. It is possible to manipulate and to introgrese target genes in crops by the selection based on molecular markers together with classical back-cross breeding method.
153. The syntax of XML makes it easy to programmatically manipulate textual data while still allowing it to be easily understood by humans.
154. And what is worse, there are severe penalties (including ban from the search engine) for keyword stuffingbecause this is considered an unethical practice that tries to manipulate search results.
155. The buffer cache buffers requests between the file systems and the block devices that they manipulate.
156. So the ability to purify, culture, and manipulate these postembryonic stem cells would provide investigators with an invaluable cell source to study cell and organ development.
157. How many times you've had to manipulate URLs to get only the file name part or the folder path?
158. Senate Democrats this week renewed their push to crack down on countries that manipulate their currencies, with China clearly in their crosshairs.
159. Together they illustrate the importance of understanding the lifecycle -- backwards, forwards, and inside out-- so that you can manipulate it when you need to.
160. One of the most powerful features of message handlers is their ability to manipulate and augment message content and message header information.
161. NASM provides a special variable (the $ and $$ variables) to manipulate the location counter.
162. The evaluating criterion of nerve root canal osteat cubage reduces manipulate error evidence and nerve root canal osculation is correlation with intervertebral disc and nerve root.
163. The audio from the tuner ("raw audio") is amplified and fed to an echo chamber, where the spirits manipulate it to form their voices .
164. Once the docutils.transforms subpackage generates a tree of nodes for a document, you can manipulate the tree in various ways.
165. The easiest - to - manipulate, built - in, signed integral type with at least N bits, including the sign bit.
166. In Object-Oriented programming (Schach, 2002), an object is a self-contained programming unit, consisting of both data and functionality to manipulate the data.
167. From here, one of their objectives is to be able to manipulate the baseband 's memory, so they can also change communication parameters.




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