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单词 Ideological
1. In ideological work, we must learn to open different locks with different keys because a method that answers with one person may not answer with another.
2. Some have minimized the importance of ideological factors.
3. We had a profound lesson in ideological education yesterday.
4. He struggled to preserve his ideological purity.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. Children's literature is an ideological battleground.
6. The party has now jettisoned its traditional ideological baggage.
7. The party is split by ideological differences.
8. He refused to be fitted into any ideological straitjacket.
9. The party is likely to divide along ideological lines.
10. Others left the party for ideological reasons.
11. The ideological make-up of the unions is now radically different from what it had been.
12. There are some fairly profound ideological disagreements within the movement.
13. In ideological work, we must learn to open different locks with different keys because a method that answers with one person may not answer ...
14. Physical and ideological barriers had come down in Eastern Europe.
15. S.-Soviet Cold War, symbols of ideological purity turned brittle.
16. We are finally facing reality without ideological blinders.
17. There are pitfalls and temptations and ideological conflicts.
18. The two political parties pursued uncompromising ideological agendas.
19. However, the ideological position is not an empty one.
20. Their ideological development should be viewed as much in terms of this harmonization as in terms of the abstract thought of isolated intellectuals.
21. The administration finds itself in an ideological cul-de-sac that will be difficult to get out of.
22. He always tries to link his study with his ideological problems.
23. The men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological, insist that big cuts are just not practical.
24. The flow of assistance to Vietnam's fragile economy from its ideological allies has virtually halted.
25. He helped me enormously with advice on how to do ideological work.
26. Foster indicates how commitment to relative autonomy of the political, ideological and economic generates accounts which look very like traditional functionalism.
27. The norms of domestic life it set forth drew a clear ideological boundary between rational members of society and the feckless.
28. In becoming routinized, however, roles and relationships carry an essential ideological function in the fact that what exists remains unquestioned.
29. By investing products with meanings from other sign systems, Williamson argues that receivers are caught up in an ideological bind.
30. The overriding priority, therefore, was to ensure that the structure of the Party should guarantee its ideological purity.
1. He always tries to link his study with his ideological problems.
2. The men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological, insist that big cuts are just not practical.
3. In ideological work, we must learn to open different locks with different keys because a method that answers with one person may not answer ...
4. He helped me enormously with advice on how to do ideological work.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
31. Liberal democracy, private life, civil rights and interest groups are all simply ideological constructs designed to pacify and mislead.
32. Many coed schools provide excellent educations, but the reasons for the movement seem to be less academic than financial and ideological.
33. In making this comment, one is merely pointing out particular ideological characteristics in hard-working, deeply religious, and committed people.
34. Some also fear that political or ideological messages benefiting business could find their way into the curriculum.
35. Indeed,[/ideological.html] it became increasingly torn apart by sectarian and ideological division.
36. As Desmond King has argued, ultimately ideological and institutional support are the best protectors of social citizenship rights.
37. These are at the individual level, at the institutional level and, unfortunately, at the ideological level.
38. Ex-combatants of an ideological struggle that had simply faded away.
39. It is important to note that the above interpretation of the ideological basis of Marxism and functionalism is debatable.
40. However, historically the highest status universities have resisted community service on ideological grounds; it threatened academic freedom.
41. Neither does this deny the possibility that local community can indeed be an ideological structure in itself.
42. Hollins will be keeping his eye on Councilman Keith Beier, his ideological nemesis and verbal sparring partner on the council dais.
43. He had been reading Lenin's Imperialism: The highest stage of capitalism, and his ideological position had hardened.
44. The significance of equality of sexes was merely advocated by ideological hardliners.
45. In complete contrast to Ybreska, Kirov was a man of deep political and ideological convictions.
46. He expressed himself in favour of ideological purity, strictly in accordance with Marx, Engels, and Lenin, and for purging members who deviate.
47. It has implied that where ideological commitments are involved a distinction may be made between relatively easy gestures and hard administrative battles.
48. But even his ideological enemies sneakingly admire his unabashed aggression, a quality rare in a city of trimmers and dissemblers.
49. The two have been close ideological and political allies since they served together in the House.
50. Inpart, this decline has been effected by the successful ideological battle waged against them by Mrs Thatcher.
51. The ideological divisions evident among people with disabilities are exploited to the full by policy-makers.
52. Now, Althusser consigns state apparatuses to political practice, and ideological state apparatuses to ideological practice.
53. An unholy alliance with other minorities to preserve ideological positions otherwise unacceptable to the electorate does not appeal as a noble enterprise.
54. The explanation is better sought in the specific social and material circumstances and their articulation with political and ideological structures.
55. The class enemy, the bourgeoisie and its allies, wielded a vast array of ideological weapons designed to mislead the proletariat.
56. But the system and rigour is the product of the peculiar institutional and ideological form that science takes.
57. Radical elite theorists regard Weberian, or organization theory, conceptions of bureaucracy as ideological.
58. It might seem that adolescents are doomed for ever to be ideological social critics.
59. It includes the overwhelming majority of the voters and is consequently more heterogeneous in its social and ideological composition.
60. The local party leaders, anxious to rock no ideological boats in the unstable times, left them alone.
61. They hewed to a narrow ideological range, disdainful of progressives on the left and Patrick Buchanan on the right.
62. Whatever one's political leanings, the threat of serious disruption from the miners, union seemed quite evidently an ideological hangover.
63. Another appointee might have seen the ideological struggle about money for the arts as politics-as-usual.
64. The slogans antagonized his customers and often got him into ideological hot water.
65. Many cultural[http://], ideological and religious interpretations of justice are divorced from the basic principles of justice. Dr T.P.Chia 
66. The Bolshevik Party was therefore especially eager to win over minds by means of cultural and ideological propaganda and education.
67. They argue that the various theories of society are based, at least inpart, on value judgments and ideological positions.
68. Both are parodies of seminal religious figures with vast and enduring ideological legacies.
69. It has all the cut and thrust of an ideological conflict.
70. We can do this by presenting societies whose ideological construction of human nature and behaviour is such as to favour peaceful coexistence.
71. In the 1630s, in particular, he presided over a fractious chapter, divided by personal and some ideological conflict.
72. Clearly though, he is more concerned with the ideological genesis and effects of punishment than with its relationship with economics.
73. Such ideological conflicts overlap traditional party lines and erode traditional party loyalties.
74. Its manner has exposed the procedural inexperience of the first full-time Soviet legislature and the ideological divisions of its 542 members.
75. The chief obstacles to Ecotopia lie in the economic, political, cultural and ideological levels.
76. The Labour Party, riven by schism and self-doubt, seemed in long-term, inexorable decline, for sociological as well as ideological reasons.
77. Can it avoid self-destruction caused by the strong ideological differences among its moderate and its more radical factions?
78. We have seen that Althusser invokes certain aspects of political and ideological practice to explain the reproduction of the relations of production.
79. Debates over inequality and development are then ultimately ideological disputes that involve political as well as economic choices.
80. Or it could preserve its ideological purity and risk losing the elections.
81. But this epistemology itself is parasitic upon other practices, which serve the same ideological function.
82. Conducting relations across an ideological divide is quite unlike dealing with a country broadly well-disposed towards one's own.
83. And yet there is no special ideological practice which gives us the idea of it.
84. Some of the critics want to foist their narrow ideological positions on him.
85. The ideological points are still there but it's hard to believe that totalitarian regimentation could be so tight.
86. In so doing they legitimated and endorsed the statusquo, and fulfilled an ideological function of agent of disguised social control.
87. There were thus political and ideological reasons for promoting this student tide, not just economic ones.
88. Both men are staunch conservatives, but of the two Lott is the more ideological and aggressive.
89. Ethnic conflict is not explained by competition for limited resources; it seems to have an ideological basis.
90. Unstable cabinet systems have been prevalent where stronger ideological differences and multiple political parties have emerged in contemporary legislatures.
91. Their measures of success are not ideological purity but profitability within their chosen sectors.
92. Some are ideological, like the promise of the good life that can be gained by staying within the law.
93. Certainly there was abundant evidence as to how the centre-left had lost its entrenched intellectual and ideological ascendancy.
94. These suggest a new general theory, accounting for economic, religious and ideological groups as well as states and nations.
94. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
95. And there emerged the era in which ideological cross-dressing often seems in fashion.
96. Franco was well aware of this, in spite of the imposition of autarchic principles for ideological reasons.
97. That they have ideological allies among Republican congressmen is not surprising.
98. Clinton also alluded to the intractable ideological divide that led to the suspension of top-level budget negotiations.
99. In an election otherwise relatively free of ideological difference, education starkly divides the parties.
100. Co-housing might seem to carry the ideological baggage of communes from decades past.
101. It will be intriguing to see how Brecht's play stands up at a time when Communism is loosening its ideological hold.
102. Financial considerations played as important a role as ideological dogmas.
103. It is important to contextualise Nizan's political and ideological development at this juncture.
104. It is a tangle of historic forces, compounded by present-day fear and pride and vexed by world ideological powers.
105. Notice, though, that the socialist case can be advanced on stronger ideological ground than ever before.
106. President Clinton, meanwhile, said there remained ideological differences between the two groups.
107. Ideological parties are usually extreme, within the context of their particular political culture.
108. Labour must reassert the ideological strength and popular appeal of the values and ideals of democratic socialism.
109. The film also brings to light the fascinating ideological battles that took place within the party.
110. One of the most important consequences of the war was the hardening of ideological and political lines between North and South.
111. Neither of the superpowers has had much interest in ideological purity.
112. This republican religion, as we shall see, was sometimes a political ally but also an ideological competitor.
113. The consequence is likely to be a House less inclined to ideological combat and more given to cranking out compromises with Clinton.
114. Here again it is a matter of ideological assumptions and the unit of study.
115. Conservative criminology is part of the ideological background of economic liberalism.
116. In 1970, Mr Pozsgay joined the Agitprop department - the party's watchdog on ideological purity and the media.
117. Once elected, the pressure group spokesman becomes a politician, whose business is compromise, not ideological purity.
118. A crude or facile narrative technique will inevitably fail to achieve the desired ideological objective.
119. Tolerance for unorthodox political expression was simply not an ideological possibility.
120. Three fundamental points must be made about his ideological make-up.
121. In an increasingly cut-throat environment, purely political, or ideological, considerations may be important, albeit secondary.
122. But the men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological, insist that big cuts are just not practical.
123. In this hostile ideological jungle, little clearings of socialist culture had to be created painfully.
124. Its appearance coincided with an economic boom and an ideological crisis.
125. The criticisms have been both technical and ideological and some of them apply just as much to the statistical correlation studies.
126. No serious ideological differences distinguish Fianna Fail, by far the stronger,[] from Fine Gael.
127. It is necessary to wage a firm ideological struggle against this revisionist current. 6.
128. Employers, by contrast, can call upon powerful ideological forces in our culture to legitimise their interests.
129. Success of the literary process becomes a measure of the balance achieved between artistic techniques and ideological functions.
130. In this way, some of the ideological constructs of colonial domination have become so naturalised that we hardly notice them.
131. It is now clear that Woodhead's ideological differences with the Government run far deeper than anyone imagined.
132. So he's in a bit of ideological bother even before he steps out of his front door.
133. An analysis and cross-cultural comparison of such circumstances would involve study of political and ideological structures rather than technologies.
134. His party is riven by personal and ideological differences and is under fire because of allegations of corruption.
135. At the same time it launched an ideological offensive launched to justify this approach to solving the crisis.
136. The recompense is meagre, but when combined with ideological enthusiasm it helps sustain a new type of local politician.
137. Evidently the attainment of an ordered world consonant with divine laws remained the ideological framework of antislavery.
138. But this piece of ideological mystification is belied by the facts.
139. Accounting function is the external aspect of the nature of accounting which depend on the accounting environment and ideological understanding level of human. It is variable.
140. In 1990, a survey of newspaper editors conducted by Washingtonian magazine rated Broder as "Best Reporter," "Hardest Working," and "Least Ideological" among more than 100 columnists.
141. How to understand and handle the relationship between pureness and impureness correctly is a philosophical, practical and ideological issue that has universal significance and deserves concern.
142. Also, our ideological and theoretical workers should always guard against self-satisfaction, narrow-minded conservatism and ignorant boasting, failings which Comrade Mao Zedong warned us against.
143. The author argues that we should use dialectical thinking to push the innovation of ideological and political work and raise the effectiveness and purposefulness.
144. So, interests are the basis of morality, the "correct understanding of interests principle" is a perspective of solving the poor validity problem in ideological and political education.
145. As a traditional method of Ideological and Political Education, Dredging Education has special functions and been lasting the life-force for a long time.
146. One of the ideological origins of Sheikh School was the integration of the Shiite ideas and Sufism in history, and later Sufism was stripped out from the mainstream Shiite thought.
147. Heart-to-heart chats are conducive to the solution of ideological problems.
148. Our country has realized the popularization of higher education in 2003 when The gross entrance rate is 17%, according to Martin Trow's ideological theory of higher education massification.
149. We'll not only analyze its style and characters of forming, but also reveal the ideological root and inevitability of being one-track, unbalanced finally, after the notion formed.
150. It is necessary to reinforce emergency ideological and political work in oil exploration industry as oil exploration activities are mostly carried out in unfrequented areas with unexpected happenings.
151. Wag of ideological and political education is unification of the load bearing and the conductivity, the intermediary and the orientation, controllability and the exhibitory features.
152. On the ideological and artistic transition of Fengzhi the poet R. M. Rilke, a German-speaking poet, exerted a decisive influence.
153. Arguably, there are more ideological differences within the party than with its rival, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which governed Japan for most of the half-century to 2009.
154. In the political sphere and the ideological and cultural fields, the conflict between freedom of expression and order is the most typical.
154. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
155. The works are suggestive of political and ideological incoherency but offer a conceptual openness depending on space, chance, and the viewers' physical and mental participations.
156. The Western Han Dynasty needed to establish its political authority, ideological authority and hierarchy of the feudal monarchism.
157. Simplism design style is the way in all areas of refining and ideological cohesion, and its simplicity, the characteristics of the abstract has been developed into a design aesthetic.
158. The ideological trend of the pluralistic theory of culture spreads far and wide at present.
159. Artistic production theory is one of Marxism ideological system ab out literary and art.
160. Taking fun to work, students rehearse for an operetta in a bucket factory, where they share the life of workers while undergoing ideological training.
161. From the state adjustment to social redistribution, it is a tortuous and clear ideological line by Prof. QI Duo-jun.
162. The first part of the Barclays extreme nominalism The Ideological Origins of doing a bit rough reviewed.
163. The studies of the axiology of political education further deepen the research of the microscopic field of the axiology of the ideological education. But the study of this field is still almost blank.
164. We should employ a combination of relevant courses and construct an all-directional pattern for ideological and political education.
165. But this was not a race riot; it included people from a range of backgrounds and ethnicities, who were without any unified ideological cause.
166. In the process, human-centered spirit should be realized and innovativeness and effectiveness of the ideological work should be reinforced.
167. The challenge before our countries was to fashion joint action despite ideological differences.
168. In de Man's opinion, language has an ideological function, so allegoric reading way of texts can also be used in ideology, which provides a new perspective for learning the essence of ideology.
169. Objective To seek the plentifulness of Zhang Ailings novels artistic form commanded by the ideological content.
170. Reinforcing the ideological morals education of youth students is an omnibearing system education project.
171. Forms like discussion, psychological play performance and students′ participation in prelection are ways of taking ideological and moral cultivation effectively.
172. Russia can make mischief, but it cannot project military and ideological power all around the world, as the Soviet Union did during the cold war.
173. Reviewing what actually took place this weekend, none of these explanations wears very well, except as indicators of their expositors' ideological blinders.
174. As an important environment for ideological and political education, family is characterized with basis, continuousness, depth and emotional advantage.
175. It entails a process involving cultural politics and ideological incommensurability, characterized by destabilizing effects that both confirm and disrupt cultural identities.
176. Now, the development of Ideological and Political Education in higher school is imperfect, one of most important reasons is that higher school lacks normative management job system.
177. In order to enhance ideological education it is of much importance to restructure a life philosophical system and to achieve the integration of ideological education with behavioral accomplishment.
178. Globalization really exists objectively, but the objectivity is inseparable from the ideological strategy of neoliberalism.
179. Its ideological origins are democratism and the doctrine of respecting human rights.
180. The achievement of the expected goal in teaching of ideological political theory has a close relationship with the educatee -the psychology and thought of the college students.
181. Chapter one introduce the artistic features and the ideological in Hamsun's works.
182. As a part of ideological culture, exchange of viewpoints on human rights must be based on self-selection and equal dialogue.
183. Instead, it is a dialectical unification of "enforceability" and "non-enforceability", and an important principle of Marxism about ideological education.
184. University history is a true record of university development. It is an important cross field of education history, academic history,[] cultural history and ideological history.
185. Margaret Thatcher of Britain and Indira Gandhi of India were vastly powerful politicians and global ideological icons as well.
186. Their mutual distrust and fear would complicate giving concrete form to their ideological hostility to us.
187. This thesis makes an attempt to research on the application of epistolary narration in this novel, and to reveal its artistic as well as ideological significance.
188. But meanwhile there exist some problems, such as the trend of departmentalization in the stand, the ideological language and mode of justifying for the existing systems.
189. I wish to discuss with people together genteelly and wish to offer reference for the higher vocational technology colleges' ideological and political education of our country in this way.
190. To solve ideological problems in the army, we also need to seek truth from facts.
191. The construction must be of pertinency and practical and creative with a fully aware of the importance of the ideological construction in minority regions.
192. At present, there are many ideological problems, both among the masses and in the Party, th at call for solution.
193. Negativist philosophy is based on ontological negation. That's why the deconstruction of Chinese history or ideological history consists of three levels of ontological negation.
194. Thatcher and Reagan could share a simple and ideologically compatible vision of the world because they had clear ideological opponents: Soviet-style communism abroad, welfare statism at home.
195. As early as Spring and Autumn Warring States period, great ideological and educator Confucius advocated Kindheartedness and filial piety.
196. This significant shift in population not only presents progressives with significant problems in terms of practical politics, but also confronts them with profound ideological challenges.
197. Blog of ideological and political education is unification of the load bearing and the conductivity, the intermediary and the orientation, controllability and the exhibitory features.
198. Will immediately talk out of a gathering, session, lecture, performance or film showing if he hears a speaker tell lies, or purvey ideological nonsense or shameless propaganda.
199. In the party's ideological and political education mode, cultivate a targe number of interested in socialist construction, made great achievements.
200. The latter contains five parts: First, give free rein to political and ideological education for reforming peasants'thoughts.
201. Through on-site survey, interviews, data access, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the ideological and moral status graduate.
202. The government had to be on the watch for any ideological trend towards bourgeois liberalization.
203. Nor, contrary to suggestions otherwise, is there any intellectual or ideological pied piper on the court.
204. Only through the combination of the two, can we improve the ideological and political work police academies to go with the times.
205. Acute social changes were reflected in the ideological sphere, and different schools of thought and philosophy emerged accordingly. These included Confucianism, Daoism, and the Legalist, etc.
206. It's of inevitable necessity to bring into line the ideological and political education of university students with the harmonious social sight and cultivate student' sense of harmony.
207. Ideological and cultural level of development must be based on the economic base.
208. In an entry statement to the organizing committee, she said that "music is a direct way to communicate with all the people without any race or ideological differences.
209. Jemaah Islamiyah means simply "Islamic Group" and the organization's ideological roots stretch back to Indonesian independence at the end of World War II.
210. This paper introduces three models the "Bottle Gourd" model, the "Twin tower" model and the "meshing" model, aiming to enhance the effect of ideological and political education.
211. This idea provides a brand new scientific management ideological system with its advanced thoughts, pragmatical methods as well as means proceeded with times.
212. As such, the biggest ideological barrier to reforming the distribution system in our country centers round the issue whether the distribution based on key production factors will cause "exploitation".
213. BBS, an important garden plot where the university students find out information, publish speech and exchange thought, becomes the new position of university ideological education.
214. Ecological discourse' can thus be seen as the most productive cultural form for generating and mobilising ideological consensus and dissentious in modern societies.
215. Grieg's life by analyzing the background, life experiences and nationalist ideological formation and development process, and the same period composer and nationalist thinkers on it.
216. Consensus is viewed as a way of lending authority to the Fed's policy decisions and also shields the central bank from political interference by papering over ideological differences.
216. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
217. They should often use criticism and self-criticism as a weapon in waging active ideological struggles and adhere to truth while rectifying mistakes.
218. But under the veil of witchcraft, old folk-custom are agreed with major ideological trend that nowadays recommends-Idea that life-form get along harmonious, psychotherapy and early medical idea.
219. In the period when Mao Tsetung reflected on the Cultural Revolution, he demanded the whole party to study Marxism, especially Marxist philosophy and he had factually identified the ideological reason.
220. Accompanied by the development of science and technology has been the regular change of ideological trends.




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