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单词 Secular
1) We live in an increasingly secular society, in which religion has less and less influence on our daily lives.
2) We live in an increasingly secular society.
3) We live in a largely secular society.
4) The church can only go so far in secular matters.
5) He spoke about preserving the country as a secular state.
6) Secular remains of Gothic architecture in Czechoslovakia are fewer.
7) His sop to secular society is full of contradictions.
8) This is largely absent in today's secular society.
9) The crown also gave a lead in secular architecture.
10) Nor was Wilkins a layman championing a secular cause.
11) By this I mean the secular humanism that has allowed the flowering of civil society in the West.
12) In regard to the wealth of individual secular priests we are on firmer ground.
13) The delights of a secular society seem so appealing; technology appears to deliver the goods.
14) Today,[http:///secular.html] there are many religious and secular beliefs open to us.
15) After all, in a secular age when religious rituals have lost meaning for many, the grieving still need comfort.
16) The world has been secularizing at the expense of organized religion. The increase of secular people, including atheists, agnostics and freethinkers, represents a great challenge to the God-based religion. Dr T.P.Chia 
17) Atheists and secular people are more liberal and less prejudiced and dogmatic, whereas theists and religious people are more conservative and less rational and tolerant. Dr T.P.Chia 
18) Cardinal Daly has said that churches should not be used for profane or secular purposes.
19) It began as a religious organization, but these days it is purely secular.
20) Robed choirs are in decline in New Zealand, although smartly dressed secular choirs are to be seen on television.
21) This has sometimes led to disputes between religious and secular clergy, between orders and bishops.
22) Sociology in the final analysis existed to provide a theoretical basis for socialism and secular education which were its practice.
23) Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia 
24) The priest, Gleb Yakunin, long has been a vocal critic and irritant to secular as well as religious authorities.
25) The Sangh has put Congress on the defensive by forcing it to dilute its secular tradition.
26) Lay officers were more dependent on the rewards of their secular offices to provide for themselves and for their families.
27) The problem of wife abuse is not one of feminism, secular humanism or a lack of headship in the home.
28) They heard accusations that his manner of life in public and private affairs was secular.
29) The values that nurtured it were hierarchical, not popular; the authority on which it relied was sacral, not secular.
30) During the midday meal the older children read edifying passages chosen by Nicholas from religious or secular history.
1) We live in an increasingly secular society, in which religion has less and less influence on our daily lives.
2) Cardinal Daly has said that churches should not be used for profane or secular purposes.
3) It began as a religious organization, but these days it is purely secular.
31) This latter was a secular convent which always had a lady of the Habsburg family as abbess.
32) These musicians were less secular stars than quasi-religious figures, and their fans often referred to them with godly reverence.
33) Ciller and the other secular party leaders are negotiating to form a coalition without Refah.
34) I suggest that it is humanism - both religious and secular - that is the dominant philosophical adversary.
35) The basis was laid for the flowering of secular literature in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century.
36) Originally, chamber music meant secular music, or that of the court as distinct from that of the Church.
37) Extremism and fanaticism - religious or secular - are the fountain of injustice and immorality. Dr T.P.Chia 
38) Further, it addressed other secular matters relating specifically to the political situation following the fall of Brunhild.
39) The idea of secular power in itself meant little before the propagandists of the eleventh-century papal reform mounted their assault on it.
40) Sezer shares the military's belief in republican and secular values.
41) The solution might well be an ecumenical link, or a secular organisation where we could bring a spiritual dimension.
42) A further complication is the possibility of secular drift, i.e. prevalence changing with the passage of historical time.
43) The earthly commonwealth being a reflection of the divine, secular power was therefore subordinate to spiritual.
44) They have joined the great army of moderns who view the land above the sacred / secular divide with scepticism.
45) The interest in classical letters and Platonic philosophy led eventually to the establishment of secular education built on humanist values.
46) Yet the irreligious Jinnah wanted two religious states, while the religious Gandhi would countenance only a united secular state.
47) He curbed the tribal chiefs and imposed a secular legal code.
48) Nevertheless, real estate developers passionately promoted moving to Los Angeles as the secular equivalent of being born again.
49) The secular temper of the times, however, ensured that the more extreme theories connected with evolution continued to gain ground.
50) The mullahs were no better at curing characteristic third world socio-economic ills than the secular regimes they despised.
51) This could be compared with an estimate of the same prevalence from some previous survey to give a measure of secular change.
52) The church-ales provided competition for the secular supply of beverages from the taverns and alehouses.
53) Those seeking state funding should have to pledge themselves not to teach intolerance or disrespect for secular law.
54) Taken together, these changes represented a decisive shift in favour of the secular power.
55) While the threat of wholesale destruction failed to materialize, the cathedrals were turned over to a variety of secular uses.
56) Whether he ever contemplated replacing the monks by secular canons, we do not know.
57) By 1926, however, the secular beauty had become distinctly secondary.
58) They are accused of inspiring the murders of secular intellectuals in the 1990s, but they deny this.
59) Poverty, injustice and other secular problems are, therefore, seen as being the result of exploitation by world capitalist powers.
60) The status of the golf pro was elevated from serfdom to secular divinity in 20 years.
61) For a supposedly religious ceremony there is a very secular feel about the whole affair.
62) He is adamant that any open manifestation of religious or cultural identity at school goes against the principles of secular state education.
63) Belief - secular or religious - could deceive you if your are not careful. Dr T.P.Chia 
64) The movie invites comparison to numerous secular films and, more often than not, it suffers from the resulting deja vu.
65) There is no indication that Wilfrid exercised any influence on Caedwalla's secular and military activities.
66) It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holiday All Saints' Day[sentencedict .com], but is today largely a secular celebration.
67) The problem with any generalisation is that it generally misrepresents. That said, we should also be mindful not to generalise all secular humanists to be equally intolerant of all religions.
68) There are even a few secular historians who believe that Jesus' body was eaten by dogs, and that his acolytes fabricated the story of a reverential entombment as a sort of coping mechanism.
69) But the survey also finds that the unaffiliated population is quite diverse and that it is simply not accurate to describe this entire group as nonreligious or "secular."
70) Though originally a Catholic holy day, St. Patrick's Day has evolved into more of a secular holiday.
71) A - Hamas, or Islamic Resistance Movement, believes Palestinians must use force of arms in their struggle with Israel. Fatah is largely secular and has pursued negotiations with Israel.
72) In Asia it was a bit of both. [The region] is enjoying buoyant secular growth and has not been hit so hard by cyclical downturn.
73) The nominalism of days past is now in a hostile, secular environment.
74) If the market does fall, it will be a correction in an upward secular trend, " he adds."
75) The religious right now feels emboldened by the impassiveness of secular parties and the state: no one who threatened to kill Taseer and other like-minded politicians has been arrested.
76) Proponents say face-covering veils don't square with the French ideal of women's equality or its secular tradition.
77) The secular, left-of-center party, led by Sheik Hasina, captured about 230 of the parliament's 300 seats.
78) NAND is a great growth industry this year, and it's also a secular growth market in memory.
79) In the Buddhism idea of six metempsychosis , preexistence hatred was achieved in the secular, while the revenger may change to some animals.
80) Conclusion The secular growth change of children is closely related is social economics.
81) The idea of theocracy of 'Power of King from God 'endowed the secular power with sanctitude and simultaneously the bondage which had never been given.
82) Part VII elucidates the secular trend in the International Gothic Style in Italy.
83) However, it should not be neglected that its cognitive mode—Separation of Heaven and Man—and secular humanism as well, have brought negative effect to human civilization.
84) Some people say the world calls mature was in fact the secular ambiguity, to belong to their original angle arris grinding into a round, real maturity is a kind of self characteristic and value.
85) The prevalent formula for nonzero perturbation matrix in the secular equation is gained by the perturbation theory in degenerate state and property of spherical harmonics function.
86) There is, then, good reason to believe the general validity of official price data for the Qing so far as the secular trend is concerned.
87) Even if the demand for accountants or computer programmers is rising on a secular trend, there will be failing firms that fire accountants and programmers.
88) According to the perturbation theory, a distribution law of matrix element in secular equation is discovered in degenerate state and wave function property of the hydrogen atom.
89) Secular change, and the physics and metaphysics of constant flux are accommodated in these two pulses.
90) Long-run equilibrium demands that the net balance on goods and services becomes zero over the secular time period.
91) Secular trend is the value of the variable tends to increase or decrease over a long period of time.
92) The Standards of Skeletal Maturity of Hand and Wrist for Chinese-China 05. III. The Secular Trend of Skeletal Development in Chinese Children.
93) Since the 17th Century, the original 'function and value' in motet was substituted gradually by numerous newly rising secular genres, as a result, it went down as an individual type.
94) Conclusion. This study demonstrates a secular trend in the opening of the sacral canal in both sexes that occurred within 2 generations.
95) The party seeks to establish Islamic Shariah laws in Bangladesh, a Muslim-majority nation governed by liberal secular laws.
96) The basic contents of this secular meaning are made up of theories of ecology such as view of integration, of selflessness, of life, of mercifulness and of clean land.
97) This is the most challengeable response to the secular tide.
98) Your secular career is valid, but should be seen primarily in light of its strategic evangelistic value.
99) The Church has no part in what secular arm may see fit to do.
100) In front of spiritual homeland, your any thread of falter, could let you lose precious inwardness, and place yourself in the temptation of the secular world.
101) It is interesting and significant that the American Mullahs consistently identify "secular humanism" as the chief corruption of modern society.
102) The analysis of mathematics and mechanism show that this low pass digital filter is very important and effective for determining the secular trend of RSL, and eliminate high frequency impacts.
103) In contrast, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which shares the same theology and ideology as Hamas but lacks a social-service-provision network, is no more lethal than the secular nationalist groups.
104) Away with these self-loving lads (John Dowland). Secular. Lute song. Lute.
105) And an increasing secular trend was observed both in urban and rural areas.
106) Turkey's constitutional court has begun hearing a case calling for the ruling Justice and Development Party to be shut down on the charge of undermining the secular state.
107) A.C. Grayling, a British philosopher and professor, has written more than 20 books on philosophy, religion and reason, including Against All Gods and The Good Book: A Secular Bible.
108) When Muslim education in Britain makes news, it mostly concerns the handful of children who attend schools that are formally Islamic, although the secular compromise at Palfrey Junior is far commoner.
109) To the chagrin of her secular parents, she embraced Orthodox Judaism.
110) He literally said, if I had a Kalashnikov, I would kill this (secular) filmmaker.
111) Cross-fertilisation between cultures and religions did, of course, take place, often despite the efforts of secular and religious leaders to stop it, or to ensure that influence only flowed one way.
112) But it left unclear whether the country would be a secular democracy, with equal rights for all, or an Islamic state with Islamic law.
113) It was akin to taking holy orders, but the school—St. John's College—had been secular for three hundred years.
114) As Scoones agrees, a vital component of their success has been the sense of awe they inspire, which is a vanishingly rare commodity in the secular, postmodern world.
115) First is the relationship between the Islamic religion and the state that Mustafa Kemal Ataturk founded in 1923 and whose secular nature the army has protected ever since.
116) Bosch also invented genre painting: he was the first painter, not just in the Netherlands but also in the world, to actually paint secular stories.
117) Casualness translates into a more secular sort of leadership, which is why people who don't like him here talk about the Americanization of France.
118) Today's accusations of unnaturalness, and even of playing God, are likely to come from a secular perspective that has merely replaced God with a reified nature.
119) Answer: It's only short-lived, used to blind the eyes of the secular, there is nothing more beautiful than a pure loving heart, I give it to every woman, but some ones' dust-covered.
120) In Salerno, there was a famous school of medicine, and at Bologna a law school. These were secular institutions.
121) The WSQ-1 Type Automatic Recording Water-Tube Tiltmenter is designed for continuous recording of secular ground tilt and earth tide observation.
122) Secular Humanism has emerged as the dominant faith of the elite.
123) Discontent with this secular tendency, Russian philosophy relives the theme of religiousness of philosophy, which is embodied not only by its problem awareness but also its unique method.
124) While the Republic of India has adopted the Gregorian calendar for its secular life, its Hindu religious life continues to be governed by the traditional Hindu calendar.
125) But as diet and health improved, children and adolescents have, on average, increased in height by about an inch and a half every 20 years, a pattern known as the secular trend in height.
126) That is why the secular trend in China-India relations is positive.
126) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
127) The Pythagorean doctrine that one soul can not only transmigrate from man to man, from man to beast, but also indifferently to plants, serves as the basis for the soul's secular progress.
128) Though Padre Pio would have preferred to suffer in secret, by early 1919, news about the stigmatic friar began to spread in the secular world.
129) Thomas Becket, the archbishop who for years had very publicly stood for the privilege of the church against the secular power of the state, had been publicly killed by agents of that state.
130) The secular influence of solar mass-loss on the orbital elements of meteor steams is examined by using the method of celestial mechanics of variable mass in this paper.
131) The Book of Lights traces the spiritual quest of two rabbis, Gershon Loran and Arthur Leiden, through their seminary studies and separate paths in the secular world.
132) The temporal variation of it has secular change, seasonal variation, irregular variation, and other scales variation.
133) In other words , there's no question in my mind that there's been a secular change.
134) It also remained overweight on information technology, a sector it said provides investors with "reasonable valuations, cyclical recovery benefits and some powerful secular forces," said Kedwell.
135) The secular talk of the worldly-minded was galling to me, and I would look wistfully to the day when my own beloved companions would come.
136) He is anti-feminist and thinks women should be discouraged from pursuing higher education; but he favours a "secular" society, supports abortion and declares himself pro-gay.
137) The normal equation of linear regression is used to calculate the effects of high frequency components on the determination of secular trend of relative sea level(RSL).
138) Man is always the main contradiction, often in hesitation and longing puzzled, sandwiched a one-way street, the secular, also cannot go back.
139) This character, together with the secular modernity, enlightening modernity, reflectional modernity and aesthetic modernity, constitute the multiple aspects of modernity.
140) Fiercely secular, John Quincy Adams took his oath on a book of laws containing the U.S. Constitution.
141) But the same did not hold true of secular communes, where the oldest was 40.
142) The harmony of secular music, innovations of religious music and the development of music forms and theories greatly influenced music of later ages.
143) They support the protests as a secular reaction to the Khomeini revolution, as the first step towards a new liberal-democratic Iran freed from Muslim fundamentalism.
144) It never lost entirely its original character as an insurgent movement, independent of the state and hostile to it, making claims that challenge the secular authority.
145) As a secular living manner as well as a pursuit of aesthetic judgment on arts, dandyism typically reflects the aesthetic nature of modern culture.
146) And this was largely a secular, a less religious movement that focused on the Palestinian identity, nationalizing the conflict, making it national.
147) The normal equation of linear regression is used to calculate effects of high frequency components on determination of secular trend of relative sea level (RSL).
148) Parents take their families on trips to national parks as secular pilgrimages -- to become familiar with national landmarks that enshrine the values, ideals, and origins of our nation.
149) In Israel's early life Zionism was a mainly secular movement and the dominant force on the other side was a secular Arab nationalism.
150) The problem of achieving stable reliability analysis of piezoelectric trusses with random parameters was studied on the basis of the finite element analysis method and stable secular equation.
151) The tidal solutions obtained from SLR and satellite altimetry are used to compute the secular changes in the Moon's orbit elements and the Earth rotation rate in the ecliptic reference system.
152) Secular, it opposed deification of any kind, including of a leader like Mao Zedong.
153) It can take a secular form, take a Christian form, Judaic form, Hindu Form, with Gandhi and so forth.
154) Of course, some passages are obscure or anachronistic. But many of the sayings attributed to Confucius breathe a remarkably fresh secular humanism.




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