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单词 Instinct
1) His first instinct was to run away from danger.
2) Migrating birds and fish have a strong homing instinct.
3) She has an unerring instinct for people's weak spots.
4) Instinct led the pigeons back to the roost.
5) The players lacked the killer instinct.
6) Suckling is an instinct in mammals.
7) Animals have a natural instinct for survival.
8) Birds learn to fly by instinct.
9) We sometimes act on instinct.
10) Few ministers have the nous or the instinct required to understand the ramifications.
11) Both superpowers shared the same instinct for self - preservation.
12) It is a primitive instinct to flee a place of danger.
13) I acted purely on instinct.
14) Birds have the instinct to learn to fly.
15) He lacked the common instinct for survival.
16) Gardiner is simply trusting to instinct and experience.
17) Many birds have a remarkable homing instinct .
18) She had little maternal instinct.
19) His first instinct was to rush back to Isobel.
20) She seems to have a strong maternal instinct .
21) Babies know by instinct who their mother is.
22) She nicked her instinct not to fight with him.
23) Every woman has maternal instinct.
24) It was my natural instinct to defend myself.
25) His first instinct was to run away.
26) The wise are instructed by reason; ordinary minds, by experience; the stupid, by necessity; and brutes,(http:///instinct.html) by instinct. 
27) He quit the sport when he realised he didn't have the killer instinct.
28) Humans, he argues, are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct for survival.
29) Life is like music. It must be composed by ear, feeling and instinct, not by rule.
30) He has managed to find a response to each new political development that chimes in with most Germans' instinct.
1) His first instinct was to run away from danger.
2) Migrating birds and fish have a strong homing instinct.
3) She has an unerring instinct for people's weak spots.
4) The players lacked the killer instinct.
5) Animals have a natural instinct for survival.
6) Birds learn to fly by instinct.
7) We sometimes act on instinct.
8) He quit the sport when he realised he didn't have the killer instinct.
9) Few ministers have the nous or the instinct required to understand the ramifications.
10) Both superpowers shared the same instinct for self - preservation.
11) Humans, he argues, are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct for survival.
12) It is a primitive instinct to flee a place of danger.
13) He has managed to find a response to each new political development that chimes in with most Germans' instinct.
14) She had little maternal instinct.
15) Every woman has maternal instinct.
16) We all have a strong survival instinct.
31) Her instinct told her that something was wrong.
32) My first instinct was to hit the dirt.
33) Horses have a well-developed instinct for fear.
34) Young players these days lack the killer instinct.
35) He should have let his instinct guide him.
36) Sharks have the killer instinct.
37) Instinct is not always a good guide.
38) Her instinct told her that she was being followed.
39) We all have a strong survival instinct.
40) Birds build nests by instinct.
41) At such times you have to trust to instinct.
42) He plays well but still lacks the killer instinct.
43) The nesting instinct is proper to birds.
44) He always knew what time it was, as if by instinct.
45) He plays well but lacks that killer instinct that wins matches.
46) He had an unerring instinct for when people were lying to him.
47) I blame myself and will never be able to trust my instinct again.
48) I didn't have as strong a maternal instinct as some other mothers.
49) He seems so honest and genuine and my every instinct says he's not.
50) What makes all these people come to the club? In my view it's the herd instinct.
51) In negotiating you have to develop an instinct for when to be tough and when to make a deal.
52) It was plain old-fashioned instinct, the gut feeling that something was wrong.
53) Cruelty and the fighting instinct have not yet been bred out of the human species.
54) Farmers are increasingly losing touch with their instinct for managing the land.
55) The wish to impose order upon confusion is a kind of intellectual instinct.
56) She had an unerring instinct for a good business deal.
57) It is instinct that tells the birds when to begin their migration.
58) It was his instinct for self-preservation that led him to abandon his former friends and transfer his allegiance to the new rulers.
59) When necessary, instinct is the most reliable resource you can fall back on.
60) Children do not know by instinct the difference between right and wrong.
61) Freud postulated that we all have a death instinct as well as a life instinct.
62) The sight of the helpless little boy aroused her maternal instinct.
63) My first instinct was to refuse, but later I reconsidered.
64) Then the pigeons flew into thick fog, and the famous homing instinct failed.
65) Some scientists thought that fight between the male animals headed up from their instinct.
66) Even at school, he showed he had an instinct for business.
67) When I saw the flames I acted on instinct and threw a blanket over them.
68) Pfeiffer was expected to be cast alongside Douglas in Basic Instinct.
69) I should've gone with my first instinct, which was not to do the interview.
70) He's got an instinct for survival in a tough job.
71) In my view, it's the herd instinct.
72) But Imelda Finnegan was astute, strong in instinct.
73) Our first instinct was to hit the dirt.
74) But this instinct increasingly leads to failure.
75) Pity probably, and an over-developed maternal instinct.
76) This, then, is what is meant by instinct.
77) Their purpose was supplanted by instinct.
78) Birds have an instinct to build nests.
79) I was whipped on against every natural instinct.
80) Our firm nurtures the killer instinct.
81) I was playing by pure instinct.
82) My immediate instinct for humor hid my own discomfort.
83) They had reached her door, and instinct took over.
84) But there is a herd instinct.
85) My first instinct was to lie about it.
86) A cat's natural instinct is to chase birds.
87) The resurgence of deathless poetic instinct did that.
88) I have a protective instinct toward you.
89) The natural instinct was to scuttle for shelter.
90) A strong maternal instinct takes over.
91) The other difficulty is I have precious little instinct for business ventures.
92) Further, to hear what one approves serves the evangelizing instinct.
93) However, it would be a mistake to assume that the behaviour of insects is based solely on instinct.
94) The rest of the first-half saw Rangers produce several good moves, but the killer instinct was lacking.
95) Although those great animals have gone, they followed the same rules of instinct and habit as did their descendants.
96) As my brother asked that question, the telephone rang and some instinct told me the call was for me.
97) It was instinct as much as rational decision - thought was still far beyond me.
98) It's a tremendous responsibility, and challenges all your skills and training, but it also depends a lot on gut instinct.
99) Porras found an astute ally in newly elected President Alvaro Arzu, a pragmatic businessman with an instinct for building consensus.
100) Acting on instinct, he decided to make their debut album something better than the usual cash-in of the time.
101) However, it is something for which one develops an instinct, or feel, over the years.
102) The staff member who received the flowers on this occasion did what she did through pure interest and gut instinct.
103) He seems to have had the strongest instinct for cover.
104) I nearly replied, but I shut my mouth instead, trusting some other instinct.
105) It was illogical, but she had a premonition that Officer Hassan's instinct would prove correct.
106) But human ingenuity and intelligence, plus what may amount to an instinct for symbolism, comes to the rescue.
107) Their subtle energetic matrix, their inward patterning, their instinct, is that of water.
108) Mentally or instinctively he is looking for the pattern and his antennae are an outward expression of that inward instinct.
109) Jobs ran on instinct and charisma, and was kept at arms length by those who really ran Apple.
110) For me, drawing, designing, although coming from a very natural instinct, never has an esthetic finality.
111) So deeply ingrained is our instinct to search for a pattern that we refuse to accept any input as genuinely random.
112) He couldn't ignore his gut instinct, which had never failed him yet.
113) Onyx notably lacked inclination for housework, not to mention motherly instinct.
114) Politicians rarely change sides unless their instinct is purely one of self-preservation, human personalities remain predictably the same.
115) Survival instinct told me to get up and run; manners proved stronger.
116) Cats merely have the instinct not to give the game away by revealing all that they are aware of.
117) What all clients have in common is a gnawing desire to make a quick profit, and a likely fatal gambling instinct.
118) His central argument is that the root cause of our modern ills is the frustration of the human creative instinct.
119) He liked making and mending, had a marked instinct for understanding things mechanical.
120) San Diego is populated by folks whose natural instinct is to take to the beach, not to the streets.
121) He must, in any event, have felt that the pressures were foreclosing the issue against his original instinct.
122) Gradually she straightened, gathered the parcel to her as though her instinct to protect it somehow protected her too.
123) Guys who have grown up on a ranch know almost by instinct what needs to be done to keep it running.
124) It is, after all, a basic instinct to keep oneself clean and to eat.
125) If nothing else, the Hart provided a forceful illustration of the homing instinct.
126) Experience told him that a woman's natural instinct was to defend herself rather than to hurt the attacker.
127) In coming here, he was actually following psychic instinct, an indefinable but insinuating impulse to visit the court of Voronov-Vaux.
128) The paratenic host is also of considerable significance because of the strong hunting instinct of cats.
129) Almost by instinct, he knew when to yield and what to require in return.
130) It is a natural inclination and instinct to want our effort recognised and appreciated.
131) My instinct was to assume that she was playing a vicious joke.
132) In one way or another, whatever happened, instinct told him that they would both survive.
133) Primaflora appeared in the doorway behind him and by instinct, it seemed, he knew it and turned round.
134) See them nose the long coastline in a glide of perfected instinct.
135) I feel certain the purpose of the slimness stems from the natural instinct to shoal in a compact body.
136) He judged his risks; he had an extraordinary survival instinct.
137) The development of pub retailing has shown a corrective instinct for seeking to set a purpose built business in the right location.
138) Yet subsequent projects revealed an almost unerring instinct for commercial blackspots.
139) The instinct of Eva's husband, Bee, is to tone down the services and comply with the law.
140) Whatever else he might be, instinct told her Nicolo Sabatini was not a man to force himself on a woman.
141) I was terrified. I was just working on instinct and trying to survive.
142) They would think her maternal instinct outraged at the extraction of her child?
143) Both super-powers shared the instinct for self-preservation and negotiated continuously in search of credible systems of nuclear deterrents.
144) The Prime Minister's gut instinct is to secure a private sector future for the Tube.
145) He had played football in college and claimed he had an instinct for battle.
146) Deep in his sick brain his survival instinct warned him his injury was serious.
147) Other scholars heard that he was unwell and sent him notes made remote by their instinct that his straits must mortify him.
148) He remembered clearly that Murray had asked if he had any mail, and his instinct was to tell the truth.
149) Life is like music, it must be composed by ear, feeling and instinct, not by rule. Samuel Butler 
150) Yet whether lean times or creative instinct drive customers to second-hand shops, they remain a valuable option.
151) Snowden's close reasoning and unerring instinct for words were allied with Maxton's humour and Churchill's daring.
152) They would have done by instinct everything the critics say the steel companies did not do.
153) Instinct told her that he was planning something for her and it might not be to her liking.
154) He looked over to the childlike form on his bed and felt a protective instinct so strong he almost wept.
155) By an effort of courage against all instinct, Hazel forced himself forward into the gap, with Fiver following.
156) His instinct for identifying photographs that would seize the public's attention earned him the awed respect of professionals.
157) Trust the instinct to the end, though you can render no reason. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
158) That instinct which is said to restrain other animals from killing and devouring their own species we need not attribute to him.
159) In fact, its sense organs and body are only an outward expression of this inward patterning, which we call instinct.
160) Play instinct is redirected into working ability and willingness to perform tasks.
161) Women, it would seem, should be governed by some biological instinct that prevents them from inflicting harm.
162) They rode slowly to avoid splashing, although the horses' instinct clearly was to hurry over.
163) His instinct was aggressive in all respects, especially in the fielding.
164) It's a curious superstition, the universal instinct to cover up the recently dead.
165) The vulture instinct would make him acutely observant for any signs of imminent cerebral haemorrhage in the actor.
166) It seems to me that the Cabinet has an obsessively self-protective herd instinct which could be its undoing.
167) Hussein's craving for the limelight is second only to his survival instinct.
168) It would be highly dangerous if we had the choice of tampering with instinct.
169) Now in every human being there is a built-in human instinct system, without which we should not even come to birth.
170) Some instinct told her that only the truth could save them now; that the time for evasions was over.
171) This team is still trying to find a killer instinct.
172) Instinct has become unfashionable because of its association with an erroneous theory of development.
173) Her theory is that baby has a healthy survival instinct and is unlikely to attempt anything really dangerous.
174) In some cases this instinct might be explained as reflecting the unworkability or inefficiency of a particular checkerboard solution.
175) For example, President Clinton, as is his instinct, has occasionally offered the prospect of flexibility in the talks.
176) I have stood many times outside her window at night, struggle with my instinct in the pale moonlight.
177) The maternal instinct can't be dumped, even when you've got rid of your baby.
178) Obsessed with precautions, obedient to instinct, comrades described him as almost a wild animal.
179) A killer instinct required to spoil a tearful bon voyage party for a beloved figure.
180) We are fortunate that the super-power that remains has no instinct or appetite for dominating the world by oppression and force.
181) Some buried instinct told her that this was not the fitting end ... But what did she want?
182) Logic argued the case for this theory, but instinct rejected it.
183) It seems so cruel that I did not know by instinct when the blow fell on two hearts so close to mine!
184) He advocates the instinct, the imagination, the unconsciousness, by means of the intelligence which he esteems so far beneath them ....
185) Something - that same gut instinct that made her get his address alerted her.
186) Oh, and always trust your instinct in the auction room.
187) But there needed to be some character there, some instinct for self-preservation, a degree of imagination too.
188) And Lily's instinct for the winning side soon tempered her attitude to the new mistress.
189) Although it is a by-product of the survival instinct, this empathy is genuine.
190) He battles with what we know so well-the powerful human instinct to preserve ourselves and avoid pain or conflict.
191) But it is all within the basic framework of that creature's subtle and physical structure, within the bounds of instinct.
192) His first instinct was to pad on back to his room.
193) Beneath Lais's brittle facade there was a childlike quality that brought out the protective instinct in him.
194) And it is our experience that successful entrepreneurs quickly develop a finely tuned instinct for investing their time in high-profit opportunities.
195) Eventually, when the chicks are about 10 weeks old, instinct kicks in.
196) Her instinct told her she should not be talking but she could not stop.
197) Almost blind in the shallow muddy water, it is swimming by instinct, following the deepest sand channels.
198) A gut-level fear reaction that comes out of a basic survival instinct and which operates independently of the intellect.
199) It was a peculiar form of lateral thinking, inspired by instinct.
200) Love isn't an emotion or an instinct - it's an art. Mae West 
201) Reagan resorted to the personal touch as a matter of instinct and long practice.
202) An instinct involves not only the impulse to do something, but also specific instructions on how to do it.
203) I don't know if it was maternal instinct or what, but I just knew my baby would be okay.
204) This paper aims to study how the instinct for least effort affects the choice of language, and shows that the urgency of an emergency situation causes us to speak with minimum effort.
205) But disreputable , illiterate and ignorant though he was, Fegelein seems to have been possessed of a simon-pure instinct for survival.
205) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
206) The instinct intellection and abstract intellection exist in the human_based controlling procedure, the instinct intellection is the main intellection.
207) It's a silent means of one-way communication derived from the instinct to impress and catch attention.
208) For all one knows that demon is simply the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention.
209) Death instinct generates attack, destroy, war, and other wrack and ruin behavior.
210) A sexually driven humanity retained the instinct of pugnacity as part of what it meant to be huaman.
211) Risa immediately showed up at the window and Shunsui told her that she shouldn't be eavesdropping on Captains meetings. She protested that its human instinct to want to know what is hidden from them.
212) We are logically thinking animals, so it only matters that much more that we try to be moral and not completely act on instinct .
213) We are thinking animals, so it only matters that much more that we try to be moral and not completely act on instinct .
214) You aren't just back seat driving when you constrain an expert to rules, you are invalidating their hard-won instinct and intuition.
215) Some people have instincts to be a pianist or a mathematician - I have an instinct for wildlife.
216) Sex is the basic instinct, and with the beatified concept, here comes love.
217) The Chuang Wei smiles unusually flirtatiously and kissed close Yang Tian's lips, "etc. you to can make 200 Fus prevaricate to assist of time, I assist your instinct."
218) The need for financial security goes beyond mere luxury. It is in consonance with our instinct for survival.
219) Mixed with hardcore, Metal, Indie, Acid, progressive rock and noise, the Cyberne's music is somewhat pioneer but simple, emphasizing original beat and animal brutal instinct.
220) S ·Freud put forward "sex instinct" gay principle, cut human spirit into ego , self and super-ego.
221) In fact, it is the death instinct in the form of the imbalance between id, ego and superego that drives Gallimard to his final suicide.
222) Belief in feeling, instinct, or other nonrational forces rather than reason.
223) Crime were rooted in the animality of human nature, that is human instinct.sentence dictionary
224) It is a final return to the flux through suprarational reflection rather than through instinct, and it captures the meaning and direction of the flux.
225) The komondor is a powerful dog breed which as a natural guardian instinct to guard livestock and other property.
226) For all one knows that demon is the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention.
227) In captivity the Syrian Hamster's solitary instinct prevails and once mature it will not normally accept the company of another hamster.
228) Externally, your main consideration seems to be acquiring wealth and satisfying your pleasure-seeking instinct.
229) Can it be that the sharks are lovers of beauty?Do they take pity on these young ladies and lose their meat-eating instinct?
230) He cites as a perfect example the scene in Basic Instinct where Sharon Stone is brought to the cop station for questioning and winds up flashing everyone a glimpse of her Lesser Antilles.
231) In his fictions, the destiny is represented by the mysterious nature, the decidability and comeuppance, contingency and coincidence, instinct and desire.
232) We humans are a very, very death phobic species. We will do almost anything to avoid the pain that acts based on the thanatos instinct can bring.
233) You have an instinct for technologies and techniques, and you love trying things out.




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