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单词 Intimate
1 He has an intimate knowledge of American literature.
2 We're not on intimate terms with our neighbours.
3 The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere.
4 He is my intimate friend.
5 She has an intimate knowledge of the Asian market.
6 Speaking in silence is the most intimate communication two beings can achieve.
7 I discussed with my intimate friends whether I would immediately have a baby.
8 She complained that intimate aspects of her personal life had been made public property.
9 The collection has been moved from its intimate setting to the British Museum.
10 I can't tell them my intimate thoughts.
11 An intimate friendship grew up between them.
12 He was intimate with her.
13 Their intimate conversation made me feel de trop.
14 The cafe has an intimate but buzzy atmosphere.
15 She was accused of being intimate with several men.
16 The diary contains intimate details of their life together.
17 I have long been intimate with him.
18 The article revealed intimate details about his family life.
19 The virus can only be transmitted through intimate contact.
20 This is an intimate knowledge of African religions.
21 He's become very intimate with an actress.
22 He was a wartime minister and intimate of Churchill.
23 Both felt that they had become very intimate.
24 Upstairs is a more intimate bar where guests can relax in comfort.
25 He knew an intimate little bar where they would not be disturbed.
26 He wrote about the intimate details of his family life.
27 Both of them felt that they had become very intimate.
28 With room for only 200 people,() this is the most intimate venue the band has played for years.
29 I am very delighted to hear you have successfully passed the high school certificate examination.As one of your intimate friends,I feel very proud of you and have a smack of your happiness.
30 The president spurned the tight security surrounding him and adopted a more intimate style of campaigning.
1 He has an intimate knowledge of American literature.
2 We're not on intimate terms with our neighbours.
3 The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere.
4 She has an intimate knowledge of the Asian market.
5 Both of them felt that they had become very intimate.
6 I discussed with my intimate friends whether I would immediately have a baby.
7 With room for only 200 people, this is the most intimate venue the band has played for years.
8 She complained that intimate aspects of her personal life had been made public property.
9 The collection has been moved from its intimate setting to the British Museum.
10 I can't tell them my intimate thoughts.
11 An intimate friendship grew up between them.
12 He was intimate with her.
13 I have long been intimate with him.
14 This is an intimate knowledge of African religions.
15 Both felt that they had become very intimate.
16 He is my intimate.
31 Mr Black went for the jugular, asking intimate sexual questions.
32 He is my intimate.
33 I had no idea that you and he were on such intimate terms .
34 Do you believe these two intimate friends used to be mutual sworn enemies?
35 I've had many friendships, but never such an intimate one.
36 As Downing claims, and as we noted above, reading is best established when the child has an intimate knowledge of the language.
37 He surprised me with his intimate knowledge of Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer.
38 He went on to intimate that he was indeed contemplating a shake-up of the company.
39 She's on intimate terms with important people in the government.
40 She has an intimate knowledge of Tuscany, where she has lived for twenty years.
41 She didn't mind seeing him in a group but an intimate dinner in a restaurant was another matter altogether.
42 We're not exactly on intimate terms, but we see each other fairly often.
43 Minna, she and I are not intimate.
44 The Howtowdie Intimate atmosphere, excellent menu and friendly service.
45 She confided intimate secrets to me.
46 Naturally, they had an intimate knowledge of the terrain.
47 Running a small, intimate hotel was his dream.
48 Dinner was served in an intimate room with just two other tables.
49 Mike was thoroughly embarrassed at having exposed intimate details of his life, but his classmates rallied around him.
50 But the dwarfs are free of inner conflicts, and have no desire to move beyond their phallic existence to intimate relations.
51 While not insurmountable they can be overcome only by those with experience and intimate knowledge of police work.
52 Meals are served in the intimate restaurant and include a sumptuous buffet breakfast.
53 Mythologies all over the world describe the intimate connection, often antipathy, between birds and snakes.
54 Its objective goes beyond the dissemination of knowledge in recommending an active and intimate engagement within popular subjectivities and forms of signification.
55 Simple division Being able to divide a living/dining room into two distinct areas means you can easily create an intimate setting.
56 If you're planning on a few intimate moments then why not try new Santes anti-perspirant deodorants.
57 The intimate restaurant concealed behind thick curtains is tastefully decorated in art-nouveau style.
58 This octavo volume of 310 pages, with plants arranged under 696 genera, proves his intimate knowledge of the estate.
59 The intimate aspects of bodily function are more easily expressed with a person of the same gender.
60 We were intimate with each other - not in a romantic way but in terms of our working relationship.
61 Vallejo told the intimate story of the degradation that Royce had deplored only from the outside.
62 Though such feelings are usually also involved in our intimate, affectionate relationships, they are not absolutely necessary to them.
63 The Victorian family was the first family form in history which was both long-lasting and intimate.
64 There is also the taped evidence of an intimate conversation between Princess Diana and James Gilbey.
65 The only long-term, intimate relationships that Ally McBeal could have are with the mirror or the camera.
66 Much like the atmosphere at Caf Poca Cosa, the conversation was intimate, colorful and unpretentious.
67 Now they are talking intimate possibilities, so I slipped away.
68 Not just for one night, but for several, and to develop an intimate knowledge of the local badger community.
69 I wash your intimate places, pull your white hairs,() and cut your nails.
70 Communication skills affect every area of life, from expressing feelings in intimate relationships to dealing with over-zealous shop assistants.
71 The architecture of the chapel at the Guell colony is like a study of intimate female anatomy.
72 They shared no intimate details of their lives with each other.
73 Other research findings also suggest that less intimate ties can, under certain circumstances, be important.
74 The asbestos partitions in our new co-op house became my intimate terror.
75 They held hands, walked along the beach, and shared intimate secrets.
76 A sober, intimate portrait of Bernhardt rather than a straight biography, her book presents a balanced view.
77 The Intimate Machine raises many issues concerning the social impact of computers in an invigorating and highly readable manner.
78 Leave the crystal and good china to those intimate, sit-down dinner parties.
79 A descriptive sociology requires a familiarity with the observed events that is achieved through intimate and often prolonged exposure.
80 They also created potential problems for Ickes by detailing his own intimate involvement in the fund-raising effort.
81 Some of the author's intimate correspondence was published after her death.
82 She was able to take centre stage,(sentence dictionary) providing comic relief while Zephyr shared intimate moments with her special friends.
83 The dates are held over email, and women reveal their most intimate desires over the phones.
84 Gramm lately has attempted to soften his image, holding a series of intimate discussions with undecided voters in their kitchens.
85 Shielded by shadows, away from the world, in a safe and intimate setting, it is possible to talk.
86 Rustic appeal Create your own oasis of rustic charm with an intimate and cosy garden like this.
87 This allows suppliers to specialise and to develop an intimate knowledge of customer needs and wants.
88 The glances Stella and Alexis exchanged seemed more intimate than was usual between a brother-in-law and a sister-in-law.
89 The child grows up with intimate forms of speech, but requires the deferential forms in later contact with the world.
90 How can Annie Murphy remember in such intimate detail things which happened 18 years ago?
91 Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. George Washington 
92 Besides that, he used the intimate form of address, tum.
93 Television is the most personal and intimate communication medium there is.
94 Share a professional concern with a close confidante or intimate Saturday, but come Sunday you must get on your soapbox.
95 He quarrelled with Rousseau after being on intimate terms with him, but then everybody did.
96 These important nuances are often recognised only after a long and intimate experience of the couple under study.
97 Although only Rick has been intimate with her, both brothers are still obsessed with her a full decade later.
98 This is the action in the famous Argyll v. Argyll, which concerned the possible disclosure of intimate marital secrets.
99 A few fields have the remains of small sunken stone dwellings, intimate as those at Skara Brae.
100 A nanny provides the most intimate care for a baby and offers parents complete freedom to come and go as they wish.
101 Some gray matter, such as the thalamus, has an intimate back-and-forth relationship with the cerebral cortex.
102 Maybe these intimate stories, coming from some one she hardly knew, had overwhelmed her.
103 Hindley Foster had obviously perceived her dilemma and understood it, even though he had said he had no intimate knowledge of procreation.
104 It was unsettling to know that a panel of celibate strangers were scrutinizing her most intimate affairs.
105 In well-functioning marriages, spouses discuss important intimate decisions such as whether to bear a child.
106 Murder seemed to her too intimate, too similar to giving birth.
107 I saw that Brian was having an intimate conversation with an attractive young woman, and so I left quietly.
108 If the relationship is to be intimate, then we will be close together.
109 He knew Monet as an associate, if not an intimate friend.
109 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
110 I recalled he had struck up an intimate conversation with her in the lobby after breakfast.
111 They record and reflect on daily activities, delicately holding within the innocent seeming image much that is intimate.
112 It was a small, intimate gathering that was assembled, as was the custom among nice Atchison families.
113 The new relationship combines the pleasure of intimate friendship with the added benefits of a close and shared past.
114 Communities are overcrowded, with public facilities more often aimed at impersonal masses rather than stimulating intimate interaction.
115 She focuses the music on her keyboards and her front-and-center vocals, which can be breathy and intimate or jagged.
116 The luxurious dress, ornate chair and intimate setting reflect the rococo spirit of the period.
117 They want a meeting, they intimate, and are boarding for that purpose now.
118 But l wanted to step beyond that and explore what an intimate relationship would be.
119 Traditionally, an intimate connection has been seen between style and an author's personality.
120 Heat had intimate links with chemistry, and optics with astronomy.
121 It is the most intimate item of all, a disturbing look at the rude horror of sudden death.
122 It was the only time when he was intimate with his hero Temple.
123 Authentic Cajun cuisine awaits you -- served in a small, intimate dining room featuring slow-moving fans overhead.
124 They looked as if they had already had a long and intimate conversation together.
125 The gesture was both intimate and impersonal and it reminded her of Maggie's physical friendship that never grew into love.
126 Close and intimate friendships are characterised by commitment and vulnerability.
127 Fig trees and fig wasps share an intimate cooperative relationship.
128 Some people see nothing wrong with appearing on a TV show, and revealing their most intimate thoughts.
129 Pushing my bike up those long hills and dry valleys gave me an intimate understanding of the nature of the chalk landscape.
130 Her dedication would now be complete, an offering made from a full heart and an intimate knowledge of mental pain.
131 To Katherine, a New Yorker, used to apartment blocks and intimate brownstones, it was trebly impressive.
132 Without an intimate knowledge of haemoglobin it would be easy to dismiss them as random noise.
133 So what about sanitary towels and tampons: bleached products that also come into intimate contact with the human body?
134 Consensual intimate studentprofessor relationships are not analogous to other professional relationships such as patient-doctor relationships.
135 Performance artist Mat Bevel enhances the intimate experience with his sculptural creations and interpretive lighting.
136 She was asked about the most intimate details of her life.
137 We have been all around Britain to put to them the intimate questions teachers and parents were too afraid to ask.
138 You do not expect to see the most intimate details of your marriage splashed across the pages of the newspapers.
139 College students often canoodle wherever they are, while never thinking of others who view such intimate behaviors with embarrassment.
140 We want to buy Socks and Stockings, Hosiery Goods, Underwear and Nightwear, Hosiery , Socks, Intimate Apparels, Underwear, Loungewear, Private Labels, Sleepwear.
141 Many people experienced the aquarelle in the childhood; aquarelle is more intimate with the public to make everyone to appreciate the exhibition in the relaxed temper.
142 The phenomenon of human somatoplasm has intimate correlation with our health and illness.
143 The womans felling so of man very benignity , very true, not severe and solemn demeanor, then possibility creation become intimate with of wishes.
144 Intimate substituted parent - child relationship between fostered child and foster parent was determineu by more informal social support and younger fostered age of child.
145 As a result, reflections on life and aspirations of the content, vision, and will naturally be reflected in their lives from their closest and most intimate apparel on the.
146 It could be simply a defensive move, but some thought it could be a trial balloon for something more intimate.
147 Considering that "intimate apparel" and "adult toys," according to Adil, are some of the most unusual items left behind at the Chicago Hyatt Regency, the policy may make sense.
148 A Finnegan's Wake, where an interior monologue becomes the reason for painting adrift, images whose common thread is a diary of my most intimate memories.
149 Yet this is an intimate, interior story of a man who merges truth and self-aggrandising fictions.
150 I can only imagine what they thought at the time, seeing a twentysomething girl in a denim mini-skirt coming in regularly for intimate dinners with a grey-haired suited man carrying a briefcase.
151 In older a few acting women, soul kiss , mouth stimulates breast, mouth and genital contact, it is intimate in caressing skill most suffer a society to abstain from.
152 Then on this foundation, it analyzes the meaning of life class by interpreting the basic character of life, life implication of class and the intimate feature of life class.
153 Actually, some subtile emotion would exist between persons of the same gender, which is more intimate than friendship, but less than love.
154 Keeping an intimate relationship with the Christianity of various classes was Petrarch's major interpersonal relationship.
155 In April of this year, however, things soured when Taylor caught Barmy getting intimate with another avatar, named Modesty McDonnell.
156 To promote learning, research, education and training in the intimate apparel and related industries.
157 Through these lines, we intimate you that they may send you considerable orders.
158 The canonization about it has intimate relation to the misty poem, pre-poem and model changing of writing and research of modern poem history.
159 The Crazy Horse Theatre at the MGM Grand is an exact replica of its Parisian counterpart - a small, intimate venue.
160 Since Deric 's romance with Sonija was exposed to the public, the rumors about his intimate relationship with other girls have disappeared.
161 As you approach, the distinctive signature brownstone style town-homes at road level are shaded by tall palm groves enhancing the affluent and intimate neighborhood ambiance.
162 In the beginning, the thesis introduces the development and trend of fabric for Intimate Apparel, especially warp-knitted fabric.
163 Alone on his 49th birthday, President Barack Obamafled the empty White House mansion and headed for a more intimate celebration with longtime friends in his Chicago hometown.
164 Now the neighborhood's louche reputation has given way to one of trendiness, as a number of intimate, fashionable restaurants have moved into this tiny Mayfair enclave.
165 Socks and Stockings, Hosiery Goods, Underwear and Nightwear, Hosiery , Socks, Intimate Apparels, Underwear, Loungewear, Private Labels, Sleepwear.
166 By providing consumers with more intimate and personalized service to for when enterprise sales the effective integration of online and offline, and develop a wide range of value-added areas.
167 Evaluation: Guo Brothers has worked hard in one mind to push their family corporation to a new high, it can be crowned as the model of intimate brotherhood.
168 The company specializes in upper tier, women and men product, woven silk and knitwear, sportswear, intimate apparel, neckwear and home furnishings and textiles.
169 The movie was shot on a 16mm film camera which gives the film a grittier yet intimate feel.
169 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
170 In fact we are very low-pitched in SJ where we haven't intimate behavior.
171 All it takes is one person becoming angry with another and doing something they would likely regret later - or even the thought of a houseguest uncovering suck intimate keepsakes is feasible.
172 During the regency of Duke of Orleans, regent for the minor heir Louis XV, the formalities of the court gave way to a more casual and intimate atmosphere.
173 But while couples are quick to talk marriage, they tend to be hush-hush when it comes to the intimate intangibles of dating.
174 There are hand-jobs and oral sex and frottage ... Theres all these things that you can do that are really pleasurable, that are adult sexual activities, that allow you to be fully intimate.
175 Most have en suite bathrooms, some share and all small, intimate and comfortable.
176 Enclosed space, which is popular used spatial form in garden, provides reliable and intimate environmental space to meet people's requirements in safety, comfort, belongings and social contact.
177 The intimate falls in love, to does not abandon. Lets the bastard which these wants to involve our sentiment preposterously go!
178 Motherhood is obvious, and the intimate relations between mothers and infants have been well studied by Jane herself, Anne Pusey, and others.
179 It was an intimate violation, this burrowing into themost private part of a woman's anatomy.
180 Should sickness propagation mode be diverse, by through crowd intimate contact dissemination primarily.
181 The girl has a fit of temper to you, that is because she loves you, regards as most own you, most intimate, most has the security sense person, did not must have a fit of temper with her.
182 The "intimate" ship features a bar, a spacious sun deck and a small restaurant, which will be serving traditional Croatian cuisine.
183 Think of all the fun you two could have picking out intimate apparel together.
184 The cluster analysis based on AFLP data of two different types showed that: the polymorphism between apomictic reproduction type and sexual type are little, the genetic relationship is very intimate.
185 Fine screen, menu and function keys is also very intimate setting.
186 He realized human had distinctions between gentle and simple, old and young, intimate and estrangement.
187 Kieslowski started his career making documentaries, and uses an almost uncanny power of observation to capture the intimate details of everyday life in an objective and unsentimental manner.
187 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
188 We each service point network, and humane, complete accessories, with quick, warm, intimate the best service.
189 The telegrams tell a different story of intimate and co-dependent relationships with unpleasant and repressive regimes in Riyadh, Cairo, and Rabat.
190 There was a polytheistic religion, with a supreme god to whom the king had a specially intimate relation.
191 Finally, the intimate relationship between the latitudinal effect of the geomagnetic disturbances and the space current system is discussed.
192 The supply and marketing cooperative (SMC) is the cooperative organization with the longest history, the well-established service network and the most intimate relations with the peasants.
193 Examples: 1. ( One snippet from a recent" intimate portrait" of the first lady: Mr Bush likes to spend his evenings doing jigsaw puzzles, one of which shows the face of his Scotch terrier, Barney.
194 It is an excellent thing for ruffianism and an admirable thing for the police to be on such intimate juggling terms with the night.
195 An oxidized zinc ore from Inner Mongolia was found to be very difficult to treat due to its features of high oxidation rate, heavy weathering and the intimate association of hemimorphite and limonite.
196 She talked a great deal of M. de Miromesnil, Keeper of the Seals under Louis XVI. and of a Presidentess Duplat, with whom she had been very intimate.




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