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单词 Ministry
1) To be acquainted with the merit of ministry, we need only observe the condition of the people. 
2) That must be someone from the Ministry of Education.
3) That must be somebody from the Ministry of Education.
4) They sent a deputation to the ministry to complain.
5) The Ministry of Finance consistently overestimated its budget deficits.
6) The Ministry of Agriculture commissioned a study into low-input farming.
7) The Ministry has resigned.
8) The Ministry of Defence has the power of veto over all British arms exports.
9) The ministry has said it hopes to avoid compulsory redundancies.
10) The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry announced the news to the reporters.
11) The ministry affirmed that the visit had been postponed.
12) His ministry is among the poor.
13) A ministry official described the report as groundless.
14) the church's pastoral ministry in the inner cities.
15) She was released on instruction from the Foreign Ministry.
16) Our position diverges from that of the ministry.
17) He was called to the ministry.
18) The president took over the Ministry of Justice.
19) The scheme was approved by the Ministry of Housing.
20) My son wants to enter the ministry.
21) The Ministry is being obsessively secretive about the issue.
22) He was an excellent candidate for the Baptist ministry.
23) In 1985 he decided to go into/leave the ministry.
24) He announced a new ministry to deal with Quebec's threat to separate from Canada.
25) He practised a preaching and teaching ministry there for over 40 years.
26) All schools are under the control of the Ministry of Education.
27) Japan's education ministry ordered the change to encourage students to tear themselves away from textbooks.
28) He was bathed in glory on the day he became the Ministry.
29) The embassy says it has telexed their demands to the foreign ministry.
30) He immediately fired off an angry letter to his ministry colleagues.
1) That must be somebody from the Ministry of Education.
2) They sent a deputation to the ministry to complain.
3) The Ministry of Finance consistently overestimated its budget deficits.
4) The Ministry of Agriculture commissioned a study into low-input farming.
5) The Ministry has resigned.
6) The Ministry of Defence has the power of veto over all British arms exports.
7) The ministry has said it hopes to avoid compulsory redundancies.
8) He was bathed in glory on the day he became the Ministry.
9) The embassy says it has telexed their demands to the foreign ministry.
10) Any infectious disease must be notified at once to the Health Ministry.
11) Mr. White occupies an important position in the Ministry of Education.
12) The newspaper's account of the so - called reshuffle of the financial ministry was a complete fiction.
31) The farmers halted the march outside the Ministry of Agriculture.
32) The ministry of culture will be allotted about $6 million less this year.
33) Stalin insisted that the radio link with the German Foreign Ministry should remain open.
34) The information given to the press was carefully censored by the Ministry of Defence.
35) A friend of mine has been translated to the Ministry.
36) After fifteen years of teaching,he was seconded to the Ministry of Education to advise them on school planning.
37) Their finance ministry is still trying to put a lid on the long-simmering securities scandal.
38) This new ministry was being created with zero assets and zero liabilities.
39) As the killings took place outside British jurisdiction, the Ministry of Defence could not be held liable.
40) Any infectious disease must be notified at once to the Health Ministry.
41) An official from the Ministry of the Interior said six people had died.
42) The firm has a cosy relationship with the Ministry of Defence.
43) Mr. White occupies an important position in the Ministry of Education.
43) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
44) The ministry ordered 113 of these and later put in a request for 21 more.
45) They were neglected before because they did not come under the Ministry of Defence.
46) Interest in jet propulsion was now growing at the Air Ministry.
47) The army , navy and airforce are all controlled by the Ministry of Defence.
48) The schools are regularly visited by officials from the Ministry of Education.
49) The Audit Commission said that the ministry was in the clear.
50) Converted in his early teens, he entered the ministry in 1855.
51) The Food Ministry is attached to the Ministry of Agriculture.
52) He received an official communication about the reorganization of the Ministry.
53) The ministry tried to offer reassurance on the safety of eating beef.
54) The ministry had direct control over every aspect of foreign trade.
55) The Ministry desperately tried to hush up the whole affair.
56) He began his diplomatic career as an interpreter at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
57) The newspaper's account of the so - called reshuffle of the financial ministry was a complete fiction.
58) The leaking of secrets from the Defence Ministry has compromised national security.
59) The economics ministry has increasingly played a subsidiary role to the finance ministry.
60) The Ministry submitted a proposal for lower speed limits on motorways.
61) Restricted circulation of the report will reduce the risk of leaks outside the ministry.
62) Emergency aid was siphoned off by foreign ministry officials for their own use.
63) The Foreign Ministry has issued a flat denial of any involvement.
64) The new Ministry of Food is the successor to the old Department of Agriculture.
65) He has been stepped up to the Ministry of National Defense.
66) But how does this ministry apply to today's church?
67) We have been enriched by his ministry.
68) Yeltsin disbanded the Soviet Interior Ministry.
69) The ministry denies it has acted against the convention.
70) He made the priesthood and exercised a distinguished ministry.
71) The Health Ministry does not publicly acknowledge the link.
72) The defence ministry denied the report.
73) Consequently, he ruled, the Education Ministry had been perfectly within its rights to ban the book./ministry.html
74) This method is the first of its kind, and the ministry is considering developing it for commercial application.
75) The number of departments within each major foreign ministry grew with the growing complexity of the work to be done.
76) The Finance Ministry originally came up with a plan in 1990 to reduce bond dependency to 5 percent.
77) But when the time came for the annual bail-out, the recession-strapped Culture Ministry balked.
78) The Ministry of Railways and the national monopolies commission will draw up revised conditions of carriage to reflect the new statute.
79) The Foreign Ministry said it had not received any immediate request for political asylum.
80) It appears the Ministry men can have their cake and eat it ... but only if we let them.
81) Three Foreign Ministry officials resigned but the government survived a no confidence vote on Jan. 31.
82) Summer grain production this year has fallen by nearly 10 %, according to the ministry of agriculture.
83) My conversation with the Ministry seemed to take ages, and, as I had already anticipated, it proved abortive.
84) Honest with the church elders who hired him, he told them that his family is his first ministry.
85) The design resulted from an Air Ministry requirement for the rapid, accurate delivery of specialist troops and agents behind enemy lines.
86) There is a further constraint in that the Ministry of Defence will keep a watchful eye on any potential partner or owner.
87) Clashes between riot police and demonstrators had broken out during a student demonstration outside the Education Ministry on Oct. 24.
88) But ministry specialists believe that ear tags will be compulsory for all lambs exported for slaughter.
89) Indoor pools exist, and Moscow boasts a year-round, heated open-air affair between the Kremlin and the Defence Ministry.
90) The party's most likely recourse is a face-saving compromise with the Ministry of Finance that does not alter the statusquo.
91) The defence ministry refused to release his body to his family for a postmortem examination and radiation testing.
92) His own studies led him towards a much-modified Congregationalism, with a threefold ministry of evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
93) The protestors were denigrating the primary symbol of the ordained ministry, they claimed, and thumbing their noses at the Church.
94) After some Ministry prevarication Tabakov eventually arrived, but only after the cast had assembled and with one day of rehearsal lost.
95) It was reported to the Ministry within days, but the cause of death was not confirmed by scientists until mid-March.
96) Vaca disputes that claim but acknowledges that despondency over years of abuse had affected his ministry.
97) After a brief spell in the newly created Ministry of Labour he returned to the Home Office in 1919.
98) That decision was taken, in accordance with the law, after an opinion had been given by the foreign ministry.
99) The Ministry of Railways currently operates 37 plants, of which 19 deal with locomotives and the remainder handle coaches and wagons.
100) Later the press bureau of the foreign ministry, so small before the war, was greatly enlarged and became the Nachrichtenabteilung.
101) And last March, the Ministry of Trade ended a yearlong ban on importing used vehicles.
102) Arkin declined to say which Ministry of Finance or Daiwa Bank officials he wants to depose or what information he will seek.
103) The two companies said the Ministry of Defence had been supportive of their approach and they did not anticipate any regulatory problems.
104) The Ministry of Defence served call-up papers on 390 army reservists.
105) Another project that the ministry has suddenly accelerated after two years of inaction is a new missile designed to destroy enemy radars.
106) I heard on the television yesterday that thirty-five people had been sacked from the interior ministry so that may be an encouraging sign.
107) Back then,(/ministry.html) people believed they were called to the ministry.
108) The Citizen's Charter Unit is a close cousin of Labour's proposed ministry for women.
109) The hard men at the finance ministry have promised to review the austerity measures at the end of this month.
110) Senior mandarins had gone to the trouble of finding accommodation for Labour's promised Ministry for Women.
111) The Communications Ministry said last month national and international long-distance markets would be open to competition this December.
112) They include the departments of health, trade and industry and social security, the agriculture ministry, and local authorities.
113) News of his powers attracts con men, fanatics and hustlers to his ministry.
114) Producers were put into considerable difficulty by the decision of the Ministry not to pay them full compensation.
115) And Christians can be involved in the local congregation for mutual ministry and encouragement and evangelism on a slightly larger scale.
116) A Civics lesson largely devoted to copying from the blackboard a diagram on the hierarchical structure of the ministry of education.
117) Mr Rawley told the court that he had received full details of the scientific tests carried out by the Ministry that morning.
118) The Ministry of Defence announced today that it will close in 20 months time as part of cutbacks in defence spending.
119) The possibility of using it as a bypass to the village was discussed with the Ministry of Defence in 1985.
120) Our Lord's ministry, for instance, provides examples to guard us against this danger.
121) The ministry has refused to disclose what was in the vaccines.
122) The new law on association allowed citizens to form associations without prior approval of the Interior Ministry.
123) Then the ministry came under attack for its clumsy handling of huge bond-trading losses at the New York branch of Daiwa Bank.
124) The Ministry of Defence is to go ahead with the partial privatisation of its defence research laboratories.
125) Within the Ministry, there had been some pressure for the explicit adoption of replacement cost depreciation conventions.
126) We have our own Ministry registered salmonella testing laboratory with around 8000 raw materials and animal rations assayed annually.
127) the Ministry of Defence.
128) The country's highly respected Finance Ministry is facing a crisis of confidence that will be difficult to reverse.
129) In addition, the opposition demanded the foreign ministry and five other cabinet posts.
130) The Ministry was to spend considerably more than its total allocation for the period 1964-69.
131) In consequence, Secretaries of State tended to look elsewhere within the Ministry and elsewhere for impartial advice.
132) His wife received the official notification from the Air Ministry a few days after they had celebrated their first anniversary of their wedding.
133) The same reports say that intelligence ministry microphones planted inside their Tehran flat picked up the sound of their brutal murder.
133) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
134) Morrice became a moderately wealthy merchant, spending generously on the education of young men for the dissenting ministry.
135) The publication has received financial support from the Czech Ministry of Culture but is still in need of funding to ensure its survival.
136) The report, co-drafted with the agriculture ministry, also outlined the amount lent by agricultural cooperatives to the jusen.
137) When Al Jourgensen started the band in 1981, Ministry made synthesized dance music.
138) Finance ministry officials yesterday said at least six brokerages are under investigation for trading violations in the local Brady bond market.
139) Alleged inconsistencies in the transport ministry, according to analysts, also damage confidence.
140) A much earlier development than the biblical canon was the evolution of the threefold ministry of bishop, presbyter, and deacon.
141) SURFnet has an annual budget of about 1 million ECUs for research and development, paid by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
142) One council, Lancashire, has been trying to enlist the Ministry of Agriculture's help in controlling their hogweed.
143) In the last years of his reign a tendency towards the creation of specialized departments within the ministry had become visible.
144) A quick visit by Ministry officials soon confirmed his fears.
145) The Foreign Ministry said she was accused of activity damaging to state security.
146) The number of deals will grow as the finance ministry eases restrictions on raising capital offshore.
147) In the event of deadlock in negotiations, there is a procedure for conciliation by the ministry of labour.
148) The Ministry of Trade was yesterday accused of being dictatorial in its plans for a new motorway in Kent.
149) In desperation, under pressure from a tight Defence Ministry deadline, they consulted Oengo.
150) Gilliam said he felt a calling to do ministry work in the community while working in the defense and aerospace industries.
151) On arrival in Addis Ababa please report to the Ministry of Education.
152) News of the professor's departure was a single sentence at the bottom of a footnote in a holiday-period ministry press release.
153) Half a dozen senior people in the energy ministry, recently sacked on suspicion of taking bribes, may well join him.
154) Even a sympathizer conceded that Aleksandr Golovnin possessed few qualifications for heading the education ministry.
155) He sprayed two bursts of gunfire into a crowd outside the defence ministry and injured 10 people before he was fatally wounded.
156) However, in January the military pushed the button for an official investigation of corruption in the ministry of energy.
157) In colonial days the Presbyterians had mastered the competitive revivalist styles; now they carried their learned ministry to the West.
158) Adjoudji Hamadjoda, Minister of Livestock, was assigned temporary responsibility for the ministry.
159) The Industry Ministry was scheduled for abolition, to be replaced by a State Committee directed towards drafting industrial strategy and privatization.
160) The ministry van arrived to collect the abandoned children and the eight boys and girls sent from up the northward coasts.
161) June 1983 After the coup in October 1979, the Ministry of Education was passed to liberal intellectuals.
162) Ministry of Agriculture vets were last night desperately hoping germs would not spread to those animals.
163) And it coincides almost exactly with Dysart's appointment to the Ministry of Defence three years ago.
163) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
164) Of course no bright young thing who wants to make a quick buck would consider going into the ministry.
165) More than a dozen activists have locked themselves inside a mock prison cell they put up outside the federal Interior Ministry here.
166) The task of establishing and encouraging national cultural activities was pursued with some vigour by the new ministry.
167) Ministry of Agriculture officials held an emergency meeting in London to decide how to control the outbreak.
168) The Defence Ministry claims that the range would benefit wildlife as it would drive people away.
169) At one point Dostam used fighter bombers to attack the presidential palace and defence ministry.
170) Six priests took part in the Mass all of whom had had close links with him during his ministry.
171) The Ministry of Finance has set aside funds to cover workers' back pay and the mines' debts.
172) The proposal came amid fears that the Ministry of Agriculture might introduce tougher restrictions or even an outright ban.
173) The provincial gentry's disunity reduced their capacity to obstruct the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
174) Non-violent protests outside the jails and the Ministry of the Interior are met with arbitrary arrest.
175) Ministry of Defence engineers have tried to solve the problem of the leaking oil without resorting to drilling into the wreck.
176) On July 30 the Defence Ministry announced a decision in principle to purchase anti-aircraft missile systems for the first time.
177) The organisation of the Catholic church is not to be confused with that of the Ministry of Transport or police department.
178) The report disclosed that the Ministry of Agriculture monitoring programme for the lake had been seriously inaccurate.
179) In 1980, the procedure was a prelude to the obligatory pay award of the ministry of labour.
180) On June 1 the Interior Ministry announced that the government would pay compensation to victims of political repressions carried out since 1946.
181) The defence ministry was allocated $ 48m to pay electricity bills.
182) The Green Party co-leader's new ministry combines agricultural responsibilities and consumer protection departments taken from other ministries.
183) He decided to write to the Ministry of Health.
184) At present,however, I am going to Jerusalem in a ministry to the saints.
185) "There are no mechanisms in the call, " said Damson Kathyola, director of research at the Malawian Ministry of Health.
186) In addition, agricultural authorities, including the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and FAO, have been active technical partners for the effective control of this limited outbreak.
187) Published by the Anti - monopoly Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce on January 7 2009.
188) Recently Ministry of Finance indicated, in the near future they will not plan to levy death tax.
189) A family of five that ate the dumplings was still in hospital, including a five-year-old girl who had at one point been in critical condition, a Health Ministry official said.
190) Pawn ministry is traumatic the ability when causing cerebrum to be damaged badly may be caused gawkish .
191) It keeps a close relation through the think factory of forms, such as research topic, contract and plan...etc. and Ministry of National Defense, high etc. college, industrial business enterprise.
192) Its patient much companion has epigastrium to bilge full, pectoral coerce suffering is full, umbilical ministry moves palpitate hyperfunction, the disease such as constipation.
193) Usage: Make medicinal extract, every time 1 stick, small cremation leaves, stick at gastral cavity ministry.
193) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
194) Pawn ministry when two side fracture, may hurt the vein in reaching meningeal median or meninx, cause the haematoma outside acute or chronic putamen .
195) It is strongly advocated by the Ministry of Education that web-based self-access learning should be integrated into College English courses.
196) If there is no local Ministry of Foreign Affairs but there is a local Ministry of Economic Affairs or other government institutions, please let them transfer the registration information to us.
197) The ministry says the tiny amounts of iodine-131 pose no threat to public health.
198) Only then is a diploma issued by the Ministry of Higher Education.
199) Interior Ministry said, Komi Rove and two colleagues suddenly in-car shot of an illegal armed police who then returned fire, killing hiding in the private homes of the militants.
200) In 2004, the Ministry of Communications of the P . R.
201) The anti-trust watchdog will also ask the communications ministry to lease out the remaining frequency bands before 2011, the Chosun Ilbo writes.
202) The most recent event was held from September 1999 to March 2000 in Taipei under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Education, R. O. C.
203) At Saddleback Church, we have a ministry called Celebrate Recovery that has proven this over and over.
204) To reach the requirement of locomotive running standard by railway ministry and to control noise, this paper analyses, improves and tests Starting Transmission Gear Box (logogram as "STGB" ).
205) On the approach to Fatemi Square, where the Interior Ministry is located, I could see that the entire roundabout had been closed to car traffic.
206) Catalogue of Goods Subject to Import License Administration and License-Issuing Catalogue in Grades of Import License Administration are published by Ministry of Commerce in the form of announcement.
207) Some 200 people were evacuated from the Grozny area on Saturday, 21 by Russian forces with the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
208) The formalities of notification by note shall be completed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
209) On Monday, the Ministry of Culture issued a notice banning online games that feature Mafioso kingpins, marauding street gangs or any sort of hooliganism predisposed to organization.
210) Last year, China's defence ministry appointed its first ever spokesman, while last month foreign journalists were invited for a rare tour of a People's Liberation Army base.
211) April 2011 - The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh has confirmed a new case of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus.
212) India's defense ministry says the Agni-three missile was launched Thursday from Wheeler Island, off the eastern Indian state of Orissa.
213) He instructed the Ministry of Commerce to mobilize 300 tons of rice distributed to victims, families of those who died to each flood disaster relief payment of $ 500.
214) Worldwide, the seventh human death in Egypt from H5N1 avian flu, confirmed by the Ministry of Health October 31, brings the total number of human cases to 256, with 152 deaths.
215) What expression does malleolar ministry fracture have to reach how to diagnose?
215) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
216) Article 5 The competent authority of the Statute is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
217) Months later, I received the final letter from Ministry of Labour to tell me that the tough task of collecting payment was authorized to a collection agency.
218) The Ministry of Culture invited Angie to visit a gang-controlled area called Peronia that it claimed had been made safe.
219) After graduating, I will go back Vietnam and work in FES ministry (Fellowship of Evangelical Student).
220) Inflation, as measured by the Wholesale Price Index, slowed to 3.92% from 4.39% in the previous week, showed data issued Thursday by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
221) The Danish Dairy Board and the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries supported this study.
222) WHO is working with the Ministry of Health in Yemen to ensure that AFP surveillance throughout the country is sensitized so that no transmission of wild poliovirus is missed.
223) The lip kisses a ministry from bright red, fiery change to dark purple, shine glossily .
224) The ministry is indeed a fief, a holdover from the era when the state controlled all.
225) In the case of no question or where any question is settled upon expiration of the term for publicity, the Ministry of Commerce shall distribute a notice on bid awarding to the bid winner.
226) This is the website of Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries.




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