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单词 Cooperative
1. We thank you for your cooperative efforts.
2. The cooperative movement started in Britain in the 19th century.
3. He was doing his best to be cooperative.
4. The family business is now run as a cooperative.
5. The factory is now a workers' cooperative.
6. Some small cooperative enterprises share out very well.
7. Cooperative activity is essential to effective community work.
8. The magazine is run by a cooperative.
9. We decided to set up a cooperative.
10. The workmen are very cooperative, so the work goes on smoothly.
11. Employees will generally be more cooperative if their views are taken seriously.
12. This cooperative family decision-making has much to recommend it.
12. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
13. It was a cooperative effort between the two.
14. One way concerns cooperative relationships between genes within species.
15. Car companies have started several cooperative ventures.
16. As a cooperative we were very poor.
17. The Queretaro cooperative project, I believe, was no exception.
18. I get my salary from the agricultural cooperative.
19. I firmly believe in the cooperative ethic, I talk about it a lot.
20. Needless to say, the band was run on cooperative lines with no one in particular leading.
21. The suspect has been cooperative with investigators(), but he shows little remorse.
22. Friendly societies and the cooperative movement testified to the accommodation.
23. Some students will be highly cooperative and attentive, and will speak up readily regarding the assignment.
24. Marriage teeters on the line between a cooperative venture and a form of mutual exploitation-ask any divorce lawyer.
25. The manager of the planning department thanked her colleagues for being so cooperative.
26. I've asked them not to play their music so loudly, but they're not being very cooperative.
27. Data in essence were a free and renewable resource contributed by members of the cooperative and cooperatives like them around the world.
28. This is why large bodies of cells, working coherently towards the same cooperative ends, have evolved.
29. We shall only succeed in dealing with the problems through a vast international cooperative effort.
30. But it reopened after a state judge ruled this month that the cooperative could do business under the tenets of Proposition 215.
1. We thank you for your cooperative efforts.
2. The cooperative movement started in Britain in the 19th century.
3. Some small cooperative enterprises share out very well.
4. We decided to set up a cooperative.
5. The workmen are very cooperative, so the work goes on smoothly.
31. I also visited a cooperative of peasant farmers who grow sesame seed.
32. Cooperative application development with shared data should be possible via the open repository strategy that Informix has outlined - see above.
33. To overcome these problems, small schools in some rural areas have formed cooperative clusters whereby teachers provide curriculum support for each other.
34. The Board had considered McFarlane to be a cooperative and credible witness.
35. For the present, what is needed most is more cooperative work, and less competitive philosophising.
36. Braitman and Ehrenzweig like having it where they live, and feel its cooperative, relaxed ambience is very San Francisco.
37. Only a handful seemed to appreciate the advantages in actively building trust, credibility, and cooperative relationships with peers.
38. The relationship is often hostile rather than cooperative, but this can be treated as just a reversal of sign.
39. The disadvantages of the food cooperative are restricted food choices and the inconveniences of a do-it-yourself operation.
40. They should start regional cooperative programmes to share the costs of, for instance, satellite communications.
41. The individual with this ethic does not engage in any cooperative activity for goals beyond the immediate-interest of the nuclear family.
42. Directors also strive to foster a cooperative spirit and friendly attitude among employees and a compassionate demeanor toward the families.
42. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
43. The so-called Mond-Turner talks, leading to little in themselves, but symbolizing a more cooperative approach, became possible.
44. The people with cancer I was working with were cooperative and easy to get along with.
45. Activities of the local cooperative movement were facilitated by a strong trading position.
46. Cooperative claims Production System provides a higher level of security by giving every user a different profile.
47. In each so-called cooperative the attention paid to social issues, work conditions, and community welfare was meeting strong opposition.
48. Volume one comprises eight chapters which introduce social insects and the factors that separate them from their less cooperative allies.
49. Some of the students are highly cooperative and attentive, but unfortunately, most aren't.
50. Employee Involvement is regarded as a long-term attempt to create a more cooperative relationship with employees.
51. The body is very cooperative in becoming more supple quite quickly if we practise stretching postures regularly.
52. This concept was proposed only after the failure of a cooperative three-year effort to resolve the future of the commercial area.
53. Maybe not in that extreme form, but some kind of cooperative learning and caregiving would be better for children.
54. But the cooperative spirit of a non-partisan summit between the president and 40 attorneys general quickly gave way to election-year politics.
55. However committed the cooperative movement was to political involvement, there remained a powerful independence, and this proved decisive.
56. The agro-industry maquila cooperative project was one attempt to provide rural industrial work for women.
57. A pilot cooperative is working on fulfilling the preconditions for certification, such as the development of a management plan.
58. Founded in 1883, its relationship to the cooperative movement was from the start problematic.
59. Like the Organization Men, they depended on their personal qualities to install a cooperative and enthusiastic spirit in those they supervised.
60. Cooperative acquisition may be taken a stage further if a system of centralized acquisition is introduced.
61. If the supply of data slowed due to excess use, the cooperative could purchase larger pipes for all to share.
62. Cooperation enters politics By the end of the nineteenth century an important cooperative movement was established in West Ham.
63. How can health and local authorities develop cooperative procedures if care is spread across many health districts?
64. Forced equality is unwise because it disrupts the natural, cooperative hierarchy among groups and causes social conflict and unnatural change.
65. For this reason, trade unions might be active in cooperative efforts with management to achieve growth through greater efficiency.
66. It spread the cooperative gospel amongst women as consumers and purchasers.
67. Without delay we sped by cab to his cooperative apartment on the Upper West Side.
68. The guild, untrammelled by the weight of conservatism, was in the vanguard of cooperative thought and action.
69. Cramlington is an example of an almost entirely cooperative relationship.
70. A programme for the Cooperative Party was formulated at the conference soon after its formation.
71. He did not need to say that he envisioned this as a cooperative effort.
72. The clinics provide an opportunity for cooperative arrangements between health departments and academic centers.
73. The first national conference of the Cooperative Party set the agenda.
74. In announcing the victims fund, the banks expressed the hope that it would promote a more cooperative spirit in the negotiations.
75. Cooperative enterprise is not powered by individual reward, nor does it thrive on single-minded loyalty to an isolated corporate logo.
76. The nature of the task requires cooperative activity of a high order at various levels and between a wide range of people.
77. Perhaps the neatest way of expressing the distinction is to contrast unilateral and cooperative procedures.
78. Amalgamations were part of cooperative rationalisation in a drive to improve trading, but for Barnes this one had a distinct political dimension.
79. His buying cooperative dropped Shaw after the company announced it would get into the retail market.
80. But the problem with morning light therapy is that the sun is not always cooperative.
81. In this process, the Women' s Cooperative Guild played a key role.
82. He tested them carefully over the next several years, sending them off with cooperative sea captains.
83. Most horses will stand better for the farrier, and be more cooperative, if they are reassured and rewarded.
84. Leaders like that get only the bare minimum of effort and never rouse employees to cooperative activity.
85. A cooperative had also been established where blacks could buy goods more cheaply.
86. Many heritage establishments will be cooperative provided the matter is discussed in advance.
87. One other Sunday paper died in the 1960s, after struggling on with subsidies from the Cooperative movement.
88. Grice suggests that the maxims are in fact not arbitrary conventions, but rather describe rational means for conducting cooperative exchanges.
89. Rice cultivation, which is dependent on the vagaries of weather and on complex systems of irrigation, requires cooperative labor.
90. Yet work organizations depend on shared power in win-win cooperative effort.
91. Their positive, cooperative attitude contributes to their output as well as that of their colleagues.
92. More than 50 high schools established cooperative courses with post-secondary schools, taught on the high school campus.
93. Fig trees and fig wasps share an intimate cooperative relationship.
94. In 1918 his stock was confiscated, but he became chairman of the cooperative to which it was assigned.
95. We will relaunch the Cooperative Development Agency. Build partnership in industry.
96. A cooperative waiter helped us to order from the huge menu.
97. Substantial anecdotal evidence indicates that men have not always been cooperative partners when it comes to the matter of family planning.
98. They would exacerbate the problems of unbalanced power that threaten any cooperative relationship.
99. Ten cooperative candidates ran at the 1918 general election, only one of whom was successful.
100. The Women's Cooperative Guild played a decisive role in helping to secure for Labour the newly-enfranchised female vote.
101. Workers' distress can be reduced by adequate and effective reward systems and attention to maintaining a cooperative team spirit.
102. Suppose for instance we hypothesise that cooperative conversationalists would ask others for their opinion very frequently and regularly express agreement.
103. Cooperative farmers want to continue growing coffee on the land.
104. The cooperative society implements the democratic management.
105. In addition,[/cooperative.html] the cooperative association should prioritize education on disaster prevention and relief and enhance the function of risk management and reduce reversed choice.
106. Application of the group - cooperative learning method in computer teaching multi - media teaching software design ""
107. In order to avoid the resource inefficiency of all-participated cooperations in amplify-and-forward cooperative communication networks, a new relay selection scheme is proposed.
108. So allocation of the transmission cost becomes a focus issue. This paper introduces the Shapley Value of cooperative game to allocate the transmission cost.
109. The New Cooperative Medical Scheme was associated with lower out-of-pocket expenditure on Caesarean delivery but not on vaginal delivery.
110. Based on indicator of logistics park, the D-S Evidence Theory was applied to cooperative management which combining psychological indicator of logistics enterprise migration.
111. We find that under certain market environment, as the learning capacity level went downward, the cooperative returns in both two patterns dropped first, and then rises.
112. So, as a counter measure, it is imperative to probe in and pursue a more cost-effective production manner in the countryside-The rural cooperative economic organization.
113. The cooperative hypermedia is integrated with process support, communication channels, and document handling.
114. For the reason of complexity and specificity of organizational form of enterprise group, the issue of financial cooperative control has been widespread concerned by theorists.
115. Shanxi new rural cooperative medical system should be a non - balanced system mode.
116. This article elaborated the function of scientific and technological subprefect in the cooperative project and some suggestions were put forward.
117. The Social Economy Network Cooperative Basel is a democratic network in which each member organization has one vote.
118. The key of new rural construction lies in giving play to farmers' enthusiasm and initiative, the new cooperative association of farmers' community is playing its unique role in new rural construction.
119. Para-virtualization is similar, but the hypervisor operates in a more cooperative fashion.
120. The service condition of the spectrum can be judged accurately by dealing with the detection information of cognitive users for the cooperative detection.
121. Without changing the basic operating system for Chinese, Agriculture under the framework of the development of rural economic cooperative organizations is an excellent choice.
122. Through more than 40 years, ASEAN becomes the second most successful regional cooperative association following European Union.
123. Muto and other mental health workers talk about the decline of communication skills, the increasing anonymity of urban Japan and the collapse of a cooperative society.
124. In OGR Cooperative mode, you and your team - mates face off against hostile soldiers in enemy territory.
125. The Rochdale cooperation principle is almost the representative of cooperative economy.
126. We sincerely congratulate you on a successful opening of the 11th Beijing Essen Welding and Cutting Fair as representative of Korea Welding Industry Cooperative (KWIC).
127. The new rural cooperative medical system is an interdependent system for the health of the farmers established by raising fund through multiple channels.
128. To develop long-term and stable friendly cooperative relations of good neighborliness with India is an unswerving policy of the Chinese government.
129. At last , issues such as the cooperative knowledge production with workflow systems are briefly discussed.
130. By rational use of the technical parameters of electroresection and electrocoagulation, and the cooperative techniques, we performed ESD for 29 lesions in 28 patients.
131. The cooperative movement of rural area was a national economic policy, implemented by Kuomingtang government after it come into being in Nanking.
132. Project management system is built on the core of network planning technology and the platform of cooperative work platform.
132. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
133. The causes why rural credit cooperatives are in the predicament are various, but to rural credit cooperative themselves, untight internal control is an important reason.
134. Chapter two bases on the selective analysis of the Kolkhoz Law's basic system, it laid the foundation to further elaborate the influence to Chinese cooperative legislation.
135. With the cooperative control of drawing temperature and feed speed, the final hole structure can be effectively controlled by tuning the applied pressure.
136. With multi-objective optimization technology and dynamic cooperative game theory, this paper introduced a multi-agent objective optimization model, which could adapt to dynamic environments.
137. Any large-volume unit inconvenient for transportation may be conducted with field inspection and the entity under sampling shall be cooperative by safekeeping the sample.
138. It was founded in 870 as a cooperative farm and temperance center and named for its patron, Horace Greeley. Population, '0,53'.
139. ITER will be the largest fusion experimental reactor in the world. This is an international cooperative project.
140. The service object of the office is mainly Netherlandish Small and Medium Enterprises and it also provide cooperative information relating to Netherlandish side for Chinese northeast corporations .
141. The Marx - Engles - Lenin cooperative economy thought is rich in content.
142. My sanity saver was a babysitting cooperative program amongst a group of ten mothers.
143. Secondly, cooperative game theory is applied to allocating unit start-up costs among loads.
144. But, in reality a cartel is just a cooperative arrangement by which different producers make efforts to homogenize their products and to make them substitutable one for the other.
145. "Environmental Strategies of Intensive Agriculture in the North of China"(ESIA) is a Sino-German cooperative program in the field of agro-environment protection.
146. When we teach specialized course, we should insist on the following three principles, they are: cultivating vocational ability, practice teaching, cooperative communication teaching.
147. GDSS ( Group Decision Support System ) is a most important branch of CSCW ( Computer Support Cooperative Work ).
148. Rural Credit Cooperative fight with on banking reforming tiding innovation of inside controlling mechanism to be already imperative.
149. Contact Municipal State Taxation Bureau, Local Taxation Bureau, Weather Bureau, Yinchuan Municipal Rural Credit Cooperative Association.
150. Then, in the research of various factors on the basis of analysis of the relationship, construct the intercollegiate cooperative learning based on network model, and this model in detail.
151. Washington -- The United States and Japan will broaden their cooperative efforts on energy security and technology research, Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman announced.
152. "It's no different than any other infrastructure that a country needs, " said K C Claffy, a scientist at the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis in San Diego.
153. ... , Weather Bureau, Yinchuan Municipal Rural Credit Cooperative Association.
154. The efficient Lindahl equilibrium and the non—cooperative Nash equilibrium are determined endogenously based on the individual preferences elicited in second price auctions.
155. Cooperative communication and cognitive radio are the key candidates for the future mobile communication technologies.
156. Group Decision Support System ( GDSS ) is one of the main systems of computer supported cooperative work.
157. The cooperative transport in a two-dimensional system of hard balls is studied, which is underdamped and under the deterministically flashing ratchet potential.
158. The economic cooperative system of Pan Pearl River Delta brings more commercial chances and travelers to this area.
159. At present, construction of new socialist countryside has become a strategic task, improve the rural cooperative system is the inevitable choice for the construction of new countryside.
160. The results further proved the inhibitory effect of EDTA and the cooperative effect of 8 Hydroxyquinoline on the toxic effect of copper.
161. A method to allocation of transmission loss is obtained, based on the N-person cooperative game theory.
162. Pilot projects to introduce a new cooperative medical care system in rural areas were launched.
162. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
163. The performance of irregular systematic LDPC-coded non-ideal relay cooperative communication system is studied.
164. It was founded in1870 as a cooperative farm and temperance center and named for its patron, Horace Greeley. Population, 60, 536.
165. The author utilizes the game theory mostly to analyze the automobile supply chain member's cooperative relation and study members' payoff admeasure.
166. The researchers who study English teaching from the perspective of students' learning have written articles to discuss self-access learning, cooperative learning, and exploring learning.
167. This platform is based on the virtual fire emergency procedure providing cooperative and intelligent resolutions, all set up by computers.
168. Farmer households reputation is one of the main effect factor in rural credit cooperative ( RCC ).
169. This is the website for The Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research, University of Michigan.
170. "Cooperative management system", "movable property auction and immovable property rental" and "overall property transference" were the typical reforms of the township hospitals in Zhejiang Province.
171. In 2000 was recognized as "General Supply and Marketing Cooperative brand" in 2002 was recognized as "China's food safety be assured of quality brands.
172. The paper establishes a cooperative control inventory model between supply and demand so as to ensuring the rapid, timely and efficient supply of military vehicle instrument.
173. The formation of modular organization of banking capital settlement not only provides customers better service but also increase the value of the cooperative enterprise.
174. In order to approach the theoretical limit of decode-and-forward strategy for the half-duplex relay channel, a cooperative LDPC coding structure and its corresponding optimization scheme is proposed.
175. Thus the synthetic disposal and cooperative analysis for multi - characteristic signal of transformer are needed.
176. In this paper, we design a video sensor network architecture based on an extended multi-level C/S model, which effectively supports image process by multiple cooperative sensors.
177. One cocoa cooperative in the Juanjui area of San Martin, for example, exported 2,000 metric tons of top-quality organic cocoa last year, up from 190 metric tons in 2003.
178. The vertical cooperative advertisement in a manufacturer-retailer supply chain is studied in this paper.
179. With the research of the cooperative research project with Hunan Sunward Intelligent Machinery Co. , Ltd. , the reconnaissance robot navigation system is analysed and researched.
180. The study on muti-fighters cooperative combat beyond visual range as the primary form of modern air combat is showing more important than ever.
181. Singh said that India takes developing bilateral cooperative relations of good-neighborly friendship as an important part of its foreign policy.
182. And the establishment of cooperative competition in the market is based on horizontal integration, vertical integration or the regional economy.
183. A path planning method based on the hierarchical decomposition strategy was proposed for multi-UAV cooperative path planning in the battle field.
184. An example is given to illustrate that the system is completely open mode, expansibility, compatibility with high safety,[] which can support cooperative dynamic work and realize resource sharing.
185. Article 9 The parties applying for establishment of a Sino-foreign cooperative education institution shall be qualified as a legal person.
186. At present, the endogenous financial needs of rural economic units cause it demands cooperative finance and commercial finance in rural areas.
187. In recent years, the two a cooperative partnership on basis of mutual respect and trust.
188. Article 27 A member may quit from the cooperative at the end of a business year, but shall submit a letter of application three months before.
189. The cooperative control law for multiple rigid body systems is designed. Numerical results show the attitude quaternion of every rigid body can be controlled to convergently approach its stable value.
190. Computer Supported Cooperative Editing ( CSCE ) is one of the most important application fields in CSCW.
191. In detail, the peasant collective should be transformed under the joint stock cooperative system with the cooperator general meeting and the council as its authority and executive agency separately.
192. Technology transfer, cooperative development, and cooperate setting up new enterprises.
193. Denpend on the needs we will adapt the following ways in management: taking storefronts for rent, centralized cashier, brand agency, cooperative sales, sales by procuration and sale online.
194. The Yinzhou Rural Cooperative bank founded in April, 2003, whose property right is joint-stock and cooperative, and it has been admissive by the government.




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