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单词 Verdict
1. The jury reached a unanimous verdict of 'not guilty'.
2. The jury has retired to consider its verdict.
3. The jury returned/announced/brought in their verdict.
4. Everyone was aghast at the verdict.
5. The jury were unanimous in their verdict.
6. A hushed courtroom awaited the verdict./verdict.html
7. The jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict.
8. The jury returned an open verdict.
9. The jury reached/returned a unanimous verdict of guilty.
10. The jury has returned a verdict of guilty.
11. Has the jury reached a verdict?
12. The jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.
13. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death.
14. The jury returned a verdict of guilty / not guilty.
15. The response to the jury's verdict was one of outrage.
16. The jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty after a short deliberation.
17. In the case of an adverse verdict, the company could stand to lose millions.
18. The court's initial verdict in the police officers' trial set off serious riots.
19. The coroner recorded a verdict of death by natural causes.
20. She called the verdict a victory of truth over falsehood.
21. Two of the judges disagreed with the verdict.
22. The verdict was set aside by the Appeal Court.
23. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
24. The jury finally delivered its verdict.
25. The verdict was that the prisoner was guilty.
26. The coroner recorded a verdict of death by misadventure.
27. The jury found him guilty by a majority verdict.
28. She showed no emotion at the verdict.
29. He was too puffed up with his own importance, too blinded by vanity to accept their verdict on him.
30. An audible gasp went round the court as the jury announced the verdict.
1. The jury reached a unanimous verdict of 'not guilty'.
2. The jury has retired to consider its verdict.
3. Everyone was aghast at the verdict.
4. The jury were unanimous in their verdict.
5. A hushed courtroom awaited the verdict.
6. The jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict.
7. The jury returned an open verdict.
8. The jury reached/returned a unanimous verdict of guilty.
9. Has the jury reached a verdict?
10. The jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.
11. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death.
12. He was too puffed up with his own importance, too blinded by vanity to accept their verdict on him.
13. The jury returned a verdict of guilty / not guilty.
14. The response to the jury's verdict was one of outrage.
15. The jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty after a short deliberation.
16. In the case of an adverse verdict, the company could stand to lose millions.
17. The court's initial verdict in the police officers' trial set off serious riots.
18. An audible gasp went round the court as the jury announced the verdict.
19. The coroner recorded a verdict of death by natural causes.
20. She called the verdict a victory of truth over falsehood.
21. The verdict resulting from his impeachment destroyed his political career.
22. The appeal court reversed the original verdict and set the prisoner free.
23. The jury added a rider to their verdict recommending mercy.
24. After listening to the testimony, the members of the jury delivered their verdict.
25. An open verdict was the only appropriate one , given the very unclear evidence at the inquest.
31. The jury returned a verdict of unlawful killing.
32. I have no quarrel with the court's verdict.
33. My wife's verdict on my cooking was very favourable.
34. She popped off about the injustice of the verdict.
35. The jury was called upon to reconsider its verdict.
36. The panel will give its final verdict tomorrow.
36. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
37. The inquest returned a verdict of accidental death.
38. The Coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death.
39. Brecht's verdict was that his screenplay had been mutilated.
40. The doctor's verdict was that he was entirely healthy.
41. The guilty verdict was quashed by the appeal court.
42. The jury retired to consider their verdict.
43. The coroner recorded a verdict of acci-dental death.
44. A verdict of suicide was recorded at the inquest.
45. The unanimous verdict was 'guilty'.
46. He waived his right to appeal against the verdict.
47. The jury delivered a verdict of not guilty.
48. The earlier verdict was overturned on a legal technicality.
49. The lawyers are waiting on the jury's verdict.
50. The players anxiously awaited the verdict of the umpire.
51. The jury implicitly criticised the government by their verdict.
52. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty.
53. The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty.
54. The jury was unable to reach a verdict.
55. The verdict was upheld at appeal.
56. Demonstrators protested angrily following the jury's verdict.
57. The sensational verdict climaxed a six-month trial.
58. The judge's verdict provided the spark for the riots.
59. The court decided to reconsider the verdict.
60. New evidence has cast doubt on the guilty verdict.
61. The jury brought in its verdict.
62. A verdict of death by misadventure was recorded.
63. After the inquest, the coroner recorded an open verdict.
64. We intend to appeal the verdict.
65. The jury will retire to consider its verdict today.
66. What's your verdict on the movie?
66. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
67. The audience's final verdict was encouraging.
68. He was in complete accord with the verdict.
69. The verdict was overruled by the Supreme Court.
70. The court's decision amounts to a not guilty verdict.
71. We believe that the verdict against him was unfair.
72. The jury delivered a verdict of unlawful killing.
73. The jury returned a verdict of guilty.
74. Three judges will deliver their verdict in October.
75. They reached a verdict after hours of deliberation.
76. They returned a verdict of not guilty.
77. The jury's verdict went against him.
78. What's your verdict on her new book?
79. The coroner 's verdict was'death by misadventure '.
80. The jury took four days to reach a verdict.
81. Protestors gathered outside the court to await the verdict.
82. The judge ordered that he post a $10 000 bond pending his appeal of the verdict.
83. The jury is considering its verdict and we're waiting to see which side of the fence they'll come down on.
84. He was handed down a verdict of "not guilty" and set free.
85. After a week the jury had still not reached a verdict .
86. Trade unionists were quick to give their verdict on the proposals.
87. The girl's parents were bitterly disappointed at the jury's verdict.
88. The verdict resulting from his impeachment destroyed his political career.
89. The judge will delay his verdict until he receives medical reports on the offender.
90. After five days of deliberations, the jury decided on a verdict of not guilty.
91. The verdict hasn't weakened his resolve to fight the charges against him.
92. He said there was some doubt over the way Grant had died, and recorded an open verdict .
93. The judge summed up and the jury retired to consider its verdict.
94. He gazed vacantly while the verdict and sentence were pronounced.
95. Voters gave their verdict on the government's economic record last night by voting overwhelmingly for the opposition.
96. There was not enough evidence for a guilty verdict .
97. The judge directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty.
98. The judge set aside the verdict of the lower court.
99. There was applause from the public gallery as the foreman of the jury announced the verdict.
100. The unanimous verdict was that the picnic had been a great success.
101. In the courtroom everybody went into overdrive, assuming that there might well be a verdict soon.
102. The verdict of the court was a victory for common sense.
103. The verdict was murder by a person or persons unknown.
104. The jury will be giving its verdict within the next couple of days.
105. The judge has not intimated whether they will be allowed to reach a majority verdict.
106. When the verdict was read pandemonium broke out in the courtroom.
107. The appeal court reversed the original verdict and set the prisoner free.
108. When the judge summed up, it was clear he wanted a guilty verdict.
109. The accused faces an agonizing wait while the jury considers its verdict.
110. The judge said he would declare a mistrial if the jury did not reach its verdict today.
111. It took the jury three days to reach a verdict .
112. The panel will give their verdict on the latest video releases.
113. She listened stoically as the guilty verdict was read out.
114. Many politicians and members of the public expressed outrage at the verdict.
115. After ten hours of deliberation, the jury returned a verdict of 'not guilty'.
116. The jury added a rider to their verdict recommending mercy.
117. When the verdict was read out, all the colour drained from Zelda's cheeks.
118. The jury has / have returned a verdict of guilty.
119. The jury passed a verdict of guilty, with an appeal to the judge for clemency.
120. I never doubted that they would deliver the correct verdict .
121. The jury returned a verdict of guilty at the end of the trial.
122. Announcement of the verdict was accompanied by shouts and cheers.
123. Factual and forensic evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to the mystery of his death.
124. The trial was a mockery - the judge had decided the verdict before it began.
125. The verdict was delivered in front of a packed courtroom.
126. The jury signify their verdict by a show of hands.
127. After listening to the testimony,[] the members of the jury delivered their verdict.
128. His family always insisted that the original "guilty" verdict should be overturned.
129. An open verdict was the only appropriate one , given the very unclear evidence at the inquest.
130. The accused faces an agonising wait while the jury considers its verdict.
131. The jury returned a formal verdict after direction by the judge.
132. The judge sent the jury away to consider its verdict.
133. Through a spokeswoman, Garcetti declined comment on the verdict.
134. Ceausescu's lawyers immediately lodged an appeal against the verdict.
135. Letters delivered a verdict of innocence.
136. Verdict: The only compact camera for the underwater enthusiast.
137. The guilty verdict and death sentence brought little relief.
138. The usual verdict was pilot error.
139. The verdict has increased racial discord in the country.
140. Coroner Michael Sheffield recorded a verdict of accidental death.
141. I await with interest the Market Research Society's verdict.
142. Everyone was watching in silence, awaiting his verdict.
143. He accepted the verdict philosophically.
144. No longer smiling, he stood nervously awaiting our verdict.
145. I accept full responsibility for the jury verdict.
146. The verdict was handed down on a Saturday.
147. Robin delivers the first verdict on it's performance.
148. The verdict may worsen racial hostility.
149. On 4 December 1985 the inquest returned a verdict of accidental death.
150. I could see it in their faces when they returned their verdict.
151. Her impassive face showed no sign of reaction to the verdict.
152. Susan McDougal was found guilty of fraud and sentenced to two years in jail, a verdict she is appealing.
153. Dyson sat back and put his finger-tips together, as if about to deliver his verdict.
154. The verdict stunned many trial watchers and exposed deep racial divisions within the United States.
155. Shipman stared straight ahead as the foreman of the jury read out the verdict tothe packed courtroom.
156. Mr Barter recorded a suicide verdict and expressed his sympathy to Mr Banks' family.
156. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
157. The Simpson verdict, by contrast, was a human drama involving the most famous defendant of the century.
158. You essentially have to read the verdict before you open the envelope.
159. Within just a few minutes the jury of ranchers returned a verdict of not guilty.
160. I asked Mr Hughes if he was satisfied with the jury's verdict but he declined to comment.
161. The trial was just a charade -- the verdict had already been decided.
162. It was also a victory for those who have concluded Simpson escaped a guilty verdict in his criminal trial.
163. Though he notes occasional heroism, his general verdict on the working classes is unfavourable.
164. Meanwhile, Yoon sits in a Seoul jail awaiting his verdict.
165. Our verdict: Fine, but you will need another efficient grill for cooking bacon, steaks, and so on.
166. There will consequently be no directed verdict of not guilty.
167. Their rich and complex evidence will suggest an appropriate verdict on the civilization they interpret.
168. But in the outcome the jury returned a verdict of not guilty on that count.
169. As in a hung jury - one that can not reach a verdict.
170. That's the unanimous verdict of shoppers who are impressed by the elegant surroundings, high quality shops and first rate service.
171. I was ill at the time with the ague but I remember the verdict being recorded.
172. Never before had Dustin been so exposed or felt such trepidation while awaiting their verdict on him.
173. Criticism of a verdict which casts aspersions on the integrity of jurors may, of course, attract libel actions on that score.
174. Last month three Court of Appeal court judges refused to overturn the libel jury's verdict.
175. The foreman, a young man with glasses, delivered the verdict forms, which were read by the clerk.
176. The jury retired to consider its verdict in the trial of Harold Shipman, the family doctor accused of killing 15 patients.
177. Gen Krstic faces life imprisonment if the final verdict, due in the first half of next year, is guilty.
178. Dalgliesh's private verdict was that it was technically brilliant, but overwrought and painted, he felt, in hatred.
179. The chief justice of the King's Bench pronounced the verdict.
180. Paul's verdict: I was impressed by both the performance and flexibility of these trousers.
181. An appeal court said fresh evidence presented last month could have had a bearing on the jury's original verdict.
182. Those who find in that formulation a description of authentic Co-operation will be content with his verdict.
183. The courtroom burst into applause and shouts when the verdict was read.
184. Some members there clinked glasses and gave thumbs-up signs as they watched the verdict at the cozy first-floor bar.
185. Merseyside coroner Roy Barter recorded a verdict of death by natural causes.
186. Trials proceed until the case comes to a close with a verdict,[http:///verdict.html] mistrial or late settlement.
187. The Gnomes sat together at the end of the breakfast table and waited anxiously for the verdict.
188. Allow me to present the evidence and then reach your own verdict.
189. Will she insist on a guilty verdict and mandatory death sentence?
190. A decidedly negative verdict in the financial markets or the polls could bring the two sides back to the table.
191. As the first verdict for Lyle Menendez was read, the elder brother looked straight ahead and then shook his head slowly.
192. I did not want a verdict that he was killed in action because he did not go out there to fight.
193. Just a few hours before the verdict he told Central News that he believed the jury would find him not guilty.
194. On the following day the jury signed a verdict that the 1277 perambulation still set forth the true bounds.
195. We looked into this chasm when our responses to the O. J. Simpson verdict cleaved largely along color lines.
196. The jury began deliberating upon its verdict on April 23.
197. The verdict came as an immense relief for Mr Major, who put his job on the line over the Maastricht Treaty.
198. Bailey, who had been free on bail, was taken into custody after the verdict Thursday.
199. To the King and most of his advisers the verdict was clear and, short of risking civil war, irresistible.
200. The jury's verdict was clearly influenced by their sympathy for the defendant.
201. When the first verdict was announced, people cheered or booed or gasped; we knew how we felt.
202. A verdict of accidental death was recorded at an inquest last week.
203. The jurors in the criminal trial did not hold a news conference after their verdict and in many cases avoided in-depth interviews.
204. The packed courtroom was hushed as the jury delivered their verdict.
205. The second guilty verdict has merely persuaded more people that the charges were groundless.
206. The judge has confined the jury to their hotel until after the verdict.
207. Because of his claimed penury, Mr Hamilton has abandoned plans to contest the libel verdict.
208. This meant that any Gascon appealing against the verdict of one of the sub-seneschals could not go directly to Paris.
209. The lesser verdict may also assist the judge in sentencing, and help the public to understand the sentence imposed.
210. Once he had learned that it was proving impossible he reluctantly nodded his agreement to a majority verdict.
211. However, on July 29, the same day the Reclamation panel reached its verdict, Otis could no longer contain himself.
212. The defendant remained impassive as the judge announced the guilty verdict.
213. They concurred with the verdict of the earlier team that he was seriously ill.
214. But the hearing was unable to decide who fired the fatal shots and an accident verdict was recorded.
215. At the conclusion of the trial, the jury returned with a verdict of guilty.
216. Madness is a diagnosis or verdict of some of our greatest doctors and geniuses, and of their man-disappointed minds.
217. He appealed against the verdict, and on July 16 was released from detention pending his appeal.
218. The jury heard about wealthy amusement arcade boss Vincent King's past only after it had given its verdict.
219. An inquest had been held and a verdict of accidental death returned.
220. A real blow, a real headache for coach Keith Richardson: here's his verdict.
221. In the first few hours after the verdict, 60 people were arrested on charges of disorderly conduct.
222. After the verdict the Nock family couldn't hide their sorrow and anger.
223. After a while it grew apparent that Tara's verdict on Guy was fairly accurate.
224. The jury was unable to bring in a verdict on the remaining six defendants.
225. In Central News tonight: Open verdict: Family of barn fire victim say it rules out suicide.
226. The debate is over and the verdict is in on capital gains taxes.
227. More than twenty years later, the verdict is in on these predictions: Wrong on all counts. die-hard aficionados.
228. Cleveland coroner Michael Sheffield said death was due to drowning and recorded an open verdict.
229. After initial indecision, the inquest jury delivered a verdict of lawful killing.
230. A jury's verdict is the result of a collective agreement.
231. He looked very doubtful when I asked certain questions and laughed me to scorn when I gave my verdict.
232. Hastings said he might allow photographers into the courtroom for the verdict and the final arguments by attorneys.
233. He slumped forward in his seat, supporting his arms on his knees, when the jury foreman announced the verdict.
234. The jury considered the matter for many days and have reached their verdict.
235. The jury awarded Hayward £50,000,[http:///verdict.html] and the Court of Appeal upheld the verdict because the article was capable of implying guilt.
236. Little wonder that, as one newspaper put it, Ministers were aghast at the verdict.
237. Today the jury were ordered to enter a formal not guilty verdict.




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