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单词 Sterling
1. Ella has done some sterling work.
2. Sterling is expected to depreciate against the dollar.
3. The value of sterling has risen.
4. The stamps had to be paid for in sterling.
5. You can be paid in pounds sterling or American dollars.
6. The value of sterling increased against several other currencies yesterday.
7. He said the over-valuation of sterling was throttling industry.
8. You can convert sterling into the local currency.
9. Sterling continues to gain ground against the dollar.
10. What a sterling fellow he is!
11. They had to uncap sterling yesterday.
12. Those are sterling qualities to be admired in anyone.
13. You've done a sterling job.
14. Can I change these dollars back into sterling?
15. We all admire her sterling qualities.
16. He has done sterling work on the finance committee.
17. The banks were panicked into selling sterling.
18. Everyone has made a sterling effort.
19. The pound sterling has been climbing steadily all week.
20. Sterling went into free fall.
21. She converted her Renminbi into pound sterling.
22. In accepting the award[], she mentioned the sterling work of her assistants.
23. They tried to rally the pound sterling but in vain.
24. It is said that the pound sterling will be upvalued.
25. Any devaluation of sterling would make it even more difficult to keep inflation low.
26. Sterling took a battering yesterday as worries grew about the state of Britain's economy.
27. I had no dollars,(http:///sterling.html) but offered him an equivalent amount of sterling.
28. The City acted swiftly to the news of a fall in the value of sterling.
29. The Chancellor is boxed in by inflation targets and sterling.
30. My old watch has given me 15 years of sterling service.
1. Ella has done some sterling work.
2. Sterling is expected to depreciate against the dollar.
3. The value of sterling has risen.
4. The stamps had to be paid for in sterling.
5. You can be paid in pounds sterling or American dollars.
6. I had no dollars, but offered him an equivalent amount of sterling.
7. The value of sterling increased against several other currencies yesterday.
8. We all admire her sterling qualities.
9. Sterling went into free fall.
31. The acceleration in the decline of manufacturing industry is being blamed on the high value of sterling.
32. A run on sterling has killed off hopes of a rate cut.
33. Sterling has been hit by the economy's failure to pull out of recession.
34. He has sterling qualities.
35. She enjoys a sterling reputation in law enforcement circles and among the community in general.
36. Investors are taking their cue from the big banks and selling sterling.
37. She has sterling qualities.
38. The foreign bank gains the sterling deposits.
39. They will therefore sell sterling and buy foreign currencies.
40. That is, exchange sterling to put lire on deposit.
41. This is typically between sterling, dollars and euros.
42. We begin with the short-term sterling deposit contract.
43. We shall concentrate attention on the sterling deposit contract.
44. These will be deposited in the Sterling Memorial Library.
45. Tuition Fees must be paid in pounds sterling.
46. Both exerted downward pressure on the sterling exchange rate.
47. The results of overseas subsidiaries are translated into sterling at average rates for the year.
48. Gold and cash reserves fell by around £2 billion as a result of the sterling crisis.
49. However, she cautioned against taking out euro loans just yet because of the exchange risk while sterling floated against the euro.
50. Foreign currency assets and liabilities are translated into sterling at the rates of exchange at the balance sheet date.
51. Once intervention rates have been altered in this fashion, a change in rates will occur across all sterling money markets.
52. The Bank is a major player in the sterling money market, buying and selling Treasury bills on a daily basis.
53. All the other measures of money supply only include sterling.
54. Perhaps you have one doing sterling service, that you would like others to see.
55. And by now the Prime Minister has moved on to the next sterling crisis.
56. If people think exchange rates will rise, they will demand sterling while it is still relatively cheap.
57. Most of the business was in shorter-term sterling futures as the pound gained against other currencies.
58. In all three cases net sterling payments to the government's accounts at the Bank reduce market liquidity.
59. And this did raise the whole issue of the future of the sterling area.
60. But many dealers remain convinced that the mark has peaked against both sterling and the dollar.
61. International investors continued to switch their money out of sterling because they expect the Government to slash interest rates.
62. Fort Sterling has recently introduced toilet tissue and paper towels made from 100 percent recycled paper.
63. So, after luxuriating in its hair shirt for a few days, the City would have sold sterling anyway.
64. Toby Ewers put in another sterling performance in the youths mile, finishing a clear winner in 4 mins. 44.
65. It reminded them of when Labour Chancellor Denis Healey turned back at the airport in 1976 over a sterling crisis.
66. For almost 18 months Margaret Thatcher and Nigel Lawson have been at loggerheads over sterling.
67. That would make it extremely painful to have gone short of sterling in the past few days.
68. For example, 170.25 francs divided by 11.35 gives the sterling equivalent.
69. The investor decides on the currency most likely to appreciate against sterling and puts money on deposit in that currency.
70. Therefore an arbitrageur could make virtually riskless profits by exchanging sterling for Deutschmarks, Deutschmarks for dollars and dollars for sterling:.
71. This arbitrage opportunity raises the attractiveness of sterling and reduces the attractiveness of dollars.
72. Trading results and cash flows of overseas subsidiary companies are translated into sterling at average rates.
73. Sterling Winthrop. which markets paracetamol under the trade name Panadol, says that an application for a product licence is imminent.
74. Blaming Sterling Marlin for Earnhardt's death is like blaming an airplane pilot for a skydiver's death.
75. Sterling liabilities Time deposits form the largest item, accounting for around 50 percent of the total.
76. All eyes are now on the financial markets, rocked by last week's sterling crisis.
77. I also know that sterling exchange rates don't favour those companies buying on the international market.
78. The outlook for sterling is clouded by confusion about whether the Chancellor has set a new floor for the pound.
79. It seems a highly attractive alternative to periodic sterling crises.
80. Table 3.5 shows that sterling and non-sterling liabilities are quite closely matched by corresponding assets.
81. The oldest of the money markets is the discount market, but there are also the newer sterling and foreign currency markets.
82. No one who has really lived should have a sterling background, in my opinion.
83. For example, suppose that currency 1 is sterling, currency 2 is dollars and currency 3 is Deutschmarks.
84. While the ideal solution is a fast 486 computer there are a lot of 386 machines still performing sterling service.
85. Until the float of sterling in 1972 there were no strong restrictions on investment within the sterling area.
86. Converted to sterling this means approx £5,000 per 1000 kilos.
87. Yet, in the sterling crisis, he put them up to 15 percent for the day.
87. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
88. Few can have been surprised that the markets reacted by marking sterling down.
89. It was approved by the Food and Drug Administration and enjoyed a sterling reputation among health professionals.
90. I thought we had to have excessively high interest rates in order to keep sterling where it is.
91. This will increase the demand for sterling on the foreign exchange markets and hence cause an appreciation of the exchange rate.
92. The policy decision was to maintain the sterling area, above all in its 1940 form as a zone of exchange control.
93. The benchmark 5-year sterling swap spread rose 7 basis points to 42 basis points.
94. My husband did not have enough marks to pay the bill, so he offered to pay the equivalent amount in Sterling.
95. For example, if a Gallup poll goes against the Government, sterling starts to shake.
96. The three-month trend shows sterling lending to the private sector averaging only about £1 billion a month.
97. Sterling was caught in the backwash of a run against the dollar.
98. By then, tens of thousands more workers will have got the Sack and Sterling will have plunged even lower in value.
99. Apart from acting as a zone for maximizing non-dollar trade, the sterling area under Labour had two main effects.
100. Since February sterling has risen by over 5% against the D-mark.
101. And they believe that what makes the current situation precarious is the continuing uncertainty over the outlook for sterling.
102. But if sterling is still in crisis in a month or two rises could come.
103. Further revaluations remain a distinct possibility, despite a slight weakening of Sterling.
104. Appendix 3 Exchange Rate Comparisons Table 9.6 shows data for the sterling effective exchange rate as well as for other currencies.
105. Britain's leadership of the sterling area is thus seen as a crucial link in this scheme of things.
106. The share of total sterling lending to the private sector-households and businesses - has risen sharply.
107. Those who complain about dear money and strong sterling would doubtless see this as an even worse regime.
108. The benchmark 5-year sterling swap spread was unchanged at 34 basis points.
109. The forward contract would mature at the time when it was proposed to change back into sterling from lire.
110. Sterling improved strongly and the market sensed an imminent cut in interest rates which added support to the initial market euphoria.
111. Most likely it was the continued upward pressure on the sterling exchange rate over the weekend.
112. This inpart reflects the recent very rapid rise in interest-bearing sterling deposits,() due to high real interest rates.
113. I still had my gun and what was left of Sterling Hayden's money.
114. N.B. - Loss of sterling limited to the amount permitted by currency regulations if any in force at the date of holiday.
115. Forte is expected to convert the Sterling, its first hotel at Gatwick, to its upmarket Crest brand.
116. Sadly it was cooled by the sterling crisis of July 1966.
117. This gives a sterling value, at this rate of £36,363.64 and is of course the expected return.
117. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
118. Just when it is vital to get policy on sterling right, the task has become virtually impossible.
119. In practice, that would have to be about the level at which sterling was trading in the foreign exchange markets.
120. The Government's dilemma is that sterling is falling because the financial markets no longer have faith in government policy towards the pound.
121. The dollar strengthened as a result and had the temporary effect of relieving pressure on sterling against the mark.
122. More than 100 offshore funds pay an income in sterling.
123. Sterling was linked to gold and the gold standard ensured price stability. Fiscal policy was conservative.
124. Officials said the increase was largely due to extra holidays abroad encouraged by the favourable exchange rate of sterling.
125. The benchmark 5-year sterling swap spread fell 4 basis points to 36 basis points.
126. To convert foreign currency into sterling divide the amount by the rate of exchange.
127. Sterling was weaker against the deutsche mark at 2. 2354 marks compared with 2. 2390 at the previous close.
128. But while sterling remains weak exporters should prosper - although the market would not acknowledge such a fact yesterday.
129. We at Novartis will lead in £ sterling but will be prepared to offer in euros if asked.
130. Funds for economic development were provided by means of sterling bond issues in the London capital market.
131. There was a time when air travelers in search of timely takeoffs and sterling service would fly with Delta Air Lines.
132. Sterling was linked to gold and the gold standard ensured price stability.
133. As in the sterling markets, EuroCDs are tradable certificates indicating ownership of a fixed-term deposit.
134. The fund is 45 p.c. invested in dollars, 20 p.c. in yen and 35 p.c. sterling.
135. Foreign currency can be exchanged for sterling at any bank.
136. With the threat of a Labour government by the end of the week, sterling does not need shocks like that.
137. This will not affect money supply since it involves no sterling transactions and hence will not affect banks' sterling deposits.
138. As the gilt market has shrunk, several GEMMs have expressed an interest in making a market in non-gilt fixed-interest sterling securities.
139. The sterling money market in London is the device used by banks and others to adjust their liquidity.
140. Yesterday sterling enjoyed its first quiet day since the trade figures were released a week ago.
141. The balance sheet in Table 16.2 shows the various sterling assets of the recognized banks in descending order of liquidity.
142. Members of hte Soemrville Souvenirs Group have continued their sterling work throughout the year and make a valuable contribution to College income.
143. It seems, however, that the decision to withdraw sterling from the exchange rate mechanism has paid dividends.
144. This is the position apparently held by various government ministers in the period 1979-81, when sterling was allowed to soar.
145. The Million Sterling Tournament is less than a month away.
146. The firm blamed the Sterling devaluation for the price rise.
147. Their warnings came amid bleak forecasts that sterling will plunge to a new low during this week's Tory conference at Brighton.
148. The temptation to their crews to barter their duty free stores for sterling constituted a high revenue risk at times.
149. But he has sterling qualities(), particularly courage and a total indifference to public opinion.
150. In the year to the end of November, Sterling Greengate made a pre-tax profit of £1.6 million on sales of £42million.
151. The same key-shaped earrings are also available in sterling silver for £150.
152. This was due mainly to the very high value of sterling against other currencies.
153. Our rent, in pounds sterling, was to be sent monthly to Mrs Puri's bank account in deepest Ludhiana.
154. Just how much people will switch out of sterling depends on how much they think the exchange rate will depreciate.
155. Mr Smith said the Premier had not just humiliated himself and his Government through the sterling crisis - he had humiliated Britain.
156. The sterling bond market apart from gilt-edged had all but ceased to exist.
157. Sterling was little changed against the deutsche mark at 2. 2323 marks compared with 2. 2324 at the previous close.
158. Clare began to feel a foolish kind of affection for the umbrella that was doing them both such sterling service.
159. Prodrive Motorsport make rally cars and parts, and low sterling rates are attracting foreign buyers like never before.
160. The rate for the pound sterling was 1,650,000 roubles in January 1922 and 71,730,000 by October.
161. On sterling balances, the pattern was one where some countries ran down their balances significantly, while others accumulated more.
162. A 19 percent slump in the value of sterling against the Hong Kong dollar was a big contributor.
163. The medium of world commerce was often the sterling bill of exchange, which provided something like an international currency.
164. Official records show little except the names of Sterling Trust's directors.
165. But after the sterling crisis, Mr Major had been quick to brand the same markets as irrational, Mr Smith declared.
166. The two strategies involve identical outcomes, namely the exchange of dollars for sterling at the end of the year.
167. Perhaps the United States itself would benefit in the long run from a more flexible policy on sterling and other matters.
168. In addition, the dollar price is hedged into sterling to avoid currency exposure.
169. To illustrate, suppose an individual buys one sterling contract at a price of 1.7215 and later closes his position at 1.7263.
170. Sterling currently stands at 109.6 against the current trade-weighted index of Euro pean currencies.
171. They have some sterling silver cutlery.
172. They tried to rally pound sterling but in vain.
173. Sterling Moss and A? J? Foyt race cars professionally.
174. It's convenient to make payment in pound sterling.
175. These spoons are made of sterling silver.
176. Highchair banquet. Baby cup in sterling silver. 2.5" high".
177. I wish to be paid in sterling.
177. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
178. He has many sterling qualities.
179. Jacket required. Tie clip in sterling silver. 2" long."
180. Casual and refined, modern and elegant. Ring in sterling silver . Wide.
181. My high school consisted of 5 towns : Paxton ( Wachusett ), Rutland , Holden, Sterling and Princeton.
182. Would you please tell me the exchange rate pound sterling into RMB?
183. She's the soul and the center of everything in Atlanta that's sterling.
184. An oval cabochon of translucent golden honey amber accents this graceful swan pendant, crafted in bright sterling silver.
185. Sometimes the pound sterling be also used as the currency of account.
186. The dollar weakened against the euro and sterling ahead of the jobs data and commodity futures, which are priced in dollars, advanced.
187. Necklace in black onyx with sterling silver toggle. 16 " long. "
188. Contemporary sterling silver stiletto earrings with links forged to represent connection.
189. Sterling has recently been strong, which will help to abate inflationary pressures.
190. In the early hours of 13 April, undergraduate students working at Yale University's Sterling Chemistry Laboratory made a shocking discovery.
191. The 77-year-old hedge-fund supremo and slayer of sterling has nothing to prove financially (he is worth upwards of $8 billion).
192. Inflation has been modest, and sterling, the Achilles heel of governments from Clement Attlee's to John Major's, is if anything too strong for Britain's good.
193. The payment will is make in pound sterling or us dollar as the case may is.
194. Sterling rose 0.7 percent at $1.6689, and the dollar fell sharply against the Mexican peso and the Brazilian real.
195. Made from sterling silver, this pendant features a ringed cross with fleur tips.
196. Can I have it partly in RMB and partly in pound sterling?
197. He also believes a sterling crisis cannot be ruled out, which would be supportive for these mega caps as companies with a lot of overseas earnings would do better.
198. In England, the pound sterling debts of foreigners are canceled against their sterling credits.
199. Why is the British currency unit called "the pound sterling?"
200. the value of sterling.
201. Travel agents charge 1 per cent commission on sterling cheques.
202. Soros, chairman of Soros Fund Management who made a fortune during the 1992 sterling crisis, said the most important task was to "erect safeguards against contagion from a possible Greek default.
203. Mary and Reg had done a sterling job with some help from their Tom-Tom.
204. Dollar rose sharply against the pound sterling exchange rate, reducing the attractiveness of gold investment.
205. Do you remember if someone gave you a sterling silver picture frame as a gift?
206. U. S. dollar 42 %. German Mark 19 %, Japanese yen, French franc, UK pound sterling 13 % each.
207. In 2000, Sterling released the Viridian Manifesto, which he has described as an attempt to use design "to end our substance-abuse problem with fossil fuels.
207. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
208. We are a company specializing in the production and wholesale 925 sterling silver jewelry manufacturers.
209. It also struck eight - year lows against sterling and the Swiss franc.
210. Sterling took a battering as worries grew about the state of Britain's economy.
211. First class mail. Letter opener in sterling silver. 7" long."
212. Our Scottish Terrier charm in sterling silver is just as lovable as the real thing.
213. Our sterling silver bow fronted clutch bag charm will add instant glamour to any outfit.
214. Kit Juckes, head of foreign exchange research at Societe Generale, said the bank likes playing dollar weakness against sterling and the New Zealand dollar.
215. A new cheque book and these dollars into sterling, please./sterling.html
216. We are a professional production of 925 sterling silver jewelry company.
217. Sterling was last down 0.8 percent to $1.6242. It touched the day's low as Britain lowered its growth projections for the coming year and increased borrowing targets.
218. Between May 1986 and May 1991,222 companies issued sterling commercial paper.
219. Formed nickel ferrochrome cobalt at present through improving black, iron chromium cobaltic manganese is black wait for new breed, because this shows scene more sterling with stability.
220. Compared with the U.S. dollar pound sterling, the devaluation of the trend has intensified.
221. Kim Thomas is a professional jewelry factory production and wholesale 925 sterling silver jewelry.
222. Everything from base metal to copper, sterling silver or 14 k gold filled.
223. A failed gilt auction, in particular(), could send sterling tumbling.
224. Mrs Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men.
225. Trefoil key pendant in sterling silver. 2.25 " long. Chain sold separately. "
226. The unknowledgeable buyer who doesn't verify if a piece of jewelry is actually sterling, will often find that their piece is plated.
227. At the end of August 1992, the “Quantum Fund?led by George Soros shorted USD 7 billion worth of pound sterling and bought Deutsche Mark worth USD 6 billion.
228. Sterling reflected on this "put up or shut up" proposition, seconded by his 151 barrel proof corn liquor.
229. My best guess is that, even with a fat premium, the world will have all it can handle of sterling denominated British government risk in the coming years.
230. We offer A, Shipment July, CIF London sterling 500 per metric ton.
231. PRICE: The currency manifesting the price shall be the basis currency of payment, unle otherwise ecified, US $ mea the U. S. Doitars, HK $ the Hong Kong Dollars, ? the Pound Sterling.
232. Would you please tell me the exchange rate for pound sterling into RMB?




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