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单词 Harmed
1 Large dams have harmed Siberia's delicate ecological balance.
2 I've never harmed a soul in my life.
3 Her feelings were harmed by his words.
4 Thankfully no one was harmed in the accident.
5 I have never harmed anyone.
6 Were the hostages harmed?
7 The government's reputation has already been harmed by a series of scandals.
8 The oil which discharged into the sea seriously harmed a lot of birds and animals.
9 The doom of all who harmed them was certain.
10 She never harmed anyone when she was alive.
11 He harmed many innocent people -- children, young people.
12 Has it helped or harmed recipients?
13 Other states with federal forests harmed by Opal also have invoked the new salvage-timber law.
14 Over the years this must have harmed his chest, as it had already badly discoloured his teeth.
15 Negative publicity has harmed the group's ability to get things done.
16 The report has harmed the town's reputation as a health spa.
17 Third parties harmed by anti-competitive agreements may bring proceedings for damages.
18 There was a fire in our street,() but no one was harmed.
19 I know not what you people think of his kind, but he has never harmed a soul that I know of.
20 Medicines do not come without risks, and patients are harmed by them through no fault of the drug or the prescriber.
21 The most important consideration is that the environment is not harmed.
22 That study found no evidence that foreigners in high-tech fields have lowered the earnings or harmed employment prospects of native-born workers.
23 Britain was concerned that its sovereignty and cultural identity would be harmed by the treaty.
24 He tended there to wounded animals, who had been harmed by the traps and arrows of hunters.
25 By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. Winston Churchill 
26 The police had realised how serious the incident could be, and managed to find Robert before he was physically harmed.
27 All her feelings had been for Gerry, with the coal-pitted hands, who had never harmed a soul.
28 Last year the Institute of Personnel Management warned companies that reluctance to hire older people was inefficient and harmed competitiveness.
29 We might deplore that, but it shows that the national minimum wage has harmed the most vulnerable people in that society.
30 If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed. It is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance who is harmed. Marcus Aurelius 
1 Large dams have harmed Siberia's delicate ecological balance.
31 His scientific ideas had harmed his political chances before, so he stuck to generalities about preserving memorials of the distant past.
32 Anyone, even of their own number, who had harmed it would have been severely punished.
33 I can do experiments in the greenhouse that show that red spruce are harmed by ozone and acid deposition.
34 A slim majority of 52 percent said martial law harmed the country, while 43 percent said dictatorship brought benefits.
35 When a national industry is harmed by imports, governments can raise tariffs without violating trade agreement.
36 No one was killed or even harmed, except for the emotional trauma caused by the exaggerated reports of peril.
37 The coward choked out that you were still alive and hadn't been harmed, but it didn't save his neck.
37 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
38 Magnanimously, he forgave all those who had harmed him.
39 Neither the performer nor ladybug is harmed du ring the effect!
40 Already, disunity may have harmed the prospects for democratic change.
41 The Supplicant is chased, harmed or otherwise threatened by the Persecutor and begs for help from the Power in Authority.
42 However, critics say it violates the rights of gay military personnel and has harmed US national security by forcing out some 14, 000 qualified troops.
43 Granted, I acted counter to this by not buying that T-shirt from the boy in Palmyra, but, as I think about it now, what would it have harmed if I had?
44 Few people have been harmed physically by molten lava flowing from volcanoes.
45 For years, many people have harmed the environment by littering it with their throw-away plastic grocery bags.
46 One feels in reading them that the writer had studied the Elizabethan and Jacobean dramatists, and that they harmed as well as helped him.
47 A consumer or other injured party whose person or property is harmed due to a commodity defect may demand compensation from the seller or may also demand compensation from the producer.
48 Nobody is being harmed by respecting another country's laws in this regard, so your outrage is purely self-involved narcissistic rage.
49 Far more people are harmed by regular use of aspirin and ibuprofen, which belong to a class of medicines called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or Nsaids.
50 The reason is that there is different degree of vestibule system harmed in deaf student.
51 I intend to forgive anything that my ancestry perpetrated that harmed another.
52 Do you think you've harmed the image of Uruguay in Spain?
53 It is about time we give legal protection are truly harmed.
54 Naomi said to Ruth her daughter-in-law, "It will be good for you, my daughter, to go with his girls, because in someone else's field you might be harmed.
55 Rising air and water temperatures may have especially harmed Galapagos penguins.
56 Fortunately, there's plenty of drop-dead gorgeous clothing that hasn't harmed animals.
57 Li Yi knew that there was no proof that a high saccharin level directly harmed users of loperamide .
58 People who breathe in your tobacco smoke can be seriously harmed.
59 Those grace periods have severely harmed the creditor, the efficiency of procedure, and made enforcement procedure lose its rigidity.
60 The pivot rupture has also seriously harmed the social prestige of this tipper production factory.
61 Article 35 A consumer whose legal rights and interests are harmed during the purchase or use of a commodity may demand compensation from the seller.
62 How to reduce computer radiate to be harmed to cutaneous?
63 Soybean (Glycine max L. ) yield is harmed seriously by pests.
64 It was fear that he would be harmed — even as he called to me with sharp-edged fangs, I feared for him.
65 Researchers wondered whether specific areas of the brain were being consistently harmed alcohol exposure in utero.
66 Net friend flower Philippines: In childhood pulled out the small house sparrow frequently, harmed the old house sparrow not to stop in side pitifully calls, now thought lamented very much!
67 Many wild animals in the forests around Congo's Nyiragongo volcano are likely to be harmed by the torrent of lava, ash and sulfurous gas pouring from the crater, wildlife experts said on Saturday.
68 I harmed her so, he excused me now, but my psychology is very compunctious !
69 The clubroot harmed rape from seedling period and was most severe at bolting stage while the disease index and disease incidence reduced at silique mature period.
70 To some extend, the commonality benefit is harmed if infringing the surface-water irrigation rights without compensation for limited water resources, so this is external diseconomy action.
70 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
71 Xiao Ling is really the salt of the earth. She has neither lied to nor harmed anyone.
72 It is possible for labour which is immobile to be harmed by imports.
73 All the errors he'd made, thepatients he might have harmed because of his carelessness. She did not sugarcoat the truth: that Capra was failing and would not be allowed to finish thesurgery program.
74 The union’s image was further harmed when a striker in Windsor was caught on video dumping rubbish and berating a family picking up litter in a park.
75 They may not be having as much fun as they did when "Jingle Bell Rock" rattled the walls, but technically they are not being harmed, either.
76 Shaved head of a boy in Sian retains the topknot that his parents believe will trick evil spirits into mistaking him for a girl, unworthy of being harmed.
77 Ask yourself: What has harmed more people on the planet, terrorist brutality or Wall Street venality?
78 High uric calcium was the latent dangerous factor of nephrolith . Conclusion The excessive calcium influenced the growth of rats and harmed certain viscera.
79 Parasitic brain can cause, livestock deaths, cysticercosis a hook than 1, 457 seriously harmed.
80 When two industrial giants clash, small companies can get caught in the cross-fire , ie harmed incidentally.
81 She is sound and not harmed in any way except for the tiller.
82 A consumer whose legal rights and interests are harmed during the receipt of a service may demand compensation from the provider of that service.
83 To put pressure on grape growers to stop using pesticides that harmed the farm workers' health, Cesar Chavez called for consumers to boycott grapes.
84 How can you reduce computer radiate to be harmed to cutaneous?
85 Most medication need to be transmitted, digested and absorbed through the gastrointestinal system, so the gastrointestinal tract bears the brunt of being irritated and harmed by certain medication.
86 Here, ABC was manifestly on notice from the outset that Co-Claimants had objected to the PPOs and considered the PPOs to have impermissibly harmed their interests.
87 How to prevent computer radiate to be harmed to cutaneous?




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