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单词 alter
释义 Word family  noun alteration verb alter  Related topics: Clothes & fashional·ter /ˈɔːltə $ ˈɒːltər/ ●●● S3 W3 AWL verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]CHANGE/BECOME DIFFERENTCHANGE FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER to change, or to make someone or something change (使)变化,(使)改变 Her face hadn’t altered much over the years. 过了这么多年,她的容貌并没有多大改变。 The city centre has altered beyond recognition (=changed very much). 市中心变得都认不出来了。 Nothing can alter the fact that the refugees are our responsibility. 我们有责任帮助难民,这一事实无法改变。2  [transitive]DC to make a piece of clothing longer, wider etc so that it fits 修改〔服装〕have/get something altered She had the dress altered for the wedding. 她让人把礼服改一下婚礼上穿。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusalter• His mood suddenly altered and he seemed a little annoyed.• At the hypothalamic level, emotions of rage and pleasure are little altered by any environmental stimuli.• His defence lawyer said that Wilson's lifestyle had altered dramatically since the offences three years ago.• I got the dress altered for the wedding.• Today is the last day Granada can alter its bid unless a new bidder prepares a competitive offer.• Since deregulation of bus services some routes may have been altered or replaced.• Treatment of blacks altered slightly with the great depression of the thirties and the economic boom of the wartime forties.• Similarly, practices could appeal if they had evidence that the population characteristics had altered substantially since the last census.• You can alter the color and size of the image using a remote control.• It would only shift if the government chose to alter the money supply.• The border was closed, and they were forced to alter their plans.• The plan will alter traffic patterns in the area.• Whether you like it or not you're going to have to change your ways and alter your lifestyle.Origin alter (1300-1400) French altérer, from Medieval Latin alterare, from Latin alter “other”al·ter verbChineseSyllable  someone change something to Corpus make or change, or to




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