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单词 Hid
1. Love, and a cough, cannot be hid. George Herbert 
2. Love and cough cannot be hid
3. The little girl hid away in the cellar.
4. The child was shy and hid behind his mother.
5. He hid the bicycle in the hawthorn hedge.
6. Her calm expression hid her inward panic.
7. He hid the letter in a drawer.
8. They hid me from the police in their attic.
9. Marcia hid the pictures in her desk drawer.
10. Jeremy hid the letter beneath a pile of papers.
11. love and a cough cannot be hid.
12. His friends hid him from the police.
13. The kids hid their teacher's bike for a lark.
14. I darted behind the sofa and hid.
15. The room darkened as a cloud hid the sun's rays.
16. We hid himself behind the bushes,[http://] ready to pounce on the intruder.
17. She hid her true feelings behind a shield of cold indifference.
18. He climbed up the tree and hid among the branches.
19. Hearing someone come in, he hid himself behind the curtain.
20. He hid his face in his hands.
21. The brim of his hat hid half his face.
22. He hid behind a false identity.
23. He hid under the bed.
24. I hid the money in my pack.
25. The wanted man hid in the forest.
26. She often hid from her teacher.
27. The man's heavy moustache hid his upper lip completely.
28. She went all shy and hid behind her mother.
29. The killer hid away quickly among the masses.
30. She hid behind a false identity.
1. The little girl hid away in the cellar.
2. The child was shy and hid behind his mother.
3. He hid the bicycle in the hawthorn hedge.
4. Her calm expression hid her inward panic.
5. He hid the letter in a drawer.
6. They hid me from the police in their attic.
7. Marcia hid the pictures in her desk drawer.
8. Jeremy hid the letter beneath a pile of papers.
9. His friends hid him from the police.
10. The kids hid their teacher's bike for a lark.
11. I darted behind the sofa and hid.
12. The room darkened as a cloud hid the sun's rays.
13. We hid himself behind the bushes, ready to pounce on the intruder.
14. She hid her true feelings behind a shield of cold indifference.
15. Hearing someone come in, he hid himself behind the curtain.
16. She often hid from her teacher.
17. He hid in a thicket.
18. He hid his feelings behind a gruff abruptness.
19. She hid the leaflets in a cupboard.
20. They hid behind the screen of bushes.
21. Her careful make - up hid the signs of age beneath.
22. The outlaw hid out in the hills for several months.
23. They hid themselves in the mountain for half a year.
31. The thieves hid their plunder in the woodshed.
32. Her tangled hair hid her face.
33. Harry hid under the bed.
34. I hid under the bed.
35. The trees hid the house from view.
36. She hid the documents away in a drawer.
37. This is the place where I hid the key.
38. She hid her thoughts behind a mysterious smile.
39. A wooden screen hid one corner of the room.
40. He hid in a thicket.
41. She hid her face in her handkerchief.
42. I hid the papers from sight.
43. He hid his feelings behind a gruff abruptness.
44. He hid the gun in his pocket.
45. He hid the book under his bed.
46. They hid themselves behind a tree.
47. She climbed the tree and hid in the branches.
48. She hid the leaflets in a cupboard.
49. The thieves hid their plunder in the cave.
50. We hid her clothes for a rag.
51. They hid their feelings to avoid conflict.
52. We hid from our pursuers in an empty house.
53. They hid behind the screen of bushes.
54. The rat hid in the straw.
55. They hid the troubles plaguing their marriage behind a facade of family togetherness.
56. The children hid behind the bike shed to steal a kiss.
57. We hid behind the bushes, ready to pounce on the intruder.
58. She hid her face under the collar of his jacket and she started to cry.
59. He had a weak mouth which he hid beneath a moustache and beard.
60. I never hid the truth, least of all from you.
61. Her careful make - up hid the signs of age beneath.
62. He dropped down onto the floor and hid under the table.
63. She hid away in her house, out of range of prying eyes.
64. He was so ashamed that he hid his face in his hands.
65. I hid behind a pillar when I saw my former teacher.
66. She hid her face in the crook of her arm.
67. King Arthur hid his treasures here and Merlin enchanted the cave so that nobody should ever find them.
68. Stephen didn't want to see his sister,[] so he quickly took evasive action and hid under the bed.
69. At their approach the little boy ran away and hid.
70. At their approach the little boy scurried away and hid.
71. A screen of trees at the bottom of the garden hid the ugly factory walls.
72. The area we hid was hosed down for 5 minutes.
73. The outlaw hid out in the hills for several months.
74. She was dressed in loose comfortable clothes that hid a multitude of sins.
75. His little son hid his dirty socks in the drawer.
76. We cut back into the pinewoods and hid there till it was dark.
77. The fox hid in the thicket where the dogs could not reach it.
78. He hid the fact that he had gone to Europe.
79. They hid themselves in the mountain for half a year.
80. They could see that I was terrified, and hid me until the coast was clear.
81. Tears hid her eyes.
82. She hid her feelings.
83. The old woman hid him in her cellar for three days.
84. The children hid in the basement until the all-clear sounded.
85. Just for a giggle, we hid his trousers while he was in the water.
86. A thin veneer of politeness hid Lady Bride's growing anger.
87. The toad hid itself in a cranny in the wall.
88. The sun disappeared from view behind a cloud./A cloud hid the sun from view.
89. He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk.
90. The soldiers hid from the enemy in a slight depression.
91. Billy closed the window and hid the sticky spoon.
92. Low clouds hid the top of the mountain.
93. If clouds ap-peared, the clock hid behind them.
94. I scuttled backwards and hid behind the curtains.
95. He who hid well, lived well. Rene Descartes 
96. Educated men hid their jealousy awfully well.
97. Very funny! Who hid my car keys?
98. Baby Suggs hid her mouth with her hand.
99. She hid behind the door[/hid.html], not moving a muscle.
100. Villagers hid in the hills as the troops advanced.
101. They hid under floorboards and over grocery stores.
102. My immediate instinct for humor hid my own discomfort.
103. John Gummer hid his face in his hands.
104. Then, he hid until after Easter.
105. She hid in an empty jar.
106. John's smile hid a deeper one.
107. Holly-jack had fled there, and perhaps still hid, terrified, in the cold and draughty rooms.
108. Mr Wade hid his legal acumen behind a cigar-chewing country-boy manner and a thick East Texas drawl.
109. Julia, wearing a black leather jacket and faded jeans, hid her face as she scurried through Heathrow.
110. She was breathless, shivering with cold as she hid herself behind the curtains of the four-poster.
111. It was here that Frankie hid the black sharp-tasting seeds that he picked from her caraway cake.
112. On the next day the old king hid at the gate and observed it all.
113. She hurried into her room and packed; then she hid the suitcase under her bed.
114. Sandra hid in undergrowth nearby as Robert was repeatedly stabbed in the chest and beaten by the gang.
115. Jay was a solid woman, dressed in dark loose comfortable clothes that hid a multitude of sins.
116. He hid behind corners and crouched at the bottom of the kitchen steps at twilight.
117. Smoke that smelt of churches poured from the wicks, drifted over the slowly heaving ocean, hid their feet.
118. On our perimeter, some grunts hid in their pup tents trying to sleep while others stared into the gray foliage watching.
119. Nicola was shown on a bar stool in a black skirt that barely hid her crutch.
120. On the morning of the delivery he hid in an alley armed with a baseball bat concealed under his raincoat.
121. The insurance companies hid behind my old coats and baggy pants and my boots with the run-over heels.
122. As Izzie dredged it up again, her growing hair flopped forward over her face and hid what she was thinking.
123. The Myndie Snake would find them and drip venom upon them, poisoning the water and burning them where they hid.
124. They put the money in a small box and hid it under the bed.
125. He took out a handkerchief and dried his face, hid behind it to prepare an expression to meet his wife.
126. Also on the tour is the dry riverbed, where the four bandits hid.
127. So we all hid in this one back bedroom, and Leonard was going, Everybody get covered.
128. Edward tried to be alert to their onset, but Emilio hid a great deal.
129. Bush and Reagan hid behind their husbands to duck the stress of being public combatants in the political wars.
130. The mist thickened and hid it, and I knew a moment's blind panic.
131. Cleo stood on tiptoe, trying to see who hid behind the door.
132. Mrs Browning was bothered, she said, by a man who at night hid in the bushes by her gate.
133. Downstairs, I hid behind the parlor curtain and watched the street.
134. Aeons ago, prehistoric animals roamed these parts and hid in the Paviland Caves below the cliffs.
135. The many crevices once hid hundreds of the venomous snake indigenous to the Central Maryland region.
136. Peter quickly hid the chicken leg he was eating and apologised.
137. A typical miser, he hid his money in the house in various places.
138. He hid his face as his gray sedan drove through the prison gates.
139. They hid the grave so that we couldn't give the bodies a proper burial.
140. She whispered that the Devil hid behind the curtains, a red devil with a feathery red tail.
141. She hid in her bedroom, frightened by the strange and terrible sounds that she heard around her.
142. Some oldmen hid in the bushes and tackled the newmen as a prank.
143. A breastplate of darkness hid all the windows except one.
144. They were carefully guarded, as if they hid secrets he didn't intend ever to reveal to anyone.
145. It was impossible to believe eleven. At that point, I hid the scales; they no longer existed.
146. Benjamin and I hid our exasperation, took our cloaks and followed her into the snow-covered grounds.
147. The bushes had become overgrown and now hid the entrance to the garden.
148. The hair was already thinning and perhaps to compensate he had grown a luxuriant Groucho moustache which almost hid his mouth.
149. A further dark robe hid the damaged frame from view, but the face had a pull, like magnetism.
150. As the story goes, Pigneau hid the fugitive prince and became his adviser.
151. Gobbets of soil shook down into the cavity where she hid her face.
152. He fled into the park, because he couldn't look at Emma, and hid behind a bush.
153. He stopped a little way away from me and fell down on the grass and hid his face in his arms.
154. They hid their bags in bushes and jogged into Mount Kisco.
155. The room darkened momentarily as a cloud hid the sun's rays.
156. The threat was almost explicit, although it hid behind a prediction about other people's reactions.
156. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
157. She hid them while Roberts served creamy chicken from a steaming casserole.
158. Benjamin hid it under his cloak and hurried back to his own chamber like a schoolboy who has stolen a sweetmeat.
159. But the thick blanket over the wire cage hid him from view.
160. Later, under cover of darkness, they crept into the house, where Charles hid for the night in the attic.
161. Shy and quiet, he hid his face behind his hands and laughed.
162. The children hid little caches of five stones in the most unlikely places, like reserves of nuts a squirrel would hide.
163. In fact, they say, he hid in the labyrinth of coal pits beside the river in the park.
164. She came to the bend of the track, where the clump of twisted trees hid the view beyond.
165. Even the cat hid from him, fleeing from room to room as he passed through the house.
166. He hid the second shotgun under a fallen branch at the foot of one of the pines shading the beach.
167. One soldier even hid from Yakovlev the fact that he was a party member.
168. But I had made up my mind that I must not get emotional, so I hid all my feelings.
169. Mortified, she turned her face and hid it in the crook of her arm.
170. I was the one in hide-and-seek that you never came looking for and I hid for hours from no-one ....
171. I hid in my comer with my head between my knees.
172. Trevino hid the haul in his mother's closet for over a year.
173. Families hid their ill relatives in a cell at home or in a mental hospital.
174. In 1995 he sailed into the Moruroa test zone and hid on the atoll to frustrate the underground tests.
175. Humphrey claims that the tobacco industry hid evidence that cigarettes were addictive.
176. We never hid anything from them and were as honest as we knew how to be.
177. Their goal of restoring the power of the Church hid their aim of overthrowing the republic.
178. She hid it under cushions, in vases, under the stair carpet, and then forgot where she had put it.
179. And lizards hid lots of baby lizards under the rocks in the desert.
180. She didn't want him to have a hurt heart that he hid with bitter repartee.
181. And they hid their identities, more so than anyone imagined.
182. The very unattractive grey flannel trousers, who could guess at the legs they hid?
183. He hid the knife in the folds of his robe.
184. Dale hid behind some garbage cans in the alley until the men passed.
185. Intel judged the flaw to be minor, hid the truth from customers and quietly went about correcting the problem.
186. He hid in a locker room or hallway during the anthem, trying to make his absence inconspicuous.
187. Constable Quince hid in the potting shed and lit a Woodbine.
188. When he had strength enough he turned his face into his arms and hid from the light.
189. The remainder hid out, waiting for the arrival of allied ground forces.
190. She hid in bushes while the fiend ran to the central reservation before losing sight of her and driving off.
191. However, Graham was right in saying the scoreline hid the fact it was a comprehensive defeat.
192. On one tank I had, the fish panicked and hid every time I switched on the lighting.
193. Once, during a party, she hid behind the curtains and kicked at his ankle as he passed.
194. The mysterious disguise hid the identity of the figure, but could not conceal that it only had one arm.
195. A pair of mirrored sunglasses hid her eyes from view.
196. I climbed up to the gateway of the bridge and hid in a dark corner.
197. The two hapless groups of men now mostly hid, endured, and awaited their opportunity to fire back or escape.
198. I hid Buff's laser gun and used some long plants to tie him up.
199. She somehow hid the fact she couldn't read throughout her schooldays.
200. For example, he hid his underpants in the lavatory, and took the cooker apart.
201. Her gruff mannish exterior hid a sensitive and complex nature.
202. They cleverly hid small lumps of gold in their furnaces.
203. Charlotte uttered a scream, and hid her face in her apron.
204. The poke of her black bonnet hid her face from him.




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