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单词 Hiding
1 The refugees evaded capture by hiding in the forest.
2 He went into hiding in 1973.
3 They say there are brigands hiding along the way.
4 The children enjoyed hiding in the bushes.
5 Then they flew away into their hiding place.
6 We spent months in hiding.
7 I knew where he was hiding.
8 Gray is thought to be in hiding near the France/Italy border.
9 After the trial, she had to go into hiding for several weeks.
10 The cat was hiding in the bushes, ready to pounce.
11 Policemen were hiding themselves in the corners of the bank, ready to pounce on the thieves.
12 Alan sings with shy intensity, hiding behind the security blanket of his guitar.
13 The police are moving in on the criminals hiding in the hills.
14 Everyone has problems. Some are just better at hiding them than others.
15 After hiding in the woods for weeks,the criminal gave himself up.
16 He had gone into hiding just after war broke out.
17 He only came out of hiding ten years after the war was over.
18 He eluded capture for weeks by hiding underground.
19 Weiss spent two years hiding from the Nazis.
20 He stayed in hiding for a year.
21 The child was hiding in the bushes.
22 Open your hand I know you're hiding something.
23 He rightly assumed that the boy was hiding.
24 Dan turned away,[] hiding the fear in his eyes.
25 The police blocked off the street where the gunman was hiding.
26 She headed for the docks, thinking that Ricardo might be hiding in one of the boats.
27 The children were finally all winkled out of their hiding places.
28 Flash your light about and see if anyone is hiding here.
29 Flash your light around and see if anyone is hiding in here.
30 The police had to make a forcible entry into the house where the thief was hiding.
1 The refugees evaded capture by hiding in the forest.
2 He went into hiding in 1973.
3 They say there are brigands hiding along the way.
4 The children enjoyed hiding in the bushes.
5 Then they flew away into their hiding place.
6 We spent months in hiding.
7 I knew where he was hiding.
8 Gray is thought to be in hiding near the France/Italy border.
9 After the trial, she had to go into hiding for several weeks.
10 The cat was hiding in the bushes, ready to pounce.
11 Policemen were hiding themselves in the corners of the bank, ready to pounce on the thieves.
12 The police blocked off the street where the gunman was hiding.
13 She headed for the docks, thinking that Ricardo might be hiding in one of the boats.
14 Alan sings with shy intensity, hiding behind the security blanket of his guitar.
15 The police are moving in on the criminals hiding in the hills.
16 After hiding in the woods for weeks,the criminal gave himself up.
17 Flash your light about and see if anyone is hiding here.
18 Flash your light around and see if anyone is hiding in here.
19 The police had to make a forcible entry into the house where the thief was hiding.
20 He had gone into hiding just after war broke out.
21 He only came out of hiding ten years after the war was over.
22 Aha, so it's you hiding here.
23 After the car had passed by they came out of hiding.
24 Don't come out of your hiding - place until I give you the okay.
25 The Government is on a hiding to nothing in these elections.
26 The police were able to deduce where the fugitive was hiding.
31 Aha, so it's you hiding there.
32 We shot them out of their hiding places.
33 He was discovered hiding in a shed.
34 Traditional hiding places are easy pickings for experienced burglars.
35 They flushed them out of their hiding places.
36 You're hiding some important facts.
37 Where the hell have you been hiding?
38 She was schooled in hiding her emotions.
39 The cat was hiding, scrunched up under the sofa.
40 She was good at hiding her emotions .
41 The fugitive had spent five weeks in hiding.
42 I noticed someone hiding in the undergrowth.
43 'Where have you been hiding?' she asked impatiently.
44 He was found hiding in terror.
45 Ha! I thought it might be you hiding there!
46 The team got a hiding in their last game.
47 His dad gave him a good hiding.
48 We have proof positive that he is in hiding.
49 The criminal was flushed out from hiding place.
50 Ha! I knew he was hiding something.
51 You're not too big for a hiding, you know.
52 He has just begun his fourth year in hiding.
53 Most hoarders have favorite hiding places.
54 He knew where she was hiding.
55 You've been hiding the truth from me!
56 You'll get a good hiding when you come home!
57 The child was hiding behind the sofa.
58 Aha,[http:///hiding.html] so it's you hiding here.
59 He kept his head down, hiding his features.
60 She was hiding in the bushes at the side of the lane.
61 On the face of it, he seems to be telling the truth though I suspect he's hiding something.
62 After the car had passed by they came out of hiding.
63 It is likely that they would go into hiding for a few weeks, and resurface when the publicity has died down.
64 Instead of doing something about the problem, the council is hiding behind a smokescreen of bureaucracy.
65 They put a contract out on him and he's in hiding.
66 The bear's sense of smell tells it where prey is hiding.
67 He then dismembered her, hiding parts of her body in the cellar.
68 The boy promised not to divulge the whereabouts of the hiding place.
69 Ruth paused to draw breath , her voice barely hiding her excitement.
70 The priest remains in hiding after threats by former officials of the ousted dictatorship.
71 You scared the life out of me, hiding like that!
72 How about if we tell the police where Newley is hiding?
73 You ought to inform the police about that man who's been hiding in the bushes outside your gate.
74 The police would never have caught the jewel robbers if the prisoner had not grassed on them and told them where they were hiding.
75 The whiteness of the arctic fox acts as camouflage , hiding it from its enemies.
76 The story opens with a man hiding from the police under a woman's skirt.
77 A slight movement of the curtains showed where she was hiding.
78 The police flushed the criminals out of their hiding place.
79 The family was often in flight, hiding out in friends' houses.
80 The Communist Party was forced underground, and its leaders went into hiding.
81 He used to get free rides by hiding in the toilet of the train.
82 I managed to give him the slip by hiding behind a wall.
83 He's so close about his past - it seems like he's hiding something.
84 The rebels coerced the villagers into hiding them from the army.
85 Repeated death threats have forced them to go into hiding.
86 Don't come out of your hiding - place until I give you the okay.
87 The Government is on a hiding to nothing in these elections.
88 The police were able to deduce where the fugitive was hiding.
89 After hiding in the hole for several days,[]the escaped prisoner gave himself up.
90 We have reason to believe that the escaped prisoner may be hiding in this house.
91 As regards commercial survival, a car manufacturer capable of making only 50,000 cars a year is on a hiding to nothing.
92 Detectives leading the hunt for the killer believe he may be in hiding.
93 The duchess is expected to come out of hiding to attend the ceremony.
94 A flashlight beam probed the underbrush only yards away from their hiding place.
95 You have to flush the rabbits from their hiding place before you shoot them.
96 People were out there hiding behind parked cars.
97 Surely those green leaves are hiding bare branches.
98 Last November, after Mr Wahid denied a pardon request, the younger Suharto went into hiding.
99 They spent their time hiding behind low stone walls and leaping out at motorists travelling in bus lanes.
100 Other fish may have already staked their claim to other hiding places in your aquarium.
101 Fluttering over the coral heads, hiding in the crevices or clinging to the underside of rocks, are flat leaf-shaped worms.
102 Some may have been in hiding, traumatized by the squealing that had filled the afternoon air and then quite abruptly ceased.
103 She sat waiting for him, as she always did, hiding in the darkness afforded by the bus shelter.
104 From their hiding place they heard one burst of profanity from the driver before other voices crowded round.
105 The credit industry argues that the changes are needed to prevent people who can repay their debts from hiding behind bankruptcy law.
106 She gripped his hands, his shirt, burying her face in his chest(), hiding and laughing at her own reaction.
107 Emmie had climbed into her hiding place on the roof of the old summer-house, to smoke.
108 She left the track without a backward look, intent on hiding in the hotel suite until Ace returned to rescue her.
109 Her knock sends Hetty into a confusion of hiding her ragged finery.
110 The Elf sees a couple of extra Dwarfs hiding behind a tree with poisoned daggers, waiting to back-stab the Elf.
111 But the man who made it possible for Texans to realize their dreams of legally hiding handguns, Republican Gov.
112 I looked at the double doors in horror and wondered if perchance Toplis might be hiding inside.
113 A rare albino alligator arrived at the Wild Animal Park yesterday and immediately went into hiding.
114 It is the hiding that is destructive,[/hiding.html] not the pain.
115 Now they emerge from their hiding places to venture out of the woods and into the clearings.
116 A man does not spend his time hiding from the world without making sure to cover his tracks.
117 If he glanced back, she would dodge into hiding, her heart thumping.
118 Wherever she had gone, wherever she was hiding, he would have to play detective and find her.
119 Asik was astonished, he forgot about his hiding place behind the tree and jumped into the road.
120 Never hide yourself! When you say something, don’t be in the shadow; let everyone see you! Whatever you say always put your name under it! Be courageous enough not to use any mask; don’t forget that hiding among the bushes is the affair of the cowards! Let the Sun shines on your face and every man see you! Mehmet Murat ildan 
121 Four others survived by hiding behind a cupboard, ducking under a bed and dangling out a window.
122 But the rich will always be better at hiding from the tax collector than the poor.
123 I have had to start hiding my money, but he is quite clever at finding it.
124 Feel briar and thorn snag heel and heart and soul, but never think that hiding is the end of it.
125 Her tailored suit fitted neatly, hiding the slight bulges of middle-age.
126 We are hiding from the attack presented by the plain statements of a normal and intelligent human being.
127 The wild boar had been hiding behind a large and actually rather unconvincing bush for a hundred years or so.
128 Hiding under a seat in a movie theater that has come under attack by a crazed gunman.
129 What was hiding a bit of evidence compared to clubbing somebody to death with a black cab?
130 They clustered around his ankles(), hiding his plimsolls entirely from view.
131 By the simple act of hiding the desk something is clearly said about teaching and learning.
132 They consist of two layers of paper with wood chips sandwiched between them, and are ideal for hiding minor wall irregularities.
133 As she rounded the final corner, the trees were in front of her, a dark and impenetrable barrier hiding the house completely.
134 He must have been hiding in the back room behind the stage all the time.
135 It is naive to think that self-assertiveness is easy. To live self-assertively - which means to live authentically-is an act of high courage. That is why so many people spend the better part of their lives in hiding - from others and also from themselves. Nathaniel Branden 
136 For far too long you've been hiding your light under a bushel.
137 I like looking at the clods of earth hitting their faces, covering their chests, hiding them, completing something.
138 It was years later that she confessed to cheating and hiding in the hall cupboard.
139 In an autobiography, I will have to write the truth, I should not hide anything. Just to avoid people’s feelings, I should not be hiding things. If I don’t present events as they happened, truthfully, it is not an autobiography at all. I have read Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography and if I can muster up the kind of courage that he had, I will write one. Rajinikanth 
140 He thought about hiding it in the car seat, but Firebug was always moving the thing around.
141 Then, as we neared home again, I noticed Iobates' bodyguard hiding in ambush.
142 On scouting assignments, he developed a reputation for slinking around games[Sentence dictionary], hiding out as if he were a CIA operative.
143 Baer promptly did so, hiding behind a cloud of legalese to justify his action.
144 But Black is too clever for that and has gone into hiding, waiting for the pressure to ease up.
145 Hours later, a farmer feeding cattle three miles south of the town had discovered two men hiding in his barn.
146 When he gave the order, they began to cut the corn in the field where I was hiding.
147 Fearing her uncle would gain custody of the child, she went into hiding.
148 From our hiding place we were able to observe the animals at close quarters.
149 Rachel looked around the living-room for a hiding place for her choker.
150 Provide plenty of hiding places, as these fish are aggressive towards their own kind.
151 Four Ministers apparently tried to cover up the truth by hiding under a cloak of secrecy.
152 The crevices where the spurs were cut back each year were particularly attractive hiding places for mealy bugs.
153 All too often it is only the negative images of Ireland that are portrayed, colouring opinions and hiding the true nature of the country.
154 The carp eats plants that suckers use as hiding places.




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