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1. She wiggled her hips seductively as she walked.
2. These jeans are too tight around the hips.
3. Tracey put her hands on her hips and sighed.
4. She stood with her hands on her hips.
5. Her hips were still narrow like a girl's.
6. He stood with his hands on his hips.
7. They danced rhythmically, swaying their hips to the music.
8. A moment on the lips,forever on the hips.
9. As the lead singer gyrated his hips, the crowd screamed wildly.
10. She stood there with her hands on her hips glaring at him.
11. This exercise is designed to trim your hips and stomach.
12. My new hat was squished under his hips.
13. She swayed her hips seductively as she danced.
14. Women have rounder hips than men.
15. Twist your hips towards your opponent as you punch.
16. Fat tends to accumulate around the hips and thighs.
17. She stood, swaying her hips, moving rhythmically.
18. She wore my shirt that stopped at her hips.
19. She stood in the doorway, hands on hips.
20. The skirt was a bit tight across the hips.
21. The jacket fit smoothly over her hips.
22. He put his hands on his hips and sighed.
23. How can I slim down my hips?
24. She was 40 inches around the hips.
24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. The dress flares out from the hips.
26. Her hips had spread since having a baby.
27. She swayed her hips sensuously as she danced.
28. There was a sturdy plumpness about her hips.
29. Her hips wiggle as she walks.
30. My underskirt had ridden up into a thick band around my hips.
1. She wiggled her hips seductively as she walked.
2. These jeans are too tight around the hips.
3. Tracey put her hands on her hips and sighed.
4. She stood with her hands on her hips.
5. Her hips were still narrow like a girl's.
6. They danced rhythmically, swaying their hips to the music.
7. My underskirt had ridden up into a thick band around my hips.
8. As the lead singer gyrated his hips, the crowd screamed wildly.
9. She stood there with her hands on her hips glaring at him.
10. This exercise is designed to trim your hips and stomach.
11. Women have rounder hips than men.
12. They wiggled their hips to the sound of pop music.
31. I'm quite wide round/in the hips.
32. Why won't those bulges on your hips and thighs go?
33. You have proportionally more fat on your thighs and hips than anywhere else on your body.
34. Her legs were long and fine, her hips slender, her carriage erect.
35. She was wearing a short blue dress, belted across the hips.
36. She drew herself up to her full height, hands on hips, and glared at me.
37. The singers wiggled their hips to the sound of the pop music.
38. They wiggled their hips to the rhythm of the music.
39. They wiggled their hips to the sound of pop music.
40. I wore a large shirt of Jamie's which came down over my hips.
41. With a wiggle of her hips, she pulled up the trousers.
42. The skirt fits tightly over the hips and flares just below the knees.
43. He leaned casually against the door frame, hands on hips.
44. Mel swayed her hips in time with the music.
45. Wide cheeks, the narrow hips of a boy.
46. I say, Tash, look at her narrow, narrow hips.
47. I stood my ground, hands on hips, scowling.
48. She had shredded the thing with her hips.
49. She was breathing heavily, her hands on her hips.
50. When the wild roses finished blooming, we collected the orange-red hips, carefully picked the skin off the compressed seeds.
51. Her hips were small and urgent and we embarked on a furious odyssey.
52. Only about a third of those who have surgery for broken hips regain the same level of activity as before the fracture.
53. He taps his foot, sets his hands on his hips and looks angrily down at the floor.
54. The massive shoulders and chest tapered down to the lean cowboy hips and long legs.
54. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
55. The infusion of desire that rushed her was so immense that she obeyed instantly, drawing her legs up to his hips.
56. Mrs Fanning rolled her hips in a droll way like some one trying to keep up a Hula-Hoop.
57. Straighten both legs and stretch right out of your hips; straighten the spine and let your chin fall to your chest.
58. She knew the shape of her hips, from riding on them, and the tumbling rhythms of her high-pitched voice.
59. The other, facing us, wears aqua, four thin black stripes low on her hips.
60. The policeman he spoke to stood with his hands on his hips, had grey hair showing beneath his peaked cap.
61. When finally he fitted his lean hips into the cradle of hers she was ready for him, impatient for his possession.
62. He was pressed against the wood face, his hips hard on to the letter box, and he cursed the slow reaction.
63. It is characterised by unsightly lumps and bumps which collect in the thighs, buttocks, hips and upper arms.
64. She stood there with hands on her hips, glaring with a face like thunder.
65. Keep your feet and hips still and keep facing forwards. Hold your stomach in during the twists.
66. Usually Sara saw him as a bronzed, athletic man with a steady gaze, manly features and narrow hips.
67. Jessica moved her hips to the beat of the music.
68. He stopped swinging his arms and stood with hands on hips, looking at her, his head and shoulders heaving.
69. He kissed her face, then dipped his head, lifting her hips with his hands.
70. Her narrow waist swayed and her hips lifted and dropped with each step.
71. At the same time lift the back leg off the floor, keeping the back leg straight and both hips facing forwards.
72. She began to writhe as they drew closer still, gasping and moaning as her hips matched the rhythm of his demands.
73. He was holding a lady's girdle and he swivelled it like moving hips.
74. She wore a black silk trouser-suit, the jacket reaching her hips and hanging loose.
75. She crossed her legs on a chair too fragile to accommodate such thighs, too straight for her hips.
76. Then he leaned back from his narrow hips and hurled the apple directly at Gabriel's head.
77. She had lost 8 inches off her waist and a staggering 10 inches off her hips over a period of seven months.
78. He led the way, his slim hips in the tight fitting pants snaking gracefully between the tables.
79. Another interesting factor was that not only did hips and thighs diminish but waist measurements reduced amazingly too.
80. Keep your hips facing forwards, slightly turn out your left foot and aim your right foot forwards.
81. With their coiled energy, jumps, louche shoulder work, insinuating hips and limber backs, they look like real dancers.
82. She was a good ham, bumping her hips up against the male dancers and rolling her eyes.
83. Her dress is pushed up above her hips, there is a dark stain between her legs.
84. It had a plain smooth bodice to the hips, then flared out in a lot of little points,[] like petals.
85. The leotard she wore was a pale yellow Spandex, defining the wide shoulders and lean hips of a gymnast.
86. My hips go, my knees get too sore, my back stiffens up and I can't bend.
87. Check that you are in a square position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
88. Keep your feet and hips still and keep facing forwards.
89. They were loose around the waist and the legs seemed endless, but the hips fitted nice and snugly.
90. If Christmas has settled on your hips and middle, it's time to act.
91. The hips turn strongly behind the punch and a loud shout should accompany it.
92. Beloved put her fists on her hips and commenced to skip on bare feet.
93. As I turned, she sprang forward like a cat, leaping up to straddle my hips with her thighs.
94. The policeman with the moustache stood erect with his hands on his hips.
95. I took an X-ray of her hips ... and couldn't believe what I saw!
96. He used a cane and tried to walk fast and his hips bobbed like pistons gone awry.
97. She was a tall woman with a large head, a hooked nose, and an excessively large bosom and hips.
98. Her narrow waist emphasised the rounded curve of her hips and plump hindquarters.
99. The Ectomorph frame is small with narrow shoulders and sometimes even narrower hips.
100. Astrid smoothed her skirt over her hips and sat down.
101. Who will trace in sleep the outline of my hips?
102. You see, the fellow didn't walk, he had this strange mincing walk, hips slightly swaying.
103. Grip each end then twist back and forth from the waist, keeping your hips and legs as still as possible.
104. She finished, fluttered her lashes at me and smoothed the corduroy dress over her wide hips.
105. He was seeing Lauren Bacall sauntering across a room, shoulders high, slim hips moving.
106. The hips turn further, too - and this hip turn makes it difficult for the beginner to keep his balance.
107. When lounging around I find these tend to dig in at the hips.
108. In much the same way computer simulation has been used in bioengineering in the design of prosthesis such as artificial limbs or hips.
109. Hold that stretch, pulling and elongating the spine from the very base out of the hips, chin to chest.
110. With hips at 44.5 inches and thighs at 25 inches, it was no wonder Rudolph had been complaining about excess baggage.
111. The ankles, the join of the hips, the inlet of the clavicle, the hair.
112. Its superb massaging fingers will tone up problem areas such as hips and thighs and also help to stimulate your blood supply.
113. Throw a reverse punch as before and bring the kicking knee forwards without raising the lower leg or turning the hips.
114. Marilyn Monroe was able to wiggle her hips in a way that drove men wild.
114. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
115. Sister Jean Andrew, the principal, stormed out of the wings and faced the class with her hands on her hips.
116. Because I was experiencing shooting sensations around my hips, the doctor was convinced I had a back problem.
117. She had lost three stones in four months and had extremely slim hips and thighs to prove it.
118. Fenn stood and, hands on hips, scanned the underground chamber once more.
119. Belts were slung around both their hips, guns poking out of the holsters.
120. The black cloak of hair streamed now over her hips and legs.
121. The Endomorph isn't necessarily large framed but is sturdily built with a large rib cage, waist and hips.
122. His shirt was casually unbuttoned at the chest, the trousers high at the waist and tight about his hips.
123. In Lexington's case her parents and grandparents had good hips and she is not lame.
124. As you stand, pull in the tummy and pull up, out of the hips.
125. Harriet met them at the edge of the yard with her hands on her hips.
126. Three days after that, a plaster jacket was fitted from her shoulders to her hips.
127. Put the left arm into its sling and lift the pack so that the hop belt rests on your hips.
128. They're boys' hips, girls' hips, front to front, back to front.
129. You should feel your centre of gravity to be located down through the hips.
130. It flowed over her hips the same way, and over her buttocks.
131. So I bought a long top, which came well below my hips, to wear with them.
132. She had already had one of her hips replaced and the other one was going the same way.
133. So skinny, wasted legs and narrow hips that his genitalia showed gigantic.
134. The pyjamas, creased and oddly old-fashioned looking, hung about his hips with an air of impermanence.
135. A sedentary lifestyle also spells bad news for hips and thighs: increase your circulation by taking more exercise.
136. They both suffered from crippling pains in their hips.
137. A medium-length, double-breasted suit disguises big breasts and hips.
138. Do you sway your hips when you walk?
139. I'm on tonight, my hips don't lie. And I'm starting to feel you, boy. Come on, let's go, real slow. Baby, like, this is perfecto.
140. Symptomatic disease recurred in two of the thirteen hips treated with arthrotomy alone and in none of the hips that had undergone dislocation.
141. Learn about letting the hips and knees follow in a half cab with help from a professional skateboarder in this free video on skateboarding tricks.
142. She will have to get rid of the excess weight on her hips.
143. Since May 1983, coralline hip arthroplasty was performed on 60 hips ( 54 cases ).
144. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips.
145. Hips and thighs, strong and muscled, giving abundance of propelling power.
146. He had burns that stretched from his neck to his hips.
147. She put her mittened hands on her hips to mime exasperation.
148. He uniform did not upset his hips later his paroxysm incorporated his caboodle largely being.
149. Cotton fabric has good elasticity, mechanism, "A" close to the lower abdomen, type profile hips have very good got-up effect on the vision, black the convergence of the effect.
150. The region of the hips , groin, and lower abdomen.




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