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单词 Too little
1. Too much spoils, too little is nothing. 
2. Always remember too little, too much forgotten.
3. Happiness is a way station between too little and too much.
4. We talk too much,love too little and lie too often.
5. I have too little time to finish this work.
6. The modern-day diet has too little fiber in it.
7. We can't ski because there's too little snow.
7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. I think I'm suffering from the effects of too little sleep.
9. What frustrates him is that there's too little money to spend on the project.
10. Too much time is spent in primping, too little at work.
11. We eat too little fresh food, relying instead on convenience foods.
12. There is too little certainty about the present state of the German economy.
13. Too little exercise is a contributory factor in heart disease.
14. The old king reposed too little power in the young chancellor.
15. For greed, all nature is too little. Seneca 
16. Too much there or too little?
17. Too many mannerisms, too little Dave.
18. But that would be too little too late.
19. Analysts described the move as too little, too late.
20. But it was too little and much too late.
21. Too little regimen, too little sleep.
22. Too many bureaucratic controls will lead to too little profit.
23. Too much acetone will cause wrinkling, too little will cause air bells.
24. Happiness is a way station between too much and too little.
25. The devotion of too much time to sports leaves too little time for studying.
26. Too much is spent on expensive curative medicine and too little on preventive medicine.
27. The man who is a pessimist before forty-eight knows too much; the man who is an optimist after forty-eight knows too little.
28. Doctors have criticized the government's response to the crisis as too little, too late.
29. A spokeswoman for the charity described the aid for the refugees as too little, too late.
30. Officials admit that the re-planting of the hillsides only started five years ago and seems to be a classic case of too little too late.
31. You have shown too little regard for that - but you know my views.
32. The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have too much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. Theodore Roosevelt 
33. Current proposals for a child tax credit would not benefit many children because their families earn too little to owe taxes.
34. Too much attention, he added, was given to obtaining indentures and too little to the quality of the training.
35. He has a bit too much affectation and too little prudence....
36. The major problem of public broadcasting so far has not been too much government meddling but too little financial support.
37. That portion of the decision in Roe has been given too little acknowledgement and implementation by the Court in its subsequent cases.
37. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
38. And grazing too many animals on too little land leaves soil unprotected against wind or water erosion.
39. They comment on, gloss, and interpret his writings, and spend too little time in empirical observation and investigation.
40. By the time the mare impacts occurred there would probably have been too little dust available to fill the maria.
41. Here we see that Bourdieu criticizes structuralism for its assumptions, not of too little, but of too much scientific objectivity.
42. Sometimes the causes are external to you-oppressive managers, increased demands, or too little opportunity for autonomy.
43. There is too little money and too many people need jobs.
44. Discuss how much water is necessary - too much or too little.
45. He was constantly weighing how to advance the sister-parish relationship Was a slide show about Madre too little?
46. Are these sums too little or too much(), in the face of other urgent demands for the money?
47. A 3 percent funding increase is too little, too late to save the tutoring program.
48. Too much time was spent on systems considerations and too little on financial management.
49. Once again it was asserted that urban problems resulted from too little private investment and their resolution required an extension of privatism.
50. Too little, say the Tories, too much says the hard left.
51. But it is too little and too late for the 4m people surviving on food handouts.
52. The existing pool offered too little genetic diversity to support energetic research, they said.
53. Although the licensing agreement is good news for Apple, some wonder whether it is too little, too late.
54. The regulatory regime does too little to protect cost-conscious customers.
55. Too little; far, far, far too much, straight to a lie detector.
56. But there is too little water to begin with, and water in rivers is phenomenally-expensive to move.
57. The downturn in the North Sea meant there was too little work to keep all three of Trafalgar's facilities operational.
58. When I make the stake-out it takes too little time.
59. Too much traffic clogging the streets, too many high-rise buildings, too little greenery.
60. Too little exercise during the day and you will find it difficult to have a good night's sleep.
61. If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health. Hippocrates 
62. The physical symptoms occur as a result of too much oxygen and too little carbon dioxide.
63. It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor. Seneca 
64. There is too little food or warmth; learning is by rote, and students make their own clothes.
65. Too little is done to implement existing preventive knowledge or to develop preventive strategies known to be effective.
66. Many stores spend too much on technology and too little on salesmanship and service.
67. Too many students write far too little about their research methods in the proposal as well as the final research report.http:///too little.html
68. One of his great failings was paying too little attention to the daily news.
69. The state-run telephone companies have invested too little for years.
70. I got cramp Did you take too little or too much liquid on board?
71. Too much time was spent on student journalism and other pursuits and too little on the books.
72. Other critics contend officials at Johnson Space Center did too little, too late, to deal with exploding costs.
73. If a financial institution's liquidity ratio is too high, it will make too little profit.
74. There was too little room and only the performances were materializing.
75. We spend far too little time on the packaging of change for fear of misleading people.
76. Perhaps this distinction is too little to bear the weight placed on it.
77. The danger is not that the courts will intervene too much, but too little.
78. What the lie was, I had too little knowledge of history or science to know then.
79. Another charge is that Mr Bush has given too little thought to the nature of a post-war settlement.
80. You may be hurt if you love too much, but you will live in misery if you love too little. Napoleon Hill 
81. Their efforts may be too little too late to ensure that the Pearl maintains its independence.
82. But guard against getting overtired on the one hand, and on the other against become sluggish from too little exercise.
83. Too much product of too little quality has meant that both manufacturers and retailers have become heavily overstocked.
84. He later concluded that too little is spent on campaigns.
85. In fact, chair lifts are shut down more often because of too much snow, rather than too little.
86. Plants can suffer from too much sun or too little water, or a watch from rough handling.
87. Remember, too much could be just as harmful as too little.
88. Conversely, there might be too little capacity for decisive action in a cabinet system when there is no stable majority.
89. Hence they have too little self-discipline, too little sense of the appropriate.
90. Not only may the manager have insufficient personal skills to do everything, but also far too little time.
91. Surely there'd been too little time, but then her father wouldn't have needed much time, would he?
92. The only problem is that Christians have too little faith to appropriate what is rightly theirs.
93. Clinton has come under fire from Republicans in Congress who accuse him of doing too little to fight drugs.
94. What he was asking her to do required a degree of trust that he had too little time to earn.
95. They had too much work to do in too little time with imperfect information and limited resources.
96. Recent government spending on schools is a classic case of too little, too late.
97. The question is whether it is too little too late.
98. Two of the displays also show the results of paying too little attention to human factors!
99. Kobe shoots too little: selfish( ), should have taken over.
100. Too little, and the system becomes stovepiped and brittle.
101. There is also a danger of staking too little.
102. Is there too little unit profit?
103. Never repent of having eaten too little.
104. Exaggerated angulation is as faulty as too little.
105. It is showed that the entropy and the rate of entropy production are neither too much nor too little. They must be adapted to the level of ontogeny .
106. By the same token, since I am more interested and versed in economic trends than developmental psychology, this analysis might make too much of the recession and too little of brain development.
107. If too little is deducted from Dad's weekly wages for income tax it results in an underpayment at the end of the year.
108. There was always too much sugar, too little ice, and not enough skim milk.
109. But it was all too little to make me feel really good about my reporter's Pyrrhic victory of scoring a rare exclusive.
110. "It seems like too little, too late, " said Kerry Sullivan, 24, a senior at Saint Thomas Aquinas College in Sparkill, N. Y.
111. Happiness: A way station between too little and too much.
112. Stress is to the human condition what tension is to the violin string: too little and the music is dull and raspy; too much and the music is shrill or the string snaps.
113. However, absorption peak of Sexadentate Titanium was not detected at the high temperature. it might not be detected by IR Spectra because of too little Titanium phase.
114. If the IMF's loss predictions turn out to be accurate, there is still too little capital in the system. But most think that the chance of another Lehman-style blow-up has been greatly reduced.
115. If it rains too much or too little, crop insurance can pay for losses.
116. The last thing a stricken ex-spouse needs to hear is that they are drinking too much or cooking too little.
117. Toosebum results in greasy hairconversely, too little sebum makes dry hair.
118. Hoarding so much is inefficient: companies reduce their return on equity by having too little debt.
119. But in the rush to privatize, too little attention has been paid to these finer points.
120. Too much self - inspection leads to morbidness; too little conducts to careless and hasty action.
121. In Addison's disease, your adrenal glands produce too little cortisol and often insufficient levels of aldosterone as well.
122. If the space is too little, can stand to exchange the word of the shoe only, had better be in so often the wall point that the hand helps does an adornment board, in case flyblown metope.
123. The ample ruching on both bust and tummy will ensure that you'll never look like you're stretching too little fabric over too much flesh.
124. If the liquid in the diaphragm cavity to promote too little to promote liquid, the magnet will move to the ZSL trigger, the trigger output of a pulse signal to the PLC control box.
125. Its just too much mana and effort for too little payoff.
126. A separate study, also published in Sleep, showed that an occasional long lie-in can be beneficial for those who can't avoid getting too little sleep.
127. We spend too much time looking at the outside world and too little and souls.
128. Adrenal disorders can cause your adrenal glands to make too much or not enough hormones. With Cushing's syndrome, there's too much cortisol, while with Addison's disease, there is too little.
129. Then, there is James Spader, an actor too little used of late, plucking a peach of a part W.
130. Too little skill, or inappropriate system, or CEO indifference, leads rapidly to cynicism.
131. Some of you have suffered from the care or lack of care from a parent. There can be too little or too much parental guidance.
132. Double Acting Lever Tumbler : One which must be lifted a precise amount, neither too little nor too much to allow movement of a bolt.
133. People are hypothyroid if they have too little thyroid hormone in the blood.
134. Mutual dependency may exist in inappropriate proportions: lovers can consider their dependency on the partner to be too great or too little.
135. During the last ice age our problem was too little carbon.
136. The brain needs Goldilocks portions of energy: not too much, not too little.
137. Sleeping in on Saturday after a few weeks of too little shuteye may feel refreshing, but it can give a false sense of security.
138. Too little production denotes hypothyroidism, due to which activities of the body slow down.
139. The APA found that 75 percent of Americans consider money their biggest stressor regardless of whether they had too much money, or too little.
140. Too much sebum results in greasy hair and conversely, too little sebum makes dry hair.
141. Because the layer too little, will make marriage gauze looks dry, listless, not enough quite real, fleeciness, cannot reflect gauze qualitative fabrics lightsome, romantic, fantasy feeling.
142. Short sleep duration was associated with angina, while both sleeping too little and sleeping too much were associated with heart attack and stroke, the study says.
143. Dilthey "put too little stress on the generic difference between the ontic and the historical."
144. For instance, too little electricity may cause the loss of data in primary storage.
145. Porphyria, also called the Vampire's disease, is a recessive genetic disease that is characterized by too little hemoglobin being produced in the blood.
146. She had too little faith in mankind not to know that they were erring.
147. But only the unwary could really suppose that his'coolness'was because he felt too little.
148. The paradox of knowledge production and dissemination of China's higher learning comes from too much incentive for scientific research and too little incentive for teaching.
149. Through the daily grind of working long hours for too little pay.
150. This could open cluster with too little mass to gravitationally hold together for very long.
151. Choosing an interval is largely a trade-off between presenting too much information with a high number of intervals, or showing too little change between the intervals when a low number is selected.
152. to win people's support. So now what happens everyone remembers when you have too few of something and too little of something people really want and you underprice it, influence comes to bear.
153. Theophilos was an important emperor about whom we know all too little; the iconophile sources condemn him thoroughly, while some modern authorities praise him with the same immoderation.
154. The second algorithm is proposed because the method of difference image is not effective when the different information coming from two frames of difference image is too much or too little.
155. There can be too little or too much parental guidance. This could affect your career by making it difficult to trust that authority figures will meet your needs.
156. But assuming that the talks make progress, won't they do too little, too late?
157. Mice with too little ceramide are unable to fight off lung infections.
158. But Lord Browne focused too much on the soft furnishings and too little on the foundations.
159. But when the campaign sent her a draft speech, she says,( ) she rejected it as too much rah-rah and too little substance.
160. What we find is that to maximize yield, you can't have too much or too little florigen.
161. To be sure, a state-directed spending boom does not inspire deep confidence, and China's economy remains unbalanced—too much saving, too little consumption.
162. When there's too little chlorine, chlorosis develops . The plant dries out, loses color, and dies.
163. The researchers said having too little fat around the hips can lead to serious metabolic problems, as occurs in Cushing's syndrome.
164. Jane Austen: She liked him too little to care for his approbation.
165. This is because they have too much mental shakti, and too little pranan shakti to balance it.
166. Too much consideration leads to hesitation; while too little consideration leads to rashness.




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