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单词 Tropical
1. Tropical storm Marco is pushing northward up Florida's coast.
2. He has bought some tropical fruits.
3. Runners had to acclimatize to the humid tropical conditions.
4. August was almost tropical this year.
5. Cuba has a tropical climate with year-round sunshine.
6. The country exports tropical fruit.
7. They inhabit the tropical forests.
8. The UK is the biggest consumer of tropical hardwoods after Japan.
9. A tropical cyclone brought heavy rain to the country last week.
10. Tropical rain forests used to cover 10% of the Earth's surface.
11. This tropical fruit is still a great novelty in Europe.
12. The tropical plants thrived well under our care.
13. Some tropical fish reproduce by laying eggs.
14. The drummers beat out their tropical music.
15. These birds generally overwinter in tropical regions.
16. The weather was positively tropical last summer.
17. The tropical heat blistered the coast.
18. I dream of living on a tropical island.
19. a lagoon that pullulated with tropical fish.
20. Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.
21. One after another, tropical storms battered the Pacific coastline.
22. Hurricane Bob has been downgraded to a tropical storm.
23. The ban only covers tropical hardwood.
24. Dr Crane's specialism is tropical diseases.
25. She exits into the tropical storm.
26. Summer was almost tropical last year.
27. He studied tropical medicine in the university.
28. Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.
29. It takes many months to acclimatize/become acclimatized to life in a tropical climate.
30. He has won wide recognition in the field of tropical medicine.
1. Tropical storm Marco is pushing northward up Florida's coast.
2. Runners had to acclimatize to the humid tropical conditions.
3. Cuba has a tropical climate with year-round sunshine.
4. They inhabit the tropical forests.
5. The UK is the biggest consumer of tropical hardwoods after Japan.
6. A tropical cyclone brought heavy rain to the country last week.
7. Tropical rain forests used to cover 10% of the Earth's surface.
8. This tropical fruit is still a great novelty in Europe.
9. Summer was almost tropical last year.
10. The tropical climate did us in.
11. This disease is widespread in tropical areas.
12. He is used to the tropical weather.
13. You must grow these tropical flowers in a glasshouse.
14. The traveler had to fight his way through the tropical forest with an axe.
31. Who could resist the seductions of the tropical island?
32. The warm climate favours many types of tropical plants.
33. The explorers hacked their way through the tropical forest.
34. We found ourselves in a tropical paradise.
35. A lot of our medicines originate from tropical plants.
36. The tropical climate did us in.
37. This disease is widespread in tropical areas.
38. He is used to the tropical weather.
39. We were deep in a tropical rainforest .
40. Tropical fish swam slowly around in the tank.sentencedict .com
41. The tropical sun beat down on them mercilessly.
42. You must grow these tropical flowers in a glasshouse.
43. The hunters ranged through the dense tropical forests.
44. The swimming pool is framed by tropical gardens.
45. A tropical storm is gaining strength in the eastern Atlantic.
46. Mindful of the danger of tropical storms[], I decided not to go out.
47. The Amazon river basin contains the world's largest tropical rainforest.
48. Ecology can be written about without relying on well-worn examples such as tropical rain forests.
49. All our tropical timber products come from sustainably managed sources.
50. Environmentalists called for an end to the trade in tropical hardwoods.
51. He keeps tropical fish.
52. The entrance hall was bedecked with trees and tropical plants.
53. The traveler had to fight his way through the tropical forest with an axe.
54. The tropical butterfly's wings were shimmering with all the colours of the rainbow.
55. The long journey through the tropical forest was fraught with danger.
56. Under normal conditions, the ocean currents of the tropical Pacific travel from east to west.
57. The hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm when its speed dropped to 70mph.
58. The Hurricane Center warns people not to take the threat of tropical storms lightly.
59. The world's tropical forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts had thought.
60. I'll have a week to bake in the tropical sun.
61. I had deliberately picked a city with a tropical climate.
62. Tropical rainforests have the most varied and abundant assemblage of plants in the world.
63. The conservation of tropical forests is of crucial importance .
64. Tropical colours may look rather harsh in our dull northern light.
65. The aquarium has some interesting specimens of unusual tropical fish.
66. In cool climates you have to grow tropical plants under glass.
67. Leprosy is one of the few tropical diseases which could be eradicated early in the 21st century.
68. Will global warming mean the spread of tropical parasitic diseases?
69. They were not prepared for the humid heat of the tropical forest.
70. In some tropical regions small boats used to be made of skins stretched over a wooden frame.
71. The programme sets out to explode the myth that some delicate tropical fish are impossible to keep.
72. The divers saw tropical fish stippled in gold and black.
73. The drummers beat out their tropical music[],and the women danced.
74. After months of living in a tropical climate, Spain seemed cool by comparison.
75. It is essential to keep tropical plants warm.
76. The stain looked like a squashed tropical insect.
77. Living tropical forests also absorb carbon dioxide.
78. Eighty percent of tropical hardwoods are made into furniture.
79. The contrasts between temperate and tropical forests are striking.
80. The cages were full of brightly- coloured tropical birds.
81. Queensland has a warm tropical climate.
82. Most species live in tropical rain forests.
83. All about tropical fish by Derek McInery Favourite species?
84. It can not get enough high-quality organic tropical fruit.
85. But detritus is given no time to accumulate in tropical forests.
86. Sometimes, these cold snaps and sudden snows move down towards the tropical South.
87. St Mary's has a busy harbour, and Tresco has a beautiful tropical garden.
88. Before you buy furniture, make sure it isn't made from tropical hardwoods, unless from a sustainable source.
89. Coral reefs and tropical fish abound for those who like to snorkel.
90. Zimmermann Graeff's Exotic Buck's Fizz is made with delicious tropical fruit juices including pineapple and passion fruit.
91. In contrast, certain tropical peoples grow an enormous range of plant species.
92. Does the Land Rover petrol engine have a reputation for inadequate cooling when operated in tropical climates?
93. The excellent three-star Nipa Lodge hotel is set in five acres of tropical gardens.
94. He also used to take me into the insect house, where he kept mosquitoes infected with tropical diseases.
95. I had suggested some new tropical disease was a far more likely explanation.
96. The issue of the tropical rain forests illustrates some of the central debates of global politics today.
97. Most tropical forest aid has gone to industrial forestry and has done little to aid the poor or protect the environment.
98. A deluge of tropical rain fell on us an hour later.
99. The glorious anomaly of a fake tropical city with a mild desert climate brought people from everywhere.
100. Junkers has come up with an ecological alternative to worktops made from tropical hardwoods.
100. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
101. But a larger ethical question hung in the thick, tropical air.
102. For the environmentally minded contractor, several lumber companies in California are now marketing ethically chopped tropical rain forest timber.
103. The Far East is broadly speaking a tropical and sub-tropical world.
104. On the wall alongside us was a tiled, tropical landscape of pastel cockatoos and parrots.
105. Or what if he gets a toothache or needs an appendectomy or is bringing some incurable tropical disease over here with him?
106. The general effect was of a tropical jungle, made somehow rich and sinfully luxurious.
107. Clearance for cultivation threatens the islands' tropical forests and brings with it road construction, settlement and damage to water supplies.
108. He urged wealthy nations to plant tropical hardwoods in desert lands, thereby tripling the area under tropical timber within a century.
109. A wooden disc box from Supplier Action: not a greenhouse gas producer and not made from tropical hardwood.
110. Tropical fruit used to be hard to find, but now you can buy it anywhere.
111. The fish live in a shallow tropical lagoon, which is enclosed by a coral reef.
112. This maintains the important illusion that one has stepped into a warm stream in a lush tropical forest.
113. Related genera include many species with a wide distribution, and there are living representatives occurring in tropical regions today.
114. My father was engaged in research in tropical diseases, and he used to take me around his laboratory in Mill Hill.
115. Other tropical fruits such as mangoes and papaya could be next for the treatment.
116. Some parts of tropical America have seen over 70% deforestation.
117. This is particularly true in areas of dense vegetation such as tropical rainforest.
118. Heated to 84F, it boasts flume rides, a wave machine and tropical rainstorms.
119. Only an overnight train journey, however, divides it from tropical areas and their exotic products.
120. To seaward, bright tropical fish dance in the coral reefs.
121. The aftermath death, flood, famine Cleared tropical forest soon turns to desert.
122. Around the coast and in river valleys there are stretches of tropical jungle with pythons and other snakes.
123. Up to half of the tropical rain forests cut down or burned are transformed not into wasteland but into secondary forest.
124. The leaves of palms in general are often used for thatching and are relatively durable compared with most tropical foliage.
125. Furthermore, a monograph of any large tropical group will show varying degrees of recognition of the ecological requirements of different species.
126. A very humid climate fostering tropical vegetation in a swampy and lagoonal surrounding is characteristic of this period.
127. The full set builds to an invaluable reference collection of the most popular tropical fish.
128. Health hazards arise since full protective clothing is unbearable in a tropical climate, even if the poor farmers could afford it.
129. Tropical forests are also destroyed to make way for the hydro-electric plants to smelt bauxite - used in aluminum cans.
130. And here at the equator, we noted, it was 85 degrees, with cloudless sky and tropical breezes.
131. You can buy into a tropical dream for as little as $ US70 a night.
132. Quarantine Legally no quarantine period is needed for tropical fish.
133. Of particular importance is the effect that deforestation has on tropical soils.
134. The organisation has set 2000 as the target for tropical timber producers to introduce sustainable policies.
135. But the initiative was rejected by the countries where tropical forests are being indiscriminately felled for quick cash profits.
136. More effective surveillance should also be encouraged in tropical countries, both to monitor efficacy and to document adverse reactions.
137. This may not be as far fetched as it seems, considering the low nutrient content of tropical forest soil.
138. What all these tropical forests have in common, however, is their astonishing biological diversity.
139. Rentokil Tropical Plants add prestige and enhance the work environment.
140. A special attraction is the tropical greenhouse, with its forest of Kentia palms.
141. Pledge five: forests I pledge not to buy any products made from tropical hardwoods.
142. Some tropical woods such as teak and green-heart contain small amounts of toxic chemicals and also of silica.
143. In tropical and subtropical areas, Oe. columbianum and Oe. radiatum, in sheep and cattle respectively, are especially important.
144. The sailfish is found worldwide in tropical oceans, at the edge of coastal waters and in the open sea.
145. Ixora is tropical and at its best with excellent drainage and bright light.
146. The central attraction is the Tropical Swimming Paradise, which claims to maintain a sub-tropical climate even in the depths of mid-winter.
147. On the other side is the mosaic-tiled bath, as blue as the sea, beneath a cascade of tropical plants.
148. What seemed unusual, in this landscape of tropical mountains, was the combination of pine trees, cacti and palm fronds.
149. The bush is now grown in other tropical areas that have a sufficiently warm, wet climate.
150. For that reason tropical plants usually put out flower buds and flower by slow growth one to three months later.
151. In particular, mangroves are the nurseries for huge numbers of tropical fish, which as adults live in the open sea.
152. This shot brings to mind one very important aspect of tropical island work.
153. This wine is fresh and fruity with ripe tropical fruit flavours.
154. It already is against the law to use tropical hardwoods in city projects.
155. For others remaining or settling around the reservoir or flooded areas, tropical diseases often become prevalent.
156. Putting your tropical forest conservation eggs in the hardwood basket is a high risk strategy.
157. Farther inland, the tropical pulses create stronger weather fronts, deeper lows and sharp changes in temperature across the continent.
158. Maybe he was ill - delirious with some sort of tropical disease?
159. Tropical marine invertebrates, unlike marine fish which are notoriously difficult to successfully breed in captivity, are far more accommodating.
160. The conference also agreed on a Statement of Forest Principles, aimed particularly at limiting the destruction of tropical forests.
160. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
161. A combination of homely suburbs and hot sunshine; unblemished beaches and boundless bush; manicured parks and tropical shrubbery.
162. It is not exacting with regard to temperature and is suitable for tropical as well as cold-water aquariums.
163. I had a strange dream last night -- you and I were in some sort of tropical forest.
164. We most certainly agree that dry forests deserve as much attention as tropical and moist forests.
165. The apartments are idyllically set amongst lovely flower beds, palm trees and tropical shrubs.
166. Coral reefs contain a greater variety of species than any other habitat except for tropical forests.
167. Most aquarium plants come from tropical and subtropical areas, with a few from the warmer parts of the temperate zone.
168. Many other animals of the tropical forests have adapted themselves to some means of gliding.
169. Only during the time of the spring and autumn equinoxes do our aquariums have a tropical day.
170. The trucker unloaded the ocean: stacks of 50-pound bags of InstantOcean, the same stuff you buy at tropical aquarium stores.
171. Millions of acres of tropical forest have been cleared in the pursuit of cheaper beef for hamburgers.
172. With this exotic boar dish, he extends the boundaries by incorporating such decidedly non-southwestern tropical ingredients as pineapple and tamarind.
173. It is a tropical annual, long classified by botanists as a hibiscus but now considered a separate species.
174. In the midday sun the flooded paddies formed a mirrored mosaic across which tropical clouds scudded in fragmented disarray.
175. Some species manage to live on land in humid tropical forests, undulating on mucus that they secrete from their undersides.
176. The draught on street corners is like a tropical breeze.
177. After living three years in a tropical climate, I had to get some cold-weather clothes, too.
178. But when there is no pressing military or colonial imperative, the developed world loses interest in tropical diseases.
179. This is my first experience of a tropical climate and everything overwhelms.
180. Increasingly high standards favour the larger wealthy companies that have little interest in tropical diseases.
181. Beneath the flowering plants were slats of the veranda half eaten by ants or crumbling with tropical humidity.
182. Textured seats and colourful woven floor matting add to the hot tropical ambiance.
183. Ramsay has likened the situation in many towns to that of a castaway on a tropical island.
184. Although the families of plants involved are ancient, they are represented in tropical rain forest to different extents in different continents.
185. I he trade in tropical hardwoods has already peaked and stocks in some countries are rapidly running down.
186. Most are from tropical rain forests, and 95 percent have been studied, Collins said.
187. It took us a while to adjust to the tropical climate.
188. However, in some tropical and subtropical areas, some species are responsible for severe enteritis in calves.
189. He had duly noted the abundant tropical plants in the foyer and the carpeted floor in the office corridor.
190. It is ideal for trees; and this, indeed[Sentencedict], is the region of tropical rain forest.
191. The reception is an impressive design with a marble dome adjoined by tropical plants.
192. The birds inhabit tropical forests, savannah, and arid semi-desert conditions.
193. Many species of tropical freshwater, marine and coldwater fish are being successfully bred by fishkeepers all over the world.
194. Observe the reeds waving as you pass. Tropical fish ignore you.
195. Opposite: Tropical community aquarium with yellow sandstone and natural plants.
196. Le Sport is surrounded by tropical gardens on a secluded bay of golden sand.
197. There is a lush tropical garden, swimming pool and a small private beach.
198. Tropical waterlilies normally hold their blooms well above the water surface adding to the grace and elegance of this group of plants.
199. Adjusting to the tropical heat was more difficult than I had expected.
200. The warm, damp air is forced up the hillsides and the clouds shed torrents of tropical rain.
201. Fifteen acres of rich, tropical gardens in the very heart of the city.
202. A number of geomorphic studies have focused on weathering profiles developed on granite under humid tropical and subtropical climates.
203. Garnish with tropical fruits and sauteed wild mushrooms, if desired.
204. The Jersey is certainly recognised in tropical countries as giving better results than other temperate breeds.
205. All these tropical areas have their own brackish flora and fauna, but few if any are known in the trade.
206. Nevertheless, the data reflect the magnitude of the impact of agriculture on tropical forest areas.
207. In tropical tanks vegetarian fish, like the larger barbs will also find it a useful supplement to their diet.
208. Many tropical islands once had their own species, but most of these are now extinct.
209. No hot tropical night is complete without one of these small lizards darting up walls and across ceilings.
210. Do film-makers just make use of the kookaburra to conjure up exotic tropical atmosphere - or are there birds with similar calls?
211. The drive is spectacular: gorges and tropical rain forests and waterfalls on every hand, but I thought only of Poppy.
212. When the land is exposed to the harsh tropical sun and torrential rain, it quickly becomes infertile.
213. The raised, open dwellings made sense in this tropical climate.
214. On Necker, the pace is tropical, the ambience exotic.
215. These tropical fruits are sold at a fancy price.
216. Fresh aromas of tropical fruits and melon are complemented by underlying creaminess and a touch of spicy oak.
217. Shixing County is in the sub - tropical climate, excellent natural conditions, very suitable for loquat growth.
218. In 6 climatic zones, Tibet zone is abundant in peat, while Tropical zone and south-temperate zone are relatively short of peat .
219. This summer, there are vibrant paisley patterns and lush, tropical prints, as well as quirky sea-urchin pairs in turquoise, pink and lime, and a more subdued, blue-and-white turtle-print.
220. Location: The castor-oil plant was found exclusively in Africa and India for both ornamental and commercial use. It is now found in North America and most tropical regions.
220. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
221. Any of various tropical Old World lizards of the family Chamaeleonidae, characterized by their ability to change color.
222. Any of various tropical American trees of the genus Lecythis, having a large, woody, urn-shaped pod that dehisces by a lid.
223. The whole tropical tropopause has been warmed up from cold period to warm period.
224. Any of several food and game fishes of the family Carangidae, found in tropical and temperate seas.
225. The tropical storm warning issued for the southeast Florida coast has been dropped.
226. Discus: Belongs to cichlid of tropical fish, but divided in one as per its unique shape.
227. Any of several tropical American trees of the genus Annona, especially A. reticulata, having large, nearly heart-shaped edible fruits with white to yellowish flesh.
228. Silver: Before the dawn of antibiotics, silver was used on the skin as an antimicrobial agent and disinfectant and internally to treat epilepsy, gonorrhea and tropical sprue.
229. Mangrove forests, tropical evergreen coastal mudflats on the unique plant communities, most of its species, belong to Rhizophoraceae, ecology, and its called: mangroves.
230. Human beings fill every ecological niche on the planet, from the icy tundra to the tropical rain forests to the deserts.
231. Besides the tropical look, one of the advantages of a thick thatching material is insulation against heat from the sun.
232. Yulu, 1885,1736 are valuably extended in agricultural production in tropical and subtropical regions.
233. An elegant but crisp wine with ripe, gooseberry flav son the fe palate backed by tropical fruits a hint of grassiness that lingers on the aftertaste.
234. Laterine is a weathering and leaching residual soil under sub-tropical and tropical climate.
235. An objective analogue prediction model of tropical cyclone track is brought forward that considers the synthetical evaluation environment.
236. Here's a mental exercise: picture a tropical paradise lost in an endless expanse of cerulean ocean.
237. There were so many shapes, but I had only seen a few, such as two dolphin swim out of the sea, mysterious stone on the Rapa Nui, large amount of tropical fish and so on.
238. Gloriosa of tropical Africa and Asia; a perennial herb climbing by means of tendrils at leaf tips having showy yellow to red or purple flowers; all parts are poisonous.
239. As a landmark building of the airport, the tropical fish-like terminal is being installed with glass curtain wall.
240. MAKA is the 7 th name in the third column central Pacific tropical cyclone name list.
241. Many are drawn in by the creative aspect — deciding whether to make a tropical terrarium, for example, or one of "the really artistic terrariums," she said, which "take an artistic hand to make.
242. Located at the junction of the temperate and tropical zoogeographical regions, Hong Kong is rich in marine life, often showing distinct seasonal abundance and varieties.
243. The construction of International Island has been promoted as domestics and the tropical leisure agriculture in Hainan has met with an unperceiving chance.
244. In the spatial distribution of Arctiidae, the species occur in maximal quantities in tropical mountain rain forests but the peaks appear in tropical semideciduous monsoon.
245. Located in tropical zone, it is temperate in climate, and the view is delightful in all seasons, so Havana is known as "Jewel of the Caribbean".
246. Wish to regale on tasty salad from tropical fruit and berries?
247. Success and the environment — (1) A tropical fish placed in a fishbowl will only grow three inches long; placed in a pond, it can grow quite large.
248. Vaccinal prevention was the most safe and effective measurement to control and eradicate tropical theileriosis.
249. The researchers, Manuel Leal and Brian Powell, exposed tropical lizards in Puerto Rico known as Anolis evermanni to a blue disc. Beneath the disc was some tasty prey — a freshly killed worm larva.
250. Edible seed or nut of Anacardium occidentale, a tropical and subtropical evergreen shrub or tree in the sumac family, native to tropical Central and South America.




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