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单词 Productivity
1. A comfortable working environment will increase productivity.
2. We need to increase productivity.
3. The strike took a heavy toll in lost productivity.
4. New machinery has enhanced the company's productivity and competitiveness.
5. The average yearly increment in labour productivity in industry was 4.5 per cent.
6. The size of the crop depends on the productivity of the soil.
7. They have created an environment in which productivity should flourish.
8. One of the payoffs was an increase in productivity.
9. A highly-trained workforce equals high productivity.
10. The company has made notable gains in productivity.
11. The payback for reorganization should be increased productivity.
12. Wage rates depend on levels of productivity.
13. A ten-minute power nap can boost your productivity.
14. Farmers are introducing in novations which increase the productivity.
15. The result has been a giant leap in productivity.
16. The third-quarter results reflect continued improvements in productivity.
17. The workers try to put up productivity.
18. Acid precipitation may cause a reduction in forest productivity.
19. Better workplace design can bring real gains in productivity.
20. Our main aim/objective is to improve the company's productivity.
21. Computers have greatly increased productivity in business offices.
22. The management are looking for ways of improving productivity.
23. Improved productivity justifies an increase in wages.
24. The productivity improvements have shrunk our costs by 25%.
25. Is there a linear relationship between salaries and productivity?
26. Rigid job descriptions can serve to limit productivity.
27. In the future,[http://] pay increases will be related to productivity.
28. Is there a one-to-one relationship between pay levels and productivity?
29. The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity.
30. High morale among staff was found to correlate positively with productivity.
1. A comfortable working environment will increase productivity.
2. We need to increase productivity.
3. The strike took a heavy toll in lost productivity.
4. New machinery has enhanced the company's productivity and competitiveness.
5. The average yearly increment in labour productivity in industry was 4.5 per cent.
6. In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity.
7. Is there a one-to-one relationship between pay levels and productivity?
8. The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity.
9. They have created an environment in which productivity should flourish.
10. High morale among staff was found to correlate positively with productivity.
11. One of the payoffs was an increase in productivity.
12. Farmers are introducing in novations which increase the productivity.
13. The workers try to put up productivity.
14. Computers have greatly increased productivity in business offices.
15. Our energies must be directed towards higher productivity.
16. The new system has had a disastrous effect on productivity.
31. Productivity is not the only yardstick of success.
32. The productivity figures are down/up on last week's.
33. Our energies must be directed towards higher productivity.
34. Wage increases outpaced growth in productivity.
35. Poor quality is the unacceptable face of increased productivity.
36. I started to get all this hassle from my boss about increasing productivity.
37. Productivity in the steel industry improved by 5% last year.
38. Productivity in the factory has slipped quite noticeably in the last year.
39. The unions and management have made a two-year pay and productivity deal.
40. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that doubling productivity will improve profits.
41. Management and unions have agreed a new deal on pay and productivity.
42. Studies show that if a working environment is pleasant, productivity increases.
43. Farmers are struggling to maintain a level of productivity that generates an acceptable income.
44. The board of directors pointed to falling productivity to justify their decision.
45. Indexation of pay rises to productivity will give people an incentive to work harder.
46. In a compromise between management and unions,[http:///productivity.html] a 4% pay rise was agreed in return for an increase in productivity.
47. Management is negotiating a new productivity deal with the union.
48. Higher productivity has enabled them to increase their profit margins.
49. Japan's productivity has overtaken America in some industries, but elsewhere the United States has clung on to its lead.
50. It cost the country $4 million in lost productivity .
51. The introduction of new working practices has dramatically improved productivity.
52. The pay cuts are likely to have serious repercussions on productivity.
53. The new system has had a disastrous effect on productivity.
54. Government targets for increased productivity are described as "tough but manageable".
55. The obverse of rising unemployment is continued gains in productivity.
56. The Institute spends a lot of time scratching its head about how to boost American productivity.
57. You will receive a bonus for high levels of productivity.
58. It's a question of striking the right balance between quality and productivity.
59. Deflation hit productivity growth which slowed down somewhat.
60. Demographics also turned against rapid productivity growth after 1973.
61. Major importers and exporters rely on the Cast Blue Box System to help boost productivity.
62. Profits, people and teamwork Higher productivity is a crucial component of our drive to improve profitability.
63. In this scenario, capital flows tend towards areas with high technology and high productivity.
64. Among the studies that have found that small farms have higher land productivity, different causal explanations may be found.
65. The result: a 42 percent increase in productivity and a 70 percent decrease in errors or deviations.
66. Managers are assessed on productivity, but claiming productivity as the only goal of a group may be a mistake.
67. One must also be able to identify which firms offer the best prospects for increasing productivity, profitability, and expansion.
68. So Britain is poorly equipped to even consider making any comparisons of the productivity or usefulness of research.
69. And let it be assumed that as an alternative he might choose unchanged productivity which has left everyone employed.
70. Each year a theme stresses one issue or another such as asset gathering or productivity.
71. It is harder to defeat the chronic low productivity of the state farms, and the frailties of the distribution chain.
72. When the industry is expanding and labour is scarce, management will obviously have less control over productivity.
73. Cherwell Scientific's list of chemistry software shows a strong commitment to scientific productivity and innovation.
74. Miller also plan to make a detailed record of mud losses in the reservoir to evaluate the effects on formation productivity.
75. In the 1980s,[http:///productivity.html] Britain achieved the fastest growth in productivity of any major industrialised country.
76. A dramatically lower savings rate, low growth rates in investment and labor productivity, and stagnating wages are a direct result.
77. But fundamental economic factors turned more favorable to productivity growth in the 1980s and especially in the 1990s.
78. Some analysts emphasize rising productivity and rising wages in the market economy that have made work outside the home increasingly profitable.
79. And third, the idea that literacy automatically creates social mobility, greater productivity and an end to poverty.
80. He said those benefits include higher productivity, lower turnover, less absenteeism and stronger loyalty from the workforce.
81. Imagine what will happen to worker productivity and health-care costs if they all buy into the prevailing images of decline and decay.
82. When the labor necessary to complete a task or make a product is divided into specific, distinct operations, productivity soars.
83. We believe that the best chance of keeping out imports is to improve the efficiency and productivity of the industry.
84. Mainstream economists profess much puzzlement over the failure of the rate of productivity growth to accelerate so far in this decade.
85. However, the assumption that productivity must be directly related to biomass or chlorophyll is a fallacy.
86. Fast productivity growth in the sectors producing means of production ensured a rapid reduction in the real cost of capital goods.
87. Political power is inversely correlated with economic productivity. Urban elites are economically parasitic but politically dominant.
88. In addition they were perceived to be inefficient, measured in terms of productivity, and also unprofitable, causing a drain on public finances.
89. The basic cause was low productivity, exacerbated by distribution difficulties and the inefficient transmission of information.
90. While productivity, profits, executive pay and the stock market keep going up, workers' incomes keep going down.
91. The growth of labour productivity and commercialization eased some of these problems.
92. All manufacturing units have been consolidated into United Distillers Production Inc., thus allowing for significant rationalisation and productivity enhancement.
93. Quality and productivity greatly improved, as did the enthusiasm with which the newly formed teams carried out their work.
94. The financial benefits gained in terms of productivity and maintaining an occupational income by returning to work are clear.
95. They may be so badly affected that their productivity drops.
96. Nearly a third of respondents also said they increased their productivity by working at home.
97. An area several times as large is suffering a decline in productivity as it is degraded by overuse.
98. There is also a high correlation between productivity and publication in highly-ranked journals.
99. The unions claim that contented, well-paid workers are an essential ingredient of productivity, and so they are.
100. The computer appears to make work more efficient; technological change seems to be enhancing worker productivity at an unprecedented pace.
101. Echoes of political controversy are scattered over the literary productivity of the age.
102. For agriculture, the most significant result of accelerated soil erosion is a reduction in productivity.
103. Taking Breaks to Increase Productivity Productivity increases as we spend more time and energy, but only up to a critical point.
104. Previously their real and money wages had grown at a rate q, the rate of productivity growth.
104. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
105. The Brookings analysis provides a revealing glimpse at our national productivity scoreboard.
106. To enhance innovation, technology transfer, productivity, and industrial competitiveness through academic-industrial partnerships.
107. The Post Office and its unions have entered into agreements which are designed to improve productivity.
108. It is highly volatile, and through its impact on productivity affects both supply and demand sides of the economy.
109. Traditionally management has called upon workers to cooperate in increasing productivity.
110. The restrictions on job-placement tests may be costing billions of dollars annually in lost productivity.
111. But in the long term increased productivity will boost investment and growth - and create new jobs.
112. Where nutrients are plentiful, productivity is high, production far outstrips decomposition, and organic sediments accumulate on the lake beds.
113. As such it was prod and key to personal achievement and productivity.
114. Declining productivity levels and environmental degradation have caused a widespread exodus of people to centres of economic activity.
115. A productivity shake-up appears to be taking place that could boost the economy in the 1990s.
116. Those results are particularly anemic when compared to the quality and productivity improvements which the most savvy practitioners prove are possible.
117. It is hardly surprising that real wages rose less rapidly than productivity and hence that profitability and competitiveness improved.
118. The only productivity gain that he can show for it is in the courts.
119. The management seems to expect staff to be constantly achieving higher levels of efficiency and productivity.
120. Cohesion has been found to correlate positively with group productivity and member satisfaction.
121. In general landowners were expected to work the land and to increase productivity, but not to upset the ecological balance.
122. The economic productivity of command political economies has always been inferior to that of market political economies in comparable countries.
123. Harden estimates that under current conditions productivity can only be maintained for between 10 and 75 years.
124. Well stirred by seals, Amos Lake was too murky for direct productivity comparisons with the other lakes.
125. Here as elsewhere in the developing world, traffic snarls have increased tensions and decreased productivity.
126. At present domestic labour is organisationally inefficient because it is not socialised like the industrial sphere, which counterbalances increased productivity through mechanisation.
127. The key role played by intensification is indicated by the sharp increase in manufacturing productivity achieved during the downturn.
128. Furthermore, food productivity has been buoyant throughout the recent decades.
129. Business understands that continual criticism and complaint are not conducive to high motivation, high productivity and high quality.
130. Mr Steffen, whose brief includes responsibility for the bank's productivity programmes, may well bring fresh ideas from manufacturing.
131. These leadership models can be applied to the field of dietetics and nutrition, particularly in the area of productivity.
132. They are very data conscious now and more wired into productivity, quality, the importance of training, and customer service.
133. In return, we expect the industry to fight for its share of the electricity market by improved productivity.
134. This model was intended to enhance the practical skills and productivity of predominantly rural populations.
134. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
135. A big fall in steel productivity caused a corresponding decrease in profits.
136. In the absence of soil conservation, the productivity of these lands w ill inevitably decline rapidly.
137. With greater productivity will come a more consistent product, improved site safety and reduced emissions.
138. If mechanization was to yield less productivity gains however, then average productivity growth would slip back despite faster scrapping.
139. For corporate management, cost and productivity benchmarking identified work organization as the key to regaining their competitive advantage.
140. However, in the workplace, where productivity thrives on positive relationships, it can be a different matter.
141. Hardly a day goes by without news of some corporation shedding huge numbers of workers in the name of productivity.
142. Tucker tried to separate the relationships between bidirectional reflectance ratios and firstly, the biomass, secondly, the productivity.
143. The new technologies of the past five years may well have boosted growth in multi-factor productivity.
144. A new disease was identified which had the symptoms of workplace disunity, low productivity, poor quality products.
145. In fact, the years of increasing concern for economic security have been ones of unparalleled advance in productivity.
146. A massive interview program convinced Mayo that informal working groups created a social environment that greatly influenced the productivity of the employees.
147. These, representing a powerful State, are highly interventionist, concerned with efficiency and productivity, and rationalists to the core.
148. Believe me, it gets far more productivity to the gallon!
149. Much additional work has to be done to increase productivity further.
150. Beto continued the policy but expanded the scope of inmate productivity to include building on a large scale.
151. Conflicts that hurt others can have a boomerang effect if management senses productivity has been lowered. 2.
152. Mr. Wakeham Certainly the productivity of the coal industry has improved greatly over the years, but further improvement is still required.
153. Concentration in the literature on productivity growth tends to deflect attention from absolute differences in productivity.
154. Promote effective two-way communication between employees at all levels to understand better the problems and concerns that affect productivity; 7.
155. Apart from a few union diehards most of the men have accepted the new productivity agreement.
156. We can measure productivity but with motivation we can only make certain assumptions that improved motivation may lead to improved performance.
157. Or did it signal that face time was being given credit over productivity?
158. Traditionally management has called upon labor to cooperate in increasing productivity and improving the quality of the product.
159. The productivity of an economy based on agriculture and household industry had inherent limits.
160. As a result, plant productivity gradually began to decline, along with overall product quality and employee morale.
161. I have already referred to the progress that we have made in increasing productivity and competitiveness.
162. Some land reforms have embraced soil conservation as a sine qua non of long term productivity gains by land reform beneficiaries.
163. If the growth of labour costs exceeds that of productivity, the profit share is squeezed.
164. These include expenses for training and lost productivity[sentence dictionary], which equal and / or exceed medical care costs.
165. Fueling up can decrease errors, increase productivity, improve your mood and prevent binge eating later on.
166. It is telling that economists have so far found the precise productivity benefits of information technology difficult to pin down and measure.
167. The benefits: greatly improved productivity and more effective decision making which will provide your business with an even greater competitive advantage.
168. These factors virtually doomed the United States to a period when the productivity growth rate would be less than the historic average.
169. Exchange rate changes have been at times suggested as a justifiable response to productivity growth rate differentials.
170. Inflation was brought down to below 5 percent, the balance of payments remained healthy and productivity improved rapidly.
171. In each case the primary objective has been to increase both earnings and productivity.
172. By contrast, productivity for the control group rose just 3. 9 percent.
173. But there is no merit in improved productivity without any other sign of improved performance.
174. By the end of this stage, social productivity and economic efficiency would have increased at least two-fold compared to the present day.
175. Meanwhile, the problems of stagnant wages, low savings and sluggish productivity gains will remain unsolved.
176. When she was hard at work and on top of things her productivity was exceptional.
177. But there was little incentive to raise productivity when any increased surplus would simply be creamed off by State or landlord.
178. But some economists said they feared productivity might taper off dramatically this year as economic growth declines.
179. Legislation regulating teaching loads and faculty productivity has been enacted in several states, including Ohio and Florida, the report said.
180. I hoped that he might be prepared to congratulate it on its 30 percent. improvement in productivity during the past decade.
181. If the Council of Economic Advisers is to be believed, there is no imminent breakthrough in productivity.
182. Nor has the focus of government industrial research been on increasing the efficiency and productivity of existing industry.
183. Despite their differences, the two oceans support basically similar food webs, with high seasonal productivity from small overwintering standing crops.
184. For example, employment in plants in a given industrial sector could halve while productivity tripled.
185. Thus an industrial salesperson may be able to advise his customers on improving productivity or cutting costs.
186. Indeed, if monetary relaxation succeeds in stabilising output, it should unlock sharp productivity gains which could finance higher import costs.
187. The Law of Unintended Consequences comes into play and soon everything is going downhill, performance, quality, and productivity included.
188. Without this productivity increase exports could not have expanded fast enough to balance the additional imports required to sustain the 1955-61 expansion.
189. Fourth, decentralized institutions generate higher morale, more commitment, and greater productivity.
190. Massive soil erosion and disruption of the natural drainage pattern destroyed the land's productivity.
191. Samuelson's fears are similarly overdone because just as productivity in Duluth accrues to economic activity in Dallas, so will Chinese growth be ours, and ours theirs.
192. With increase of non-Darcy flow coefficient, gas well productivity decreases.
193. Incentives can raise productivity and offer bountiful opportunities for a better life.
194. The effect of gravel packing in screen casing annular and perforations on the well productivity can be shown by gravel pack productivity ratio,[] which can be calculated by the additional skin factor.
195. Current world is moving toward information age, information already was the new element of productivity.
196. Enterprise social computing offerings provide increasing marginal productivity as they scale, at both the individual and organizational level.
197. Malians are using MCC funds to improve irrigation systems in the Niger River Delta and modernize the Bamako Airport, which will boost agricultural productivity and expand access to markets and trade.
198. The zooplankton biomass is low in spring and autumn, and is high in the alongshore area of Daya Bay. The productivity of zooplankton is the highest than ever.
199. As our country is still backward, the workers' conditions cannot be improved overnight, but only gradually on the basis of increased production and particularly of higher productivity of labour.
200. The first focuses on closing the yield gap, the difference between realised and potential crop productivity.
201. Their scientific know - how, innovation and technical capability are critical to maintaining the nation's competitiveness and productivity.
202. In order to reach a higher productivity level of mycelium and exopolysaccharide, L934 orthogonal experiments on fermentation with Schizophyllum commune were carried out in 7L fermentor .
203. These two visions imply such enormous increases in productivity as a corollary to automation.
204. For macro aspect, it compares the differences not only of capital productivity, labor productivity, total factor productivity but also of output elasticity between eastern regions and western ones.
205. Forest system productivity is essential feature of forest ecology system.
206. As for Mr. Cochrane, he's buying state-of-the-art saws, routers and other machinery for his facility, exemplifying why productivity is robust in the U.S.
207. Service productivity is a function included internal efficiency, external efficiency and ability efficiency.
208. He says the smart procrastinator can earn a reputation for productivity while giving in to the urge to delay.
209. Driven by the Chief Secretary for Administration, the public sector will undertake an Enhanced Productivity Programme.
210. Hypomania may feel good to the person who experiences it and may even be associated with good functioning and enhanced productivity.
211. The estimated cost of lost productivity on a normal bank holiday in Britain, which, under the orders of Prime Minister David Cameron, the wedding day has become.
212. The ownership function mainly has three aspects: productivity function, system function, resource allocation function.
213. In his view, Luddism was, indeed, a fallacy when productivity improvements were still on the relatively flat, or slowly rising, part of the exponential curve.
214. Productivity ratio,[] domestic and international competitiveness as well as the intellectual density have demonstrated marvelous progress.
215. Are eddies nature's trigger to enhance biological productivity in the Bay of Bengal?
216. How do today's managers use scientific management ?They use time and motion studies to increase productivity, hire the best qualified employees , and design incentive systems based on output.
217. Wide matching scope of welding parameters, soft arc, high frequency drop transition, high productivity.
218. Low labor productivity also led to few surplus products, and less developed commercial activities.
219. By decomposing the real growth rate into three elements: structural shocks, structural transformation and labor productivity growth, this paper hurdle this intrinsic weakness of agone research.
220. We highly recommend Direct Drive Modular Mounter GXH-1S for the pursuit of total productivity.
221. The result has been devastating for thousands of small, labor-intensive Chinese producers without the technological capacity to improve productivity or the ability to weather the changes.
222. The central leaders group of the second generation put forward the method of strongly developing productivity at the primary phase of socialism to raise the living level of people.
223. However, the tradeoff is an effective one if using the functional approach allows for greater programmer productivity.
224. Osmotic stresses, such as drought, low-temperature and high salinity, are major factors in hindering tall fescue growth and productivity.
225. The decrease of marginal productivity gives rise to the unbalance in supply and demand, and the adjustment in time can ensure the continuous increase of social benefits.
226. If we are to achieve the necessary levels of energy, land, water, and carbon productivity, we must develop an integrated global framework that recognises resource inter-dependencies.
227. The condition of the fermentation of Claviceps paspali was optimized. The content of tryptophan and phosphate could effect the productivity of ergot alkaloids .
228. The productivity formulas of branch horizontal wells which have or not have common joint are derived by applying conformal transformation and isopleth map of percolation resistance force.
229. Increase productivity by complimenting the recovery capability of the sensor to reduce downtime.
230. The hiring picture is improving largely because the productivity gains that drove the profit rebound and the rip-roaring stock market rally of the past two years are petering out.
231. Fertility rates in many European nations and Japan have dropped below the replacement rate, causing concern that shortages of labor and productivity could threaten the quality of life.
232. Ferns were the first terricolous vascular plants, and still comprise an important part of primary productivity of ecosystems.
233. The result for you is higher productivity, reduced down-time, and secured packing quality.




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