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单词 Cartoon
(1) Children usually like to see cartoon.
(2) He chose a cartoon from the stack of videos on the shelf.
(3) The boys in the cartoon were punching each other - wham, zap!
(4) The cartoon was rated PG.
(5) The cartoon was captioned 'The English abroad'.
(6) The cartoon represented the president as a devil.
(7) The cartoon diverted the children.
(8) He's the creator of a successful cartoon series.
(9) They dressed themselves up as cartoon characters.
(10) The cartoon has achieved cult status.
(11) Everyone recognizes Disney's cartoon characters .
(12) She had Mickey Mouse or some other cartoon/Disney character on her sweater.
(13) His cartoon mercilessly lampoon the leading politician of the day.
(14) The cartoon strips are designed to make Shakespeare accessible to children.
(15) The cartoon version lacks the profundity of the original text.
(16) A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale.
(17) The cartoon characters Snoopy and Charlie Brown were devised by Charles M. Schultz.
(18) The cartoon showed a picture of a robber carrying a bag with 'swag' written on it.
(19) Cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse and Snoopy are still popular.
(20) The cartoon draws a false parallel between two events.
(21) I always thought he was like a cartoon.
(22) In one, the children watch cartoon videos.
(23) Mischiefmakers, mayhem creators, fraudulent shady cartoon characters.
(24) Later we became our favourite cartoon characters.
(25) Fletcher Reede is a cartoon character with real heart.
(26) It comes from Al Capp's cartoon strip Li'l Abner.
(27) The schoolboys were captivated by the adventures of the heroes in the animated cartoon.
(28) By typing in simple commands you could pick up objects and talk to other avatars, with your words displayed in a cartoon bubble above your head.
(29) The film company sued them over their appropriation of a cartoon character.
(30) Thanks to computer animation, it is now possible to make cartoon films much more quickly than in the past.
(1) Children usually like to see cartoon.
(2) He chose a cartoon from the stack of videos on the shelf.
(3) The boys in the cartoon were punching each other - wham, zap!
(4) The cartoon diverted the children.
(5) His cartoon mercilessly lampoon the leading politician of the day.
(31) They turned themselves into cartoon alpha males.
(32) The cartoon character he was named after was cuter.
(33) I once saw a cartoon which pictured hundreds of lemmings throwing themselves off a cliff and drowning in the water below.
(34) As a small boy, I devised my own set of cartoon animals, and they now stood me in good stead.
(35) Daniel Oates has invented a repertoire of three-dimensional cartoon characters to populate his work.
(36) But working to scale from a cartoon drawing and meeting a tight deadline posed problems for the sculpture's designer.
(37) Bugs Bunny and other Warner cartoon characters wait to greet you, alongside the ranks of popcorn dispensers.
(38) Disney executives believe the porcelain models will become another lucrative spin off for their cartoon empire.
(39) These pieces of pop antiquity might sound like cartoon music to contemporary ears.
(40) It's a long and drawn out affair - one minute of cartoon can take weeks to build.
(41) Junior Cox, an apple- faced cartoon character, appears in adventures in the comic inside the box.
(42) Production values are extremely high and many of the discs include major investments in cartoon animation and stills photography.
(43) These must be done with swift strokes, as if you were drawing a cartoon rather than painting in oil.
(44) My sense of proportion left me; my judgment took on the grotesque exaggerations of a cruel cartoon.
(45) A week into his job, he found a cartoon left anonymously on his desk.
(46) Inside the Odeon, on both sides of the screen, up the soaring walls, ran a frieze of cartoon characters.
(47) I'd spent the afternoon doing a strip cartoon of him.
(48) A recent editorial cartoon by Tom Toles caught the irony in all of this.
(49) I felt like Max Zillion, a cartoon strip character devised by Hunt Emerson.
(50) Who knew, until this week, that you were a cartoon character of ridicule?
(51) Romy and Michelle are cartoon characters(Sentence dictionary), but the actresses make them both real and enormously sympathetic.
(52) It is a very original game with great cartoon graphics.
(53) Numerous cartoon stars make cameo appearances and Kathleen Turner is the voice of Jessica Rabbit.
(54) Red cartoon depicting monkeys skating about a typical street with masses of detail.
(55) With sad paradox, Mr Punch himself became the man in the Bateman cartoon, unwelcome in polite company.
(56) To refine the final video an early version of the cartoon was screened for children from five different countries.
(57) Cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse and Snoopy are still popular with youngsters.
(58) Transcripts of hearing people and deaf people signing a sequence of three cartoon pictures were compared in a number of ways.
(59) In 1989, Adams launched his cartoon while still working at Pac Bell.
(60) When he's in the middle of doing a character, Enfield flaps and blows like an animated cartoon.
(61) He was in Radio Times as a strip cartoon for eight years and his portrait has hung in the Royal Academy.
(62) This distrust is evident in the cartoon figure of the mad scientist working in his laboratory to produce a Frankenstein.
(63) If Joan was an abstract purist, other young artists were turning toward Bad Painting and cartoon art.
(64) The newly opened International Museum of Cartoon Art will make sure of that.
(65) The cartoon shows a group of elephants trying to get into a phone-box.
(66) Mr Driscoll created the cartoon characters as bedtime stories for his children, Adam and Holly.
(67) His eyes would get all droopy. Like a cartoon ape.
(68) This charcoal cartoon was completed with a large stick of scene painter's charcoal and Maimeri triangular charcoal.
(69) A devilish Maxwell put this cartoon on a corridor wall.
(70) I produced the original cartoon in tempera; it was entitled Treasure Trove and based on an Aesop Fable.
(71) Their voices sounded as if they should be coming from the mouths of cute, fuzzy characters on some Saturday morning cartoon.
(72) There is an idea for a classroom project, an easy to enter prize competition plus a special cartoon.
(73) His early years there were spent in a squat with an extended family of cartoon sociopaths.
(74) This oversight resulted in this cartoon appearing on mill noticeboards.
(75) Laurence argued that putting cartoon characters on stamps is precisely not the way to capture the imagination of children.
(76) They are reclaiming a heritage, their own heritage, which has been historically demeaned through cartoon characters and national stereotypes.
(77) The room was decorated to look like a cartoon Swiss village, but managed to be cheerfully tacky.
(78) Sometimes the cartoon theme song is better than some of the episodes themselves.
(79) There is nothing behind the cartoon sofa and if you find anything it's because you yourself have put it there.
(80) Study 5 involved a collaborative problem-solving task in which children ordered, in sequence, the segments of strip cartoon stories.
(81) Give them the following information: Every time you see an animated cartoon you are seeing a series of pictures.
(81) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(82) Unfortunately, now four years later our original leader has become a cartoon caricature.
(83) Someone once told her she looked like Betty Boop, the ditzy cartoon character.
(84) Chris described to her in painstaking detail the story of the cartoon they'd been watching.
(85) These include the development of Harry the Bear, a cartoon character, in stories on the back of the pack.
(86) Then his outline moved upright, a jarring elastic shape like cartoon smoke gone mad.
(87) The characters also were featured as a long-running Saturday morning cartoon on television.
(88) Its persistence is evident in Gentleman Jim, one of Raymond Briggs' classic cartoon books written in 1980.
(89) The boy drew cartoon images of a courtroom sketch artist and a reporter Wednesday while Easton made plans for his psychiatric evaluation.
(90) It went straight up in the air like a cartoon hat.
(91) Cartoon capers Champion is a new comic which helps to educate newly diagnosed diabetic children about their condition.
(92) The winner's work will be shown alongside artists in this cartoon hall of fame.
(93) Studio stores where you can find classy designs with cartoon characters.
(94) We'll need to ask the New Yorker for permission to reproduce the cartoon.
(95) Something exploded on the fringe of his vision and sent out jagged streaks of orange flame like cartoon electricity.
(96) You know Snippy you are like a cartoon character.
(97) Where can Nanjing purchase USB cartoon mousepad?
(98) What animated cartoon do you like looking at? Why?
(99) My eyes went to the top of the cartoon.
(100) According to records released by the New York City Board of Elections, the cartoon billionaire received 27 write-in votes out of the 299 that were cast.
(101) One of his creations: a racy application called Peekaboo that lets people ogle scantily clad cartoon women.
(102) When created with an animation editor, multiple GIF images can be put together like a set of cartoon cels, allowing for simple moving pictures.
(103) Thus, The Birth Rate Decline Bra , festooned with cartoon grandmothers admonishing lazy Japanese to get down, get funky and get themselves some families.
(104) New York Post Editor-in-Chief Col Allan said in a statement the cartoon was "a clear parody."
(105) I used to enjoy cartoon in my childhood. I am not very clear when I began to be fed up with cartoon that is remote and alienable from my real life.
(106) As the time passing by, the pyrograph art is becoming. It even can show cartoon figures.
(107) "The cartoon in today's New York Post is troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African Americans as being synonymous with monkeys," civil rights activist Al Sharpton said.
(108) Viewers could point to a deluge of children's programming on satellite, cable and digital channels such as Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon.
(109) Many in the military, more bluntly, have a stereotype of gays as mincing, epicene "others" —a cartoon image which, the Pentagon survey shows, overwhelmingly evaporates on personal acquaintance.
(110) Tyler said, "Yeah it counted, " and hit me, straight on, pox, just like a cartoon boxing glove on a spring on Saturday morning cartoons, right in the middle of my chest and I fell back against a car.
(111) Making a flip book involves using the corner of a sketch pad to illustrate individual still frames of cartoon movement.
(112) While cuddly cartoon creatures are plumping up corporate profits, they say,(http:///cartoon.html) they're hooking American kids on junk food and sending them down the seductive road to obesity.
(113) In the earliest years of this organization, there was a cartoon strip about WHO, a serious adventure story that ran in a number of newspapers.
(114) Put-upon cartoon moron George Green is given a new lease of life when a mysterious moth visits him. But are knowledge, power and success all they're cracked up to be?
(115) Final cut provides every tool that a video editor needs for editing, cartoon making, audio mixing, etc...
(116) The part I assume is the design and madding of three-dimension cartoon, including the whole analysis and developing process.
(117) The car on the market now visible scent-bottle modelling variety, cartoon, car simulation products by our very popular.
(118) It is extensively used in the area of interactive Computer graphics system, maltilinguistic compute integrated publishing system and cartoon.
(119) Original novel, fairy tale, cartoon, and cyclopedic book all achieve great success.
(120) On their road in the cause opening up an animated cartoon, have discovered the person apply to upper value of commercial advertisement.
(121) I like Lucy of the Peanuts cartoon strip because of her healthy dosage of self-confidence.
(122) Others say the vehicle was named for a popular character named "Eugene the Jeep" in the Popeye cartoon strip .
(123) First Peanuts Cartoon Strip (1950): The very first Peanuts comic strip, written by Charles M. Schulz, appeared in seven newspapers on October 2, 1950.
(124) When I was a pupil of elementary school, my windpipe is not well. When I catch a cold, I would speak little and watch a cartoon relaxedly .
(125) We should spare no effort to analyze more in formations of this ( cartoon ) above.
(126) ToonDoo - The Cartoon Strip Creator - Create, Publish, Share, Discuss!
(127) An orbicular industry chain is the foremost factor for cartoon industry development, in which every tache is dynamic and orbicular itself.
(128) I need a skilled manga cartoon artist to create 20 sexy anime characters drawn in a pin-up style poses in full color, see sample.
(129) I needed a good laugh and that funny cartoon really hit the spot.
(130) Benefits of a lovely cartoon characters for the hair ball puzzle game.
(131) According to the marketing survey, the Japanese anime and manga is playing a leading role in the consuming market of Chinese animation and cartoon.
(132) This will also lend a multicultural flavor to the cartoon strip.
(133) What began as a collection of text works, paintings and cartoon imagery has made way for real-life smoking trucks and skips, waxwork models and even a replica public toilet.
(134) San Mao, the Monkey King, a small broken child, Rainbow Blue cat rabbit are all present on derivatives of the popular animated cartoon made.
(135) N.B.: Today's cartoon is inspired in large part by my seven-year-old daughter, who's been drawing these amazing people with smileys as faces.
(136) But on days that I draw a cartoon that I like, a weird calmness comes over me, a strange feeling of contentedness and happiness. What the hell’s that all about?
(137) On this week's Friday News Feedbag, we discuss everything from cartoon caricatures to ant zombies. And the Jorge Ghost makes a surprise appearance.
(138) Leaded students to observe the change of different seasons, trained student's outsight in every possible way and abundant imagination, and then stimulated student's creation desire of making cartoon.
(139) What made it fun was that we would yell - rather than sing the songs – deliberately off-key . Sometimes we would use cartoon voices.
(140) Recently, have you seen 3D cartoon film Pigman in CCTVstation?
(141) This paper introduces cartoon type of graph display on IBM—PC and compatible computer(http://), and its application to teaching on"Hydraulic Drive". This is a new method of CAI.
(142) Seriously, when we buy a book about a cartoon rabbit, we expect a little bit more lightheartedness and a lot less "Oh, dear God, NOOOOOOO!"
(143) Names or words from cartoon series have also come into modern language.
(144) Women, some carrying crying children, form a long queue in the clinic’s brightly-coloured corridor adorned with posters of babies and cartoon characters.
(145) He later created one of the first female cartoon superheroes, Wonder Woman, who could compel villains to tell the truth by ensnaring them in a magic lasso.
(146) Inspired by the original cartoon but not limited by it, Jaeger modified details such as the horns on Bumblebee, sticking with the general silhouette but exchanging the horns for fins.
(147) In today's cartoon Rove is portrayed as the puppeteer controlling Bush's wealthy supporters in Texas (notice the Texas-style cowboy hat).
(148) Lijun Sun, the master of cartoon School of Beijing Film College, praised the to be "the best in china, the better in world".
(149) In the movie "Anchors Aweigh ", he appeared to dance with a cartoon mouse.
(150) As the commuter plane in the cartoon plunges downward, the fat passenger testily refuses to acknowledge her guilt in misleading the airline about her weight.
(151) As is seen in the cartoon, the graduate with a trencher cap in his head is at a cross of his life, not knowing which road he should take.
(152) Who Framed Roger Rabbit is the zany story of a cartoon bunny's madcap antics as he battles a corrupt legal system that has framed him for a brutal homicide.
(153) International Cartoon Exhibition – Exploitation and workers' rights, a critical look through a humoristic Line!
(154) If you are cartoon master-hand , good at do flash , please join to our FLASH contest, rich and generous awards wait for you.
(155) The art form is reflected on trade marks, advertisement, interior decoration, fashion design, book binding, stamp design and cartoon books.
(156) The design that spells a plan now has a lot of, wait to like by the child like animal of giraffe, small coati , plane, train, cartoon.
(157) It is precisely the cultural popularity, the people spirit pursue fast-food, the human nature personalization, facilitated the Zhu Deyong cartoon widely to be in vogue.
(158) The Paris offices of a satirical French weekly , Charlie Hebdo, were burnt out by a petrol bomb after it printed a cover cartoon of the prophet Muhammad.
(159) Charles Schulz gave the world an enduring gift, a group of classic cartoon characters who, in their individual fears and desires, show us what it means to be human.
(160) Gerard bent cautiously to the rat's box—would it spring out, bite him, then scurry away across the floor to live behind the baseboard forever, like some cartoon incarnation?
(161) Fan works is a kind of newly works exchanged in a certain fandom, which is derived from famous books, film, anime and cartoon and games.
(162) The two housebreakers in his cartoon are ready to forego precious stones for precious fuel.
(163) The cartoon drawn by Barry Blitt shows the couple standing in the White House's Oval Office with an American flag burning in the fireplace under a portrait of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
(164) Growing up, as I did, on a diet of television children's cartoons, it is impossible to fully disassociate my thoughts about rabbits from the images of that iconic cartoon character, Bugs Bunny.
(165) For a 2D TV cartoon, like the Simpsons or Kim Possible, a highly skilled commercial artist might be able do 40 or 50 separate drawings a day.
(166) Role settling has formed an independent segment in the cartoon production process.
(167) It's like watching a cartoon character. He's the Daffy Duck to George Hamilton's Bugs Bunny.
(168) On January 17, the airport stuff William, 49, dressed as cartoon character "Popeye the sailorman" to entertain his relatives and friends in Medellin, Columbia.
(169) High-end animated cartoon field technology , optesthesia pound , the innovative idea with advertisement can give person optesthesia to pound with boundless daydream.
(170) Fred Quimby, producer for not only Tom and Jerry but the entire MGM cartoon divisions.
(171) He also found success as an actor in the film Space Jam alongside the famous cartoon character Bugs Bunny!
(171) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(172) So in March I decided to fill a sketchbook, 90 pages, with New Yorker-style cartoons—one cartoon a day for three months. No excuses.
(173) Playboy's first 3-D centerfold comes about six months after the magazine ran a photo spread featuring a cartoon character -- a scantily clad Marge Simpson from the hit television show "The Simpsons.
(174) But he also admitted it had made him a laughing stock as people drew comparisons with him and Mr Plod from cartoon series Noddy from Toytown.
(175) On the week of July 7, 2008, the cartoon Pastis announced that he would be killing off one of Pearls's characters in order to "stay competitive" with other strips.
(176) The influence of symbolic sculpting, western pop art sculpting and raffish sculpting along with cartoon style sculpting has also had a negative impact on the development of modern Chinese sculpting.
(177) There are also some 50 drawings, including the monumental "Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and Saint John the Baptist" (sometimes called "The Burlington House Cartoon").
(178) In cartoon movies, the color structure type is divided into the objective practical color structure and the subjective expressivity color structure.
(179) The metope between wine ark and backstairs hangs on two transition that achieve watercolour cartoon formerly, whole dining room became immediately active.
(180) It swims by flapping its ear-like fins like the cartoon elephant.
(181) The cartoon reveals an astonishing scenario in which hundreds of old people are chasing a small bag tagged "retirement fund".
(182) See Cartoon Generation: Report on Consumption Life in Southern China, unpublished text.
(183) Two newspaper magnates, William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, turned producing newspapers into a war when they began adding special sections including sports and multiple frame cartoon strips.
(184) The electronic toy has a beautiful foot-shaped cartoon appearance which can attract children's attention.
(185) In the fete day, I would like to get the present about cartoon disk or the pass check of music concert and dancing concert.
(186) Today we examine left-winger Ted Rall's much more scathing cartoon on the same theme.
(187) That is an uncontroversial view in continental Europe, especially in Belgium and France, where cartoon strips are reviewed in critical essays and dissected in academic theses.
(188) I am looking for some cartoon graphics and animations, based on some examples provided in the attached document.
(189) Only through the study on computer graphics and mastery of basic knowledge of three-dimensional cartoon, the lucubration of visualized simulation is possible.
(190) SYDNEY (AFP) —A cartoon on the front page of Australia's national newspaper Thursday neatly illustrates an irony admitted by the government: communist China could save capitalism.
(191) Under John Lasseter, a young animator rejected by Disney, Pixar started to develop a new kind of cartoon, which eschewed fairy-tale plots and entertained adults as well as children.
(192) In cartoon movies, the color structure ty are divided into the objective practical color structure and the subjective expressivity color structure.
(193) Legend From The Tradition created by the famous soviet cartoon film maker Ulla Noustainye, was made by means of Interior monologue, thus full of features.
(194) 1870-the Democratic party was represented as a donkey for the first time in a cartoon by Thomas Nast in "Harper's Weekly."
(195) It widely uses at bar, night club, dancery and luxury club. The series includes round image, square image cartoon image, flower image and scanning image etc.
(196) This paper presents an animation algorithm for cartoon figures based on the layered structure of SVG.
(197) Wonderful warm blood cartoon and caricature, being in a fix is also OK!
(198) That's cartoon physics for you, but it's also a lot like the very serious business of superstring theory.
(199) The lyrics of Disney's cartoon musicals aren't generally known for their edginess, but the opening song of 1992's Aladdin left some viewers steaming.
(200) All you need is a " little Kid" coloring book with old favorite cartoon characters, an extra large box of crayons, and no artistic standards. And don't be afraid to color outside the lines!
(201) Be in the United States, have namely in procession wear bull-puncher to take the clown that steps on stilt, also have lively and lovely cartoon character mickey mouse.
(202) So what is someone dressed as Chicken Little doing in today's cartoon by David Horsey?
(203) In the cartoon we can see a large person being measured by a tailor to get suitable clothes made.
(204) If you don't "get" my cartoon of Dollface then you will NEVER get why I love her and how I see her.
(205) Animation: Line drawings, a deep throated voice, a cartoon character looses.
(206) No matter what, real people and the square faces in the cartoon are uncomparable.
(207) Act like a spoiled child prop recommends: Cartoon pier glass, to specular laugh, all trouble run completely.
(208) My largest interest is to see cartoon, perhaps be to see the reason with much cartoon, often imagine oneself to have brimless of a pair of omnipotent, supernatural power demon shoe.
(209) The gigantic creation you're about to see might astonish the most serious cartoon enthusiasts.
(210) A new costume for the world-known cartoon character Hello Kitty has been unveiled to mark her 35th birthday in Tokyo (see photo).
(211) The cartoon is very elegiac, it's a monody of the holy creature, a rare scene only in the length and breadth of the land of the highest land of the earth.
(212) High marks seek warm blood + love cartoon and caricature!




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