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单词 Hostile
1. Their hostile looks showed that he was unwelcome.
2. The experience has made him generally hostile towards women.
3. She found his manner towards her distinctly hostile.
4. She was openly hostile towards her parents.
5. They have hostile sentiments towards us.
6. The leadership voted to purge the party of "hostile and anti-party elements".
7. The President had a hostile reception in Ohio this morning.
8. I have no idea why he is hostile to me.
9. Southampton fans gave their former coach a hostile reception .
10. They faced some hostile questioning over the cost of the project.
11. The speaker got a very hostile reception from the audience.
12. Many people felt he would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention.
13. The boy feels hostile towards his father.
14. He may construe the approach as a hostile act.
15. Granada mounted a hostile takeover bid for Forte.
16. His ideas met with a hostile reception.
17. This is a hostile territory.
18. Her speech evoked a hostile response.
19. He was disheartened by their hostile reaction.
20. His strength did not avail against the hostile onslaught.
21. The talk was virulently hostile to the leadership.
22. Hostile critics have given Hartman a hard time.
23. The city is encircled by a hostile army.
24. He prevented a hostile takeover of the company.
25. The group chairman faced hostile questioning from angry shareholders.
26. She could sense the hostile atmosphere in the room.
27. The prevailing mood of public opinion remained hostile.
28. The reaction to his frankness was hostile.
29. The audience gave him a downright hostile reception.
30. As a controversial public figure he has breasted much hostile criticism.
1. Their hostile looks showed that he was unwelcome.
2. The experience has made him generally hostile towards women.
3. She was openly hostile towards her parents.
4. They have hostile sentiments towards us.
5. The leadership voted to purge the party of "hostile and anti-party elements".
6. The President had a hostile reception in Ohio this morning.
7. I have no idea why he is hostile to me.
8. Southampton fans gave their former coach a hostile reception .
9. They faced some hostile questioning over the cost of the project.
10. The speaker got a very hostile reception from the audience.
11. Many people felt he would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention.
12. This is a hostile territory.
13. The local people are hostile to outsiders.
31. Senator Lydon was hostile to our proposals.
32. The local people are hostile to outsiders.
33. I don't like her manner -- she's very hostile.
34. The soldiers strayed into hostile territory.
35. She gave him a hostile glare.
36. The visiting president was greeted by hostile demonstrations.
37. She was hostile to him, which piqued his curiosity.
38. His face was forbidding, even hostile.
39. Kingfisher launched a hostile bid for Dixons.
40. The press became uniformly hostile to the new administration.
41. Many people were openly hostile to the idea.
42. He was deeply hostile to the idea of psychotherapy.
43. He was extremely hostile towards her.
44. He was hostile to their hypocritical sophistries.
45. Her attitude could fairly be described as hostile.
45. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
46. Sales increased last year despite the hostile economic environment.
47. Carr wouldn't meet Feng's stare, which was openly hostile .
48. If this round of talks fails, the world's trading environment is likely to become increasingly hostile.
49. Hostile feelings and violent responses often seem to be sublimated into sporting activities.
50. The negotiation thawed out the hostile relations between the two countries.
51. If you venture from "feminine" standards, you are labelled aggressive and hostile.
52. The Foreign Minister said he was ready to talk to any country that had no hostile intentions.
53. The company managed to fend off the hostile takeover bid.
54. There has been an immediate/widespread/hostile reaction against the government's proposed tax increases.
55. The proposals have provoked a hostile response from opposition parties.
56. Family control would prevent any hostile takeover or greenmail attempt.
57. Despite the increasingly hostile sideswipes at him, the Chancellor is secure in his post.
58. It reflects the aberrant personality of some American politicians hostile to China's development and becoming powerful.
59. She is hostile to people who go poking into her private affairs.
60. The pilot was able to maneuver the crippled aircraft out of the hostile area.
61. Ever since I got better marks than Parker, he has been hostile to me.
62. Her disarming honesty immediately created a much less hostile atmosphere in the room.
63. Drinking may make a person feel relaxed and happy, or it may make her hostile, violent, or depressed.
64. It could engage the enemy beyond the range of hostile torpedoes.
65. The West has gradually relaxed its hostile attitude to this influential state.
66. Every day they had to run the gauntlet of hostile journalists on their way to school.
67. They were reluctant to take any step that might be regarded as hostile.
68. He was hostile toward me when I arrived.
69. In a hostile bid, very little will be forthcoming.
70. General have been openly hostile toward Doctors Community.
71. She shivered in the hostile, cold night air.
72. Some had been hostile but others were quite friendly.
73. The hostile bark put Miguel on his guard.
74. I knew his rigidly hostile views on abortion.
75. BAshley, unlike her brother,(http:///hostile.html) is more depressed than hostile.
76. But shareholding rules make hostile bids hard to win.
77. On the other, there are politically hostile audiences.
78. Why should you be hostile to me?
79. I found him hostile to my entreaties.
80. It will be physical, confrontational and, quite likely, hostile.
81. The ships had travelled thousands of miles through hostile waters to converge in the Atlantic.
82. Mr Grosz was the only senior politician yesterday with the courage to stand up for Communism in front of a hostile audience.
83. A hostile demonstration by about 20,000 people near the nunciature earlier on Jan. 3 apparently influenced his decision.
84. Despite the hostile reaction, Prusiner continued his research, publishing papers and giving lectures that some called near-religious experiences.
85. Lydon was openly hostile to any kind of criticism of the project.
86. There have been a few hostile bids, most notably that by Paribas for a conglomerate, Navigation Mixte.
87. It was therefore a shock to face such hostile and patronising attitudes when I arrived.
88. Parts of the labour movement, however, remained or became hostile to the war.
89. In Antrim police had to rescue a man from a hostile crowd when he was pulled from his car.
90. And men can be bewildered by the co-existence of these apparently hostile forces.
91. I have not found the media to be hostile to us, provided we talk to them.
92. Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia 
93. We were a besieged party in a hostile camp, and it drew us together.
94. Shareholders can protect themselves from hostile takeovers and leveraged buyouts by not agreeing to sell their shareholdings at a discount.
95. The Abingdon-based Morland brewers will know tomorrow if they've managed to fight off a hostile takeover bid.
96. Its area is a tiny fraction of that occupied by the 21 hostile Arab states.
97. But when a camera crew arrived at the rectory, they got a hostile reception.
98. They have few outside contacts and white society is uncaring and often hostile towards them.
99. His personal defects are a somewhat hostile reserve, conceit, and a narrow outlook....
100. The opposition parties had mostly been unenthusiastic, if not openly hostile, about parity legislation.
101. Sidney as a poet, therefore, understandably asserts the improving role of poetry against those hostile to literature.
102. April 1983 Generally speaking, however, family planning has met with a hostile reception.
103. They were already well within the shield zone and, had the barge been hostile, it could have inflicted untold damage.
104. The cities of Stalinvast were more like coral reefs looming above a sea of hostile jungle.
105. The boy feels hostile towards his father as he believes he is a rival for his mother's intentions.
106. On the other hand sentiment is changing the way in which hostile takeovers are regarded.
107. A hostile audience would, in minutes, change into one of sympathy and cooperation.
108. Kozyrev and Filatov were replaced by officials with views more hostile to the West.
109. In this hostile environment, there were few opportunities for townsmen to accumulate capital.
110. She has repeatedly tried to defend her husband against hostile criticism in the press.
111. In consequence, the sciences of animal behaviour and experimental psychology were founded by men deeply hostile to anthropomorphic explanations.
112. Most of our navigation was pure pilotage and dead reckoning over unfamiliar, sometimes hostile territory and some very bad weather.
113. Ms. Hills ran into a fusillade of hostile questions at Tuesday's committee meeting.
114. The hostile bid has infuriated board members of the Dowty group, who claim that their company is being underpriced.
115. They can be a very hostile crowd when you start teaching them, though.
116. Black faculty members also accused the university of institutional racism and creating a hostile work environment.
117. Punitive methods persistently used against a background of rejecting, hostile parental attitudes lead, in the long term, to trouble.
118. The Dowty group has failed to fight off a hostile bid by T-I, one of Britain's largest engineering firms.
119. A Ministry of Defence spokesman said there was no evidence of hostile action.
120. Then, with one short hostile look at the deputation, Lee resumed his chair.
121. Objectionable pictures have been deemed to contribute to a hostile environment.
122. The Antarctic survey team will be using vehicles specially designed to cope with the hostile environment.
123. The primary danger of war was the irrational arms race and overly hostile relations between the major military powers.
124. If I understand the cultural pattern correctly, they should be more hostile to the people up the hill than to us.
125. There is an even greater need for good advice, particularly away from the headlines, in agreed as opposed to hostile transactions.
126. Crews had to be ready for hostile fire from the ground.
127. When finally the passengers were allowed to disembark, Gandhi was attacked by a hostile crowd.
128. Dub reggae had themes dealing with the overthrow of Babylon and which were openly hostile to the white world.
129. Short of a hostile military intervention in Kosovo, there are other ways of bringing outside power to bear.
130. Given Ben Silcock's apparently hostile attitude to authority, how would supervision work?
131. Boniface expresses a body of tradition violently hostile to the king.
132. Like the services themselves, the Naval Academy has a strong culture which in some respects is overtly hostile to women.
133. Most bids were hostile, or were responses to actual or threatened hostile bids.
134. Even while moving to the Left, trade-union activists remained hostile to Lenin's fierce factionalism.
135. I shall describe later the hostile response to this demand, putting it into the context of sixteenth-century protest and rebellion.
135. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
136. However, aggression in the horse does not mean that he will be aggressive or hostile towards us.
137. But it's now facing a hostile takeover bid by a Suffolk based-brewery, Greene King.
138. They are used to dealing with harsh conditions in a hostile environment.
139. The only difference with hostile takeovers may be that the prices are higher.
140. These found, in the main, that Blacks had a consistently more hostile attitude to the police.
141. Dutra, ideologically hostile to multinational companies for health and environmental reasons, wants farmers to go organic.
142. Amid an increasingly hostile war of words, Finley has criticized Racicot for reneging on a promise to cooperate with federal authorities.
143. He was hostile towards me when I arrived, and the situation did not improve over the next few days.
144. There was a crowd of hostile demonstrators waiting outside her door.
145. He was the first killed in hostile fire since the United Nations assumed control of the mission 10 months ago.
146. It is, for example, quite mistaken to believe that all farmers are hostile towards environmentalism.
147. The city population was not openly hostile but the humans were watched silently as they made their way through the streets.
148. One person may function well in most areas of life, but be paranoid and hostile in certain circumstances.
149. Laporte won the battle with a £129.4m offer and Wassall responded by abandoning its hostile bid.
150. The two men were confused by the hostile reception the mob gave them, and they had reason to be.
151. Time allowed 00:18 Read in studio A brewery which fought off a hostile takeover bid last year has announced record profits.
152. He built high walls to protect his people from hostile forces.
153. The press, which Shas activists regard as particularly hostile to their party, was showered with abuse.
154. They had not been prepared for the fierce extremes of climate, or for the hostile reception of the natives.
155. He was hostile to the joint-stock company as a medium through which to carry on business enterprise.
156. A hostile nation has attacked with the silent and invisible weapons of cyberspace.
157. The hostile reception of Alford's views led him to reflect that he was being denied the parliamentary right of free speech.
158. In this environment it is perhaps surprising that the early factories should have received such hostile criticism.
159. In modern times interest has centred around what it is about the owl that makes it the target for this hostile treatment.
160. People have become ever more hostile to the idea of living near a rubbish dump.
161. Ten months earlier, in the same committee room, unions hostile to Taylor had fired their opening salvos.
162. The coach was returned to the capital under armed escort, where its occupants were greeted by a silent, hostile crowd.
163. He felt at bay, like a very dim minister facing a hostile House.
164. That would certainly suit the Jaguar management's book and has less potential for political embarrassment than an unruly hostile bid.
165. Just at that moment a small fat man bobbed up among the line of hostile faces.
166. Sometimes the Church can be part of the very essence of the hostile waters.
167. Dinkins attempted to visit the area on Aug. 21(sentence dictionary), but was repelled by hostile crowds.
168. I would say that Courtaulds is reasonably healthy in an extremely hostile environment.
169. None of these sources of hostile fire was ever pinned down.
170. Private practice is burdened by bureaucratic demands in a hostile climate.
171. Racial harassment involves hostile or offensive behaviour towards an individual or group because of their race.
172. But we also attribute to him the power to mediate between those same concerns and the hostile forces of disease.
173. They died for their quest for comfort in a hostile environment.
174. Like, this estate here, the people here have always been hostile towards the police as long as I can remember.
175. Hostile forces have taken control of cities in the north of the country.
176. It is life sculpted by extreme and hostile conditions, life that is fragile and all but unknown.
177. Jobs under threat ... Dowty loses the hostile takeover battle.
178. No one seriously contests any more that a hostile tax climate has hurt New York's economy.
179. As it was, those legislators owed black voters nothing and were therefore free to take positions openly hostile to them.
180. They must do the chores of life, must gain in strength and wisdom to cope with the hostile time of manhood.
181. He didn't seem in the least put-out by the hostile reception.
182. He says that the bid is hostile because it goes over the heads of the directors.
183. Against a panoramic backdrop, we see orphaned P.K. growing up in a hostile environment.
184. Her first impressions, she supposed, had been gained merely from his hostile attitude at the fountain.
185. But the pair, openly hostile by the end of last year, will patch up their mutual differences.
186. However, because a Court Scheme requires the co-operation of the target it is not a viable alternative to a hostile bid.
187. There are times when it seems that only hostile forces exist, that no helpful ones are about.
188. Her friendly enquiry as to the whereabouts of the Red House was met by a hostile stare from the woman behind the counter.
189. For example, if the sale is a demerger or unbundling process used to counter a hostile bid, timing will be critical.
190. These conditions embraced the realities of survival in an often hostile environment, and the mysteries of birth and death.
191. The high-handed way in which Washington dropped the idea on its Western partners accounts for some the hostile reaction it has received.
192. This material was hostile to life yet also greedy for life and jealous of life.
193. The feistier sort of Republican is as hostile to big government by indirect means as to the direct variety.
194. They became bossy , uncooperative and hostile in their efforts to ward off depression.
195. They were two women together now in a hostile world.
195. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
196. A hostile audience refused to listen to Senator Drummond's reply.
197. The latter are perceived to provide a hostile physical and social environment.
198. Not surprisingly, relations between the two black communities are often hostile.
199. Many of the smaller cities are openly hostile toward the City of Los Angeles.
200. Otherwise, architecture was largely reduced to stubby tower-tops, inky and indigo, from which hostile fire poured.
201. The belief that technics must replace politics makes technocrats sceptical about and even hostile towards politicians and political institutions.
202. Fund management launched a $ 3.9-billion hostile takeover bid -- an unprecedented move in a generally cozy industry.
203. Many of the animals are hostile to humans: for example(), poisonous snakes and fierce mountain cats.
204. Even those hostile found the play's closeness to music hall to be its strength.
205. My ears flamed, my small dark hostile eyes were awash.
206. Local people are hostile towards the plan, which would involve a significant tax increase.
207. In this hostile ideological jungle, little clearings of socialist culture had to be created painfully.
208. While she appeared to be confused and helpless, she was also hostile.
209. Round one to Morlands ... brewery fight off hostile takeover.
210. But as her relationship with Eric deepened, he'd grown wary, sometimes openly hostile.
211. However, Bliss was hostile to complete analysis, preferring to opt for a more detailed enumeration of subjects.
212. It seemed to me he was not so much indifferent as hostile towards these poor men.
213. A combination of lax discipline and hostile attitudes on the part of both parents encourages very aggressive and poorly controlled behaviour in their offspring.
214. Security advisers are confident the prince will be relatively safe from hostile forces.
215. The modern university has been more welcoming and less hostile to women.
216. Once again, you navigate dark passageways and hostile environments, killing everything that moves.
217. They are particularly hostile toward minorities or those with unorthodox life-styles.
218. Only from the windows of a derelict tower block squatted by women was there any deliberately hostile response.
219. There was a hostile crowd and to save himself and prevent Sweeney from escaping, Rose hit him twice with his baton.
220. Like divorce, it is painful and sometimes very costly to buy out a hostile partner.
221. Several of the neighbors had become openly hostile to one another.
222. But others have been forced to take on heavy debts to fight off hostile bids.
223. Life can evolve representations of itself capable of thriving in environments that seem hostile now.
224. I am not quite so hostile to them as other hon. Members are.
225. The environment - urban or rural - and the risk of hostile reaction from locals.
226. Emily paced around the book-lined study and blamed her father for his hostile attitude to Craig.
227. He may also be very hostile towards himself, belittling himself.
228. Managers who did encounter hostile, judgmental, or disinterested reactions from their bosses rarely initiated such interactions again.
229. Biomorphs should interact, in the computer, with a simulation of a hostile environment.
230. But some societies fear hostile bids - a subject on the agenda at the Building Societies Association council meeting tomorrow.
231. The key to prevent such phenomena is to dissolve these exclusive or hostile theist elements in religions and to base their doctrines on a universal humanist idea.
232. Bacon not only despised the syllogism, but undervalued mathematics, presumably as insufficiently experimental. He was virulently hostile to Aristotle, but thought very highly of Democritus.
233. When Cussons arrives to take them to the game reserve he calls "Chimp Eden, " he often finds them hostile and untrusting.
234. Fleming is trying to figure out if Van Allen had any theoretical reason to suppose the military could use the Van Allen belts to attack a hostile nation.
235. When Dame Cicely Saunders, who founded the Saint Christopher's Hospice in London in 1967, first aired those ideas, the medical world was hostile.
236. Dr. Faustus reveals man's frustration in realizing the high aspirations ina hostile moral order. And the confinement to time is the cruelest fact of man's condition.
237. Remote weapon stations allow gunners to operate, aim, and fire the weapon from inside the safety of their vehicles, taking the gunners out of turret positions where they are exposed to hostile fire.
238. But people who are cut off not only from foreign tourists, but even from their own countrymen can be hostile to travellers.
239. The Chinese is inherent one is plant of pair of wealthy people be hostile to.
240. President Hu Jintao recently asserted that "hostile foreign forces have not abandoned their conspiracy and tactics to Westernize China and to divide the country."
241. Something of a know-it-all, he comes across as slightly hostile, even if only through verbal argument, or jokes targeted at others.
242. This is because him himself can not be hostile to reason long- termly either.
243. It takes the form of the Anti-Libidinal Ego having 'an uncompromisingly hostile attitude' towards the Libidinal Ego and its associated Exciting Object.
244. If the worst case happens, however, and an aircraft goes down, a combat search and rescue mission kicks into high gear to extract the aircrew from hostile territory quickly and safely.
245. However, the UAW leadership hasn't been as hostile in private in regard to the tie-up as public comments would suggest, people close to the union said.
246. Ever the diligent litigator, Butler had been reading up on his military law. In time of war, he knew, a commander had a right to seize any enemy property that was being used for hostile purposes.
247. The Taliban claimed it shot down the helicopter, but the official said there was no sign of hostile fire.
247. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
248. According to BPRS factor analysis, the retardation, activation and hostile suspiciousness was more obvious than other factors.
249. This hostile became so habitual that Nike pompously formed a contrapositive section for this rank only.
250. As one of the most important defensive measures of hostile acquisitions, poison pill has significant impact on corporate management structure and corporate market control.
251. CMWS is a sensor for fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft that provides rapid warning of hostile surface-to-air threats.
252. For instance, should lawmakers in Washington enact overtly hostile policies that further weaken China's trade-dependent economy, the blowback could be substantial.
253. It is worth recalling that when India had a very low rate of economic growth, as was the case until the 1980s, a common argument was that democracy was hostile to fast economic growth.
254. "I told him many years ago, it's very hostile, " Kittinger said. "You're in a vacuum, and your whole life is dependent on the pressure suit working properly.
255. The world is used to be hostile to the new talents, the new creations, the new needs to be encouraged.
256. In the movie, Sacagawea and Clark fall in love while traversing hostile Native American territory and battling the jealous villain Toussaint Charbonneau.
257. The response I have received to my articles about them, and my espousal of these beliefs, has been, for the most part, pretty hostile, and sometimes downright nasty.
258. Flouting its hallowed doctrine of "non-interference", it has nudged them into slightly less hostile stances towards the West.
259. The crew of the Vincennes, distracted by an ongoing gunbattle, mistakes the A300 for a hostile military aircraft and destroys it with two surface-to-air missiles.
260. Furniture weighs suddenly turn hostile cozily : Furniture tide respect criterion incline to is muti_function with diversification.
261. So is a fierce, hostile glower or a series of frightened, bewildered glances.
262. Meanwhile, the downing of a Turkish helicopter is under investigation; the guerrillas claim that they downed it with hostile fire...
263. In the midst of the commodity craze in 2007, Chen waged a hostile takeover of a Hong Kong-listed steelmaker that was ultimately defeated with the backing of steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal.
264. HARPY effectively suppresses hostile SAM and radar sites for long duration, by detecting, attacking and destroying radar targets with a very high hit accuracy.
265. JATAS will provide rotary-wing assault aircraft with an integrated infrared-based missile warning, laser warning and hostile fire indication defensive suite.
266. As one of the most important defensive measures of hostile acquisitions, poison pill has significant impacts on corporate management structure and corporate market control.
267. Mr Bush struggled in part because he feared, with some justification, that the permanent bureaucracy in Washington would be hostile to a Republican agenda.




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