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单词 Instantly
1. The disloyal thought was instantly suppressed.
2. She was used to having her orders instantly obeyed.
3. Though he slept soundly, he awoke instantly.
4. He recognized her voice instantly.
5. Tell me instantly he arrives.
6. All four victims died instantly.
7. You can make your stomach look flatter instantly by improving your posture.
8. In a pinstriped suit he instantly looked like a stuffed shirt.
9. Some styles are so flattering that they instantly become classics.
10. We can now communicate instantly with people on the other side of the world.
11. Bank customers can access their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system.
12. In the movies guns kill people instantly, but it's not like that in real life.
13. The information was instantly available.
14. The driver was killed instantly.
15. 'Sit!' he said, and the dog obeyed him instantly.
16. Computers can instantly retrieve millions of information bits.
17. She jumps on her children instantly if they're disobedient.
17. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
18. Both drivers were killed instantly.
19. The driver of the car was killed instantly.
20. After so many years she was still instantly recognizable.
21. Instantly he felt her change of mood.
22. She fell under a bus and was killed instantly.
23. Her beauty captured him instantly.
24. His face was instantly recognizable .
25. Most meteorites striking the Earth vaporize instantly.
26. They fell for each other instantly.
27. The boat instantly tilted, filled and sank.
28. I telegraphed instantly I arrived there.
29. I was instantly branded as a rebel.
30. We pressed the buzzer in our cabin and a steward arrived instantly.
1. She was used to having her orders instantly obeyed.
2. Though he slept soundly, he awoke instantly.
3. He recognized her voice instantly.
4. All four victims died instantly.
5. You can make your stomach look flatter instantly by improving your posture.
6. In a pinstriped suit he instantly looked like a stuffed shirt.
7. Some styles are so flattering that they instantly become classics.
8. We can now communicate instantly with people on the other side of the world.
9. We pressed the buzzer in our cabin and a steward arrived instantly.
10. In the movies guns kill people instantly, but it's not like that in real life.
11. The diplomat threw in a joke, and the tension was instantly relieved.
31. His expression sobered instantly.
32. Any car having a dangerous problem should be black-flagged instantly.
33. He instantly grasped that Stephen was talking about his wife.
34. For all its faults, the film instantly became a classic.
35. The bullet went straight through his head, and he died instantly .
36. He was one of those people who are instantly popular.
37. The match caught instantly.
38. The diplomat threw in a joke, and the tension was instantly relieved.
39. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an instantly recognizable landmark.
40. All 155 passengers died instantly when the plane slammed into the mountain.
41. Their boat was shattered into matchwood against the rocks and sank instantly.
42. Later that year she met Adam and she knew instantly that they were soul mates.
43. I recognized her instantly I caught a glympse of her.
44. I felt a little bump and I knew instantly what had happened.
45. She can pick up a tune instantly on the piano, it's a gift.
46. It's not often that you meet someone who you're instantly attracted to.
47. His face was instantly familiar, even after all those years.
47. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
48. The shot hit the raider in the upper chest and killed him instantly.
49. Cattle that stray onto the electric railway line are killed instantly.
50. Then she smiled and Rose was instantly ashamed of her jealous feelings.
51. You are protected instantly if a thief misuses your credit card.
52. A mother recognises the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.
53. I instantly regretted my indiscretion and asked her to keep the news to herself.
54. What had bonded them instantly and so completely was their similar background.
55. She squealed with delight as she recognised him instantly.
56. So Muthaiga Club is instantly familiar.
57. And rollers will make fine hair look thicker instantly.
58. Instantly, there was a tremendous explosion.
59. He died instantly along with some 15 bystanders.
60. The laughter died instantly and everyone waited in expectation.
61. Murray was killed instantly by the explosion.
62. Her voice is instantly recognizable.
63. He was killed instantly, a direct hit.
64. Police said all four died instantly.
65. She closed her eyes and fell instantly asleep.
66. Sea spray and rain dampened them instantly.
67. Instantly her hands tightened their grip.
68. McElroy instantly fills a need in the return game.
69. Ian died instantly,() Mark escaped with cuts and bruises.
70. All the instantly recognizable roads, houses, trees.
71. I was bewitched by Claire, instantly, helplessly.
72. The man was killed instantly.
73. But things almost instantly began falling like dominoes.
74. Given like that it is instantly recognizable.
75. The only consolation, I think she was killed instantly.
76. With four comms radios instantly available, we switch from McAlpines' company frequency straight to Heathrow.
77. I liked him instantly,() especially as he was a fitness fanatic and his body was solid and taut.
78. Hateley instantly exploited the error, rolling the ball back to Ian Ferguson and what followed was hell for defender Sergei Fokine.
79. When Mo chewed at her ear, she woke up instantly, laughing.
80. He must so dearly have wished the first two sets could have been instantly erased from memory.
81. She knew instantly, among the bewildering wall of cookery books, the precise one for me.
82. The infusion of desire that rushed her was so immense that she obeyed instantly, drawing her legs up to his hips.
83. With its stainless steel body and gull-winged doors, it is one of the most instantly recognisable cars ever built.
84. The latter will be instantly recognisable by the vibrations you can feel on the line if it is held reasonably tight.
85. Few things are as instantly heart-stopping to a computer user as the time when his machine starts to behave erratically.
86. But ribbons are not only ideal for wrapping presents - household furnishings can be instantly revived with rich braids.
87. Though the rector had been here but once before, he felt instantly at home.
88. Neil was a gentle good-natured chap, the type of man you instantly trust and feel comfortable around.
89. A capacity for burying problems made royal commissions and the like instantly attractive to politicians besieged by one knotty issue or another.
90. The kitchen was filled instantly with a loud snuffling noise, interspersed with grunts.
91. I instantly regret my indiscretion and beg him to keep the news to himself.
92. Gunmen fired more than 100 rounds into his black Chevrolet Suburban, killing him instantly.
93. Bring back the mustard-plasters instantly! Bring brandy and the other medicaments I ordered.
94. Instantly, the metal container began to emit a clicking sound.
95. I had put the purple tinsel on to make my case instantly recognisable.
96. Roquelaure was recognised instantly by the head waiter who took them straight to a reserved corner table.
97. The lobster slumped instantly, to all appearances dead(), and being limp was easier to place in the pot.
98. She had only seen Matthew Godden once before, but even so she recognized him instantly.
99. A man and his woman pillion passenger died instantly when they lost control of the machine and hit a wall.
100. What is the point of having a bomb that could instantly destroy the city of Glasgow?
101. Three young soldiers were killed instantly when an explosion inside the reactor forced it literally through the roof of its housing.
102. It tasted yeasty, with a slight hint of effervescence, and began almost instantly to produce a slow easing of inhibitions.
103. But almost instantly the battery-powered emergency light came on, illuminating the nightmare scene with an eerie blue radiance.
104. You know how a dog will instantly gravitate to the person in the room who fears him the most?
105. Instantly hardening, it has effectively blocked an estimated 50 percent of the force of the eruption coming from a new fissure.
106. Teammates who were strangers before the party are instantly bonded, and victory is celebrated with fists-in-the-air exaltation.
107. Mavis raised her eyes to the mill and understood instantly the trap they were all in.
108. His 20 points against Oregon State a week ago were just 10 shy of his career total and instantly became Bruin lore.
109. There were the usual grumbles, but they faded instantly as the ambulance backed up to the entrance, doors already opening.
110. Many have instantly recognisable traits which will help when selecting plants from nurseries and garden centres.
111. Within hours of defeat on Thursday, trade union leaders reverted instantly to type.
112. Yet it is instantly available, unlike official statistics that are always out of date.
113. The cowgirl was apparently popular, for little squeals of delight from females went up instantly at her entrance.
114. He had a great sense of humour and when we first met, I was instantly attracted to him.
115. Secondly, it means that any liquidity shortage initially suffered by banks will be instantly transferred to the discount market.
116. His horse threw him, breaking his neck and killing him instantly.
117. His hand closed over grass which was instantly torn from the soft earth and his boots were dislodged from their precarious footholds.
118. This does not mean that you will instantly become enfeebled, relying on others to do everything for you.
119. Success at school was instantly rewarded and applauded for days.
120. More then 40,000 ecstatic fans filled stadia each night to scream at the girly they instantly dubbed the Mighty Minogue.
121. Both had terrible head injuries, and appeared to have been killed instantly.
122. It is instantly available, and slides neatly out of sight when not needed.
123. The financial interests thus gelled into four organizations that soon became instantly recognized household names and logos.
124. Alaia tops, Paul Smith suits, extravagant spectacles: the designers are an instantly recognisable breed.
125. Instantly(), you are treated to the Archer frown of disapproval.
126. Two of the men were killed instantly, the third was engulfed in flames before he died an agonising death.
127. The man, in his late teens or early twenties, died instantly.
128. Instantly, one of the hydrogen atoms on the ethanol molecule is ripped off.
129. It instantly became a curiosity of rock lore, especially because pictures of the costumed, superstar event were published.
130. And it helps that they look so damned good-and are instantly recognisable in the car park!
131. Among the faces looming out of the night, and through the fog of my exhaustion, my host was instantly recognizable.
132. If any character enters the chamber, he is sucked into the Chaos-stuff instantly and lost for ever in the Warp.
133. It will allow users to check out availability, pricing and book a room instantly.
134. When I was sufficiently unbundled to have a look around, though, I was instantly dismayed.
135. At that, they leaped overboard and instantly were changed into dolphins, all except the good helmsman.
136. The other crab, rather than being left homeless and therefore extremely vulnerable to predators, instantly jumped into the broken shell.
137. Instantly the air of the quiet lounge seemed to stir, to gather vibrations as if his arrival ushered in a powerful force.
138. The melodies of most composers have distinguishing characteristics which make them instantly identifiable.
139. Airy, instantly accessible but surprisingly subtle music covering ground between modem mainstream and bebop and featuring Barnes alongside trumpeter Adams.
140. Most of the bullets struck his head and John Browne died instantly.
141. The ferry arrived on Saturday evening and we instantly agreed to stay on the boat and to go elsewhere.
142. Instantly, Penn establishes himself as an unsympathetic Satan, even before he starts his white-supremacist cant.
143. Five or six sparrows instantly alighted on my arms and head, gripping my skin with their bony little claws.
144. He was hit in the chest and died instantly along with about 28 others.
145. The spasm of hope and fear passed instantly, as cold logic replaced emotion.
146. As any woman could tell you a change of clothes or hairstyle can instantly change the way people think about you.
147. He was instantly recognizable in the small but influential circle he kept.
148. The voice down the line was instantly recognisable, and instantly unwelcome.
149. He was of medium height, and had regular, even features of the kind which are instantly forgettable.
150. Instead of tables of numbers, computer-based graphics can give instantly recognizable representations of complex relationships.
151. In a world instantly connected by a finger on a facsimile machine, it might seem unnecessary to decentralise research.
152. She allies herself with Sarah, and rejects the men, who instantly close ranks against her.
153. The centre of Dixie's shirt caves in instantly, as if a hidden mouth inside had sucked at it and vomited blood.
154. Liberal politicians paraded through the studios, providing soundbites that were instantly fed into the live broadcasts.
155. Scanners capture images as a pattern of dots, changing the proportions can instantly turn an acceptable image into a complete mess!
156. While chairman of the health authority he was instantly recognisable by the fresh, home-grown carnation he wore to work every day.
157. It was here that they were forced to eat beef thereby becoming instantly de-Hinduized.
158. The darkness was so complete that no one could have seen her through the driving rain and almost instantly the house disappeared.
159. Harry nearly jumped back in surprise and flushed instantly in embarrassment at the distaste his flinching movement had signalled.
160. It raps a defector over the knuckles instantly but, after that, lets bygones be bygones.
161. Mind you, failure to display a phone number doesn't make them instantly dodgy.
162. There is a simple test, and I run back to the cabin to embark on this project instantly.
163. The man died instantly and his name was withheld while investigators tried to locate relatives.
164. It was to respond instantly to any complaint or grievance regard-less of the merits, and just fight the company.
165. She recognized Telemachus instantly from his likeness to his father and she called him by name.
166. A Shakespeare play is about motives and predicaments and feelings and personalities that are instantly familiar.
167. Oral communication is equally effective for the receiver,() who can instantly clarify what something means.
168. To make eyes look instantly wider use a little black eyeliner just above your upper lash line and blend in.
169. Now, for the first time, he saw the translation of the second message, and its meaning became instantly clear.
170. Eden was instantly plunged into industrial disputes in the docks and on the railways.
171. Using satellites, television pictures can be seen on the other side of the globe almost instantly.
172. Dauntless was instantly suspicious because there had been no sign of human habitation for days.
173. Instantly we fell in love with the area and have been returning regularly ever since.
174. Now that it is, try thinking about what is happening in astronomical terms and you will instantly notice the symbolic importance.
175. His brother, Omar, 39, died from gunshots to the head instantly after the two were attacked Monday.
176. When money can be moved instantly on a personal computer, the whole idea of capital controls melts away.
177. Instantly the water becomes a maelstrom, as huge grey carp or catfish lunge for the food.
178. Now imagine the paralysis that would be induced if constituencies could be polled instantly by an all-but-universal interactive system.
179. Upon meeting them you instantly see what they look like, and quickly observe their facial expressions, gestures and body language.
180. Instantly, three athletic-looking youths sprang from a doorway where they'd been idling just a short distance along the road.
181. The scenery is instantly familiar to fans of her work.
182. The ambulance came and I was filled with delicious brandy but was instantly sick when I got to Imtarfa Hospital.
183. The roped calf was up instantly, bawling hoarsely, shaking his head.
184. The gloom on leaving La Paz was instantly dispelled by the views on gaining the Altiplano.
185. Had it landed, the blow would have crushed the cartilage and killed him instantly.
186. Assuming the new equilibrium price is instantly established, they derived an expression for the change in price between transactions.
187. He devised a cheap lamp that would burn in the methane-rich atmosphere of the crept workings without instantly exploding.
188. A shelf for decorative plates running at picture rail height will instantly bring an interior to life.
189. He instantly purchased everything the store had to offer -- some 100 calculators priced at $ 15. 60 each.
190. Stephanie Kuhen was shot in the head and died instantly.
191. The first track on the album will be instantly familiar to Billie Holliday fans.
192. Her initial surge of euphoria was instantly followed by dismay.
193. A migraine headache instantly struck Wyatt, electricity tearing through a leaf and departed as quickiy as it had come.
194. For no apparent reason he had collided with a car coming in the opposite direction, killing the other driver instantly.
195. How well the network trains can now be judged instantly without making tedious error calculations.
196. The line became instantly popular and managements all over the world were impatient to snap them up whenever they were free.
197. Walker died instantly; his F-104 bursting into flames, the pieces falling away to the desert floor 25,000 feet below.
198. My blood dripped on the ring floor and turned instantly black, merging with the modern art collage of other stains.
199. Aspirations to elegance, with well-dressed tables and crystal chandeliers, are instantly destroyed if the carpet screams at the guests.
200. Instead of being answered instantly by a human voice, callers at busy times may just hear a recorded message.
201. Richie instantly put his book away and swung down from his bunk.
202. She fell down on the mattress and went instantly to death.
203. The whole school would instantly become hushed and enthralled by the horror, watching.
204. If a Troll suffers harm his flesh will almost instantly re-grow.
205. To Bowman, every actuator in the ship had its own distinctive voice, and he recognized this one instantly.
206. Roll out updates instantly and opaquely to the users.
207. Constitution or criminal law can get effect instantly on controlling death penalty. However, the substantive control ways have some insuppressible localization.
208. The airport is the first anywhere in the world to feature a system created by SITA for passengers to scan baggage claim tags and (hopefully) instantly discover where any lost baggage is located.
209. Fashionistas cross the threshold and instantly reach out to touch not only the garments, but also draperies of natural silk and translucent voile, not to mention custom-carpeted floor areas.
210. We're working on projects like a visual interface that will enable illiterate or semiliterate people to use a PC instantly, with minimal training.
211. Fibroin can bring its tensility efficacy playing, instantly smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and make skin firm and smooth, thoroughly remove wrinkles.
212. When the instantly available bandwidth is larger than the nominal bandwidth the second part is retrieved and transmitted.
213. Instantly, the channel verifier said, "Hey, your code doesn't handle the NoData message at line such-and-such.
214. When the benchmark starts, it instantly creates 100 very active user sessions that select, add, update, and delete records at the same time.
215. In one clip, a lanky, dark-haired boy approaches Bandit instantly.
216. Wait to light disease relier or cocaine, cannabis without body dependence material, should instantly Buddhist monastic discipline is broken.
217. The drill will not be dropped out when the main spindle of machine is instantly stopped.
218. The lunt in the bathroom winds around, if show, people is like concealed below bead shade inside, this kind of secret touch is according with instantly youth to go after emancipatory nature.
219. So if the introduction of a principle of organization does not work instantly, keep going at it!
220. I instantly thought of the Orwellian newspeak at my own Manhattan school where achievement tests were the order of the day.
221. The immoral orgasm which caused by the curiosity was instantly met is equal to the love convulsion of "telesthesia", there is no such fools in the world.
222. A "mudra" technique will program your mind to alter consciousness, instantly, when you desire to send and receive.
223. I imagine you inspecting "vintage" erotica for any hints of the modern world — or even anything post-World War I — that, if found, instantly kill the fantasy.
224. Keep cool. Don't respond instantly or say yes to everything.
225. Once a signal is detected the unit moves seamlessly and instantly into operational mode and the LED activates.
226. Network literature is in instantly, the material gain that is brought inevitably by market economy is changed, vulgarization place erodes fawn on.
227. Your body locks up almost instantly, you go down to the ground with inappreciable damage, and you are no longer a threat to anyone.
228. The wireless devices allow consumers to purchase electronic - books online and read screen almost instantly.
229. Savile was instantly recognisible with his wavy hair, craggy features and trademark tracksuit and gold chains.
230. Multi-purpose travel towels packed like pills. Simply pop one out, soak with a little water and the pill instantly transforms into a sturdy towel.
231. Users are provided with a toll free number that they can call and instantly leave a voice message that will be delivered to their PC via email within seconds.
232. The questions were evidently unexpected to the slow-witted spokesman, who instantly found himself tongue-tied.
233. Self-locking Emergency Switch on top of control cabinet, which will stop the rolls instantly and also, cuts off all electric supply to the mill.
234. The mage mystically attacks a material object, causing it to decay instantly .
235. The board of directors will begin instantly the blame with new choose carries out president and presiding apparitor .
236. See a few lade the yellow croaker car with overweight, slow drive a vehicle, be on duty personnel helps its go-cart instantly, accelerate car have enough to meet need.
237. Visitors to China are instantly struck, of course, by the pollution shrouding every major city.
238. A memory violation can spur SIGSEGV, killing the process instantly while leaving a core dump behind.
239. You can instantly reply to it, using the message exchange system.
240. He also invests in education for his pressroom of 35 employees, offering classes in advanced specialties like UV printing, where the ink dries instantly on a box.
241. On the face of it, his new role does not sound like the sort of thing that one might imagine LeBlanc - who played the dim-witted Joey Tribbiani in Friends - would instantly have been attracted to.
242. Rumor has it that any sites linked to those "Duplicate Content" sites were instantly banned (black-listed) by Google.
243. Almost instantly from the next aisle over I heard a voice call out "Bless you" and then another and another and yet another .
244. I have already told you that your reports reached me rapidly, being forwarded instantly from Baker Street to Coombe Tracey.
245. In September, Burberry live-streamed its catwalk show and allowed customers to instantly order runway items via iPads it had set up in stores.
246. "We knew instantly the greatness and beauty of this work, " says Delorme.
247. There was a bare possibility of overtaking them if pursued instantly.
248. Host, precious jade reservoir already steep nice dry by air of datura flower petal, can stop bleeding for your pain in the town, instantly go to precious jade pond?
249. German jack-tar runs to the front of flagpole instantly, mount top quickly, respect a ceremony beautifully, jumped next.
249. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
250. Sitting atop the brand new Standard Hotel in New York City's Meat Packing District, The Boom Boom Room opened in September 2009 and was instantly a favorite with models, designers, and celebrities.
251. Keep cool. Don't respond instantly or say yes to eVery abundancething.
252. Abdul Qar and his father stepped on an Improvised Explosive Device (IED), intended to target US soldiers, which killed his father instantly.
253. This two-fold maneuver had mixed results: The new name was successful and its friendly logo became instantly pronounceable and familiar all around the world, but Zenith never regained its past glory.




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