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单词 Aunt
1) His aunt is his legal guardian .
2) Aunt Mary is my mother's sister.
3) He boarded with his aunt.
4) He had a deep affection for his aunt.
5) My aunt always takes her rest at nine.
6) My aunt is an actress.
7) The news reached me via my aunt.
8) She wrote to her aunt in America.
9) She commended the child to her aunt.
10) Copy your aunt and you won't go wrong.
11) The earrings were a gift from my aunt.
12) They are not really my aunt and uncle.
13) Are you stopping with your aunt?
14) My aunt has just left for Canada.
15) His aunt maintained him at the university.
16) Some of my relations, my mother's aunt and uncle,(http:///aunt.html) live in America.
17) My aunt welcomed me.
18) An aunt who is as sweet as you should get a birthday bug or two and after that a birthday kiss Have a very happy birthday!
19) My aunt made a few pointed remarks about my taste in clothes.
20) John's aunt died suddenly and left him a surprisingly large sum.
21) My aunt asked me to join in with her on her holidays abroad.
22) Aunt Mary's a real conservative.She's totally opposed to women going out to work.
23) I went to stay with my uncle and aunt for a few days.
24) The young man danced attendance on his rich aunt.
25) Her Aunt Effie is certainly an original.
26) I received a most unusual present from my aunt.
27) My aunt can be a bit of a terror.
28) Aunt Alice died, leaving almost $5 million.
29) I think my uncle's death was a merciful release for my poor aunt.
30) When his parents died, he was placed in the custody of his aunt.
1) His aunt is his legal guardian .
2) He had a deep affection for his aunt.
3) My aunt is an actress.
4) The news reached me via my aunt.
5) She wrote to her aunt in America.
6) The earrings were a gift from my aunt.
7) They are not really my aunt and uncle.
8) My aunt has just left for Canada.
9) His aunt maintained him at the university.
10) Some of my relations, my mother's aunt and uncle, live in America.
11) My aunt welcomed me.
12) I think my uncle's death was a merciful release for my poor aunt.
13) My aunt made a few pointed remarks about my taste in clothes.
14) John's aunt died suddenly and left him a surprisingly large sum.
15) I went to stay with my uncle and aunt for a few days.
16) The young man danced attendance on his rich aunt.
17) She's staying with her aunt for the time being.
18) Aunt Emilie darned old socks.
19) My aunt has slipped down in the street and hurt her ankle.
20) Aunt Polly knelt down and prayed for Tom so touchingly.
21) She is a good aunt to all the children in the neighbourhood.
22) The little girl found her way into her Aunt Alison's home all by herself.
23) He found he had struck it rich when he unexpectedly inherited some money from his aunt.
31) My aunt always remembers my birthday .
32) Aunt Molly is a nag about regular meals.
33) Tomorrow is Aunt Elma's ninetieth .
34) She looks disconcertingly like a familiar aunt or grandmother.
35) My aunt was bombed out during the war.
36) My aunt is very old-fashioned.
37) My aunt is generosity incarnate.
38) Her aunt is making over the baby again.
39) Does she get on with your aunt?
40) Aunt Mary sends her love.
41) My aunt was busy straightening furniture and plumping cushions.
42) My aunt lives quite near.
43) She's staying with her aunt for the time being.
44) Her aunt kept her skivvying day and night.
45) My sainted aunt! Whatever next?
46) Her Aunt Sallie gave her an uncharacteristically extravagant gift.
47) My son was hugging the gift from his aunt.
48) Aunt Mary volunteered to clean up the kitchen.
49) It was a present from Aunt Vera.
50) She received a small legacy from her aunt.
51) She kept her promise to visit her aunt regularly.
52) Was Aunt Sarah asked after?
53) We've already overstayed our visit to Aunt Sophie.
54) Her aunt scarcely looked her age.
55) Aunt Mary goes to church every Sunday.
56) I have an aunt in Australia.
57) We were chaperoned by our aunt.
58) My aunt brought up four children.
59) My aunt indulges the children dreadfully.
60) Her aunt was well-spoken and had a pleasant manner.
61) His aunt died of a seizure.
62) Her aunt was small, with a rather fussy manner.
63) Aunt Lena has just left for America.
64) His aunt was 93 and bedridden.
65) He went to see his aunt last night.
66) He was brought up by his aunt.
67) Aunt Mary wore shapeless black dresses.
68) My aunt conducts her business very successfully.
69) There's been no trace of my aunt and uncle.
70) There she remained under the care of Aunt Dana.
71) I was raised by my aunt on a farm.
72) She has no relations besides an aged aunt.
73) Aunt Nessy was always a bit eccentric.
74) Aunt Matilda was something of an eccentric.
75) My Aunt Julia had very little experience of life.
76) Aunt Lou walks with a stick .
77) I was struck by her resemblance to my aunt.
78) Be good when we visit your uncle and aunt.
79) She joined her aunt in the sitting room.
80) He pecked his aunt on the cheek.
81) My aunt Jennifer is an actress.
82) My regards to your aunt .
83) Aunt Emilie darned old socks.
84) He pecked his aunt on the check.
85) She was brought up by her aunt.
86) He hasn't touched the money his aunt left him.
87) This is my aunt who's over from Canada.
88) My aunt Flo was a bold determined woman.
89) Her aunt died and left her a fortune.
90) We're going to visit your aunt tomorrow and there'll be no buts about it.
91) His natural mother was unable to care for him so he was raised by an aunt.
92) Aunt Lena came to visit us at an awkward time.
93) A number of institutions revered and respected in earlier times have become Aunt Sally for the present generation.
94) He's spent these last five years battening on a rich aunt of his.
95) The boy was committed to the care of his aunt.
96) My aunt never married because her father wouldn't consent to her marriage.
97) My aunt gave me one of her brooches as a keepsake.
98) Oh my giddy aunt!
99) When I was young my parents often foisted me upon a reluctant aunt for the weekend.
100) My aunt has slipped down in the street and hurt her ankle.
101) My aunt won't tell anyone her age - she says that it's a trade secret.
102) The dying woman commended her five children to their aunt.
103) Look out for your Aunt while you're at the station.
104) She gave her aunt a quick peck on the cheek.
105) Aunt Polly knelt down and prayed for Tom so touchingly.
106) My aunt decided to stage a series of performances of a one-act play.
107) It turns out that her aunt and my cousin are one and the same.
108) Any public figure risks being made an Aunt Sally by the popular press.
109) Aunt Margaret told her to dress herself in her nicest dress.
110) " The wife of your father's brother " is a circumlocution for " your aunt ".
111) After her mother's death, Sara clung to her aunt more than ever.
112) He hadn't got quite enough money, but his aunt agreed to make up the difference.
113) Don't be so rude; that's a nice way to behave to your aunt!
114) We flew over to the US to visit my Aunt Polly.
115) I hung about / around the bus station for an hour but my aunt didn't come.
116) The man apologized, but Aunt Matilda refused to let the matter rest.
117) Aunt Gloria can't stand the sight of cats because she was attacked by one when she was a child.
118) My aunt, it grieves me to say, gets things confused.
119) "Dropping the charges has given racists a licence to kill," said Jim's aunt.
120) Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt.
121) On returning to Boston, she formed a close friendship with her aunt.
122) She had become expert in Chinese cooking under the tuition of her aunt.
123) I calculate that Aunt Lena will arrive at 8.00 p.m.
124) She is a good aunt to all the children in the neighbourhood.
125) Aunt must shop around for the better job for me.
126) I'm going to visit my aunt for a few days.
127) I was nobbled by my deaf old aunt and couldn't get away.
127) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
128) You'll have to double up with Susie while your aunt is here.
129) It's an awful bore having to meet my aunt for lunch.
130) Almost everyone knows how Tom got his Aunt Polly's fence painted.
131) Uncle Dick and Aunt Mavis live at High Burnton out towards the coast.
132) I saw my aunt coming and beat a hasty retreat .
133) My aunt was forever pairing me off with unsuitable men.
134) My aunt is incredibly vague - she can never remember where she's left things.
135) The little girl found her way into her Aunt Alison's home all by herself.
136) He found he had struck it rich when he unexpectedly inherited some money from his aunt.
137) Oh horrors! Not another invitation to tea with Aunt Muriel!
138) Aunt Fay was angry and said so in as many words.
139) The large inheritance from his aunt meant that he could buy his own boat.
140) I took the opportunity of visiting my aunt while I was in Birmingham.
141) Look how he's remembered your aunt.
142) The man of letters and the maiden aunt.
143) The aunt was a prime ally.
144) Your aupair may be a born maiden aunt.
145) Aunt Maimie's voice droned on.
146) You shall visit your aunt and uncle.
147) Lucy's aunt died a few months ago.
148) Aunt Bella had been released on bail from prison.
149) I had a great aunt in Arbourville.
150) Claire Rayner is a novelist, broadcaster and agony aunt.
151) Aunt Margaret must buy tins in bulk.
152) My aunt lives in Canada.
153) I was going to stay with my aunt.
154) He stayed with his aunt and uncle.
155) That's Aunt Bedelia with her arms akimbo again.
156) My aunt Mary was petite, pretty, and very ambitious.
157) Fourth Aunt knelt silently, her hair brushing the ground.
157) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
158) Canned salmon sold at eleven cents a can, and Aunt Pat splurged now and then and served fried salmon cakes.
159) John Lennon bought his Aunt Mimi a bungalow in Poole.
160) The aunt, possibly, of a girl who had been injured in the accident.
161) While writing her agony aunt column, she remained busy as a reporter, interviewing figures including Margaret Thatcher.
162) I am still friends with my ex-husband who takes it on himself to be my personal agony aunt.
163) A big kiss Dedo Laure, his favourite aunt, was suffering from a severe mental breakdown.
164) Aunt Sarah was at the table, kneading the bread dough.
165) They are autographed to my aunt, who worked as a beautician in Hollywood for many years.
166) Aunt Bedelia stood at the gate with her arms akimbo, then Otley and Elinor joined her.
167) And so I was left to live alone with my aunt.
168) Family stories, such as the ones about my Aunt Naomi belong to a special category.
169) We could smoke and no great aunt would smell us and croak.
170) My great aunt used to sit in her weekly bath, scrubbing the household washing.
171) So we went to live with my aunt in Tembisa, a township in the East Rand.
172) We used to live with my aunt but then it got too crowded there so we moved out.
173) He discovered that his guardian, Aunt Mimi, had not legally adopted him.
174) Aunt Mimi was always on his back about him "wasting time playing that silly guitar".
175) In the meantime, I've arranged for her daughter to stay with an aunt.
176) Conradin loved it, but the aunt said that it was bad for him.
177) She leaves to visit her aunt Gritty Moss; but he calls on her there, again pleading his love for her.
178) Long ago, an aunt told me that my grandmother wash born out of wedlock.
179) He left the house, his only tangible asset, jointly to my aunt and myself.
180) The maiden aunt who was invited to Walsingham House arrived in a four-wheeler.
181) This was the only time I could remember my aunt being right about anything.
182) All very well, as one's great aunt might say, for those who like that sort of thing.
183) The next morning Lord Henry went to visit his aunt, Lady Agatha.
184) Margaret and Dickie were in the garden playing badminton when Mr Remington-Hart rang up and asked to speak to my aunt.
185) Her parents are dead, so she lives with an unkind aunt and her children.
186) A great many people love their elderly Parent or aunt sufficiently to want to look after them.
187) He hated playing agony aunt but he couldn't afford to have Hirschfeldt falling to pieces.
187) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
188) Conradin's parents were dead and he lived with his aunt.
189) His own father had been an avid ornithologist, so his aunt had told him.
190) He'd informed Aunt Edie that to give her a break, he and Patsy would get the tea later on.
191) He discovered that her name was Bathsheba Everdene, and that she lived with her aunt, Mrs Hurst.
192) My Aunt Naomi, like some latter-day Sleeping Beauty permanently imprisoned, never awakened to or acceded to adult sexuality.
193) Vesa had been living in a small apartment in the Mids since their aunt had died a year back.
194) We were going to visit my aunt and uncle who have lived there for the past five years.
195) Chancey, who had never known his parents, was being raised by an old aunt in extreme poverty.
196) This script began with Aunt Lilian's release from the shabby asylum in which she had been held for decades.
197) His aunt sent him a box of molasses cookies, and I sent him two corned beefs on rye.
198) For dinner, Aunt Mary made pot roast, steamed asparagus, wild rice, and, for dessert, apple pie.
199) Seth Bede walks with Dinah back to Hall Farm, where she is visiting her aunt.
200) Bissett had been told that often enough, about the dead aunt and her bequest.
201) With the departure of her cellmate, Fourth Aunt experienced the anxieties of loneliness.
202) Being agony aunt was tricky and probably quite beyond her.
203) I had no brother or sister and spent my holidays with my great aunt in the Isle of Wight.
204) I do not know quite what at that time was the stance adopted by W.'s aunt as first respondent.
205) So my aunt talked three friends into skating down the Mississippi to New Orleans.
206) Aunt Tossie was deep in talk with a friend she hadn't bothered about for years.
207) One night, her aunt drew a length of white chiffon out of a paper bag.
208) Take up walking to the shops or school. 4. Visit my ageing aunt. 5.
209) Billy was afraid his aunt would punish him if he owned up.
210) The whistle would blow and Aunt Dorothy would wave goodbye.
211) Aunt Hortense: They certainly do Bertie, they're quite, quite brilliant!
212) As Aunt Matilde's pain grew worse, she became too bad-tempered to see anyone.
213) Then Aunt Della took a folded yellow card out of the box.
214) It is like letting your Aunt Violet go on the airwaves.
215) MacDonald was attending the funeral of an aunt in Sussex.
216) When he was eighteen months old, the family broke up, his care passing to a maiden aunt.
217) I have stated earlier my aunt was a determined and ambitious woman.
218) Jerome has an aunt and uncle in Laguna Hills and some relatives in South Dakota.
219) Aunt Edie served up a supper of fried eggs, bacon and tomatoes with bread and butter.
220) Then he sat down and typed a letter to every agony aunt he had ever heard of.
221) A party is arranged by Aunt Norris there, so that the other young people can proffer advice in the matter.
222) Aunt Alicia found solace in the little Sara, as bubbly and zestful as her nephew had been.
223) In fact they would be just as likely to turn to the agony aunt pages of a magazine.
224) Clayton was adopted by his aunt and uncle and brought up in the working class brewery town of Tadcaster, North Yorkshire.
225) Their baby daughter was brought up by an aunt, a Mrs Reed of Gateshead.
226) Reprehensible as the crime was, the girls were put on a train to Minneapolis to live with an aunt.




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