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单词 Statute
1 Protection for the consumer is laid down by statute.
2 The Bill could reach the statute book by the summer if it attracts the support of Home Office ministers.
3 This archaic law remained on the statute books until last year.
4 Penalties are laid down in the statute .
5 It's not yet on the statute book .
6 The wording of the statute is ambiguous.
7 Corporal punishment was banned by statute in 1987.
8 Local authorities are required by statute to provide care homes for the elderly.
9 The new statute covers the care for, bringing up and protection of children.
10 You have to understand the disorderly conduct statute....
11 Much depends upon the statute creating the offence.
12 No remedy was provided by the statute for enforcement.
13 Statute takes precedence over contract and other legal obligations.
14 The Conservative government resolved the issue by statute.
15 The statute gives him no such say.
16 Such conduct would violate a federal extortion statute.
17 Why is a particular statute regarded as valid?
18 As such,[] they were regulated by statute.
19 This statute originated the office of administrator.
20 Each state statute that mandates reporting of child abuse or neglect specifies the procedures reporters are required to follow.
21 The statute referred to relatives having a claim for damages when a person died from injuries sustained because of a negligent act.
22 An act that is destructive to the environment may be criminalized by statute.
23 The government would like to see this new law on the statute book as soon as possible.
24 The current machinery broadly follows the framework of collective bargaining laid down in the 1980 Workers' Statute.
25 It applies, for instance, to a local authority which is required by statute to receive sewage into its sewers.
26 No formal, authoritative documents set forth these rules, and they find no embodiment in statute law.
27 Whatever answer is given on the assignment point, there will be some untidiness within the statute.
28 Whether it is so or not is a question of construction of the particular statute concerned.
29 The Ministry of Railways and the national monopolies commission will draw up revised conditions of carriage to reflect the new statute.
30 Also, there is a danger that in such a sensitive area a statute may well be a clumsy approach initially.
1 Protection for the consumer is laid down by statute.
2 The Bill could reach the statute book by the summer if it attracts the support of Home Office ministers.
3 This archaic law remained on the statute books until last year.
31 The southern states now relied on tightening enforcement measures already on the statute books and increasing the alertness of the patrols.
32 The court must first determine whether the particular statute gave rise to the right to sue for damages.
33 The new statute had set out the management arrangements governing the institutions which the county authority had taken over.
34 It would depend upon the construction of the statute whether Parliament intended questions of law to be left to an inferior court.
35 Until the beginning of this year, Congress had not applied to itself a single civil-rights or workplace statute passed this century.
36 But in the field of statute law the judge must be obedient to the will of Parliament as expressed in its enactments.
37 The bill signed by Leavitt attempts to ban gay student groups without running afoul of this statute.
38 Children's services were the responsibility of one department, required by statute.
39 The Bill will get Royal Assent later this year when it will officially go on to the statute books.
40 Governments will then be hard put to get it on to their national statute books by mid-1993.
41 Finally, the Pennsylvania statute requires every facility performing abortions to report its activities to the Commonwealth.
42 Consequently, case and statute law was made which prevented distribution of capital invested.
43 The legislation went on to the statute book in July 1986 and the new system was finally introduced in April 1988.
44 A dispute over what they do mean is, in principle, like a legal dispute over the meaning of a statute.
45 Yet the immediate impact of the statute was much less dramatic than this longer-term picture might suggest.
46 Statute law consists of the words that Parliament has enacted.
47 The governor had not requested federal aid and, in their view, no federal statute had been violated.
48 Some items of expenditure are fixed by statute and there is no room for debate about how much is to be spent.
49 The principle applies not only to taxing statutes but all forms of statute law.
50 It may well be that indoctrination in the techniques of terror to destroy the Government would be indictable under either statute.
51 Alternatively, the statute may provide for the reasonable practicability of precautions.
52 Rhode Island adopted at statute under which the state paid a 15 percent annual supplement to teachers in nonpublic elementary schools.
53 The child protection conference is not a creature of statute.
54 I repeat what I have said before: internment has been retained on the statute book.
55 They were required by statute to keep their pipes at a certain pressure level.
56 First, it was unsuccessful on the correct interpretation of the relevant statute, the Police Act 1964.
57 The hon. Gentleman said that I had said that we would keep internment on the statute book.
58 The changing nature of the planning context, through case law, government policy and statute, demands continuing attention.
59 In some cases, however, prosecutors may have thought about the five-year statute of limitations problem and done something about it.
60 The statute requires, however, not a threat of immediate danger, but rather an immediate need to act to protect.
61 It does not need research to show that no such sweeping condemnation can be passed upon the statute before us.
62 The judges then must decide how to interpret the statute and by so doing they define its meaning.
63 Responsibility for the conduct of the affairs of Amnesty International, in the words of the Statute, involves a punishing schedule.
64 The common law rules have now been overlaid by statute.
65 The Statute of Uses has been repealed; and future legal estates in real property can not now be created.
66 At issue is whether domestic partners benefits are covered by the federal statute.
67 A Louisiana statute authorizing a brief period of silent meditation was also challenged by students.
68 The proposal came at a meeting organised by the National Consumer's Council, a representative body established by statute in 1975.
69 The manner of enforcement was laid down by the statute.
70 Most work at uninspiring tasks, pore over old court decisions and statute books, and draft memos for their higher-ups.
71 Certain other terms are implied into leases by virtue of statute and these are dealt with in their respective contexts.
72 We plead with the House to allow the Bill to take its course and reach the statute book.
72 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
73 The object of the defence statute is to delegate to the Executive what in peacetime would be the function of Parliament.
74 The House held that the discretion, being a discretion conferred by statute, must be exercised in accordance with the statutory intention.
75 There are three rules of construction which the courts might employ when construing a statute.
76 It is curious that the title of the City of Ripon was confirmed by statute in 1865.
77 Fortunately, there is a statute that says a little drop of blood will do.
78 A federal appeals court has lifted the injunction, allowing for extraditions until the constitutionality of the statute is decided next year.
79 The plaintiff was awarded £50 in damages. Exemption clauses are also controlled by statute.
80 The second approach is that breach of the statute provides only primafacie evidence of negligence.
81 It is difficult to find out whether or not the statute had any real impact.
82 It is clear that the Government are determined that the Bill will be on the statute book before the general election.
83 However, it is undeniably the case that the statute is less clear and concise than ideally it ought to be.
84 Apart from one passing reference to the Statute of Labourers, social grievances do not appear in the petition.
85 Although remaining on the statute books, Nemery's version had not been applied since 1985.
86 The purpose of the Bill is to introduce the concept of traffic calming into statute.
87 It is not capable of being answered by linguistic or textual analysis of the statute alone however assiduously that is performed.
88 I hope that the provisions will reach the statute book quickly.
89 This Treaty took effect, and the Occupation Statute was repealed, on 5 May 1955.
90 No single characterisation or particular formulation of the rule enjoining judicial obedience to statute can supply answers in advance ... Questions 1.
91 Such liability will be all the more possible in states that explicitly impose liability by statute, such as Michigan and Montana.
92 Unfortunately his lawyer could find no statute or point of law preventing his client's imprisonment.
93 In respect of children born since 1976 the position is governed by statute.
94 The statute was promulgated during Lent, in the hope that abstention would find the peasants in subdued mood.
95 Judicial interpretation of statute law can be overridden by a new act of Parliament.
96 The Foreign Compensation Commission was empowered by statute to deal with claims to compensation under agreements with foreign governments.
97 The veto must be authorized by statute and may only negate what an Executive department or independent agency has proposed.
98 A market overt is a market, constituted under statute, by royal charter or by long standing custom.
99 The statute may impose a duty on an employer to provide safety equipment and ensure that it is used.
100 Persson said he was prepared to review the question of the statute of limitations on war crimes and acts of genocide.
101 If statute laws were printed like newspapers, these would be tabloid, not quality laws.
102 Although an area of negligence, liability is governed by statute, the Occupiers' Liability Acts 1957 and 1984.
103 The Act enshrines principles social workers fought hard to get on the statute book.
104 It was a highly unpopular Act; nevertheless it remained on the statute books until 1815.
105 The strict interpretation of statute, an important feature of the sixteenth century, owed much to the invention of printing.
106 To obtain this private statute it is necessary for the local authority to promote a Bill in Parliament laid down by Parliament.
107 The Statute of Wills 1540 gave testators power to create future legal estates by their wills.
108 The most convenient place to find a statute that is still in force is in the official publication Statutes in Force.
109 In the present case the cause of action arises under statute and Mr. Thomas argues that different considerations apply.
110 But what happens if there are two Acts on the statute books which conflict with one another?
111 According to Lord Diplock it is improper to do this if the meaning of the statute is plain.
112 Martin says the statute would also make sure software companies put the correct computer-system requirements for its products on the software box.
113 Government ministers, local authorities and other public bodies have been given the power by statute to make subordinate legislation.
114 Indeed, the Texas statute struck down today was, as the majority notes, first enacted in 1857....
115 Would it be a valid objection to an Order made under this statute that it imposes a tax?
116 In applying these general rules, the courts look at each individual case in light of whatever state statute may apply.
117 The fact remains that internment is on the statute book and is available to the Government to use.
118 First, a statute may require that the school board take affirmative action to elect a teacher to tenure status.
119 The society was founded in 1966 when David Steel's abortion Bill was moving fast towards the statute books.
120 Thus, the general principle is that one must look to the particular taxing statute.
121 It is specifically about actions by the Crown under a statute providing a prescribed means of law enforcement.
122 The New Jersey statute is not such a quarantine law.
123 The second relevant statute concerns guardianship under the Mental Health Act 1983.
124 Appeal was the only corrective for a mistake by a High Court judge and that had been removed by statute.
125 Where an exchange is given power to make its rules by statute, those rules will normally have statutory status as well.
126 Normally, a body is subject to judicial review if it is the creation of statute and performs public law duties.
127 Pension Under statute you are required to make provision for your pension.
128 Unpalatable statute law may not be disregarded or rejected, merely because it is unpalatable.
129 Statute provides an appeals procedure against deportation, the non renewal of residence permits and other types of restrictions.
130 Instances occur where the courts feel obliged to construe a statute in a way that they themselves acknowledge creates outrageous injustice.
131 The individual and collective rights of the labour force were codified in the 1980 Workers' Statute.
132 Although there was no compulsion for students to participate or even to be present,[http:///statute.html] the courts ruled the statute unconstitutional.
133 The statute gives the independent counsel the opportunity to investigate anything that is perceived to be criminal.
134 In particular those articles of the statute survive which forbid cruel, inhuman, or degrading punishment.
135 By then, the three-year statute of limitations may have expired.
136 A statute created an obligation on the defendant council to provide housing for homeless persons.
137 In the overall case, the four-year statute of limitations on alleged fraud, theft and financial elder abuse expires in February.
138 The purpose of the statute was to lessen the risk of cattle catching a contagious disease while in transit.
139 But she said it could continue efforts to seize billions of dollars in tobacco profits under the racketeering statute.
140 Under a trust for sale the trustees obviously can sell, and they are given by statute a discretionary power to retain.
141 Subject to limited minimum rights laid down by statute, which are explained below, there is often plenty of scope for negotiation.
142 In New Mexico, a state statute permits one minute of silent prayer at the beginning of school.
143 In this article, when appropriate, this implementing statute will be used as the relevant version of the Hague Rules.
144 But a judge dismissed the criminal case a few months later, because the statute of limitations had expired.
145 Reliance was also placed upon the power of absolute and immediate distress in the statute.
146 In 1357 he is required by statute to entrust the administration of the property to the near relations of the deceased.
147 Some of those old laws are still on the statute book.
148 The statute, in addition to its provision for silent meditation, authorized teachers to ask students whether they wished to pray.
149 Rules laid down in a statute would be less flexible.
150 The statute confines itself to prohibiting the carriage of certain goods in interstate or foreign commerce.
151 The new statute will stop trade unionists trying to persuade workers in unconnected companies to take sympathy action.
152 The Basic Law took effect subject to the Occupation Statute, which came into force at the same time.
153 Despite the recent advent of statute law in this area, there remains no statutory definition of what constitutes insider trading.
154 But appeals, deals and the expiry of the statute of limitations whittled the number in jail down to fewer than 10.
155 They imposed a new, six-month statute of limitations, which few people, fired, without a job, could meet.
156 Its duties are performed without executive leave and, in the contemplation of the statute, must be free from executive control.
157 The relevant statute empowered the council to pay such wages as it thought fit.
158 The district court recognized that the Alabama statute violated the establishment clause as construed by the Supreme Court.
159 Suppose that under this defence statute the Government makes an Order requisitioning land for anti-aircraft missile sites.
160 This is no mean feat as the statute has 108 sections divided into 12 separate parts, together with 15 schedules.
161 By the Statute of 1861 the 22 million serfs owned by private landlords were set free from personal bondage.
162 A separate Consumer Sale and Loan Act was to be a consumer protection statute regulating credit advertising and consumer credit transactions.
163 Opposition by those in favour of the availability of abortion, however,[Sentence dictionary] meant that few such measures had progressed to the statute books.
164 But the death penalty is kept off the statute books by the one unanswerable and non-politically partisan argument against it.
165 So I repeat that this statute in its immediate operation is clearly within the Congress's constitutional power.
166 The number of laws on the statute book increases cumulatively since governments repeal relatively few laws.
167 Defendant waived sovereign immunity from this action by statute.
168 This statute created the National Wilderness Preservation System.
169 So what's the statute of limitations on this fight?
170 Four years later, the State repealed the prior statute.
171 From the view of statute law, the regulation of village and nongovernmental agreement should belong to folk law system, rather than state law system.
172 Our country must realize the civil law statute book and the modernization, must take highly the personal property rights protection, strengthens to the private property rights research.
173 The "honest services" statute, if taken seriously, "would seemingly cover a salaried employee's phoning in sick to go to a ball game, " fumes Antonin Scalia, a Supreme Court justice.
174 Except as otherwise by statute the proponent of a rule or the burden of proof.
175 On the same day, October 7, 2009, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a class action law suit challenging California's Arrestee DNA database statute.
176 As a special background of legal and acted as the constitutive law, The Statute Law of Qing dynasty had an important effect to the Law Merchant.
177 Agency action made reviewable by statute and final agency action for which there is no adequate remedy in a court are subject to judicial review.
178 We should pay attention to the establishment of law and statute and system, upbuild mature system of law and statute.
179 For the United Kingdom Criminal exceptions to the hearsay rule, this article is to carry out assessment in two parts, the common law and statute law of the exception.
180 Since the statute of frauds is a defense against enforcement of an oral contract for the sale of land or an interest in land, problems arise when an oral contract has been partially performed.
181 The statute is hardly a masterpiece of insightful policymaking or incisive drafting.
182 Such judgments or written orders shall apply to those who have not registered their rights but have instituted legal proceedings during the time of the statute of limitation.
183 Before we finish with the topic I should perhaps mention another argument sometimes put forward for fixing a minimum wage rate by statute.
184 In Fukuda's case the issue was dropped because of a three year statute of limitation and also because his office was not aware of the contributor's ethnic background.
185 The relationships between the members of a LLC are governed by the operating agreement. The creation and operation of LLCs are governed by each state's statute which specifically provides for LLCs.
186 Tan Zhi Matt reform of the legal system to produce the complete effect. 1877, China and France are included in the statute book for Mai Jila.
187 Case law and statute law ire individually the main source of law in the common -law system and civil-law system.
188 Only the fragments containing text that overlaps with known parts of the Justinian Code could be translated, and that text deals with appeals and the statute of limitations for an unknown matter.
189 Congress may then respond by amending the statute to make its meaning clear.
190 Under English statute law, there is no distinction between directors of public and private companies.
191 Case Law has some features that Statute Law hasn't , and better it on the function , so there are many things to learn from it .
192 Statute server testing procedures, simulated tests RTU remote terminal Single Point unlocking orders.
192 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
193 The statute of frauds operates as a defense to the enforcement of an oral contract for the sale of land.
194 English law recognizes the legal effect of retention of title clause in statute and case law.
195 The Academic Council has passed a statute of marking system.
196 The case law, characterized by reality and flexibility, can make up for the defects in application and interpretation of the statute law, for it has originated from judicial decisions of judges.
197 In 1890, the United States pioneered competition law and significantly strengthened the future of free markets in the American system by adopting a new federal statute: the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
198 If the statute of limitations has run, the plaintiff is without redress.
199 The Wiener holding was striking because the statute said nothing about removal of commissioners.
200 The defendant may also move to dismiss if the statute of limitations has expired.
201 The Criminal Judicial Precedent is not only a product of the mischief of Statute Law but also the specification and proper supplement of Statute Law .
202 In the modernization period of China' laws, the statute law and the common law coexisted(), and made joint efforts to stabilize and regulate the social order.
203 "Leicester statute book: By water, Earth and heavenly body system ".
204 The compilation(techniques) of legislation law and the limitations of statute law such as hysteresis effect are the(fundamental)reasons why Legislation Law is criticized.
205 He agreed with the plurality opinion's reading of the statute.
206 Chinese "private solicits the fund" a word, in overseas some national statute book and English big dictionary not corresponding word.
207 The wording of a legal document or statute as distinct from the spirit.
208 The effect of the statute was to annul this covenant.
209 Some issues concerning the system of limitation system in legal actions cause many disputes in theory and practice as a result of the imperfections of the statute of limitations.
210 Forty - second interpretation of the statute to vest in the Council.
211 In modern commercial law, because of the transformation from "customary" to "statute Law", the mandatory norms of commercial law began to take effect in the commercial subject law.
212 Truly there is, both in the Scripture and the statute - book.
213 Congress has authorized the president to suspend the operation of a statute.
214 Allocation of risk on the pawnage right shall be stipulated by statute in accordance with the real situations.
215 Starting from this premise, the Meat Cutters opinion looked beyond the text of the statute itself.
216 All member states of the UN are parties to the Statute of the ICJ. They can accept the ICJ's jurisdiction by declarations, bilateral agreements or multilateral treaties.
217 Certainly took the energetic harm a legal regime to stipulate in the statute book already to obtain various countries approval, our country has not been exceptional.
218 The next section will consider this environmental statute in detail.
219 The sole purpose of this statute is to promote mining.
220 The statute of limitations problem has also received great attention in the asbestos cases.
221 There are signs that the bill will reach the statute book.
222 Mr. Remis sued in 2009, just before the statute of limitation was about to expire,[http:///statute.html] according to Mr. Fried.
223 The senators' bill is unlikely to find its way on to the statute book, but is a worrying sign all the same.
224 On the jurisprudence perspective, the judicial practice could not simultaneously should not obey the logic of the statute law, or official law all the time.
225 Absolute judicial justice is an ideal while relative judicial justice is an evitable defect of the jurisdiction based on statute law.
226 The main statute that regulates arbitration procedure is the Arbitration Act 1950.
227 Lawrence Summers, Obama's economic adviser, said last week that getting a tough bill covering financial regulatory reform onto the statute book this year was a priority.
228 The Supreme Court's judgment is expected in a few months, probably around the time that the Law Commission, a body that tidies up the statute book, comes out with its own proposals for change.
229 Statute law hasn't prescribed the indemnification of servant identity in our country owing to unclear identity of civil servant and indistinct relation between judicature and administration.
230 However, in every state but Louisiana, sales of goods are governed by a statute, Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
231 Ni'erji eater conservancy project as an important project constructed by the state is strictly managed according to the law of tender and bid and the correlational policy and statute.
232 A consolidating statute is one which gathers together several Acts on one topic and re-enacts them so that all the statute law on that topic can be found in the same Act.
233 The statute requires various specific control measures in different categories.
234 Conversely, when performance of an oral contract is impossible during a one-year period, this provision of the statute of frauds will bar recovery on an oral contract.
235 This paper tries to study systematically the principle of taxing in accordance with statute and perfectness of tax lawmaking from the theories and fulfillments.
236 The article introduces standardization of SIEMENS whole world and statute in detail strategic content.
237 There is no statute of limitations on the dreams you have for your children.
238 As the industrial, commercial and private life of the country become more complex and are changing with increasing rapidity, statute law will play an ever more important part in English legal system.
239 And the paper also makes valuation on viewpoints and practice from scholars and courts on the application of the statute of limitation of continuing infringement of IP.
240 The independence of the judiciary in France is guaranteed by statute.
241 The knowledge of language logic helps people understand code (statute book) effectively.
242 Any reference in this Agreement to a statute or a provision of a statute shall be construed as a reference to that statute or provision as amended, re-enacted or extended from time to time.
243 The statute law inevitably has a loophole. Analogy is a supplemental instrument to the statute law when law made no stipulation about the settlement of a disputed matter or a case.
244 The Supreme Court's attitude toward that statute can hardly have increased NEPA's effectiveness.
245 No-Fault Divorce Statute loosens the law confinement to a marriage so that divorce becomes a very easy thing.
246 They argued about whether the statute mandating the death penalty is unconstitutional.
247 It is one of the odd old laws on the statute book, although rarely enforced by even the keenest police officer.
248 From the jurisprudence perspective, the judicial practice cannot and simultaneously should not obey the logic of the statute law, or official law all the time.
249 The last two attempts by Ed Markey, a Democratic representative from Massachusetts, to get net neutrality onto the statute book faltered.
250 And since a law is also called a statute, thus we have the statute mile.
251 But Cheney has said statute of limitations has expired on many of his secrets.
252 The jurisdictional amount is set by statute and is currently $ 80,[http:///statute.html]000.
253 The Admiralty court was declared by statute to be a sovereign court.
254 Our country environment criminal activity legislation earliest beginning in 1979 punishment statute book.
255 The evidence statute book, must be formulated which adapts with various lawsuits, or completes corresponding content in three procedural laws, but not the unified evidence statute book.
256 Subject to the provisions of any statute, a contract of marine insurance is inadmissible in evidence unless it is embodied in a marine policy in accordance with this Act.
257 The World Anti - Doping Agency ( WADA ) has an eight year statute of limitation for doping offences.
258 Under the typical modern corporation statute, any form of stock may have a par value stated in the corporation's charter, or the charter may state that the stock is without par value.
259 The statute of frauds is a defense to the enforcement of this type of oral contract.
260 In Weinberger , the goal of the statute was to eliminate water pollution to the extent practicable.
261 Facts: A Virgina statute prohibits interracial marriages between whites and blacks.
262 The statute divides ozone non - attainment areas into five classes, depending on the severity of the pollution.
263 Since 1980 the courts have been permitted to look at Hansard (the official report of the debates and proceedings in the House of Commons) as an external aid to the construction of a statute.
264 Investigationin violation to the statute as popular today is in fact a mistake for statute studies.
265 In English law such corporation are formed either by charter, statute or registration under the Companies Acts; there is also the common law concept of the Corporation Sole.
266 Nevertheless, the statute itself indicates that Congress had broader concerns.
267 The tone of the march suggests that many Catalans who would have been content with even the watered-down statute are now shifting towards demands for complete independence.
268 The multibillion dollar C-130 Avionics Modernization Program, known as AMP, breached limits set by the Nunn-McCurdy statute, which caps per-unit cost growth for weapons.
269 Statute Law:the earliest enacted law was made bythesovereignwith the concurrence of his Council.
270 The court said that a statute limiting the civil marriage to one between a man and a woman violated Iowa's constitution and must be declared void.
271 If you are suing under the Consumer Protection Act, Chapter 93A, notify the Clerk of that fact and that you are entitled to double or treble damages under that statute.
272 The study on the application scope of statute of limitation is valuable both in theory and in practice.
273 Germany still has no insider-dealing offence in its statute books.
274 A unit of speed, one nautical mile per hour , approximately 1.85 kilometers ( 1.15 statute miles ) per hour.
275 Article 5 The competent authority of the Statute is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
276 Protection for the consumer is laid down in plain terms by statute.
277 Based on the complication of the statute law in China and the characteristics of private international law, the foreign precedents included in the foreign law shall be applicable in China.
278 The related statute and system about the social supervision should be emended and improved and the supervision to the audit operation quality should be enhanced in many ways.
279 Case law and statute law are individually the main source of law in the common-law system and civil-law system.
280 Rebus sic stantibus system developed from case to statute law has become the current of world civil lawmaking .
281 The statute creates no private cause of action for natural resource damage.
282 Thus, this statute gives the federal government little power to control mining.
283 The data communications of the system also passed the Statute analysis test made by relevant governments.
284 The Basic Law of Special Administrative District (BLSAD) is not a "minor Constitution", nor a statute enacted by legislative assembly, but a special law of the Constitution.
285 The two systems of statute law and case law as the mainstream of global juridical culture have had historic and manifold influence upon China's legal system construction.
286 In the last half century, no congressional statute has failed this test.
287 The CNI case shows the difficulty of making generalizations about statutory preclusion: ultimately, every case turns on an examination of the meaning of a particular statute.
288 The preceding sentence in the statute makes it clear that this provision is applicable to mining.
289 Contract law has its sources in both common law and statute.
290 The Pentagon official told reporters that STOVL problems had helped cause the program's breach of the Nunn-McCurdy statute that caps per-unit cost growth on weapons.
291 International Exhibition Bureau, founded in 1939, is headquartered in Paris, France, its statute as "International Exhibition Convention."
292 Such as the line break when the carrier's liability under this statute deals with the 49 th.
293 The rights and duties involved in a tort case arise from either statute or common law.
294 This article takes America, representative of the case law system, and the EU, representative of the statute law system for example.
295 "The children shall not be punished for the father's transgression" (Daniel Defoe). As it refers to the breaking of a statute.
296 According to the FWS recovery plan, "this statute could hinder the ability to reduce the effects of barred owls on spotted owls in the southern portion of the range."
297 Incorporation in this fashion would occur through the action of the state ---a charter of incorporation from the sovereign, or incorporation under some statute such as the Companies Acts.




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