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单词 hearty
释义 Word family  noun heart heartlessness heartiness adjective heartened ≠ disheartened heartening ≠ disheartening heartless hearty verb hearten ≠ dishearten adverb heartily heartlessly hearteningly ≠ dishearteningly  Related topics: Foodheart·y /ˈhɑːti $ ˈhɑːrti/ adjective  1  FRIENDLYhappy and friendly and usually loud 热情友好的 a hearty laugh 开怀大笑2. old-fashionedHEALTHY strong and healthy 强健的 → hale and hearty at hale3. DFa hearty meal is very large 〔饭菜〕丰盛的4. especially British EnglishFRIENDLY with a friendly, noisy, and happy manner that is not sincere 假装热情友好的 —heartiness noun [uncountable] → heartilyExamples from the Corpushearty• I am in hearty agreement with you, and privately I am quite prepared to subscribe towards it.• Garofalo has a hearty, deep voice.• We hike back to camp and begin preparing a hearty dinner, when up rides a lone horseman.• Perhaps it is because of a hearty dislike of chauvinism and exaggerated nationalism that I have not become an intense patriot.• A hearty soup for a cold fall or winter supper always seems like the right ticket.• a hearty split-pea soup• But the delicious food had been too delicate for their hearty taste.• We received a hearty welcome.heart·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  and Corpus friendly loud and happy usually




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